
The world system theory is a variety. World-system analysis I. Varlestayne. Approach Andre Gunder Frank

World-system approach

Peace-system analysis He examines the social evolution of systems of societies, and not individual societies, in contrast to the preceding sociological approaches, within which the theory of social evolution considered the development of primarily individual societies, and not their systems. This peace-system approach is similar to civilizational, but is somewhat further, exploring not only the evolution of social systems covering one civilization, but also systems that cover more than one civilization or even all civilizations of the world. This approach was developed in the 1970s. A. G. Frank, I. Varlestayin, S. Amina, J. Arrigi, and T. Dos Santos. As the most important predecessor of a peace-system approach that laid its foundation is usually considered by F. Stradel. Therefore, it is not by chance that the chief global center of peace analysis (in Binghampton, at the University of New York), is named Fernan Strajel.

Immanuel Walleretine

The most common version of peace-system analysis developed by I. Weltstayin is the most common. According to I.Vilestayna, the modern world-system originated in so-called. "Long 16th century" (approximately 1450-1650) and gradually covered the whole world. Until this time, many world-systems coexisted in the world. These world-systems Walleretine subdivides on three types: the mini-system, peace-economy and the world-empire. The minisystems were characteristic of primitive societies. For complex agrarian societies are characterized by the world economy and the world-empire. The world-economy is a system of societies united by close economic relations, acting as certain evolving units, but not combined into a single political education. According to Walleretain, all the test world-economies are sooner or later turned into a world-empire through their political association under the authority of one state. The only exception to this rule is a medieval European world economy, which has not turned into a world-empire, but in the modern capitalist world system.

Andre Gunder Frank

This is noticeably different option of peace-system analysis, developed by A. Gunder Frank. Frank draws attention to the fact that the approval about the possibility of simultaneous existence in the world of dozens and hundreds of "world-systems" is largely intended by the concept of the world system. According to the franc, it is necessary to go only about one world system, which arose at least 5,000 years ago, and then through numerous expansion cycles and consolidation covered the whole world. During the evolution of the world system, its center was repeatedly moved. Up to his movement in the XIX century, first to Europe, and then in North America, this center was in China for many centuries. In this regard, observed in lately The rise of China Franc interpreted as the beginning of the return of the center of the world-system in its "natural" place after the short-term European-nuclear "interlude".


  • Strettle F. Material civilization, economics and capitalism, XV-XVIII centuries. / Lane With Fr. L. E. Kubbel; hitch Art. and ed. Yu. N. Afanasyev. 2nd ed. M.: The whole world, 2006. ISBN 5-7777-0358-5
  • Walleretine I. Analysis of world systems and the situation in modern world / Per with English. P. M. Kudyukina under the general ed. B. Yu. Kagarlitsky. St. Petersburg: University Book, 2001.
  • Walleretine I. Miro-system analysis // World time. Almanac of modern studies on theoretical history, macrosociology, geopolitics, analysis of world systems and civilizations / ed. N. S. Rosova. Novosibirsk, 1998. - Issue 1. - P. 105-123.
  • Korotaev A. V., Malkov A. S., Halturina D. A. Laws of history. Mathematical modeling of the development of the world system. Demographics, economics, culture. 2nd ed. M.: URSS, 2007. ISBN 978-5-484-00957-2
  • Korotaev A.V., Komarova N. L., Halturina D. A. Laws of history. Century cycles and millennial trends. Demographics, economy, war. 2nd ed. M.: URSS, 2007.
  • Korotaev A. V., Halturina D. A. Modern trends in world development. M.: Librok / URSS, 2009. ISBN 978-5-397-00327-8
  • Kirilyuk I.L. and others. Economic dynamics of the world system // History and mathematics. M.: URSS, 2008. P. 102-119.
  • The World System: Five Hundred Years or Five Thouusand? / Ed. By A. G. Frank and B. Gills. L.: ROUTLEDGE, 1994.HTTP: //abuss.narod.ru/biblio/ws/ws-5000_intro.htm

Outstanding representatives of peace-system analysis

  • World Systems (Category)


  • "Peace-system approach" part of the monograph Yu. I. Semenova "Philosophy of History"
  • Kordin N.N. Problems of periodization of historical macroprocesses. Section "Peace-system approach"
  • Globalization began 10 thousand years ago and will end in the XXI century

