
The most interesting facts about honey. Sayings of great people about doctors and medicine Sayings proverbs about natural honey

Honestly - I read, and it's nice, even despite the constant mention of "those pictures". Yes, fick with these pictures (these were not my diapers, and not my dirty linen, but children have the right to some kind of disorder). I think, "false nails" will not hurt me to put the kettle on and put cookies for the guests.
As for the benefits, let's make it clear: I cannot receive benefits for January for children, as well as pensions. they are lying there somewhere, but so far there is no cancellation of the previous order in our hands, my friends and I are feeding the children, and the state money is in our accounts (I hope no one took it out "on the sly").
This is not juvenile justice, but juvenile lawlessness.
For the rest, thanks! We are always glad to welcome good guests.

Original taken from a_zaytseva A new stage, a new challenge. Let's discuss?

In the situation with the weaning of children from Vera Drobinskaya, the point has not yet been set. And now society must do more than just criticize juvenile justice or sympathize with the children of Vera. Obviously, Vera Drobinskaya has problems in order to keep up with the ideal order in the house and have a kitchen to cook for such a crowd and follow the medical side and the pedagogical. It is not surprising and quite natural that it is impossible to do everything equally well. I'm sorry that the guardianship authorities, instead of helping Vera with the housework, rushed to take away her children ... But they are just cogs in the system, and if the system does not work as it should, we will have to create our own system.

I invite bloggers to help Drobinskaya. Let's organize ourselves into a kind of blogging board of trustees. This advice could electronically collect money through YANDEX Money orQIWIwallet. So that there are no reproaches against Vera that she spends money somehow wrong, I suggest not to give the collected money to her, but to send it directly from this electronic wallet to pay for services for Drobinskaya's children. We need the services of teachers and nannies, a housekeeper to come every day, a cook, etc. The minimum task is daily cleaning in the house + tutors for children. The maximum task is to pay for medical services for children. I propose to do everything as formally as possible. Astrakhan recruiting agency "Persona" (http://www.ka-persona.ru/) is represented in Astrakhan blogosphere by its founder and owner and director Olga Chalykh chalykh . In the next month, they are launching services in the domestic personnel market with a very serious approach: certified trained personnel. With health records and professional training - everything is as it should be.Clicense and serious selection (including penetration through the ATC base and on a lie detector, if necessary). Not halam balam - they go to the "premium" segment :)) So I think that Olga chalykh ... will help officially find, hire and formalize the remuneration of housekeepers, nannies and teachers for the children of the Drobinskaya family. By the way, Olga Chalykh last year, with the help of bloggers, made a large project on vocational guidance for orphans. I know that Vadim Okorokov helped her k0msomolec and Mikhail Nesterov mihail_nesterov ... So no, but we have the experience of an active civil society in helping children on the Internet :))

Now we are facing a new challenge - to help the Drobinskaya family not in word, but in deed. We all need to work together to eliminate the claims of juvenile justice to Vera.

Active bloggers need to help eliminate the shortcomings that juvenile justice presents to Vera. They are. I think that the help of volunteers is not a systematic one.You need to build a help system, not one-time actions "They came, helped, left and did not return."

And the system is that everyone should do their job, and everything together should work stably and without the influence of the personal factor.
The teacher must teach, the cleaning lady must clean. Not volunteers. Bloggers could collect money for various services the Drobinskaya family needs. If there is enough money for basic services, it will also be possible to spend on the treatment of children. And, perhaps, even for goods and for repairs ...

I hope Vera herself is not against this idea. All nominations for au pair, nannies and teachers, of course, will be accepted by Vera. Anyhow, who should not be in her house. Here, too, the question itself is not simple.

The actual electronic wallet for which to collect money, I propose to make open - i.e. publish receipts and expenditures on the Internet at a predetermined frequency. Transfer control over expenses to the blogging board of trustees - a group of bloggers who have access to the wallet and statistics. Once a month, on a predetermined date, the bloggers' board of trustees publishes the receipts and expenditures for this e-wallet. The details, of course, need to be discussed with the activists.

