
Reviews about UK Raiffeisen Capital. Open PIFES UK "Raiffeisen Capital" - Raiffeisen Bonds Raiffeisenbank Capital Asset Management PUB investment funds

The management company "Raiffeisen Capital" was established by the Financial Corporation of ZAO Rifaysenbank. The company is an advanced player on financial marketIt consists in the Association for the Protection of Investor Rights and NP "National League of Governors".

Investing with the participation of funds

The main activity of the Criminal Code is the coordination of investments of physical and legal entities through blows I. trust management. The structure of the Criminal Code "Raiffeisen Capital" includes:

  1. Raiffeisen - Shares is an investment fund designed for capitalists considering long-term investments in Russian companies as one of the priority tasks. The main tools for producing profit are shares of stable companies.
  2. Raiffeisen - Bonds - Foundation open type, the main customers of which are conservative investors aimed at investment in bonds and other debenturesprovided with cash reserves of the state.
  3. "Raiffeisen is a balanced" -fond, which attracts the attention of capitalists seeking to achieve the balance of high-risk and reliable tools in one portfolio. The dominant asset of the company is shares, losses for which bonds with guaranteed coupon income are leveled.
  4. Raiffeisen - USA - Raiffeisen Capital Management Code, created for profitable transactions on stock market USA
  5. Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector is a fund that meets the interests of capitalists, highly evaluating the development of the consumer sector of the economy. The core of the Foundation is securities Large retailers, as well as companies closely related to the production of consumer goods.
  6. Raiffeisen is the commodity sector - a fund that implements financial requests for capitalists, ready to invest cash resources in the commodity sector.
  7. Raiffeisen - Information Technologies »Open Fund, which implements financial inflictions in the information business. The Foundation comes daily transactions with the participation of shares of information, telecommunication and other similar companies.
  8. Raiffeisen - Electric Power Industry Foundation, intended for capitalists who suggest profit through financial injections in the shares of companies operating in the field of electric power industry.
  9. Raiffeisen - MICEX index "Foundation, which is used as a landmark, the main trends of the stock exchange. Priorities are transactions with shares, companies forming the "blue chips" segment, as well as trade and communications corporations.
  10. Raiffeisen - Industrial - the company invests monetary assets to implement infrastructure projects.
  11. Raiffeisen - Asia - Foundation management company Raiffeisen Capital created for the implementation of profitable transactions in the Asian region stock market.
  12. Raiffeisen - Brik - the Foundation, created for the implementation of profitable transactions in the stock market of countries belonging to the BRIC structure.
  13. Raiffeisen - Gold. Financial influx of the Fund is aimed at making transactions for the acquisition of precious metals. The foundation is an attractive object for investors who hold classical thinking and seeking to accommodate money resources for a long time.
  14. Raiffeisen - Treasury - Foundation, attracting the attention of investors experiencing faith in obtaining coupon income on bonds;
  15. Raiffeisen - Active Administration Fund "is a fund created for the implementation of profitable transactions in the US stock market, Europe and Asia. Oriented on capitalists ready to post financial resources for a period of 2 years.
  16. Raiffeisen - Eurobonds, Raiffeisen Capital Foundation of the Management Company, which is based on the principle of investment in dollar assets, which during the ruble stagnation period are an effective tool for profit.
  17. Raiffeisen - Second Echelon Shares Foundation - the company is focused on the acquisition of shares of little-known corporations that are at the stage of intensive development.

Personal tactics of investment

Conditions for increased market wobble frequencies often dictate investors. Choosing a personal management strategy financial means. UPR. The company is ready to provide a manager to develop a unique investment tactics, both for ordinary and corporate investors.

Limited Liability Company Management company Raiffeisen Capital actively cooperates with institutional investors, such as non-state pension funds and insurance companies. The main activity is the investment of own and attracted financial resources of investors in the most profitable tools.

Overview of mutual funds (FIF) offered by Raiffeisen Capital Management: a brief description of, profitability, risks of price fluctuations, investment strategies.

Management Company: .

Address: 119002, Moscow, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, d. 28.

Date of issuing a license: 04/21/2009.

License number: 21-000-1-00640.

