
Industrial enterprises built by the USSR in Albania. Abstract: The socio-economic development of Albania. Cash circulation and banks

General information. 2.

Geographical position. 2.

Area. 2.

Population. 2.

Capital. 2.

Official language. 3.

Religion. 3.

Geographical characteristics. 3.

Natural attractions. four

Largest cities. four

History of Albania. five

Economy Albania. 6.

National currency. 6.

Distribution of workable population by industry. 6.

Developing industries. 7.

Leading industries. 7.

Message paths. 7.

Export. eight

International economic relations. eight

Economy in general. eight

Culture and art of Albania. nine

List of references 10

general information

Geographical position

Albania is located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, off the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Otranto's strait, 75 km wide, separates Albania from Italy. On land, Albania is bordered by Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Greece.


Area - 28.7 thousand km2.


The population of Albania is about 3.4 million people. Albania is a single-national country, Albanians make up 97% of the population. They are the descendants of the ancient population of the Balkans - Illyrians and Thracians.

Table 1. The growth of the population of Albania over the past 23 years:


The capital is the city of Tirana (560 thousand live.).

Official language

The state language of the country is Albanian - does not look like any of the European languages.


Most Albanians are Muslim Sunni.

Table 2. Distribution of religion in the population of Albania.

Geographic characteristics

Along the Albanian coast of Adriatic extends the unwarked hill plain. In the south, East and North, it is framed by high islandish mountain ranges, swore forest. The highest point of the country is Mount Coast (2764 m). In the north of Albania, on the border with Yugoslavia, an array of the North-Albanian Alps rises. Albania partially belongs to three large lakes - Ohrid, Shkoder (Skadar) and Pred.


The largest rivers of the country - Drin and Mati.


Climate in Albania Mediterranean, with dry hot summer (24-25 ° C) and soft rainy winter (8-9 ° C). In the winter in the winter there is snow for several months.

Natural attractions

The main natural attractions of Albania are mountains cut into deep narrow valleys, and picturesque lakes, first of all, Ohrid.

Largest cities

The largest cities of the country include Tirana, Durres, Shkoder, Vlör, Korch, Elbasan.

History of Albania

The independence of Albania was proclaimed in 1912 at the end of 1924. The power in Albania received the King Ahmet Zogu. In April 1939, Albania occupied the fascist Italy, on November 29, 1944 the country was released. January 11, 1946 there was an deployment of the monarchy and the People's Republic was proclaimed. "People's Power" held the nationalization of enterprises, banks, means of transport and communications, introduced a monopoly of foreign trade. Since the beginning of the 60s, Albania's cooperation with the Soviet Union has been violated. Since 1946, the People's Republic of Albania was the state of workers and the worker of the peasantry. Was under the control of the Communists. In the 90s, the communist regime in Albania fell. In 1991, the first parliamentary elections on a multi-party basis were held. Political instability forced early elections already in 1992. Since 1998, relations with Yugoslavia have become complicated. Albania supports ("initiates") "the struggle for independence" Kosovo.

Economy Albania

National currency

Monetary unit - "Lek"

Distribution of workable population by industry

Albania is an agrarian-industrial country.

In the industry of Albania, only 12% (110 thousand people) from the total number of workable population can be explained by the weakness of the Albanian industry.

Agriculture is the most advanced industry. It employs 56% of the workable population. This is facilitated by climate and good weather conditions, conducive to growing crops of multiple crops.

In various kinds of construction, 11% of the population is occupied, mostly male.

The 1997 of 1.1 million citizens (about 30%) of Albania are economically active, which clearly characterizes it as an economically poorly developed country.

In the structure of the Albania industry, the food and textile industries occupy the main place. There are deposits:

Table 2. Developed mineral deposits in Albania:

Developing industries

Made the first steps to create metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry. The mining industry is developing.

Leading industries

Leading industry agriculture - crop production. Main grain crops: wheat, corn, rice. Technical cultures: tobacco, sugar beet, cotton. Grapes, citrus, olives, potatoes are also grown. In animal husbandry prevailing sheep and goats prevail.

Message paths

The main type of transport is automotive. The length of the automotive roads is more than 7000 km, railway lines - 720 km.


Major export articles: bitumen, oil, ironoponecakel and chrome ore, rough copper, cigarettes, fresh and canned fruits and vegetables.

International economic relations

The main foreign economic partner (up to 45% of the turnover) was China for many years. The new government proclaimed priority cooperation with the United States and Western European countries.

Economy in general

In 1992-1997, the foundations of the transition economy are laid. The expansion of the economy has been carried out. In 1995-1996, the growth of the economy was noted. The privatization of the Earth, residential foundation, transport, trade, construction was completed. In 1997, there were collaves of numerous financial pyramids. Depositors lost over 1.2 billion dollars. The economy suffered damage at 2 billion dollars. In 1997, Albania was the poorest European country.

