
Useful breakfast products. When and the best of all breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal for the whole day. She will help to feel better, charges energy and set up on a productive day. Modern realities of our lives unfortunately dictate our conditions to us. Breakfast is hollow, coffee on the run - Era Fast Food in all its greatness. Breakfast should be full, it's not just a cup of coffee and a sandwich. A healthy balanced breakfast should consist of proteins, slow carbohydrates and useful fats.

Catching all night wakes up in the morning the person is already hungry. It is especially useful to eat in the morning because this meal is charged with energy for the whole day, and launches the metabolism process in the body. From the quality and quantity of food in the morning, it will depend on whether your day will be productive, or not.

Many people got used to breakfast loosely. But nutritionists say that such a habit needs to be changed. Those who neglect breakfast are deprived of their own substances and vitamins themselves.

It is often possible to observe that the man is sluggish, dried, there is a feeling of fatigue. And then during lunch, a person can already move extra, because the body wants what he is missing. Because of this, extra kilograms, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, food must be taken full.

The importance of breakfast for the body

A hungry man is not thinking about work, but about what he wants to eat. Therefore, rebuilding well, the concentration of attention will be better, and the memory will not worsen.

Doctors say that breakfast is important in that it will help you to control the level of cholesterol and sugar in the body.

It is quite useful to eat tight in the morning, this is the basis of a healthy nutrition, and not only. If a person regularly misses the morning meals, then the feeling of hunger begins to torment him long before lunch. In such a state it is difficult to keep yourself in your hands and not to cast everything "that is not pinned." For a long time proven fact that a person transmitting breakfast eats more than those who do not do this.

In the body there are useful digestive enzymes that our body produces just in the morning. If a person does not eat in the morning, they disappear, and it can affect the work of the body.

Scientists have proven that people who have breakfast have strong immunity, and do not so often sick.

What you need to do before breakfast

In the morning, immediately after sleep, it is useful to drink a glass of warm water. Water launches all organs of our body, as well as helps with the output of toxins. You can add a drop of lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey.

It is also important to charge or light gymnastics. It can be done even without getting out of bed. And after all these procedures, the body really wants to eat himself, and a good appetite is provided to you.

What should breakfast be

First of all, breakfast should be nutritious. His main goal is to charge us for the whole day. If a person eats early, it is advisable to eat lightweight food. Heavy food, the body is harder to digest in the morning, and there may be trouble with digestion.

The breakfast should include carbohydrates and proteins. Since proteins are the main builders of our cells, and carbohydrates are responsible for the accumulation of energy.

What is desirable to eat in the morning?

An ideal breakfast is a porridge. It cleans the intestines, charges energy. There are many vitamins and minerals in the croups that are useful for all organs of the human body.

The most consumed is oatmeal. However, it is not all suitable. If you feel about the category of people whose oatmeal causes far from the most pleasant consequences, do not despair. There are many other porridge, and besides them there are many options. right breakfast.

An excellent breakfast option is a yoghurt or fruit muesli (with a small reservation - the correct muesli!). You can also prepare the omelet with cheese, cook eggs or just eat a light salad with fresh vegetables. Cottage cheese, turkey fillets or chicken breasts will be an excellent source of protein.

But from coffee and different sausages, it is better to completely refuse. Such food is just scoring the stomach, and no benefit from it does not get the body at all. If so without coffee at all in any way, then it is better to drink it after eating, and with the addition of milk.

In the morning I don't want to think about what to cook. Therefore, it will be much more convenient to make an approximate menu for the entire week. So it will be easier to eat right, and free time will remain much more.

Nutrition, of course, should be correct, but strong limitations lead to breakdowns. If you do not imagine your life without sweet, the morning is the perfect time for a "little crime." Your body will have a whole day to get rid of the evidence, it will allow your figure to stay unchanged.

After breakfast and before lunch, your body needs the right snack. This will help get rid of the feeling of hunger. The work will be fruitful, and at dinner you do not face overeating.

