
Interesting article about the development of a particular bakery enterprise. Modern trends in the development of the bakery market. Trends in the bakery market

Bread and bakery are one of the most common foods of the population, which contain almost all substances necessary for the vital activity and the normal development of a living organism. Bakery products occupy an extremely important place in the diet of people.

The bakery industry of the Russian Federation is one of the leading sectors of the AIC. There are more than 10 thousand bakeries in the country (including 1.5 thousand large) and bakeries capable of producing daily 50 thousand tons of bakery products. The material and technical base of bakeries and bakeries with a total annual production capacity of 13783.5 thousand tons of bakery products makes it easy to ensure the needs of the population in bread, satisfy consumer tastes, take into account traditional and national requirements, produce 100 kg per year per person. At the same time in the country there are capacities for baking bread in field and extreme conditions, to produce bread bread and special purpose bread.

Market transformations in the economy led to the emergence of numerous mini-bakeries, the estimated number of which is 10 thousand. Small enterprises adapted to the market requirements, and occupy their segment by developing a wider range of products and finding enterprises within walking distance from buyers. For this reason, the industry has no first to reduce the development of bakery products on large and medium-sized enterprises, despite their advantages. This is high labor productivity, security by qualified personnel, structured organization of production, the presence of technological control and other advantages that small bakeries do not have individual entrepreneurs. The development of small enterprises and individual producers of bakery products is an average of 20-23% of total deliveries to the market, which should force the bakery services to conduct more serious marketing research market research and update their business plans. At the same time, as priorities, an assortment niche of each manufacturer should be determined, the terms of delivery of products, healthy nutrition standards and the desire of buyers to update the range, as well as price factors.

Breadmaker is a socially significant industry in the economy of our country. Most bilboats producing basic varieties of bread solve an important strategic task of providing cheap bread as much as possible man. New trends in bakery technology are important: freezing, the use of non-shown bread with a further supplement in the bakery shop, the use of ready-made mixtures and new types of enrichders. Bakery production, like any business, tends to update and develop. Despite important social importance, the bakery industry remains broken, and each bakery or bakery, joint Stock Company Or private entrepreneurs work on their plans, not linked to the general tasks of production development. This ultimately leads to an increase in costs and reducing the effectiveness of bakery production, to the growth of selling prices. One of the main reasons to negatively affect the work of the bakery industry is its disunity, an increasing impact on the network store market.

IN last yearsAccording to Rosstat, there is a clear tendency to reduce the production of bread and bakery products in Russia. In general, the production volumes of bakery products in Russia over the past few years are constantly decreasing. Figure 1 shows the data of the production of bakery products in our country from 1990 to 20013.

Fig. one

As can be seen from the presented data, since 1990, there has been a tendency to reduce bakery production volumes. So in 2000, bread production decreased by more than 2 times compared with 1990; Since 2000, this product has been gradually decreasing production: since 2000 to 2005 - by 12%, from 2006 to 2009, the decline in production was 10%.

According to Rosstat for the III quarter of 2009, the index of sales of bakery products amounted to 98.9%, while the growth rate of retail sales in terms of the cost of turnover is one of the lowest foods.

In the commodity structure of retail trade, the share of bakery products is constantly decreasing.

The share of hiker expenses in the total volume of food purchase costs for homemade household food has decreased since 2005 to II quarter of 2009 from 16.99 to 15.96%. The volume of retail turnover for bakery products in Russia is calculated in the amount of 314.8 billion rubles. A significant proportion (at least 70%) is a revenue from the sale of bulk bread varieties.

Currently, traditional types are present on the Russian market of bakery products.

bread - black, white, round, loaf and loaf, and the premium category formed in recent years - bakery products with a limited storage period, content of minerals and organic elements, low-calorie varieties, etc.

IN modern conditions The bakery industry of Russia is developing in the direction of expanding the range of products and the introduction into the production of new types of products of therapeutic and dietary purposes, including with a reduced energy value. However, the situation in this field of production, especially with products functional purpose, I change slowly. Mass use in wheat flour bakery general purpose Instead of bakery, despite the large crop of wheat, reduces the content of deficiency proteins in bread and increases the content of carbohydrates unnecessary in the food diet. The development of the range of bakery products from wheat flour also contradicts the recommendations of medical science on healthy nutrition - in the industry mainly the most depleted chemical composition of wheat flour instead of more useful and recently mass flour in the breadkecation of the second grade flour.