Open mutual investment funds (FIF) offered by Raiffeisen Capital Management Company:

  • Raiffeisen - Shares
  • Raiffeisen - Bonds
  • Raiffeisen - Balanced
  • Raiffeisen - USA
  • Raiffeisen - Raw Material Sector
  • Raiffeisen - Information Technologies
  • Raiffeisen - electric power industry
  • Raiffeisen - Industrial
  • Raiffeisen - Europe
  • Raiffeisen - Treasury
  • Raiffeisen -
A source Rating Rating confirmation date Notes
RaEx ("Expert RA") A ++.

"Exceptionally high / highest level of reliability and quality of services"

09/06/2016 Recalled due to the expiration of the rating
National rating agency Aaa.am

"Maximum degree of reliability and quality of services"

04/06/2017 years Forecast - stable
investFunds.ru. 2 place in terms of cost pure assets (NAV) 08/31/2017
investFunds.ru. 4th place in terms of raised funds 08/31/2017

Brief characteristic of UK UK "Raiffeisen Capital"

The minimum amount with the initial acquisition of the shares of any mutual effect - 50,000 rubles, with subsequent - 10,000 rubles.

Dumping and discounts when exchanging shares are not charged.

The ability to remote purchase / selling shares is provided (Raiffeisen Connect).

Name FIF. Adbava Discount Remuneration of the UK Investment objects
Shares 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian issuers 1 and 2 echelon
Bonds 0% until 91st day: 3%

from 91 to 365 days: 2%

more than 365 days: 0%

1,8% Corporate Bonds of the Russian Federation, Municipal and Government Bonds of the Russian Federation
Balanced 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian and foreign (in the form of ETF) companies, government bonds of the Russian Federation, corporate Russian and foreign bonds
USA 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

2,4% Etf ( index Foundationwhose shares are treated on the stock exchange), the structure of which corresponds to the structure of the American stock index S & P500
Consumer sector 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of retail chains, companies engaged in the production of consumer goods, the provision of financial and other services
Raw sector 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of companies of oil and gas and metallurgical sectors russian economy
Information Technology 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of American companies High-Tech Industry, as well as companies in Russia, China, India and Taiwan.
Electric power industry 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian electric power companies
MICEX index of blue chips 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

1,7% Shares of companies that are part of the MICEX index of blue chips
Industrial 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Metallurgy companies, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Industry and Construction
Developing markets 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of companies from Russia, Brazil, India, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, as well as ETF, corresponding to the structure of stock indexes of these countries.
Europe 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

2,4% The MSCI EMU index is the index of leading European companies included in the Economic and Currency Union.
Gold 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

2,4% ETF, the dynamics of which corresponds to the change market value Gold.
Treasury 0% until 91st day: 3%

from 91 to 365 days: 2%

more than 365 days: 0%

1,5% Deposits and debt obligations of reliable issuers (OFS)
Active management fund 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian I. foreign companies various industries - high tech, pharmaceuticals, insurance and other
Debt markets developed countries 0% until 91st day: 3%

from 91 to 365 days: 2%

more than 365 days: 0%

1,6% ETF, the dynamics of which should Index Markit IBOXX USD Liquid Investment Grade Index, the structure of which is represented by corporate bonds of American and European companies

Raiffeisen Capital

Name FIF. Yield,%
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Shares 30,4 44,3 15,9 -22,4 -24,2 20,2 8,5 -1,8 3,5 -1,8 25,4 25,5 -8,6
Bonds 7,2 6,7 5,5 -12,8 18,4 6,3 4,9 9,3 5,8 9,0 11,6 9,5
Balanced 34,1 11,0 -14,1 -19,2 24,2 7,9 1,7 3,2 -0,7 8,8 5,0 0,9
USA -15,3 -27,6 31,5 15,1 28,1 16,3 31,8 63,6 10,1 -1,9
Consumer sector -22,1 56,5 -6,5 5,2 19,6 0,0 6,0 30,5 15,6
Raw sector -11,0 28,1 17,5 -4,8 -11,5 9,7 66,9 11,8 6,9
Information Technology -11,4 64,0 11,4 -11,6 13,9 3,0 -4,2 20,9 15,9
Electric power industry -17,7 59,4 -23,7 -27,5 -29,8 -19,0 -2,7 66,8 38,9
MICEX index of blue chips -16,9 23,7 13,5 -6,0 -3,0 3,4 24,9 15,2 3,5
Industrial -43,4 6,5 -20,7 -27,5 -19,7 7,1 50,0 18,0 22,1
Developing markets 4,9 2,3 19,7 18,4 17,9 1,4
Europe -0,4 -5,0 9,3 47,4 -4,1 4,9
Gold -19,5 -0,2 48,4 8,9 -15,8
Treasury 6,4 3,4 5,7 7,2 6,0
Active management fund 3,1 14,3 48,8 6,8 7,6
Debt markets developed countries -0,7 8,5 61,8 -4,4 -13,9

The yield is calculated as the increase in the value of the share at the beginning of September of each year.