Ideal time for snack or second breakfast - one three hours after the main meal. For the right snack, an apple, a glass of kefir or handful of nuts is perfect.

The right breakfast athlete or a person with high physical activity differs from the breakfast of an ordinary person. As a result of training or power loads, quite a lot of energy is consumed, respectively, it should be filled. Breakfast should be balanced and more calorie. In addition to porridge, dairy products and eggs, athletes need to be included in their diet more meat, fish, boiled and fresh vegetables.

Even if a person is not an athlete, but simply leads an active lifestyle, you need to eat a large amount of proteins in food, that the muscles could be recovered after heavy loads.

It is very useful for breakfast to use a crippled porridge, it is rich in low-saturated fatty acids. They will make the skin more elastic, and also normalize the work of the heart. Nuts, beans, and seafood should also be included in the diet.

Products are not desirable for breakfast.

  • Fried eggs and sausage, smoked meat.
  • Orange and grapefruit, delicious and useful fruits, but not for the first meal. The use of their empty stomach has a negative impact on the gastric mucosa.
  • Sdob and baking, sweets.
  • Fat and fried food does not apply to proper nutrition.
  • Fast breakfasts (porridge, cereal, cereal, muesli) Contrary to it is not so helpful. Reduced fiber content and high sugar content, plus all sorts of preservatives, this is what will wait for you in your plate.
  • And, of course, it is better to replace coffee with green tea.

What happens if you refuse breakfast

  • Nutritionists say that the main reason Obesity among people is a refusal of eating in the morning. Among women, it is often possible to observe the addition in weight, closer to forty years.
  • It can also lead to heart attacks and heart disease.
  • It is also likely to develop a sugar diabetes of a second type and a decrease in performance.
  • Like men and women increase the chance of developing gallstone disease.

And this is not the entire list of what the breakfast is threatened. It must be remembered that it is necessary to eat correctly - then the results will not wait to wait. The figure will be much harder, the metabolism will be normal, the skin will become much smoother. Healthy nutrition strengthens immunity, especially if combining it with sports and walks in the fresh air. Proper breakfast is a charge of energy and cheerfulness for the whole day! Start your day with useful products, prepare delicious favorite dishes for breakfast and then you can no longer do without it. Fit right and be healthy!

No, we do not encourage you to eat scrambled eggs with bacon, sausages and bread, like in the picture you see. We only ask you to miss breakfast - the most important meal. Now we will tell why you need to have breakfast, and all the nutritionists of the world are ready to light on the head of those who hate it.

1. Breakfast, you raise metabolism

By morning, when you wake up most likely, there were no meals in your stomach for more than eight hours. During this time, metabolism slows down. Therefore, waking up, you need to have breakfast to answer only a blow to the blow. You can take advantage of this point and eat a healthy and right breakfast, and then your body will function naturally. This normalizes metabolism and helps to keep the body mass index constant.

2. You stabilize your weight


Of course, with a stable BMI (body mass index) and your weight will also remain relatively balanced. There is a healthy food for breakfast - it is actually a strategy that will help you begin to lose weight. Thanks to this, you will not feel a terrible hunger when dinner comes, and therefore, you will not overeat and intercept additional sweets and other unhealthy food (like a loved one by many Fastfud).

3. You support a healthy diet


Of course, there are some breakfast products that are not entirely useful, so if you have decided to breakfast every day, make sure that you really choose nutritious and healthy products. Proper breakfast is flakes (with milk or juice of course), eggs and fresh fruits. All these products contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that will help save vigor during the day. One advice: If you decide to eat fast cooking porridge for breakfast, then make it no chocolate and other sweets. It will not be very much good - with the same success, instead of such a porridge, you can eat a whole box of donuts.

