
Rating of the smartest countries of the world. Where is best living? Rating countries in terms of living Rating of developing countries

Everything is a comparison - probably, this thought was adopted by the compilers of the first ratings. And they began to make them in the United States in the middle of the XIX century. As historians assure, businessman Lewis Tappan, raised after economic crisis, I decided to create agency to identify reliability of companies and banks. On the basis of financial documents, staff surveys, representatives and even local residents, specialists made the conclusion about the solvability of a company. The rating was sold to interested parties. The idea was picked up other agencies. And the eyelids appeared world ratings. At first they were only economic, later sociological. Now countries are assessed by the most different indicators. For example, according to the index of happiness or the development of human potential.

What is the role of ratings of countries in modern times and that they reflect

"They say that numbers rule the world. No, they only show how they rule the world, "the statement of Johann Wolfgang Goethe may well become the motto of a solid rating agency. His specialists compare the digital series, reflecting different indicators, as a result, to find out which country is the leader, and which is an outsider of the global economy and politics.

Global ratings help compare life in different countries

Rating is an assessment (from the English word RATE - evaluate), which shows the place of the country (or another object) according to any criterion. When it comes to the territory, the number of people, most economic indicatorsThe basis of the assessment is accurate numbers. If the rating affects sociological aspects, for example, happiness or well-being of people, special formulas apply to the calculation, including several criteria.

Economic ratings of countries help to appreciate how profitable cooperation with foreign partners will be, is it worth making investments, which business will be better developed. Social oriental ratings are most often answered by one question formulated in different ways: in which country it lives better.

Religations that make up on the basis of several indicators, for example, the happiness index, often be subject to

However, not all methods of compiling world ratings give reliable information. It turned out that data can be manipulated in the interests of some companies and even countries, and estimates do not have time to change in the economy. According to experts, errors in connection with the last crisis in the economy became particularly frequent. For example, rating agencies could not predict the fall in the real estate market in the United States and the bankruptcy of some international corporations.

Depending on where information was obtained from, conditionally ratings can be divided into three groups:

  • on the basis of data from the official bodies (in Russia - Rosstat, Rospotrebnadzor, Labor Inspection, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs and others);
  • information from informal sources;
  • targeted polls of citizens.

Ratings drawn up by the United Nations Office, WHO and other international organizations show which problems exist in a particular country

The most respected international rating agencies - Moody's, Standard & Poor's (S & P) and Fitch. In Russia, among the first, the "Expert" weekly began to master this type of activity, there have created a special service. Later to him joined "National rating agency"," RosbusinessConsulting ", AK & M, Rus-Rating. However, russian ratings did not win confidence at the international level.

The world-famous American writer Mark Twain said: "There are three kinds of lies: a lie, baking lies and statistics." Rating is also a product of statistics. Therefore, when familiarizing with estimates, it is important to know, based on what information they were taken and what factors were taken into account. However, not always the agencies reveal their sources and honestly talk about the methods of calculation. And it allows you to doubt the accuracy of the rating. Besides, in lately The position of the country is influenced by the policy. Sometimes amazing results are obtained, even if desired, it is difficult to believe. In some cases, an objective assessment is impossible, because there is no complete information pattern. So to ratings, especially complex, multicomponent, we must relate to the fraction of skepticism.

Video: Israelis disagree with the place of their country in the ranking of the American magazine

Current ratings of countries

Global ratings are often drawn up on the initiative of international organizations. From the company or agency that perform the order depends on where there is one or another country. In one-component ratings, the discrepancies are rare. Although there are there. For example, in the international ranking of the territory of the territory of the territory, the accession of the Crimea to Russia is not taken into account. Especially many inconsisions in ratings based on several criteria. Unified assessment methodology does not exist. The most vivid examples are determining the standard of living or the index of happiness.

Recently, ratings that evaluate non-economic, and social and even emotional indicators have become popular

In terms of life

This rating is based on a number of economic and social indicators. The main of them is the development of the economy, education, health care, citizens' incomes and prices for goods and services, safety, freedoms. Often compilers consider synonyms such as standard of living, well-being and prosperity. The high position in the ranking does not mean that the country is equally well living well without exception. And Low - does not always show that the country is unsuitable for life.

New Zealand is recognized as the most prosperous country of 2017, according to the Rating of the LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX Agency

LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX agency has compiled a rating of welfare of countries in 2016-2017. The prosperity index is calculated by 9 criteria:

  • state of the economy;
  • conditions for business;
  • public administration;
  • quality and availability of education;
  • development of medicine;
  • criminal atmosphere;
  • freedom of personality;
  • social potential;
  • ecological situation.

In the ranking of Legatum Prosperity Index 149 countries. Twenty leaders in terms of living level does not change significantly for several years. They only pass with a position to the position. In the last rating, New Zealand received the highest prosperity index. Improved its rating by 5 points of the UK. The United States and Denmark lost 6 lines. And Finland has strengthened its position as much.

The prosperity index is not only an economy and public administration, but also freedom of personality.

The Top 20 prosperous countries includes New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland, Iceland, Austria, Belgium, USA, France, Singapore, Slovenia. To the best twenty, Spain and Japan almost blocked.

