
The most important aspects of the construction of a brick fence. Beautiful brick fence with their own hands

The disadvantages include the high cost of building material and the complexity of the construction. But despite this, if you try, such a fence can be created independently. Brick fence with their own hands erected should be high-quality and easy to operate, so it is important to choose the option not only the optimal in difficulty, but also to carry out careful preparatory work, and in the construction process to comply with all technological rules.

Brick fence - durable and durable design, resistant to any natural effects. However, the cost of such a fence is quite high.

Brick fence is an elite type of fencing having tested characteristics, such as strength, durability, disability to adverse natural impacts and decorativeness.

Types of designs

Almost all types of brick fences have reference pillars, which are the main element of the fence.

Almost all brick fences, built with their own hands, have reference pillars that are laid in the foundation and facing bricks. They are the main element of the fence, then you can use various building materials for overlapping the spans or build a fence completely from the brick only.

Brick fence with forging - an exclusive and expensive way of building a fence.

Pretty popular view of a brick fencing with a metal profiler. Build it will be cheaper than a deaf brick and look it will be quite interesting.

More expensive and exclusive option - building with forged decorative elements. Such a fence is closer to the European style, where it has only a decorative function.

It is also very beautifully a fence, built from a brick of the Fagot, which is similar to the texture on a natural brushed stone. The value of the material is high enough, but it is very resistant to weather conditions and is able to serve for many years.

There are still many different types of fences, which can be built of bricks with their own hands and each of them has its own fans, advantages and disadvantages. But one thing is clear that any brick fence will perfectly perform their protective functions, emphasizes the beauty of household and enjoy any land plot.

Required tools and materials

Concrete mixer - greatly ease the process of solving the solution for the foundation of a brick fence.

The process is quite cost and time consuming. There will be quite a few tools and various auxiliary devices for work. You can select the main of them.

  1. Tools for land work: shovel, sledgehammer, big scrap. All this will be useful if difficulty with scaling rocks in the ground will need to be extracted.
    Masonry tool: trowel, Kirk. Brickwork is carried out with their help. There will still be buckets for a solution.
  2. Measurement Tools: Steel, Roulette, Laser or Hydraulic Level. They are necessary to ensure that the fence is beautiful and reliable.
  3. Concrete mixer. It can not be used, but in this case, concrete for the foundation and a solution for laying bricks will have to mix with the help of a shovel, which is a rather time-consuming and long-term occupation.
  4. For the reinforcement of the foundation you will need a dumping device.

To build a brick fence with your own hands, the following materials are needed:

  • necessary from which the wall will be laid out;
  • concrete to create a foundation;
  • the reinforcement and buttons will be needed for reinforcement and stouting foundation;
  • solution for brickwork.

Calculation of the amount of material and markup

The amount of the required bricks for the fence depends on the height of the fence, as well as the masonry method.

You can build a fence from brick with your own hands from any kind of this material, respectively, the cost of fence will depend on it. Used for construction standard, silicate or facing brick. Before starting work, it is important to consider that for single masonry the walls will be required for one square M 100 pieces of bricks, and for double - 200 pieces.

Next, it is necessary to determine which height and thickness will be a fence. If the fence is performed only by a decorative function, it can be built with a thickness in the Pollipich. Most often, brick fences are built in 1.5 or 2 bricks, rarely - in 3. The height of the construction occurs from 0.5 to 3.5 m.

To determine the exact amount of material, it is necessary to measure the perimeter of the fenced section, and also not to lose sight of the differences and the features of the soil structure.

To accurately determine the required amount of material, you need to measure the perimeter of the fenced area, pay attention to the differences and features of the structure of the soil. After that, you need to make a drawing of a future design, with it, you can more accurately calculate the number of consumables and building materials that will be required to work.

In the drawing should be provided with a certain step - they will make the fencing tight and stable.

In places of drops on land plot ribbon foundation It is necessary to pour so as to perfectly align the foundation for the construction of the fence. Also, you need to define the view and place of placement of the gate.

The marking of the territory is carried out with the help of a cord, roulette and stakes. In the place of arrangement of the foundation, pegs are driven and the cord is stretched between them. At the same time, it is necessary to note the location of the gate, wicket and intermediate posts. It is important that all the angles are perfectly straight. The span between the columns can be equal to 3 to 6 m - it will depend on the thickness of the brick wall.