4. You get more attentive

When we were small, our school teachers always advised the right breakfast on the day of the complex control. They knew that it would help to stay focused throughout the entire time we had to spend at the desk. The food is that the energy is charged, so it is logical that our brains will also be more attentive and functional when we are feste. As mentioned above, you were long without meals during sleep. As soon as you wake up, you immediately need to eat to stabilize blood sugar levels. Failure to comply with this rule leads to lethargy and drowsiness. Also, scientists have proven that vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which are contained in healthy breakfast products, improve brain functioning. Do not neglect the morning approval, if you hope for a good start of the day and the fulfillment of all planned work.

It is believed that breakfast is an important meal. However, if you are not so important on the calorie deficit. Translation of the article with authoritative examine.com about what is more useful to maintain body weight: eat breakfast or skip it?

Some scientists believe that breakfast creates a feeling of satiety, increases physical activity, helps to reduce the weight and body mass index (BMI), regulates the production of hormone hormones.

According to other data, breakfast has a slight, but potentially negative effect on daily energy consumption .

Special attention is paid to the thesis that breakfast "launches" metabolism, although it is not confirmed by any normal addition, or for those who have obesity. In general, an important question: "breakfast or not breakfast?" Long remained unanswered.

Experiment: with breakfast and without it

To resolve this problem, specialists of the University of Brigham Young (USA) conducted an experiment, the scheme of which is shown in Figure:

The experiment participated 49 women from 18 to 55 years old, which usually had less often than two times a week, slept over six hours a day and always got up early. All participants have had a stable weight for 3 months and were healthy. They were divided into two groups: 26 women had to breakfast daily, 23 were the control group and could follow the well-established habits.

The participants of the control group did not eat anything and did not drink alcohol to 11.30.

The experiment lasted for 4 weeks.

Before the start of the experiment, and after its completion, the researchers determined the weight, height, CMT and the content of fat participants. Women should have recorded what and how much they eat in the day, and during the last week to evaluate the feeling of hunger before every meal (there is a special scale for this). Daily participants noted how much they sleep and what they eat for breakfast. About physical activity, also not forgotten, it was determined using an accelerometer.

Experiment results presented in Figure:

If briefly: breakfast was added to the daily diet on average 266 kcal and 43 g of carbohydrates.

For lunch, lunch and dinner, participants of both groups were absorbed about the same amount of calories, physical activity was also comparable. The feeling of hunger, thirst and "fullness" in different groups were also no difference.

At the same time, women who regularly have breakfasts added an average of 0.7 kg, and BMI increased from 22.6 to 22.9 (the difference is small, but reliable). The fat content has increased slightly - from 32.5 to 32.9%. In the control group (those who have not had breakfast) Weight and BMI remained stable and by the end of the experiment were significantly lower than in the Breakfast group. Muscular weight in all women remained unchanged.

If there is no habit of breakfast - do not force yourself

The results confirmed the hypothesis of researchers that breakfast contributes to increasing weight, CMT and calorie consumption. However, other assumptions were not justified. An additional meal did not make women physically more active and did not make them more well during the day. For lunch or dinner, they ate no less than usual.

But the old empirical knowledge was confirmed that it was not necessary to force a person when he was not hungry. He from this only weight will pick up and turn the fat.

Why the breakfast did not add the ladies of satiety, the researchers do not know. The only component whose consumption has increased as a result of morning meals - carbohydrates.

The work of American researchers who made women who are not familiar to this confirmed that the food without a feeling of hunger is harmful. These data contradict the results obtained in 2005 by British scientists from the University of Nottingham. They showed that breakfast makes it possible to reduce calorie intake and helps to control the weight. However, the participants of the British experiment were accustomed to breakfast, unlike American women who usually not had breakfast. Obviously, the regularity of the meal significantly affects its result.

