
Russian investment company. The largest investment companies in Russia. Proper interaction with the investment company

Investment companies for our country are quite a wicked type of income and them, like other investment instruments, often in uneducation equal to the absence of anything - to pyramids, dubious schemes and fraudsters.

In fact, anything common with dishonest organizations and the formations, investment companies do not even exist within the framework of legislation and are controlled by the relevant authorities. In this article, I will tell you how to choose a company and where to invest money.

What is the investment company?

So, you have an enynu amount of money and accumulate it in a stocklet there is no desire, and make money work, for example, carrying out investment in a business, or trade on the stock exchange no time / forces / knowledge. For such cases, there are investment companies that will take on all the burden of investment operations, and you will only deliver an excellent opportunity to enjoy profit. Sounds tempting? It only sounds for you, and many on their own experience tried the investment companies "to taste" and appreciated their advantages while you thought to invest.

Investment company - This is an organization that is engaged in the investment in income assets in order to increase them. At the same time, money can be both the property of the Company itself and private, taken to management. The company can be engaged in securities, bonds, shares, as well as direct investment funds.

In one of the blog articles, I told about such an instrument of earnings, as an investment fund, which is very similar to an investment company. At the same time, companies have a significant feature - if mutual investment funds act only as trust managers, then investment companies have legal registration And they are working with strict regulation by legislation. In addition, they have appropriate licenses to engage in brokerage and dealership operations.

All investment companies can be divided into such categories:

  • Closed companies - do not accept investors' funds and operate only with their money or borrowed banking means;
  • Open companies - Accept the means of private investors in trust management.

Financial analytics

Investing funds in certain assets, investment companies are simply obliged to analyze many factors - otherwise the success of the transactions will be extremely dubious. Therefore, in large companies there are whole departments specializing in financial AnalysisAnd in more modest organizations, this role is performed by one qualified specialist - financial analyst. The essence of the analysis is to study the market conjuncture, the price dynamics of a certain asset, drawing up plans and forecasts, and observe the exchange rate and even the political situation of the world - that is, to study all the fact that a priori can affect the price of something and will make a forecast for the expected profit .

Market research

To understand what money should be investing, you need to know the demand and offer in this market and be able to predict their dynamics. Therefore, investment projects in obligatory, market research is carried out, the results of which will allow to determine the expediency of investments and what income can be obtained with a particular activity.


Many companies choose brokerage operations in a key direction. I must say that become a market participant valuable papers Not all may not, but only those who have a license. Therefore, private investors can simply do so overnight engage in trade on the stock exchange, but it is possible if you resort to broker services. Brokerage companies are peculiar mediators between the market and the investor who will take a small percentage of commission for their services.

Merge and acquisition of companies

An individual earnings of investment companies is merging and absorption - that is, the acquisition of one company joint Stock Capital other. It is well known that the acquisition of any company another organization occurs to combine common interests, the formation of a larger and most influential market player. Investment companies acquire others for the purpose of subsequent resale - as a rule, when merging the price of the company's share capital is much lower, which means to sell it in parts, you can profit.

From how carefully you come to choose the investment company can fully depend on the success of investing. Among the public, the attitude towards any investment is continuing to the scammers, which for beautiful stories about earnings without effort, hide the intention to clean your pockets. Of course, among investment companies there are scams and fraudsters, but it is not worth seeing this path in black. There are a large number of companies operating on the market for dozens of years, and consistently bringing income to their depositors, there are new promising companies working according to the letter of the law.

Company rating and participation in forums (competitions)

A good investment company seeks to develop, conquer authority, loudly declares itself. If it is public, then you will definitely see various reports and certificates of participation in forums, conferences, competitions. Such organizations invest in their development, and they will not, sacrificing reputation and developments, assign investor money. Investment companies that do not declare their existence and working damp should be suspicious.

