
Clan Barukhov - Kings Jews. Bank Barukhov - Central Bank of the Central Banks of the World? Family Laba

Real rulers in the world. Clan Barukhov - Kings of Jews

Fragment from the book Anthony Satton "Dollar Power"

It - Bernard Barukh. The only representative of the Baruhov clan, which has stopped in the last 200 years. The clan rules the Jews from the Middle Ages. Absolutely all other Jewish clans depend on them. Jewish ruling clans - Kuna, Ciffiers, Labe, Baguchi refer to "Cohen" and prevent their blood only with each other.

They keep the liquidasonic pyramid headed by Rothschilds and are an eye in it. In essence, they are the devil in the flesh.

- Bankers in America are sitting in the shadows, they are practically not visible, they practically do not speak. In addition, it is interesting, there are several symbolic names. And not like that Rothschilda, as Rockefellera. And Rockefellers are court puppies in Greater Psarn, relatively with the people who are guided not only to America, but also the rest of the world.

For example, I met with the Minister of Finance Jackie Ruby shortly before his liberation (he was still all the same). We met with him in the International Monetary Fund. Where they have, gold bars persist (under New York, apparently, more than in Fort Noxt lies, even the magnetic field is unhealthy). He gave me a continuous leaflet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, and I was afraid to take it out, but it's not about this.

So, Rubin of the year three after that showed me already printed bills: they were more than ordinary, - thousandth nominal, five thousand and ten thousand dollars. There were no portrait of the presidents on these checks.

The presidents are only up to hundreds of dollars. He said: "These are serfs, but where are the slave owners." Who was there? Schuff, Laba, Kun., Baruch. In the wigs of their ancestors. Yes, on bills that diverge among people, portraits of those who really lead the world are already printed. They are sitting in the shade and treasures around the world belong to them. They really play not only America, but also the whole world.

How did it happen?

In 1913, President Wilson created a federal system (Fed) and liquidated the State Bank.

We received the original term: federal backup system. That is, a group of these rich Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of the State Bank. They seemed to merge together. And the paradoxical system was released: the whole world should be America, every American, barely born, - already under America about 60 thousand dollars.

Nat. There is no bank. This federal reserve system that acts in us controls not only the United States, but also all countries of the world. Consequently, the dollar, this green, not a secured piece of paper, controls the world.

Not a secured piece of paper since Johnson, there is neither gold, no land, no jewels - and he controls the world! Just because it is a means of exchange. For this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia is one of the objects of his personal interests.

These richest people in the world do not keep their riches in banks. You know, there is such a term "taplistide bank" - 100 most important, and then - on the list.

Try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - The bank that has existed since 1613. Since it is no coincidence first, the plane crashed into that tower where the headquarters "Standard Charter Bank", more precisely, its "International Dipatment". It is no coincidence that there were burned billions of dollars and dozens of tons of gold melted.

And what is this bank, whose headquarters in London, and he himself existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do? I found out what he was doing. There is such a comic actor in America Lainel Brown, my close friend. So, his brother got an acquaintance in the information system for control over the world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" - This is the Bank of World Guide Banks.

It is no coincidence that the first aircraft spectacled exactly there. It was a blow to the world leadership, in the soul of won. If people did not know this, they would have chosen another object. It was a non-random blow. This bank is not in any list of world banks, however he controls all calculations in the world.. Tracks and controls all global financial calculations at a speed of 20 billion dollars every minute.

Therefore, barely only Mr. K. "Dundle" through the private bank "Sabr" $ 8 billion 200 million, I thought that tomorrow would be a murder. The next day, Sabra killed when he took a shower. I had a decoding where this money was going, as they painted, where we were translated, but the reason was disappeared. The information has already been unnecessary.

Why then did not expose? Why Interpol is not investigating it? Think, they have no evidence that I have? There is. But, they have owners.

They want to crush Russia: to give the Japanese Kuriles, Finnam - Karelia, Kaliningrad - East Prussia.

Why do they need Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why a window, one slot is enough to peer. But after all this - the shadow of those who no one says. Rockefeller, Rothschild exhibit both boys on bliss. And about real, for example, Baguch, silent. They are not not.

- Are there any bankers more influential for Baruch?

- Not. This is a trilioner. And exposes a prince instead of himself. They laugh at us.

- And oppenheimer?

- Oppenheimer, yes. It belongs to the richest, but still it is not the upper echelon.

- On Baruch, the entire financial pyramid is a snatching. And what is the power of Baruch? What is his management concept, because he is not the generation of the twentieth century? Apparently, the ancient root?

- Not as an ancient, like medieval. It was a special family associated with mystical teaching in Judaism. Since then, they are in the shade. Through financing of Jewish societies, through the protection of all sorts of leaders. I, most importantly, wanted to pay attention that they really play America.

They do not even enter into the so-called global board - the club of Bilderberger, which consists of 63 people. By the way, among them and from Russia - Chubais. I heard that he was offered the post of Minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais only smiled (I understood him): "No, that you, I don't need it."

Of course, why be the minister of some peripheral government, if he himself, Minister Minister himself - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And all this is conducting Baruch, Laba, Schuff, Kun., their families who have come together. They are at the same time chaired in the global oil.

- Interestingly, did they think about the fact that, with such a government, global flashes will begin and maybe everything will end in the cataclysm of world importance? Or they do not care for their own interests?

- rather do not understand. They believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they are as kings of the kings will enter the World Board and share the entire ownership of the planet among themselves.