The influence of weight meal depends on its composition and calorieness, which, in turn, change the level of hormones of hunger and satiety. The physiological effect of these hormones is shown in this picture:

When a person wakes up, the levels of cortisol and ghrelin in the blood plasma reaches peak values. The high heat content causes hunger and requires immediate breakfast, and cortisol increases the concentration of free fatty acids, which increase insulin resistance, thereby making it difficult to absorb glucose. If breakfast is eaten in the first 2 hours after awakening, the glucose level in the blood increases, which serves as a signal to start a series of physiological reactions.

What else would I like to know?

What are the physiological consequences of life without breakfast? In people missing breakfast, the blood glucose level is somewhat higher than those who have breakfast regularly. In addition, in the morning, the level of the hormone of the leptin is reduced, which is inferior to Grethin. At the same time, the content of glucagon-like peptide falls, and all together enhances the feeling of hunger.

What breakfast components contribute to the weight gain? Calorie and composition of meals, of course, affect body weight. For example, whole grain products and dietary fibers help adjust weight. Proteins create a feeling of a stomach filled. Low-calorie, but bulk products (rich in food fibers and proteins) are also useful to maintain weight.

American researchers did not teach the participants of the experiment, which should be a useful breakfast, and we cannot judge how their morning menu affected the results.

Why did the researchers forced breakfast those who are not used to this? Because the previous work showed that Making the morning meal is harmful primarily to those who are used to breakfast.

But the described experiment showed that women who were not accustomed to breakfast, the breakfast did not benefit - for four weeks they overeat and gained weight.

Conclusion: Do not torment yourself with "healthy" rituals, if you have no habit and desire to have breakfast - it may only benefit you. Ultimately, it is not so important how many times a day and when you eat it, it is important for the general consumption of nutrients during the day. Eat, as you are more comfortable and follow the calorie balance.

Translation: N. Reznik.

To lose weight sometimes people refuse the morning eating. Often you had this: drink a coffee maker with sugar and enough? If you don't want to eat in the morning, it does not mean that you are not hungry. During sleep, the digestive system digested what was eaten for the whole day. For this, energy and in the morning the body requires strength for normal operation.

Refusing to an important meal, you deprive yourself forces for the whole day. Having received a cup of coffee in the morning or something light (40 g of yogurt, a piece of sausage), very soon you are hungry. Thus, at lunch is eaten more than required. Remember yourself. Long-awaited lunch break: running to the store, cafe or dining room, take everything that misfortune. True, after such lunch, the desire to work is missing at all? And at home - late dense dinner.

In the morning and the appetite is not, because the body digest "heavy food" at night. The result of such a power regime is an excess of subcutaneous fat and cellulite on the abdomen, hips, buttocks.

Why breakfast is so important

  • Brain fuel. Morning food intake improves memory, contributes to the concentration of attention. What can a hungry man think about?
  • Maintaining the cardiovascular system is normal. Doctors argue that breakfast helps to keep cholesterol and sugar levels under control.
  • Morning meal - the basis of healthy nutrition, harmony, youth. All that is eaten in the morning, the body will qualitatively recycle into energy for life.
  • Immunity support. From 7 to 9 am, digestive enzymes are actively produced. By skipping morning meals, these enzymes burn out. As a result, it undermines normal work The body relaxes immunity. Proven experimentally - breakfast people are less likely to become colds.

What you need to do before breakfast

I need to "deserve". You will not want anything, just jumpers in the alarm bed. Waking up, drink a glass of necripped room temperature. You can add a lemon lurch for taste. This "launches" the body: stomach, intestines, blood circuit. Drink water in small sips, with pleasure. This is a useful habit for slimming โ„–1.

Further make at least 3 - 4 gymnastic exercises. You can right in bed. Ideally, it is good to perform a full gymnastics of 10 - 15 minutes. So you really get hungry and eat useful food with a healthy appetite.

Top 3 most useful porridge

Food in the morning must be hot. Cold sandwich or cornflakes with milk will not be powered by the pancreas. Enzymes that help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates will not begin to be produced. The body does not work such food.

