
The peoples of the Russian Federation were divided into dying, dying, moderately growing, rapidly growing. Where are the Russians guess. The largest nations in the world: who is more? Fastest growing economies

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2017 will be marked by a swift and fiery Rooster. After the biggest crisis, people hope to see at least something positive in 2017. According to economic forecasts, many countries will be lucky to get out of the crisis, while a select few will achieve unprecedented economic prosperity. Here they are, the favorites of the year of the Rooster.

When GDP growth in 2017 will amount to USD 128.094 billion, and overall GDP growth will reach 10.568%. Iraq's economy is considered one of the most stable and fastest growing in the world.

As stated by Airuba Kierenia, Minister of Planning and Development: "We expect a significant increase in GDP of 27.5% from coal mines, while the development of the industrial sector will reach 3.6% per year." Coal exports will rise to 22% (US $ 2.3 billion) and overall GDP growth in 2017 will be US $ 12.9 billion (7.5%).

Being in the most disadvantaged African sector, Angola also expects to make a breakthrough this year. The GDP of this state will amount to 1.32 billion US dollars, and its percentage growth will be 10.49%. Since Angola is completely dependent on oil export revenues, the course to increase oil production in 2017 will boost economic growth by 12.8%.

Although more recently Ethiopia was on the list poorest countries Africa, in 2017 it is planned to make a significant leap forward. The projected GDP will reach 32.3 billion US dollars (8.02%).

This state has experienced rapid economic growth due to the rise in oil prices over the past five years. Gas and oil allow this country to have the highest per capita income. Its gas reserves are equal to 26 trillion m3, which is 14% of the world's gas reserves, and is the third largest in the world.

The economy of this country in 2017 plans to achieve a GDP of 0.807 billion US dollars or 8.63% per year, which will make it the fastest growing country in the Pacific region.

US $ 9.21 billion or 8.8% of annual GDP will allow this country to more than overtake all others in the Western Hemisphere.

India's GDP growth is expected to be within 7.82%, which will amount to 1.858 trillion US dollars.

The level of the economy of Sri Lanka in 2017 will rise by 8% and will be second only to the speed of development of China.

According to forecasts, China's GDP will reach 7.209 trillion US dollars or 9.52% per annum. Such an unprecedented success will undoubtedly give China a huge advantage in the Asian region.

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The rating of the strongest countries in the world is compiled according to the criterion of the volume of nominal GDP, it also takes into account the growing influence of the East on the economy of the planet. Russia in the top ten countries has strengthened in ninth position.

1. USA

Few facts

Gdp 15,094,025 US $

Capital Washington

Population 313 232 044 people

Year of foundation 1776

Territory 9,518,900 km2 (excluding dependent territories)

US economy has been holding the lead for the last 100 years. Its components are the largest in the world banking system and stock Exchange, multinational corporations, high-productivity agriculture and leadership in innovative and high-tech industries, in particular the computer and telecommunications (Apple, Microsoft).

In 1732, Great Britain decided to close hat factories all over America - and obliged the colonists to buy expensive headdresses made in English manufactures. They say that such a diktat became one of the reasons for the American Revolution and the subsequent economic boom in the country.

On the this moment The United States is home to 139 of the world's 500 largest companies, nearly double the number of any other country. About 60% of the planet's foreign exchange reserves are converted into US dollars and only 24% - in euros. The country has one of the most influential financial markets the world.

In the field of information technology, the United States is unmatched. Thus, in the Business Week ranking, 75 out of 100 IT companies represent the United States, and in the top twenty there are 17 “Americans”, including Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe and others.

According to statistics, during the U.S. American Football Championship, the average American spends working time 10 minutes a day. The damage is more than $ 800 million.

The first skyscraper in the world appeared in 1885 in Chicago. For 2011, only 4 of the 25 most tall buildings planets are located in the USA

In the United States, the children of wealthy parents do not live on their money, but try to build their own careers themselves, relying only on their education and the connections acquired during their studies.