I thought for a long time why I need all this fuss and anxiety. I already have a lot of projects, cases, work, family ... But I think that working on this blogging board of trustees will not take much time, and this is important - these are the fate of specific children and a specific family ... Therefore, I am ready to spend my time on this and enter this group. It would be great if this group included people who enjoy indisputable authority both in the blogosphere and outside it, for example, mihail_nesterov and petr_guzhvin

This would stop any speculation that this wallet is used by its organizers for personal enrichment or in any other, inappropriate way. And I also think that this blogging board of trustees needs alexandr_alymov ... It would be great if the people I suggested would agree.

Who else?

Here's something like this, in general terms. What do you think of this idea, bloggers? Comments, suggestions? Questions?

And the fields make a person's life pleasant.

A. Uspensky

Beekeeping profitability. There are few branches of the economy that could provide a return on the capital spent so quickly, as beekeeping.

L. Langstroth

Bee. A very developed brain is placed in bees.

M. Girard

Uterus. The lack of precise positions when hatching queens is most often the reason for the unsuccessful management of apiaries.


Families of bees. In strong families, everything is salvation.


Beekeeping. The national property would benefit a lot and the domestic wealth would increase if everyone who had a case was engaged in beekeeping, at least on a small scale.

Dr. I. Dzerzhon

Beekeeping is one of the strongest motivations for the study of nature.

A. Cook

Beekeeping seems to be not only the most profitable, but also the most moral of all branches of agriculture, since the beekeeper, more than other rural industrialists, is relieved of the heavy need to use hired labor, which is the most painful issue of our time.

A. Butkevich.

It's good to drive bees.

A. Uspensky

In honey, nature has provided us with one of the most precious gifts.

E. Zander

The bee makes it possible to heal ours. This is the best little friend there is in the world.

D. More

Melt the wax, but save the honey. Work as if you want to be like a bee.

Kozma Prutkov

The value of the control hive for any beekeeper can only be compared with the value of points for myopic or farsighted eyes. As a person with impaired vision is unable to read a book opened in front of him at a certain distance, so a beekeeper, without the testimony of a control hive, is not able to read the page that has opened before him from the life of a bee and the surrounding nature, is not able to correctly assess the moment and use it on good for yourself and your bees.

V. Popov

Top dressing. “Say in time” - feed the bees on time, if you want them to feed you abundantly with honey.

V. Izergin

Uterus. Bees find it difficult to accept a new queen in most cases due to the fault of the beekeeper himself, who did not take the necessary precautions.

M. Bello

Bee. Since ancient times, this small, mysterious creature, living in societies, obeying complex laws and performing miraculous works in the darkness, has aroused interest in man.

M. Maeterlink

The worse the bee, the earlier it hatches drones.


Care. Nowhere does diligent grooming play such a role as in beekeeping; here one day is late, one missed or untimely completed work sometimes ruins the fruits of a year's work.

T. Tseselsky

Communication with bees. Never stand in front of the entrance: the flight bee, encountering an obstacle at the entrance to the hive, announces the air with a victory cry, and the guard bees immediately attack the alleged enemy in mass.

N. Mercie

A. Cook

It is an interesting activity in itself, which is difficult not to love and which cannot even be engaged without love for it.

A. Butkevich

In the cold season, it is like fuel: when it comes out, the hive cools down like a hearth, in which no more combustible material has been placed.

I. Dzerzhon

Hive. The best hive in the hands of someone who does not know how to look after bees will be worse than a simple village log.

Chief bribe. Only through observation is the beekeeper able to determine the time and duration of the main bribe - a matter of paramount importance when caring for an apiary.

E. Bertrand

But among other eternal values, along with gold, silver, diamonds, amber, rose oil, honey is also a standard of eternal and unshakable value. Moreover, it is as exceptional and unique on earth as the bee itself is.

Vladimir Soloukhin

Nobody says that a bee has a sacred duty to make honey; she does it because she is a bee.

A. Herzen

The bee doesn't eat anyone. She does not need sacrifices, but only gifts. But on the other hand, she herself gives gifts in a royal way.

V. Soloukhin

Henceforth, we will continue to do so: if we hear "beekeeping", we will think about humanity.

V. Aksenov

Flowers and bees are made for each other and do each other the greatest services.

I. Dzerzhon

Bees are the main insects and are rightfully worthy of respect.

Pliny the elder

Only a fool can contemplate the wonderful structure of a honeycomb, so perfectly adapted to certain purposes, without being utterly amazed.