Most countries of the former social value are in the middle of the list and closer to the end. Russia and Ukraine, compared with the previous year, dropped by 37 points, they occupy 95 and 107 rating positions.

Russia in the LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX Agency ranking is lower than Cambodia and Honduras

Outsiders Prosperity Scale - Asian and African countries with an unstable political and economic situation: Pakistan, Burundi, Angola, Mauritania, Iraq, Chad, Congo, Sudan, Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Yemen.

The implementation of a person or its potential is one of the criteria in assessing the level of prosperity of the country

Henley & Partners offers to evaluate the countries in the quality index of the state or citizenship (QNI). It is excreted from the internal (stability and development of the economy, social Security, education, business conditions, the presence of military conflicts) and external indicators (attitude to migrants, visa-free entry for citizens to other countries). In the last rating, 159 countries received an estimate. Best State 2017, according to Henley & Partners, - Germany. France, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain also received the highest scores. The United States does not even enter into a twenty of advanced citizenship, and occupy the 28th line. Russia is located on the 63rd position, descending by 3 points, compared with the previous rating.

The list of the same countries is closed that they have become outsiders in the prosperity rating from the LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX agency, plus the Syrian Republic and Ethiopia.

In terms of GDP

The level of gross domestic product (GDP) or GROSS Domestic Product (GDP) is a more "solid" indicator, if compared with the prosperity index.

GDP is an essential economic criterion, it is equal to the ultimate value of everything that is produced in the country during the year. Authoritative data source about GDP level - The World Bank World Development Indicators, which receives information from national statistical authorities. The GDP indicator is made to count on American dollars on official currency courses.

GDP level is one of the main indicators in the global economy.

2017 leader in gDP level Steel USA, their indicator - $ 19,284.99 billion. In second place, China (12,63.43 billion), on the third - Japan (4,513.75 billion). Germany, United Kingdom, France, India, Italy, Brazil, Canada entered the top ten. Russia with a significant increase in 134 billion rose to the 12th place, overtaking Australia.

GDP per capita

The GDP level is compared without taking into account the number of population. But there is a ranking of countries in which both indicators take into account. Dividing the received GDP on all residents of the country, calculate the well-being of citizens. This means that the state can more invest in social programs, improvement, ecology. However, it should not be thought that the standard of living of a particular person depends on the size of the gross product.

Luxembourg - the most wealthy country of the world

In 2017, the palm of the championship in the level of GDP per capita holds Luxembourg. This tiny country earned 108 thousand dollars per resident. Not much behind the leader Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Macau. In a dozen richest states - Qatar, USA, Ireland, Denmark, Australia.

Russia takes on this indicator only 67th place, passing the Grenada, Romania, Turkey and Lebanon forward.

In the laggards predominantly African states.

Outsiders Roting GDP per capita - countries of Africa


Inflation rating is compiled annually according to the International Monetary Fund and national statistical services. The top lines in it are occupied by countries where prices have grown most. In 2017, the leader of the inflation race is Venezuela. There is an unrestrained and fantastic increase in prices, they added more than 2,000 percent over the year.

In Venezuela, inflation has so devalued money that they began to weigh them

The first five also Yemen, Argentina, Angola, Nigeria. But in these countries, inflation holds at 12-20%. Slightly behind them the Republic of Belarus, its indicator is 11%.

Russia in 2017 managed to temper the price policy. According to official information, inflation was only 6%. And in the world ranking of the country in 39th place.

Close a list of prosperous and economically stable states - Spain and Switzerland. Zero inflation was shown Brunei and Ecuador, and life in Senegal, if you believe this data, even cheaper.

Unemployment rate

The international organization of labor gives the definition of the concept of "unemployed". They are considered a man who does not work on this momentBut maybe I would like to work. The level of this indicator is calculated as a percentage of the ratio of the amount of able-bodied population and those who are looking for work. Head the list of countries with the highest number of unemployed. For example, in the Republic of South Africa, the 2017 rating leader, 28 people from 100 cannot find a job. In Venezuela, they want, but 26 people from every hundreds can not be employed.

High unemployment is observed even in relatively prosperous countries

Russia with an indicator 5.5 occupies a position in the mid-ranking. The same level of unemployment in Panama, Dominican Republic and Fiji. And in the blessing Spain, every tenth able-bodied person can not find a job.

Minimum unemployment rate in Thailand and Belarus

By area of \u200b\u200bterritory

Rating that reflects the area of \u200b\u200bcountries last years Almost never changed. There was a lot of change in the late century. After the parade of sovereignty, the collapse of the socialist republics, the political map of the world has become different. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union did not affect the championship of the Russian Federation in the ranking of the territory of the territory. Previously, it was 1 / 6th of the sushi, now a quarter. But Russia remains the most big country Earth, significantly surpasses the closest neighbors by rating - China, USA, Canada and Brazil. At the opposite end of the list - Monaco.

By the number of people

Another rating, distinguished by constancy, compares countries by the number of population. According to this indicator, no one can overtake China and India. Despite the restraining demographic policy, in these countries, several million people are added to a billion every year. By the way, the third multi-depleted power is the United States. But only 325 million live there. Russia is only ninth in this ranking, and on 10th place - Mexico.