The market of most varieties of bakery products wears a pronounced regional character. This is reflected in fluctuations in the production indicator for per capita under the federal districts of Russia. Thus, on bread from rye and rye-wheat flour, the largest significance of this indicator is noted in the central and northwestern districts (over 28 kg / year), the smallest - in the South, Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts (less than 10 kg / year); Bread and wheat flour bakers leads southern federal District - Over 42 kg / year, including over 36 kg / year - bread weighing 500 g and higher; The smallest indicator in the Central Federal District is 24.2 kg / year. The Central Federal District ranks first on the production of bakery products - 21.5 kg / year, whereas in other federal districts, with the exception of the North-West, this figure is less than 10 kg / year. Bread and bakery products from the top of the top grade prevail in the Central, North-West and Volga federal districts. On bakery bakery products the highest value of the indicator is observed in the Central and North-West Federal Districts - over 2 kg / year, the smallest in the Siberian Federal District is less than 1 kg / year; Banquish products are the largest in the Central and North-West Federal Districts - over 1 kg / year, the smallest in the Far Eastern Federal District is 0.2 kg / year; on breadcrumbs, crowns and crispy loafs are the largest in the Central and Siberian federal districts - over 1 kg / year, the smallest in the Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts is 0.47 kg / year with an average of 1.01 kg / year; on cakes, pies, ponchikov the largest in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 0.6 - 0.85 kg / year, the smallest in the Far Eastern Federal District - 0.12 kg / year; According to dietary products, the largest in the North-West Federal District is 4.74 kg / year, the smallest in the Southern Federal District is 0.31 kg / year. In total, on bakery products, production per capita ranges from 43.8 kg / year in the Urals Federal District to 57.8 kg / year in the Central Federal District. The domestic industry produces diabetic bread in the amount of 40-50 thousand tons per year, whereas, according to the RAMS Institute, the need for it is approximately 250 thousand tons per year.

The main criteria for choosing the place of purchase of bread and bakery products is the proximity of the trading enterprise to the place of residence or work, as well as the possibility of buying other food products at one point, so three-quarters of bakery purchases are on shops and supermarkets. The main criterion when choosing bread in a trading point, with other things being equal to the consumer, the freshness of the product is. All other factors have a much less meaning. Consumer tastes do not differ in particular diversity: leaders of preferences are long known and produced by all plants of bread varieties. The implementation of these varieties is a huge share of sales in the market.

Special differences among the main varieties of products sufficient to ensure that the consumer preferred some particular manufacturer, no. And enterprises are forced to be included in the active struggle on the market, expanding the range and developing new varieties. The modern bread market and bakery products dictates strict requirements for the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce only mass grades of bread and bakery products. To survive and be successful, it is necessary to produce a wide range of products. Representatives of the bakery and confectionery industries should be paid special attention On the quality of its products, as well as take into account the specifics and habits of consumers.

Bakery products are sold today mostly through trade enterprises. Meanwhile, there are a number of producers of bakery products owning their own networks of stores. Consumers are mainly implemented by fresh pastries and bakery products in the package. Following the market trends, bakery producers equip their enterprises with modern technological and packaging equipment, making their products to a competitive and interesting consumer. Therefore, marking and branded packaging are alone in the first steps in the new conditions of market relations.

Of course, the development of its own style and brand requires costs and in the end increases to 10% vacation price. But it gives a very tangible result. According to experts, the name and packaging of bakery products attract the consumer and, of course, expand sales. This gives companies a chance of an increase in the market. Also in demand affects advertising. However, today the majority of retail trade advertising and bakery products are not engaged in general. This is due to the fact that the majority of trade workers believe that, since the bread is a good need that has constant demand, it does not need advertising. It is incorrect because new and traditional types of this product are constantly emerging in the consumer market, for example, various grades of rye bread. This requires advertising events for the formation of demand and stimulating sales. The structure of the production of bread and bakery products in Russia differs from the current currently in developed European countries. In recent years, in the world, great attention is paid to the enrichment of bread by various useful substances that give him therapeutic and preventive properties.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the use of dietary bakery products is provided by either the introduction of the necessary additional components into the formulation, or the exception of unwanted, as well as changes in their cooking technology. The enrichment of bakery products with prophylactic orientation remains in demand and relevant. Especially valuable are natural additives that enrich bread useful substances and favorably affect the bread machine technology.

The production market of domestic dietary products has great potential for growth. A significant amount of a variety of bakery products for therapeutic nutrition has been developed; There is a wide range of prophylactic food products, designed to supply people who have a predisposition to one or another diseases, as well as persons living in environmentally unfavorable regions of the country, for workers of heavy professions, children of preschool age and the elderly.

Before the bread maker of our country there is a number of problems related to improving the quality and food value of bread, bun, crubber and beam products. Very important problems are: Improving technology in order to intensify bread production; regulation of its nutritional value; Creation of new dietary varieties of bread and bakery products.


Russian Federation has achieved a long time to join the WTO, which required restructuring public Policy in the field of support for agriculture. However, currently current budget deficit restricts funding opportunities state programs . Mandatory is the economical and efficient use of budget support funds. The state of economic sanctions of some Western countries adopted on political reasons affecting investment and technologies are aggravated. Response measures of the Russian Federation were limited to the ban on the import of food and agricultural raw materials, which requires an accelerated solution to the problem of food security. Import substitution that acquire comprehensive scales concerns primarily the food market. Increased food production is possible only by sustainable development Agrarian economy sector. This development There must be an innovative nature associated with the introduction of scientific and technology achievements. New technologies must be implemented both the production of agricultural products and in its recycling.


