
There will be no cash. Sweden becomes the first country without cash. Rubles and bitcoins

S.-PETERSBURG, 18 October - RIA Novosti / Prime. Cash will not disappear from circulation in the Russian Federation very soon, over a horizon of 10 years, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Georgy Luntovsky told reporters on the sidelines of an international conference on cash circulation.

The Central Bank announced the possibility of deterioration in the quality of paper notesBank of Russia intends to pay attention to sorting banknotes credit institutions, since frequent use of banknotes can lead to overwriting of the pattern or serial numbers.

“As for Russia. It is obvious to everyone that technical progress, new technologies lead to the fact that non-cash payments are developing very actively, and this can be seen from our statistics. developing countries the volume of cash is growing. I think it will take a very long time before the complete disappearance of cash from circulation, "said Luntovsky.

“I don’t expect that in the next decade we will see the decline of cash in circulation - it has existed for more than 2000 years. safety of non-cash payments ", - he noted.

"I will give the example of Sweden, where it was officially announced that it would give up cash, but then there was a problem with the population. And they had to accept the appropriate normative act to make banks work with cash, with the population, "Luntovsky said.

"I am like the person who oversees the cash money turnover I mostly use cash. But I believe that it is always necessary to ensure safety as much as possible. Not always commercial banks follow the path of ensuring safety, and often save on safety. This is exactly the point that needs to be taken into account and we assume that it is necessary to take appropriate legislative measures in order to force commercial structures not only collect money, but also ensure safety Money, which the population will stir in them, "Luntovsky also said.

According to Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of Sberbank, it is impossible to completely abandon cash in the Russian Federation. "Killing the cache is unlikely (possibly - ed.) In Russia, some segments of the cache will definitely remain, but Sberbank is now pursuing a conscious policy of building a cashless world. An example is Zelenodolsk, Apple Pay, Sberbank-online - these are the systems that are aimed at ensuring that we go to the cashless world, "Kuznetsov told reporters.

"Now we see in a number of countries Northern Europe obvious tendencies when countries generally withdraw from cash - Norway, Denmark, Sweden ... at the same time, I am ready to agree that in Europe and in the world in general, the mass of cash is increasing, but the number of transactions is decreasing. This means that all the same, a cashless world is coming and, despite the increase in the mass of money, the amount is decreasing, we also confirm this trend, "added the deputy chairman of Sberbank.

According to the Central Bank, the share of cash in circulation in the Russian Federation is currently about 70%.

In Russia, they are going to prohibit the payment of salaries in cash and to restrict cash payments for large purchases.

Russia will continue to move towards abandoning cash and switching to card payments, but the speed of this process will depend on many factors and Russian realities, said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. A Kremlin spokesman confirmed the existence of a "shadow economy" in Russia, recalling that our country is a party to all international conventions and treaties aimed at combating money laundering and money laundering. According to him, in general, the world practice has abandoned cash payments and has proven itself well.

Earlier, the initiative to limit cash payments was made by the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov. In turn, the first deputy prime minister Igor Shuvalov noted that there will be no administrative restrictions on cash payments.

Considering that in Russia there is a high proportion of the “gray economy” that must be dealt with, however, this is an essential factor in the economic life of the shadow sector of the economy, which serves the cash turnover of funds. On the other hand, according to the head of the analytical department of MC "BK-Savings" Sergey Suverov, banning the acceptance of cash would put different types of money in an unequal position. It will turn out to be a situation when cash will have fewer rights than non-cash money, which can cause some legal problems in the interpretation of the status different types money, explained the interlocutor of the Kolokol Rossii publication.

« the main objective refusal from cash payments is due to the fact that the state intends to more actively fight the "shadow economy" and criminal schemes through which cash flows. Today, in many countries of the world, non-cash circulation is actively used to make large purchases, but this is not a mandatory calculation measure. At the same time, it should not be ruled out that in Russian realities a situation may arise when unscrupulous banks begin to use credit cards for questionable transactions. Therefore, in the Russian Federation, the introduction of compulsory non-cash payment will have difficulties in the practical implementation of such measures, ”the expert explained.