Andrei Furserov "Who rules the world"

November 12th, 2016, 11:11 am

It - Bernard Barukh. The only representative of the Baruhov clan, which has stopped in the last 200 years. The clan rules the Jews from the Middle Ages. Absolutely all other Jewish clans depend on them. Jewish ruling clans - Kuna, Ciffiers, Labe, Baguchi refer to "Cohen" and prevent their blood only with each other.

They keep the liquidasonic pyramid headed by Rothschilds and are an eye in it. In essence, they are the devil in the flesh.

Bankers in America are sitting in the shade, they are practically not visible, they practically do not speak. In addition, it is interesting, there are several symbolic names. And not like that Rothschilda, as Rockefellera. And Rockefellers are court puppies in Greater Psarn, relatively with the people who are guided not only to America, but also the rest of the world.

For example, I met with the Minister of Finance Jackie Ruby shortly before his liberation (he was still all the same). We met with him in the International Monetary Fund. Where they have, gold bars persist (under New York, apparently, more than in Fort Noxt lies, even the magnetic field is unhealthy). He gave me a continuous leaflet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, and I was afraid to take it out, but it's not about this.

So, Rubin of the year three after that showed me already printed bills: they were more than ordinary, - thousandth nominal, five thousand and ten thousand dollars. There were no portrait of the presidents on these checks.

The presidents are only up to hundreds of dollars. He said: "These are serfs, but where are the slave owners." Who was there? Schuff, Laba, Kun., Baruch. In the wigs of their ancestors. Yes, on bills that diverge among people, portraits of those who really lead the world are already printed. They are sitting in the shade and treasures around the world belong to them. They really play not only America, but also the whole world.

How did it happen?

In 1913, President Wilson created a federal system (Fed) and liquidated the State Bank.

We received the original term: federal backup system. That is, a group of these rich Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of the State Bank. They seemed to merge together. And the paradoxical system was released: the whole world should be America, every American, barely born, - already under America about 60 thousand dollars.

Nat. There is no bank. This federal reserve system that acts in us controls not only United States, but also all countries of the world. Consequently, the dollar, this green, not a secured piece of paper, controls the world.

Not a secured piece of paper since Johnson, there is neither gold, no land, no jewels - and he controls the world! Just because it is a means of exchange. For this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia is one of the objects of his personal interests.

These richest people in the world do not keep their riches in banks. You know, there is such a term "taplistide bank" - 100 most important, and then - on the list.

Try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - The bank that has existed since 1613. Since it is no coincidence first, the plane crashed into that tower where the headquarters "Standard Charter Bank", more precisely, its "International Dipatment". It is no coincidence that there were burned billions of dollars and dozens of tons of gold melted.

And what is this bank, whose headquarters in London, and he himself existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do? I found out what he was doing. There is such a comic actor in America Lainel Brown, my close friend. So, his brother got an acquaintance in the information system for control over the world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" - This is the Bank of World Guide Banks.

It is no coincidence that the first aircraft spectacled exactly there. It was a blow to the world leadership, in the soul of won. If people did not know this, they would have chosen another object. It was a non-random blow. This bank is not in any list of world banks, however he controls all calculations in the world.. Tracks and controls all global financial calculations at a speed of 20 billion dollars every minute.

Therefore, barely only Mr. K. "Dundle" through the private bank "Sabr" $ 8 billion 200 million, I thought that tomorrow would be a murder. The next day, Sabra killed when he took a shower. I had a decoding where this money was going, as they painted, where we were translated, but the reason was disappeared. The information has already been unnecessary.

Why then did not expose? Why Interpol is not investigating it? Think, they have no evidence that I have? There is. But, they have owners.

They want to crush Russia: to give the Japanese Kuriles, Finnam - Karelia, Kaliningrad - East Prussia.

Why do they need Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why a window, one slot is enough to peer. But after all this - the shadow of those who no one says. Rockefeller, Rothschild exhibit both boys on bliss. And about real, for example, Baguch, silent. They are not not.

- Are there any bankers more influential for Baruch?

Not. This is a trilioner. And exposes a prince instead of himself. They laugh at us.

- And oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer, yes. It belongs to the richest, but still it is not the upper echelon.

- On Baruch, the entire financial pyramid is a snatching. And what is the power of Baruch? What is his management concept, because he is not the generation of the twentieth century? Apparently, the ancient root?

Not as an ancient, like medieval. It was a special family associated with mystical teaching in Judaism. Since then, they are in the shade. Through financing of Jewish societies, through the protection of all sorts of leaders. I, most importantly, wanted to pay attention that they really play America.

They do not even enter into the so-called global board - the club of Bilderberger, which consists of 63 people. By the way, among them and from Russia - Chubais. I heard that he was offered the post of Minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais only smiled (I understood him): "No, that you, I don't need it."

Of course, why be the minister of some peripheral government, if he himself, Minister Minister himself - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And all this is conducting Baruch, Laba, Schuff, Kun., their families who have come together. They are at the same time chaired in the global oil.

- Interestingly, did they think about the fact that, with such a government, global flashes will begin and maybe everything will end in the cataclysm of world importance? Or they do not care for their own interests?

Rather do not understand. They believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they are as kings of the kings will enter the World Board and share the entire ownership of the planet among themselves.

- After hitting New York, the world covered Euphoria: even America experienced destruction! But the more you think about it, the more you doubt, not the idea of \u200b\u200bthis strong world. And you also correctly noticed that the blow was inflicted on their central financial structures, on the office. And as if everyone should rejoice. But they are not trying to hide the ends into the water, bombing their office, thus hide the statistics of the numbers, who should whom should, and, starting with the new page, rob the world? Thus kill two hares. Perhaps the system is outdated, dollars are too many and decided to start all the old ones. Perhaps already there is a downer?

