
The concept and types of structural divisions of the credit institution. How to find out the Sberbank Department and its address by open account number for what you need to contact the department

The client to be fully confident in the implementation of its financial transactions on time and accurately, it is necessary to know not only, but also to navigate which branch of the bank it serves it. Since not all questions can be found on the phone or with the help of the Internet, it is easier and cheaper to come to your manager. Therefore, get the answer to the question how to find out the Sberbank Office by the account number, it is necessary for all customers.

For what you need to contact the department

To understand the importance of the issue, it is necessary to understand why customers need to be addressed to the Bank's structural divisions.

choose a city where the financial institution is placed, click on the link "Department and ATMs". The map will appear on the screen with the branches of the bank. Among the structural units, we are looking for the one that we need, click on the "Details" button and see all the data on the separation.

  • You can also find out which branch serves the user using the hotline phones:
  • 900 - for mobile subscribers;
  • 8 800 555 55 50 - for calls from Russia;
  • +7495 500 55 50 - for communication from abroad.
  • Bank Manager at the beginning of the conversation will identify the client by asking his name, surname, codeword. After that, the Bank's employee will provide him with all the necessary data without violating confidentiality.
  • You can get all the necessary information, and without leaving home. To do this, go to the Sberbank's remote service system online.

Then click on the "Maps and Accounts" tab,

then among the list of products, choose the one that interests, and click on the "Detailed Information" menu.

After that, all the necessary data will be displayed on the screen.

  • With an ATM and plastic card. In order to find out which branch released the card, you need to insert a card into an ATM. Then choose the "My Payments" in the menu, then "account details". After that, all information about the structural unit will appear on the screen, which released the card.
  • You can also find out which branch of Sberbank serves the client, finding the documents provided with the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services. They indicate all the information and all necessary providing the product.

How to find out the account number of the Sberbank card: video

documents provided for by subparagraph 9.4.1 of paragraph 9.4 of this Instruction (are sent only to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the branch);

the documents provided for by subparagraph 3.1.9 of paragraph 3.1 of this Instruction (instead of the document provided for by paragraph five of the specified subparagraph, the contract for the provision of security services is submitted; instead of the document provided for by paragraph with the tenth of the specified subparagraph, the property insurance contract). At the same time, the documents stipulated by paragraphs by the second - fourth and paragraph of the thirteenth specified subparagraph are drawn up by a credit institution and signed by its authorized person; The document stipulated by paragraph of the twelfth specified subparagraph is signed by authorized persons of the credit institution and the insurance organization that entered into property insurance contracts (sent only to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the place of opening of the branch).

In the event of the opening of a branch of a credit institution in the territory, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees the activities of the credit institution, all of the documents listed above are sent to this territorial institution of the Bank of Russia. At the same time, the provision on the branch is sent in one instance.

The documents provided for by paragraph of the seventh of this clause are submitted by a credit institution only if there is a notice of the opening of a branch that the branch is delegated to the right to make banking operations for collecting funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and (or) cash maintenance of physical and Legal entities and these operations will be carried out at the location of the branch.

11.7. Simultaneously with the documents specified in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 of this Instruction, a credit institution may submit to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising its activities, documents for state registration of relevant changes made to the charter of the credit institution.

State registration of such changes is carried out in the manner prescribed by Chapter 16 of this Instruction.

11.8. The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the place of opening of the branch of the credit institution considers the documents specified in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 of this Instruction, within twenty calendar days from the date of their receipt.

During this period, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia:

the decision on the coordination of candidates for the position of the head and the chief accountant of the branch is made. Consideration of the question of compliance with the requirements for qualifications and business reputation established by Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities", is carried out by the territorial agency of the Bank of Russia, taking into account the requirements of the Bank of Russia's regulatory act, which determines the procedure for assessing compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements for the business reputation of persons referred to in Article 11.1 of Article 60 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)";

the conclusion is prepared on the compliance of the premises of the branch to carry out operations with the values \u200b\u200bof the requirements established by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia. To prepare this conclusion, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia is entitled to check with the exit of specialists in place. In the case of cash insurance in the amount of at least the amount of the minimum storage of cash and coordination with the insurance organization of the requirements for the technical strengthening of premises for performing operations with values, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia when conducting an inspection with the exit of specialists in place of control over the compliance of the technical strengthening of such premises The requirements established by Appendix 1 to the provision of the Bank of Russia N 318-P is not carried out. The conclusion mentioned in this paragraph is prepared by the territorial agency of the Bank of Russia only if there is a notice of the discovery of the branch that the branch is delegated to the right to carry out banking operations for collecting funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and (or) cash maintenance of physical and legal Persons and these operations will be carried out at the location of the branch.