Installation of foundation

For the construction of a brick fence on flat terrain, a ribbon foundation is usually installed. When the area has drops and irregularities - it is better to build a column.

Usually for their own hands on the flat locality, the ribbon foundation is equipped. When the area has drops and irregularities - it is better to build a column. The depth of the ribbon foundation is 40-50 cm. From the type of brick, the type of masonry, the parameters of the fence and the height of the wall depends on the width of the foundation.

Before you build a brick fence and its base, you need to make a clear plan. On the construction site There must be all building materials that will be needed during the work. The establishment of the foundation is carried out in stages.

  1. At first, a trench is prepared for it, which can be turned manually or used for this excavator.
  2. At the bottom of the trench, the drainage layer of gravel and sand is stacked, which must be thoroughly pouring water and tamper.
  3. A concrete mixture is poured on top.

If a plot with a slope, then you will need to make a formwork from the boards. The frame is laid in the height of the structure. Next, concrete is poured into the formwork until half, and then the reinforcement is laid, at the end everything is covered with the remaining concrete mixture.

After the concrete is flooded, it is necessary to pierce the metal rod as often as possible to get rid of emptiness in the material. The finished foundation should be covered with a rag and withstand to complete solidification within 7 days. For the preparation of concrete cement, crushed stone and sand need to be mixed in proportions 1: 3: 3. After a week, the formwork is removed and the finished base is treated with a waterproofing substance.


The most popular masonry for a brick fence is one-row masonry. Also popular combo and openwork masonry.

Brickwork is carried out using cement mortarconsisting of water, cement and sand. Usually, the fence from the brick is built with their own hands by one-row masonry. Combined, openwork masonry are still popular. If it is supposed to build a high fence, it is better to use a two-round masonry.

Its main rule is strict adherence to the work order and high-quality stacking of seams. The masonry is performed in a specific sequence.

  1. Brick is pre-soaked in water for better clutch materials.
    Then in several rows fit according to the foundation.
  2. The corners are set apartments with nails.
    A solution is applied to the brick to the brick, the surplus is cleaned by a trowel.
    While working, you need to monitor the laying level, for this it uses a stretched twine or you can make a frame from the boards and gradually move the horizontal board above.
  3. It is important that between the rows fit the same amount of solution, it must be thoroughly spinning before stacked the next row. Excessive solution should be immediately removed.
  4. When the brickwork is complete, it is necessary to process the seams using an ordinary solution or special protective or color compositions.

Walking out the fence

Plastering a fence from a brick built with your own hands, not necessarily, but if planned this species works, then the whole process will be as follows:

  • before plastering, it is necessary to moisten the walls;
  • apply a layer of plaster with a thickness of about 15 mm;
  • leave all work per hour;
  • next, align the plaster layer with sharp edges;
  • it is important over the next 2 days to moisturize the surface to avoid cracks on the plaster;
  • the end of the work should be moistened with water surface and treat it with a plastering grater.

If you follow the foregoing instructions in detail, then this, at first glance, the laborious process, like the construction of a brick fence with your own hands, will be under the power of any owner who wishes to make a beautiful and reliable fence for his home or cottage.

Thanks to the emergence of modern materials on the construction market, the developer has been able to build relatively inexpensive, beautiful and reliable fences. Despite this, the classic fence made of bricks still use unchanged popularity among domestic homeowners. He erected in all the rules, he will not serve its owner with reliable protection from intruders and winds, will become a true decoration of the house, due to the variety of architectural opportunities.

Independent construction of a brick fence - the task is quite complicated and not cheap, but quite perfect. If the Master has experience with brick, he will be able to create a real masterpiece using several types of bricks. In this publication, it will be told how to cope with the construction of a brick fence on their own, tips and recommendations of specialists in the competent selection of materials, creating a reliable foundation and the right design of the design.

Types of brick fences

In modern construction, two varieties of brick fences are most often used:

  • the base under the intake shield.
  • deaf fence.

