
The external liquidity factors of the commercial bank are related. Managing the liquidity of a commercial bank. Thus, based on the results of financial analysis, the Bank's management is developing measures to strengthen the financial condition of the Bank

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The needs of the Bank in repayment of these obligations may arise in the case of:

Removal by customers from their own accounts;

Repayment of the involved interbank loan and interest payments on it;

Credit history satisfaction

To fulfill obligations, the Bank uses the following visible to assets.:

Interbank loans, which, if necessary, can be obtained from the interbank market or from the Bank of Russia;

Other funds raised, such as the issue of deposit, certificates and banking.

There are liquidity accumulated by the Bank (cash, highly liquid securities), purchased, and newly acquired - attracted interbank loans, issuing bank bills, deposit and savings certificates.

Compliance with the main signs of the liquidity of the bank (timely and without loss of fulfillment of obligations) determine! A wide range of internal and external factors reflecting the 1-quality of the Bank's activities and the state of the external environment.

Internal factors include: the quality of the bank's assets, the quality of raised funds, conjugacy in terms, competent management, the image of the bank.

The quality of the bank's assets reflects three properties: liquidity, riskiness, yield.

The liquidity of assets is the ability of assets without loss to transform into cash through their implementation or repayment of the obligations of the debtor (borrower), while the degree of possible losses is due to the quality of assets.

According to the degree of liquidity, the Bank's assets are divided into several groups.

The first group is made:

Bank funds in its office and in other banks (including the Bank of Russia);

State securities in the bank's trading portfolio.

The higher proportion of the specified group of liquid assets is necessary to banks that are significant and unstable deposits or an increase in the demand for loans is expected.

In the second group included:

Short-term loans to legal and individuals;

Interbank loans, operations; Corporate securities intended for sale. They have a longer period of transformation into cash.

The third group of assets covers long-term investment and investment of the Bank, including long-term loans, operations, investment securities.

The fourth group of assets is illiquid assets in the form of overdue loans, some types of securities, buildings and structures.

The yield of assets is their ability to bring revenue bank. According to this criterion, assets are divided into income-generating income (loans, investments in securities, etc.) and non-income (cash on the correspondent account in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, buildings and structures, etc.).

The liquidity of the bank is also determined by the quality of the funds raised, i.e. liquidity of obligations, stability of deposits and moderate addiction from external borrowing.

The liquidity of obligations characterizes the speed of their repayment and the degree of renewable for the Bank when maintaining the total amount of funds raised at a certain level, i.e. reflects their urgent structure.

The larger the bank of raised funds with a short period, for example, for 1-5 days, the more often the bank will have to seek resources to ensure the necessary balance of assets and liabilities.

The quality of deposits also depends on their stability. The most stable deposits to demand for which almost percentages are not accrued. Opening a settlement or current account, the client sets long-term relationships with the bank, systematically spending and replenishing funds on the account.

Less stability is the remnants of urgent and savings deposits. Their consolidation of a particular bank influences the interest rate on these deposits established by this Bank and other banks. If another bank further enhances the rate on urgent or savings deposits, and this bank leaves it at the same level, customers can transfer their deposits to the bank who has established a higher interest rate.

The quality of the resource base is also due to the dependence of the bank from external sources, for example, interbank loans. The interbank loan under certain limits does not pose a threat to liquidity, eliminates the short-term lack of liquid funds. If he occupies the main place in the raised resources, unfavorable in the interbank market can lead to the collapse of the bank.

The conjugacy of assets and liabilities on the amounts and timing has a serious impact on the liquidity of the Bank. The Bank's fulfillment of obligations to the Client implies the coordination of the deadlines to be invested by funds, with those that provided their depositors. Ignoring this rule by a bank operating mainly on attracted resources leads to the impossibility of timely fulfillment of obligations to creditors.

The management of the bank's liquidity factors also includes management, i.e., the bank management system as a whole and liquidity in particular. The quality of management largely determines the quality of assets, liabilities and for balance operations, as well as the degree of their balance.

So, compliance with all necessary procedures when considering Credit Customer Applications in need of loans; Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the creditworthiness of potential borrowers and possible sources of repayment of the required loans:

First, it prevents the unreasonable issuance of loans,

Secondly, it allows you to actually appreciate the risk of loans issued and to fix in lending agreements to ensure the timely return of their return. As a result, the share of overdue and prolonged loans decreases, and the quality of the loan portfolio increases.

The liquidity of the Bank is also caused by an image as an image. The positive image of the bank gives him an advantage over other banks in attracting resources, ensures stability of the deposit base and the development of links with foreign partners.

The considered factors acquire more or less importance depending on the characteristics and duration of the functioning of the bank, the financial condition of the founders, the circle of customers, specialization, the quality of the managers, etc.

The problem of the liquidity of the bank can create the structure and quality of the resource base; Asset quality, management, a set of all factors. Recognizing the multifactivity of the problem of the liquidity of the bank, it is important to take into account its individuality, allocate "pain" points.

From the liquidity of the bank, it is necessary to distinguish the liquidity of its balance. The liquidity of the bank balance is one of the conditions for the liquidity of the bank. It reflects such structuring of assets and liabilities, which allows for the internal balance of their balance in the degree of liquidity.

At the same time, the more customer confidence in the bank, the higher the Bank's image in the interbank market, provided by the high quality management of the bank, to the lesser extent, the violation of this condition affects the liquidity of the Bank.

The external liquidity factors include: the political and economic situation in the country, the development and interbank market, the system of the Bank of Russia, the effectiveness of its supervisory functions.

Along with the term "bank liquidity", the term "bank solvency" is used. In the materials of the World Bank, solvency is associated with the positive value of the bank's own capital. In some countries, the Bank's solvency determines capital adequacy towards the risk of assets.

In the domestic literature, solvency is often considered as a narrower category with respect to the liquidity of the bank. With such a interpretation of the Bank's liquidity criterion - the conjugacy of all its assets and liabilities in terms and amounts and the ability to provide themselves with liquid assets in the event of a non-compliance; The response of solvency is sufficiency for a certain date of funds on a correspondent account for payments.

Russian practice of estimating liquidity of commercial banks

In modern Russian practice, two methods of liquidity estimation are used by coefficients and on the basis of cash flow,

For a more real estimate and effective regulation of liquidity risk in the calculation of highly liquid (LA) and liquid assets. The Bank of Russia established: only those banks should be considered these assets that, in accordance with the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, are attributed to 1 or 2 quality categories (risk group).

The use of Russia's banks in the above mandatory liquidity standards is intended to provide systematic regulation of liquidity of all commercial banks in the current mode. This means the presentation of the monthly reporting on the status of these indicators in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In case of non-compliance with the regulatory levels, the Bank of Russia applies the appropriate measures of impact: fines, prescriptions, restriction or prohibition on the implementation of certain operations, etc. should conduct calculations of liquidity indicators daily.

In addition, the Bank of Russia in order to analyze banks entering or entering into the deposit system in accordance with instructions No. 1379U, evaluates the state of their liquidity based on a number of indicators.

These include indicators:

Instant (NZ) and the current (NZ) liquidity (considered 1 above);

Assets liquidity - the percentage of highly liquid assets (LAM) to the funds attracted;

Structures of attracted funds - the percentage of obligations to demand to the funds raised;

Depending on the interbank market - the percentage of the difference of the attracted interbank loans attracted interbank loans (deposits) to the funds raised;

Risk of own bill liabilities - the percentage of the amount issued by the Bank of bills and banking to their own funds;

Non-banking loans - the percentage of loans provided to customers - non-credit institutions (i.e., enterprises, organizations and the population) to the balances of customers - not credit organizations;

Total liquidity - the percentage of current liquid assets (LAT) to assets whose value is adjusted for some balance sheet articles (the use of profit; losses; the amount of mandatory reserves listed in the Bank of Russia, etc.);

Obligatory reserves, which characterizes the absence (availability) of the fact of the fact of unpaid not before the contribution to the obligatory reserves;

Risk on large creditors and depositors - the percentage of the amount of the Bank's commitments on creditors and depositors, whose share in the aggregate value of all obligations is 10 or more percent, to liquid assets.

As can be seen from the list of indicators. Bank of Russia in the admission of banks into the system of insurance deposits and monitoring their financial stability in the future in terms of liquidity analysis uses a wider range of indicators characterizing not only the urgent balance of assets, liabilities and balance operations, but also the quality of attracted funds (indicators of the structure of raised funds, Depending on the interbank risk, risk on large creditors and depositors), the quality of assets the liquidity of assets, non-bank loans, total liquidity. This set of indicators due to factors that affect the liquidity of the Bank.

The assessment of the state of these indicators is carried out along the four points system, based on the conformity of the actual value regulatory.

The financial stability of the Bank for the Group indicators group is recognized as satisfactory if their weighted average value is less than or equal to 2.3 points.

The use of all the above coefficients to assess the liquidity of the bank is characteristic of consideration of it as a stock. For example, the level of instant liquidity (NG) characterizes the ratio of the stock of highly liquid assets to the residue of obligations to demand, current liquidity (NZ) - the reserve of current assets to the balance of current obligations, etc.

The use of this method involves the preparation of the calculated balance, in which assets and liabilities are grouped at certain times.

In relation to each of the deadlines, the liquid position of the bank is calculated, which reflects the ratio of its monetary requirements and liabilities for a certain period. If for the period (to a specific date) requirements for customers (assets) will exceed the obligations of the bank, there will be excess liquidity, if the obligations meaning the cash outflow exceed the requirements (adventures) - lack of liquidity.

To estimate the state of liquidity based on the flow method, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the trend in the cash flow.

In the given example, the bank for three months (1-0 days) there is a liquidity deficit (short-term resources are invested in assets with long repayment periods), then its growth associated with the use of long-term resources for shorter investments. During this period, the Bank loses profits, but is not subject to liquidity risk.