In Albania, 74 settlements are the official status of the city. In this article we will tell about the largest and most interesting for tourists of Albania. Since Albania is a small country, then its most important city - the capital has a population of just less than half a million inhabitants. The next most important and population is the main port of Durres.

The map with the location of the cities of Albania and their full list can be found at the end of the article.


The main city of Albania is its capital. Tirana is located 30 km from the coast. The city was founded in 1614 by the local landowner Suleiman Bardhi on the site of an ancient settlement. A favorable geographical position contributed to the rapid development and becoming it as the capital.

Now Tirana, as they say, the main political, cultural and industrial center of Albania. 20 km north of the city in the village of Rinas is the only international airport in the country.


Shkoder is the main city of the North of the country. One of the most ancient and famous cities of Albania. It was founded in 4 c. BC. Illyrians who built a fortress on a high hill, with the confluence of the rivers of the bunu and din.

In 168, Shkoder captured Romans, after which the active construction and development of the city began. Nowadays, Shkoder is the main economic and cultural center of the region.


Durres - the second in size city, the largest port and the most popular resort. It is located on the coast 40 km from the capital and 33 from the airport, so most tourists are sent here. The city has a rich history, sandy beaches and a constantly developing tourist infrastructure.


Berat for the 24th century of its existence often conquered and changed the names. Macedonians, Romans, Byzantium, Bulgarians, Ottomans have been commissioned here. Now it is small cityLocated at the foot of the mountain range, on the banks of the River Osumi, with many well-preserved architectural monuments.

There is a berad in the depths of the country, 70 km south from the capital.


Verra - the resort town - the port on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. In fact, the first capital of Albania, the center of the struggle for the independence of the Albanian people. Now one of the most popular resorts of the country.


Saranda is a resort town in southern Albania, on the border with Greece. Warm, Ionian Sea, Wonderful Beaches, Ancient and Natural Attractions, the proximity of the Greek Island Corfu - all this makes a saurance to the resort capital of the South Albania.

Gyro driver.

Gyrocera is a small town in the south of Albania, 60 km from the seashore (Soranda) The Old Town of the Ottoman Empire is well preserved and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is he who is the main attraction and attracts many tourists. Narrow streets, turret houses, many shops and cafes, and on a high hill well-preserved ancient castle - a fortress. There is also a mosque, two churches of the 18th century and the eastern bazaar.

In addition, once every 4 years, the main musical event takes place in Albania - the International National Folklore Festival.

List of cities Albania.

List of cities in Albanian and Russian alphabetic languages. The list is indicated settlementshaving a city status with a population of 20,000 people.

City name
On Albanian
in Russian
Berat. Berat. 36 496
Gjirokastër. Garbaster 19 836
Korçëë Korch 51 152
Krujë. Cruel 20 000
Kuçovë Kuchow 12 654
Lushnjë. Lyushnya 27 000
Pogradec. Border 20 848
Tirana Tirana 418 495
FIER. Fiuri 55 845
Shkodër. Shkoder. 76 000
Elbasan. Elbasan 78 703

Cities of Albania, located on the coast. List.

Cities of Albania map.

Interactive map of Albania with cities, roads. On the map you can pave the route between the cities of Albania, measure distance and see the sights.

1970-2018 The Albania industry at current prices increased by 1.1 billion dollars. (2.3 times) to $ 1.9 billion; The change occurred by $ 0.29 billion due to the increase in the population of 0.78 million, as well as $ 0.78 billion due to the growth of the industry per capita by $ 264.9. The average annual increase in the Albania industry was $ 0.022 billion or 1.8%. The average annual increase in the industry of Albania in permanent prices was 0.61%. The share in the world decreased by 0.068%. The share in Europe decreased by 0.13%. The minimum of industry was in 1997 (0.21 billion dollars). The maximum industry was in 2018 (1.9 billion dollars).

1970-2018 The industry in Albania increased by 264.9 dollars (by 71.7%) to 634.3 dollars. The average annual increase in industry in the current prices was 5.5 dollars or 1.1%.

Industry Albania, 1970-1997 (Fall)

For the period 1970-1997. The Albania industry at current prices decreased by $ 0.59 billion (by 73.9%) to $ 0.21 billion; The change occurred by $ 0.35 billion due to the increase in the population of 0.94 million, as well as on -0.94 billion dollars due to the fall of the industry per capita by 302.2 dollars. The average annual increase in the industry of Albania was at level -0.022 billion or -4.8%. The average annual increase in the industry of Albania in permanent prices is -2.2%. The share in the world has decreased by 0.075%. The share in Europe decreased by 0.17%.