Because they are global "friends", then they have a downer euro. America is doomed. She globally fulfills the last role of world dogs, and only Russia will be destroyed, America will be allowed to succeed.

The global center moves closer to Jerusalem. So now they, as in the story of Gaidar, Timur and his team, pulled all sorts of string-wires between houses, support communication, prepare for the emergence of the Messiah. This was already in 1666.

Then it seemed to them that the arrival time of the Jewish Messiah was approaching. Jews began to sell their own property, cast a gold crown and move in the direction of Jerusalem. Reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman is watching: "What is? Clouds of people are moving towards Jerusalem to lead the world. "

The main thing asks: "Who are you?" He answers: "I king kings!" What emperor will like this answer? He put it in the tower. The next day, "king of the kings" forgot about all the intentions, Magometania accepted, assigned all the treasures of the co-workers. They walked like Otara. They are subordinated to strange and terrible mysticism, believe that they must lead the world.

- Consequently, anti-globalists report that the perpetrators of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. It is necessary to clarify ordinary Americans (everyone already knows everything).

No, Americans will not understand this and they will not be perceived. They carried out that the Arabs are enemies. The question must be translated into a different plane: why America is global gendarme? Is there a bombardment of skyscrapers by the second Pearl Harbor? Currently, documents are already declassified that the president organized by the Japanese attacked on the Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt, I. Alain Dallas, and the Masonic and banking top.

But they went to treason and destroy the fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens, so that Baruchi, Schiff, Labi, Kuna received their own from participation in World War War. The same led to strengthening the position of the American banking system, the dollar, the revival of the American economy.

America was drawn into war in the price of this provocation. Americans are currently horrified, because Roosevelt was for many ideal. Of course, these documents were not particularly disclosed. However, they were declassified, and there were those who published them. America is shocked: Rooseveltwhich was considered the nation benefactor - killer and provocateur.

- What can you say about bin Laden?

He is a student of those teachers who are now condemning him. By the way, in New York the next day after the attack, a fund of 1 billion for the search for Bin Laden was organized. Founder of the Foundation - Anonymous. That's how much tricks are And how do you not regret money when you need to disguise Pearl Harbor-2.

- What are the current positions of Bush in America, does its population support? And good or bad, what did he, and not the mountains? Perhaps the Mountains on Intellect would be more responsible for this post?

In Russia, there is a proverb: "Stren radish is not sweeter." There is a system in America pocket presidents No first century. And finally, there is a humiliating custom of dedication to the presidents even before the election campaign. Over 13 days before the start of the election, both presidential candidates go to the central synagogue of New York. Who from there come out in a black hat - automatically leaves the arena, who in Belaya becomes president.

So it was for several elections, starting with Reagan. This year, a failure was held: these ceremonies were right fed up and they burned the synagogue. Candidates need to go, and it burned down - disorder. Those tried to organize this meeting again and again the synagogue flashed. No one knew who to vote for, and began great confusion.

Because Bush won with the advantage almost in one voice. That is, secret candidates are already elected, and it is impossible to synchronize the process to synchronize the process. Neither Bush nor Mount America leads, because there are such as Baruch, Schuff, Belderbergery.

- Do you think that the power of bankers over America to such extent powerful?

Not only over America, but also over the whole world. What happens in the financial world of Russia, Armenia, Georgia, any Latvia there, is all under the paw baruch and such as he. However, they are mysterious and mystified.

- Is there a mystical ideology element of the control of Barukhov over simple Jews to tighten them online?

It is hard to reveal to them the eyes. But probably. And examples in the history of plenty.

- There are Jews who understand where civilization is moving?

Yes, there were and there. Recall the Belgian Jew Spinozu, who abandoned his wealth and whom the Jews were cursed, but he did not pass away from his convictions.

- Is there Muslims in the organization of anti-globalists?

Sure! Lot. Here, for example, Ela Casi, the former Iranian Ambassador in Russia, to the UN, he worked as a representative of Iraq. An experienced diplomat. Good person. Muslim.

- How does Private America belong to Putin's image?

In my opinion, no way. Although some praise. Lovers have Gorbachev. Currently, the Masonic complex in San Francisco is being built for him. He was propheted the position of the Secretary-General of all religions. Gorbachev received two premiums king David. Even the Jews there are no such to get two awards at once. And Nevyuri (the Jew swiss) Gorbachev received - "For merit to the Jewish people". All this was done within the Harvard project. "

The best argument for the second who doubt will serve the words of the American professor Nicholas Murray Batler, given in the book of Isavor Benson "Factor of Zionism": "The world is divided into three classes of people: a very small group of people who guide the course of events; a little big - which monitors the course of events; And the majority that does not understand what is happening ".

In this regard, I want to remind: "If we do not know what is happening now, we will lose all control over what happens to us in the future ..."

Fragment Interview V.S. Gerasimova newspaper "Society and Ecology", № 29, October 20, 2001

From an interview with Valery Gerasimov, one of the most active participants in the global anti-globalist movement, an American journalist, a correspondent of several news agencies accredited for the UN, Russians by origin.

- Bankers in America are sitting in the shadows, they practically do not protrude, they are practically not talked about. And moreover, which is interesting, there are several symbolic names, even not so much Rothschilds as Rockefellers. And Rockefellera is the yard puppies on Big Psarn compared to those people who are guided not only by America, but also the rest of the world.