Charles Darwin

Before a thunderstorm and soon after it, bees are very irritable and, at the slightest carelessness, while inspecting the hives, they sting hard.

N. Mercie

Always work with bees calmly, calmly, gently and silently; avoid sudden movements, shaking and do not wave your arms, as all this scares the bees.

N. Mercie

Without the existence of a bee family, it is impossible, such a family is doomed to perish; she, like a body without a soul, cannot live like a cut off branch of a tree, dries up gradually.

L. Langstroth

Do all the work on the apiaries in a timely manner, if you want the apiary to generate income.

V. Izergin

It is not the bees by themselves and not the hives that give huge incomes, but it is the skill of man that gives them.

K. Levitsky

It is not the beehive that gives honey, but the skillful use of good ways of caring for bees, the beehive is only a tool.



Illustrator Inna Kuzubova

Favorite product of many
Easily replaces sweet fruit.
What strength, youth gives?
Of course, honey is a delicious healer!

Honey is one of the oldest natural sweeteners known to man. A healthy sugar substitute, honey has tremendous nutritional value and health benefits. Honey is also widely used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking. Honey can be bought all year round, but it is best done in summer and autumn when the honey is harvested.

The nutritional value of honey

Honey contains fructose and glucose, as well as a number of minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, phosphate, and iron). In addition, honey is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, B3, B5 and C. The concentration of these nutrients in honey depends on the quality of nectar and pollen. Besides trace amounts of copper, iodine and zinc, honey also contains some natural hormones.

Honey in medicine

* Honey is renowned for its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

* Honey accelerates healing several times. It heals burns, ulcers, wounds and cuts and is also used as an antiseptic.

* Honey increases the efficiency of sports activities, which is facilitated by the element of increasing efficiency contained in it (an ergogenic component).

* Honey improves blood quality because controls the amount of free radicals.

* Honey can be an excellent sugar substitute for people with grade 2 diabetes and people with high blood cholesterol.

* Honey relieves nasal congestion, improves digestion, reduces coughing and helps in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Honey is an excellent sedative to be taken with hot milk.

* Honey relieves tissue inflammation and promotes calcium retention in the body.

* Honey is an effective treatment for anemia.

* Consumption of honey supports the immune system.

Honey in cosmetology

* Before showering, apply some honey to your skin and pat until the skin becomes clammy - this helps improve circulation and gives the skin a natural glow.

* Add honey and lime juice to the water for rinsing hair - this will add shine to the hair.

* Add ¼ teaspoon honey to your bathing water for a natural glow.

* Combine honey with oatmeal and grated almonds for a great nourishing facial scrub.

* Mix honey with apple juice and apply on face for 15 minutes - this is a moisturizing mask that firms and softens the skin.

* For a face mask, mix 2 teaspoons of milk and 2 teaspoons of honey. Leave it on for ten minutes and then apply to the skin.

* Honey acts as a lotion for dry skin. Mix ¼ teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon honey and let sit for 10 minutes.

Cooking honey

* Honey is widely used in fruit desserts. The acidity of the honey allows the fruit to retain its natural color and flavor. However, in this case, you need to use honey with a weak smell and taste, otherwise it will interrupt the taste of the fruit.

* To keep the fruit fresh in winter, pour honey over the sliced ​​fruit and refrigerate. Pour the whole fruit with a mixture of 1 glass of water and two glasses of honey.

* Honey can be used to decorate fruit puree.

* Yogurt with honey is an excellent dessert.

* In pancake recipes, replace sugar with honey - the taste will only benefit from this.

* Bananas with honey are a great decoration for pudding.

* Combine honey and butter and apply this mixture to baked goods such as cake or sweet pie - a great substitute for traditional icing.

Buying and storing honey

* Buy only 100% pure honey.

* The darker the honey, the better its taste and quality.

* Buy unpasteurized, unrefined and unfiltered honey. It is advisable to buy honey directly from beekeepers.

* Honey should be stored in an airtight container so that moisture from the environment does not penetrate it.

* Store honey in a cool dry place.

* If honey is kept cold, it thickens. Conversely, if honey is stored at high temperatures, its color darkens.

A doctor must be a prudent person in his disposition, wonderful, kind and humane.