During 1970-1997 The industry per capita in Albania grew by 302.2 dollars (by 81.8%) to 67.1 dollars. The average annual increase in the population industry at current prices is -11.2 dollars or -6.1%.

Industry Albania, 1997-2018 (height)

During 1997-2018 The Albania industry at current prices increased by 1.7 billion dollars. (at 9.0 times) to $ 1.9 billion; The change occurred in -0.011 billion dollars due to the fall in the population of 0.16 million, as well as at $ 1.7 billion due to the growth of industry per capita by 567.2 dollars. The average annual increase in the industry of Albania amounted to 0.079 billion dollars or 11.0%. The average annual increase in the Albania industry at constant prices is 4.3%. The share in the world rose by 0.0072%. The share in Europe increased by 0.038%.

For the period 1997-2018 The industry in the per capita in Albania increased by 567.2 dollars (at 9.5 times) to 634.3 dollars. The average annual increase in industry in the current prices amounted to 27.0 dollars or 11.3%.

Industry Albania, 1970

Industry Albania In 1970, it was $ 0.79 billion, ranked 62nd in the world and was at the level of the Cuba industry (0.85 billion dollars), industry Hong Kong ($ 0.78 billion), Ireland industry (0.76 billion dollars). The share of industry Albania in the world was 0.078%.

In 1970, it was 369.3 dollars, held 39th in the world and was at the level of industry per capita in Bulgaria (393.1 dollars), the industry per capita in Czechoslovakia ($ 374.9), a per capita industry in Poland (351.3 dollars). The per capita industry in Albania was more than the per capita industry in the world (274.1 dollars) by 95.2 dollars.

Comparison of the industry of Albania and neighbors in 1970. The Albania industry was less than the industry of Greece (2.8 billion dollars) by 71.3%. The per capita industry in Albania was larger than the industry per capita in Greece (320.2 dollars) by 15.3%.

Comparison of the industry of Albania and leaders in 1970. The Albania industry was less than the US industry ($ 288.7 billion) by 99.7%, the USSR industry ($ 164.8 billion) at 99.5%, the Industry of Japan (80.8 billion) by 99%, the German industry (77.4 billion . Doll.) by 99%, industry of Great Britain ($ 41.4 billion) by 98.1%. The per capita industry in Albania was less than the per capita industry in the United States (1,377.4 dollars) by 73.2%, the per capita industry in Germany ($ 985.6) by 62.5%, per capita industry in Japan (770.2 dollars) on 52%, per capita industry in the United Kingdom (744.2 dollars) by 50.4%, the industry per capita in the USSR (679.8 dollars) by 45.7%.

The potential of the Albania industry in 1970. With an indicator of the industry per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in the United States (1,377.4 dollars), the Albania industry would be 3.0 billion dollars, which is 3.7 times the actual level. With an indicator of the industry per capita at the same level, as industry per capita in Europe (632.1 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 1.4 billion, which is 71.1% more actual levels. With the industry index per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in southern Europe (401.4 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 0.86 billion, which is 8.7% more than the actual level.

Industry Albania, 1997

Industry Albania In 1997, it was $ 0.21 billion, ranked 159th in the world and was at the Check Industry level (0.20 billion dollars). The share of industry Albania in the world was 0.0029%.

Industry per capita in Albania In 1997, it was 67.1 dollars, ranked 173 in the world and was at the level of industry per capita in Kyrgyzstan (71.3 dollars), the industry per capita in Komorakh (63.9 dollars). The per capita industry in Albania was less than industry per capita in the world (1,226.7 dollars) by $ 1,159.6.

Comparison of the industry of Albania and neighbors in 1997. The Albania industry was more than the Montenegro industry (0.2 billion dollars) by 27.7%, but was less than the industry of Greece ($ 17.8 billion) by 98.8%, industry Serbia (4.8 billion dollars) by 95.7%. The per capita industry in Albania was less than the per capita industry in Greece (1,623.4 dollars) at 95.9%, the industry per capita in Serbia ($ 493.7) by 86.4%, per capita industry in Montenegro (263.0 dollars) on 74.5%.

Comparison of industry Albania and leaders in 1997. The Albania industry was less than the US industry ($ 1,671.4 billion) per 100%, the industry of Japan ($ 1,178.8 billion) per 100%, industry of Germany (510.8 billion dollars) by 100%, China Industry ( 398.4 billion dollars) at 99.9%, the UK industry (303.1 billion dollars) by 99.9%. The per capita industry in Albania was less than the per capita industry in Japan (9,88.9 dollars) by 99.3%, the per capita industry in Germany (6,267.0 dollars) by 98.9%, the per capita industry in the United States (6,141.7 dollars ) at 98.9%, the industry per capita in the UK (5,195.4 dollars) by 98.7%, the industry per capita in China (316.5 dollars) by 78.8%.