Used monographic methodWhat made it possible to carry out a comprehensive analysis and detailing of the categorical apparatus used in the bakery market.

Results and discussions

Currently, the segmentation of the bakery industry is presented as follows: large bakery produce about 71% of the total volume; Bakeries in supermarkets - 14% (with a growth trend to 20% by 2018) and small bakeries - 12% (with growth trends to 16% by 2018) and other -3%.

The main trends in the development of a bakery market:

1. Preserving the volume of consumption of traditional products;

2. Globalization of the range of products produced almost at each enterprise (price more than 100 SKU);

3. Growth consumption of European bakery products: chiabatta, baguettes, "rustic" bakery products;

4. Increase the consumption of toaste breads of bread;

5. Expanding the range of custard bakery products.

Bakery market in Russia can be compared with the American market. So, the share of industrial production in the United States accounts for about 80% of the total bread. If in Soviet times, all 100% accounted for industrial bakery, then after restructuring, handicrafts in Russia took its niche. To date, the proportion of this segment is unchanged. The most developed sector in Russian bread maker over the past ten years is bakeries in sales places (especially in network retail), the increase in the volume of which is 0.5-1% annually. According to Rosstat, about 1,000 modern bakery enterprises operate in Russia, but in 2015 20 of them went bankrupt.

Due to the economic situation, you can observe the slowdown in investment investments in the technical re-equipment of enterprises. Accordingly, the fall in sales of imported equipment in 2015 amounted to almost 40%. All products made from wheat flour, with the exception of Baton, make up about 35% of the market. Batons account for about 28%, on rye bread and bread from blends - 27%, dough and layer products - the remaining 10%. These are averaged figures in Russia.

The consumer of bakery products in Europe differs from domestic: for him bread is food to which two conditions are presented: freshness and low cost. For Europeans, bread is a product for pleasure, hence the requirements for it: first of all, the taste and ease of use. Also intensively develops the direction of product purity, i.e. Pure labels, as well as the use of solid grain of various cereals. Recently, in European countries, the idea of \u200b\u200bglutenless bread is increasing, which is more than Is a tribute to fashion, not a necessity. This happens on the wave of advertising propaganda, which imposes perception of the harmfulness of the consumption of traditional bread and the utility of the gluten-free, although this statement is true only for a small part of the population suffering from celiac disease. Some trends of European Breadmakes are echoing with Russian, but during the crisis the price is determined by the product, and not its benefit, the more hypothetical. The main trends are associated with the trend of recent time import substitution and optimization of expenses. In 2015-2016 On Russian bakery enterprises were observed: the active substitution of imported raw materials, rationalization of recipes (for example, the replacement of sugar on glucose-fructose syrup, the development of the fat component, etc.). The main reasons for these issues can be attributed to an unstable ruble exchange rate and an increase in production costs due to the increase in the cost of the raw materials used. According to forecasts, in 2017 the situation will continue to develop in the same direction, but moderate pace. It is clearly seen that the companies that imported imported ingredients for bakery and confectionery industries to Russia have significantly lost supply. The same firms that transferred production to the Russian territory were insured against large losses for the crisis.

Consider relatively new markets for the production of certain bakery products.

Semi-finished market for sandwiches.Recently, this segment is attractive. Moreover, in Russia this segment at the very beginning of development. Already in our country there are enterprises that are produced daily up to 4-5 tons of sandwiches packed in a modified environment. In 2015-2016 The production of the bases for sandwiches (a bun for hamburger, hot dog, french-dog) demonstrated active growth. Segment growth stimulants: Reducing the import of similar products, the development of the "Street Food" trend (Street Food) and "Rube" (Fast Food), as well as the growth of sandwiches on gas stations, etc. In 2017, the continuation of the saturation of this market is predicted . To the risks of this direction, in view of its economic attractiveness, in the first place, it is possible to include the emergence of new, large players who will be able to fill out the market volume in a short time.

Club market - Sotshchi. In 2015-2016 Active growth in the production of club sandwiches and other types of sandwiches packed in a modified environment is a consequence of changes in the style of urban life. Therefore, bakeries, if they want to participate in this segment, should adjust their production plan, taking into account the release of the foundations for sandwiches. According to Lesaffre's estimates, this market will demonstrate active growth in the near future, since it has a great development potential. For reference. In France, more than 1.5 billion sandwiches are produced annually in the amount of € 5.5 billion.