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    World-system approach (MirSystem analysis) - strategy of activity and knowledge modeling modern story 1) as a system of interactions between various social subjects (regional unions, states, societies of cultures, ethnic and religious groups, between ... ... Modern Philosophical Dictionary

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    World-system analysis - Text I. Varlestain, published in 1987. According to Walleretain, the world system analysis is not a theory of social world or its part. This is a protest against the methods that the social scientific research was structured with it ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

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Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein (Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein, September 28, 1930, New York, USA) - American sociologist, political analyst and philosopher neomarcist, one of the founders of peace-system analysis, one of the leading representatives of modern left social thought.

He studied at the Columbia University, engaged in Sociology and Africanist (1951, Bachelor; 1954, Master; 1959, Doctor). In 1951-1953 served in the army.

From 1959 to 1971, he taught at the Faculty of Sociology of Columbia University, was the youngest professor. In the early 1960s, he was an adviser in the Kennedy administration, and even rumored that he would receive the appointment of the US Secretary of State. From 1971 to 1976 - Professor of Sociology at the University of McGill (Montreal, Canada). From 1976 to 1999 - Honorary Professor of Sociology at the University of Bindhamton (New York, USA). Since 2000, a leading researcher at the University of Yale University.

From 1994 to 1998, he served as chairman of the International Sociological Association.

Since the 1960s, he was issued general Theory socio economic Development. The author of the world-system theory, created under the influence of the French historian Fernan Strajel.

In his opinion, "Lenin for Russia will inevitably be a central figure of the twentieth century": "Over time, the political rehabilitation of Lenin is very likely in Russia. Somewhere by 2050, he may well become the main national hero. "

Member of the editorial board of magazines "Social Evolution and History", "Asian Perspective", "Africa Today" and others.

Books (4)

Analysis of world systems and the situation in the modern world

This collection includes articles, performances and fragments from books I. Wallelastin, an American sociologist and an economist, one of the authoritative scientists dealing with the problem of world-system analysis. By conviction of the author it is impossible to understand modern condition capitalism and his future, not considered his story. Like any system, capitalism began and, therefore, will have an end. Its laws are not "natural-mi", for other societies who lived in other laws existed, but they are also not exactly the "unnatural" or contradictory human essence, because five hundred years worked safely.

The problem is not in moral advantages or disadvantages of capitalism, not in the diligence or laziness of individual publications, but in historical borders that exist for the development of any system. In this regard, according to Weltstayne, it is the global expansion of capitalism, the integration of all over the world in one minoeconomic is a harbinger of shocks: the possibilities of external, extensive expansion are exhausted. Almost all known sources of growth are already mobilized. There are big changes.

Historical capitalism. Capitalist civilization

The world-famous American scientist Immanuel Wallerstein is the Father-founder of peace-system analysis, the author of the three-volume "Modern World-System", a number of other books and a huge number of articles.

I.Vilestine analyzes economic functioning The capitalist system, the role of the state in capital accumulation, the role of scientific culture as a powerful social weapon of the "strong world of this".

Particular attention is paid to various myths of the capitalist system (about progress, meritocracy, etc.), the mechanism of action of the ideological tandem "Racism - Universalism" is shown. I.Vilestine, in addition, offers a "balance sheet" of the achievements and failures of capitalist civilization, as well as the analysis of those internal dilemmas that historical capitalism is not able to solve and which have already let him down to the edge of the abyss.

The book is designed not only to specialists, but also on a wide range of readers interested in sociology, economy, politics, in short - the fate of the modern world.

After liberalism

The book of an outstanding American sociologist Immanuela Walleretain "After Liberalism" is the result of the author's long-term work on the history of the capitalist mineralist and at the same time a political forecast based on the analysis of the global economic and political processes of the 1990s. Contrary to the ideologists of liberal globalization, Walleretine is convinced that the bourgeois mineral system is in the deepest crisis, on the threshold of changes that can lead to a completely new world order.

Race, nation, class. Ambiguous identity

Discussion representation of "pain points" of socio-political history and the theory of XX century. A joint study of the French philosopher Etienne Balibar, a student and successor L. Altüusser, and the author who has become a classic work of the modern world system ("The Modem World-System", 1974-1988 (3 t.)) American Immanuel Walleretain.