2. China

Few facts

Gdp US $ 7,298,147

Capital Beijing

Population 1,347,374,752 people

Year of foundation 1949 (PRC)

Territory 9 596 960 km2

China in early XXI century- a space and nuclear power, which by 2020, according to the plan of the Chinese Communist Party, should catch up with the United States in terms of total GDP. Exports provide 80% of the state foreign exchange earnings of the PRC. The country is leading in the production of more than a hundred types of products, of which the most advanced are automotive and textile.

The Chinese economy is the fastest growing in the world; its consistent growth rate of about 10% over the past 30 years. The country is also the largest exporter and second largest importer of goods. China's GDP per capita is $ 7,544. According to the average experts' estimates, in 8-10 years the absolute figures of the PRC's GDP will catch up with and, perhaps, surpass those of the United States.

Provinces in China's coastal regions tend to be more industrialized than those in the peripheral regions. By the way, the territories of Hong Kong and Macau are de facto independent and have special status. You need a special permit to visit them.

The national currency is the yuan, which measures the value of Chinese " people's money»RMB (RMB). The yuan exchange rate is set by the state, moreover, it cannot be purchased abroad. 1 euro costs about 8 yuan, 1 yuan is a little more than 5 rubles. The Starbucks coffee chain in China is much better known and stronger in various respects than a restaurant. fast food McDonalds.

The population of China in 2012 was more than 1.3 billion people. According to average estimates, it will stop growing by 2030, when it reaches 1.465 billion

Every year, China hosts exhibitions of achievements in the field of high technologies, the most famous of which is the Canton Fair in Guangzhou (CECF, Canton Fair). It is one of the most important events in the world of production and trade.

3. Japan

Few facts

Gdp US $ 5,869,471

Capital Tokyo

Population 126.4 million people

Year of foundation 660 BC e.

Territory 377 944 km2

By GDP and volume industrial production Japan ranks third after the United States and China. Developed high tech- electronics and robotics, as well as transport engineering, including automobiles, shipbuilding, machine tools. The fishing fleet accounts for 15% of the world. Agriculture is subsidized by the state, but 55% of food is imported.

For three decades since 1960, Japan has experienced rapid economic growth as a result of the post-war “ economic miracle". On average, its rates were 10% in the 1960s, 5% in the 1970s and 4% in the 1980s.

Japan has a high degree of economic freedom: the government works closely with the manufacturer to stimulate its development. The main focus is on science and high technology. All this, as well as strict labor discipline, contribute to the recovery of the Japanese economy.

A distinctive feature of the country is "keiretsu" - associations of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors around powerful banks, as well as relatively weak international competition in domestic markets. In addition, there are many more social than production agreements: for example, a guarantee of life-long employment in large companies.

The country's three main banks - Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), Mizuho and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (SMFG) - are now overflowing with deposits.

Japan is the world's "capital of robots". In terms of the number of industrial robots used, it even surpasses the United States.

MUFG alone has 129 trillion yen ($ 1.6 trillion) in deposits and is the second largest bank in the world. The problem is that the MUFG does not yet know how to dispose of this money.

4. Germany

Few facts

Gdp US $ 3,577,031

Capital Berlin

Population 81 751 600 people

Year of foundation 1990

Territory 357,021 km2

German economy- the largest in Europe. The engine of foreign trade is industry, which accounts for a large share of GDP. Agriculture and energy are also developed: the country is confidently leading in the production of wind and solar generators, information and biotechnology. Germany is the second largest exporter in the world: one third of national production goes abroad.

Germany has a leading The European Union economy and is the main creditor for most European states, including crisis Greece. Most of the country's production is related to technology: cars and equipment. The chemical industry is also widely developed. The largest German companies operating in these industries have branches, research centers and production facilities all over the world.