The market of partially baked bread and frozen semi-finished products. This segment in 2015-2016 Demonstrates active growth (about 10-15%), with an absolute volume of this product, 1.8% of the total volume of the bread and bakery market. Growth stimulants in this segment are import replacement, optimization of network retail, i.e. Its transition from procurement to the production of semi-finished products and stable development of the HoReCa market, as well as the Street Food and Fast Food segment. According to forecasts, in 2017 the increase in this market will be 8-10%.

To date, the development of network boutiques, shops selling cakes, sales from autolars are also popular. Today, this type of business is developed mainly in major cities. In 2015, a new format was formed - a bakery-pastry-building economy segment, which received a significant impetus for development due to the availability, low cost of products and guaranteed freshness of baking. Such bread boutiques do not replace bakery, they are created for a pleasant pastime - come, drink coffee, eat a cake, chat and buy with you some unusual bread. In general, this format is counting on 2-3% of the bread market. In 2017, this format will continue its active development in the regions.


Currently, in the field of bread accumulation, several clearly pronounced trends can be trained:

1) economic crisis In the period from 2014 to 2015 Strengthening leaders from the market of weak players, which is expressed in reducing the share in the market until the closure of the enterprise. In the same period, the increase in the number of bakeries during network retail was continued and the process of re-equipment of enterprises was significantly reduced;

2) Consumer attention to freshness of bread led to the development of the following formats: Tandar bread, bakery-confectionery economy class, development of bakeries during network retail;

3) development of territories, enlarging enterprises and, as a result, the growth of requirements for an increase in bread storage time. In connection with the growth of small bakeries and bakeries in network retail, industrial enterprises are forced to rebuild the strategy of their development.

4) From 2016 to 2018 The systematic development of the market of frozen semi-finished products, toast bread and bases for sandwiches is predicted.


The development of industrial production of bread in Russia is constantly accompanied by scientific developments, taking into account national traditions, professional and demographic population. Such an approach to the development of industry in our country predetermined high modern level Bread bakery and created a serious burned to the future.

Modern science about bread is based on systemic Analysis Bakery production that allows you to determine the optimal technologies to produce bakery products wide range, high and stable quality. Based on such an assessment, in the development strategy in the first place in modern conditions, the problem of raw materials, which, becomes a key factor in the formation of quality, assortment and actually all technological systems.

Among the latest developments recommended for implementation should be called new improvers that prevent the disease of the bread "potato disease", which has been widespread due to violations of technologies in flourishing production. Existing methods of combating grain damage by bacteria, first of all the seal of grain before grinding, as a rule, as a rule, are not used, and enterprises are forced to fight pollution in the process of preparation of the test and throughout the cycle of bakery production.

No less significant for the practice of bakery are studies aimed at improving the biotechnological properties of bakery yeast, the quality that does not fully meet the requirements of the bread machine.

Recently, consumers have an increased interest in the organization of dietary nutrition, and medical science makes certain requirements for the industry, having a type of increasing the nutritional value of bakery products and the use of special additives in bread.

Of the scientific research conducted in this direction, the creation of bakery technologies on the basis of germinated and dispersed grain, in particular wheat, rye, legume crops should be considered the most promising. New and upgraded technologies using non-traditional raw materials as a new order system discover wide potential opportunities for updating the range, first of all, create conditions for the production of dietary products, production volumes in the country are clearly insufficient.

Thus, the use of new solutions, basic Surveyed on scientific developments, allowed the GOSNNIKP only in recent years to create and implement 58 new technologies and more than 180 new types of bakery and pasta.

Among the important technological solutions of recent time, it should be noted the creation of new compact sources of compressed air of the system of the mucovying system and the system of transporting bulk species of raw materials with a complex trajectory. Such systems received approval in the industry and are successfully operated in enterprises.

1.2. a brief description of Enterprises, development prospects

OJSC "Khlebodar" (former bakery No. 4) is the largest bakery enterprise of the city of Omsk. Located at the address: st., 19 Parts No. 34. At the beginning of the 50s, due to the rapid growth and expansion of the village of oilmen, the problem of providing residents of bakery products was acute. The decision of the city and the region on the territory of the village of oilmen began the construction of the bakery. The customer and the developer was an Omsk oil refinery. Already by the fall of 1955, the plant began production output.

In this regard, the oldest employees of the enterprise are considered the foundation of the plant on November 25, 1955. But officially, the act of the State Commission on Acceptance of Industrial Operations of the Boeking Republic was approved by the Executive Committee of the Omsk State Council of State Council of "Workers" on July 20, 1956 (decision No. 20/43 from July 31, 1956). In May 1998, the company was renamed Khlebodar OJSC, which was registered by the city registration chamber of the city of Omsk (certificate of state registration No. 38002342168 from 26.05.98).

The range of products is wide, it is constantly updated. Until 1996, OJSC "Khlebodar" was engaged in the production of only one variety of bread - "yield" mixed rolls and kvass dry "new". In 1996, the enterprise began to produce bread "wheat from the flour of the first grade." In 1997, the production of Borodino bread was mastered.