This means that the bank for a long period will have to seek ways to ensure its liquidity, i.e. The Bank holds a fairly risky liquidity policy.

For the final conclusion about the liquidity of the Bank, it is also necessary to study the state of the liquidity deficit ratio, which is calculated as the ratio of the absolute value of liquidity deficit to the amount of the obligations of the relevant term.

In the above example, the level of the liquidity deficitivity coefficient is constantly decreasing, but during the first three periods its value is significant: almost 40% of the Bank's obligations does not have sources of coating, i.e. It is required to find them.

Since absolute compliance of the amount of requirements and obligations can not be preferably the variant of the alternation of an excess and lack of liquidity with a minor level of these deviations.

Foreign experience assessing the liquidity of commercial banks

In overseas practice, liquidity is measured based on:

Financial coefficients calculated on balance sheets and reflecting the liquidity of the balance;

Determining the need for liquid funds taking into account the bank in the relevant periods.

The method of coefficients involves the establishment of quantitative relations between the balance sheets. In some countries, these relations prescribe the authorities in others, as in the United States, the banks themselves are introduced.

Accumulated by banks experience led to the most frequent application of certain indicators.

In determining the ratio of liquid assets and deposits, two indicators use:

1) Primary reserves (Cashier correspondent in the Central Bank) deposits;

2) Primary + secondary reserves (government securities) deposits.

With the help of these indicators, the immediate connection is established between highly liquid assets, deposits. The level of the first indicator to ensure the liquidity of the Bank is adopted in the amount of at least 5-10%; The second level is at least 15-25%. The second indicator is used in Japan (as mandatory for all banks), where its level should not be less than 30%.

In the United States, indicators of the ratio of loans and deposit ratios are used to evaluate liquidity (the greater it exceeds the unit, the amount of the Bank's liquidity below) and the share of loans in the total assets as a reflection of the diversification of assets (this indicator is considered optimal at 65-70%).

To estimate liquidity, an indicator reflects the ability of an asset to quickly exchange cash. It is calculated as the ratio of liquid assets to the total amount of assets. Liquid assets include only balances in the cashier, cash in the way, on foreign exchange accounts, balances on the NOSTRO accounts in the Central Bank and in other banks. The higher this indicator, the higher the liquidity and lower profitability. The purpose of management in liquidity management is the optimal ratio of liquidity and profitability.

Special attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of attracted resources, the stability of the deposit base. From the point of view of stability, deposits are divided into basic (sustainable) and volatile. Basic (sustainable) deposits are deposits that entrenched the bank and do not leave it. Than they are more, the higher the liquidity of the bank. The main deposits can be among the deposits of demand, urgent and savings accounts and deposits. Sustainable part of deposits above in demand deposits. For urgent and savings deposits, a higher percentage is established than in demand deposits. The fee for urgent and savings deposits is different in different banks, they are more susceptible to movement, which determined their name - volatile. "

An indicator characterizing the stability of deposits is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the main deposits to the total amount of them. The bank is considered liquid if the share of the main deposits in the total deposit amount is at least 75%.

Another indicator reflecting the stability of the deposit base is the ratio of urgent and savings deposits to the total amount of deposits. Urgent and savings deposits belong to the resources of the bank, which are more sensitive to changing the interest rate. The increase in their share increases the volume of "volatile" deposits and reduces the liquidity of the bank.

The ability to quickly attract resources from the interbank market and from the central bank, if necessary, and eliminate the temporary disadvantage of liquid funds is considered as a sign of high liquidity of the Bank, and a large proportion of external borrowing indicates a low liquidity of the bank.

Therefore, such indicators as are additionally analyzed as:

1) borrowing frequency;

2) conditions for borrowing (pledged or without collateral);

3) reasons for attracting funds;

4) interest on loans.

In many countries, the liquidity indicators of commercial banks are calculated on the basis of the ratio of active and passive balance sheet items grouped. In France, such a term - three months at the value of the indicator not lower than 60%, in England - one month (liquidity ratio of at least 12.5%). In Germany, commercial banks are reported monthly to the German federal bank on the state of balance liquidity. The required level of coefficients within 100% involves the possibility of partial coverage of more long-term investments with less short-term resources. Along with the method of coefficients in Japan, the United States and many European countries, evaluated evaluation of the liquidity of banks based on cash flow.

To ensure the liquidity of banks, the restriction of credit risks is also attached to the liquidity of banks.

Russian liquidity management practice

Managing the liquidity of banks in Russia is carried out at two levels: the Bank of Russia is a centralized liquidity management of the whole; The banks themselves are decentralized on the basis of the requirements of the Bank of Russia and accounting their own policies. "

The main purpose of managing liquidity at both levels is to ensure liquidity, i.e. Timely repayment of their obligations by each bank, which creates investor confidence, loans; Depositors and other customers in the banking system as a whole to a specific bank.

Liquidity management is a set of actions of the Bank of Russia or a separate assessment bank, analysis of liquidity control and regulation.

At the same time, the Bank of Russia conducts serious analytical work aimed at finding out the main reasons for the liquidity violation of individual banks.

Liquidity management policy is a document defining the Bank's strategic and tactical measures to ensure its liquidity in accordance with the recommendations of the Bank of Russia on the organization of effective management and assessment of the liquidity of credit organizations. Letter No. 139t "On recommendations on the liquidity analysis of credit institutions" each bank should develop and approve a special policy of liquidity management policy in the governing body.

The basic requirements of the Bank of Russia to the content of this document and the peculiarities of their implementation by the bank are reduced to the following provisions:

1. The document should be recorded: divisions and governing bodies participating in the analysis, assessment and regulation of liquidity, carrying out control and responsible for the implementation of relevant decisions.

In most Russian banks, a committee of software and liabilities, which is a collegial body that assess the current situation and decision makers to eliminate the lack (deficit) of liquid funds or the accommodation of their surplus. The composition of the Committee is formed from representatives of various divisions of the Bank and is headed by the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Board of the Bank.

Control functions, as a rule, performs the internal control or internal audit service.

Directly associated with the liquidity management of the Bank's division engaged in the accumulation of resources and their placement. Usually in the bank there is one central unit (department, subwage), which is working on the calculation of liquidity standards, analyzing their condition, the definition of the liquid position of the bank for the current period and the future, monitoring the status of the Bank's correspondent account, etc. Materials of this unit in the form of output tables are submitted to the Asset Management Committee and Liability Management Committee.

2. The document should contain descriptions of the procedures for determining the rational need of a credit organization in liquid funds, including excess (deficit) of liquid funds; At the same time, maximum permissible values \u200b\u200bof excess (deficit) of liquid funds should be determined. A special place is given by the procedure for compiling a short-term forecast of liquidity.

3. The policy of liquidity management policy should include a description of the methods for analyzing the status of the Instant, current, long-term and general liquidity, the state of the Bank's requirements for customers (including and overdue) of the Bank's obligations on which the liquidity state depends. Analytical work involves developing scenarios based on the assumption of possible negative events related to the state of the stock market, the provision of borrowers and lenders. For analysis, it is necessary to have a methodology for assessing the mutual influence of the liquidity and profitability of the bank.

4. The document should include a description of the removal of individual negative trends, for example, failure to fulfill the limit values \u200b\u200bof economic standards, the emergence of the conflict of interest between the liquidity and profitability of the credit organization, as well as liquidity recovery methods. For this, each bank in relation to a specific situation should predetermine possible ways to solve emerging problems, sources of mobilization of additional liquid assets.

It is known that financially sustainable banks in case of short-term problems with liquidity can use various loans of the Bank of Russia, interbank loans, as well as to work with creditors for prolongation of deposit contracts. Banks with financial problems have a limited tool composition, to maintain their liquidity.

5. A special place in the requirements of the Bank of Russia to the content of liquidity management policies is assigned to the procedure for assessing, analysis and regulation of liquidity in foreign currency. Each bank must determine the composition of the indicators, the methodology for calculating and evaluating liquidity in foreign currency, to establish the limit values \u200b\u200bof liquidity coefficients for all currencies and each currency separately.

6. In organizational liquidity management measures, an information system for collecting and analyzing liquidity states should be determined. The information base used should be sufficient for an adequate assessment and a reliable forecast of the liquidity of a credit organization.

Evaluation of liquidity is systematically conducted by a procedure-based procedure based on the use of the coefficient method and the cash flow method.

The composition of the coefficients and algorithms of their settlements established by the Bank of Russia is used to compile a computer program for determining the levels of the corresponding coefficients, the calculation of the coefficients is currently carried out on a daily basis. For this, these daily balance sheets are used, as well as intrabank information.

Evaluation of liquidity based on the coefficient method consists in a daily comparison of the actual value of the corresponding indicator with the regulatory. With their compliance, it is concluded about the observance of the necessary level of liquidity.

Evaluation of liquidity based on the method of cash flows, assumes the daily calculation of the liquid position of the bank. The liquidity of the Bank in this case will be appreciated on the basis of the level of the excess (disadvantage) of liquidity, its comparisons with the limit, as well as on the basis of studying the constancy of the tendency of the deviation (the presence of a long or short-term lack of excess liquidity).

Particular attention is paid to the last reporting date, reflecting the current state of liquidity.

At this stage of analysis, facts that negatively characterize the management system, the liquidity of the credit institution, namely, can be identified.

Violation (even insignificant) regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the main indicators meaning the availability of problems with liquidity;

Violation of the limit values \u200b\u200bof the basic and additional indicators, indicating non-compliance with the credit institution of its own installations in the field of liquidity management or the unreasonableness of the selected values;

Significant deviations from the regulatory (or limit) values \u200b\u200bof the indicators caused by "excess" liquidity and indicating the loss of profits.

The status of each indicator in the dynamics is analyzed. This allows you to make sure that the situation has arisen.

