
Rgs investment. Capital life - reviews. Brief overview of new products Rosgosstrakh

Makarenko Irina (guest)

Fraud with investment income

On 12/07/2016, I entered into an investment life insurance contract with RGS-Life in the amount of 550,000 rubles with a participation rate of 184.11%. Investment income at the beginning of the 2nd quarter amounted to 69,943 rubles 75 kopecks. Due to the need to deposit money under the contract shared construction On 06/08/2018 I was forced to apply to the CSG-Life with a statement about the termination of the contract. According to the terms of the agreement, the redemption amount is 86% of the deposited 550,000 rubles, in addition, I am obliged to pay the accumulated investment income. Because I need to make a large sum as down payment to obtain a mortgage, I checked with the employees of the RGS-Life (including hotline 06/08/20016 at 14:12) the amount that will be transferred to my account. The office staff told me that the dynamics of the value of the underlying asset of the high-yield Eurobond market has grown and the investment income will be higher than in the 1st quarter of 2018, in addition, it will be increased by the participation factor. However, today I was told that the investment income was only 37,000 rubles due to the depreciation of the euro. However, the Euro exchange rate did not decrease by 2 times, moreover, there is no increase in the amount by the value of the participation coefficient. They used my money for more than a year and a half, and they intend to return the amount in the region of 510,000 rubles, that is, not just without any income, but also at a loss. I want to warn those who decide what insurance company apply, bypass RGS-Life, not only will you not receive income from the money invested, but also suffer losses.

Cheating, nobody likes it.

Administrator: The rating was not counted because the company gave clarifications on the feedback left.

Reply to feedback

UK Representative

Dear Irina!

Payout calculation for early termination insurance contract is made in accordance with the terms of this contract.

The amount of the stipulated redemption amount (percentage of the paid insurance premium) is specified in clause 11.2 of the Insurance Program (Appendix 1 to the contract), and the principle of calculating investment income in case of early termination is specified in clause 9.

When you contacted the Contact Center and the office of the company, you were provided with the right advice. In case of early termination of the contract, the correct calculation of investment income payable can be made on the date of receipt of the application for termination.

This is due to the fact that investment income upon early termination of the contract is determined as an increase in the value of the option contract in the direction of investment you have chosen (effective on the date of termination of the contract).
That is, upon receipt of an application for termination from you, the company will exercise the option contract and the amount of investment income will be calculated depending on the cost of exercising the option.

The amount of investment income is directly dependent on the growth or fall in the value of the underlying asset in the direction of investment you have chosen. And it is subject to daily change depending on the situation in the financial market.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us via the feedback form on the site https://rgslife.ru/feedback, we will definitely advise you.

Customer Support Office

A convenient deposit from Rosgosstrakh "Investment" is designed for those customers who are focused on high income received from keeping their own money in the account of this bank. What distinguishes this deposit from other other products of Rosgosstrakh Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) is its combinatorial nature, which consists in mandatory investments in mutual funds coordinated and directed by Savings Management LLC.

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Or a mandatory investment made in the form of insurance in the direction of Rosgosstrakh "Life". These and other subtleties of this contribution should be considered in more detail so that everyone can take advantage of the maximum benefits that it brings.


The main conditions of the Bank's deposit offer called "Investment" deposit are best studied in a special table.

Then it will be easier for a potential client who wants to save his own money with profit in Rosgosstrakh Bank to make his choice in favor of this product or some other.

General terms deposit "Investment" opened in Rosgosstrakh Bank:

To additional conditions also include the following parameters of the "Investment" deposit from Rosgosstrakh Bank:

  1. Deposit currency - only Russian rubles.
  2. A separate deposit account is created.
  3. Create maps linked to deposit account- No.
  4. The Bank may limit the maximum amount if it is related to units, or not limit it in the case of investments from insurance.
  5. It is possible to terminate the agreement ahead of schedule, but the rate will be determined as for the deposit called “On Demand by the Client” - 0.001%.
  6. There are no benefits in case of early termination of the contract.
  7. There are no progressive percentages. There is no artificial or special increase in the rate on such a deposit.
  8. It is not possible to auto-renew the contract. You will need to separately apply for an extension of the contract.
  9. Opening a deposit through the site is impossible, you can only submit an initial application.
  10. There are no other remote deposit opening services.
  11. Special conditions for this product no.