The most populous country is China

Complete a list of tiny, small, but famous countries - Monaco, Liechtenstein and San Marino - with their 30-40-thousand people. And at the very end of exotic and few people who are familiar to Palau, Nauru, Tuvalu, where 10-20 thousand people live.

By population density

The population density is displayed on the basis of two indicators. This is the number of residents of the country, divided into the state area. After performing a simple arithmetic action, you can find out how many people live on one square kilometer. Of course, this figure will be conditional. In different regions of the same country, the population density is different several times. For example, compare the European part of Russia and the Far East.

The smaller the territory of the country, the more people account for 1 square kilometer

The most populous countries of the world are Macau and Monaco, 20 thousand people live on every square kilometer. And in Mongolia, which is located on the bottom line of the rating, a kilometer shall share 2 persons. Russia can be attributed to incomplete countries, its figure is 9 people per 100 hectares.

Countries where you like to drink

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a report on the consumption of alcohol in 2017. A special accent was made on a dozen countries whose population drinks the maximum amount of alcohol for the year. The leader of this group was changed. A year earlier, the list began Belarus, and now Lithuania whose residents drink 16 liters of alcohol for the year. And perhaps the entire population is over 15 years old. Belarus, where they consume 15 liters of alcohol, moved to second place. The third became Latvia, the inhabitants of which grabs 13 liters of alcohol per year.

In 2016, Russia ranked 4 amende in the ranking of the most drinkers of the world

the Russian Federation, contrary to our existing opinion, is not the most "consumed" country. She and Poland were only in the fourth place. Russians slightly reduced the "drinking" rating, and the Poles rose. And those and others drink on average 12 liters of alcohol during the year.

United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Australia entered the top ten alcohol lovers. In this club and South Korea, she became the most drinking Asian country.

Residents of South Korea do not refuse themselves in alcohol

And the least popular spirits in countries where the population professes Islam. The biggest sinkers are residents of Pakistan and Kuwait. They drink about 100 ml of alcohol for a year, it is about a bottle of fastening wine.

In terms of corruption

Assess the level of corruption in different countries is not easy. Official data on this indicator are absent. Therefore, analysts build a rating based on the opinions of businessmen, independent specialists and ordinary people.

Corruption level Statistical services are not measured

100% of the absence of corruption is not anywhere. At the beginning of the list of the country where the corrupt officials are small, at the end are the most "bribe" states. New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland are cleaner from this attack. Russian Federation at 132th place out of 175, nearest neighbors - Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Most of the most corrupt officials in North Korea, South Sudan and Somalia. There, judging by the rating, steps do not step without a bribe.

Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine are recognized as one of the most corruption countries.

Rating of happiness

Since 2012, on the UN initiative, a study is carried out by the achievements aimed at creating conditions for universal happiness. The country's position in the international rating of happiness is determined by a number of statistical criteria: the size of the gross product in terms of per capita, lifespan, respect for rights and freedoms, stability and confidence in the future, the size of unemployment and corruption. In addition, these polls are taken into account to identify the degree of confidence and generosity of citizens. Respondents also offer to evaluate their feeling of happiness on a certain gradation.

Sociologists and statistics learned to measure the level of happiness

The rating of happiness for 2017 includes 155 countries. The most happy people of the planet recognized Norwegians. Denmark, the leader of last year, took 2nd place. Following Iceland, Switzerland, Finland. Residents of the Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden also entered the Top-10 lucky ones. But citizens of many large and economically wealthy states rejoice in life are not so active.

The happiness of each person does not depend on the ratings

The United States took only the 14th place, Germany - 16th. The British were at the index of happiness 19th, Brazilians - 22, the cheerful French only on the 31st line. Emotional Italians have become 48. For them Russians, then Belize and Japan. China in the middle of the rankings - at 79 positions.

Video: The happiest country - Norway

Life expectancy

The Life Expected Life Expectancy (Life Expected Index) is one of the main criteria of world statistics. It shows the socio-demographic situation in the states and the world. It is not easy age in which people die on average. Scientists consider the index as the number of years that a certain generation person conventionally lives if the mortality rate remains unchanged.

The average life expectancy in Russia approached global indicators

This indicator characterizes not only demography, but also many other aspects affecting the life expectancy: the development of the economy, the health level, the degree of education and the sanitary culture of the population. The prospects for the development of society depend on the growth or reduction of the index of the expected life expectancy of life.

The Life Expected Index calculated by the UN technique is derived from national statistical departments. The rating is published annually, but the report uses information for previous years. Now relevant rating, compiled according to data for 2016. Leaders in this indicator - Hong Kong (index of expected lifespan - 84), Japan (83.5), Italy (83.1), Singapore (83.0), Switzerland (83.0). In the top ten countries of long-livers are Iceland and Spain, there is index 82.6, Australia and Israel (82.4), France - 82.2.

Japanese - recognized long-livers, they are even a pension with physical education

Lower positions in the list are occupied by African countries. There, the life expectancy is ranging from 55 to 49 years.

Russia recently consistently improves its position in the ranking. Now it is located at 116th place with an index of 70.1.