Contract with an investor

Giving money to the investment company, you should understand that your relationship should be somehow documented - otherwise the organizers can say that they have not seen any money, and you do not prove anything anyone. Therefore, you can sleep peacefully only if you have entered into an official treaty with the company, and not just put a tick, confirming the electronic offer.

According to the established tradition, I offer you a rating of investment tools that tell about in my articles. It contains only those investment companies that, in my opinion, are reliable, a sufficient amount of time is working in this area and have deserved a good reputation. The rating will be updated from time to time, so be sure to make sure about changes and do not miss the opportunity to get profit.

Investment companies are one of the tools that allow you to increase your money. It refers to rather reliable in terms of non-tracked risks, compared with the riskiness, which is carried, for example, venture capital funds, as the activities of companies are regulated by law and can conclude a real agreement with you. Be vigilant when choosing an organization and guided by a sound reason, not a thirst for profit, and then your cooperation with the company will be long, and investments are successful.

As in any other sphere of life, there are outstanding personality in investment, which differ from the rest of the mind, a business grip. For them game on stock market I became sense of all life. They are successful, rich. Their capital survived any global crisis. Biographies and secrets of the success of the greatest investors in the world are presented below.

The greatest investors in the world: Top-25

Interesting facts from the world of investment:

  • One of the most favorable investments In the history - resale of Dutch tulips. It is worth bringing them out of the country, the price of them grows 100 times!
  • One of the most outstanding investors was the Swedes Kurt Degerman, who collected and handed over tin banks. The money collected, he copied and invests in promotional companies. For 30 years, Deagerman scared a state of 1.5 million dollars.
  • The largest investments are formed in the fall of the stock market, when the economy is at the bottom.

Nathan Meier Rothschild « invested in war »

"Timely information is a big money," said the representative of the famous Rothschild family

Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) One of the five sons of a major entrepreneur Mayer Amblue Rothschild. Founder of the English bank N. M. Rothschild & Sons.

A huge capital investor has created in the English-French War. In 1814, the Government of England began to use Rothschild Bank to finance a military company. The rest of the brothers successfully managed banks in other European countries - France, Italy, Austria. The information network between them worked clearly and quickly. This gave the opportunity to brothers before learn all the world events, excluded the risk of transporting large sums, overdue payments. So, Nathan first learned that Napoleon was defeated with Waterloo, and urgently began to buy English stocks. Other bankers tried to get rid of them, and sold for a penny. The best successful investments brought him more than 40 million pounds.

Ghetty Green (1834-1916). Until 1916 was considered the richest woman in the world. One of the most successful American entrepreneurs for the entire existence of the states. He was distinguished by a cold prudent mind, misfortune, magnificent intuition.

Ghetty Greene came from a rich family. The girl brought up his grandfather, who in every way encouraged her sharp mind. From an early age she read financial reportswas forecasts. At the age of 13, began to lead a family budget.

Inheriting after the death of his father a large amount of money, she invested them in the military company of the North against the South. In the Civil War in the USA, Green earned more than a million dollars a year.
After the end of the war moved to London, where dollars bought massively. At the right to the homeland sold banknotes, and all the means invested in the bonds of the American railway. The investment transaction brought a huge profit.

By the end of life, Ghetty Green's capital exceeded $ 4 billion.

Best Quotes:

  • "We are constantly looking for opportunities. Consider every dollar. "
  • "Be persistent, lean."
  • Cheap buy, sell expensive. "

Roger Babson

"No investment in debt"

Roger Babson (1875-1967). The first investor who predicted the collapse of the 1929 market.

Life Credo Investor: "Invest - it means to part with money today, so that tomorrow will get them with the profit."

Karl Akan.

"Fast, effectively, without feelings"

The capital of the investor is estimated at $ 25 billion. Supports business "fast and ruthless invaders."
A decent amount invested in the developing company Apple, which brought him several million dollars.