Now the bakery produces several varieties of bread: "Harvest", "Wheat from flour 1 grade", "Borodinsky", "malt", "Belgorod with seaweed", "Wheat bread with bran", "Suvorovsky", "Life", " Ramensky, "toast".

In Khlebodar OJSC, organizational changes took place simultaneously with the expansion of activities. The release of new products was carried out. The production of bakery products has been engaged since 1999. OJSC "Khlebodar" produces baton, horns, puff products. The production of Sweet, Salted crackers.

Currently, the production of confectionery products on the basis of the bankrupt enterprise of OJSC Lakuka was developed in 1999.

There were several reasons for the purchase of an enterprise. First, the plant's production facilities were not big - there was no opportunity to expand. Secondly, it was necessary to master a new type of activity, expand the range of products.

The confectionery shop began work on April 2, 2001, the new products were already represented by Omsk at the "Hot-Expo-2001" exhibition, are now sold in many stores of the city and the region.

The quality of products of OJSC Khlebodar is known to Omich and recognized as one of the highest not only in Omsk and the Omsk region, but also on the scale of the country. This is confirmed as numerous award-winning exhibitions held within the framework of the Omsk Region and the Award of the Competition "One hundred of the Best Goods of Russia - 2001". As well as the preference of buyers, the opinion of which is studied regularly as our specialists and independent experts in the field of marketing research.

The importance of the enterprise for the region says the fact that OJSC Khlebodar for several years since 1998, he falls to the top ten most effective enterprises of the Omsk region. According to the results of 2000, Khlebodar OJSC is recognized as the second among industrial enterprises in our field on production efficiency.

Products of the company are sold in more than 1,300 outlets of Omsk, as well as the area. Basic clients of "Kholodar" - food stores of the city. About 220 customers are implemented by Khafodar confectionery. Products are presented in the largest stores of the city: Omsk shopping center, our store network, "dozen", universities "North", Networks "Omsk Shopping Alliance" and other and small rural stores, deleted by more than 300 km from cities. The farthest flights make customers who deliver products (Borodinsky bread, confectionery, crackers) in Noyabrsk, Kurgan, Salekhard. Khlebodarovsky Bread wins tenders for the supply of products for healthcare facilities, children's institutions.

Brand trade in Khlebodar OJSC in 38 outlets of Omsk is represented by 4 shops, trading places in the markets, mini markets of the city, corporate kiosks.

Thus, a wide range and high quality products of the enterprise have a well-developed sales network.

Buyer's trust allows Khabodar OJSC to speak one of the leading enterprises in the Omsk market for confectionery and bakery products.

Products are delivered by 58 specialized machines. The volume of production has currently exceeded 60 tons daily. Shipment of bread has practically reached 50 tons, bakery products exceeded the mark 10 tons, the implementation of confectionery products over 1.5 tons, sugar products also exceed 1 ton.

The team of OJSC "Khlebodar" has more than 800 people, most of which are occupied in the production of products. The company constantly cares about the well-being of its employees and veterans: retained social benefits And constantly increases the number of jobs for our countrymen.

Russia's bakery industry belongs to the leading food industry apk. The production base of the bakery industry of the Russian Federation includes about 1,500 bread plants and more than 5,000 mini bakeries, which provide annual production of approximately 21 million tons of bread products, including about 12.7 million tons produced on large bakeries.

Bread eye - in demand and profitable business.

Bakery production is invariably attractive for investors, since the demand for bread may vary, but never decrease.

Over the past 3-4 years, in the domestic market for objective reasons, there is a tendency to reduce production and consumption of bread by an average of 2-4% annually, and, on the contrary, the trend of production growth and consumption of bonded and confectionery products on average by 6% annually.

The level of middleweight consumption of bread in Russia is 120--125 kg per year (325--345 g per day), including 98--100 kg for the urban population per year (245-278 g per day), for rural 195- - 205 kg per year (490--540 g per day).

These norms depend on the age, gender, the degree of physical and mental load, the climatic features of the place of residence. The most popular types of products on the bread and bakery market are rye bread, wheat bread flour bread, bakery of wheat flour of top grade and wheat bread from the top grade flour, which accounts for about 80% of the total market volume.

Bread and bakery products belong to the goods in essentials, and the bread maker is a socially significant industry in the economy: the production of traditional varieties of bread, enterprises provide cheap bread a large number of people. Now on the Russian market, the main types of bread (black, white, round, loaf and loaf) are present, and a premium category formed (bakery products with a limited shelf life, content of minerals and organic elements, low-calorie varieties, etc.).

Currently recorded a decrease in consumption, which occurs not only due to the slow reorientation of buyers with traditional bakery products on more expensive types of bread, but also by increasing the well-being of the population. The trend of recent years is the overall reduction of bread consumption while simultaneously annual interest in premium class products.