11.8.1. In the event of a positive decision, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia sends a conclusion in the form of Annex 12 to this Instruction in the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees the activities of the credit institution. At the same time, according to a single copy of the questionnaires of candidates for the position of the head, the chief accountant of the branch of the credit institution with a mark on coordination in accordance with the regulatory act of the Bank of Russia, which determines the procedure for assessing compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements for the business reputation of the persons listed in Article 11.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking activities "and Article 60 of the Federal Law" On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) ", the conclusion on the compliance of the premises of the branch to carry out operations with the requirements established by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, is sent to the credit institution that discovered the branch.

In case of adoption of a negative decision, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia in writing informs the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution and the credit institution on the need to fulfill the relevant requirements established by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

11.9. The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, considers the documents specified in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 of this Instruction within one month from the date of their receipt.

In case of compliance with the provision of the branch requirements established by federal laws and regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, the charter of the credit institution and the license for banking operations, the absence of a loan organization to the opening of branches, as well as in the presence of a positive conclusion of the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the place of opening of the branch The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, to the period specified in the paragraph of this paragraph of this paragraph, assigns the branch of the branch number, makes information about it in the book of state registration of credit institutions and sends:

message on the introduction of information about the opening of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions (indicating the date of application) and on the assignment of the sequence number in the form of Annex 13

a written notice of the introduction of information about the opening of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions (indicating the date of application) and on the assignment of the sequence number to it - to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the place of opening of the branch and to the credit institution;

one copy of the branch position is to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the branch.

11.10. The branch of the credit institution has the right to begin the implementation of banking operations and transactions from the date of making information about it in the state registration of credit institutions and assigning the sequence number.

11.11. The credit institution carries out the actions provided for by the Bank of Russia's regulatory act, which determines the procedure for assessing compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements for the business reputation of the persons listed in Article 11.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" and Article 60 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank Russia) ", in the data established by this regulatory act of the Bank of Russia. At the same time, to the notification of the appointment of a candidate for the position of the head of the branch, a properly certified copy of the power of attorney issued to the head of the branch of the credit institution should be applied.

In the event of a power of attorney issued by the head of the branch of a credit institution, a proper copy of a new power of attorney must be represented by a credit institution (branch) to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees the activities of the branch, no later than ten calendar days from the moment of replacement.

11.12. The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the branch, on the next business day after the day of receipt of the notice specified in paragraph 11.11 of this Instruction (reports of the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia on the assignment of the branch of the sequential number and make information about him in the book of state registration of credit institutions - If received after receipt of the notification specified in paragraph 11.11 of this Instruction), performs the actions provided for by the Bank of Russia's regulatory act, which determines the procedure for assessing compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements for the business reputation of the persons listed in Article 11.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking "And Article 60 of the Federal Law" On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) ".

11.13. The credit institution is obliged to notify the closure of the branch of all credit institutions of the credit institution serviced in a closed branch, in one of the following ways:

by sending each of them a written notice;

by publishing a message in the media and place it in places available to customers at the head office of a credit institution with branches and in all other divisions of the credit institution.

In this case, a written notice should be sent to each foreign client.

The statute of a credit institution may be provided for another procedure for notifying customers.

11.13.1. The notice of the closure of the branch of the credit institution should contain:

instructions for the liability of a credit institution for obligations to clients of the closed branch;

information about the number of the correspondent account of the credit organization (correspondent subaccount of its other branch), which lists the balances of funds from the invoices of the branch closed.

11.14. Credit organization After completing the fulfillment of the obligation provided for in paragraph 11.13 of this Instruction, the transfer of assets and liabilities of the branch on the balance of the head office of a credit institution with branches, or another branch notify the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit organization and the branch, in the form of Annex 11 to this instruction.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, is additionally submitted:

properly certified copy of the document with a decision on the closure of the branch (one copy);

a document confirming the transfer of assets and liabilities of the branch on the balance of the head office of a credit institution with branches, or another branch (one copy);

Paragraph 11.14 of this Instruction, within ten calendar days from the date of their receipt.