Among them are the famous automobile concerns Volkswagen, BMW, Daimler, chemical ones - Bayer, BASF, Henkel Group, Siemens conglomerate, energy companies E.ON and RWE or the Bosch group. Cities such as Hannover, Frankfurt and Berlin host the largest annual international exhibitions and congresses.

Germany is a leading manufacturer of wind turbines and a major developer of solar energy technologies in the world.

At the end of the 19th century, Great Britain, in an attempt to protect its market from second-rate imports, obliged to label German goods with the inscription "Made in Germany".

Now Germany is experiencing a real "boom" in the automotive industry. It owes this to its key sales market - China.

However, after a couple of decades, the quality of goods from Germany has improved so much that this marking has become a sign of the highest standard.

5. France

Few facts

Gdp US $ 2,776,324

Capital Paris

Population 65 447 374 people

Year of foundation 843 (Treaty of Verdun)

Territory 674 685 km2

France by total economy occupies leading positions in the EU and is consistently among the top ten in the world. Leader in mechanical engineering, chemical and aerospace industries. In terms of agricultural production, it is ahead of Germany, and in terms of the export of agricultural products, it is ahead of the United States. The share of wines in exports is traditionally high. A major center for tourism: more than 75 million travelers visit France every year.

The French economy is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest in Europe (after its main partner, Germany). The country entered the 2008-2009 recession later than anyone else and was able to exit earlier than most of its comparable countries. From January to March 2011, France's GDP growth was faster than expected at 1%. One of the best rates in Europe!

France is a nuclear power and one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, and it is also the most visited country in the world. Paris can be called the tourist capital of the planet, and the Eiffel Tower is the most popular attraction on Earth. These facts automatically make France the champion of world tourism, which makes up a large share of the revenue side of the state budget. By the way, the tip here is already included in your bill and amounts to 15% of the order amount.

It is the most famous wine producing country in the world. Wine was produced here even during the invasion of the Romans under the leadership of Julius Caesar. According to statistics, 72% of the French have a hard time understanding the numerous wine brands.

Champagne was first produced in France in the 17th century. The drink was immediately nicknamed "devilish" - it blew up the barrels in which it was stored

The legendary Bordeaux alone has more than 9000 varieties! The world's best liqueurs are also produced in France.

6. Brazil

Few facts

Gdp US $ 2,476,908

Capital Brasilia

Population 189 987 291 people

Year of foundation 1822

Territory 8 514 877 km2

Brazil has the largest economic potential among Latin American countries and manufactures a variety of products, from petroleum products, steel and consumer goods to computers, cars and aircraft. One of the main Brazilian exports is coffee. The country is also a leader in the production of sugar cane, from which ethanol is produced.

Brazil runs one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with its GDP growing at an average of more than 5% per year. The country still retains a high level of social inequality, inherited by the state since the long colonization of Portugal. However, in last years it went down.

The 1970s marked the beginning of the Brazilian "economic miracle". It was at this time that a successful national program was initiated to replace gasoline with more environmentally friendly and cheaper ethanol. Within its framework, the government also obliged the largest automobile concerns to assemble only those models that can run on ethanol.

Now more than a third of GDP is provided by agriculture. The most important fact: Brazilians own 46% of the world market for Arabica - the best coffee. At the same time, this state is the most controversial in Latin America in terms of investments. Everything large companies are usually highly monopolized and governed by closed groups with state participation. The country has a number of customs bans on imports, which makes it difficult to buy household appliances.

You can get to Mount Corcovado, where the statue of Christ the Savior stands, by rail - a train with two carriages rushes up the jungle-entangled slopes

According to Forbes (2011), Brazil has the eighth largest number of billionaires in the world.


Few facts

Gdp US $ 2,417,570

Capital London

Population e 62 698 362 people.

Year of foundation 1801

Territory 243 809 km2

Main export items- mechanical engineering, industrial goods and chemicals. The industrial corporation British Petroleum, which ranks 2nd in Europe in the ranking of the largest, saves on imports of petroleum products and brings substantial profits. The UK is also the world's second largest exporter of white clay, from which porcelain is made.