Middle Life Extension - 71 Year

But in the average life expectancy rating, which introduced the World Health Organization (WHO), the Russians rose even higher, at 110 position, approaching the global performance. And a group of ten leader countries, according to WHO, looks somewhat different. Japan occupies the first place. And instead of Hong Kong and Singapore - Germany and Sweden. But the company of Outsiders looks almost the same.

In terms of road quality

The report prepared for the World Economic Forum is given a rating of countries asking the quality of highways in 2017. The list includes 138 states. Open His Roads of the United Arab Emirates, the second place went to the highways of Singapore, the third - Hong Kong. The top ten autobahn of the Netherlands, Japan, France, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Denmark. The United States and Germany did not reach the position of the leaders, they are at 13 and 16 positions, respectively.

Japanese highways - one of the best in the world

Former Soviet republics - Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Armenia, Latvia - Camering rating, they entered the first hundred. Kazakhstan is already abroad. Yes, and Russian off-road, according to experts, it turns out not the worst, but close to it. Russian broken paths, according to experts, worthy of 123 places out of 138.

Even more holes and bumps are killed by motorists in Moldova and Ukraine, they occupied 132 and 133 places. And very bad roads at Madagascar, just a little better in the Congo. These countries are located on the final lines of the road rating.

On the island of Madagascar Road the worst in the world

According to the gold and foreign exchange reserves

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published fresh information about international reserves. This rating reflects the magnitude of state assets in securities, currency and gold (ingots and coins). The size of the foreign exchange reserve is customary to determine in American dollars.

The largest gold and foreign exchange reserves are focused in China

According to May 2017, the Chinese People's Republic of China has the largest reserve in the world, its capital appreciated 3,344, 7 billion dollars. Japan - 1318.3 billion Switzerland accumulated 765.0 billion, Saudi Arabia - 514. Taiwan closes the top five richest countriesHis reserve is 433.0 billion. Russia with a capital of 405.1 ranks 7 position in the ranking, between Hong Kong and South Korea. Closes the top ten of the richest countries in India.

US only at 21 positions. The gold and foreign exchange reserves of the European Union countries are often assessed in aggregate. In the piggy bank of the United Europe 745.9 billion dollars. And the most wealthy country is Germany.

Human Development Index

Human Development Index is a multicomponent indicator that is developed by the UN specialists in 1990. According to the researchers, it most fully shows the quality of life in different countries and the dynamics of their development. The index takes into account the well-being of society, respect for human rights and social justice. The calculation is carried out by three directions:

  • health and life expectancy;
  • availability of education;
  • gross national income and purchasing power.

The basis is taken by official data provided by state departments. To clarify the human potential index, new criteria are introduced. For example, gender inequality indices and multidimensional poverty.

Human Development Index countries are ranked, and then divided into 4 groups of the value of the indicator. The last rating was drawn up in 2016, it includes 190 states and territories.

In a group with a maximum index human Development 49 countries. Opens the rating of Norway, the leaders in the top five are also Australia, Switzerland, Denmark and the Netherlands. USA on 8th place. In the same group, almost all members of the European Union, including the Baltic Troika immigrants from the USSR.

Norway is not only the most happy country, she also received the highest score on the development of human potential

The second group is a country with a high level of human potential. Russia and Belarus are occupied by the first position. Here are some former Soviet republics, China, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey.

In the third group of the state with an average index. At the beginning of the list of Botswana, Moldova, Egypt, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. In the same company, India, Honduras, Vietnam, Cambodia and Syria.

Pakistan got a lower score in the rating of human development, since his government is almost nothing, so that the life of children in the country has become successful

In a group with a low human potential index, predominantly African countries, as well as Pakistan, Nepal and Afghanistan.

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Russia has risen from 27 to the 26th place in the ranking 80 of the best countries of the world, gaining the maximum number of points (ten out of ten) in terms of indicators as "military power", "political influence" and "leader" and a total minimum (zero points) - In the category "Openness for Business".

The list of the best countries in the world of 2018 is published on the website of the American U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT. It was drawn up with cooperation with the Consulting Company BAV Consulting and the Warton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania on the basis of sociological surveys in which countries were evaluated for a number of qualities, including their tourist attractiveness and beauty of nature, political and military influence, education and lives of the population, Development of civil society and freedom for doing business.

In total, 80 countries came to the list. The best country in the world in general ranking is recognized as last year, Switzerland. Troika also entered Canada and Germany. The Top-10 also hit the United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden, Australia, USA, France and the Netherlands.

Partners of Russia for BRICS - China and India in the overall ranking turned out to be ahead, taking 20 and 25th place, respectively. At the same time, Brazil is located on four lines lower than Russia (29th place, and South Africa - at 13 (39th place).

Russia was ahead of the country's former socialist camp, such as Poland (32 place) and the Czech Republic (33 place) in the ranking. From countries former USSR Latvia (59th place), Azerbaijan (64th), Ukraine (69th), Kazakhstan (70s) and Belarus (72nd) have fallen into the rating.

Strong and weaknesses of Russia

In the 2018 rating, Russia turned out to be at a number of indicators on leading positions. First of all, this is the indicator as power and influence in the world. Russia turned out to be in ranking in second place (USA - on the first, China - on the third). Maximum amount Points (10 out of 10) Russia received in this category for such criteria as "military power", "political influence" and "leader". 9.2 points of Russia awarded for its economic impact and the fortress of its international alliances.