Peace-system analysis He examines the social evolution of systems of societies, and not individual societies, in contrast to the preceding sociological approaches, within which the theory of social evolution considered the development of primarily individual societies, and not their systems. This peace-system approach is similar to civilizational, but it goes somewhat further, exploring not only the evolution of social systems covering one civilization, but also such systems that cover more than one civilization or even all civilizations of the world. This approach was developed in the 1970s. A.G. Frank, I. Varlestayin, S. Amina, J. Arrigi, and T. Dus Santus.

The approach of Fernan Broadel

As the most important predecessor of the world-system analysis, which laid its foundations, F. Stradel is usually considered. Therefore, it is not by chance that the leading center of the world-system analysis (in the city of Binghampton, at the University of New York) is the name of Fernana Strajel.

Broadlevel wrote about the interconnecting all society " world economy" She has its own center (with her " supercorder"; in the XIV century They were Venice, later the center moved to Flanders and England, and from there in the twentieth century - in New York), minor, but developed societies and the outskirts of the periphery. At the same time, trade communications associate different regions and cultures into a single macroeconomic space.

Approach Immanuel Weltstaina

The most common version of the world-system analysis was developed by I. Varlestayin. According to Walleretain, the modern world-system originated in " long 16th century"(Approximately 1450-1650) and gradually covered the whole world. Until this time, many world-systems coexisted in the world. These world-systems Walleretine subdivides on three types: the mini-system, peace-economy and the world-empire.

The minisystems were characteristic of primitive societies. They are based on the relationship of interchange.

For complex agrarian societies are characterized by the world economy and the world-empire. The world-economy is systems of societies united close economic connectionsSpeakers as certain evolving units, but not combined into a single political education. The world-empire is characterized by tax charge (Dani) from provinces and captured colonies.

According to Walleretain, all the test world-economies are sooner or later turned into a world-empire through their political association under the authority of one state. The only exception to this rule is a medieval European world economy, which has not turned into a world-empire, but in the modern capitalist world system. The capitalist world-system consists of the nucleus (the most highly developed countries of the West), half-period (in the twentieth century - socialist countries) and the periphery (third world).

Approach Andre Gunder Frank

This is noticeably different option of peace-system analysis, developed by A. Gunder Frank. Frank draws attention to the fact that allegations about the possibility of simultaneous existence in the world of dozens and hundreds " world-Systems"In many ways, the very concept of the world system is intended. According to the franc, it is necessary to go only about one world system, which arose at least 5,000 years ago, and then through numerous expansion cycles and consolidation covered the whole world. During the evolution of the world system, its center was repeatedly moved. Up to his movement in the XIX century, first to Europe, and then in North America, this center was in China for many centuries. In this regard, China's observed lately, Frank interpreted as the beginning of the return of the world-system center in his " natural»Place after short-term European-North American" interludes».

The world-system analysis examines the social evolution of systems of societies, and not individual societies, in contrast to the preceding sociological approaches, within which the theories of social evolution considered the development of primarily individual societies, and not their systems. This peace-system approach is similar to civilizational, but it goes somewhat further, exploring not only the evolution of social systems covering one civilization, but also such systems that cover more than one civilization or even all civilizations of the world. This approach was developed in the 1970s by A. G. Frank, I. Varlestayin, S. Amina, J. Arrigi, and T. Dus Santus.

The most common version of the world-system analysis was developed by I. Varlestayin. According to Walleretina, the modern world-system originated in so-called. "The long 16th century" (approximately 1450-1650) and gradually covered the whole world. Until this time, many world-systems coexisted in the world. These world-systems Walleretine subdivides on three types: the mini-system, peace-economy and the world-empire.

The minisystems were characteristic of primitive societies. They are based on the relationship of interchange.

For complex agrarian societies are characterized by the world economy and the world-empire. The world economy is systems of societies united by close economic ties, acting as certain evolving units, but not combined into a single political education. The world-empire is characterized by tax charge (Dani) from provinces and captured colonies.

According to Walleretain, all the test world-economies are sooner or later turned into a world-empire through their political association under the authority of one state. The only exception to this rule is a medieval European world economy, which has not turned into a world-empire, but in the modern capitalist world system. The capitalist world-system consists of the nucleus (the most highly developed countries of the West), half-period (in the twentieth century - socialist countries) and the periphery (third world).