In case of compliance with documents, the requirements established by federal laws and regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia to the period specified in the present paragraph of this clause, makes information on the closure of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions and sends:

message about making information on the closure of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions (indicating the date of the application) in the form of Annex 14 to this Instruction - to the Bank of Russia;

a written notice of the introduction of information on the closure of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions (indicating the date of the application) to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which supervises the activities of the branch and to the credit institution.

Strengthening the competitive position of the credit institution on the market is implemented, in particular, through the right choice of its organizational structure, which determines the logical links of control levels and functional areas; The scope of responsibility and accountability, relationships between managers and owners minimizes the duplication of functions.

The structural divisions of the credit institution are divided into two groups:

  • 1) separate - branches and representative offices (Article 18, 22, 35 of the Law on Banks);
  • 2) Internal - additional offices, operating cash desks outside the cash node, credit and cash offices, operating offices, as well as other internal structural divisions of the credit institution provided for by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

Article 22 of the Law on Banks, following the provisions of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, gives the definition of branches and representative offices of the credit institution, as well as the general provisions on them. The order of opening (closure) of the division of the credit institution (isolated and internal) in the territory of the Russian Federation is detailed in detail by section. II instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 04/02/2010 No. 135-and.

Separate structural divisions of the credit institution

1. Branch of the credit organization - its separate division located outside the location of the credit institution and on its own name, all or part of banking operations provided for by the Bank of Russia licensed issued by a credit institution. Credit organizations create a branch network, as a rule, in order to expand the geographical base of their activities, attracting new customers located in other regions, improving the quality and efficiency of their banking services and, as a result, increasing the profit of the credit institution.

Branches of a credit institution are not legal entities and carry out their activities on the basis of the provisions approved by their credit institution. Information about open branches is entered into the charter of the credit institution.

The leaders of the branches are appointed by the head of the credit institution created and operate on the basis of a power of attorney issued.

The credit institution opens branches in Russia since the notice of the Bank of Russia. The notification indicates the postal address of the branch, its powers and functions, information about the leaders, the scale and nature of the planned operations, and the prints of its press and samples of signatures of its managers are submitted.

The procedure for opening (closing) branches of a credit institution in the territory of the Russian Federation was established in Ch. 11 Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 02.04.2010 No. 135.

Branch of the credit organization opens By decision of its authorized management body. Previously according to paragraph 7 of Art. 333.33 NK for the opening of a branch of the Bank paid a fee of 20 thousand rubles. However, from January 1, 2007, the Regulation on the payment of state fees for the opening of branches of credit institutions was recognized as invalid by the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 106-FZ.

The credit institution that opens the branch should:

  • - to submit to approval by the position of the head, his deputies, the chief accountant (his deputies) of the branch of the credit organization candidates that meet the established qualifications;
  • - Perform other requirements established by the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2010 No. 135.

The branch of the credit institution must have a print containing a complete proprietary name, indicating the location of the credit institution, as well as the name of the branch and the indication of its location.

The credit institution sends a notification of the opening of the branch in the form of annex 11 to the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated 04/02/2010 No. 135-14 to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees its activities and the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the branch.

The notifications are attached by the necessary documents (and. 11.6 Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 02.04.2010 No. 135-C).

In particular, to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, The minutes of the meeting of the Commissioner Office of the Credit Organization, which recorded the decision to open its branch and the provision on the branch containing its full and abbreviated name, information about its location (address), a list of banking operations and transactions, the right to implement this branch delegated , information about the service of internal control of the branch.

To the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the branch Directions:

  • - minutes of the meeting of the authorized department of the credit institution, which recorded a decision on the opening of its branch;
  • - Predi-filled questionnaires of candidates for the positions of the head, his deputy, chief accountant (his deputies) of a branch of a credit organization;
  • - autobiography (in arbitrary form) candidates for the position of the head, his deputy, chief accountant (his deputies) of the branch;
  • - in the case of placing a branch in the completed construction of a building (room), owned by a credit institution on ownership (lease, sublease, free use) - copies of documents confirming the ownership (lease, sublease, gratuitous use), on the basis of which a credit organization enjoys a building (room);
  • - Documents necessary to prepare the conclusion about the compliance with the credit institution of requirements for the premises of the branch for carrying out operations with values \u200b\u200b(submitted by the credit institution only if there is a notice of the opening of the branch to the fact that the branch is delegated to the right to carry out banking operations for cash collection, bills , payment and settlement documents and (or) cash maintenance of individuals and legal entities and these operations will be carried out at the location of the branch).