For example, I met with the Minister of Finance Jackie Ruby shortly before his dismissal (he was still all the same). We met with him in the International Monetary Fund, where they have a warehouse of gold ingots (under New York, probably more than in Fort Knox lies in everything, there is even a magnetic field unhealthy). He gave me a non-cut sheet printed one dollar bills with an autograph, I was afraid to endure it, but not about this speech. So Ruby, three years ago, showed me already printed bills: they were more than ordinary - thousandth dignity, five thousand and ten thousand dollars. There were no portrait of the presidents on these checks. Until hundreds of dollars - presidents there. He said: "These are slaves, but these are slave owners." Who was there? Schiff, Labe, Kun, Baruch ... In the wigs of their ancestors. So, on bills that do not have walking among the people, portraits of those who really rule the world are already printed. They sit in the shade and wealth of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but also the whole world.

How did it happen? In 1913, President Wilson created the federal system and eliminated the state bank, we received the original concept: a federal reserve system, that is, a group of these richest Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of the State Bank. They seemed to merge together.

And it turns out a paradoxical system: the whole world must America, and every American, only born, should also be about 60 thousand dollars. Why? There is no national bank. This federal reserve system, which we exist, controls not only the United States, but also all countries of the world.

And it turns out that the dollar is this green, no secured piece of paper, a fan, controls the world. Without a secured piece of paper since Johnson, there is neither gold, no land, no values \u200b\u200b- and she controls the world!

Just because it is a means of exchange. And it turns out that for this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia - as one of the objects of his personal interests. And therefore, these are the richest people in the world, they do not keep their wealth in one bank. You know, there is such a concept of "Taplistics Bank" - 100 of the most important, then list. So, try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - a bank that has existed since 1613 ... After all, it is no coincidence that the plane rolled it, exactly which is located in which the headquarters of the Bank Charter Standard, more precisely, "International Dipatment" It is no coincidence that there are burned billions of dollars and dozens of tons of gold melted. It was not by chance. And what is this bank, whose headquarters is located in London, and he himself has existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do? I found out what he was doing. There is such a comic actor in America Lainel Brown, my close friend. So his brother settled in Blat in the information system for control over the world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is a bank banks of the World Government. It is no coincidence that the first plane spicked exactly there. This is a blow to the womb of the world government, by the wicked soul. If people did not know this, they would have chosen another object. It was not a random blow. This bank does not have any list of banks, but, nevertheless, he controls all the calculations in the world. Tracks and controls all financial calculations at a rate of 20 billion dollars per minute around the world. Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. "blowing" through the Sabr private bank of $ 8 billion 200 million, I thought tomorrow to be murder. The next night Sabra was killed when he washed in the bath. And I had all the decoding where this money was going, how they were painted, where they were taken, but the reason seems to have disappeared. The information was useless. Why didn't it expose it? Why Interpol is not investigating it, you think they have no information that I have? There are, but they have the owners. They want to dismember Russia: to give the Japanese Kuriles, Finnam - Karelia, Kaliningrad - East Prussia ... Why do they need Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why the window is enough one slit to pry. But behind all this is the shadow of these personalities, which no one speaks about. Rockefeller, Rothschild exhibit both boys on bliss. But about the real, such as Baruch, no one speaks. They are no matter.

- Are there bankers cooler Baruch?

- There is no steeper Baruch. This is a trillioner. And exposes a prince instead of himself. They laugh at us.

- And oppenheimer?

- Oppenheimer, yes, he is among the largest, but it is still not the most upper echelon.

- All financial pyramid is closed on Baruch. What is the basis of such power of Baruch? What is his concept of management, because he is not the generation of the twentieth century? Probably ancient roots?

/ * And now attention! : /

- Not so much ancient as medieval. It was a special family associated with mystical movement in Judaism, since then they have remained in the shade. Through the financing of Jewish communities, through the protege to all sorts, and remained. But this is a separate big conversation.

I, most importantly, wanted to draw attention to what they really lead America. They do not even enter the so-called "world government" - the club of Bilderberger, consisting of 63 members. By the way, the 63rd dick is the only representative of Russia - Chubais. I heard, he was offered a post of minister in the Russian government, Chubais grinned (I understood it): "No, that you, I don't need it". Of course, why be the minister of some peripheral government, who himself is the Minister of the World Government - if we say figuratively! In this its invulnerability. Of course, criticism is allowed, disassembly, but this is all the game of puppets. And all this is conducted by Baruch, Laba, Schiff, Kun, their families, who intertwined with each other relatively, and they at the same time heads world freemasonry.

- I wonder if it came to mind that, with such management, the company would come to world-loving, first of all the biosphere, and could a world cataclysm, from which they would not begone? Or they don't care about everything and they see only their interests? About the biosphere think?

- You know, they are mystics. And, most likely, they do not understand it. They are holy believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they will include the kings of the kings will enter the golden crowns in the world power and will be divided by all the property, all the goiers of the planet on the shares that they will install. They are holy in it believe.

- After hitting New York, the world covered Euphoria: And America overtook revenge! But the more you think about it, the more doubt whether it is the strong world of this. And you also said correctly that the blow fell on their centered financial structures, for the counting office. And it should seem to be happy. But on the other hand: there is no fact that they are trying to hide the ends into the water, bombing your own counting office, that is, thus hide the statistics of the numbers, to whom that should, and, starting with a new sheet, rob the world? Kill two hares. Perhaps the system is outdated, dollars too much and decided to start all the old ones. Maybe already there is a doubleler?