According to nutritionists, the answer to the question is that it is whole-grain cereals to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition. They contain a large number of vitamins and minerals required for awakening.

Here is a list of useful meals for breakfast:

All porridges can be combined with sweet berries, nuts, ham, sesame, etc.

Often kas recipes require heat treatment of cereals. But in order to fully maintain the biological value of the product (all vitamins and trace elements), it is recommended to simply do with soaking in cold or warm boiled water. So you can enroll in buckwheat or oatmeal, but with rice SOLONOVATO ๐Ÿ™‚

Morning food sets rhythm for the entire subsequent day. For successful weight loss, start planning your morning food, further implement the habit proper nutrition during the whole day. Healthy nutrition in aggregate with compliance with the mode contributes to achieving the desired weight. The breakfast volume should be no more than 300 gr. For confidence, purchase kitchen scales.

What you do not need to eat for breakfast

  • Citrus, eaten an empty stomach, provoke allergies, develop gastritis.
  • Raw vegetables contain a large amount of acid that annoys the mucous membrane of an empty stomach.
  • Yogurt. Advertising tells us another, but in the morning our body does not need yoghurt bacteria. Therefore, the benefits of yogurt in the morning is zero.
  • Sweets. Pancreas in the morning is not ready for a large dose of sugar. A large amount of sweet makes the pancreas working for wear, which can cause the development of diabetes.
  • Coffee. This drink increases the risk of gastritis, as irritating the mucous membrane of the stomach.
  • Fast breakfasts (corn flakes and the like) are useless. The large content of sugar is even more exciting appetite.
  • A sausage sandwich. The sausage most often includes carcinogenic substances provoking the development of cancer cells. Especially harmful such food on an empty stomach.

Breakfast only useful products - the body thanks you.

My morning and breakfast

  1. The very first thing is like I get up, I drink a half package of water room temperature (right from the evening I leave a glass on the bedside table near the bed).
  2. Then I do a little charging ... although I repent, not always ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. I am cooking. Usually oatmeal, and sometimes or from mango.
  4. Well, the breakfast itself, of course.

10 minutes after eating a weak welding tea or cocoa (not instant). Sometimes I eat 1 piece of wheat bread with cheese. Bread should be yesterday or dried in toaster. Instead of a sandwicher, I can eat Cookies like "Maria". Just carefully look at the composition: even in diabetic nutrition departments, there may be a cookie, which includes margarine.


After morning food after 3 hours you can eat the second breakfast. This meal is also very important, I will tell about it in detail in a separate article. I will write that you can take with you to work.

Between the first meal and lunch you can eat:

  • Apple, Pear, Banana;
  • Yoghurt, a glass of kefir or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Handful of nuts (raw). Can be together with dried fruits;
  • Slim cocktail - Quickly spread on milk or the water is ready!

If you do not have time, you can take a breakfast with you to work. Take any jar, put a couple of oat flakes there, fill with hot water or milk. Add fresh fruits, seeds or any candied eggs. And coming to work, you can safely enjoy a delicious dish.

I agree, it is difficult to comply with the power mode every day. Therefore, care for your health can lie on the shoulders of Internet suppliers. For example, using the service delivery-Club.ru. You can order a useful breakfast (and not only) can be easily and easy.

Teach yourself breakfast. According to psychologists, a steady habit forms for 21 days. After this time, you will not have to notice how to fall for a useful breakfast you will dine and dinner with healthy products.

06.02.2018 Nutritionist

It has long been assumed that the first reception of food, which occurs on an empty stomach, is the most important during the day. Because you will eat for breakfast, first of all will depend on working capacity and well-being during the day, and only then the beauty of your body. Consider useful products for breakfast - the top 10 of the useful products. But first it is important to find out why many have no appetite in the morning.

Causes of the absence of appetite in the morning

Unfortunately, many can be heard from many that in the morning they can not have anything, or the day they will not begin without the invigorating cup of coffee on an empty stomach. This is a gross violation of all the canons of a healthy lifestyle.