In the first embodiment, the base and support design is laid out of the brick, and a variety of materials can be played as a fenceboard: professional flooring; polycarbonate; solid wood; Especially spectacularly and monumentally look for brick fences in combination with forged lattices and elements of art casting.

In the second embodiment, supports (pillars) and the fence shield (simple) are a single design that can be very attractive due to the diversity of architectural solutions, laying options, separation of fragments of the fence with various colors and textures. Below is a photo of brick fences: deaf and under the intake shield:

At the beginning of the "zero" among the domestic developers, a special shik was considered to surround private real estate "deaf" brick fence with inserting from butte stone.

Choosing materials

The appearance and reliability of the brick fence entirely depends on the proper selection of materials. Today, the domestic building market presents a mass of brick species, differing from each other with properties, characteristics and appearance. In addition to these indicators, almost every type of material is represented by three sizes that are rigidly standardized.

  • single - 250x120x65 mm.
  • one-hour - 250x120x88 mm.
  • double - 250x120x140 mm.

Traditionally, a red brick is used to build fencing, which is several types:

  • full-time;
  • hollow.

In addition, when the protective structures are erected, a facing brick is often used, simulating various building materials. Create the most reliable fencing with an extended service life will allow a frost-resistant "superffective" brick. The main differences: in density, composition, execution, appearance and value of the material.

Calculation of the required quantity of bricks per 1 m 2 masonry.

Calculate how much it takes the material for the fence is simple enough: you need to know the total area of \u200b\u200bfuture fence, type of masonry and type of brick used, as well as the number of construction units in 1 m 2 masonry. For simplicity of understanding below, a table consumption table is presented with different types Masonry and type of material.

Calculation of the amount of solution

The masonry of the brick fence is impossible without a cement-sand solution, which consists of cement, sand and water. The proportions of the components in the solution depend on the brand of the binder and the masonry method. Calculation of the flow rate of 1 m 3 of masonry is shown in the table below.

Developer previously not related to construction workIt is difficult to estimate the number of construction units in 1 m 3 of masonry. That is why professionals are recommended to navigate the following numbers: 1 m 2 masonry will require (on average) 0.25 m 3 solution.

It should be understood that this figure may vary depending on the thickness of the masonry.

Calculation of the required amount of concrete for foundation

Make the calculation can be possible only after determining the entire volume of the belt foundation. Initial data:

  • the trench should be 700 mm wider masonry;
  • trench depth is at least 800-1000 mm.

When laying "in the brick", the width of the tape will be 1 m. If we adopt the depth of the foundation for 1 m (for ease of calculations), then each meter of the belt foundation will require 1M 3 concrete. How much is in kg. Concrete components clearly shown in the table below.

Technology of building a brick fence with their own hands

Work on the preparation for construction and the immediate construction of the fence are performed in three stages:

  1. We think over the design, select the masonry method, we compile a project, count and purchase the required amount of materials.
  2. We carry out marking, we produce earthworks (trenches for a ribbon foundation), set the formwork, reinforcing and pour the foundation for a brick fence.
  3. We produce masonry of the support pillars and women's fence.

Now about each stage in more detail.

Marking perimeter

For the markup of the foundation, we use the roulette, cord and pegs. Initially, we determine the angles of the future foundation, drive the pegs, stretch the cord along the external perimeter. To prevent deformation, drive the pegs along the external wall of the future foundation.

Location internal perimeter. Depending on the type of masonry, placing the trench width by 600-700 mm more width width. EXAMPLE: When erection of pillars in 1.5 bricks, the base in 1 construction unit, and the seals to the Polkirpich, the recommended trench width will be 1 m.

Creation of foundation

On the marking of the row of trenches. Given the weight of the fence, the recommended depth should be 80 - 100 cm. Trench walls align all over the perimeter.

  1. Making a sandy pillow. To do this, we embarked on the bottom of the trench of the sand, layer 10-12 cm, after which shed water and trambam.
  2. I exhibit formwork. The height of the upper edge must be above the soil at least 100 mm. The upper facet of the formwork should form a perfect straight line.
  3. Reinforced. We associate the reinforcement in the grid and put in the trenches. You can use a simpler option: to tie a reinforcing grid into the pipe. The diameter of the resulting "pipe" should be equal to the width of the trench. In places of pillars, we establish a metal pipe, a diameter of 60 mm and we associate it with reinforcement.
  4. Fill the foundation concrete. It can be done independently (calculations of the number of materials are given above), and can be ordered at the ZBC factory.