The most important criteria for choosing when buying bakery products by consumers are freshness of the product, price, packaging and appearance. The main criteria for choosing the place of purchase of bread and bakery products is the proximity of the trading enterprise to the place of residence or work, as well as the possibility of buying other food products at one point, so three-quarters of bakery purchases are on shops and supermarkets.

Against the background of a reduction in the consumption of bread in recent years, manufacturers noted an increase in the influence of network retail, conductive policy of low prices and actively developing own production Bakery products in mini bakeries. These enterprises create a serious competition of bakeries, offering a wide range of fresh-saw products.

In Bryansk, the largest share in the structure of the processing sector for food production is occupied by bakery enterprises. In 2015, 58.2 thousand tons of bread and bakery products were manufactured in the city, which is 0.8% more than the 2014 level.

Today, bakery products are one of the most important strategic sectors of the food industry - is experiencing difficult times. With the advent of reforming and privatization, many produced by the bakery industry turned out to be recharged to the release of more profitable, competitive and running goods, while others were eliminated. Some bilboards are currently in a state of bankruptcy or close to it, and more promising low profitability does not allow to successfully develop.

In the early 1990s, the bread industry was in the market element. Almost all bakeries were federal unitary enterprisesBut with the beginning of the so-called reforms, the state refused to strategically influence the bakery industry. The bakeries became closed or open JSC, and only few remained state unitary enterprises.

In addition to the privatization and purposeful bankruptcy, the bread industry has encountered acute problems of systematic lack of working capital, the impossibility of updating equipment, solve social problems. Bakery enterprises that were built in the 70s and 1980s of the last century were the most promising. Only a few enterprises over the past decade managed to carry out a large-scale reconstruction, update equipment by opening new production.

In pricing policy, the situation is complicated by mini bakers, which are low profitable in modern market conditions Just do not survive due to the high cost of produced bread with a constant increase in electricity prices, water, raw material components. Nowadays, minibars can compete with bakeries only by reducing the quality of products: the transition to "fast" technologies, a change in proportions in the original raw materials, etc. In market conditions, baked goods reduce the production of bakery goods, and their mini bakers occupy their shares in the markets.

Negative phenomena of market elements related to the republication and liquidation of bakeries are manifested on a general background of a decrease in the production of agricultural products, including grain - the main raw materials for the bakery industry. According to the forecast of specialists, this year in the country will be created by 10-15 million tons of grain less than last year's, when the yield was a record. But the grain reserves of last year, the dealers were sold abroad with a profit for them in 30 billion rubles. Moreover, the grain was extregnated so thoroughly that in the country the prices of bread rose by a third, and the quality of bread began to fall everywhere. At all times in the world, bread speculation ranked in the greatest crimes, but not in Russia.

Today, the village suffers - the main producer of grain. Unleashed compared to last year, 10 million hectares of arable land remained. Agricultural machine park has a wear over 70%. From reducing the level of mechanization in agriculture, the country annually loses up to a third of the harvest by 120-150 billion rubles. All this affects the state of a complex bakery of the country, which is already experiencing difficult times.

Among the main difficulties experienced by Bakery enterprises at present, the following most acute problems are allocated: a high level of taxation and high energy rates, and there is also a problem of the underdevelopability of the market infrastructure, especially when the bread of remote settlements is supplied. This market sector is not yet mastered due to unattractiveness due to high transportation costs, non-assemblences of the seats of sale (many shops in small settlements are currently closed), etc.

Despite the lack of special measures for the demonopolization of such a branch, as a baker, the process of developing the market competition of bread is activated. Positive consequences You can consider the emergence of new economic entities baked by high-quality bread and components of competitive bikes, an increase in the range and the availability of bread throughout the day, the lack of queues for bread, improving customer service - the emergence of a large number of outlets. However, positive changes in the bread market are accompanied by negative moments: high growth rates of bread prices compared to other food products, and the fact that bread is mainly purchased in tents, where sanitary standards are often not respected, and not in bakery or stores. To improve the supply of bread in remote settlements, it is necessary to provide benefits to business entities. Bread prices should be free, reflecting all costs for its production, ranging from agricultural producers and ending with the bakery industry and trade.

The state order should be distributed only on the volumes of bread that is necessary to provide hospitals, schools, etc. Intervention government agencies The economic activities of enterprises can lead to negative consequences for business entities and the market situation.

The Bakery Industry refers to the number of the most material consumables of the agro-industrial complex, which significantly increases the importance of measures for the rational use of all types of raw materials.

Economical resources in bread accumulation has always been a priority task of the industry and scientific research.

In general terms, the spending of bread resources is determined by the following factors:

  • - the total production of bread and bakery products;
  • - assortment of products produced;
  • - mass (weighing) units of products;
  • - moisture content in bakery products;
  • - technological costs and losses;
  • - Application of additives.

These factors are in principle known to all bakers, and they always take them into account when organizing production.