Negatively characterize the dynamics of liquidity state:

Repeated violation of the normative value of one or more indicators;

The tendency to the deterioration of liquidity, expressed in violation (including insignificant) regulatory values \u200b\u200bof one or more indicators.

Liquidity regulation may cover a complex of deeper liquidity recovery measures. The need for such events is called, as a rule, the presence of serious omissions, shortcomings in liquidity management or emergence of unforeseen circumstances in the activities of the credit institution.

Possible activities in this case can be:

An increase in the credit institution;

Obtaining subordinated loans (loans) having a long time;

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Bank liquidityBefore the ability to fully and without loss to fulfill its obligations to depositors, creditoromi and other clients.

The obligations of the bank are made up of real and conditional.

Real obligations Refilled in the bank's balance sheet in the form of deposits to demand, urgent deposits attracted by interbank resources, creditors' funds.

Subject obligations First of all, they are expressed by off-balanced passives of bank operations, as well as active off-balance operations.

To fulfill obligations, the Bank uses the following liquid assets:

Cash cash, expressed in the balance sheets at the checkout and the corresponding accounts;

Assets that can be quickly turned into cash;

Interbank loans, which, if necessary, can be obtained from the interbank market or from the Bank of Russia;

Other funds raised, such as the issue of deposit certificates and bankrupt accounts.

Liquidity of assets - The ability of assets without loss is transformed into cash through their implementation or repayment of obligations by the debtor, and the degree of possible losses are caused by the riskiness of assets.

According to the degree of liquidity, the Bank's assets are divided into several groups

First group The first-class liquid assets to which include:

Directly cash banks in its cashier or correspondent accounts;

State securities that are in the bank's portfolio to the realization of which it can resort in case of cash deficiency for repayment of obligations to creditors.

Second group Assets according to the degree of liquidity are:

Short-term loans of legal entities and individuals;

Interbank loans, factoring operations;

Corporate securities intended for sale.

They have a longer period of transformation into cash.

Third Group Asset covers long-term investment and investment of the bank, including long-term loans, leasing operations, investment securities.

TO fourth group Assets include illiquid assets in the form of overdue loans, some types of securities, buildings and structures.

For each of these groups, a certain degree of risk is characteristic. The less liquid assets, the higher their riskiness.

Factors affecting the liquidity of the bank.

The liquidity of the bank, as well as on its activity, there is a huge number of multidirectional factors. These factors are divided into external and internalwhich operate at the level of the bank itself and are associated with its policies. The first - the bank can only take into account in its activities, and the latter - the bank can not only take into account, but also influence them, reducing the negative consequences of their impact. External factors are objective, the Bank must maximize their credit policies to them.

TO external Factors include:

1. Economic and political situation in the country. The instability of the overall political and economic situation in the country has a direct impact on the instability of the banking system as a whole and a commercial bank as its component.

2. Efficiency of state regulation and control. Commercial banks experience the entire range of impact of government monetary regulatory measures. The following points are directly affected by liquidity and solvency:

  • restriction policy of the Central Bank (raising the refinancing rate by the Central Bank, the change in the norms of compulsory reservation, the minimum amount of equity, the establishment of mandatory economic standards has an impact on the structure and efficiency of active and passive operations of the Bank);
  • fiscal policy of the state, i.e. Reducing or increases charged taxes, leads to an increase or decrease in the bank's profits, which is reflected on its solvency and, accordingly, on liquidity;
  • operations of the central bank in the open market with state securities and foreign currency. To maintain the liquidity of the commercial bank, and accordingly, their credit activity, the Central Bank acts as a buyer in the open market.

3. The state of the money market and the securities market. This factor shows the nature of the redistribution of temporarily free funds between the participants of the financial market and, in particular, between banks. Thus, a high level of market development gives banks to quickly attract funds in order to maintain liquidity, and the stable state of the securities market provides the ability to quickly implement securities if necessary.

4. The possibility of support from the state. This factor is manifested through the monetary policy of the government and the Central Bank, for example, the possibility of obtaining government loans from the resources of the Central Bank.

5. Perfection of legislation (if the law is an indication that each commercial bank must have cash in the Central Bank, this will provide at least minimal liquidity).

6. Reliability of customers and partners of the bank. On the one hand, a decrease in accounting accounts in favor of urgent leads to an increase in liquidity, since the Bank has great confidence that in a certain period of payment of obligations will not be. On the other hand, the reliability of partner banks leads to the fact that they can help with cash with the help of the provision of interbank loan.

Internal factors are directly related to its activities, therefore, changing the internal or foreign policy of the Bank, it is possible to limit the impact of factors that cause negative fluctuations in liquidity. Thus, the creation of branches, decentralization of powers and goals (internal political instruments of the Bank) leads to an increase in liquidity and according to the Bank's solvency, as each branch has its own funds, deals with certain operations, which can serve as an additional source of funds for the head bank. At the same time, the specialization and variety of banking services (as elements of foreign policy) increases liquidity.

TO internal Factors include:

1. Quality of bank management. Professionalism and the level of qualifications of managers and employees of the Bank proves an impact on the state of liquidity of a commercial bank. This factor is key to ensuring the liquidity of the Bank.

2. The adequacy of the bank's own capital. A significant amount of capital base of the Bank has a positive effect at the level of its liquidity, since its own capital performs the role of a shock absorber in the event of unforeseen circumstances, which will entail the withdrawal of funds and as a result will cause a liquidity or solvency crisis.

3. Quality and sustainability of the Bank's resource base.

4. The degree of dependence on external borrowing sources. The stronger the bank is expressed by such a dependence, the more seriously there may be problems in the event of even temporary insolvency.

5. Balanced assets and liabilities on amounts and timing. The more short-term assets, the higher the liquidity and, accordingly, on the contrary.

6. The degree of risk of individual active operations. Means the likelihood of losses in the implementation of assets or the risk of non-return of invested funds.

The risks of assets depends on the factors of internal renown and external order, such as:

  • bank strategy when placing funds;
  • structure and quality of its loan portfolio;
  • investment activity in securities;
  • quality of financial analysis;
  • the state of the real sector of the economy, public finance.

The higher the risk of active operations of the bank, the greater the likelihood of losses for transformation of assets into cash, and this will adversely affect its liquidity.

7. The yield of bank assets. The greater the proportion of working assets in the bank's balance sheet and above their effectiveness, yield, the more sustainier the financial condition of the bank.

8. Structure and diversification of assets. In the process of managing liquidity, special attention should be paid to the structure of assets. To implement the cash-cash maintenance of customers, the return of funds to demand the Bank must have a certain supply of highly liquid assets.

The diversification of assets, i.e., placing them in different directions, has a positive impact on the level of liquidity, since the total risk of assets is reduced.

The liquidity of the commercial bank is thus based on continuously maintaining through the operational management of the objectively necessary relationship between the three components: its own capital of the bank and the funds raised, on the one hand, and placed means on the other. The implementation of this goal involves the analysis, control and management of assets and liabilities of the bank.

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The main task of the bank during operations is the ability to return funds in a timely manner. To this end, commercial banks must organize their activities so that at any time you can find free resources to fulfill obligations. To assess such a position, the banks use the concept of "liquidity", which means the ease of implementation, sale, transformation of material values \u200b\u200binto cash. Liquidity is important not only for the bank itself, being a necessary condition for the sustainability of its financial condition, but also for its clients. High liquidity is an indicator that the client will at any time be able to return the invested funds or get a bank loan, and shareholders of the bank protects against the forced sale of assets in the event of forceshore circumstances.

At the same time distinguish the total bank liquidity and liquidity of individual credit institutions. Cumulative banking liquidity, in turn, has two interpretations: in the broad sense of the word, the total bank liquidity means the form of organizing the settlement and payment turnover of the banking system in accordance with the needs of financial capital; In a narrow sense, this is the sum of the calculated and quasi-effective means concentrated in

banking system. A number of factors affect the liquidity of the banking sector:

  • change of cash in circulation (outside the Bank of Russia), which reflects the change in the amount of cash issued into circulation by the Bank of Russia, with the exception of the amounts of cash in the cash register of the Bank of Russia;
  • changing the balance of funds in the accounts of the expanded government in the Bank of Russia According to the federal budget accounting, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, state extrabudgetary funds and extrabudgetary funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities and other operations;
  • regulation by the Bank of Russia of mandatory reserves of credit institutions ",
  • intervention of the Bank of Russia in the domestic currency market, reflecting the net transactions for the purchase / sale of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market carried out by the Bank of Russia;
  • net-volume of operations of the Bank of Russia for the provision and absorption of liquidity (excluding interventions in the domestic currency market), Which is calculated as the difference between the change in the obligations of the Bank of Russia before the banking sector and the change in the requirements of the Bank of Russia to the banking sector for the current day. In addition, the calculation of this indicator includes the balance of operations of the Bank of Russia for the purchase / sale of securities in the secondary market without the obligations of the return / purchase.

However, they are more often talking about the liquidity of the credit organization, or the liquidity of the Bank. The liquidity of the Bank is the possibility of executing an asset as a means of payment or quick and with minimal loss of transformation of financial assets into cash. The Bank is considered liquid if the amount of its cash that the bank has the ability to quickly mobilize from other sources, allows you to fully fulfill obligations to customers.

Thus, the liquidity of the bank is the key to its sustainability and performance, since the bank with a sufficient level of liquidity is able to fulfill the functions inherent in it, namely:

  • hold payments on behalf of customers (obligations for funds on the settlement, current and correspondent accounts reserved for settlements);
  • return funds to depositors (creditors) both with the upcoming durations and early (for example, for urgent deposits);
  • meet the demand of customers for funds in the framework of the commitments assumed, for example, under concluded loan agreements, credit lines, contract and overdraft lending;
  • repay securities issued by the Bank;
  • reply to obligations that may occur in the future, for example, on off-balanced liabilities (issued guarantees, trust management, cash and urgent transactions);
  • and etc.