Moreover, according to economic observer Sergei Suverov, the transition to cashless payments may cause an increase in prices for consumer services and goods at the level of 2-3 percent. Already today, some shops charge higher prices for such payments than for cash.

“Considering that the degree of public confidence in credit cards is extremely low, there is a feeling that the state is trying artificial methods to impose“ love for credit cards ”and non-cash payment methods by directive methods. In turn, the population will simply have no choice but to use cashless form payment. However, this is unlikely to increase the level of confidence among the population in "credit cards", because there are many complaints against Russian financial institutions, and the reputation of most banks leaves much to be desired. - Therefore, in the opinion of the interlocutor of the publication, "- most likely, only banks with state participation can be used for non-cash obligatory payments."

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance are discussing a plan to ban salaries in cash, as well as to limit cash payments for large purchases. According to the newspaper "Vedomosti", thus, Russian government intends to fight the "shadow economy". According to some reports, these proposals can be included in the government's plan for 2018-2024. to increase economic growth.

The main task of the state to introduce such restrictive measures is to bring business and those salaries that are paid in envelopes by the employer out of the shadows, the economist, analyst of the Finam group of companies believes. Bogdan Zvarich. In addition, according to the interlocutor of the Kolokol Rossii publication, such measures should lead to a budget replenishment of tax revenues.

“Of course, a part of the business that wants to continue working according to“ gray ”and black” schemes will look for ways to circumvent the imposed restrictions, so the question arises: how successful will the body be that will identify such fraudulent mechanisms and fight them. Meanwhile, today there are no big obstacles in order to switch to payment wages completely on cards, because similar mechanisms in the world have long been worked out and in banking sector there will be no difficulties with this. The only thing the state may face, according to economist Bogdan Zvarich, is a kind of conservatism. Russian population To bank cards despite the significant penetration of plastic cards into daily life... Many citizens, receiving a salary on a card, withdraw money and pay for purchases in cash.

According to Rosstat, Russians still prefer cash payments. Holders of payment cards for the first nine months of 2016 withdrew 19 trillion rubles in cash, and paid for goods and services through plastic cards only 8.7 trillion.

Anatoly Molchanov

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On April 21, 2017, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted in the third reading the draft law "On Amendments to Article 161 of the Law Russian Federation"On the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Federal Law" On the National Payment System ".

It establishes the obligation of banks to use only national payment instruments when carrying out transactions on accounts individuals receiving cash payments from the budget of the Russian Federation or state extrabudgetary funds... In addition, it obliges sellers, whose proceeds from the sale of goods for a year exceed 40 million rubles, to ensure the acceptance of Mir electronic payment cards. Previously, such an obligation extended only to trade and service enterprises with revenues of 120 million rubles or more.

The document also expands the list of participants " The national system payment cards "by including foreign banks, foreign national banks and international financial institutions... "This will ensure the expansion of the network for accepting Mir cards and the possibility of their issuance abroad," explanatory note to the document.

For the information of employees budgetary organizations and pensioners: the law still retains the ability to receive the above payments in cash or on bank accounts not tied to cards. This is stated in Article 1: "1. The seller (executor) is obliged to ensure the possibility of payment for goods (works, services) by using national payment instruments, as well as cash payments at the choice of the consumer." This is very important point, which speaks of the gradualness of the complete abolition of cash and the introduction of the world trade and financial system of non-cash electronic payments. Below - about the main trends of this process on a global scale and in our country.

On April 11, 2017, the German channel Klagemauer TV presented a topical program entitled "Cancellation of cash for the fight against terrorism and crime was exposed as a hoax." The evidence base for the truth of these words was an interview with an expert in the field of economics and finance Erich Hambach, the author of the book "Goodbye Cash! It hurts to part." In an accessible and informative form, he raises serious questions that concern every inhabitant of planet Earth.