Seal concrete into the tank is better with a vibrator, which will evenly distribute the mixture and remove air from it as much as possible.

Construction of pillars and fear of fence

Before masonry, remove the formwork and hide the foundation of the waterproofing layer. Next, you should decompose (without a solution) for one span, the first row of bricks and check the layout. If everything is in order, we proceed to the masonry.

Finish the masonry of the mason in each span.

As a conclusion

After the construction of a brick fence is completed, it is necessary to install for each pillar of the ZBB, which is necessary to protect the masonry from precipitation, and perform (if necessary) plastering. Examples of architectural solutions of brick fences are presented in the photo.

Fencing with elements of art forging.

Various design and options for fencing fencing.

Option use of bricks of different colors.

How to build a fence from a brick - video

The fence is the fence of the prediction or country area. He gives the owner at home a sense of security from outsiders and unnecessary views, serves as a way of separating its territory. And on the summer ground, such a fence, besides, protects the yard from neighboring livestock - animals love to enjoy in someone else's garden. And, of course, the fence is an integral element of the overall design of the site.

To date, the construction market offers a wide selection of materials for the construction of these fences. Fence can be:

  • brick
  • concrete
  • metal made of professional flooring
  • mesh from the chain grid,
  • wooden.

All these designs can be built with your own hands. Let us dwell on the construction of a brick fence. Such fences are very popular among private landowners. The brick fence is reliable, durable, fire-resistant. He is not afraid of a strong wind and other whims of nature. In addition, it does not need to care and constantly updating. The necessary building materials include:

  • brick
  • reinforcement bar
  • concrete solution for the foundation and laying of bricks. Divorce solution from sand, rubble and cement. But you can use the ready-made dry glue for brick masonry based on concrete - it will simplify construction and save time

From the working inventory you will need:

  • roulette
  • shovel
  • kapron cord or twine
  • household concrete mixer or building mixer
  • kelma, trowel, spatula
  • capacity for breeding solution
  • gloves

Where to begin

Before building construction, it is necessary:

  • make a competent calculation of the future fence,
  • create a visual plan scheme in which to indicate the size and draw the appearance of the planned building,
  • mark the places planned for the gate and the gate and, necessarily, reference pillars.

The average height of the brick fence should not exceed two meters. The number of bricks depends on the length of the fence and width of the laying. Most often, these fences are built in Polkirpich. If the laying of the material is made in one brick, then the fence can be increased to 2.5 meters.

Supplemental elements of brick fence are support columns. They are set at a distance of 2.5 meters from each other. For installation use a different brick:

  • red
  • facade
  • silicate.

The use of foam concrete, ceramzitoblocks, etc. Not recommended. First, the fence will not become stronger, secondly, the costs of laying and the subsequent finish of the facades will increase significantly.

Approximately 1 square meters. m. Masoncks in one brick will need 100 pieces of bricks, and in two - 200 pieces. The calculations were made - proceed to construction.

Stages of construction

Almost any terrestrial construction begins with the foundation. For a brick fence, a ribbon foundation is basically poured.

  • With the help of a cord, roulette and wooden stakes marked the area poured by the foundation. On Earth, there are places for the gate, a gate and reference pillars.
  • Along the tensioned cord rotates the trench of about 0.3 -0.5 cm wide. It is aligned and falling asleep with a thin layer of rubble. In places where support pillars are planned, the pit is digging deeper than two times
  • On the perimeter, formwork from boards to control a clear vertical pouring concrete
  • With the help of the wire, the metal grille from the reinforcement rods and is placed in the trench.
  • Metal pipe is about 2-2.5 meters with a diameter of 50-80 mm in the region of the support columns are strictly vertically and fastened to the valve fittings.
  • Concrete mortar poured

The foundation is ready for about a week, the formwork disassembled. Before starting the laying of bricks, a solution is prepared - according to the instructions for water, concrete glue for brickwork is divorced. The laying of the brick begins with the facing of support pipes.