Prefers to act according to a predetermined scheme:

  • get the main package of shares of a young company;
  • become at the head of the Board of Directors;
  • change the strategy of the board, where the interests of shareholders are raised above all.

The company's shares after such a scheme usually grow significantly in price.

Best Quotes:

  • "If you need a friend on Wall Street - buy yourself a dog."
  • "Basically, US companies are managed by the United States."
  • "It's stupid to spend 10 thousand dollars on the flights to press the boring meeting."

David Dreman

"Psychology in the investment market is all"

David Dreman (1936th time). Not only an investor, but also the founder or co-founder of a variety of companies: Rauscher Pierce Refsnes Securities Corp. J & W SELIGMAN, VALUE LINE INVESTMENT SERVICE, INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR RESERCH IN EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS (IFREE), DREMAN VALUE MANAGEMENT, L.L.C.

Adheres the theory of the opposite investment "not to follow the flock." Prefers to buy shares of enterprises with income above average.

Author of books: "The opposite investment strategy: the psychology of success in the stock market" David Dreman "," New opposite investment strategy "David Dreman", "opposite investment strategies: a new generation" David Dreman. "

Best Quotes:

  • "The best time for buying is when blood flowed on the streets."
  • "The highest income is from good stocks 3 years after buying them."

Sam Zell

"Dancing on the bones is not afraid to give a debt"

Sam Zell (1941-ours). The winged was the phrase Zela "Losers bring profits."

As an investor prefers to buy companies with debts that have weak management, and in a short period of time displays it to the top. Then it sells profitable. It is the founder and current Chairman of the Equity Group Investments Corporation. Loves to shock the public. Refuses to wear business suits, ties, chasing on a motorcycle and is not shy in expressions at important events. The author of the book "Sam Zell Guide on how to become very, very rich." Capital is estimated at $ 5 billion.

Peter Lynch

"Anyone who has brains can make money"

Peter Lynch (1944th time). Founder successful investment Fund Fidelity Magellan Fund.

The author of bestseller "Strategy and tactics of an individual investor." Invested in the company with the most historically low R / E coefficient. The work did not follow market forecasts, avoided the companies that rapidly soared.

Winged phrases:

  • Fall - opportunity. "
  • Do not invest money in the company, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is not explained on the fingers. "
  • Avoid fashionable firms in trendy areas. "

Edward Squot - the Legend of Wall Street, which has changed the world

Edward Square (1946th time). The first translated stock trader into electronic mode.

Engineer in the specialty. Perfectly understands that cybernetics is a new word in stock trade. It believes that it is not necessary to risk more than you can afford. Each operation is quite essential, but not a great profit. As an investor, he likes to work with a long-term trend and currently currently important graphic model.

The best quote: "The source of my success is love for trade. She is my life, I am obsessed with the market. This is not a profession, hobby, it is a vocation. "

Richard Dennis

"The main thing for the investor - self-discipline"

Richard Dennis (1949-2012). Founded the company Drexel Fund.

Preferred to invest in foreign currency and oil industry. It is considered one of the most successful investors of modernity. One of the first to use mechanical trading systems. The income is estimated at $ 300 million.

Paul Tudor Jones: arrogance, selfishness and permanent capital growth

Paul Tudor Jones (1954-ours). Founder of the Tudor Futures Fund Corporation.

Personal capital is estimated at $ 5 billion. Engaged in grain futures, foreign currency, government bonds and oil. The secret of success is a clear risk control. Jones always monitors the portfolio performance in real time. As soon as the balance begins to decline, he immediately closes the entire session.

Life credo: "In priority to keep the defense than to come."

"People, like markets, are able to adapt to the worst conditions"

David Tepper (1957th time). Founder of the Appaloosa Management Foundation. It became famous for what he was able to invest in problem real estate companies without fear for disinformation. It has exceeded intuition, low emotionality, calculating mind. Own capital - 11 billion dollars.