The liquidity of a commercial bank can be viewed as "stock" (stationary liquidity), "stream" (current liquidity) and "forecast" (promising liquidity). Measuring liquidity from the point of view of stocks involves assessing assets that can be transformed into funds and are aimed at repaying the obligations of the Bank to customers. Liquidity is a stock that characterizes the liquidity of the bank to a certain (given) moment and shows whether the Bank has sufficient resources to meet obligations at this point. In this case, to determine

pour the sufficiency of liquid assets, it is necessary to compare the existing reserves with the needs in liquid funds.

However, this approach is quite narrow and not fully reflects the real essence of liquidity, which is extremely dynamic and variable. This manifests itself, in particular, in a situation where the bank has a sufficient level of liquid assets 1 to maintain instantaneous or current liquidity, but over time - in connection with the excess of the incoming flow of obligations over the flow of transformation of investments in liquid assets - loses the ability to respond to their obligations . In addition, liquidity as a stock does not take into account the possibility of obtaining funds on credit markets. The elimination of these drawbacks to a certain extent led to the estimate of liquidity as a flow, which takes into account not only the ability to draw less liquid assets to more liquid, but also the ability to receive loans and ensure the inflow of funds from operating activities.

In order to actually appreciate the state of the liquidity of the Bank, we need accurate funds for the need for cash, the expected level of liquidity of assets and receipt of funds for a certain period of time. In this case, it is resorted to the estimate of liquidity as a forecast, which shows the state of liquidity in the future, that is, it allows you to determine its forecast values \u200b\u200band dynamic changes, taking into account the influence of incoming and outgoing cash flows generated when purchasing new obligations and requirements, as well as the ability Bank change the structure of liabilities and assets. Forecasting is carried out, as a rule, on the short term (from 1 to 3 months.). However, it is worth noting that, despite the shortcomings, the most used concept - liquidity as a stock, while in order to maintain and manage liquidity, the most effective is to determine liquidity as a flow, since this approach allows us to estimate the ability of the Bank to really determine its state, In a timely manner to prevent the deterioration of the currently needed level of liquidity, as well as to change the unfavorable level of liquidity for a certain time.

Liquidity is very closely related to the solvency of the bank and determines it. Solvency - This is the ability of the bank in due time and in the total amount to respond to its obligations. The concept of solvency is essentially narrower than the concept of liquidity, since solvency is a statistical indicator of the Bank's activities.

These concepts should also be distinguished and because in banking practice, and especially in modern Russian conditions, there are often situations characterized by short-term breaks in solvency, when banks, remaining liquid, cannot fulfill obligations to payments. On the one hand, it is caused by objective difficulties and political situation in the country, on the other hand, this indicates the instability of banks and the banking system as a whole, since the gaps in solvency demonstrate the weakness of financial condition and not enough high quality management in Russian banks.

The liquidity of the bank, as well as on its activity, there is a huge number of multidirectional factors. Therefore, when identifying negative trends in the field of liquidity, commercial banks in their activities are forced to take into account the factors that caused these trends, analyze their impact and develop recommendations for changing the Bank's policy in order to prevent negative consequences.

These factors are divided into external and internal, which operate at the level of the bank itself and are associated with its policies. The first - the bank can only take into account in its activities, and the last bank can not only take into account, but also influence them, reducing the negative consequences of their impact. External factors are objective, the bank must maximize their credit policy to them (Fig. 32).

Fig. 32. External factors that determine liquidity to external factors include:

1. Economic and political situation in the country. The instability of the increasing political and economic situation in

it does not have a direct impact on the instability of the banking system as a whole and a commercial bank as its component. It does not allow the Bank to correctly form an accounting and loan policy, limits the possibility of expanding the amount of financial operations of the Bank, leads to a loss of confidence in the Bank by the population, which leads to a non-compliance with the timing of payments for loans and the deadlines to fulfill obligations on deposits, as customers try before Cash to remove funds from the bank, which requires the availability of sufficiently large reserves in the bank. At the same time, growing inflation, economic instability also lead to a periodic, unplanned outflow of money from the bank, which leads to a deterioration in the liquidity of the bank and, accordingly, to reduce solvency.

  • 2. Efficiency of state regulation and control. Commercial banks experience the entire range of impact of government monetary regulatory measures. The following points are directly affected by liquidity and solvency:
    • restriction policy of the Central Bank (raising the refinancing rate by the Central Bank, the change in the norms of compulsory reservation, the minimum amount of equity, the establishment of mandatory economic standards has an impact on the structure and efficiency of active and passive operations of the Bank);
    • The fiscal policy of the state, i.e., a decrease in or increasing taxes, respectively, leads to an increase or decrease in the bank's profits, which is reflected on its solvency and, accordingly, on liquidity (the Bank, in order to increase profitability, reduces the share of liquid assets in favor of high-profile assets);
    • Operations of the central bank in the open market with state securities and foreign currency. To maintain the liquidity of the commercial bank, and accordingly, their credit activity, the Central Bank acts as a buyer in the open market. In this case, overpowerment agreements are widely used, according to which the Central Bank undertakes to buy securities in commercial banks with the condition that the latter in a certain time will make a reverse transaction, that is, the reverse redemption of securities, but already at a discount (repo operation).
  • 3. The state of the money market and the securities market. This factor shows the nature of the redistribution of temporarily free funds between the participants of the financial market and, in particular, between banks. Thus, a high level of market development gives banks to quickly attract funds in order to maintain liquidity, and the stable state of the securities market provides the ability to quickly implement securities if necessary. This factor has an impact on the degree of liquidity of assets, since the necessary liquidity condition is the current market for their implementation.
  • 4. The possibility of support from the state. This factor is manifested through the monetary policy of the Government and the Central Bank, such as the possibility of obtaining state loans from the resources of the Central Bank.
  • 5. Perfection of legislation (if the law is an indication that each commercial bank must have cash in the Central Bank, this will provide at least minimal liquidity).
  • 6. Reliability of customers and partners of the bank. On the one hand, a decrease in accounting accounts in favor of urgent leads to an increase in liquidity, since the Bank has great confidence that in a certain period of payment of obligations will not be. On the other hand, the reliability of partner banks leads to the fact that they can help with cash with the help of the provision of interbank loan.

Internal factors are directly related to its activities, therefore, changing the internal or foreign policy of the Bank, it is possible to limit the impact of factors that cause negative fluctuations in liquidity. Thus, the creation of branches, decentralization of powers and goals (internal policies of the Bank) leads to an increase in liquidity and according to the Bank's solvency, as each branch has its own funds, deals with certain operations, which can serve as an additional source of funds for the head bank. At the same time, the specialization and variety of banking services (as elements of foreign policy) increase liquidity.

Attracting funds due to the release of own securities, and not by attracting funds into deposits leads to a smaller or equal zero risk of premature requirements

cash to the Bank, and therefore, with reasonable policies of the Bank reduces the risk of non-payment of requirements.

Internal factors include (Fig. 33):

  • 1. Quality of bank management. Professionalism and level of qualifications of managers and employees of the Bank have an impact on the state of liquidity of a commercial bank. The bank's management prefers liquidity level and ensures decision-making related to liquidity management. A significant impact on the quality of the functioning of the Bank also has the qualifications of the Bank's staff. This factor is key to ensuring the liquidity of the Bank.
  • 2. The adequacy of the bank's own capital. A significant amount of capital base of the Bank has a positive effect at the level of its liquidity, since its own capital performs the role of a shock absorber in the event of unforeseen circumstances, which will entail the withdrawal of funds and as a result will cause a liquidity or solvency crisis. The provision of its own capital is more connected with the bank's payment, i.e., the bank, having its own funds, can risk and can lose its own capital, and nevertheless its reputation does not fall, as it will lose its own funds, and not depositors. Therefore, banks seek to increase their capital. The minimum permissible value is regulated by the legislatively (instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2012 No. 139 and "On Mandatory Banking Regulations", the Basel Agreement in Western countries).
  • 3. Quality and sustainability of the Bank's resource base. The resource base is a certain factor for the volume and degree of development of the bank's operations. Therefore, the presence of a large share in liabilities

securities, term deposits gives the bank greater confidence in its liquidity.

  • 4. The degree of dependence on external borrowing sources. The stronger the bank is expressed by such a dependence, the more seriously there may be problems in the event of even temporary insolvency. The impact force of this factor depends on the stock of the Bank's financial strength, as well as from the Policy Bank.
  • 5. Balanced assets and liabilities on amounts and timing. The more short-term assets, the higher the liquidity, and, accordingly, on the contrary. In this case, they are talking about the golden rule: "Assets in terms of timing should coincide with liabilities in terms." Such balancedness practically eliminates the possibility of the crisis of liquidity and solvency in the bank, since the Bank's obligations will ensure the timely fulfillment of the obligations of the break-even assets. The higher the consistency, the fact that the bank held by the Bank, above its liquidity, is sustainable financial condition.
  • 6. The degree of risk of individual active operations. Means the likelihood of losses in the implementation of assets or the risk of non-return of invested funds. The risks of assets depends on the factors of internal and external order, such as:
    • Bank strategy when placing funds;
    • structure and quality of its loan portfolio;
    • investment activity in securities;
    • Quality of financial analysis;
    • The state of the real sector of the economy, public finance.

The higher the risk of active operations of the bank, the greater the likelihood of losses for transformation of assets into cash, and this will adversely affect its liquidity.