Many historians are inclined to believe that if Russia had passed the Great October Revolution, the country would have developed along the path of Great Britain. Britain today is one of the most globalized countries in the world. London, along with New York, is the world's largest financial center and has the largest GDP of any European city.

The pharmaceutical industry and oil production play an important role in the British economy - the country has about 250 billion pounds of oil and gas reserves in the North Sea. Britain carries out 10% of the world's exports of services - banking, insurance, brokerage, advisory, as well as in the field of computer programming. The country is currently ranked 4th in the world (and 1st in Europe) in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index.

The United Kingdom's National Health Service is the third largest employer in the world after the Chinese Red Army and railroad India.

According to the tradition established at the beginning of the twentieth century, the monarch's birthday is celebrated in Great Britain on one Saturday in June - regardless of the actual date.

Despite the deep integration (including economic) of all the countries of the Kingdom, you will be refused if you want to pay in Scottish pounds in stores in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Most Britons don't even know what this money looks like!


Few facts

Gdp US $ 2,198,730

Capital Rome

Population 56 995 744 people

Year of foundation 1946

Territory 301 340, with islands 309 547 km2

Italy is a global supplier household appliances, one of the leaders in the automotive industry and industrial equipment. Exporter of food products: cheese, pasta, wine, olive oil, fruit and canned vegetables as well as ready-made clothes and leather shoes. At the same time, Italy has few natural resources and imports most of the raw materials and more than 80% of the energy.

After World War II, Italy has come a long way of significant economic transformation: starting with a total lag, it has achieved a developed industrial economy... Per capita income was three times less than in the same period in the United States. Almost half of the country (42.2%) was employed in agriculture... At the moment, according to the IMF and the World Bank, Italy's economy is the eighth in the world and the fourth in Europe in terms of nominal GDP, as well as the tenth in the world and the fifth in Europe in terms of PPP GDP.

Italy is heavily focused on foreign trade... Many of her food products are known all over the world. So, legendary Italian wines, cheeses, pizza are exported. Almost all products are marked with a special brand DOC (Denominazione di origine controllata), which is a designation of the highest quality - this helps foreign consumers to “weed out” just similar products (for example, German cheese Gambozola - imitation of Italian Gorgonzola).

The Italian fashion houses Versace, Gucci, Prada, Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and others are widely known.

The status of the most expensive car was acquired by the Italian sports car Ferrari 250 GTO of 1962, which was sold in 2012 for 35 million US dollars.

Motorists are familiar with the names of Italian car brands: Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini.


Few facts

Gdp 1 850 401 US $

Capital Moscow

Population 143 030 106 people

Year of foundation 862 (beginning of Russian statehood)

Territory 17 098 246 km2

Russian economy characterizes a significant dependence on energy prices. According to the data Federal Service state statistics, 65.9% of Russia's exports are minerals. The remaining share includes metals and precious stones (16.3%), chemical products, machinery and equipment.

Russia is historically rich in intellectual resources. Unfortunately, most of them are realizing their potential in the West. For example, the founder of Max Factor was Maximilian Faktorovich, who opened his first store in Ryazan, and emigrated in 1904. It is also worth remembering the founder of Google Sergey Brin and the engineer of the Daimler concern Boris Lutsky.

Thanks to economic reforms In the 1990s, most industrial assets were privatized in Russia, with the exception of energy and defense enterprises. The country's main problem is its strong dependence on energy resources, in particular oil and gas. Stock market is also on its way to becoming and is regarded by many as speculative. By the way, since 2011 Moscow has the highest concentration of billionaires in the world.

According to the calculations of the consulting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers, by 2014 Russia will overtake Germany in terms of GDP and enter the top five countries.

Negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO began in 1995, the very same accession will take place in September 2012

A large inflow of foreign investment and a new stage in the development of the economy, according to experts, should follow in the near future - they are associated with sports events of a global scale: the Sochi Olympics in 2014 and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

10. India

Few facts

Gdp US $ 1,430,020

Capital New Delhi

Population 1 210 193 422 people

Founded 1950 (complete independence from Great Britain)

Territory 3 287 590 km2

India Economy covers all sectors: from agricultural production to industry. 67% of the working-age population is directly dependent on agriculture, which accounts for a third of GDP. India is the largest exporter of tea and has the largest cattle population in the world. At the same time, the defense, nuclear and space industries are highly developed.

In the 17th century, India was the richest country in the world - before the arrival of colonialists from Great Britain. The Dutch, Danes, French, Portuguese and other peoples fought for trade privileges here. The country is home to algebra, trigonometry and chess. Now India is a vibrant and diverse state, its economy is increasingly integrating with the world.

The economic reforms carried out in the country since 1990 have far-reaching consequences. General Electric Capital considers this country unique, PepsiCo finds it the fastest growing, and Motorola is confident that India is becoming one of the world's leading powers. Currently, the state is dynamically ascending to the position of the world leader in the IT sector.

One of the main advantages of India is high qualifications and relatively low labor costs, which are actively used by transnational corporations. Now by the size of GDP at parity purchasing power India has come out on the 4th place in the world, and in 2050 its volume will catch up with the American one.

Monument-mausoleum Taj Mahal - a symbol of the tender love of King Shah Jahan for his wife, the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal

Despite rapid economic growth, India continues to face problems of social inequality and high unemployment.

Text Dmitry Zolotavin, financial consultant of A-Club in Tyumen, Alfa-Bank

[: RU] The crazy growth of the Chinese economy over the past few decades is well-known and one of the biggest and most surprising facts modern history leading to a change in the whole economic system the world. But it turns out that the Chinese economy is not the only one in the world that is in Lately demonstrates tremendous growth rates.

We have compiled a list of 13 countries with the highest projected annual growth rates (CAGR) from 2014 to 2017, based on the World Bank's Global Economic Outlook.

Keep in mind that the fastest growing economies are usually not among the largest and most developed. Indeed, most of these countries suffer from income inequality, from low level per capita income, heightened political instability and rampant corruption.

13. China - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.10%

2016 GDP: + 7.00%

2017 GDP: + 6.90%

Economy: Many experts believe that China's economy will surpass that of the United States over the next decade. The government faces major challenges. In addition, per capita income is still below the world average.

12. Rwanda - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.00%

2016 GDP: + 7.00%

2017 GDP: + 7.50%

Economy: Ninety percent of the population works in subsistence agriculture or mineral processing of agricultural products. Also in Rwanda, coffee production, mineral extraction and tourism are developed. Although the country has made significant strides forward, 45% of the population still lives below the poverty line.

11. Tanzania - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.20%

2016 GDP: + 7.10%

2017 GDP: + 7.10%

Economy: Tanzania has experienced high growth rates due to gold mining and tourism development. The economy also has some advanced telecommunications, banking, energy, mining and agriculture. In terms of per capita income, however, the country is one of the poorest in the world.

10. Mozambique - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.20%

2016 GDP: + 7.30%

2017 GDP: + 7.30%

Mozambique attracts large investment projects in the development of natural resources, which means that strong growth in the country will continue. Some analysts believe that Mozambique will be able to generate revenues from the extraction of natural gas, coal and electricity from hydropower plants. But the overwhelming majority of the country's inhabitants are engaged in subsistence agriculture, and more than half of the population remains below the poverty line.

9. Bhutan - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.90%

2016 GDP: + 8.40%

2017 GDP: + 7.00%

Bhutan has a small and relatively undeveloped economy that relies on hydropower, agriculture and forestry. The country exports large amounts of electricity to India.

8. India - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.40%

2016 GDP: + 7.80%

2017 GDP: + 8.00%

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi received high marks from analysts. The service sector is the main source of India's economic growth, accounting for nearly two-thirds of production with less than one-third of the workforce. Nevertheless, problems such as corruption, poverty and discrimination against women continue to hold back the development of this huge country in terms of population.