Simultaneously with the listed documents, a credit institution may submit to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees its activities, documents for the state registration of relevant changes made to its charter (their registration is carried out in the manner prescribed by ch. 16 Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 04/02/2010 No. 135-C).

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the place of opening of the branch of the credit institution is considering submitted documents within 20 calendar days from the date of their receipt. During this period, the territorial agency of the Bank of Russia is made a decision on the coordination of candidates for the positions of the head (his deputies), the chief accountant (his deputies) of the branch, prepares the conclusion on the compliance of the branch's premises to perform operations with the requirements established by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

When making a positive decision, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia sends a conclusion to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, and in case of adoption of a negative decision - in writing, informs the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees the activities of the credit institution and the credit institution about The need to fulfill the relevant requirements established by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, is considering notification and the documents attached to it within one month from the date of their receipt. In accordance with the provisions on the branch of established requirements, the charter of the credit institution and the license to carry out banking operations, the absence of a ban on the opening of branches, as well as the positive conclusion of the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the place of opening of the branch, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees the activities of the Bank credit organization:

  • - assigns a branch of the sequence number;
  • - makes information about the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions;
  • - sends information about the introduction of information about the opening of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions and on the assignment of a sequence number - to the Bank of Russia, to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the branch and to the credit institution;
  • - Direct one copy of the branch of the branch to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the branch.

The branch of the credit institution has the right to begin the implementation of banking operations and transactions from the date of making information about it in the state registration of credit institutions and assigning the sequence number.

Within three working days from the moment the actual appointment of the agreed candidate for the position of the head (his deputy), the chief accountant (or his deputy) of the branch should notify the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia in writing, which oversees the activities of the branch. The notification includes a properly certified copy of the relevant decision of the authorized department of the credit institution and a copy of the power of attorney issued by the head of the branch of the credit institution.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the branch, on the next business day after the day of receipt of the specified notification sends a message to the subordinate RCC on the possibility of adopting a card with samples of the head of the head (his deputies), the chief accountant (his deputies) of the branch of the credit institution, whose candidates are agreed with the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia.

The branch of the credit institution opens (closes) to solve its authorized management body.

The credit institution is obliged to notify the closure of the branch of all credit institutions of the credit institution serviced in a closed branch, in one of the following ways:

  • - by sending a written notice to each of them;
  • - by publishing a message in the media and place it in places available to customers at the head office of a credit institution with branches and in all other divisions of the credit institution. In this case, a written notice must be sent to each foreign client;
  • - In other ways stipulated by the Charter.

The notice of the closure of the branch of the credit institution should contain:

  • - indication of the responsibility of a credit institution on obligations to clients of the closed branch;
  • - Information about the number of the correspondent account of the credit organization (correspondent subaccount of its other branch), which lists the balance of funds from the invoices of the branch closed.

After notifying the credit institution on the closure of the branch of all credit institutions of the credit institution, serviced in the branch closed, the transfer of assets and liabilities of the branch on the balance of the head office of the credit institution, or another branch, the credit institution notifies the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution and branch. The specified territorial institution of the Bank of Russia also seemed:

  • - a copy of the document with the decision on the closure of the branch;
  • - a document confirming the transfer of assets and liabilities of the branch on the balance of the head office of a credit institution or another branch;
  • - certificate from the RCC territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, containing information on the closure date of the correspondent subaccount of the branch.

Simultaneously with these documents, documents may be presented for state registration of relevant changes made to the charter of the credit institution (their state registration is carried out in the manner prescribed by ch. 16 Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 04.04.2010 No. 135-CB).