The average annual yield of the PIFFAIKA CA effect is given in the diagram.

The average annual yield is calculated as the increase in the value of the share since the creation of the Foundation to September 2017 in terms of the year.

Risks fluctuations in the cost of shares and correlation between the face

For an objective assessment of the effectiveness of investing in a PIF, it is not enough to determine the yield of the instrument, should also take into account the risk of fluctuations in the cost of mutual.

The risk is designed as the standard deviation of the monthly profitability in percent. The higher the risk, the more difficult it is to predict the future value of the share. For conservative and long-term strategies, high -ighted FIF are undesirable to be included in the portfolio.

To identify the correlation between the FIF will be a correlation matrix.

The higher the percentage, the greater the dependence in the dynamics of the cost of mutuals in the vapor of funds. Allotes the most notable combinations of correlating FIF:

  1. A group that invests mainly in the Russian stock market:
    • Raiffeisen - Shares
    • Raiffeisen - MICEX Blue Chips Index
    • Raiffeisen - Industrial
    • Raiffeisen - Treasury
    • Raiffeisen - Bonds
    • Raiffeisen - Raw Material Sector
    • Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector
  2. A group investing in a foreign company:
    • Raiffeisen - Active Administration Fund
    • Raiffeisen - USA
    • Raiffeisen - Europe
    • Raiffeisen - Developing Markets
    • Raiffeisen - Debt Markets

Regardless of other mutual funds, Raiffeisen - Gold and Raiffeisen - electric power industry behave. The funds balanced and information technologies cannot be counted on any of the groups, since the direction of their investment includes both Russian assets and foreign ones.

The average correlation coefficient between the FIF of the management company is 75.1%. I specifically bring this indicator, as it is less than, the greater the variety of the proposed funds. I will explain, the Criminal Code can create several dozen funds investing in one and the same financial assets. This is done in marketing purposes, but for us, as investors, this assortment is not of interest. Because, firstly, the profitability of all the same type of funds will approximately be the same, and secondly, the dynamics of their cost will always be unidirectional, which creates additional risks. Thus, investing the money at the same time in several correlated funds, we will not get a significant increase in yield, but the risks of vibrations of cost increase significantly.

Investment Strategies in PIF UK "Raiffeisen Capital"

1. Strategy "Bought and Hold"

The strategy "bought and kept" is suitable for the medium and long-term investment Money, as a rule, a few hundred thousand rubles to one most profitable and at the same time the least risky face for a period of more than 3 years. For these purposes, the following funds are optimal:

  • Raiffeisen - Active Return Fund 15.1% and Risk of 4.3%
  • Raiffeisen - emerging markets with a yield of 10.5% and risk of 4.4%
  • Raiffeisen - USA with a yield of 12.4% and risk of 6.5%.

2. Speculative strategy

The ability to remotely make transactions for the purchase / sale and exchange of shares, as well as the lack of allowances and discounts for exchange, allows you to apply a speculative investment strategy. You can read in more detail in the article. A wide selection of funds presented by the Criminal Code gives freedom of action. The funds are the greatest interest:

  • Raiffeisen - Shares and Raiffeisen - MICEX index of blue chips, as they copy the dynamics of the Moscow Stock Exchange;
  • Raiffeisen - Bonds and Raiffeisen - Treasury.

3. Portfolio strategy

The portfolio strategy lies in the distribution of the investment amount of money between several funds in order to obtain maximum profits at a given risk level. Traditionally, the risk portfolio is divided into conservatine, balanced and aggressive. This strategy is suitable for investing amounts of money more than 1 million rubles for a long time. Apply portfolio theory Markovitz to compile a portfolio.

1) Conservatine - An estimated yield of 9-12% per year with minimal risk.

2) Balanced - An estimated yield of 12-15% per year at moderate risk.

3) Aggressive - An estimated yield of 15-20% per year.