The potential of the Albania industry in 1997. With the industry index per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in Japan (9,88.9 dollars), Albania industry would be $ 28.7 billion, which at 138.4 times the actual level. With an indicator of the industry per capita at the same level, as the industry per capita in Southern Europe (3,020.1 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 9.3 billion, which is 45.0 times more actual level. With an indicator of the industry per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in Europe (2,962.8 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 9.2 billion, which is 44.2 times the actual level. With the industry index per capita at the same level, as the industry per capita in Greece (1,623.4 dollars), the best neighbor, the Albania industry would be 5.0 billion dollars, which is 24.2 times more actual level. With an indicator of the population in the same level as the industry per capita in the world (1,226.7 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 3.8 billion, which is 18.3 times more actual levels.

Industry Albania, 2018

Industry Albania In 2018, it was $ 1.9 billion, held a 137th place in the world and was at the Mauritius industry level ($ 1.9 billion), Nepal industry (1.9 billion dollars), Niger Industry (1.8 billion dollars). The share of Albania industry in the world amounted to 0.010%.

Industry per capita in Albania In 2018, it was equal to 634.3 dollars, held the 134th place in the world and was at the level of industry per capita in Morocco ($ 668.7), the industry per capita in Grenada (657.3 dollars), the industry per capita in Laos (633.6 dollars), Industry per capita in Sant Vincent and Grenadines ($ 627.7), per capita industry in Ukraine (623.3 dollars). The per capita industry in Albania was less than industry per capita in the world (2,420.7 dollars) by $ 1,786.5.

Comparison of the industry of Albania and neighbors in 2018. The Albania industry was more than the Montenegro industry (0.6 billion dollars) of 3.3 times, but was less than the Greece industry ($ 28.8 billion) at 93.5%, the industry of Serbia ($ 10.6 billion) by 82.5%. The per capita industry in Albania was less than the per capita industry in Greece (2,586.2 dollars) by 75.5%, the industry per capita in Serbia ($ 1,516.9) by 58.2%, the per capita industry in Montenegro (894.6 dollars) by 29.1%.

Comparison of the industry of Albania and leaders in 2018. The industry of Albania was less than China's industry ($ 4,612.5 billion) by 100%, US industry (3,050.0 billion dollars) at 99.9%, Industry of Japan (1,133.3 billion dollars) by 99.8%, German industry (904.1 billion dollars) by 99.8%, India industry (542.2 billion dollars) by 99.7%. The per capita industry in Albania was more than the per capita industry in India ($ 400.5) by 58.4%, but was less than industry per capita in Germany (10,986.5 dollars) by 94.2%, the industry per capita in the United States (9,333.8 dollars) by 93.2%, the per capita industry in Japan (8,910.5 dollars) by 92.9%, the industry per capita in China ($ 3,259.7) by 80.5%.

Albania's industry potential in 2018. With the industry index per capita at the same level, as industry per capita in Germany ($ 10,986.5), Albania industry would be $ 32.2 billion, which is 17.3 times more actual level. With an indicator of the industry per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in Europe (5,300.5 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 15.6 billion, which is 8.4 times the actual level. With the industry index per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in Southern Europe (4,494.2 dollars), Albania industry would be $ 13.2 billion, which is 7.1 times more actual levels. With the industry index per capita at the same level, as the industry per capita in Greece (2,586.2 dollars), the best neighbor, the Albania industry would be $ 7.6 billion, which is 4.1 times more actual levels. With an indicator of the industry per capita at the same level as the industry per capita in the world (2,420.7 dollars), the Albania industry would be $ 7.1 billion, which is 3.8 times the actual level.