There are a number of products that relate to the correct, but not everyone knows that they cannot be used for breakfast.

To be confident in the benefits of the first eating, it is best to know a list of products that are certainly the optimal choice for breakfast. Consider more detailed useful products for breakfast, a list of ten options for the perfect breakfast. But before, it is necessary to figure out why many people cannot use food immediately after night awakening.

1. Late dinner

Often, all reasons are based due to overeating for dinner, and especially if the last meal happened too late, almost before bedtime. Looking to sleep with a crowded stomach, most likely there will be no appetite in the morning. And also you do not sleep, as the body will strive to digest food all night, and at the same time there will be a feeling of gravity.

This does not mean to sleep to go to bed with a feeling of hunger. Try to dinner about 4 hours before sleep, and at the same time do not overeat.

Prefer protein food with vegetables. Such products are easily digested and digested in the body.

2. Drinking alcohol

Amateurs drink a couple of wine glasses or stronger drinks often make it for dinner. If you exceed a little normal, the body will definitely make the process of intoxication (cleansing). And it will happen in the morning. So you can hardly have breakfast, all the food will seem terribly tasteful.

3. Lack of water

When we wake up, the body partially sleeps, and especially the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). It is important to wake it correctly and help run metabolic processes. Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach, you will be ready for reception of food in 15-20 minutes.

Useful products for breakfast - Top 10

Start your day in the morning from a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice and no later than 40-60 minutes, proceed to breakfast. Well, if you find the time and prepare breakfast in the evening from useful products so that there are no temptations to dry off the unhealthy food.

Ceres for breakfast

The most useful croups are whole grain cereals. One piece is rich in fiber and nutrients, such as vitamins of group B, selenium, magnesium and iron. One-meter grain is more feedst than purified grain. Preferred wholegrain bread and cas for breakfast. Such breakfast will prevent an excessive feeling of hunger and snacks between feeding, balances the energy level and blood sugar level.

Already, probably, no one needs to say how useful is oatmeal. It will be the best choice for breakfast. Such cereals are saturated with numerous useful macro and microelements. And most importantly, when I first receive food, oatmeal is best helped to disperse metabolism.

To improve the taste of oatmeal, you can add:

  • dried fruits (raisins, kuraga, cranberries);
  • bananas;
  • berries.

If you do not add fats or proteins to porridge, then you can see how quickly wants to eat again. There is nothing wrong with that, even on the contrary.

You can talk about the benefits of oatmeal for a long time, but now it's not about that. To extract the maximum benefit from such a cereal, choose products with the inscription on the packaging "Extra 1" or the one that requires at least 5 minutes of cooking. Oatmeal, which need to be watched, do not carry the body benefits.

Buckwheat Groat: Use

Buckwheat Groats ranks first in the content of plant digested protein (80%), as well as methionine and lysine amino acids, which are so necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. In addition, it contains many other useful elements.

Buckwheat, as well as nuts, you need to soak before cooking. So you can do it from the evening. The speed of cooking cereals is also an integral advantage in the morning. It is useful to dunk the croup for a while, pour boiling water and leave until the morning. So, a pleasant appetite!

Prunes for breakfast

In the first breakfast option, I perfectly add prunes, as it occupies the second honorable place in the speed of the launch of metabolic processes, as well as to filling the body by force and energy.

It's not worth talking about the utility of such a dried fruit, it is already known to everyone. The only thing that is important to pay attention is to the quality of the prunes. It is important that sugar and various preservatives are added to it. Understand it is easy even by appearance. The real prunes are solid and wrinkled. To make it soft, enough from the evening to soak in cold water. In this way, you also get rid of harmful substances that could add to it.

Nuts for breakfast

In the same oatmeal, you can add nuts that are known for the high content of vegetable fats necessary for the body. For breakfast, a very small handy will be required.