The closure date of the branch of the credit organization is the date of the direction of the credit organization of this notice.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising the activities of the credit institution, is considering submitted documents within 10 calendar days from the date of their receipt. In accordance with these documents, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia within the specified period is established for the established requirements:

  • - makes information on the closure of the branch in the state registration of credit institutions;
  • - Sends information on the introduction of information on the closure of the branch in the book of state registration of credit institutions - to the Bank of Russia, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which supervises the activities of the branch and in the credit institution.

The credit institution has the right to translate a branch into the status of an internal structural unit for the decision adopted by its authorized body. Notification of creditors serviced in such a branch, to transfer it to the status of an internal structural unit, is made by a credit institution in an order similar to the branch closure. In this case, the date of commencement of the internal structural unit and the date of termination of the branch's activities is the dates of the branch of the accounting balance (transfer of assets and liabilities) of the branch translated into the status of an internal structural unit, and the accounting balance of the head office of the credit institution (branch, in the subordination of which will be internal Structural unit) (p. 9.14 Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2010 No. 135-14).

In accordance with Art. 35 banks on banks Credit organization, which has a general license, can create with permission to create a bank of Russia on the territory of the foreign state branches.

According to the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 24.08.1998 No. 76-14 "On the peculiarities of regulating the activities of banks that create and having branches in the territory of the foreign state" branches located on the territory of a foreign state (foreign affiliates) are separate divisions of authorized banks (about the concept of an authorized bank see § 2 ch. X), which are created and operate in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, as well as the legislation and regulatory acts of the bank supervision of the country of location located on the territory of the foreign state, and are carried out in accordance with the authorized authorized Bank rights on his behalf banking operations provided for by the license of the Bank of Russia.

Foreign branches of the authorized bank:

  • - recognized by residents;
  • - can not be legal entities;
  • - carry out their activities on the basis of the provisions approved by the authorized bank;
  • - Cannot have authorized capital, acquire and implement property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf.

According to the obligations arising from the activities of the foreign branch, the authorized bank is responsible for all their property, which is responsible for the branch and may be the plaintiff and the defendant in court for his affairs.

Bank of Russia no later than a three-month period from the moment of receipt of the appropriate application reports the applicant in writing about his decision - harmony or refusal. Failure must be motivated. If

The Bank of Russia did not report deciding during the specified period, the corresponding permission of the Bank of Russia is considered to be obtained.

As of June 1, 2011, six branches were open abroad by Russian credit institutions.

2. Representation of a credit organization - its separate division located outside the location of the credit institution representing its interests and protects them. The representative office of a credit institution has no right to carry out banking operations.

Representative offices of the credit institution are not legal entities and carry out their activities on the basis of the provisions approved by their credit institution.

The representation of the credit institution opens to a decision of the management body of a credit institution to which this right is provided in accordance with its charter.

Representative offices are appointed by the head of the credit institution that created their credit institution and operate on the basis of a power of attorney.

The order of opening (closure) of the representative office of a credit institution in the territory of the Russian Federation was installed in Ch. 10 Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 04/02/2010 No. 135-and.

The credit institution opens off representative offices from the moment of notifying the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, supervising its activities, and the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia at the opening of the representative office in the form of Annex 11 to the instructions of the Bank of Russia from 04/02/2010 No. 135-and. The notification indicates the postal address of the representative office, its powers and functions, information about the leaders, the scale and nature of the planned activity, and the imposition of its press and samples of signatures of its leaders are presented.

The notification is attached approved by the authorized authority of the Credit Organization Regulations on representation. The date of opening of the representative office is the date of the direction of the specified notice.

The representative office of a credit institution closes to solve the management body of a credit institution to which this right is granted in accordance with its charter. On the closure of the Representative Office, the credit organization shall notify in the form of Annex 11 to the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 02.04.2010 No. 135-and territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees its activities, and the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia in the location of the representative office. The date of closing of the representative office is the date of the direction of the specified notice.

Information about the open credit institution of representation is made to the charter of the credit institution.

The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia on the location of the representative office of a credit institution within five working days from the date of receipt of the relevant notification makes information about the opening (change of details, on the closure) of the representative office in the book of state registration of credit institutions.

According to Art. 35 Banks Law Credit Organization, which has a general license, may, after the notification of the Bank of Russia, to create representative offices in the territory of the foreign state. Bank of Russia no later than a three-month period from the moment of receipt of the appropriate application reports the applicant in writing about his decision - harmony or refusal. Failure must be motivated. If the Bank of Russia has not reported on the decision taken during the specified period, the corresponding permission of the Bank of Russia is considered to be obtained.