- Since they are global "comrades", then the doubles are euro. America is doomed. It globally performs the last role of world PSA, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be allowed to succeed. The global center moves closer to Jerusalem. Headquarters move, talk about Great Israel, they are mysticities. So now they, as in the story of Gaidar, Timur and his team, pulled all sorts of rubber-wires between the houses, support communication, run to be celebrated, prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. Honestly, swear with all your heart. There were even headquarters for the arrival of the Messiah. This was already in 1666.

* Then it seemed to them that the Jewish Messiah was coming. The Jews began to sell their property, cast out the golden crowns and moved towards Jerusalem. Reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: "What is?" Clouds, clouds - go to Jerusalem to rule the world. The main asks: "Who is?" - Replies: "I king kings!" What emperor will like this answer? He put it in the tower. The next day, the king of the kings forgot about all hiking, took Magometanism, assigned all the riches of relatives ... They walked like herd. They are subject to strange and terrible mysticism, believe in their world domination. They believe that the Messiah will come and all the property of all Goev will be divided between them.

- So, anti-globalists claim that the culprits of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. It is necessary to explain this to ordinary Americans.

- No, Americans will not understand this and will not accept. If we speak directly, they will run away from it. They prepared all propaganda that Arabs are enemies. The question must be translated into another plane, in the area of \u200b\u200bspecific humanism. For example, to raise the question: why does America act in the role of world gendarme? Is the bombing of New York skyscrapers by the second Pearl Harbor? Now, after all, the president of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor is also declassified, and President Roosevelt, and Alain Dulles, Masonic and banking tip knew. But they went to the betrayal and the destruction of their own fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens to ensure that Baruchi, Schiffs, Labi, Kuna received their participation in World War II. After all, this led to the strengthening of the American banking system, strengthening the dollar, the revival of the American economy. America has drawn the price of this provocation in the war. Americans are now shocked, because Roosevelt was for many ideal. Of course, these documents did not distribute. But they were declassified, and there were people who immediately published them and made the subject of broad publicity. America in shock. Roosevelt, who was considered the benefactor of the nation, was among the killers and provocateurs.

Addition from the editor:

The Agricultural Bank of China and Standart Charterd Bank / United Kingdom / In early December, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. According to the document, the parties intend to conduct clearing operations in yuan in the UK.

Currently, clearing operations in the yuan in the UK are mainly carried out through the settlement system in the Xianghane. According to the executive director of the Standard Group of Peter Sands, the Clearing Operations in London can satisfy the needs of participants in the markets in the evening zone of London, in the calculations in the yuan.

The President of the Agricultural Bank of China Zhang Yun noted, with the help of clearing operations in the yuan, the parties will provide market participants in trade, investment and will provide Chinese transboundary financial support.

Currently, the UK seeks London to become an important offshore settlement center in the yuan. For this Britain activates contacts with the PRC. The Government of Great Britain in October of this year announced the weakening of restrictions on the creation of branches of banks with Chinese capital in the UK. In addition, China's central banks and the United Kingdom in June of this year signed an agreement on the mutual exchange of national currencies with a period of 3 years.

Standard Charterbed Bank belongs to the Barukhov family, one of the founders of the US Federal Fed. Bernard Barukh, a supervised project to create an atomic bomb of the United States, planned the creation of an international government in 1949. At the same time, the co-owner of the Fed was an adviser to seven American presidents - from Woodrow Wilson to Lyndon Jones. Using the continued authority of the most part of the US presidents, most likely, participated in the organization of the elimination of recalcitrant John Kennedy, who signed the Decree on the deprivation of the Fed Monopoly on Dollar Emissia.

During the 9/11 terrorist attack, including those controlled by Jewish "dancing" agents, the International Department of Headquarters "Standart Charter Bank was located in" Additional "-" Spontaneously collapsed "WTC7 building - in which no aircraft crashed. But in the ruins "disappeared" wiring on trillions of dollars and "melted" tens of tons of gold.

None of the "Godizred" in this operation was not injured. According to the Israeli press, all Jews - WTC employees - received SMS messages with a warning not to go to work.

From an interview with Valery Gerasimov, one of the most active participants in the global anti-globalist movement, an American journalist, a correspondent of several news agencies accredited for the UN, Russians by origin.

Bankers in America are sitting in the shade, they practically do not protrude, they practically do not speak. And moreover, which is interesting, there are several symbolic names, even not so much Rothschilds as Rockefellers. And Rockefellera is the yard puppies on Big Psarn compared to those people who are guided not only by America, but also the rest of the world.

For example, I met with the Minister of Finance Jackie Ruby shortly before his dismissal (he was still all the same). We met with him in the International Monetary Fund, where they have a warehouse of gold ingots (under New York, probably more than in Fort Knox lies in everything, there is even a magnetic field unhealthy).

He gave me an undisputed sheet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, I was afraid to take it out, but not about this speech.

So Ruby, three years ago, showed me already printed bills: they were more than ordinary - thousandth dignity, five thousand and ten thousand dollars. There were no portrait of the presidents on these checks. Until hundreds of dollars - presidents there. He said: "These are slaves, but these are slave owners."

Who was there? Schiff, Laba, Kun, Baruch ... In the wigs of their ancestors. So, on bills that do not have walking among the people, portraits of those who really rule the world are already printed. They sit in the shade and wealth of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but also the whole world.

How did it happen? In 1913, President Wilson created the federal system and eliminated the state bank, we received the original concept: a federal reserve system, that is, a group of these richest Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of the State Bank. They seemed to merge together.

And the paradoxical system is obtained: the whole world must America and every American, only born, must also be about 60 thousand dollars.