Treat the patient the way you would like to be treated in the hour of illness. First of all, don't harm.

It is imperative that the physician keep his hands clean and his conscience unblemished.

Everything that is in wisdom, all this is also in medicine, namely: contempt for money, conscientiousness, modesty, simplicity in dress, respect, decisiveness, neatness, an abundance of thoughts, knowledge of everything that is useful and necessary for life, disgust to vice,
denial of superstitious fear of the gods, divine superiority.

A good doctor must be a philosopher,

The doctor should have the eye of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina

Whichever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick person.

If we are demanding of ourselves, then not only success, but also a mistake will become a source of knowledge.

Love for the art of medicine is love for humanity.

So that during treatment - and also without treatment - I hear about human life from what should never be divulged, I will keep silent, considering such things a secret.

An average doctor is not needed. Better no doctor than a bad one.
M. Ya.Mudrov

Not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient and those around him, and all external circumstances must facilitate the doctor in his work.

Medicine is undoubtedly the noblest of all sciences.

Recognizing the disease of the latent course. A skilled physician gives us healing.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina

Apiary on the roof of a skyscraper

When you see honey, you immediately see an apiary in a remote village near a flowering meadow. But today it is not uncommon for hives with bees to be found in the middle of huge cities on the roofs of skyscrapers. One such example is the Waldorf Astoria in New York City on Park Avenue. A jar or two of New York honey can also be bought as a souvenir. Of course, it is clear that the benefits of such a product will be inferior to the rural one, but the fact remains.

Bee as a jewel

The bee has always been highly valued, as it performs an important function - it pollinates flowering plants and helps preserve biodiversity on our planet. Therefore, the image of a bee is often used as a sign of wealth. One example of how the image of this insect became a jewel is a gold watch (from Andreas von Zador-Gerlof).

Food of the gods

Since ancient times, honey has been called the food of the gods. The Greeks, for example, thought their gods were immortal only because they ate ambrosia, which was formulated with honey. Note that in many states in ancient times, honey was very often used to carry out various rituals of a religious nature.

The main sweetness

Honey is the sweetest food on earth due to its fructose content. However, in equal amounts of honey and sugar, there are fewer calories in honey. Previously, it was widespread and used in cooking, which is worth the numerous references to it in the Bible. After the discovery of the possibility of obtaining sugar from cane and sugar beets, its popularity declined, since sugar was cheaper and easier to manufacture. However, honey is more suitable for the human body and contains many beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Under the right conditions, it can be stored for hundreds of years without losing its qualities.

Not all honey is created equal

Rhododendra honey can cause poisoning. This disease is often referred to as "mad bee". However, you should not be afraid of it, since such honey is extremely rare in its pure form, and in a mixture with other varieties it is safe.

Bee as a symbol of royal power

Napoleon Bonaparte used the image of the golden bee on his personal emblem as a symbol of his empire after his coronation. It meant hard work, productivity, efficiency, and was also the emblem of immortality and resurrection and was needed to indicate the connection of the new dynasty with the ancient kings of France. But not only Napoleon has bees on the coat of arms. An even earlier example from history is the coat of arms of Pope Urban VIII.

How to store honey?

This product can be placed in jars away from sunlight in a dry kitchen cabinet at normal room temperature. In such conditions, nothing will happen to him. It will crystallize over time, but this is a natural process for a quality product. At the same time, honey is one of the safest substances, because a large percentage of harmful bacteria known to science cannot live in it.

Ancient sayings about honey

One of the most famous ancient mathematicians, Pythagoras, said that he reached 90 years old only because he constantly ate honey.
The genius physician and thinker of antiquity, Hippocrates, used honey in the treatment of many diseases and consumed it himself. He said: "Honey taken with other food is nutritious and gives a good complexion."
Avicenna said: "If you want to keep your youth, then be sure to eat honey." He believed that people after 45 years old need to systematically consume honey, especially together with walnuts, best of all with crushed ones.

Bee on stamp

Recently I found on the Internet a brand dedicated to the international congress on beekeeping, which was held in Moscow in 1971. It depicts a bee on a flower of an apple tree and a honeycomb. In general, there are a lot of such brands, and they were produced in different countries of the world, which indicates a great love for this useful insect. On the right is another brand, but with a drone.

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