I have already had to write and talk about this acute problem more than once over the past 15 years. In my reports, articles and books, the stages of this process, which has a worldwide character, have been described more than once, but in different countries it is at different stages of implementation. It was told in these works and about those primitive pretexts and methods that are used by stage directors and performers of their scripts for the abolition of cash on a global scale.

Today, all this is confirmed by a person who worked for several decades in Germany in the field of finance and insurance.

"On January 23, 2017, the European Commission presented a plan for how it wants to gradually restrict cash payments. This is justified by the fight against crime and terrorism, as well as the need for uniform regulation throughout the EU. Thus, loopholes for criminals and terrorists should be closed ... This is The statement by the European Commission joins a whole chain of other events that pursue the same goal - to restrict the use of cash or to abolish it entirely, "says the Klagemauer TV announcer.

The following are specific facts about the actions of the financial elite to implement this concept in real life:

1) Regulation of the European Central Bank (ECB) of 2016 on the withdrawal from circulation of the 500 Euro banknote by 2018 "in order to prevent the financing of terrorism, money laundering, illegal work";

2) On November 8, 2016, it was announced in India that in the course of the fight against money laundering, illegal trade and corruption, the 500 and 1000 rupee notes, which make up 86% of the total amount of cash, will no longer be recognized as legal tender ... The population was given a time limit of 50 days to deposit the depreciating bills in their own account or exchange them for new 500 or 2000 rupee notes. At the same time, the number of new rupee notes was significantly reduced in order to force the population to make non-cash payments;

3) Less than a week after the cash reform in India, the major US bank Citigroup announced that it will no longer accept and disburse cash at its branches in Australia. In January 2017, the Australian Treasury Secretary announced that the Australian $ 100 bill would be abolished, signifying a sharp decline in Australian cash holdings.

Along with these most decisive recent events, most EU countries in last years also restricted the use of cash: Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, England, Belgium, Slovakia, Italy, France, Greece and Spain.

“This raises the question: is the fight against terrorism and crime the real reason for this development of events or are there other interests behind the abolition of cash?” Continues the announcer. (Yves Mersch) According to Yves Mersch, there is a global anti-cash cartel. general methods work. This cartel includes the Central Banks of many countries, which are responsible for monetary policy.

According to Mersh, the goal is to introduce negative interest rates. Investors are then punished for their contributions with negative interest rates, which is tantamount to expropriation. But since depositors can avoid it through cash withdrawals, for central banks, cash is like an eyesore.

This statement by the ECB director was confirmed at a meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank - the Central Bank of the United States in Jackson Hole on August 25, 2016 (Nabiullina - the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - was there - author) Representatives of the main Central Banks openly discussed there about the ban on cash.

Once again, the official reasons given for the abolition of cash are revealed as misleading, that is, as a lie, misleading the unsuspecting population.

We bring to your attention an interview that Klagemauer TV conducted with Erich Hambach, author of the book "Cash, Goodbye! To Part - It Hurts Hambach has worked for more than 30 years in financial industry and has been intensively researching the planned cash ban since 2014. In interviews, the rationale and interrelationships of the cancellation of cash become even clearer, "the announcer notes.

Below are the highlights of this interview with commentary:

"Host: Good afternoon, Mr. Hambach! .. Today we have the honor to speak about the threat of the abolition of cash ... I read that since 2014 you see your calling in enlightening mankind in terms of money, finance and politics. meetings, seminars, symposia, presentations at various events And recently you have written this book "Cash, Farewell! To part is painful. Who does the abolition of cash serve? I think this is what your book is talking about. What do you think is going on behind the scenes?

Erich Hambach: Yes, there are several forces and interests behind the scenes. And the abolition of cash for one group will definitely not bring anything good, and these are the people, these are the people.

But here we are talking about a big game: the privatization of profits and the socialization of losses or losses.

Ultimately, it is planned to open these scissors more and more, and today already 1% of humanity owns 2/3 of everything that humanity has. But there is a plan according to which this 1% will soon own 100% of the resources of the entire planet - material and natural resources (probably, there is no need to explain in detail who is part of the mentioned 1%; at one time Alexander Ignatov - general manager the information analytical agency under the Office of the President of the Russian Federation spoke about these representatives of the "small elite, united by ethnic kinship and initiation in destructive lodges - author).