The authors of the rating noted that the United States, Russia and China are perceived as the most powerful countries of the world, while "the gap between the United States and Russia is reduced." All these countries are leading in terms of military costs (the ranking provides the World Bank data that the United States spends 3.3% of GDP to military needs, China is 1.9% of GDP, and Russia is 5.4% of GDP). "Russia is also one of the world's largest weapons exporters, lagging behind the United States," the list compilers mark.

According to such an indicator, as "movement", which takes into account the pace on the characteristics of development, Russia "with one of the largest economies in the world" was 8 lines. The leaders in this indicator were the United Arab Emirates, India and Singapore.

According to the criterion, "Historical Heritage" Russia is located on the 16th place (leaders in this indicator Italy, Spain, Greece, France and Greece). Especially marked the historical wealth of the country and its cultural attractions - 9.7 and 8.5 balls out of 10 (while Russian cuisine was given only 1 point).

In terms of "cultural influence", Russia occupied in the ranking of the 23rd place (Italy, France and the USA entered the first triple). And in terms of "Entrepreneurship" - 24th place (leaders here Germany, Japan and the USA).

In the remaining positions of the rating, Russia occupied places far from the center. The quality of life occupied 38th place, in terms of the development of civil society - 39th. According to attractiveness for tourists - the 56th. The worst among all 80 countries of Russia is recognized by openness for business (the first three: Luxembourg, Switzerland, Panama).

How was the rating of the best countries of the world

Citizens interviewed indicated which of the 65 qualities most suitable for a particular country. The amount of these estimates was grouped into nine categories in terms of entrepreneurship, tourism, citizenship, cultural influence, historical heritage, pace and characteristics of development, openness for business, strength and influence on the world stage and standard of living.

The results of the surveys were correlated from a number of IMF statistical indicators, including with a purchasing power parity.

Partly for this reason the organization economic cooperation and development (OECD / Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, OECD) tracks the receipt of academic degrees in the 40 most developed countries of the world.

OECD published its report "Industry, Science and Technology in 2015" (Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2015). It presents the rating of countries based on the percentage of the number of people who received a degree in natural sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics (Stem disciplines) per capita. So this is a fair comparison between countries with different population. For example, Spain ranked 11th with 24% of academic degrees in the field of natural sciences or engineering.

Photo: Marselo del Podo / Reuters. Students surrender an entrance exam in the university lecture hall in the capital of Andalusia Seville, in southern Spain, September 15, 2009.

10. In Portugal, 25% of graduates receive a degree in SEC science. In this country, the highest percentage of doctors of sciences among all 40 countries surveyed - 72%.

Photo: Jose Manuel Ribeiro / Reuters. Students listen to the teacher in the class of aeronautics at the Employment Institute and vocational training In the city of Setubal, Portugal.

9. Austria (25%) ranks second in the number of candidates of sciences among the working-age population: 6.7 women and 9.1 men doctors of sciences per 1000 people.

Photo: Heinz-Peter Bader / Reuters. The student Michael Leihtfried from the Virtual Reality team in the Vienna University of Technology puts a quadrocopter to the card with the notation.

8. In Mexico, the figure rose from 24% in 2002 to 25% in 2012, despite the abolition of state tax benefits for investment in research and development.

Photo: Andrew Winning / Reuters. Medicine students are practiced in resuscitation actions during the school at the School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University in Mexico City.

7. In Estonia (26%) one of the highest percent of women with a scientific degree in SECEM, 41% in 2012.

Photo: Reuters / Incs Kulnins. Teacher of Christi RAS helps first-class students during a computer lesson at Tallinn School.

6. Greece spent only 0.08% of its GDP on research in 2013. This is one of the lowest indicators among developed countries. Here, the number of graduates with a scientific degree in the field of Sciences STEM decreased from 28% in 2002 to 26% in 2012.

Photo: Reuters / Jannis Berachis. Amateur astronomers and students use a telescope to observe a partial solar eclipse in Athens.

5. In France (27%), most researchers are employed in industry, and not in government organizations or universities.

Photo: Reuters / Regis Duvignau. A member of the Rhoban project team checks the functions of a humanoid robot at the labri seminar in a talence in the south-west of France.

4. Finland (28%) The most publishes research in the field of medicine.

Photo: Reuters / Bob Strong. Students in nuclear engineering at Aalto University in Helsinki.

3. Sweden (28%) is slightly lagging behind Norway on the use of computers at work. Three quarters of workers use computers in their workplaces.

Photo: Gunnar Grimnes / Flickr. Campus of the Stockholm University in Sweden.

2. Germany (31%) ranks third at the average annual number of graduates with Diplomas in the field of SEC, about 10,000 people. It is inferior only to the United States and China.

Photo: Reuters / Hannibal Gachake. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) and the Minister of Education Annette Schawan (behind the second left) is observed for the work of laboratory directions during a visit to the Molecular Medicine Center named after Max Delbruck in Berlin.

1. South Korea became among the countries with the greatest reduction in the number of recipients of scientific degrees from 39% in 2002 to 32% in 2012. But this country has retained a leading position and heads the rating of the smartest OECD countries.