Priority areas of scientific research to solve the main task are:

  • - development of the range of products of increased food and biological value;
  • - the use of non-traditional raw materials and food additives;
  • - creation of new progressive resource-saving technologies.

Condition, trends and problems of the development of the bakery industry in the Russian Federation

N.D. Breeders, Doctor of Economics, Professor,

A.S. Zemkunkina, graduate student, Orenburg Gau

Russia's bakery industry belongs to the leading food industry apk. The manufacturing base of the bakery industry of the Russian Federation includes about 1,500 bread plants and more than 5,000 mini-bakeries, which provide annual production of approximately 7 million tons of bread products, including about 5 million tons are produced on large bakelifiers.

One of the features of the bakery industry is the concentration of production facilities at large enterprises and at the same time the presence of a large number of small enterprises of various forms of ownership. The industry is represented by both newcomers - private bakeries and former government bakeries, which were incorious during privatization. In Russia, the main volume of bread production is concentrated in large enterprises. It produces more than 70% of all bakery products, in small enterprises - less than 20%.

Breadmaker is a socially significant industry in the Russian economy. Most of the bakeries producing basic varieties of bread solve an important strategic task of ensuring cheap bread as much as possible man. New trends in bakery technology are important: freezing, the use of non-shown bread with a further supplement in the bakery shop, the use of ready-made mixtures and new types of enrichders. Bakery production, like any business, tends to update and develop.

Despite important social importance, the bakery industry remains broken, and each bakery or bakery, joint-stock companies or private entrepreneurs work on their plans, not linked to the general objectives of production development. This ultimately leads to an increase in costs and reducing the effectiveness of bakery production, to the growth of selling prices.

In recent years, according to Rosstat, there is a clear tendency to reduce the production of bread and bakery products in Russia. In general, the volume of bakery production in Russia over the past few years is constantly decreasing. However, in 2011, the market showed a positive trend, grew by 1% and amounted to a little more than 7.089

million tons. Figure 1 shows the data of the production of bakery products in the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2011.

According to the data submitted by the regional statistics center, the bread market and bakery products of the Orenburg region increased by 10% compared with the previous year and amounted to about 1% of the All-Russian bread market (Table 1).

Specialists call a number of reasons that caused the observed increase in the production of bread and bakery products, the main of which are the expansion of the nomenclature of produced bakery products, changing the structure of food consumption under the influence of price increases and the gradual approximation of bread consumption to scientifically based consumption standards.

Almost the entire volume of the market in physical terms is presented with products of domestic producers. The share of foreign supplies of bread products amounted to 0.15% in 2011. Throughout 2009-2011 The share of imports on the Russian bread market and bakery products oscillated from 0.11 to 0.15%. In the current 2012, in connection with Russia's accession to the WTO, the increase in import share in the market up to 0.18% is predicted.

The Russian market of bread and bakery products are conditionally divided into two groups: the first - bread from wheat, rye flour and from a mixture of different varieties, which accounts for 70% of the volume of the market, and the second - bakery products.

The data submitted by Rosstat makes it to note that in the commodity structure of the retail trade turnover, the share of bakery products was constantly declining since 2005. The share of hiker costs in the total volume of food purchase costs for household domestically decreased from 2005 to 2011 from 2.6 up to 2.4% (Table 2).

2007 2008 2009, 2010 2011

Fig. 1 - Dynamics of production volumes

bread and bakery products in Russia for 2007-2011, thousand tons

1. Dynamics of market volumes of bread and bakery products in the Orenburg region in 2007-2011.

Indicator 2007 2008, 2009, 2010 2011 2011 in% by 2007

Production of bread and bakery products, T Share of bread and bakery products in the total volume of production in Russia,% 77124 0.9 75648 1.0 73714 1.0 71886 1.0 79025 1.1 102

2. Turnover of retail bread and bakery products in Russia for 2005-2011.

Indicator 2005 2006, 2007, 2008 2009, 2010, 2011

Retail turnover of bread and bakery products, billion rubles. 180.3 207.1 249.9 314.8 349.2 379.0 436.1

Retail trade turnover of bread and bakery products in% to the total volume of food costs 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4

Bread and bakery products from wheat flour of the highest grade


Fig. 2 - Middle consumer prices in the Russian Federation for 2005-2011, rub.

The volume of retail turnover for bread and bakery products in Russia is calculated in the amount of 436.1 billion rubles. (according to 2011). A significant proportion (at least 70%) is a revenue from the sale of bulk bread varieties.

According to Table 2, the retail trade turnover of bread and bakery products for the six-year period increased 2.4 times, or 255.8 billion rubles, which is primarily due to the increase in prices for this group Products. So, the average consumer prices in Russia on bread and bakery products from wheat flour of the highest grade increased during the period under review from 22.24 to 45.36 rubles, i.e. 2 times (Fig. 2).