Life credo of the investor: "I, like all, an animal in some kind of herd. Or they will eat me, or I will get the most juicy prey. "

Jeffrey Gundles "King of Bonds"

"Discipline is above all"

Jeffrey Gundlach (1959th time). Received the nickname "King".

Solid capital Investor earned, buying shares Small promising enterprises. The founder of the company Double Line Capital, which controls assets by $ 50 billion. It has a cold-blooded character without impurities of emotions.

Life credo "To succeed, you need to leave even the most faithful and devotional friends."

Jim Breier is one of the smartest investors according to Forbes magazine

Jim Breyer (1961st Time). With honors graduated from Stanford and Harvard Universities. Created a company CEO Breyer Capital and Accel Management Company. Own capital - 3 billion dollars. Known as one of the largest Facebook investors. Breyer has invested in a social network more than $ 12 million. Now he is the second main shareholder of the corporation after.

Suleiman Kerimov (1966-ours). Russian entrepreneur and investor who controls Nafta Moscow Corporation.

Actively engaged in transactions by resale enterprises from various fields. Invested in a number of companies: Polymetal Plant; Real estate project "Rublevo-Arkhangelsk"; JSC "MOSTELEKOM".

Invested in foreign projects - Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse and others. The secret of success is to make rapid creative solutions and the ability to think logically. Own capital - 7 billion dollars.

Reed Hoffman. Scrupulous analysis and self-discipline lead an investor to victory

Reed Hoffman (1967th time). Social Network Coordinator for Business Contacts - LinkedIn.

Personal state - $ 5 billion. It is distinguished by repeated and scrupulous testing of computer programs, designs. Created one of the first social Systems. Large investments, 400 thousand dollars, invested in the development of Facebook - one of the most popular social networks in the world.

Among his investment:

  • american online game developer Zynga;
  • groupon;
  • real estate corporation AirBNB.

Peter Til

"Future for computer technologies"

Dimensions own capital - 2 billion dollars. In 2005, he created from zero successful Founders Fund investment fund, which invests mainly in computer programs and online games. The most successful investor investor was the social network Facebook. Pilot Til The author of the book "From zero to one."

Mark Andrisssen - an outstanding investor in computer engineering

Mark Andrissen (1971- Outdoor). Personal capital is more than one billion dollars. Participated in the development and testing of the NCSA Mosaic browser. It is one of the founders of the large company Netscape Communications. The most profitable successful investment is Skype.
Well known in the business world as a thoughtful, clearly-oriented investor.

Investment companies in Russia.

The largest investment companies produce their own shares. They can also act as brokers and receive commissions without their own securities.

In the US, every worker citizen has a contribution to one or several investment companies. They understand how important it is and care about our future. In Russia, due to permanent economic shaking, people do not trust and are afraid of this method. In this article we will give a list of large investment companies in Russia.

It's time to take care of your future in your hands, without relying on the state. Learn information about investments, follow the news, and try to invest. Without practice, you are unlikely to understand, all the nuances of this activity, even if you explore the ton of information. Check out the ranking of Russia's investment companies.

What is investment companies

Investment companies - receive money from individuals and invests there, where ordinary people do not have access. These companies receive commissions from investors. IR is entitled to make brokerage transactions, TCs are licensed by the Central Bank. They are closed and open.

Closed companies do not deal with compect management. And invest only their own or borrowed funds. Open companies are opposed to private investment. Taking money from you in trust management, they manage your capital.

When investing, consider that your profits depends on the degree of risk. The higher the risk, the greater the profit. What to choose, to solve you and yet, in the early stages should not be too risking.

Before you entrust your company's money, make sure it is reliable. You may run out not only on financial pyramid, but also on pseudocompany. These companies usually only create a type of work. They do not invest your money and do not manage them. Just fake documents and create only visibility. Therefore, if you are a novice, we take seriously to the choice of IR. Verify the information, and be sure to analyze. You can learn from reviews, forums, sites, expert opinions. But remember that this can be a paid opinion, which is a pond of a pride on the Internet. This is why the analysis of information is needed.