If work is planned with cement, then the solution is prevented by one to two (1 part of cement, 2 parts of the sand) and divorced with water to the state of thick sour cream.

  • The material stacked in a brick thickness around the pipe
  • When applying a solution for each subsequent row of brick, newcomers are recommended to use smooth metal tubes with a length of about 0.5 m. Before applying concrete mass, they are located around the perimeter of the previous series of bricks
  • A solution of approximately 1-1.5 cm is superimposed by a lone layer around the pipe around the pipe. Without emerging laid metal tubes
  • Brick stying is made according to the following scheme: the first brick is laid horizontally. In the circle of the jack of jack to it, the following is placed. In the same way, two other parties are stacked.
  • Using the level, a strict vertical and horizontal of the laid row is measured. Metal tubes are pulled out
  • Subsequent rows of material are located in the opposite direction to the previous one. So that the bricks of one row overlap the masonry seam of another
  • And so all the support poles are laid out until the tops of the mounted pipes

Then there is a laying of the walls of the fence.

  • It starts from the support pillar. If the masonry in one brick then, one row of bricks is laid in a wide face down, a smaller face on the facade to each other, parallel to each other.
  • It is poured with a solution and overlaps with bricks in two rows. They are located perpendicular to the first row also with a wide side down.
  • And by alternating each brick row, the walls are erected to the height of the poles. For decorative effect, the wall laying can be made by 2-3 rows lower than the support column. This method is called chain dressing
  • The method is also used when the first row of bricks of the second row are stacked not in parallel, but with a shift to the half clip.

Laying 1.5 brick thickness is carried out similarly, the material location pattern changes

  • A long edge laid clouded bricks is watching the front part. On the same surface, the second row is stacked on the first next, resting in the first smallest face.
  • The second row, on the contrary. On the front side, bricks are mounted with a smaller face forward, and the inner row is laid in length

At the end, a protective cap is installed on the tops of the support columns. They can be made of concrete, metal or soft tiled. These elements serve to protect the inner part of the pillars from destruction.

Today, a brick fear can be given a different decorative pattern. This effect is achieved by a combination of bricks of various structures, color shades, inserting a rhombid row to the masonry. Saving facade of fence by carved ceramic tiles or wild stone. But fences with forging elements are particularly popular. They give a brick fear variety and ease. Modern forging allows you to make an element of any vegetable curls and geometric ornaments. Forging is most often mounted on the top of the walls around the perimeter or separate inserts in the form of parts in the fence, gate or wicket. Up to the perimeter of the wall, the holes are drilled with a diameter of 12-14 mm. Concrete is laid in them and the finished forging is inserted. Forged elements in the walls of the fence, or the gate are mounted between the seams during brick masonry.

Useful advice in the construction of a brick fence with their own hands

  • Before starting to build the walls, the foundation of waterproofing should be protected. Process it with appropriate impregnation, or before masonry put a layer of rubberoid
  • Before masonry, bricks are recommended to soak in water until small bubbles come out of them. This will increase the brick coupling with glue
  • In the construction of the wall it is important to observe a strict vertical. So you can build a wooden frame and clearly stick to its level
  • If the fence is planned to decorate the visor from the professional flooring, it is necessary to pre-collect wooden rafters and mount them into the walls of the fence at a distance of 30-50 cm, depending on the width of the skate.
  • Fence with a visor from the ceramoculepitsa is easier. From cement make a single or two-tie fill along the upper edge, to which the tile is passed.
  • As decorative design, the most optimal plaster under painting. It is economical and durable way to improve the fence. It is impossible to use any mounted structures, as it reduces the strength of the structure.

And, by the way, the fence of a thickness in one brick is withstanding the blow of a passenger car by tangent, laying on one and a half - a straight punch of loaded gazelles, and three bricks are an invincible fortress.

Regardless of which intensity, modern building and finishing materials are developing, a brick as was one of the best and practical, so does not lose relevance today. In the construction of fences, this truth also works. Brick fence around the plot - it is not only the best decision In terms of prestigidity and presentability, but also a competent investment.

Pros and cons of brick fences

Like any other fence, this option is also peculiar both their advantages and some drawbacks. However, this embodiment is one of the few, for which the minuses are more than completely compensated by the pluses available in arsenal. Actually, only two points are out of the shortcomings of the brick fear of attention - relatively high price, as well as impressive temporary costs of project implementation.