Industry Albania, 1970-2018
yearindustry, billion dollarsindustry per capita, dollarsindustry, billion dollarsindustry growth,%industry share in the economy,%albania share,%
current pricespermanent prices 1970.in the worldin Europein southern Europe
1970 0.79 369.3 0.79 33.9 0.078 0.18 1.6
1971 0.82 371.2 0.83 4.0 33.9 0.074 0.17 1.5
1972 0.84 373.2 0.86 4.0 33.9 0.066 0.15 1.3
1973 0.86 375.2 0.89 4.0 33.9 0.055 0.12 1.0
1974 0.89 377.7 0.93 4.1 33.9 0.049 0.12 0.85
1975 0.92 379.4 0.97 3.9 33.9 0.046 0.11 0.79
1976 0.94 381.8 1.0 3.9 33.8 0.044 0.11 0.77
1977 0.97 385.9 1.0 4.4 34.0 0.040 0.100 0.71
1978 0.99 386.2 1.1 3.5 33.8 0.035 0.085 0.61
1979 0.83 315.4 1.1 3.9 33.8 0.025 0.061 0.40
1980 0.77 285.7 1.2 5.7 34.4 0.021 0.051 0.32
1981 0.76 276.8 1.2 1.1 33.1 0.020 0.056 0.36
1982 0.79 285.0 1.3 4.9 33.8 0.022 0.060 0.39
1983 0.79 278.7 1.3 -0.15 33.1 0.022 0.062 0.41
1984 0.80 274.4 1.3 0.43 33.8 0.021 0.065 0.41
1985 0.80 270.3 1.3 0.27 33.2 0.021 0.064 0.40
1986 0.84 274.7 1.4 7.3 33.6 0.020 0.056 0.31
1987 0.87 279.3 1.4 3.5 35.3 0.019 0.051 0.27
1988 0.91 286.2 1.4 -0.17 35.9 0.018 0.050 0.25
1989 1.0 309.0 1.5 3.9 33.0 0.019 0.055 0.26
1990 0.86 263.1 1.4 -2.1 38.3 0.015 0.040 0.19
1991 0.55 169.3 0.89 -37.9 33.2 0.0092 0.026 0.12
1992 0.28 85.4 0.43 -51.2 17.6 0.0044 0.012 0.059
1993 0.25 79.9 0.39 -10.0 14.4 0.0041 0.013 0.067
1994 0.26 81.2 0.38 -2.0 13.0 0.0039 0.013 0.065
1995 0.30 97.7 0.41 6.0 12.2 0.0042 0.013 0.069
1996 0.33 106.1 0.46 13.7 11.0 0.0045 0.014 0.070
1997 0.21 67.1 0.44 -5.7 10.1 0.0029 0.0096 0.047
1998 0.21 67.4 0.46 6.7 9.3 0.0030 0.0097 0.047
1999 0.26 82.2 0.53 13.3 8.9 0.0036 0.012 0.059
2000 0.28 90.0 0.50 -4.6 9.1 0.0037 0.014 0.071
2001 0.30 96.8 0.51 1.3 8.6 0.0042 0.015 0.076
2002 0.30 95.6 0.47 -7.9 7.7 0.0041 0.014 0.069
2003 0.46 147.6 0.63 33.9 9.4 0.0056 0.019 0.088
2004 0.65 208.5 0.67 6.3 10.3 0.0068 0.022 0.11
2005 0.78 254.8 0.69 3.5 11.1 0.0075 0.026 0.13
2006 0.86 282.0 0.73 6.0 11.2 0.0075 0.026 0.13
2007 1.0 331.4 0.62 -14.7 10.8 0.0077 0.026 0.13
2008 1.2 402.2 0.64 2.7 10.8 0.0082 0.029 0.15
2009 1.1 384.4 0.69 7.3 10.9 0.0088 0.033 0.17
2010 1.4 487.1 0.83 21.3 13.8 0.0096 0.040 0.21
2011 1.5 518.4 0.83 -0.66 13.5 0.0089 0.038 0.21
2012 1.4 486.4 0.79 -4.4 13.3 0.0082 0.037 0.22
2013 1.6 559.1 0.93 17.3 14.6 0.0093 0.041 0.25
2014 1.7 584.1 0.93 -0.20 14.8 0.0097 0.043 0.25
2015 1.5 500.7 0.94 1.8 14.6 0.0092 0.043 0.25
2016 1.5 496.1 0.96 1.5 14.0 0.0092 0.042 0.24
2017 1.5 498.1 0.94 -1.5 12.8 0.0085 0.040 0.23
2018 1.9 634.3 1.1 12.8 14.1 0.010 0.047 0.27

Authors: S. A. Tarkhov (nature: physico-geographical essay, population, economy), B. A. Zhyshun (state system), A. A. Zaroshnikov (Nature: Geological structure and minerals), V. Husainov (population ), G. L. Arsh (historical essay), A. A. Tales (Armed Forces), V. I. Linder (Sport), G. V. Pruttskov (Media), P. S. Pavlinov. (Architecture and visual arts), V. S. Modestov (literature, theater, cinema)Authors: S. A. Tarkhov (Nature: Physico-geographical essay, population, economy), B. A. Stursun (State Structure), A. A. Zaroshnikov (Nature: Geological structure and minerals); \u003e\u003e

Albania (Shqipëria), Republic of Albania (Republika E Shqipërisë).