Why? There is no national bank. This federal reserve system, which we exist, controls not only the United States, but also all countries of the world. And it turns out that the dollar is this green, no secured piece of paper, a fan, controls the world. Without a secured piece of paper since Johnson, there is neither gold, no land, no values \u200b\u200b- and she controls the world! Just because it is a means of exchange.

And it turns out that for this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia - as one of the objects of his personal interests. And therefore, these are the richest people in the world, they do not keep their wealth in one bank.

You know, there is such a concept of "Taplistics Bank" - 100 of the most important, then list. So, try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - a bank that has existed since 1613 ...

After all, it is no coincidence in the first tower, the plane was rolled, according to the one in which the headquarters "Standard Charter Bank" is located, more precisely, its "International Dipatment", it is no coincidence that billions of dollars burned there and dozens of tons of gold melted. It was not by chance.

And what is this bank, whose headquarters is located in London, and he himself has existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do?

I found out what he was doing. There is such a comic actor in America Lainel Brown, my close friend. So his brother settled in Blat in the information system for control over the world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is a bank banks of the World Government. It is no coincidence that the first plane spicked exactly there. This is a blow to the womb of the world government, by the wicked soul.

If people did not know this, they would have chosen another object. It was not a random blow. This bank does not have any list of banks, but, nevertheless, he controls all the calculations in the world. Tracks and controls all financial calculations at a rate of 20 billion dollars per minute around the world.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. "blowing" through the Sabr private bank of $ 8 billion 200 million, I thought tomorrow to be murder. The next night Sabra was killed when he washed in the bath. And I had all the decoding where this money was going, how they were painted, where they were taken, but the reason seems to have disappeared. The information was useless.

Why didn't it expose it? Why Interpol is not investigating it, you think they have no information that I have? There are, but they have the owners. They want to define Russia: to give the Japanese Kuriles, Finnam - Karelia, Kaliningrad - East Prussia ...

Why do they need Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why the window is enough one slit to pry. But behind all this is the shadow of these personalities, which no one speaks about. Rockefeller, Rothschild exhibit both boys on bliss. But about the real, such as Baruch, no one speaks. They are no matter.

Are there bankers cooler Baruch?

There is no cooler Baruch. This is a trillioner. And exposes a prince instead of himself. They laugh at us.

And oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer, yes, he is among the largest, but it is still not the most upper echelon.

All financial pyramid is closed on Baruch. What is the basis of such power of Baruch? What is his concept of management, because he is not the generation of the twentieth century? Probably ancient roots?

Not so much ancient as medieval. It was a special family associated with mystical movement in Judaism, since then they have remained in the shade. Through the financing of Jewish communities, through the protege to all sorts, and remained. But this is a separate big conversation.

I, most importantly, wanted to draw attention to what they really lead America. They do not even enter the so-called "world government" - the club of Bilderberger, consisting of 63 members. By the way, the 63rd dick is the only representative of Russia - Chubais. I heard, he was offered the post of Minister in the Russian government, Chubais grinned (I understood it): "No, that you, I don't need it."

Of course, why be the minister of some peripheral government, who himself is the Minister of the World Government - if we say figuratively! In this its invulnerability. Of course, criticism is allowed, disassembly, but this is all the game of puppets. And all this is conducted by Baruch, Laba, Schiff, Kun, their families, who intertwined with each other relatively, and they at the same time heads world freemasonry.

I wonder if it had the idea that, with such management, the society would come to world unbalance, first of all the biosphere, and could a global cataclysm be happening from which they would not begone? Or they don't care about everything and they see only their interests? About the biosphere think?

You know, they are mystics. And, most likely, they do not understand it. They are holy believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they will include the kings of the kings will enter the golden crowns in the world power and will be divided by all the property, all the goiers of the planet on the shares that they will install. They are holy in it believe.

After hitting New York, the world covered Euphoria: And America overtook revenge! But the more you think about it, the more doubt whether it is the strong world of this. And you also said correctly that the blow fell on their centered financial structures, for the counting office. And it should seem to be happy.

But on the other hand: it is not here that they are trying to hide the ends into the water, bombing their own counting office, that is, thus hide the statistics of numbers, to whom should, and, starting with a new sheet, rob the world? Kill two hares. Perhaps the system is outdated, dollars too much and decided to start all the old ones. Maybe already there is a doubleler?

Because they are global "comrades", then the doubles are euro. America is doomed. It globally performs the last role of world PSA, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be allowed to succeed.

The global center moves closer to Jerusalem. Headquarters move, talk about Great Israel, they are mysticities. So now they, as in the story of Gaidar, Timur and his team, pulled all sorts of rubber-wires between the houses, support communication, run to be celebrated, prepare for the arrival of the Messiah.

Honestly, swear with all your heart. There were even headquarters for the arrival of the Messiah. This was already in 1666. Then it seemed to them that the Jewish Messiah was coming. The Jews began to sell their property, cast out the golden crowns and moved towards Jerusalem. Reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: "What is?" Clouds, clouds - go to Jerusalem to rule the world. The main asks: "Who is?" - Replies: "I king kings!"

What emperor will like this answer? He put it in the tower. The next day, "King Kings" forgot about all hiking, accepted Mohametanism, assigned all the riches of relatives ...

They walked like herd. They are subject to strange and terrible mysticism, believe in their world domination. They believe that the Messiah will come and all the property of all Goev will be divided between them.

So, anti-globalists claim that the culprits of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. It is necessary to explain this to ordinary Americans.

No, Americans will not understand this and will not accept. If we speak directly, they will run away from it. They prepared all propaganda that Arabs are enemies.