However, these drawbacks belong to the category of insignificant, because invested the money once in a brick fence, and waiting until experts are built, you will receive a fence that will serve not only to you, but also your descendants.

The advantages of brick fences include such advantages:

  • Presentability. W. external view There are two brickwork fences positive moments. The first is that the fence looks prestigious, modern and impressive throughout the life. The second point is the combination of bricks with any materials. Thanks to this, the fence will be perfectly harmonized with simple summer buildings, and with two-storey cottages, and with wooden houses.
  • Opacity. For many people on a series with conditional zoning the territory, the visual component is an important criterion. That is, the fence, in addition to the protection of the yard from physical penetration, should also be protected from prying views. And the fence in question is cope with this task for excellent. Often, for a complete limitation of a portion from third-party outlines, even though it is far from cheap, 2.5-3 meter brick fences are built.
  • Strength and durability. Good brick from a reliable manufacturer easily tolerates and exposure to time, and adverse weather conditions. Hang masonry mechanical method Also very difficult, even if you try to do it intentionally. For durability, brick is not inferior to practically no other materials that are used for the construction of fences.
  • Minimum care requirements. In essence, any care is not needed at all - they do not need to be treated with anti-corrosion compositions, periodically paint, wash and so on. The only thing that is worth paying attention to the future is the processing of the design of surface or injection waterproofing.
  • Variability. The fencing with the use of bricks can be implemented in several ways, which are briefly described below.

All of the above can be minimized in one point - invested the funds once in the cheap brick fence, you can forget about the need to redo, repaint and repair the fence of years, at least 100.

Varieties of brick fences

According to the criterion of the variability of the implementation of the projects of fences from bricks give a practically an infinite field for fantasy and the incarnation of any original designer thought. First of all, it is worth considering solid classic fences. They differ in laying thickness (1.5-2 bricks), height, and decorative details.

The second option is a combined brick fence. In such projects, it is difficult to identify any common features - each project may differ in the root. The essence of the combined fence is that the pillars and the base portion are made of bricks, and the remaining spans are sewn from other materials - professional flooring, polycarbonate, wood, erership, forging and so on.

Construction of brick fences

A classic solid sampling of brickwork is built in several stages, which, regardless of the selected configuration, are in principle, similar to the following sequence:

  1. Preparation and markup of the site. At this stage, from the line of the future fence is removed all too much and interfere with trees, bushes, weeds, old fences, and so on. It should be borne in mind that these works are often not included in the tariff for the construction of the fence.
  2. Foundation arrangement. On the perimeter of the site rushes a trench, the width and depth of which depends on the parameters of the fence. In places of installation, it expands and deepens, as they require a more thorough support. A sandy or gravel pillow is stacked on the bottom, after which the reinforcement frame fit. In places of installation of supports, round or profile steel pipes are fixed vertically. After that, on both sides of the trench, a formwork design is collected. To do this, you can use any available materials - construction board, timber, laminated phaneur, steel sheets, and so on. The last event of this stage is the preparation and fill of concrete.
  3. Pillars laying. Construction of supports should be started after the full frozen of the flooded base foundation. Poles are placed often either in one and a half or two bricks. Between the masonry and previously installed metal pipe, as a rule, an emptiness remains, which is poured with a liquid cement-sandy solution. During the construction of pillars, strict verticality and alignment on smooth perimeter lines is necessarily observed. If the fence is combined, then mortgages (metal or wooden) are installed in the posts, to which the sections or lags will be attached. During the construction of a continuous fence into supports, the segments of the reinforcement bar, which will serve as an additional bunch of structures are inserted.
  4. Filling the spans. If the fence is made solid, then the spans are laid out of the brick as the usual wall. If this is a combined fence, then sections are hung on the previously installed mortgages, or lags are mounted for a profile or other material.
  5. Installation of decorative elements. On the poles, as a rule, concrete cast, or metal caps are stacked. If the brick fence is solid, then special parapets are stacked on the cement-sandy solution. These products will serve not only in the role of decorative elements that make a fence completed visually, but also protect the upper edge of the masonry from rain and snow. If other decorative decorations are provided for the fence, they are also mounted at this stage. It can be the top of the wrought details and so on.
  6. Holding the gate and gate. The last stage of construction, making a fence completed and fully prepared for operation. For the manufacture of the gate under brick masonry Almost any material is suitable. Most often are welded structures or forging. In the construction of combined fences, the material is usually taken by the same as used to fill the spans.