Investment deposit is special contribution from Rosgosstrakh Bank relating to insurance deposits.

A combination of investments to a deposit account as a contribution, plus contributions to shares of mutual funds regulated by Savings Management LLC, or contributions to insurance from Rosgosstrakh in the direction of Life - is mandatory for opening an account on the Investment deposit.

This is the first and one of the basic, main conditions for such placement of own free money on the account of Rosgosstrakh.

The second most important condition for this unique product of the Bank is deposit insurance, which is so often thought of by all depositors who are afraid of losing their money in the current instability of the economy and finances in the country and the world as a whole.

Insurance parameters in this case look like this:

  1. Only the amount of the deposit personally placed by the client on the deposit account from his own funds is subject to insurance.
  2. Interest that accrues on a deposit cannot be insured.
  3. Participation in shares, that is, the shares of mutual funds themselves are not subject to insurance.
  4. Contributions made under Life insurance, respectively, also cannot be additionally protected by insurance.

The third condition that should not be passed by the client of the company in order to avoid problems with the law and the state is the taxation of income received by an individual on a deposit.

From the amount that will be accrued on the amount of the deposit, strictly according to the rules of Russian legislation, the amount of tax on income from individual.

The deposit itself is the property of an individual, therefore no taxes can be withheld from it - only from the amount of accrued interest on the deposit.

The fourth condition is special rule regarding the size of the amounts that the client wants to put on the account of the "Investment" product from Rosgosstrakh.

This amount should not be more than the amount a share participating in a unit investment fund controlled by Savings Management LLC.

It seems that the limit for the initial replenishment of an open deposit account is set in such a way that it is impossible for the amount of replenishment to exceed the amount of the share.

As for several shares, then there is taken into account total amount of several shares, to which the deposit itself should be oriented - the amount of the client's personal funds for the deposit should not exceed the amount generalizing all existing shares.

Interest rates

It should be noted that interest rates often change in this bank - they can be changed during the year 1 or 2 times on the "Investment" deposit. But for those clients with whom agreements on such a deposit product have already been concluded, nothing will change.

All those rates that are specified in the terms of the agreement will be valid throughout the entire period of keeping funds and accruing additional income from mutual funds or life insurance.

Moreover, this is despite the fact that the rates for the product may change during the period of validity of such an agreement. In a word, those depositors with whom the Bank has already concluded a deal should not be afraid of rate changes.

Interest, by and large. It no longer depends on the amount, but on the timing of the deposit on the account.

At the beginning of 2020, the rates on this deposit were changing, but now they have stabilized and have the corresponding values ​​for the most great deals Jar.

Interest on the "Investment" deposit from Rosgosstrakh Bank:

At the end of 2020, rates on this species deposits are larger than today's. So, if a client opened a deposit for 91 or 181 days, then he had every chance to receive an income of 9% of the deposit amount.

If the account was opened for all 367 days, then the rate was less - 8%. It turns out that the rates did not grow, but decreased to this day by 0.5%.

But fluctuations in rates for deposit products always depend on the general market conditions, so things can still change and all banks will start raising rates, including Rosgosstrakh Bank.

How to open an Investment deposit in Rosgosstrakh Bank

You can open such a deposit only strictly in those branches of Rosgosstrakh Bank, where the head office of the Bank is allowed to accept applications for various operations in the direction of investment services and products.

Online registration does not exist for this deposit, although you can submit preliminary applications through the site.

The list of such offices and divisions can always be clarified either on the official portal of this financial institution, or by going to any office of the company.

After reviewing the application and the documents attached to it, the bank will draw up an agreement and open an account, which the client will be obliged to replenish on the same day.