A. - State in the south-east of Europe, in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is stretched from north to south along the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas for 340 km. Strait Otranto separates A. from Italy. In the north-east, it borders with Serbia, in the North-West - with Montenegro, in the East - with Macedonia, in the south-east - with Greece. The length of the land borders is 691 km, the length of the coastline is 362 km. Area 28.7 thousand km 2. Population of 2886.0 thousand people. (2016). Capital - Tirana. Official language - Albanian. Monetary unit - lek. Administrative-territorial division: 12 regions (carc) (Table), as part of which 36 districts (Reti).

Administrative-territorial division

RegionSquare, km 2Population, thousand people. (2016)Administrative center
Berat.1,8 139,8 Berat.
VLOO2,6 134,2 VLOO
Garbaster0,8 278,8 Garbaster
Diber3,2 298,9 Peshkiy
Durres1,9 312,4 Durres
Korch2,9 70,3 Korch
Kukes.3,7 221,7 Kukes.
Lying2,4 84,0 Lying
Tirana1,6 135,6 Tirana
Fiuri3,6 215,5 Fiuri
Shkoder.1,7 811,6 Shkoder.
Elbasan2,7 183,1 Elbasan

A. - UN Member (1955), OSCE (1991), IBRD (1991), IMF (1991), Council of Europe (1996), WTO (2000), NATO (2009).

Political system

A. - Unitary state. Constitution A. Adopted 21.10.1998. Form of Board - Parliamentary Republic.

The head of state is the president, a citizen A. By birth can be elected, not under the age of 40 and living in the country for at least 10 recent years. The President is elected by Parliament on a proposal of at least 20 deputies for a period of 5 years (with the right of only one re-election). For election, a qualified majority of votes are needed - at least 3/5 of parliament deputies. The President is commander-in-chief armed forces, appoints members of the government, solves the issues of citizenship and others.

The highest legislative authority is a unicameral parliament - a meeting (Cuvend). Consists of 140 deputies elected for 4 years (100 deputies - according to the majoritarian system in single-member constituency, 40 - on party lists based on a proportional electoral system).

The highest executive authority is the Council of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister. The competence of the government is determined in the general form: it carries out any state function that is not provided to other government authorities or local leadership.



Along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, a slightly cheat lowland is stretched (width 15-40 km), framed from the north, east and south by mountain ranges and arrays (see map). On the far North BUT. - North Albanian Alpsdissected by deep canyon-shaped valleys. In the eastern and central parts there are more smoothed mountain arrays that have a predominantly meridional strike: coast (height to 2753 m - the largest in the country), Decii, Skandardbeg, Yablannitsa, Tomory, etc.; In the southern - low (600-2000 m) ridges (demobels, Nemechnka, Lyundhery, etc.) and intermountain brands (Korchinskaya, Kolody, GyroShir, etc.).

Geological structure and minerals

Territory A. Belongs to the South European branch Alpine-Himalayan rolling belt ; located at the junction of the folded systems of the dynamide and Ellinide (T.N. Albanides) separated by large transverse shift. Characteristic of the coating and zonal structure. Allocate the external and internal zones of the north-western stretch. The outer zones of the dummonist, high carst in the north and the adriatic-ionic in the south are ripped at different stages of alpine tectogenesis fragments of the passive outskirts of the Continental block of Adria (located west). Complied mainly by sedimentary strata of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Paleogen. Neogene-quaternary periadriatic Molasses is superimposed on these zones. The inner zones (coast, the Mirdith in East A.) are formed by ophiolitic covers (see Ophiolyte), Melting - fragments of the cortex of the ocean basin are inactive (see in Art. Tetis). Budva-Zucaly zone (transitional) is composed of volcanicities, flishe, deep-water sediments of the Mesozoic - Neogen.

Main minerals - chromites, copper, nickel and cobalt-containing iron ores, bauxite; In the foothill zone - oil, combustible gas, bitumen.


On the seaside lowland climate subtropical Mediterranean, with warm damp winter and hot summer. The average air temperatures in January from 4 ° C in the north to 7 ° C in the south, in July, respectively 25 and 28 ° C. Atmospheric precipitation (1000-1800 mm per year) falls predominantly in the fall and winter. In the southwestern part of A. in the summer frequent drought. The mountains are cooled in the mountains in winter in winter to -20 ° C and humidature precipitation up to 2500 mm per year.

Inland waters

Rivers flow mostly in the latitudinal direction from mountain areas A. in the Adriatic Sea; The largest of them are Drin (with the tributaries of white and black Drin), Mati, Erzeni, Shkumbini, Semyani (with Devoli's tributaries and Osumi), Vios (with Drino and Shushitz's tributaries). In the mountain part of the River Rouro, with deep valleys-gorges, high flow rate and considerable stocks of hydropower. In the interflueline of Schukumbini and Semyan, the system of irrigation canals is constructed. In North-West, A. Lake Shkoder (Skadar), in the east - Ohrid, Prespe and Mikra Preda labeled. Along the sea coast - wetland lagoons and small lakes. Each year renewable water resources are 30.2 km 3, water supply reduction in 10.4 thousand m 3 per person per year (2014). Not more than 4% of the available water resources are used annually, of which 43% is spent on utility domestic water supply, 40% - for the needs of agriculture, 17% consumes prominble enterprises (2006).