Photo: Reuters / Lee Zhe Won. A student in Seoul at the White Hacker Competition, organized jointly by the Korean Military Academy and the Ministry of Defense and the National Intelligence Service.

As a whole, the rating of countries developed in the field of science looks like:


The situation in the global community varies almost every minute: new players appear, older disappear. With regard to this, the standard of living in the countries of the world can be periodically corrected, according to 2018 rating, followed by not only leading agencies and information processing centers, but also ordinary citizens. It will be described in more detail below.


The list of states with a high level of development determine various indicators, including:

  • life expectancy;
  • accommodations;
  • power supply;
  • education, culture;
  • providing jobs;
  • social security;
  • rights and freedoms;
  • transportation;
  • ability to purchase goods.


Leadership among the best was rightfully given by Switzerland. It periodically attracts the attention of sociological centers and independent agencies, giving a general assessment to the conditions for human residence. The country has a high level of citizens' security, life expectancy is 83 years.


A permanent participant of pan-European and world rankings, this challenger attracts immigrants to live, learn or work with maximum convenience. The indigenous Dutch is considered the most risen in the world, several religious denominations are peacefully around in the kingdom. Infrastructure is well developed, special attention is paid to relations between employers and hired performers, as well as social payments, the conditions of residence of citizens.


The French Republic occupies a steady position in 10 best countries World. Having survived the rapid times of revolutions and the branch of the colonies, France demonstrates all signs of sustainable economic Developmentand still rather loyally refers to foreigners. In French vocabulary, there is no term "National Minority", all citizens of the republic are equal in their rights, regardless of the color of the skin and origin.


Modern Austria was famous not only by the Vienna Coffee and Strauss Wals: Along with other leaders, it enters the list of richest powers, is a permanent member of the UN and the EU. Foreign policy is based on neutrality (enshrined by law). The share in the contribution to the EU economy is 2.5%.

Austrians manage to reasonably combine the developed industry with the agrarian industry, another article of revenues to the budget is tourism. Most pre-school institutions operate free of charge.


More than 10 million people live in Sweden, she ranked 5th among other European powers around the territory. Swedes support the Schengen Agreement, more than 50 well-known companies are successfully operating in the country - ABB, Atlas Copco, Oriflame, Saab, Scania, Volvo, Ericsson, Tele2, AB Electrolux. This means favorable conditions for doing business.

There are high taxes in the country, they form up to 0.6 all gross domestic products. Men live, on average, up to 78.6, women - up to 83.3 years. Additional education from the budget comes up to 5% of GDP, it is mandatory for all children.


Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in European countries, it is impossible to miss Germany. According to experts, Germany is actually the EU locomotive, "pulling" on itself most of the economy of the Union. Taking 62 points in Square, Germany refers to 2 in the number of population state in Europe.

In the rating of exporters and importers of goods, it has an honorable 3 place. According to the degree of development of social support, the level of life, Germany entered 5 world leaders (2017 data). A free higher education is supported in Germany, it is very popular among those who want to leave abroad.

The whole world

In the list of world countries with best levels And the living conditions are present USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, United Kingdom.


Union of 2 official languages \u200b\u200band many cultures, the second in the world in the area, Canada refers to steadily developing States. It is one of the initiators of the selection of the North Atlantic Union, participates in almost all UN missions. He has developed armed forces, is included in a greater seven and the organization of economic cooperation and development.

Combines the agrarian industry and heavy engineering, metallurgy, creates favorable conditions for visitors - "new Canadians", allowing them to quickly assimilate in an unusual environment.


The states are very close in spirit to their neighbor - Canada, have many common cultural and economic ties with it. America is very favorably applied to immigrants, offering them opportunities for doing business, study and recreation. USA influence global economy And most political events remain a major player on the world map. Their power is based on a developed infrastructure, an extensive network of automotive and railways, as well as a large number of airfields.

Important. The average life expectancy of Americans is at the level of 79.8 years, the most serious problem for health authorities is obesity and diseases associated with it.

Great Britain

Once superpowers, the United Kingdom can become the second homeland for most people who wish to leave Russia. Despite some problems in relations between Catholics and Protestants, complemented by the growing desire of the British to leave the EU, the United Kingdom holds the position of a stable, economically independent, secured country.

The United Kingdom is constantly entering the UN Security Council, G7, G20, NATO, OSCE, has a combat-ready and developed army involved in joint peacekeeping operations. Rich cultural heritage Attracts tourists, travelers. Several alarming growth of unemployment and poverty.


Green Continent has long ceased to be a place to link the convicts: the country is extremely attractive for immigrants, there is very clean air in it and favorable conditions for life. 6th place in the world in terms of GDP, 13 - according to the degree of development of the economy - eloquently indicate its success.

The main priorities of the Australian Union are healthcare, education, freedom, including economic, concern for respecting human rights.


The island Asian state amazes imagination by the development of technologies, automation and support of entrepreneurship. Japan on equal rights is included in the world community, G8, Economic Unions of Asian countries. The government will invest in the humanitarian scope and protection of ecology from human influence.

The country of the rising sun organically combines ancient cultural traditions, super-modern robots and efficient infrastructure.

Important. Among foreign languages \u200b\u200bto which the Japanese interest is exposed to, except English, it is allocated Russian: every year several thousand students are produced, freely speaking in Russian.