The very procedure for concluding a transaction occurs with the simultaneous conclusion of several contracts at once:

  1. Comprehensive service agreement (at the request of the depositor).
  2. Agreement for endowment insurance for life risk - a product called Life insurance from IC Rosgosstrakh-Life.
  3. Contract for investment life risk insurance from IC Rosgosstrakh-Life.
  4. An agreement with a mutual fund under the protection of Savings Management LLC on the acquisition of a particular share.

As regards the deal for comprehensive service, then this usually allows the client to simply get full access to your personal account on the official website of Rosgosstrakh Bank.

If the depositor does not intend to use the Internet at all, but will constantly come to the office to clarify the balance, or obtain other information, then such an agreement is useless to him.

The conclusion of this agreement is purely voluntary for the client, but it should be remembered that even the activation of the SMS-notification service on the account status will also require the signing of a comprehensive service contract.

If we are talking about concluding a deal with the Rosgosstrakh-Life insurer, then the client either chooses one of the types of contracts, or you can conclude two - for accumulative and investment insurance.

The issue of concluding a contract with a mutual fund is also purely voluntary for the client in case he already has Life insurance.

But if there is no such insurance, then the conclusion of an agreement with a mutual fund and the purchase of a share will be mandatory for the client so that in the future he will have the opportunity to open an Investment deposit.

The documents

Among the many conditions, there is one important one - this is the submission of documents for opening a deposit account. Everything is quite simple here, because you can submit only one document proving the identity of the owner of the deposit - a civil passport of the Russian Federation.

However, in addition to the passport, two more applications must be submitted - one for comprehensive services on the bank's website to gain access to Personal Area to manage deposits and other accounts, and the second application - to conclude a deposit agreement and open an account for the "Investment" product.

In addition to these three main documents - the client's passport and two applications, in some cases the Bank may require additional proof of identity.

The following documents can serve as such evidence:

  • a special passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation for foreign trips;
  • military ID if the client is a man or a young person;
  • driver's license - must be valid, without expired dates;
  • personal SNILS and others that can pass for an identity card, where there is a photo of the person applying for opening a deposit.

There are cases when it is extremely necessary for an individual to have someone else open a deposit instead of him, then in Rosgosstrakh Bank it is allowed to open a personal account on the basis of a power of attorney for a person whom the future depositor trusts.

The power of attorney must necessarily contain the powers and rights that allow the authorized person to make such transactions, and must be certified by a notary.

Along with the power of attorney and statements, the attorney is also required to provide his personal passport.

If the contribution wants to make foreign citizen, then the road will be open to him - he will need to present his passport with the citizenship of his country, or another document proving not only his identity, but also his legal stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to calculate

The profitability from the deposit can be pre-calculated directly on the Bank's website, where there is a special place for this online calculator. This program already includes withholding taxes on income from an individual under the laws of Russia.

Social products in Russia are becoming more and more diverse. Each citizen has the right to carefully study all offers before giving preference to the most advantageous option. is one of the most famous and reliable companies in the domestic insurance market, thanks to which cooperation provides for an increase in the level of reliability and the possibility of successful use of the products offered.

Features of investment insurance

The unstable economic situation leads to an increase in the popularity of investment insurance. The provision of this type of service involves taking into account important aspects to ensure customer protection.

Investments, which are mandatory when applying for a policy, are divided into two funds: guarantee, risk. In the first case cash are placed in instruments-bonds and deposits, in the second - in profitable funds. Scheme insurance market allows each client to independently determine the optimal strategy financial investments after risk assessment and expected profit.

The Guarantee Fund provides for a stable profit, due to which any fluctuations in the economic system cease to be risky. However, the rate of return is usually extremely low.

The risk fund assumes the possibility of obtaining up to 20% of income. As a result, financial benefits become more accessible to the company's customers. If difficulties arise, the guarantee fund is able to compensate for the client's losses in order to protect his rights and interests.