Soil, vegetable and animal world

At the sea coast and in the lower slopes, subtropical brown soils of dry forests and shrubs are dominated. In the seaside lowland and in the mountains there are brown forest soils, alternating with a height of brown apodolian forest and mountain-meadow soils. Forests occupy 31% of the territory (2015). To a height of 1000 m - oak and robust, above - beech and coniferous forests; At the heights of more than 1,700 m - alpine meadows. On the seaside lowland, evergreen shrubs such as McWis, Samutyletniki, Shiblyak and other formations of summer-green plants are dominated.

A. Differs high level of biological diversity. It is known 476 species of vascular plants, 70 species of mammals, over 320 bird species, 36 species of reptiles and 15 types of amphibians. In the incomplete mountainous areas there are brown bear, wolf, roe, sulna; In the seaside part there are a lot of waterfowl (curly pelican, a small cormorant). In coastal waters, the Atlantic Oster lives (in A. Almost the entire population of this rare species is concentrated).

Condition and Environmental Protection

A high and very high degree of degradation of soil cover due to erosion as a result of the information of forests and re-paints is noted on the territory of the country. The high rate of reduction of biological diversity (over the past 25 years, the population of more than 120 species of animals decreased by 50%). The National Red Book includes 405 plant species and 575 animal species. The national system of protected areas includes 802 territories occupying 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the country's area, including SHENOBENIK-Yablanitsa National Parks, Diti, Lura, Tomory (2015).


98% of Population A. Make up albanians (2011, census). In the south (south of Vlare and Gyricastra regions), Greeks live (0.9%), in the east (northeast area of \u200b\u200bKorch) - Macedonians (0.2%); They also live, Gypsies, Aromunes, Serbs and others. Before 1990s. population increased rapidly due to a high birth rate (1.1 million people in 1945; 1.6 million people in 1960; 3 million people in 1986; 3.3 million people in 1990), but In 1990-2015, it decreased by 12.1%, mainly due to a decrease in fertility and mass emigration (3.3 per 1000 people in 2015). The birth rate (12.9 per 1000 people in 2015) is constantly reduced (in 1960 - approx. 5 children per 1 woman, in 2015 - 1.5), mortality rate of 6.6 per 1000 live. (2015). Age Structure (2015): up to 15 years - 18.8%, 15-65 years - 69.9%, 65 years and older - 11.3%. Middle age 32 years (2015; 27.4 in 1990). The average life expectancy of the population of A. is for men 75.5 years, for women 81 years. The assimilation policy of the Greeks, carried out since 1975, led to a reduction in their number and mass repatriation in 1990-91. In the 1990s. The country left over 300 thousand Albanians. In 1999, about 450 thousand Albanian refugees arrived from Kosovo in A.. The average population density is 100.6 people / km 2 (2016). Western seaside districts are most closely populated (approx. 33% of the country's population; density up to 400 people / km 2 in the Durres area) and the KORCHINA brand; Mountain areas are weakly populated (20-40 people / km 2). Urban population of 57.4% (2015; 20% in 1950; 33% in 1995). The largest cities (thousand people, 2013): Tirana 622, Durres 204, Vleor 135, Elbasan 124, Shkoder 112, Corca 87, Fiier 85. The economically active population is 53.7% (2014), of which in agriculture is employed 41.8%, in industry - 11.4%, in the service sector - 46.8%. Official unemployment rate 17.3% (2015).


OK. 60% of the population of Albania - Muslims, approx. 17% - Christians (including approx. 10% - Catholics and approx. 7% - Orthodox), approx. 23% do not belong to any religious group (2011, census).

Most Muslims - Sunni, there are adepts of the Sufi Order of the Bektaliya (in 1925-67 A. It was its world center). There are 2 Metropolis and 3 diostez of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the Apostolic Administration of Uniate (see Uniate) Albanian Greek Catholic Church. Orthodox parishes - in jurisdiction Albanian Orthodox Church.