Erich Hambach: And this (material and Natural resources- Auth.) serves only this industry (Hambakh calls "the world elite the financial industry - Auth.), because cash, in the final analysis, is only printed paper without any intrinsic value or values ​​(at one time, paper money was provided with appropriate equivalents precious metals- ed.), if we talk about the topic "percent interest.

Erich Hambach: Yes, this is also a very unpleasant topic, because there are a lot of debts, but as long as there is cash, this is still an area that is not completely under control. After all, ultimately it is about control. When there is no cash, we will become transparent, all-under control, and then an opportunity opens up for politicians and central banks to completely deprive the population of property through negative interest. Then we, as people, as a nation, will no longer be able to say: "no!"

Leading: So how will the liquidation of cash proceed if this process becomes widespread? We hear from other countries that there are limits for cash payments. Finance ministers of all countries say that these limits need to be introduced. How will it proceed, how will it be embodied?

Erich Hambach: All this, if you like, has a special direction. And, in principle, we are all in the midst of this direction. It is not that a specific date has been set, say, August 15, 2021, and there is no money since that moment. There is no such plan, because the resistance of the population would be too great. Everyone would have resisted it, and then it would not have been able to get through. But the tactic of a quiet sap passes - they cut off a little. Already in 2008, it was decided to implement this. Then there was the so-called financial crisis, the real estate crisis, and the bubble burst. And mortgages in America could no longer be paid.

Then they came to the conclusion that it is still impossible to abolish cash, because all the money would have been with these big banks, which created all this trouble, and the people did not trust at that moment. Therefore, we went more carefully, and in 2010 a discussion began - in the media, in talk shows, in the legal parts of TV programs, they tested how the people react.

After we saw that there was not much resistance (because everything was well packed), we began to try here and there all over the world. For example, the limit on cash payments was introduced in the European Union in 2012. It is different in every country because in politics the financial industry is running and trying to make it happen in small countries like laboratory research... For example, in Norway - one thing, in Sweden - another, in Italy - the third ... And this is very funny if you look at 2-3 examples ...

This is a well-known tactic: today we decide something in politics that will be in effect only in 8-9-10 years. For example, in Sweden, a law was introduced, which is now in force, according to which by 2030 the cash currency in the country should completely disappear, and if possible - even earlier. And today everyone thinks: “Oh, this is still so far away. This is 14 years. This is a long time.

And when the time comes, the people will suddenly say: "No, no, we were not going to accept it like that. We want to leave the money for us! And then the government will answer:" Hey, then you should have been talking about this for 10-12 years , It's already too late. Now we no longer discuss these issues.

This can be observed in many other topics, and then, again, a well-known technique is used to keep it all silent or block information. And everyone who speaks negatively about the ban on cash already seems to be an accomplice of drug dealers or himself already in criminal circles.

Also, supposedly any infection sticks to cash, and this is unhygienic ... But this has nothing to do with the prohibition of cash.

And even the topic of tax evasion or illegal work. This, in my opinion, can be viewed in a completely different way.
They work with these arguments, discuss with them, and if people appear who want to educate citizens about this (tell the truth - author), they are not invited to meetings, and if they are invited, you will be there one against five ...

And in public channels they spread the opinion that we need the economic growth at any cost, we need to adjust fiscal policy to this.

A a common person with abundant information on the topic “money is very difficult to manage to form a personal, clear idea about it. That is, in this direction, everything is clearly managed.

Germany is also facing a cash limit. We are discussing the € 5,000 limit. If there is no more cash, it will be easier for them to impose a forced tax on the people by the IMF. We are talking about 10%, and Herr Schäuble, our Minister of Finance, is already rubbing his hands: "How nice if I received; x" percent of all the money of the German population.