The question must be translated into another plane, in the area of \u200b\u200bspecific humanism. For example, to raise the question: why does America act in the role of world gendarme? Is the bombing of New York skyscrapers by the second Pearl Harbor?

Now, after all, the president of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor is also declassified, and President Roosevelt, and Alain Dulles, Masonic and banking tip knew. But they went to the betrayal and the destruction of their own fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens to ensure that Baruchi, Schiffs, Labi, Kuna received their participation in World War II. After all, this led to the strengthening of the American banking system, strengthening the dollar, the revival of the American economy. America has drawn the price of this provocation in the war.

Americans are now shocked, because Roosevelt was for many ideal. Of course, these documents did not distribute. But they were declassified, and there were people who immediately published them and made the subject of broad publicity. America in shock. Roosevelt, who was considered the benefactor of the nation, was among the killers and provocateurs.

Addition from the editor:

The Agricultural Bank of China and Standart Charterd Bank / United Kingdom / In early December, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. According to the document, the parties intend to conduct clearing operations in yuan in the UK.

Currently, clearing operations in the yuan in the UK are mainly carried out through the settlement system in the Xianghane. According to the executive director of the Standard Group of Peter Sands, the Clearing Operations in London can satisfy the needs of participants in the markets in the evening zone of London, in the calculations in the yuan.

The President of the Agricultural Bank of China Zhang Yun noted, with the help of clearing operations in the yuan, the parties will provide market participants in trade, investment and will provide Chinese enterprises cross-border financial support.

Currently, the UK seeks London to become an important offshore settlement center in the yuan. For this Britain activates contacts with the PRC. The Government of Great Britain in October of this year announced the weakening of restrictions on the creation of branches of banks with Chinese capital in the UK. In addition, China's central banks and the United Kingdom in June of this year signed an agreement on the mutual exchange of national currencies with a period of 3 years.

Standard Charterbed Bank belongs to the Barukhov family, one of the founders of the US Federal Fed. Bernard Barukh, a supervised project to create an atomic bomb of the United States, planned the creation of an international government in 1949. At the same time, the co-owner of the Fed was an adviser to seven American presidents - from Woodrow Wilson to Lyndon Jones. Using the most impected authority of the most part of the US presidents, most likely, participated in the organization of the elimination of dismissed John Kennedy, who signed a decree on the deprivation of the Fed Monopoly on dollar emissions.

During the 9/11 terrorist attack, including those controlled by Jewish "dancing" agents, the International Department of Headquarters "Standart Charter Bank was located in the" Additional "-" "WTC7 building - in which no aircraft crashed. But in the ruins "disappeared" wiring on trillions of dollars and "melted" tens of tons of gold.

None of the "Godizred" in this operation was not injured. According to the Israeli press, all Jews - WTC employees - received SMS messages with a warning not to go to work.

The secret mafia economic system of the planet, serving exclusively mafia planet lives completely in other rules and laws, with other key managers of the world, enjoys another currency and banks, closed and unknown ordinary inhabitants, but money ranged due to oligarchs and political leaders of different countries in this The secret economic network of Barukhov once belonged to the human race, but it was already in the past ...

(Every year, trillions of dollars from the external economic system are transferred to the secret, which the Satanian elite of the planet is disposed and uses, and in the execution of any state again it is formed with a manner, because "black holes" will always endurely to absorb later and the blood earned money for humanity, which every year becomes All the poorer and poorer ...

Tell me, did you see 1000, 5000 and 10,0000 Barukhov, Kunov, Leides, Schiffs from the International Monetary Fund under New York?!

Dollar Covers - why muzzle Woodrow Wilson on the bill at 100,000 dollars?

Dollar covers some dignity you do you know?

Usually say: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.

That's right. More advanced users add a rare two-dollar bill. It is considered to be a numismatic rarity, and, in the hands of an understanding person, immediately derived from the turnover.

And what dollar bills do you know?
Very few answer this question. Especially correct. It turns out that there are a number of banknotes, the existence of which most does not even suspect.

it covers at 500, 1000, 5000, 10 000 and 100,000 dollars. No one knows for one simple reason - they are prohibited from the export of the country from the United States. Banknotes are worth $ 100,000 (the gold certificate of release of 1934) was never in the usual turnover and were used only for calculations between federal reserve banks. Seen their units.

And you know what, or rather who depicted on the samoa large dollar banknote? Whose portrait shut down on the bill at $ 100,000? Answer this question will not be difficult if you remember that the United States money prints not a state. The federal reserve system has its heroes, its own valuables, their "pets" in the dark forest of American history.

On a banknote a hundred thousand dollars with the highest fault, the 28th US President depicts Woodrow Wilson. TOT most the president USA which signed Act Federal reserve and created Fed. According to the Federal Reserve Printing Machine - this is exactly the greatest figure of American history. Why there is American - once Woodrow Wilson is printed on a banknote having the greatest value in history, he is "the most humane man" of all times and peoples.

"That's how you start studying" family "portraits and make a very interesting discovery ..." (c)

Bank Barukhov - Central Bank of the Central Banks of the World

"For example, I met with Finance Minister Jackie Ruby shortly before his dismissal (he was still different). We met with him in the International Monetary Fund, where they have a warehouse of gold ingots (under New York, probably more than in Fort Knox lies in everything, there is even a magnetic field unhealthy). He gave me an undisputed sheet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, I was afraid to take it out, but not about this speech. So Ruby, three years ago, showed me already printed bills: they were more than ordinary - thousandth dignity, five thousand and ten thousand dollars. There were no portrait of the presidents on these checks. Until hundreds of dollars - presidents there. He said: "These are slaves, but these are slave owners." Who was there? Schiff, Laba, Kun, Baruch ... In the wigs of their ancestors. So, on bills that do not have walking among the people, portraits of those who really rule the world are already printed. They sit in the shade and wealth of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but also the whole world. How did it happen? In 1913, President Wilson created the federal system and eliminated the state bank, we received the original concept: a federal reserve system, that is, a group of these richest Jewish bankers assumed the obligations of the State Bank. They seemed to merge together.