Compare Table with Russia

In conclusion, a comparison of the indicators of the Russian Federation with other powers.


Russia (26th place) on the quality of life in the generalized list is a little inferior to India (25th place). Such a low rating is associated with contradictory assessments of Western respondents in the level of power and influence of the Russian Federation. The presence of a developed economy, centuries-old culture, large volumes of supply of weapons (2 position after America) are noted. It is stated by the growing role of Russia in the world community, its participation in the summits and international organizations.

The most advanced economy in the world in the United States. Following China, Japan and Germany.

Rating Economy GDP ($ million)
The whole world 85,804,390.60
1 United States 20,494,100.00
2 China 13,608,151.86
3 Japan 4,970,915.56
4 Germany 3,996,759.29
5 United Kingdom 2,825,207.95
6 France 2,777,535.24
7 India 2,726,322.62
8 Italy 2,073,901.99
9 Brazil 1,868,626.09
10 Canada 1,712,510.03
11 Russia 1,657,553.77
12 South Korea 1,619,423.70
13 Australia 1,432,195.18
14 Spain 1,426,189.14
15 Mexico 1,223,808.89
16 Indonesia 1,042,173.30
17 Netherlands 913,658.47
18 Saudi Arabia. 782,483.47
19 Turkey 766,509.09
20 Switzerland 705,501.30
21 Poland 585,782.87
22 Sweden 551,031.68
23 Belgium 531,766.94
24 Argentina 518,475.13
25 Thailand 504,992.76
26 Venezuela 482,359.32
27 Austria 455,736.58
28 Iran 454,012.77
29 Norway 434,750.94
30 United Arab Emirates 414,178.90
31 Nigeria 397,269.62
32 Ireland 382,487.49
33 Israel 369,690.44
34 South Africa 368,288.20
35 Singapore 364,156.66
36 Hong Kong 362,992.54
37 Malaysia 354,348.42
38 Denmark 352,058.41
39 Philippines 330,910.34
40 Colombia 330,227.87
41 Pakistan 312,570.06
42 Chile 298,231.14
43 Bangladesh 274,024.96
44 Finland 273,960.97
45 Egypt 250,895.47
46 Czech Republic 245,225.88
47 Vietnam 244,948.45
48 Romania 239,552.52
49 Portugal 237,978.94
50 Iraq 225,914.18
51 Peru 222,237.57
52 Greece 218,031.84
53 New Zealand 205,024.94
54 Qatar 192,009.34
55 Algeria 180,689.12
56 Kazakhstan 170,538.87
57 Hungary 155,703.07
58 Kuwait 141,677.81
59 Ukraine 130,832.37
60 Morocco 118,495.33
61 Ecuador 108,398.06
62 Slovakia 106,472.19
63 Angola. 105,750.99
64 Puerto Rico 101,130.90
65 Cuba 96,851.00
66 Sri Lanka 88,900.77
67 Kenya 87,908.26
68 Ethiopia 84,355.46
69 Dominican Republic 81,298.59
70 Oman 79,294.93
71 Guatemala 78,460.45
72 Myanmar 71,214.80
73 Luxembourg 69,487.92
74 Ghana 65,556.46
75 Bulgaria 65,132.95
76 Panama 65,055.10
77 Croatia 60,805.66
78 Costa Rica 60,126.01
79 Belarus 59,662.50
80 Uruguay 59,596.89
81 Tanzania 57,437.07
82 Lebanon 56,639.16
83 Macau 54,545.18
84 Slovenia 54,235.48
85 Lithuania 53,251.37
86 Serbia 50,508.37
87 Uzbekistan 50,499.92
88 Libya 48,319.62
89 Democratic Republic of Congo 47,227.54
90 Azerbaijan. 46,939.53
91 Côte d'Ivoire 43,007.05
92 Jordan 42,290.83
93 Sudan 40,851.54
94 Paraguay 40,842.34
95 Turkmenistan 40,761.14
96 Bolivia 40,287.65
97 Tunisia 39,860.72
98 Cameroon 38,502.06
99 Bahrain 37,746.20
100 Latvia 34,849.08
101 Zimbabwe 31,000.52
102 Estonia 30,284.89
103 Nepal 28,812.49
104 Uganda 27,476.95
105 Yemen 26,914.40
106 Zambia 26,720.07
107 Salvador 26,056.95
108 Iceland 25,882.22
109 Cambodia 24,571.75
110 Cyprus 24,469.84
111 Senegal 24,129.60
112 Honduras 23,803.23
113 Papua New Guinea 23,431.60
114 Trinidad and Tobago 23,410.35
115 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19,781.78
116 Afghanistan 19,362.97
117 Botswana 18,616.02
118 Laos 18,130.72
119 Mali. 17,196.69
120 Gabon 17,017.40
121 Georgia 16,209.82
122 Jamaica 15,717.86
123 Albania 15,058.88
124 Palestine 14,615.90
125 Malta 14,542.04
126 Namibia 14,521.71
127 Mozambique 14,457.96
128 Burkina Faso 14,441.76
129 Mauritius 14,220.35
130 Brunei 13,567.10
131 Equatorial Guinea 13,317.45
132 Nicaragua 13,117.86
133 Mongolia 13,009.57
134 Macedonia 12,672.13
135 Armenia 12,433.09
136 Bahamas 12,162.10
137 Madagascar 12,100.46
138 Moldova 11,309.08
139 Chad 11,302.54
140 Congo 11,263.68
141 Guinea 10,989.79
142 Benin 10,358.99
143 Haiti 9,658.08
144 Rwanda 9,509.00
145 Niger 9,239.51
146 Kyrgyzstan 8,092.84
147 Kosovo 7,900.27
148 Tajikistan 7,522.95
149 Malawi 7,064.97
150 Isle Of Man 6,592.63
151 Monaco 6,400.95
152 Liechtenstein 6,214.63
153 GUAM. 5,859.00
154 Fiji 5,479.50
155 Montenegro 5,452.17
156 Mauritania 5,365.87
157 Togo 5,300.21
158 Maldives 5,272.29
159 Somalia 4,721.00
160 Swaziland. 4,703.79
161 Barbados 4,673.50
162 Sierra Leone 3,999.95
163 American Virgin Islands 3,855.00
164 Guyana 3,610.44
165 Cayman Islands 3,570.58
166 Suriname 3,427.27
167 Liberia 3,249.00
168 Andorra 3,236.54
169 Curaçao 3,116.61
170 Burundi 3,078.03
171 South Sudan 3,070.89
172 Lesotho 2,791.76
173 Greenland 2,713.53
174 Aruba 2,700.56
175 Faroe islands 2,689.16
176 Eritrea 2,607.74
177 Timor-Leste 2,581.00
178 Butane 2,534.97
179 Central African Republic 2,379.72
180 Cape Verde 1,986.93
181 Djibouti 1,965.98
182 Belize 1,925.00
183 Saint Lucia 1,876.19
184 San Marino. 1,632.86
185 Gambia 1,624.46
186 Antigua and Barbuda 1,623.80
187 Northern Mariana Islands 1,593.00
188 Seychelles 1,590.18
189 Guinea-Bisau. 1,458.16
190 Solomon Islands 1,411.90
191 Grenada 1,207.45
192 Comoros 1,203.08
193 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,039.88
194 Turks and Kaikos. 1,022.31
195 Vanuatu 887.82
196 Samoa 861.49
197 Saint Vincent and Grenadines 813.09
198 Eastern Samoa 634.00
199 Dominica 503.65
200 Tonga 450.35
201 Sao Tome and Principe 422.30
202 Micronesia 344.50
203 Palau 310.11
204 Marshall Islands 211.52
205 Kiribati 188.28
206 Nauru 114.72
207 Tuvalu 42.59