The investment insurance market in Russia works according to a certain pattern. Each feature turns out to be significant for those who plan to use an affordable social product:

  • The most profitable options provide for the execution of insurance contracts for a long period. Usually, customers are interested in a 20-year cooperation with a specialized institution. However, the emergence of new social products is gradually changing the approach to this aspect, as a result of which investment insurance becomes profitable even with a shorter period of use of the product.
  • The contract defines the scheme for making payments. AT without fail customers comply with the conditions regarding the making of all payments, since in their absence, an unfavorable situation develops without the possibility of obtaining financial compensation.
  • Accruals are made according to certain interest rates, which are fixed in the current contract. Receipt of financial compensation is due to the possibility of using funds for the purposes established by the insurer.
  • New social products appear on a regular basis, developed taking into account the interests and needs of the target audience. Rosgosstrakh, one of the most reliable firms on the domestic market, offers various investment programs. AT recent times conditions are becoming more loyal to customers.
  • All potential situations are necessarily registered in the drawn up contract. As a result, it becomes possible to pay out even in the event of the death of a client who used insurance services. In such situations, the company makes payments in full only to the heirs.

Features of investment life insurance are determined not only by established common standards, but also the aspects prescribed in the contract being drawn up. Previously, the client chooses a program that meets his needs. Cooperation, the conditions of which are determined on an individual basis, starts only after a citizen of the Russian Federation receives a policy. To use social products, a Rosgosstrakh client must be 18 years old.

Opportunities of investment life insurance

The issued policy performs several important tasks that can be appreciated by Rosgosstrakh customers:

  • obtaining a guaranteed profit due to the proper management of the funds provided to specialists;
  • protection of investments from economic fluctuations;
  • life and health insurance.

When choosing a program, it is extremely important to be prepared to take into account the main aspects of investing. Reviews of investment life insurance in Rosgosstrakh testify to the absence of any risks for customers, due to which the offers become beneficial for their Russian citizens.

The duration of the program is selected individually by the client of the company. In most cases, the terms are optimal for those who are interested in investment insurance services. You need to be prepared for the fact that in six months it becomes possible to fix the profits and change the direction of investment without commission payments, penalties.

Rosgosstrakh is one of the most reliable firms in the domestic market. Each client has the right to return the full amount of investments and receive additional profit after the expiration of the issued policy. To increase the level of benefits, it is possible to replenish the account, pay insurance premiums using convenient mechanisms. Each client can use the services legal advice, as a result of which aspects of cooperation with Rosgosstrakh become clear in case of any changes in life.

Brief overview of new products Rosgosstrakh

One of the most popular products from Rosgosstrakh is the Wealth Management + program. This solution guarantees the protection of the client's funds, high return on investment and the receipt of special payments in case of unforeseen situations. At the same time, the age of the insured must be from 18 to 70 years, since violation of the age limit entails additional risks that are undesirable for specialists.

The program is offered under the following conditions:

  • the minimum contribution is one hundred thousand rubles;
  • the insurance premium must be paid in a lump sum;
  • the contract can be issued for 3 years or 5 years;
  • in some cases, it is allowed to increase the age of the insured client up to 85 years.

Thus, the program increases the chances of using the service for representatives of the target audience. Optimal conditions allow you to count on the maximum benefit for each client.

According to what scheme does investment life insurance work in Rosgosstrakh? Initially, the client must deposit funds and sign an agreement, having carefully read all the conditions of the program. At the end of the contract, you can receive personal funds and additional income depending on the situation. This provides for the receipt of both guaranteed and additional income.

Advantages of cooperation with Rosgosstrakh

Each client has the right to count on the following advantages of cooperation with Rosgosstrakh:

  • capital protection and guaranteed return of the contribution even in unfavorable situations for specialists;
  • high chances of making significant profits due to the fact that professionals properly manage the available funds;
  • a transparent scheme for calculating investment profits and the absence of fraud;
  • a well-formed contract that guarantees the protection of the interests of the client.

Rosgosstrakh is a well-known and reliable company in the sphere. Optimal terms of contracts, well-thought-out programs contribute to successful cooperation between the insurer and each client.

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