Host: And stories like those in France. They talk about terrorism, and then they cite it as an argument: “These terrorists used cash, they paid for something in cash ... There are a lot of arguments that are used to justify the abolition of cash.

Erich Hambach: This is true. As many politicians have said in the past. Churchill, for example. He said: "Politics is an art to keep the people under the stress of solving problems that were artificially created in advance. And this topic -" terror is also an approach, these are some kind of events, real or unreal, but they are so controlled from the outside. to keep people stressed and afraid. And these emotions are very real. We are led into fear, and then they drag it through more and more often. They say: more security, more police ... Then - software that recognizes people's faces. This is massively promoted at all stations, autobahns, airports and so on.

And this is exactly what you say: terrorism is allegedly financed in cash, but if you look at the facts, it does not coincide!

They always say and assert that there is so much crime behind cash, so much bank robberies! But in fact, you can clearly see that the less cash, the more crime. And organized criminal activity in the field of economics and terrorism in the military-industrial complex - they are so "legalized, they are so intertwined with a network of concerns, that they do not need cash to finance terrorism.

There we have everything "legally. Here -" brainwashing, what politics and the media are doing to us. Let me give you one example: in 2015, in Germany alone, the damage from cybercriminalism amounted to more than 40 billion euros. In just one year. Only in Germany. This is more than in the last 30 years has been stolen in the form of "classic bank robberies around the world! Thus, the less cash, the more crime ...

Host: You said that in Norway children are already given credit cards. Do you think this is the payment system of the future or is the thought going even further? They talk about RFID chips with which you can pay. How do you assess this development?

Erich Hambach: Yes, the further plan, the further path that lies in front of us, proceeds from the scenario of the abolition of cash, then a sneaking robbery of the people is imminent at the financial and political level. And we cannot fight against this by taking money from the bank. Since there is no cash! ..

In addition to this scenario of depriving the population of property and wealth through banks and politics, there is also an opportunity to do this through smart technologies, that is, such an infiltrating technology so that money in accounts would only be in digital form. There are some numbers or on some maps, or somewhere else, up to mobile phone and RFID chips.

We will not talk about technology and details now, but there are technologies that make all this possible. Reading information at large and short distances at certain frequencies. And if the money is located there, all doors will open for everyone who can read online, including for criminals ...

And if there are people who write books, like mine, or you, as a presenter, ask these questions, then with regard to people like us, "they would rather press a button in the system to deprive us of just one keystroke. ...

And my entire bank account, which only exists in in electronic format can be easily wiped off or simply frozen for 6 weeks.

And the question arises: how will I live for these 6 weeks without access to accounts, without participation in economic life? Not being able to buy something to drink and eat (such is the revelation with the Revelation of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian - author).

Then there will be such a fluid transition that these chips will ever be implanted under the skin. And someone will say: "We are already all with chips. The only question is: under the skin or just in our pocket we carry this chip. We are all already with chips. Chips are around us. These are smartphones, these are cameras, these are microphones. , this is everything, everything that surrounds us ...

We are completely transparent and, in fact, already microchipped. And only this step is still missing: everything is under the skin, and this will be partially done by force, but on the other hand, people will not even be told about it ...

Then there is an option not by force, but voluntarily. And this is already being done in many enterprises. They invite an employee for an interview according to the principle: "We want to improve safety standards at the enterprise. You were at a meeting last week. We want to eliminate the use of our documents, ID-cards with access to certain doors ... Someone will suddenly take this away. card or people who do not have access will come ...

We will now make everything more reliable so that it cannot be faked. Now there will be a chip under the skin - it doesn't even hurt, but it's voluntary. Now we want to discuss this with you as an additional article to our labor agreement. And, of course, you are free to choose here. If you do not want to accept this, we, of course, fully understand your position, then we will try tomorrow, somehow, to do without your help here ...

And, in essence, this is a dismissal from work. You will search new job, that is, no one is forcibly chipping anyone, but they are still indirectly forced - because I have to pay the rent and make other payments, pay for everything I need for my everyday life - how will I pay? If I don't have a chip, I will lose my job.