  • 7. The yield of bank assets. The greater the proportion of working assets in the bank's balance sheet and above their effectiveness, yield, the more sustainier the financial condition of the bank. The increase in profitability is interrelated with increasing risk, in connection with which the requirement for liquidity increases.
  • 8. Structure and diversification of assets. In the process of managing liquidity, special attention should be paid to the structure of assets. To implement settlement and cash service, the return of funds to demand the Bank must have

high-liquid assets. Considering their low or zero yield, the bank must support the share of these assets at the lowest possible level sufficient to remain solvent and liquid. The diversification of assets, i.e., placing them in different directions, has a positive impact on the level of liquidity, since the total risk of assets is reduced. However, it should not be allowed and excessive diversification - this may lead to the uncontrollability of the assets portfolio, an increase in organizational costs. When diversifying assets, it is necessary to take into account the impact of the financial sustainability of the Bank's customers and partner banks, as this is largely affected by the sustainability of the financial status of the Bank, the prospects for its development. In order to avoid losses caused by, for example, the default of loans or the need to be responsible for the warranty obligations for insolvent customers, the bank must monitor changes in the financial condition of the clientele, to study the needs and financial position of potential customers, and also strive to obtain the most reliable and comprehensive information About their partners.

The liquidity of the commercial bank is thus based on constant maintenance through the operational management of the objectively necessary relationship between the three components: its own capital of the bank and the funds raised, on the one hand, and placed means - on the other. The implementation of this goal involves the analysis, control and management of assets and liabilities of the bank.

  • URL: http://cbr.ru/statistics/print.aspx?file\u003dhelp_flikvid.htm.
  • Under the change in the obligations of the Bank of Russia before the banking sector, the volume of funds return by the Bank of Russia on deposit parties with credit institutions and due to the repayment of the Bank of Russia bonds minus the amount of funds to the Bank of Russia for deposit operations and by placing the Bank of Russia's bonds with the terms of execution Transactions coming to leignly.
  • Under the change in the demands of the Bank of Russia to the banking sector, the volume of funds return by credit institutions by the Bank of Russia, Repera and Currency Swap Operations, and through the repayment of loans from the Bank of Russia minus the provision of funds by the Bank of Russia on repo operations, "currency swap" and loans Bank of Russia with the deadlines for the execution of transactions coming for the current day.

The liquidity management of a commercial bank is an important direction of bank financial management, since it provides a high level of stability, sustainability and reliability of activity.

The following concepts of liquidity distinguish:

  • market liquidity - a sufficient amount of funds in market participants to ensure its normal functioning;
  • losses of value mobilize funds from various sources to fulfill their obligations to customers and counterparties;
  • balance liquidity - compliance with the ratio of individual balance sheet items by established standards;
  • the liquidity of assets is the speed and availability of the transformation of their individual types into cash without significant value loss.

Liquidity management tasks are to ensure equilibrium in the balance between the sum and the period of release of funds on the asset and the amount and the term of the upcoming payment on the bank's obligations, as well as maintaining the optimal relationship between the liquidity of the balance and profitability of activities.

Two groups of factors affect the liquidity of the Bank:

1) external:

  • political situations in the country or region;
  • state of economic conjuncture (the possibility of refinancing in the Central Bank; the level of development of the stock market, the level of GNP, inflation, competition, etc.);
  • perfection of banking legislation and others.

2) internal:

  • provision of own capital bank;
  • the use of reserve capital (insurance funds) for lending purposes and other active operations;
  • the liquidity of assets - the larger the proportion of first-class liquid assets in the total amount of assets, the higher the liquidity of the balance and, accordingly, the liquidity of the Bank;
  • the degree of risk of individual active and passive operations - the higher the proportion of high-roof assets (liabilities) in the bank's balance sheet, the lower its liquidity;
  • the structure of liabilities is to increase the specific gravity of deposit deposits and a decrease in the share of term deposits reduce bank liquidity;
  • the level of management in the bank is the unreliability of accounting and conclusions of analysis; bank abuse; Professional mistakes in management, in particular, incorrectly developed economic tactics and strategy of the Bank's activities in the field of banking; Professional weakness of performing personnel; Frequent change of the Board by the Bank and the redistribution of functional duties among the members of the Bank's Council.
  • others.

Bank assets in terms of liquidity is made to divide into three groups:

  1. first-class liquid (instantly liquid) funds in immediate readiness, or: cash in cash; precious metals; funds on the correspondent account in the Central Bank; first-class notes suitable for overcame in the Central Bank; state securities;
  2. current liquid funds that are at the disposal of the Bank that can be transformed into funds: loans and payments in favor of the Bank with a period of execution up to 30 days; Conditionally implemented securities registered on the stock exchange; Other values \u200b\u200b(including intangible assets);
  3. illiquid assets: overdue loans; non-nested securities; unreliable debts; buildings and structures of the bank; Real estate investment, other expenses.

Management of bank liquidity is carried out both at the state level and at the level of the commercial bank.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation in order to manage bank liquidity, based on its powers in the field of state monetary policy, the implementation of the functions of banking regulation and oversight for the activities of credit institutions, in accordance with the instructions No. 1110-and "On mandatory regulations of banks" of January 16, 2004 . Installed from April 1, 2004, mandatory economic standards for commercial banks presented in Table 3.

The table uses the following notation:

Lam - high-liquid assets;

OVM - commitment to demand;

LAT - liquid assets of the bank;

OVT - obligations to demand and for up to 30 days;

KRD - loans issued by the Bank in rubles and foreign currency with the maturity of over the year, as well as 50% of guarantees and guarantees issued by the Bank for more than a year;

K - the bank's own capital is determined in accordance with the provision of the Central Bank No. 215- P;

One - the debt obligations in rubles and foreign currency with the maturity of over the year;

OV * M - the magnitude of the minimum total balance of funds on the accounts of individuals and legal entities (except for credit institutions) to demand;

OV * T - the magnitude of the minimum total balance of funds on the accounts of individuals and legal entities (except for credit institutions) to demand and with the deadline for fulfillment of obligations in the next 30 calendar days;

O * - the magnitude of the minimum total balance of funds on accounts with the fulfillment of obligations to 365 calendar days and accounts to the demand of individuals and legal entities (except for credit institutions) that did not enter the calculation of the Indicator of OD;

AI - the II asset of the bank;

CRI - the risk coefficient of the iish asset is determined by the table of the application B;

RKI is the value of the reserve for possible losses or reserves for possible losses on loans, on loan and equivalent to the debt of the iish asset;

KV - the value of credit risk on the conventional credit liabilities;

CRS - the value of credit risk on urgent transactions;

PP is the magnitude of market risk;

CRZ - the cumulative amount of the Bank's claims to the borrower (group of bound borrowers) on loans, taken into account, on deposits in precious metals and amounts, not recovered on bank guarantees, as well as off-balanced requirements (guarantees, guarantees) of the Bank in relation to this borrower (borrowers), providing for execution in cash. The cumulative amount of the Bank's claims to the borrower includes overdue loans, overdue debts on precious metals, as well as the acquired debt obligations of the borrower (excluding interest on bills);

ฮฃ KKR is a cumulative value of large loans. A large loan is considered the amount issued to one borrower (group of related borrowers) and exceeding 5% of the capital of the creditor bank;

ฮฃ Kra - the cumulative sum of all the requirements of the bank (including off-balance sheets), taking into account the risk and requirements of the Bank in rubles, foreign currency and precious metals with respect to its shareholders (participants);

ฮฃ Kin - own funds of credit institutions used to acquire shares (shares) of other legal entities.

Compliance with the commercial banks of these standards is monitored by the management of the Central Bank at the location of these banks. The basis of their calculation is the balance sheets of banks and the actual values \u200b\u200bof the established standards. In violation of the level of balance of balance, commercial banks are prescribed during the month to implement the improvement of financial situation.

In relation to banks systematically violating the standards, economic sanctions can be applied: an increase in the value of the deposit of funds (but not more than the most established), limiting the dimensions of refinancing, etc.

Managing liquidity at the Commercial Bank level is based on the use of the following theories.

The theory of commercial loans has the origins in the classical English banking practice of the XIX century; It is characteristic of the initial, low level of banking development, when, in order to preserve the liquidity of its institution, the bankers were forced to keep funds only in short-term loans provided by goods in the process of production or goods in the way to the place of sale.

A significant condition for the practical application of this theory is the timely repayment of loans in the normal state of business activity, as well as the fulfillment by the central bank of the role of the creditor of the last instance.

With a recession, financial crisis, weakening of some and bankruptcy of other potential borrowers, non-payment and high systemic risk in banking, return even short-term loans becomes problematic, which makes it difficult to use the theory of commercial loans.

In addition, this theory limits the participation of banks in investment projects on the expansion and technical re-equipment of enterprises, mortgage programs, etc.

The theory of movement, or transmmion, was first published in 1918 by the American scientist H.J. Moulton. It states that liquidity can be ensured if a certain proportion of deposits will be aimed at purchasing such assets for which the secondary market exists. That is, to meet the requirements of depositors who want to pick up their money, and increased demand for credit Bank sells highly liquid assets.

Consequently, the theory of movement involves the presence of a number of types of attachments that the bank can, if necessary, can be implemented fairly and without loss. This theory has certain disadvantages:

- the implementation of many types of assets is associated with the payment of commissions of intermediaries;

- With urgent implementation it is possible for a forced sale of assets below the actual value.

Thus, the use of the theory of displacement in the practice of bank liquidity management is effective in the presence of sufficiently stable markets that meet the following requirements:

- turnover and frequency of transactions in the market must be as follows to definitely confirm the availability of the market itself;

- there is a dynamics of prices for liquid assets, the market patterns of the relationship between supply and demand are observed;

- The risk of non-return of the initial investment is minimal.

In world practice, the main financial instruments that perform the role of secondary reserves are attachments to government securities.

In addition, interbank loans for a short time, repo transactions, bank accepts, commercial paper, loans in Euroovat and Eurodollara, can be used as secondary reserves.

The availability of the secondary securities market and, in particular, the work of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with securities of various issuers is expanding the range of liquidity management banks.