4. Using the FIF for currency risk insurance

The diversity of the proposed Criminal Code "Raiffeisen Capital" PIF allows them to be used to insure currency risks. By the number of funds investing in foreign assets include:

  • Raiffeisen - USA
  • Raiffeisen - Developing Markets
  • Raiffeisen - Europe

In addition, there are a number of funds whose assets are distributed among Russian and foreign financial instruments.

The initial data for calculating the yield and risk of mutual funds is taken from the official website of the Criminal Code.

From October 1, 2007, Raiffeisen Capital authority offers Raiffeisenbank's clients with new investment products and begins the formation of six funds: "Raiffeisen-consumer sector"; "Raiffeisen-Commodity Sector"; "Raiffeisen-Electric power industry"; "Raiffeisen Telecommunications"; "Raiffeisen-Index of the MICEX"; Raiffeisen - Corporate Investments. The first five funds are designed for private investors, and Raiffeisen - Corporate Investments - for corporate clients. The foundations are based on either industry belonging of companies, or their index indicators on the Moscow Interbank currency exchange.

According to the rules of funds at the stage of formation an initial fee Must be at least 300,000 rubles for retail funds and 1 million rubles for the corporate fund. All funds are considered to be formed when the cost of net assets in the amount of 10 million rubles to December 28, 2007 inclusive.

Roman Vorobiev, Head of the Directorate of Private Persons CJSC Raiffeisenbank Austria stressed: "Raiffeisen Capital Management Company" actively develops the direction of investment products for both corporate and private investors. We are confident that new open mutual investment funds are an excellent tool for cash investing and will help Raiffeisenbank's clients and Impexbank find the best and most profitable option for their investments. "

Pavel Gurin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of CJSC Raiffeisenbank Austria, Head of the Directorate of Service and Financing Corporate Customers noted: "In the context of the general development of the Russian economy, there is a tendency to increase interest in investment products both from private clients and companies. Responding to customer needs, we are pleased to offer our partners. new Product In the line of services for corporate clients, which will allow them to manage the most profitable to dispose of their own means. "

OPIF "Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector" will help clients receive income from investing in the shares of companies focused on the fast-growing domestic demand of the Russian economy. IN this Fund Promotions of retail chains, companies engaged in the production of consumer goods, as well as organizations that provide transport, financial and insurance services are included.

OPIF "Raiffeisen - Electricity" is focused on obtaining long-term income by using the development potential of one of the basic and most underestimated sectors of the economy - energy. The fund represents shareholders the opportunity to receive income from investing in the shares of the energy sector companies carrying out generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

OPIF "Raiffeisen - Telecommunications" is designed for those customers who intend to invest in high technologies in order to receive income from investments in the most dynamically developing industry - telecommunications and communications. This industry includes both cellular operators providing mobile services and fixed-line operators that provide local, long-distance services. international relationship Through cable systems.

OPIF "Raiffeisen - the commodity sector" provides customers with the opportunity to receive income from investing in the shares of commodity companies, mainly the oil and gas sector, carrying out the production, processing, transportation and export of oil and gas, as well as the metallurgical sector. These industries were traditionally among the foundations of the Russian economy and are currently experiencing a period of active development.

The formation of Assets of the OPIF Foundation "Raiffeisen - the MICEX index" is based on the MICEX index, the main estimated indicator of the status of the stock market on the largest stock exchange of Russia - the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). The main advantage of such a fund for investors is its simplicity. The cost of the share is changed together with the index, almost the same magnitude. The structure of the calculation of the index includes the most liquid stocks that appeal on the Russian stock market.

OPIF "Raiffeisen - Corporate Investments" was created specifically for large corporate and institutional investors. The assets of the Fund are invested in government bonds and corporate bonds of high credit quality. Such investment strategy Allows you to diversify credit risk With commensurate yield.

The purchase of mutations of new open mutual investment funds can be carried out in all departments and regional branches of Raiffeisenbank, as well as in all departments of Moscow and the central offices of regional affiliates of Impeksbank. Full information O. mutual funds The management company "Raiffeisen Capital", as well as addresses of all points of sale, are located on the link: http://www.raiffeisen-capital.ru/rus/fonds/unit-investment-trust/index.wbp.