Each separately taken country has its economic policy, in which it is essential to eat both strong and weak sides. If the state is rich in minerals, then the economy is most often being built on the export of resources, which weakens the production component.

10 largest global economies in 2018


The most stable economy in the world belongs to the United States, it holds its leading position for over 100 years. Comprehensively developed economic policy is based on the banking system, the largest stock Exchange, advanced technologies in the field of IT and agriculture, which is not devoid of innovative solutions and progress.

America due to the significant coverage of the fields of activity and advanced technologies in them has great influence in the world and uses it.

The dollar has been world currency for many years and is quoted in all countries. For 2019 amounted to 20,494 trillion dollars, which makes it possible to understand: why the US economy is the first, heading the rating.


The fastest growing economy, capable of securing America and shifted it from the leading place in the top of the world's largest economies. China is actively growing industry, agriculture and technology. The automotive market is larger than American and Japanese combined.

Chinese clothing and technique enters the markets of most countries, exports in all directions are very developed. China provides food products 1/5 of the world's population, while using only 9% of lands intended for agriculture.

Annually growth GDP It is 10%, which gives a reason to concern America. Presented in the top economy of the world in China, as the strongest and developed powers, the rest of Asia has weaker indicators.

Despite the crisis, which is experiencing Europe in recent years, still stable on the legs and provides an annual GDP growth, which at the moment amounted to 3,996 trillion dollars.

Great Britain

Economy Western Europe In the person of the participating countries presents a blurring picture, but the indisputable leader is, which entered the overall rating for all countries of the planet. The country is poor for natural resources, so its economic policy is based on the sphere of services, industry and tourism.

Regarding industry, leaders are the following spheres: aviation and pharmaceuticals, as well as automotive industry and textile industry. The United Kingdom attracts investment influencing business representatives of other countries with their liberal banking policies, which allows you to implement "laundering" of money.

But in 2018, the country comes out of the composition, and experts find it difficult to assume: what damage to the state economy will bring and how its position in the world will change.

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Economic situation Countries achieved thanks to industrial-agrarian policies. At the expense of agriculture, France provides the products of the EU country, ¼ part of all deliveries accounts for this state.

The best indicators of the country attendance were achieved in much thanks to the Eiffel Tower, its recognition and the atmosphere of romance associated with it.

But having a high country attendance, it does not swim on tourism. The fact is that cashThe remained by tourists in the Power have a smaller volume compared to America, this is due to the fact that tourists in France are not delayed, and seeing the main attraction, leaving for neighboring countries. France's GDP at the moment is 2.777 trillion US dollars.

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