For example, in case of non-repayment of the loan, in the provision of which securities adopted, the bank should be able to either implement mortgage securities, or to obtain a loan in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the security of these securities. In our country, currently a list of securities that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation takes as security for pawnshop loans, includes only government securities (including bonds of the Bank of Russia, subjects of the federation), mortgage agencies bonds, corporate bonds of reliable issuers, mortgage bonds coating, bonds of international financial organizations.

The approach of the Unified Reserve Fund ("Shared Boiler") was formulated by US bankers during the Great Depression and considers all the funds raised funds as a single fund. Funds from this fund are distributed as follows: first the primary reserves (cash and correspondent account in the central bank) are replenished. The secondary reserves from the number of short-term high-liquid securities are formed (with this approach, the secondary reserves are for the bank the main means of providing liquidity). Further, the fund funds go to finance all the reasonable credit applications, and the loan portfolio is not considered a liquidity means. After that, the remaining funds are sent to the purchase of long-term securities, which, on the one hand, are a source of income, and on the other hand, the secondary reserves are replenished as their maturity is approaching.

The use of the Single Reserve Fund's approach in the long term in the stabilization of the economic situation in the country has several disadvantages:

- focuses on maximizing highly liquid funds that do not provide a sufficient level of profitability, which in the long run adversely affects the financial sustainability of the Bank;

- does not take into account the urgency of various types of deposits: demand deposits are intended for calculations, and savings and term deposits are placed to obtain income and have a significant storage time;

- Does not take into account the liquidity of the portfolio issued loans.

The theory of expected income was developed by G. Climbing in the 50s of the XX century. And it implies that mortgage loans and long-term coupon income securities provide a constant inflow of income, thereby increasing the liquidity of the bank.

The essential point of this theory is the presence of a wide range of active operations for banks in a wide range of active operations for banks with a stable or, at least predictable state of the economy.

The use of the theory of expected income is associated with the difficulties of drawing up the forecast of the future receipt of funds under conditions of high inflation and mass defaults.

The theory of liabilities implies the possibility of attracting additional resources from the money market to maintain the liquidity of the Bank according to this theory, should be placed most of the resources for longer times than they were attracted by providing loans to account due to the accounting of pledges, and the needs for payments for unexpectedly The emerging obligations to cover such sources as interbank loans, etc. The main advantage of this theory is that at first glance, without increasing the risk of liquidity of the bank, allows you to optimize its costs for the operations carried out.

Currently, for rapid funds, Russian banks in the money market have the following features:

- interbank loans;

- Urgent deposits and deposit certificates. The widespread use of this source in our country is impossible due to the limited funds of the majority of domestic enterprises and organizations;

- REPO operations;

- Credits of the Central Bank.

The use of the theory of liabilities is associated with a certain risk associated with the inability to find resources at a low price and the need to replenish the lack of funds by increasing the rates of attraction.

The approach of the convertibility of banking funds is based on the variety of sources of attracting free funds. Each source has its variability, the cost, and certain requirements are presented to it, therefore it is advisable every source of means to be considered separately and relate it to assets with similar repayment terms. For example, most of the demand deposits should go to the replenishment of primary and secondary reserves, and the revenues from the placement of bonds to finance long-term loans.

The main advantage of this approach is the emphasis on the need to achieve the profitability of the bank. In theory, maintaining conformity between active and passive operations would ensure the one hundred percent liquidity of the bank. However, in practice, factors have a great influence, the dynamics of which are difficult to predict. For example, a timely return of the loan to the client depends not only on the bank's desire to return funds and not only on the conscientiousness of the client, but also from a number of risks relating to both the borrower and its counterparties, as well as country, political risks.

Over the past decade, all the theories were used in the practical activity of Russian banks in liquidity management. The choice of one or another theory is determined by the value of the bank, the amount of active and passive operations, the characteristics of the clientele, the development of the money market in the region and many other factors.

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Topic: Liquidity of the Commercial Bank

  • Introduction
  • 3. Managing the liquidity of a commercial bank
  • 3.1 Bank liquidity management problems
  • 3.2 Recommendations to achieve optimal liquidity level
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used


Modern banking system is one of the most important areas of national economy of any state. Banks always occupied, and will occupy a central place in the management of the economy. The diversity and complexity of changes occurring in the banking sector causes the need for their deep reflection, as well as the need to develop effective approaches to the mechanism for implementing the functions of commercial banks in the system of market relations.

Optimization of banking activities at the present stage of development is ensured during monetary regulation conducted at the macro level, mainly by influencing the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus to commercial banks, and on the micro level - by means of self-regulation in each bank.

One of the methods of self-regulation is to manage bank liquidity. The correct estimate of the level of liquidity, as well as effective management of it relates to the most important issues in the activities of the credit organization and is the most important component of the banking strategy.

The study of bank liquidity, theoretical fundamentals of the management of it, as well as an effective mechanism for maintaining and increasing the liquidity of banks, is one of the topical tasks facing the domestic banking system both at the current stage and for the future. And this topic is the most important, since the banking system is one of the inalienable structures of the market economy.

The purpose of this work is the theoretical study of the liquidity of commercial banks, liquidity risks and methods of supporting, the consideration of liquidity and solvency on the example of the Bank of CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus), studying liquidity management.

As part of the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Determine the concept of liquidity and solvency of the commercial bank.

2. Examine the concept of liquidity risk and methods for assessing the liquidity of a commercial bank.

3. Analyze liquidity and solvency on the example of a commercial bank CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus).

4. To identify the problems of managing the liquidity of the Bank and to propose recommendations to achieve the optimal level of liquidity of the Bank.

The object of the study is the liquidity and solvency of the commercial bank.

The subject of the study in this paper are methods for assessing the liquidity of a commercial bank.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of scientific economists dedicated to issues of bank liquidity, including: Foreign - J.M. Keynes, J.F. Sinky, E. Reed, R. Kottrator, etc.; Domestic - V.I. Kolesnikova, O.I. Lavrushina, A.N. Trifonova, V.A. Ponomareva, A.Yu. Simanovsky, S. Rumas, so-called. Loban, K. Narrow, etc.

The research information base is based on legislative and regulatory documents governing the activities of commercial banks; on the materials of the periodic print on the subject of work; On the financial statements submitted on the official website of the bank of CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus).

Research methods - Comparative and systemic analysis of phenomena, analysis of causal relations and interdependencies, a systematic approach to the study of economic processes, a statistical method for studying the dynamics of indicators, the calculated method for determining indicators.

liquidity Commercial Bank

1. Theoretical foundations of the liquidity of a commercial bank

1.1 The concept of liquidity of a commercial bank and its classification

The concept of liquidity of a commercial bank means the possibility of the Bank in a timely manner and fully ensure the fulfillment of their debt and financial obligations to all the counterparties, which is determined by the presence of sufficient capital equal capital, the optimal placement and amount of funds under the articles of the asset and the balance liability, taking into account the relevant deadlines. In particular, the importance of compliance between the terms of active and passive operations from the position of liquidity, economists wrote at the end of the XIX century.

The term liquidity comes from Latin IIQUIDUS, which means fluid, liquid, i.e. Liquidity gives one or another object the characteristic of the ease of movement, movement.

Liquidity is one of the key concepts in banking. Liquidity is based on the reliability and sustainability of commercial banks, as it creates conditions for its solvency.

Liquidity and solvency are an important guarantor of ensuring the stability and secure functioning of banks.

In modern economic literature, the terms "liquidity" and "solvency" sometimes mix and replace each other. Indeed, these concepts are similar in their meaning, but it is necessary to distinguish between these categories.

The concept of liquidity means the ease of implementation, sales, transformation of material values \u200b\u200band other assets in cash.

The concept of solvency includes the ability of the Bank in a timely manner and fully fulfill their payment obligations arising from trade, credit and other operations of a monetary nature. Thus, liquidity acts as a necessary and obligatory condition for the solvency and reliability of the Bank: (Fig.1.1.)

Figure 1.1 Liquidity as the necessary and mandatory condition of the solvency and reliability of the bank

In banking literature, the term reliability is most often used. Under this, in general, the integrated (integral) characteristic of the current financial and economic condition of the bank and its promising future, obtained, as a rule, on the basis of the remote (contactless) analysis of its official and published reporting is understood.

The concept is the reliability of the bank, reflects as if a look at it from the outside, primarily by the clientele. The view of the banks themselves on their own reliability and how to ensure it is best expressed by stability.

The liquidity of the Bank is determined by the balance of its assets and liabilities and to a certain extent to the correspondence of the timing of the placed assets and attracted liabilities. Under the solvency, reliability is understood, that is, the ability in any situation in the market, and not in accordance with the upcoming date of payments, to fulfill its obligations.

The link between liquidity, solvency and reliability of the Bank is presented in Figure 1.2:

Figure 1.2 Main conditions for reliability

The bank is considered liquid if the amount of its cash and other liquid assets, as well as the opportunity to quickly mobilize funds from other sources, is sufficient to repay debt and financial obligations.

The liquidity of the commercial bank is the key to its sustainability and performance, since the bank with a sufficient level of liquidity is able to perform the following functions for itself:

hold payments on behalf of customers (obligations for funds on the settlement, current and correspondent accounts reserved for settlements);

return to creditors (depositors) tools as with the past maturity time and early (funds in deposits);

satisfy the demand of customers for funds within the framework of commitments assumed, for example, under concluded loan agreements, credit lines;

repay securities issued by the Bank;

respond to obligations that may occur in the future, for example, for off-balanced liabilities (issued guarantees, trust management, cash and urgent transactions), etc.

Thus, for a commercial bank, liquidity is a prerequisite for the sustainability of its financial condition along with the risks of active and passive operations, balanced portfolio (loan, securities, investment) bank, the profitability of operations.

It is necessary to emphasize that in order to maintain its stability, the bank must have a certain liquid reserve for the implementation of unforeseen obligations, the appearance of which can be caused by a change in the state of the money market, the financial situation of the client or the partner bank.