According to Wallerstein, from the sixteenth century for our day, the process of forming a system of global economic and political ties based on the expansion of the capitalist global economy was. This economy implies the existence of the core countries, semi-readeries, periphery and external arena. Kernel states - those in which they had previously arisen modern species Entrepreneurship, and then began the process of industrialization: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and the newly-Western European countries who joined the country, for example, Germany. In the territory of the core countries originated industrial productionhappened advanced for that time agriculture, centralized governments have been formed.

The states located in the south of Europe, around the Mediterranean Sea (such as Spain), have become the semi-function of the core countries. They were associated with northern countries Relations relationships, but their economy has not developed. A couple of centuries ago, the periphery - the "outer border" of the global economy - passed through the eastern edge of Europe. Of these areas, for example, from those where modern Poland is now located, agricultural crops have come directly to the core countries.

A significant part of Asia and Africa at that time belonged to the external arena - it was not affected by trade connections that were formed in the core countries. As a result of colonial expansion and follow-up activities of large corporations in the country of Asia and Africa were involved in the system of global economy. Today, the countries of the Third World are the periphery of the extensive global system, in the core of which the United States and Japan acquired the dominant position. The Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe (Society of the Second World), with their planned centralized economic systems, were the only large group of countries to a certain extent falling out of the world economy.

Modern world is a typing system with a single division of labor based on macroeconomics (transnational production and trade). The world is divided not to civilizational and cultural ranges, but to the center (kernel), periphery and half-period. The system of system acquires profit., And the peripherals loses. Peripherals - a passive and non-feasible zone, embedded in the core into global production and commodity chains.

Wallerstein argues that since the core countries dominate the world system, they are able to organize world trade So that she meets their interests. He agrees with supporters of the theory of dependence that the countries of the first world have gained the opportunity to exploit the resources of the third world countries for their own purposes.

The concept also contains a provision on state dependence, according to which the gap between the center and the periphery determines the main contradiction of the global system. The role of the nucleus in different historical periods played various countries (Starting from the XVI century. - This is Holland, later the United Kingdom, and now the USA).

strategy of activity and knowledge that simulates modern history 1) as a system of interactions between various social subjects (regional unions, states, societies of cultures, ethnic and religious groups, between human individuals), 2) representing the human community as a historically changing system, 3) as a system Relations that become in the process of designing the modern social world.

In the broad sense of M.-S. P. - This is a combination of historical, economic, socio-philosophical, globalist, peacekeeping research and practices focused on the problem of the formation of a modern social world as a system uniting the human community. Moreover, in the focus of this association, both problems, stimulating interactions and issues associated with the formation of the structure of the human community.

Terminologically M.-S. P. As if inherited by a systemic tradition, a well-defined system-structural and structural and functional concepts. In fact, it destroys the stereotypes at this stage. For M.-S. P. The structure is not a given, normalizing interaction social Subjects and turning them into the system, but there is a problem solved in the process of becoming interactions between entities.

The historicity of the system of the human community is fundamentally associated with the subject of the subject (including and above all - individually) interaction. M.-S. n. oppose both the classical historism and the concepts of the "end of history"; It significantly limits the ideas about the history of both past and linear ascending development and, at the same time, it specifies a look at the story as a formation, change, interaction of various social systems, identifies problems and benchmarks for this process.

In the narrow sense of M.-S. P. (peace-system analysis) is the direction of research currently related to the works of I. Varlestayne and the center leading to them. F. Strajel (Binghemton, USA), the subject of these studies is economic dynamics modern world system, its contradictions and crises; Prospects for the emergence of new forms of coexistence in human society. In its historical and methodological installations, this area relies on the concept of social history, developed by the Annal School (M. Blok, F. Stradel, L. Fevr), on the model of economic globalization of the social history of F. Stramel, on the idea of \u200b\u200blong economic "waves" and N. Kondratyev's cycles, on some motives of the philosophy of the company K. Marx (history as the activity of people; division of activities, interactiveness and "asymmetry" of social positions; capitalist development and community of world history).