7. Papua New Guinea - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 16.00%

2016 GDP: + 5.00%

2017 GDP: + 2.40%

Eighty-five percent of the population works in agriculture, with a small sector exporting natural resources, including minerals such as gold, copper and oil. But the government has numerous problem areas, including investor security, poor investor confidence, and privatization of government institutions.

6. Cote d'Ivoire - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 8.00%

2016 GDP: + 7.70%

2017 GDP: + 7.50%

About two thirds of the population works in agriculture. The country is the world's largest producer and exporter of cocoa beans and palm oil.

5. Uzbekistan - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 7.60%

2016 GDP: + 7.80%

2017 GDP: + 8.00%

Uzbekistan is slowly transitioning from the Soviet past to market economy... The country is the fifth largest exporter of cotton and also has deposits of natural gas and gold.

4. Myanmar / Burma - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 8.50%

2016 GDP: + 8.20%

2017 GDP: + 8.00%

Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. She began economic restructuring in 2011 in an attempt to integrate into the global economy... The country has a young workforce and natural resources, and has recently been actively attracting foreign investment. The standard of living for the majority of the population, however, is not improving.

3. Democratic Republic of the Congo - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 8.00%

2016 GDP: + 8.50%

2017 GDP: + 9.00%

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is rich in natural resources that it has not been able to effectively monetize due to systemic corruption, conflict and political instability. However, its economy is slowly recovering from the turbulent 1990s.

2. Turkmenistan - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 8.00%

2016 GDP: + 9.00%

2017 GDP: + 9.00%

Turkmenistan's highly corrupt economy is based on two main industries: cotton and gas. The former Soviet republic, which has the fourth-largest natural gas reserves in the world, recently began shipping its gas to China. But development prospects are largely impeded by local corruption, poor educational systems and reluctance to accept market reforms.

1. Ethiopia - forecasts:

2015 GDP: + 9.50%

2016 GDP: + 10.50%

2017 GDP: + 8.50%

Ethiopia's economy is mainly based on agriculture, but the government has given impetus to diversify production, mainly textiles and energy production. But at the same time, per capita income remains one of the lowest in the world.

When you see pictures that clearly show the worthlessness of Putin's economy

There is envy of powerful, advanced and economically successful countries, such as Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan, which have made good use of the Soviet legacy.
The ancient, and now the fastest growing, Uzbekistan is especially envious, since food stamps have been introduced in Turkmenistan for a year.

Recently, the Focus Economics analytical group compiled a rating of the poorest countries in the world 2018-2022, the top ten looks like this

The annual per capita income of the Uzbek population in 2018 is $ 1,025. If the current annual income is 1000 dollars, was it possible that the Soviet income in Uzbekistan was 3 times less? Or what is wrong with the GDP calculations. I understand that the standard of living in the Baltic was higher than in Russia, a showcase of Soviet socialism, even if we grew at the same rate, then this gap should have remained. For our oil, the Baltic states had European subsidies for a quarter of the budget. But Belarus is growing almost twice as fast as Russia, the starting point of their standard of living was almost the same. So why the hell do they live poorer then?

And although this list of the top 10 poorest countries, for some reason, does not include Burundi, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Malawi, Madagascar and Afghanistan, which are listed in other rankings, including the IMF. It includes only 127 countries. The positions of the post-Soviet states are rather sad. I carved out the first 40 poorest and post-Soviet countries. So I'm telling you that the numbers are in dollars, excluding purchasing power.

Funny 25th place of Ukraine, losing to Laos and Honduras

What's most surprising: The winner for GDP per capita growth from 2016, the latest confirmed data, and our forecast for 2018 is Moldova with a projected 36% increase in per capita growth, or in USD terms, USD 691 per head.
The winner of this rating, the fastest growing economy in the world 2016-2018 Moldova, it increased its GDP by 691 dollars per person.

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