So, I dare to argue that there will be no voluntariness (that is, it turns out that there is no alternative - author) Then there are many areas where this happens without our knowledge, as it was in 2012 in the United States through the Obamaker system, where it was written that artificial joints in the knees and hips are automatically supplied with chips, and people do not know this.

There are regions like China or South America where millions of people are microchipped. The technology is already there. Unfortunately, we really need to think: let us assume this, we want it, or we will do something against it ...

Host: In conclusion, one more question to generalize: what can we, as individuals or as groups of people, as a people, do against this development of events? Is there a chance to avoid liquidating cash?

Erich Hambach: This is the most important question. It must be answered on two levels: to ask what each individual can do for himself or in his personal environment? And then answer the question: what can we do collectively? Where are we in demand as a society?

I think that cash will remain for another 2-3-4 years so that society has a chance to transform peacefully, because the financial system, based on the extraordinary debt that is spreading around the world today, must go through a transformation process.

We will not talk about this, but I will tell you where we are required so that we can keep cash here, today and in the future (this is very important for Russian readers - author)

The first is to ask yourself: where do we pay in cash? Not only to preserve cash, but also to reflect on what is in Federal law and the EU law stipulates that the euro is the only reliable payment currency (accordingly, article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: "1. Monetary unit in the Russian Federation is the ruble. Money issue carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The introduction and issue of other money in the Russian Federation is not allowed, and in article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: "Payment of wages is made in cash in the currency of the Russian Federation (in rubles) - ed.)

And then I can ask a question: if I pay for something cashless way- is it really paid? And is it then my property? That is, I strive for self-defense in the sense of protecting my property.

We very, very much advise this to everyone: always pay in cash, wherever possible. Always read the terms of payment - everything that is written there is fine. And if I buy something from a supermarket or a cell phone booth, they accept cash for payment as a means of paying off debts. This is a very important issue, and from this point of view, you should always try to pay in cash. And it’s important to pay in cash because we are signaling to the government and all legitimate authorities, “We want to keep cash, and you cannot abolish that. We want to keep cash!

But if we only go simple way as consumers, it is easier to hold out the card. This is "water for the mill of those who want to abolish money. Because the less we use cash, the more arguments those who want to abolish it have.

This is the kind of process that we are in, and which reveals why it is very important for us to use cash on everyday life. Secondly, on weekdays, it is necessary to inform the environment about plans to abolish cash. Wherever you are: in a family, at work, in a club, in a group, you need to constantly communicate with people in our environment so that this information gets into the minds of people. Because if I am not aware of these processes, then I don’t think about it, and I don’t undertake anything. Therefore, informing others is one of the most important things we can do on a personal level.

And on a collective level, it is important that we, as a people in our country and throughout the European Union, say: “We want to keep our cash! We need to create initiative groups, collect signatures, write petitions and raise your voice ...

And it is very important that we bring the topic of money into a slightly different perception. Where is money in general? Not in a bank at all, because banks ... are, in fact, the jurisdictional organizations, otherwise they would not be ascribed so many fines. We would not voluntarily carry suitcases of money to the mafia. These are gangsters, and I will not give them my money voluntarily. And people still have confidence in the bank. They leave money there ...

And there is another point: cash is our property! This is our money, and we are entitled to it. But if I only have non-cash money somewhere "there in the form of numbers, then this is no longer my property. I do not have" free access there. I need to prove my right, somehow achieve it, but it may be too late. We need u banking system take away energy, take make-up. And the energy in in this case- This is money. That is, we need to pick them up from the bank. And the question is: what should we do next with this money? Now we still do not receive interest in the bank. There are already negative percentages. In Germany, Raiffeisenbank was the first to announce this and is introducing it against its customers.

But maybe we can invest in regional projects ... (here he suggests possible options- ed.).
That is, investing in regional projects, taking money from the bank, paying for everything in cash are the most important ways out, and you can read about all this more precisely in my book "- this is how Erich Hambach ended his speech.