And it turns out a paradoxical system: the whole world must America, and every American, only born, should also be about 60 thousand dollars. Why? There is no national bank. This federal reserve system, which we exist, controls not only the United States, but also all countries of the world. And it turns out that the dollar is this green, no secured piece of paper, a fan, controls the world. Without a secured piece of paper since Johnson, there is neither gold, no land, no values \u200b\u200b- and she controls the world! Just because it is a means of exchange.

And it turns out that for this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch Costa Rica, or France, or Russia - as one of the objects of his personal interests. And therefore, these are the richest people in the world, they do not keep their wealth in one bank. You know, there is such a concept of "Taplistics Bank" - 100 of the most important, then list.

So, try to find there "Standard Charter Bank" - The bank that has existed since 1613 ... After all, it is no coincidence in the first tower, the plane rolled, exactly which is located in which the headquarters of the Bank's Charter Standard is located, more precisely, its "International Diapatment", it is no coincidence that there are burned billions of dollars and melted dozens of gold tons . It was not by chance. And what is this bank, whose headquarters is located in London, and he himself has existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do? I found out what he was doing.

There is such a comic actor in America Lainel Brown, my close friend. So his brother settled in Blat in the information system for control over the world transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is a bank banks of the World Government. It is no coincidence that the first plane spicked exactly there. This is a blow to the womb of the world government, by the wicked soul. If people did not know this, they would have chosen another object. It was not a random blow. This bank does not have any list of banks, but, nevertheless, he controls all the calculations in the world. Tracks and controls all financial calculations at a rate of 20 billion dollars per minute around the world. Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. "blowing" through the Sabr private bank of $ 8 billion 200 million, I thought tomorrow to be murder.

The next night Sabra was killed when he washed in the bath. And I had all the decoding where this money was going, how they were painted, where they were taken, but the reason seems to have disappeared. The information was useless. Why didn't it expose it? Why Interpol is not investigating it, you think they have no information that I have? There are, but they have the owners. They want to dismember Russia: to give the Japanese Kuriles, Finnam - Karelia, Kaliningrad - East Prussia ... Why do they need Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why the window is enough one slit to pry. But behind all this is the shadow of these personalities, which no one speaks about. Rockefeller, Rothschild exhibit both boys on bliss. But about the real, such as Baruch, no one speaks. They are no matter. "

Baruchi - "A special family associated with mystical movement in JudaismSince then (from the Middle Ages), they are in the shade and remained.

And all this is conducted by Baruch, Laba, Schiff, Kun, their families who intertwined with each other relatively, and they are at the same time head World Freemasonry.

- You know, they are mystics. And, most likely, they do not understand it. They are holy believe that the Jewish Messiah will come (My comer: i.e. Antichrist or Dajal), and they like the kings of the kings will enter the golden crowns in the world power and will be divided by all the property, all the goiers of the planet on the shares they will install. They are holy in it believe.<…>

Because they are global "comrades", then the doubles are euro. America is doomed. It globally performs the last role of world PSA, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be allowed to succeed. The global center moves closer to Jerusalem.<…> Headquarters move, talk about Great Israel, they are mysticities. So now they, as in the story of Gaidar, Timur and his team, pulled all sorts of rubber-wires between the houses, support communication, run to be celebrated, prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. Honestly, swear with all your heart. There were even headquarters for the arrival of the Messiah. This was already in 1666. Then it seemed to them that the Jewish Messiah was coming. The Jews began to sell their property, cast out the golden crowns and moved towards Jerusalem. Reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: "What is?" Clouds, clouds - go to Jerusalem to rule the world. The main asks: "Who is?" - Replies: "I king kings!" What emperor will like this answer? He put it in the tower. The next day, the king of the kings forgot about all hiking, took Magometanism, assigned all the riches of relatives ... They walked like herd. They are subject to strange and terrible mysticism, believe in their world domination. They believe that the Messiah will come and all the property of all Goev will be divided between them.<…>

- So, anti-globalists claim that the culprits of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. It is necessary to explain this to ordinary Americans.

- No, Americans will not understand this and will not accept. If we speak directly, they will run away from it. They prepared all propaganda that Arabs are enemies. The question must be translated into another plane, in the area of \u200b\u200bspecific humanism. For example, to raise the question: why does America act in the role of world gendarme? Is the bombing of New York skyscrapers by the second Pearl Harbor? Now, after all, the president of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor is also declassified, and President Roosevelt, and Alain Dulles, Masonic and banking tip knew. But they went to the betrayal and the destruction of their own fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens to ensure that Baruchi, Schiffs, Labi, Kuna received their participation in World War II. After all, this led to the strengthening of the American banking system, strengthening the dollar, the revival of the American economy. America has drawn the price of this provocation in the war. Americans are now shocked, because Roosevelt was for many ideal. Of course, these documents did not distribute. But they were declassified, and there were people who immediately published them and made the subject of broad publicity. America in shock. Roosevelt, who was considered the benefactor of the nation, was among the killers and provocateurs.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state