More detailed information You can learn about the considered types of fences from our specialists, by contacting them at the specified phone number or through the feedback form on the site.

Prices for brick and corrugated fences

The cost of the fence from Profile S-20, brick pillars on a tape foundation

Price for 1 mp with material and work (rub.)

Height (meters) Brick smooth Brick Rust.
one-sided polymer coating
1,8 9 100 9 250
2,0 9 650 9 820
2,5 11 600 11 750
3,0 14 850 15 000
bilateral polymer coating
1,8 9 170 9 350
2,0 9 740 9 890
2,5 11 680 11 870
3,0 15 000 15 350
  • lags - metal pipe 40x20x1,5 mm
  • self-tapping screws with rubber press washer
  • groundovka Karcasa

Cost of one brick pillar with a cap with materials and work (rub.)

Height (meters) Brick smooth Brick Rust.
1,5 9 000 10 000
1,8 10 000 12 000
2,0 11 000 13 000
2,5 13 500 15 500
3,0 16 000 18 000
  • metal pipe 60x60x2 mm
  • metal cap in the color of the fence

Prices may vary in connection with the shares and market volatility.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Reliable fence of his home or site the most important task that needs to be done immediately after buying the Earth. The most rational solution in this case will be the use of brick fence. Conducting installation with your own hands will not be difficult, and the resulting object will be able to serve for a long time and reliably to serve its owner.

So how to make a brick fence with your own hands? The first thing that will need the owner is the purchase of materials. A cement mixture, brick, sand, crushed stone and naturally fittings, which will be a "carrier" component for fence.

Buying bricks will be determined by the parameters of the selected material and the size of the brick fence under construction with their own hands. Depending on the thickness (in one or two bricks), heights (can reach more than three meters) and the length of the fence, as well as the parameters of the material itself it is worth calculating its number.

Instructions for the construction of a brick fence

To begin to build a brick fence with your own hands, you need to install the foundation and support fittings.

In the marked territory, which should be perfectly even, set by the "pillars". They can be located at a distance of 1.5 meters to 4 meters. In the dug-out deposits (1.5 meters a depth each) is inserted with a support. It is exhibited by level of inclination and relative to the other elements. It is worth remembering that the perfectly smooth line and absolutely smooth row should be formed.

After alignment in a slightly expanded deepening, rubble and sand falls asleep. These layers are maximally tamped for the strength of the structure. The first step of building a brick fence is completed. You can proceed to the fill of the foundation.

The most practical option will be the installation of the belt base. To do this, you need to roll out the trench and install the formwork. After a sanding pillow is arranged for more reliable consolidation and only after that reinforcement.

As soon as the armature is laid, it is possible to make a concrete and pour into the resulting base, i.e, it is necessary to pour concrete into the wells and the base. The structural frozen will be directly dependent on the materials used and the depth of the dug. Frequently used parameters are 50 cm of depth and 25 cm width. This stage of making a brick fence with your own hands, the video about which is in the article, can be studied in more detail.

After complete pouring of the concrete, you can move to the direct brickwork. But there should be high-quality waterproofing between the foundation and the main part. For this task, you can use runneroid or mastic.

The simplest masonry is a single-level version with a displacement of half a brick. It has an attractive look. If you wish, you can use materials of different color and create patterns.

Construction begins with the laying of reference components. It will take four elements to set up each "pillar". On the base and between bricks should be concrete. At the same time, the compilation should be dense. It is necessary to hold a climbing for the uniform distribution of the mixture and its partial tamper.

The first row is laid out from the pillar to the post. The next layer on top of the first one by analogy. And so before getting a full fence. Do not forget that the top can be both simple and made in the form of a small protrusion. To do this, put the brick across the previously laid.

Options are quite a lot and a variety of brick fences with their own hands the photos that are presented in the article will help determine the most appropriate appearance.

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