On the change in location (addresses), telephone and (or) facsimile relationships of a separate division of a loan organization within two working days from the date of such a change notifies the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees its activities, and territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia as before and the new location Separed division.

As of June 1, 2011, 353 representative offices of Russian credit institutions were registered in the territory of the Russian Federation and 45 representative offices in the countries of far and neighboring countries.

The order of opening on the territory of the Russian Federation representative offices of foreign credit institutions was established by order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 07.10.1997 No. 02-437 "On the procedure for opening and activities in the Russian Federation of representative offices of foreign credit institutions" (see 2 ch. II).

  • CBR.ru/Statistics/print.aspx?file\u003dbank_system/inform_11.htm&pid\u003dpdko&.sid\u003dinr_licko.

  • The credit institution has a corporate (full official) name in Russian, may have the name in another language of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the abbreviated name and name in a foreign language. The credit organization has a print with its brand name.
    The proprietary name of the credit institution must contain an indication of the nature of the activities of this legal entity through the use of the words "bank" or "non-bank credit institution", as well as an indication of its organizational and legal form.
    The Bank of Russia is obliged when considering an application for registration of a credit organization to prohibit the use of the name of the credit institution, if the alleged name is already contained in the book of state registration of credit institutions. Use in the name of the credit organization of the words "Russia", "Russian Federation", "state", "federal" and "central", derived from them words and phrases is allowed in the manner established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
    No legal entity in the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Banking Operations from the Bank of Russia, cannot use the word "bank", a "credit organization" or otherwise indicate that this legal entity has the right to implement banking operations.

    More on the topic Article 7. Name of a credit organization:

    1. 3.1. The main directions of improving the business processes of the financial and credit organization
    2. 2.2.5 Required reserves of credit institutions deposited in the Bank of Russia
    3. 21.1. The main directions of the reduction of credit institutions
    4. § 3. Legal status of credit institutions included in the banking system of the Russian Federation
    5. 1.6. Information support for the economic analysis of financial and economic activities of commercialization

    A branch of a credit institution is its separate division located outside the location of the credit institution and carrying out all or part of the banking operations provided for by the Bank of Russia licensed issued by the credit institution.

    The representative office of the credit institution is its separate division located outside the location of the credit institution, which represents its interests and their protection. The representative office of a credit institution has no right to carry out banking operations.

    Branches and representative offices of a credit institution are not legal entities and carry out their activities on the basis of the provisions approved by their credit institution.

    The leaders of branches and representative offices are appointed by the head of the credit institution that created their credit institution and operate on the basis of a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner.

    The credit organization opens the branches and representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation since the notice of the Bank of Russia. The notification indicates the postal address of the branch (representation), its powers and functions, information about the leaders, the scale and nature of the planned operations, and the prints of its press and samples of signatures of its leaders are presented. Information about the address and location of branches and representative offices is published by a credit institution and the Bank of Russia on their official sites in the Internet information and telecommunications network in the order established by the Bank of Russia.

    (see text in the previous edition)

    (see text in the previous edition)

    Branches of a credit institution with foreign investments in the territory of the Russian Federation are registered by the Bank of Russia in the manner prescribed.

    The internal structural division of the credit institution (its branch) is its (its) unit located outside the location of the credit institution (its branch) and carrying out banking operations on its behalf, the list of which is established by the Bank of Russia's regulatory acts, within the license of the Bank of Russia issued by the credit Organizations (provisions on the branch of the credit institution).

    Credit organizations (their branches) have the right to discover internal structural units outside the locations of credit institutions (their branches) in forms and procedure that are established by regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

    The authority of the branch of the credit institution to make a decision on the opening of an internal structural unit should be provided for by the Regulations on the branch of the credit institution.

    Representative offices of foreign credit organizations opened on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to accreditation by the Bank of Russia in the manner prescribed. The representative office of a foreign credit institution has the right to carry out activities in the Russian Federation since its accreditation by the Bank of Russia.

    The Bank of Russia in the procedure established by them performs the actions provided for by the Federal Law "On Personal Data", on the processing of personal data of the head and deputy head of the representative office of a foreign credit organization opened in the Russian Federation, and candidates for these posts.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state