Schematically, the historical logic of this version of M.-S. P. Figures as follows. Conditionally, human history can be divided into two steps: until the middle of the second millennium N. e. And after 1500, when the world capitalist economy is formed. At the first stage, local societies and civilization establish communications among themselves, but these links do not affect the "organic" of their lives; The global system is formed in the course of formation of empires with identified centers and periphery, with sufficiently clear contours and connections that determine the reproduction and movement of human resources.

Starting from the XVI century. The world-system is formed on the basis of the capitalist world economy (CME). Forces and communications uniting the human community are becoming more and more economic; Concentration of these forces in Western Europe Determines its privileged position (at the first time of the development of CME) and the peripheral positions of the countries of the rest of Europe, both Americas, as well as Asia and Africa. In the XX century, the CME Center moves to the United States; An important problem of CME is its opposition and interaction with a socialist camp, which seems to be opposition and non-systemic in relation to CME power. Nevertheless, this confrontation does not prevent the productive development of CME from 1945 to 1990. However, already in the 80s. The prospect of the recession, manifested in energy crises, is determined, and at a deeper level, which recorded the exhaustion of resources of cheap labor, and therefore, it became necessary to rebuild CME. The collapse of the USSR and the Socialist System, originally interpreted as the ability to enhance the CME and the United States, turned out to be one of the reasons for the decline in the development and weakening of the CME: it became clear that the cold war is deterrent for both sides factor. At the same time, she acted as a dynamic equilibrium mechanism between two centers that bind and fastened the peripherals located around them. In terms of ideas, M.-S. p. The collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp appeared one of of essential factors CME crisis, i.e., the process of intrasystem, expressing general trends of changes in the modern social world, at the same time weakening and destroying the structures of interactions between the segments of the world-system folding decades.

In the picture of the future, scheduled by M.-S. Clause, a global system based on CME, has some other resources for development, so that the situation is possible in the first quarter of the XXI century. However, by the middle of the next century, the exhaustion of these resources and exacerbating contradictions between centers and periphery will cause the CME crisis and the transition of the world system to a new state. Already within the framework of CME, the socio-political dilemma is planned, which, apparently, will have to be solved in the framework of the future crises of CME and beyond the borders of this world economy. Two trajectories of further social change are likely: 1) the path of leveling (relative, of course) the possibilities of economic development between groups within the leading countries and in the relations of the leading countries and countries representing the periphery, 2) the way to create sufficiently rigid hierarchical social structures ("Neofashistsky "Order), which allows to preserve the" asymmetric "distribution of economic opportunities, funds and income between the elites and the rest of the groups, between centers and periphery.

Various social entities entering into increasingly dense interactions form the links of the world system, thereby determine the vector of further social evolution. However, the possibility of choice does not guarantee its validity and consistency. "... Sunset historical social system... Makes a collective choice possible, but ... the choice is difficult for the lack of a clearly defined alternative social force standing for a reasonable choice "(I. Walleretine. Public development or development of the global system? // Questions of sociology, 1992, t. L, N L, p. 87). The intelligence of choice is largely determined by the installations and active capabilities of social subjects. But in critical periods, the opposite is true: the identification of positions and resources depends on the methodological and ideological clarification of peace-system problems, from the relevant justification of the orientation and choice of activities Subjects. However, such clarification and justifications are difficult to develop a modern worldview, philosophy and science, mainly by the scheme of relationships, which has developed in the XVIII - XIX centuries. The sectoral principle of managing human knowledge corresponding to the principles of the organization of social production with a clear system of labor separation system, - Spring Introduces the implementation of system strategies not in words, but in fact. The word "system", in relation to the human community, is used for many decades. But it does not interfere even global problems Humankind to interpret how the problems of industry - environmental protection, medical, technological, is regardless of those subjects (and those interactions) for which (and in which these problems are crucial. The aggregate and structure of knowledge about society bears on itself a strict imprint of those organizing schemes that they were worked out in the practice of the Society in the CME century. It became, together with the crisis of these schemes, the crisis of knowledge, one way or another "built-in" in the practical mechanisms of the world system is planned. "... World System It is in crisis ... The same applies to the analytical self-reflective structures of this system, that is, the sciences "(I. Walleretine. Decree. Op., p. 86). From this it follows that in the development of methodological and ideological landmarks Systemic development It is dangerous to rely on existing scientific and everyday standards, for they not only block the discretion of the prospects, but also can produce practices, destructive in their consequences. So, the current environmental situation is generated not just aggressive development of natural resources, it is supported and "provoked" Analytical, dissenting, incoming in fact methodologies that science used for several recent centuries. Science could introduce certain restrictions on extra system practices, show their threatening consequences, but it declaratively recognizing the systematicity, actually contributed to the implementation (ontologization) of partial, analytical, generated models, since I tactic was supported by industry principles of separation and cooperation activities. This Dominant, which determined the work of science, actually authorized the narrow pragmatic standards of the production and economic and daily activities of people, their attitude not only to natural resources, but also the qualities of public life, each other.