At the same time, the rise in prices for bread and bakery products is significantly ahead of the rise in prices for wheat flour, for the period from 2005 to 2011. The rise in prices for which was 66%. Consequently, today the price of grain remains low. Low grain prices weaken the economy of agricultural organizations and farmers, restore the possibility of modernizing the agricultural production and improving the quality of raw materials for processing.

For a number of years, the largest producers of bread and bakery products in Russia were and remained JSC Kapaway and OJSC "Bread House" (St. Petersburg), CJSC "Bread" Peko "(Moscow), OJSC Lipetskhleb

makaronprom "(Lipetsk), OJSC Rostov Bakery No. 1 (Rostov-on-Don).

The market of most varieties of bakery products wears a pronounced regional character. This is reflected in fluctuations in the production indicator for per capita under the federal districts of Russia. Thus, on bread from rye and rye-wheat flour, the largest meaning of this indicator is noted in the central and northwestern districts (over 28 kg / year), the smallest - in the South, Far Eastern and Siberian federal districts (less than 10 kg / year). On bread and wheat flour bakery, the Southern Federal District is leading - over 42 kg / year, including over 36 kg / year - bread weighing 500 g and higher; The smallest indicator in the Central Federal District is 24.2 kg / year.

Russia's accession to the WTO will undoubtedly affect the further development of the Russian bread and bakery market. The division of the bikerodukt market is predicted into two segments: a segment of natural bread and bakery products and a segment of the bread-and-containing product. The beginning of this process was denied the abolition of mandatory certification of products, which resulted in expectations of consumers in the market of bread and bakery products of low-quality products, and information

in the media on cases confirming such expectations. Manufacturers have significantly increased in the process of producing bread and bakery products, the share of the use of substitutes ingredients, complex food additives, emulsifiers, bakery powders, freshness and shelf life, preservatives, taste amplifiers, starters, bread improvers, etc.

As a result, a new trend has occurred, which covered the determined layer of consumers who have left the bread and bakery products market, which, acquiring bread makers, began to bake bread and bakery products for their family solely from natural ingredients. At the same time expanded the nomenclature of bread makers on the market household appliances. They are delivered by russian market Already 26 well-known foreign manufacturers of household appliances. This trend gradually expands its geography.

You can call many problems facing domestic enterprises of the bakery industry, but the main ones are today:

The obsolescence of equipment, when fully worn out of the already 20% of the production fund;

Increasing competitiveness to Western companies in the country's entry into the WTO. For example, for the production of one ton of bakery products 7-10 items in foreign equipment require 3 people, we most often from 6 to 8;

The bakery industry remains broken, the impact on the network store market increases;

A sharp deficit of investment resources, which characterizes the state of the bakery industry as critical. The profitability of domestic enterprises is on average only 2-3%.

So, monitored by the economic activity of five bakery enterprises

The Orenburg region allowed us to identify the problems described above in their activities and establish that the rates of innovative update of some of them are insufficient for efficient operation and sustainable development (Table 3). One of of essential factorsaffecting the low level of use of production facilities (27.7-66.8%) according to the enterprises under study and, as a result, the growth of specific costs is a high level of competition in the market of bread and bakery products. In addition, a high degree of physical wear of a significant part of the main production Funds (At some enterprises up to 75%) leads to an increase in the cost of equipment repair maintenance, energy overruns and, accordingly, to increase the cost of a unit of products.

Monitoring the activities of bakery enterprises showed a steady trend of growth in the share production costs in the cost of products. High material consumption of production, price increase in the markets of raw materials indicate the need to increase the efficiency of material resources. This requires the improvement of technological schemes and regimes that provide better preliminary preparation of raw materials, deep and complex processing, as well as the use of new types of raw materials and components (flour from sprouted grain, starters with cultivated microorganisms, etc.).

Modern bread market and bakery products dictates hard requirements for the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce only mass grades of bread and bakery products. To survive and be successful, it is necessary to produce a wide range of products. Representatives of bakery industries should pay special attention to the quality of their products, as well as take into account the specifics and habits of consumers. Improving quality

3. Comparative assessment of enterprises - representatives of the bakery industry of the Orenburg region for 2011

Indicator of the company

P1 p2 p3 p4 p5

Integral Indicator of the use of production capacity,% 48.1 47.3 56.4 66.8 27.7

The cost of commercial products, rub / Rub 0.89 0.79 0.92 0.81 0.97

Foundation for labor, thousand rubles / person 46.4 162.3 42.3 132.1 36,4

FDOOUTYDACH, RUB / RUB 6.8 2.1 3,6 4.2 1.7

Labor productivity, thousand rubles / person 303.5 498.2 346.7,698.0 297.2

Profit, million rubles. 5.3 58.7 6,0 62.8 4,4

Profitability of products,% 6.2 18.3 8.7 32.5 4.6

Innovative activity (-, + low, high) - + - + -

Development directions * ** * ** *

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