The state of liquidity of the Bank depends on a number of internal and external factors.

Internal factors include: Reliable capital base of the bank, the quality of bank assets, the quality of deposits, moderate dependence on external sources, balance of assets and liabilities for timing, a positive image of the bank, the proper level of management.

The main external factors affecting the liquidity of the Bank are: the general economic and political situation in the country, the degree of development of the securities market and the interbank market, the organization of the refinancing system, the effectiveness of supervisory functions by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

The main features characterizing liquidity should include an object, a source of liquidity, time and type of means of means of means of payment.

Thus, bank liquidity can be classified for a number of features (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 Classification of the characteristics of bank liquidity

Since various symptoms are influenced by bank liquidity, each of which has its own determined meaning and its importance for the management, analysis and control of the activities of the commercial bank, only under the condition of the integrated, systematic use of the entire totality of signs with a certain degree of confidence to characterize the liquidity of the Bank in Overall.

1.2 Concept of liquidity risk in banking activities

The concept of liquidity risk in the literature is given various definitions. On the one hand, the risk of liquidity arises due to the inability of the bank to fulfill all its obligations in a timely manner, while unacceptable losses, on the other hand, the risk of liquidity is associated with the impossibility of the rapid conversion of financial assets into solvent-free funds. Liquidity management risk has price (the risk is due to the price in which assets can be sold, and the interest rate on which liabilities can be involved) and quantitative The components (the risk is due to the location in the bank of assets, which can be sold, and the possibility of purchasing funds at any price).

The risk of liquidity in most cases is manifested in two other risks for modern banks, i.e. Interest rate risk and metabolic risk.

Commercial banks in carrying out their activities, since any economic entities acting in a market economy are aimed at obtaining maximum profits. However, it should be borne in mind that almost any operation being carried out by the bank is accompanied by a risk of increasing losses.

Risk control takes an extremely important place in banking. Any managerial decision in banking is risky and difficult, as the financial sphere is very sensitive not only to various socio-economic factors, but also to political. The slightest instability in society very painfully affects the state and dynamics of all segments of the financial market. And since the macroeconomic indicators are hardly accessed, to avoid completely risk when making management decisions is simply impossible.

Therefore, the main task of managing bank risks is to competently assess the possibility of risk when conducting a particular operation and reduce it to a minimum level.

The effective work of the commercial bank depends on the correctly selected risk and income ratio. Planning the Bank's operations, it is necessary to determine the profitability and cost of each type of active operations and operations to attract the resources necessary to achieve the objectives and fulfillment of the tasks of the Bank, the observance of liquidity and solvency.

The most common tools for measuring liquidity risk are the urgent structure of assets and liabilities, as well as various coefficients characterizing the sufficiency of high-liquid assets: instantaneous coefficients, current, short-term liquidity.

For the purpose of supervision of the liquidity state of the Commercial Bank, the following liquidity standards are established:

1) instant liquidity - 20%;

2) current liquidity - 70%;

3) short-term liquidity - 1;

4) the minimum ratio of liquid and total assets - 20%

Consider each of them:

1) Instant liquidity characterizes the ratio of the amount of assets to demand and liabilities to demand and with overdue timing.

Determined by the formula:

Av * 100% / OP? 20% where

AV - demanding assets;

OV - obligations to demand;

Op - obligations with overdue terms.

Instant liquidity standards limits the risk of loss by a liquidity bank within one operational day.

2) Current liquidity characterizes the ratio of the amount of assets with the remaining maturity of up to 30 days, including demand (current assets), and liabilities with the remaining return period of up to 30 days, including demand and overdue periods (current liabilities).

Determined by the formula:

(AV + AZO) * 100% / s + ozo + OP? 70% where

AV - demanding assets;

AZO - assets with the remaining maturity of up to 30 days;

Ozo - obligations with the remaining return period of up to 30 days;

OP - obligations with overdue terms.

The calculation of this standard allows you to regulate the active and passive operations of banks in the interests of maintaining the necessary level of liquidity of their balance.

3) short-term liquidity characterizes asset ratio with repayment periods up to 1 year (actual liquidity) and liabilities with execution deadlines up to 1 year (required liquidity).

Determined by the formula:

Al * wa / s * of + op + n * 0.8? 1, where

AL - liquid assets;

VA - the weight of the risk of loss of assets in the implementation;

OB - demanding commitments;

In - the weight of the risk of simultaneous presentation of obligations to demand;

OP - obligations with overdue timing;

N is the sum of negative inconsistencies in the maturity of assets and liabilities that are not compensated by positive differences in previous periods, with the remaining time before repayment and execution up to 12 months.

4) the minimum allowable value of the standard of the minimum ratio of liquid and total assets of the bank is at least 20%.

Determined by the formula:

Avl * 100% / A-RO? 20% where

AVL - highly liquid assets;

A - the total assets of the bank;

RO - Mandatory reserves of the bank.

Liquidity standards are determined by the rules for regulating the activities of banks, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of 28.06.2001 No. 173, taking into account changes and additions.

The performance of commercial banks of standards is mandatory and controlled by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus as of the 1st day of each month.

Along with the concept of "liquidity", there is the concept of "bank solvency", which is wider.

Bank's solvency is its ability for the prescribed period and in the right amount to fulfill its obligations not only to creditors and depositors, but also before the budget, insurance authorities, etc. Solvent is considered to be a bank that assets exceed the obligations, therefore the Bank's solvency has decisive influence equity. The regulation of the solvency of banks is carried out by the National Bank by establishing regulatory capital adequacy standards. According to the requirements of the NB RB, the capital adequacy ratio of banks must be maintained at the level of 8% of the amount of assets weighted taking into account the risk calculated in accordance with the NAS.

Thus, the art of managing the bank is to ensure the highest rate of arrived on capital, invested in assets, without leaving the framework of the adopted liquidity standards.

1.3 Analysis of the liquidity of a commercial bank

Analysis of the liquidity of a commercial bank allows you to identify potential and real trends, indicating the deterioration in the liquidity of the Bank's balance sheet, to analyze the factors that caused the development of negative trends, and take appropriate measures to adjust the situation.

Conducting financial analysis in the Bank is of great importance, because on the basis of its results, management assesses the existing and develops a promising policy of the Bank, determines the effectiveness of certain types of operations and plans to develop their new types.

Thus, based on the results of financial analysis, the Bank's management is developing measures to strengthen the financial condition of the bank.

The following main objectives of bank liquidity analysis are available:

Determination of factors causing negative trends in the liquidity of the Bank, and the reduction of their impact to a minimum;

Clarification of the calculated system of estimated coefficients, identifying possible shortcomings in calculating and eliminating these problems;

Identifying real or potential negative trends worsening the liquidity of the Bank's balance sheet and the adoption of appropriate measures to change them;

The formation of analytical materials on the status of the liquidity of the bank;

Development of recommendations regarding the Bank's Management and Definition of Development Strategy Taking into account the results of the analysis.

The main source of information for analyzing banking activities, the most comprehensively characterizing it is the balance of the bank.

Using the balance data analysis, the financial analyst can draw conclusions about the implementation of the main targets, indicators of the profitability and risks of its operations, the balance of active and passive operations, as well as on the implementation of legislatively established standards for the Bank's activities. Analysis of liquidity indicators is also based on the information obtained when analyzing the bank's balance sheet.

The study of the main stages of the analysis of the liquidity of commercial banks will help to see the system of liquidity relationships with other indicators of the Bank's activities and on the basis of an already deeper understanding of the problem to consider liquidity management issues.

Despite the differences in specific techniques, the main directions and stages of liquidity analysis are one, and can be formulated as follows (Figure 1.4.):

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Figure 1.4 The main stages of the Bank's liquidity analysis

Consider the main stages of the analysis of liquidity in WBank:

Stage 1. Evaluation of the financial condition of the bank in terms of its liquidity.

This stage is preparatory. At this stage, the liquidity of the bank is determined at the time of the analysis, here before the financial analyst is the task of determining the base, the source point for further analysis. If this stage does not identify serious problems in the field of liquidity and solvency, it makes sense to carry out a further analysis in order to determine the trends and prospects for the development of the situation. When identifying any problems, further analysis will allow to determine the causes of the current situation and outline ways out of it.

Stage 2. Analysis of factors affecting liquidity.

The liquidity and solvency of the bank, as well as on its activities, is affected by a huge number of multidirectional factors. Therefore, the three identification of developing negative trends in the liquidity area of \u200b\u200bfinancial analysts of the bank must identify the main factors that caused these trends. And also analyze their impact and develop recommendations on changing the Bank's policy to prevent negative consequences. So, the main chain of the second stage of analysis is the accounting of the impact of internal and external factors for the Bank's policy as a whole, and its liquidity in particular.

3 stage. Analysis of the assets and liabilities of the bank

The liquidity of the commercial bank is based on constant maintenance through the operational management of the objectively necessary relationship between the three components: its own capital of the bank and the funds raised, on the one hand, and placed means - on the other. The implementation of this goal involves the analysis, control and management of assets and liabilities of the bank.

4 stage. Calculation and analysis of liquidity coefficients

The data obtained at this stage of analysis must be taken into account both in the preparation of short-term recommendations regarding the maintenance of liquidity and in the development of the Global Strategy of the Bank.

Coefficient analysis it is a kind of quantitative analysis of the Bank's activities, and its use to the analysis of liquidity in practice is of great importance. The method of calculating the coefficients allows you to identify a quantitative relationship between various articles, sections or groups of balance sheet items; Accordingly, the grouping and comparison methods should also be used.

In relation to the analysis of liquidity, the method of calculating the coefficients is that on the basis of the calculated values \u200b\u200band control of their compliance with the established values, the financial analyst could quantify the size of liquid assets, which should exceed the amount of the projected, as well as unpredictable requirements for the moment and in the future.