You can choose nuts in your preferences, but it is important to activate them. What does this mean? When using a relatively large part of nuts is not absorbed and not digested by the body, going out. This is due to the individual enzymes contained in them, as well as phytic acid, which is still contained in the croups and legumes. Whatever the benefit of all these products be brought, phytinic acid should not flow into our body in large quantities.

For this, there is a process of activation in which there is nothing complicated. You just soak the product in filtered water from 3 to 12 hours, and all harmful enzymes, including acid, come out. Then rinse nuts thoroughly and remove the skin, for example, with almonds. Skin after soaking is easily removed. Next to dry nuts and store in the refrigerator in a closed form. The shelf life is significantly reduced to 2 days. But it is worth it.

Breakfast without bread?

Enter in the diet whole grain bread without yeast. Useful products for breakfast - bakery products From the flour of whole grain. Wholeroneous flour from which bread is baked, give the body a charge of strength and energy due to the main carbohydrate content in it, as well as vitamins and minerals. Toasts with such a type of bread good decision To start the digestive system. The main thing is that it does not have yeast, as it is a forbidden ingredient with a healthy lifestyle, and even more so with an empty stomach.

Breakfast of whole grain bread is a great solution for those who relatively long want to forget about the feeling of hunger, since thanks to the content of carbohydrates, you will get enough saturation.

Home Granola

In the store, you can often find Muesli, which are allegedly designed for healthy and full breakfastBut believe me, it is not. In their composition you will always find a high concentration of sugar and preservatives.

No less tasty product can be prepared at home, which will contain only useful components for breakfast. Recipes are also a lot. Oatmeal always remains the main ingredient, and there are already nuts, dried fruits, honey and so on. In such a dish, everything is necessary: \u200b\u200bVitamins B, A and E, fiber, as well as beta-glucan, which reduces the risk of increasing cholesterol.

Breakfast with dairy products

Enable useful products for breakfast with high protein content. Interestable dairy products will increase the ability to concentrate and learn, the energy level will remain stable throughout the day.

Dairy products provide a large amount of nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, potassium and zinc.

Slimming nutritionists are recommended to include useful products for breakfast, such as dairy products with low fat content. Add a skimmed or low fat content of milk into whole grain porridges, prepare drinks based on fruits and kefira or homemade yogurt. To improve the taste and nutritional food dishes from eggs add the unfavorable cheese or.

Kefir, Yogurt and Prostokavasha contain probiotics - useful bacteria that improve digestion and help prevent infection.

If you do not tolerate dairy products, replace milk on vegetable analogs, such as soy and brine, milk from poppy and nuts.

Smoothie for breakfast

Perhaps this is the option of breakfast is not for every day, as it is relatively lung. But this is an excellent solution for the case when there is no appetite or a little time to cook.

The recipes of cooking healthy can be used to be a lot, but you can also show fantasy and use your favorite vegetables, fruits, berries or greens. It can be unambiguous to say that the body will receive a powerful charge of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits and vegetables

Fresh vegetables are rich in significant amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that increase the immune system:

  • water that supports skin moisturizing
  • fiber, which is vital for the health of digestion.

Frozen fruit alternative ice in fruit smoothie.

To increase the consumption of vegetables, add them to omelet or scrambled.

Useful breakfasts: Top 3 ideas (video)

What products are useful to eat for breakfast: full list

  • Whole grain porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet)
  • Home Granola
  • Bread and baking from whole grain flour
  • Protein Products (Eggs)
  • Vegetables, fruits, greens
  • Smoothie (from fresh or frozen fruits, berries, vegetables)
  • Dairy and fermented milk products (vegetable, walnut, poppy milk), cottage cheese, kefir, Prostokvash, Homemade yogurt

Breakfast carries much more importance to health than you imagine. So we do not advise you to neglect the tips of the right breakfast, turn on the useful products for the breakfast to always stay vigorous, beautiful and healthy.

Options for breakfast from useful products (recipes with photos)

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