LLC "UK Raiffeisen Capital is a subsidiary of CJSC Raiffeisenbank Austria. As of June 1, 2007, the total amount of funds under the management of the company is more than 5.5 billion rubles, the number of customers is more than 9 thousand. LLC "UK Raiffeisen Capital" offers services of mutual investment funds and trust management of private and corporate client assets. The company has a rating of Aa- assigned by the Agency Naphor, and the rating A, assigned rating agency "Expert".

CJSC Raiffeisenbank Austria and JSC Impectsbank are the subsidiary structures of Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG (Raiffeisen International). In 2006, Raiffeisen International acquired 100% of the shares of JSC Impectsbank. Together Raiffeisenbank and Impexbank form the largest banking group with participation foreign capital In Russia, which occupies the 7th place in terms of assets based on the results of the 1st half of 2007 (Interfax-CEA). By size corporate loan portfolio Raiffeisen Group ranks 6th at the end of the 1st half of 2007 (Interfax-CEA). According to Interfax-CEA together, banks are located in the 4th place in Russia in terms of private deposits and the 5th place in terms of loans for individuals according to the results of the 1st half of 2007.

Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG (Raiffeisen International) - Holding, managing subsidiaries, leasing companies and two offices in 18 markets in Central and Eastern Europe. About 12.7 million customers are serviced in more than 2,950 compartments. Raiffeisen International is a fully consolidated subsidiary of Raiffeisen Centralbank Austria AG (RCB), which owns 70 percent of ordinary shares of the holding, the remaining 30 percent of shares are in free circulation and traded in Vienna Stock Exchange. The RFFAYZEN head bank is the head bank of the Raiffeisen Group, the largest banking group in Austria, is the leading corporate and investment bank and the leading bank in Austria.

Good day, dear readers and blog blog subscribers!

Back in the middle of the summer, after he began to show the results of the software, promised you to tell you about this type of investment, and specifically, about the instrument from my portfolio - open PiF Raiffeisen Bondswhich is running Management UK "Raiffeisen Capital".

In one of the reports, I was asked about how I count the yield on bonds, because if you directly invest in bonds, it turns out not particularly simply, you need to contact coupons, redemptions, etc. All by the fact that there are also yield on them is considered differently.

So, in order not to burden yourself with all these subtleties and additional monitoring, I, as preferring, picked up the face of Raiffeisen Capital for myself, especially since the bond must be in the portfolio on account with shares, both as an independent investment tool and To reduce risks when investing in securities.

If we talk about direct investment in bonds, it is impossible not to note the moment that bonds are less risky (and accordingly and less liquid) compared to.

Let us return to the discussion of the product management company "Raiffeisen Capital" - Pyhu Raiffeisen Bonds:

  • Fundamental information:

  • In this open pip, the main investments and distributions fall on the share of debt obligations (bonds) of the Government of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation and the main Russian companies, so-called blue chips and a small share of shares of foreign companies. The main management strategy of the Bond Fund is aimed at maintaining capital in official inflation.

Fund management occurs through investing in debt tools with a moderate yield exceeding the average rate bank deposits And at the same time distinguished by an increased level of reliability.

  • Portfolio structure:

  • Investment is carried out according to the tariff plan:

- the acquisition of the share can occur at any time, while the value of the share is determined daily;

- Minimum investment plan 15 thousand rubles for the first acquisition, and then the plank decreases to 3 thousand rubles, that is, subsequent purchases can be carried out from 3 thousand rubles.

- If we study the conditions of investment on the website of Raiffeisen Capital, then for the purchase of bond shares, an investment period for more than 1 year is recommended and this is why:

with the repayment of PAEV, there is a commission and the more investment period, the more profitable to the repayment:

1) When repaying until the 182nd days, the commission is charged 2%

2) from 182 days to 365 days inclusive - 1%

3) after 365 days is not charged.

At the time of preparation of the material, the profitability of the Raiffeisen Bond Fund looks like this:

On the chart that can be viewed at different time segments, setting the desired either at the bottom in the calendar, or shifting the right-to-left lever (everything noted and showed the arrows) clearly seen how the profitability of the Fund and the volume of investment funds changed.

The growth schedule is not ideal and it is quite characteristic of investments without fixed profitability. Despite the drawdowns, the total trend holds positive, although the decline is always confused by part of the investors and it can be seen how much the capital's capital decreased after an unstable situation.

Many psychologically do not tolerate minuses, but often it allows you to extract large profits precisely at such moments when replenishing funds on drawdown.