There is hope, someone else will be brought to their senses by the revelations of the German financier.

In Russia, as in the rest of the world, the question of the abolition of cash is constantly being raised. From time to time, RF Minister of Finance Siluanov, like an incantation, repeats the standard phrase: "We probably still need to think about reducing cash payments. Many countries are following this path." He is especially fond of referring to India. The world, you know, experience, even in conditions of tough sanctions and clear hatred of Russia on the part of the West, must be adopted ...

And who implements Mir cards of non-cash electronic settlements with the broadest advertising on television and at all information resources? The Central Bank, headed by Elvira Nabiullina, who knows perfectly well what the 75th article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is talking about.

Non-cash electronic money "in the form of some numbers" "there" "where a person has no access" is no longer the property of a citizen! This is the property of the "owners of money", and this, in turn, means strict control and administrative dictate over the individual.

Moreover, as Mr. Hambakh says, truthful information about negative consequences the abolition of cash; and the introduction of electronic identification payment cards are "silenced or blocked." But these cards are the last stage before the introduction of implantable RFID identification chips directly into the human body.

"At the present historical moment, absolutely everything that happens in the world has spiritual reasons, and the consequences are apocalyptic! Without this, it is impossible to correctly understand the essence of the events taking place in the world ... The political, economic, ethical and ideological basis of the future kingdom of Antichrist is being built already now. .. The current process of globalization will undoubtedly lead to the enthronement of the Antichrist and the end of the world. We must testify before everyone as an immutable fact, "- these words were said by the Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail Agafangel in 2004. Over the past years, the enemy of salvation and his henchmen have managed to do a lot. The results are evident, and in many areas.

So the introduction in Russia of the electronic payment cards "Mir" of a unified world standard is another step in building the kingdom of Antichrist. The system of non-cash money, in essence, is completely illegal. In other words, it is one of the components of the "mystery of iniquity" (2 Thess. 2, 7).

"Do not participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but also reprove" (Eph. 5: 11), the Word of God teaches us.

The possibility of receiving and using cash, preserved in the new law, is largely the result of the protest activities of representatives of the Orthodox community in Russia, who demanded the preservation of the traditional system of identity and payments.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of citizens treat the problems discussed above very frivolously, and absolutely incompetent and extremely incorrect statements on the problems described above appear in the press, on radio and Internet resources, and not only people who are far from Orthodoxy, but also call themselves such. ... It turns out that they "pour water on the mill" of those who are preparing the coming of the Antichrist.

It is time for everyone who cherishes the God-given freedom and salvation of the soul to reflect on the words of the famous Greek elder of our time, a true theologian-prayer book - Archimandrite Athanasis Anastasiou:

"The Antichrist will not appear and will not finally take his universal power suddenly, in some most radical way, upsetting the entire course of history. On the contrary, he will establish himself in a certain, much earlier created environment, in an environment in which people will get used to living for a long period of time. At the same time, they will live and conduct their activities on the basis of customs and real laws of a certain God-fighting way of life, which for everyone will be considered more than the only correct path.

On such a unique path, people are guided by comfort, ease and prosperity, to which they get used and do not ponder. They don't even think to get out of it. Comfort produces a kind of violence over a person and decomposes his spiritual essence. If a person does not follow the moral principles of Orthodox asceticism, then this leads to the enslavement of sin and its culprit - the devil.

On the other hand, the role of a catalyst for entering electronic system non-cash payments are played by human fear, which leads to the commission of forced actions. Indeed, in the event that we resist the system, we not only lose all the conveniences and comfort that it provides to us, but we will be cut off from society. In economic terms, we will, as it were, non-existent in it, and we may find ourselves in such a position that we will not be able to provide ourselves even necessary minimum for our biological existence.

But one very important message from the holy book of Revelation is that spirit of encouragement, a call to sobriety and vigilance, which we should have as Christians. It is a teaching about our resisting the forces of apostasy and refusing to combine with them. This battle of believers with godless forces concerns not only the Antichrist himself, as a historical person at the moment of his appearance and life in the historical earthly space. This is a battle against all the forces of antichrist, against the forerunners of the antichrist. "

And our Hope is the Risen Christ! “There is no way for us to lose heart, because Jesus Christ conquered everything,” as the Monk Seraphim of Sarov tells us from Heaven.