These standards are valid not only in knowledge, but also in the practice of organizing public life, since it is this practice - regulated by stereotypical ideas about the division of society to the economy, policies, culture, other spheres and subsystems. Such segmentation of society is usually achieved at the expense of "displacement" from organizational and iconic schemes of real social actors, mainly by human individuals who reproduce integrating and dividing the structure of the structure. In the activities and life of these subjects, there is no division into the economy, culture, politics, etc. No matter how the current institutions of the Company did not alienate the individual aspects of their lives and activities from people, these aspects are synthesized into the system of life interdependence only in live social sociality and their events and self-realization. If you take the 60s characteristic of sociology. Separation of concepts on macro and micro-level, M.-S. P. It should be attributed to macro-level concepts, since he interprets issues related to the prospects for the human community, with the formation of the structures of the world-system, with the development of interregional, interstate, intercultural relations. However, one of the important methodological features of M.-S. p. It is just that he consists that he focusing on the formation of the forms of the world community, cannot be distracted from being of real actors, from the life and activities of human individuals, where the developing social connections acquire the quality necessary in order to be reproduced in The form of sustainable structures. M.-S. P. In this regard, it turns out not only in a kind of combination of macro- and micro-acids, it essentially identifies the limited macrosocial concepts, "untranslable" to the language of the existence and interaction of human individuals. The thesis that the story is performed in the interactions of real actors, does not reject the idea of \u200b\u200buniversality and interdependence social Lifebut he "immerses" this idea in the process of reproduction and generation social formsMatches it with the scale of the daily behavior of people. "For a historian, closely attached to a specific, global society can only be the sum of living reality related or not related one with others. It is in this sense that I regained a rule ... talk about society as a multiple set (Ensemble des ensembles), As about the full amount of all the facts that we ... touch in different areas of our research ... This means ... that everything is social, it can not be no social ... It's like to declare today: "Social process is Inseparable integer "or" History is only universal "" (F. Stradel. Sharing games. M., 1988, p. 461). In the 70s. The words F. Strajel perceived as an expression of one of the possible positions in the methodology of social studies. In the 90s. These words sound like a clear fixation of changes in the integration scheme and the disciplinary matrix of social studies: they indicate a change in the paradigm of socio-humanitarian knowledge, the renewal of the forms of synthesis of philosophy and science, on theoretical and methodological shifts necessary to understand the development trends of the world system.

M.-S. p., especially in his Broadleva-Walleretain version, is a scientific overcoming of philosophical and historical schemes. But it cannot be deployed due to the summation of scientific knowledge obtained in the conditions of disciplinary division of labor. His systemicity is formed not from a combination of various aspects of knowledge of society, but from understanding the problem of human being and subjects, this is being implemented. In this regard, M.-S. P., while maintaining a scientific orientation for the study of the modern human community, performs a special kind of social philosophy. Its feature is that it works in "focus", where problems of people of the modern community and scientific synthesis are combined, clarifying these problems: problems determine the focus of synthesis, synthesis reveals the socio-historical prospect of setting and solving problems. Such a "pulsating" connection of experience and knowledge is not alien to both philosophical and historical schemes, but they are mainly well-designed to the future and are not superimposed on it as ready-made measurement systems, but are used as means of methodological and ideological orientation. M.-S. P. Keeps its focus on the scientific study of the Company and in this regard, opposes concepts that crosses the importance of science. But the science of M.-S. p. connected with the radical revision of the standards of cognitive activity; In this aspect of M.-S. P. It turns out "related" such directions and disciplines as a critical theory, hermeneutics, phenomenological sociology, synergetics, etc. (see "Social and Space Space", "Social Processes".)

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