Of course, it is not a fact that as soon as you add funds immediately the growth will begin, it is possible to decline to continue, but sooner or later the rebound will occur and it will be possible to fix additional profits from investments in the tool. Exactly like this visual example (And it is almost perfect), drawn on the graph of the growth of the bond peef.

  • in the information sections, you can explore:

- Reporting, where in PDF format is provided by reports on the Fund for different periods, certificates of the cost of assets of the Fund, balances and explanatory notes to these documents;

- Documentation on the Fund: Tariffs, Trust Management Rules, Track possible changes in the documentation;

- as well as take advantage of the investment calculator, which will help navigate the profitability of past periods:

First you need to select the view of the FIF, set the dates and click Calculate or view the speaker on the chart.

  • Also, in the line of impassions of Raiffeisen Capital, there are different open funds and, in the future, the investor has the right to exchange one Pai to another (except Ipif commodity market "Raiffeisen - Precious metals") Or invest in different previewing their history:

  • Create PAI of the UK Raiffeisen Capital through the nearest branches of Raiffeisen Bank, it is enough to come with a passport and cash, and there is all the formalities there (fill in the forms of statements, questionnaires), and after all it will remain regularly follows the selected investment instrument and look through the Internet results every week in personal Cabinet And fix it.

  • As for the payment of income taxes, here as when investing in stock through broker:

When extracting profits from investing in PAIs, revenues should be taxed by the income tax in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the Criminal Code of Raiffeisen Capital has the status tax agent For individuals investing in the PAI and according to the articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, 214.1 and 226 Gl.26, after the repayment of Payas is obliged to calculate, keep and pay tax (NDFL) to the budget.

Tax rates currently make up:

1) 13% for tax residents RF;

2) 30% for tax not residents of the Russian Federation.

Finishing tax period The Criminal Procedure of Raiffeisen Capital is obliged to provide an investor a certificate of income if it is necessary to be as follows and it will issue a written request.

If the shareholder is not individual, and an enterprise, i.e. Legal person, all operations on accrual and pay taxes are carried out independently. Tax rate It will be 20%, which corresponds to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 284 p.1 and it will be the same for both resident enterprises and those who have no representation in Russia (Art. 284, 306-311 Tax Code RF).

When sharing, the operations are not taxed.

  • Despite small risks when investing in bond funds, nevertheless, they will also be preserved at this point, I would like to remind and give a link to the article on the blog that I regularly recommend to reading, and also made a screen from the website of the UK Raiffeisen Capital, where in detail Possible risks are prescribed:

You can complete today's review and I would like to wish all the tools in your portfolio in a positive trend, and the risks were minimal.

Good luck and profit!


Raiffeisen Bank began its existence for a long time. In Russia, there are currently a large number of branches of this group. However, society continues to develop and now there is a subsidiary that wears the name of the Criminal Code Raiffeisen Capital.
The Raiffeisen group itself has a pretty strong position of the leader in the investment market. Since the company is Australian, it is possible to confidently argue about it international. But the subsidiary opened at the beginning of the twenty-first century on the territory of Russia. However, in the founders of this company there is a bank himself.

So, Raiffeisen Capital Ready to offer its customers for the management of mutual assets. Also, the capital management is also proposed individually. Also managing the reserves of NPF and means nPF accumulations. Immediately manage the assets of the insurance company.
The organization has at its disposal the best management team. Also, there is an opportunity to use the Experience System. This allows specialists from Russia to use new investment management techniques in their work.

According to experts Raiffeisen Capital High reliability. That is, the first level. Thus, stability is indicated. According to another rating company, the organization has the highest level of reliability. The quality of services is very high. The organization develops thanks to the great experience of the Raiffeisen group. Thus, in the investment market, it is the largest. In addition, the company offers its customers a large number of services that are needed to manage assets. Also here are experienced by possible risks. All decisions on investment are accepted according to the control system, which has many steps in its structure.

Raiffeisen Group has a federal network that exceeds two thousand offices. A huge number of employees works on these positions. If you measure the company's celebrity for its status in Austria, it will confirm its magnitude. It is known that a quarter from the entire banking share of the country accounts for this group. The company does not stop on the achieved, and continues to confidently move forward, developing and increasing increasingly. Besides banking services The company offers assistance in the implementation of mergers and acquisitions of companies. Also engaged in financing construction projects, leasing and mortgage lending.

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