The final and most important stage of the Bank's liquidity analysis is to summarize for all the above-mentioned floors of analysis, the preparation of analytical materials on the positive and negative parties of the Bank's activities, the structure and balance of its assets and liabilities, quantitative and qualitative liquidity indicators, the development of recommendations for further liquidity management and drawing up Forecasting banks.

2. Estimation of liquidity on the example of the Bank of CJSC Bank "VTB"

2.1 Characteristics of the Bank's activities CJSC Bank "VTB"

CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus) is consistently among the ten largest banks of the country and is a universal bank operating in the market of the Republic of Belarus since 1996. Belonging to the International Financial Group VTB, which is expressed in the fact that the Bank's controlling stake (71.4%) belongs to VTB Bank (Russia), allows VTB Bank (Belarus) to solve problems of any level of complexity. The VTB Group is a leading international financial group of Russian origin. The Mission of the VTB Group is the provision of international-level financial services to make a more secured future of customers, shareholders and society as a whole. VTB Group indicators for 31

CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus) is valid on the basis of licenses for banking operations issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, including the right to carry out banking operations in foreign currency and operations to attract individuals. In addition, CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus) has a special permit (license) for the right to implement professional and stock activities on securities issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, as well as other licenses for certain types of banking activities.

CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus) adopts population deposits and issues loans, payments within Belarus and abroad, is engaged in currency exchange and provides banking services to legal entities and individuals. The head office of the bank is located in Minsk. The Bank has 6 regional directorates, 25 additional offices, 23 credit and cash offices and 10 operating cash desks outside the cash node in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

To date, more than five percent of the bank's shares issued the following shareholders:

JSC Bank VTB (Russia) - 71.4%. The Russian Federation is the actual controlling Party of the Bank.

Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (controlled by the state) - 16.3%

State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus - 6.1%

Others - 6.2%.

The development strategy of CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus) involves exercising large-scale projects, providing a wide range of banking services, retail business development, openness for business circles, intensifying the cross-selling of VTB Group products, including documentary and investment business.

Traditionally, the Positions of the Bank are strong in service, above all, the petrochemical industry of Belarus. In the coming years, the goal for expanding services in the energy, metallurgy and food industry, deepening cooperation with companies leading in their industries.

CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus) has a number of competitive advantages when servicing corporate clients. This is belonging to the largest international financial group VTB, the possibility of financing major projects, individual tariffs.

The bank seeks to enter the number of leaders of the banking sector, including through the development of individuals with individuals.

Currently, the Bank's authorized capital is 84.4 billion Belarusian rubles, regulatory capital - 485.8 billion Belarusian rubles.

The Bank is a member of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a member of the Association of Belarusian Banks, a member of JSC "Belarusian Monetary and Stock Exchange" and the Belarusian Union of Entrepreneurs, an authorized agent for the placement of bonds of the State winning currency loan of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus.

The bank holding CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus) includes in addition to the Bank itself, an agricultural enterprise LLC "SNB-AGRO".

Diversifying its activities, the VTB Group is constantly expanding the range of operations and provides customers with a wide range of services adopted in international banking practice:

1) Cash services.

2) lending.

3) attracting urgent customer funds.

4) International calculations and bank guarantees.

5) currency control.

6) derivative financial instruments.

7) non-cash conversion operations.

8) operations with bank and payment cards.

9) Investment services.

10) Depository operations.

As part of the Bank's shareholders for the first time in the history of its existence, numerous institutional and minority investors appeared. The funds received during IPO allowed VTB to enter the number of the 100 largest banks in the size of their own capital. This laid a solid foundation for further accelerated GTB business growth and strengthening leadership positions in the international banking services market.

With the transformation into a public company, the level of openness of VTB significantly increased. Independent directors were attracted to the bank management. With the Supervisory Board of VTB, an audit committee was formed, and investors were created within the bank. In 2007, the international rating agency Standard & Poor "S recognized VTB one of the most informational transparent banks.

The organizational structure of the Bank "VTB" is presented in Figure 2.1.

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Figure 2.1 Organizational structure of the Bank "VTB"

The leadership of the current activities of the VTB Bank is carried out by the Sole Executive Body of the Bank - the President - Chairman of the Board and the Collegial Executive Authority of the Bank - the Board. Executive bodies are accountable to the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Bank.

The general meeting of shareholders is the highest management body of the Bank. The meeting should be carried out every year a day appointed by the Supervisory Board.

2.2 Evaluation of the Bank's liquidity CJSC Bank VTB

An objective assessment of the level of liquidity of the Bank "VTB" and effective management of it relate to the most important aspects of its activities.

The Bank conducts analysis and regulates liquidity, as a rule, on an individual basis, on the basis of the indicators of liquidity established by the NB RB. The liquidity risk management system allows you to assess the likelihood, causes and consequences of changes in the Bank's activities, as well as take measures to minimize losses and maintain liquidity.

The basis for the risk analysis of the loss of liquidity is the daily cash flow forecast for financial assets and obligations in maturity, analysis of the characteristics of the liquidity of financial assets, the risk of simultaneous outflow of funds for financial obligations.

In order to limit the risk of liquidity, management provides the availability of various sources of funding in addition to the existing principal amount of bank deposits, carries out the management of assets, considering liquidity, and daily monitoring of future cash flows and liquidity. This process includes an assessment of the expected cash flows and the availability of high-quality support, which can be used to obtain additional funding if necessary.

The main techniques used in the management of liquidity risk are monitoring, limiting, analysis of scenarios, the coordination system (approval) of transactions, diversification.

The bank owns a portfolio of diverse, using the great demand of assets, which can be quickly implemented for money in the event of an unexpected cessation of cash flow. The bank also has open credit lines, means for which it can use in order to fulfill liquidity requirements. Also, the Bank has a monetary deposit (mandatory reserves) in the NB RB, the amount of which is determined depending on the funds raised.

An independent risk assessment of liquidity loss is carried out in the form of a factor analysis of liquidity, a comprehensive analysis of observance of prudential liquidity indicators, making a motivated judgment on the level of liquidity risk in the bank.

The stability of the bank to the effects of liquidity factors is estimated in the process of conducting the stress testing of the liquid position of the bank to the manifestation of risk.

Next, in paragraph of the course work, an analysis of the required standards of activities of CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus) for several recent completed financial years will be given.

Consider first liquidity indicators over the past four years:

Table 1. Liquidity indicators on December 31, 2008-2011

The name of indicators

Instant liquidity,%

Current liquidity,%

Short-term liquidity,%

Limit NB RB.

(30 in 2008-09.)

Thus, in 2008-2011, the Bank "VTB" observed, as a rule, with a reserve, all established NB RB mandatory liquidity standards, the actual values \u200b\u200bof which are given above in the table.

Let us give more detailed analytics this year, based on the information of the latest reporting in terms of indicators (Table 2):

Table 2. Liquidity indicators in 2012

The name of indicators

Instant liquidity,%

Current liquidity,%

Short-term liquidity,%

The ratio of liquid and total assets



Source: Financial Reporting data on the Bank's website CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus)

Table 2, it is convenient to trace the values \u200b\u200bof the required liquidity regulations 2012 to monthly and compare the indicators.

Maintaining the compliance of the structure of the balance to all requirements and regulations and regulations, if there are continuous control by the responsible divisions and collegial bodies, allows the Bank to fully and fully fulfill its obligations, including obligations to pay the principal debt and percent of the owners of securities issued by the Bank.

Over the past years, VTB Bank, as of the reporting dates, has fully observed the standards characterizing its liquidity. The values \u200b\u200bof standards as of the beginning of the reporting period were higher than the minimum necessary.

The Bank carries out active management of capital adequacy in order to protect against risks inherent in its activities. The Bank's capital adequacy is controlled using, among other methods, the principles and coefficients established by the Basel Agreement on the 1988 Capital, and the standards adopted by the NB RB in the exercise of the Bank.

The Basel Committee believes that the monitoring of the liquidity of commercial banks should be carried out continuously and, mainly, contribute to the prediction and prevention of possible liquidity crises. The Committee proposes to monitor the position of liquidity not only for the past balance date, but also to build a forecast on a daily basis into several (3, 5, 30) days ahead.

During a number of years, the Bank fully complies with all external requirements for capital adequacy.

The main goal of capital management for the Bank is to ensure compliance with the Bank of External Capital Requirements and maintaining a high credit rating and capital adequacy standards necessary for the implementation and maximizing the shareholder value.

The Bank manages the structure of its capital and adjusts it in the light of changes in the economic conditions and characteristics of the risk of activities. In order to maintain or change the capital structure, the Bank can adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue equity securities.

According to the requirements of the NB RB, the capital adequacy ratio of banks must be maintained at the level of 8% of the amount of assets weighted taking into account the risk calculated in accordance with the NAS.

As of December 31, 2008-2011, the bank's capital adequacy ratio, calculated according to the above rules, was (Table 3):

Source: Financial Reporting data on the Bank's website CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus)

As of September 01, 2012 Information on the implementation by the Bank of CJSC Bank VTB (Belarus) of safe functioning standards looks like this:

Table 4. Safe functioning standards

Minimum regulatory capital

261 750.0 million RUB.

Bank indicator:

485 917.3 million RUB.

Regulatory Regulations Regulatory Capital

Regulatoryly set:

sufficiency of regulatory capital

Bank indicator:

Regulatoryly set:

sufficiency of fixed capital

Bank indicator:

Regulatory ratio of attracted funds of individuals and assets of a bank with limited risk

Regulatoryly set:

Bank indicator:

Size of a special reserve for the coating of possible losses on assets subject to credit risk

The amount of the calculated reserve:

End of table 4.

Special reserve for the coverage of possible losses on conditional obligations subject to credit risk

The amount of the calculated reserve:

The sum of the actually created reserve:

Special reserve for depreciation of securities

The amount of the calculated reserve:

The sum of the actually created reserve:

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