Proper interaction with the investment company

There are a number of nuances that need to be considered when working with IR.

License 045-13567-001000
Works since 1995 in Novosibirsk. Enters the top - 10 Russian brokerage companies
Customers — 250 000
Rating reliability "AAA" - Maximum reliability

The main indicators of the BCS financial group
Assets: 207 billion rubles.
Capital: 30.3 billion rubles.
Profit: 5.2 billion rubles.
The number of employees — 4500
Offices — 87
Points — 100
Customers — 300 000
Through the BCS work on the stock market more than 4 thousand companies. "

"Kit Finance Broker" - One of the largest brokers in Russia, has existed since 2000, is included in the KIT Finance group

Reliability and sustainability:

The licenses of the professional participant in the securities market were obtained in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Statutory capital: 800,000,000 rubles. Fully paid by cash.

Auditor: LLC "KD - Audit"

The size own funds - 1.018 billion rubles. As of 30. 06. 2018

Capitalization - 2.272 billion rubles. According to the reporting of IFRS by 31. 12. 2016, the PWC auditor.

Client accounts - Over 25,000

Offices - more than 40 cities of Russia

Alpha Capital- Management Company Alpha Capital is one of the oldest participants russian market Investment management. Alpha Capital enters the Alpha Group Consortium - one of the largest and most reliable financial and industrial structures of Russia.

Foundation year 1992. Fully transparent documents.

License 077-08158-001000.

LLC UK Alfa-Capital. Functions, IIS, trust management

  • Volume of assets - 300 billion rubles
  • Customers - 1.1 million people
  • Ryting reliability "AAA" - Maximum reliability.
  • Rating "A ++" - RA rating agency expert

ATON LLC - One of oldest companies Russia. Founded in 1991
On January 20, 1995, Aton was transformed into LLC. Before that there was in the form of a joint stock company closed type (93-95 g). And previously was a production - commercial company (91-93 g)
General Director and President of the company Evgeny Yuriev.
The company has many ratings and awards. Among them, the last 23 August 2018 - Rating B2 - Moody's. Before that, on June 13, 2018, he received the title "Best brokerage company For institutional investors. "
Best Asset Management Wealthy Clients - Forbes

VTB Capital - founded since 2008. VTB Capital Joint Stock Company
JSC VTB Capital.

Corporate and investment business of VTB Group is the leader of the investment banking sector in emerging markets, in Russia, the CIS countries, Central and Eastern Europe.

Thanks to an efficiently built corporate matrix investment business Customers of the VTB Group receive the effect of the interaction of all directions of activity.

Since the creation of VTB Capital in 2008, the team managed to achieve impressive results and become a key partner for customers worldwide, providing access to both Russian and on international Markets Capital.

VTB Capital took part in more than 820 deals in the debt and share capital markets, which made it possible to attract investments in the economy of Russia and the CIS countries in excess of $ 290 billion.

For the first time in the history of the investment business, the Russian company is positioned on a par with the largest international financial corporations.

According to international rainking, Dealogic, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg and Mergermarket VTB Capital ranks first positions in the debt and shareholder markets, among consultants on M & A transactions in Russia and the CIS, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in the Middle East and Africa.

License - 045-11463-100000 (brokerage), 045-11466-010000 (dealer)

  • Public joint-stock company "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS"
  • Joint Stock Company "St. Petersburg International Commodity Commodity Exchange"

Conclusion: Please note that the topics of large and reliable investment companies in Russia are constantly moving on the Internet. But remember, no one is responsible for your money besides you. And you can find the rating of Russia's investment companies. But it's all based on either information on the Internet, or on subjective experience. But remember that you need to try it yourself, starting with small amounts. Wake up and learn. And just based on your own experience you can risk large amounts.

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