"Hey, come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22, 20)

Valery P. Filimonov

Many bank clients are outraged when they learn about the next restrictions on banking or cash transactions in the framework of "anti-money laundering" and "anti-terrorist" measures. Like, "my money - I do what I want." This is a mistake: they do not have their own money. Not a penny.

Fresh information about the banks' anti-money laundering measures aroused unexpectedly great interest and heated discussion. In addition to the usual curses against the Tinkoff Bank, many readers expressed their complaints to the state, which behaves too freely with their money, and to the author, which does not show indignation about this. There is a clear misunderstanding by commentators of nature modern money and its role in the financial world.

The main thing to understand is that you do not have your own - that is, your own - money. You cannot do with the cash on hand (paper or virtual) as you see fit. It's hard to accept, it's hard to come to terms with it, but sooner or later you will have to admit the obvious. All the money you "own" is actually owned by the state and controlled by a small group of officials in The central bank and the government. This applies not only to rubles, but also to any other currency that any state issues.

You receive from the state only limited rights to use its money. You are given them to "hold" in order to simplify the exchange of goods and services and to provide deferred consumption ("save for old age", "save for the car", etc.), no more. At the same time, no real guarantees the fact that you can use the money right now or in the future, you do not have. Considering quality and trends government controlled in all countries, it is safe to say that in the long term, any money has zero or close to it real value.

In addition, there is no doubt that the further, the more there will be restrictions even on current use money. The pseudo-fight against “money laundering” and “terrorist financing” is an excellent reason to abolish the remnants of the anonymity of payments and transfers. The ultimate goal of the state is to completely control the “purchasing power” of each person, and therefore his life. Indeed, in modern society, it is physically impossible to exist without money, let alone lead a fulfilling life.

The banks through which money passes are only conditionally private organizations. The degree of their regulation by the state in all developed countries so large that they can be considered "branches" of central banks, operating strictly within the established framework and very detailed rules. Somewhere formal regulation is still a little more liberal. However, this means that the local Central Bank has an indirect or informal, but no less strong influence on banks.

Cash still gives a certain degree of freedom, but not as much as it seems: just look at the latest events in India, where two large bills providing a significant part of the cash turnover in the country. And the complete abolition of cash in developed world not far off, after which state control over your income and - more importantly - spending will become absolute.

That is why it is senseless to be indignant about the next restrictions on the "rights" of bank customers - as senseless as to scold wolves for eating sheep. This is their natural behavior: wolves eat sheep, and officials do everything to turn the population into completely dependent workers-consumers. Another thing is that the number of wolves can be regulated, but the moment to give the hands of states seems to have been missed.

However, not everything is so hopeless. The development of technology allows the creation of a parallel monetary system, not controlled by the state (and ideally by no one at all). The current cryptocurrencies are the first step in this direction, they are not yet very convenient, but they are already in demand where the state controls money the most: now the Chinese are "responsible" for 98% of the global bitcoin turnover.

Next generation private money will be much more convenient and popular. Naturally, they are designed in such a way that it would be technically extremely difficult to prohibit or significantly restrict their circulation. Private money will not win, but over time it will occupy its niche - it will be used for anonymous transactions and, possibly, savings.

In the meantime, if you earn and spend rubles, dollars, euros, yuan and other crowns, you must clearly understand that you are using other people's things, taken only for a while and on terms that you do not know. And the owner of these things can do anything: limit the ways they are used, charge for use (inflation), just take them away from you if necessary. Therefore, to scold a particular bank pursuing the policy of the Central Bank, or the Central Bank itself together with the government - is only "let off steam", pretend that you are fighting injustice. The real solution to the issue of state money is not at all there.

The opinion of the author may not coincide with the opinion of the editorial board.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state