Christian communities appeared in A. in 1 c., Their foundation, according to legend, is associated with the activities of the Apostle Paul, who put his student of Caesar, the first bishop of the city of Dirrachius (now Durres). In con. 15 V. The territory of modern Albania was occupied by Ottoman Turks, but to the 2nd floor. 16th century Most of the population remained Christian. As a result of active Islamization in the 17th century. A. became mainly a Muslim country. In 1922, the Albanian Orthodox Autochetal Church was established (Avtochefalia was recognized in 1937). In 1967, the Albanian government began to repression against all believers, all mosques and churches were closed. In 1991, after the first free elections and the adoption of constitutional guarantees of freedom of religious, in A. The revival of both Islam and Christianity began.

Historical essay

Albania from antiquity before the beginning of 16 V.

The most ancient findings related to human activity in the territory of A. belong to the average Paleolithic (DZare). Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic are presented by a number of monuments, including stratified cave parking lots (Konisis). Monuments of the Bronze and Galstati era belong to the Culture Circle of North-Zap. Balkans associated with illyrians . With con. 7 - beginning 6 centuries. BC e. On the coast of A. Arise Greek Colonies Epidam (Sovr. Durres), Apollonia Illyrian and others. In the early Iron Institute, there are fortunatewood settlements in hard-to-reach places (approx. G. Shkoder, etc.). For 4-3 centuries. There is a number of political associations of local tribes, headed by kings: Enkenis, Taulants, Ardians, etc. After several wars in 168, Illyrian tribes are subject to Rome, the territory of A. entered the province of Illirin (formed in 27 BC. e.), from 1 c. n. e. Here are new cities (skam, klodian, etc.); Strategically and economically important road of Egnatia tied the coast of A. from the Dessaloniki on the Aegean Sea. Already from 1 c. There are data on Christian communities. After the section of the Roman Empire in 395 A. As part of the provinces of the new epirla, the old epirus, prevalitan departs to its eastern part. In 5 c. Through A. repeatedly passed goths. From 6-7 centuries. A. Located in the zone of Slavic colonization (west of the Ohrid Lake localize the Bersite tribe). Based on local and introduced traditions under the Byzantine influence to 7 V. In A. and Western Macedonia formed Comer culture . In coastal A. The Byzantine control is preserved (from 9th century. As part of the femma of the Dirrachius). In 989 A. Conquered by the Bulgarian King Samuel, after the defeat of the first Bulgarian kingdom, the Byzantine governance restored in 1018. Under the Byzantine and Bulgarian influence throughout A., Orthodoxy (Dirry Metropolis of Constantinople Patriarchate) is distributed. Since 1081, the attacks of Normans begin, briefly seized part of the coast of A. in 1096 through the territory A. Crusaders passed. After the defeat of the Byzantium during the 4th crusade (1204), the Dirrachiy on the coast of A. is capturing Venice, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church intensifies, in con. 13 - 1st floor. 14 centuries. Coastal A. enters the Neapolitan Kingdom. In con. 12 - 1st floor. 13 centuries. In North A. There was an arbian principal - the first own political education albanians. Most of A. in the 2nd floor. 13 V. enters the epirus despotal. With con. 12 V. Part A. belongs to Serbia, and in Ser. 14th century It is almost completely included in the Serbian-Greek kingdom Stephen Dushan . After his decay in the territory of A. there were independent principalities, headed by feudal childbirth, Balshy, Muzak, and others. Their internecine struggle eased the expansion of Ommans who took the expansion Kosovo battle 1389. Regular trips to A. to the beginning. 15 V. The Turks who intervened in the conflict between Balghi and Topia on the side of the latter, managed to conquer a significant part of A. At the same time, some princely gods were vassals of the Ottoman Empire only nominally and even supported Venice in the struggle against the Turks. In 1443, the anti-Isman struggle headed Skanderbeg from the Prince of Kastritiii, who established in Cruel (A.). In 1444 he founded t. N. The Laja League of Albanian princes, which contributed to the temporary cessation of fragmentation and cohesion of the arbers. The army was formed at 12-15 thousand people. After his death (1468), the League of Princes was broken, and the Turks managed to complete the conquest a.: In 1478, Kreya fell, in 1479 - Shkoder, in 1501 - Durres, which was from the end of the 14th century. Under the rule of Venice.

Albania as part of the Ottoman Empire

Ottoman conquest inflicted a heavy blow to the economy and culture A., slowed down its social and political development. The country was introduced the Ottoman Military System. The population was charged with heavy taxes and insights. There was an emigration of Albanians to other areas of the Ottoman Empire, South Italy, etc. Unlike other Balkan countries, in A. The estate of military lenniks turned out to be largely Albanian in origin: the Albanian feudal surnames entered it, who accepted Islam. The territory A. was included in the Rumelian Eyaylet, which was divided into 6 Sanjakov: Shkodrinsky, Dukagini, Elbasan, Ohrid, Vleor, Delvina. However, in some mountain areas (Himar, Great Malsia, Dukagini, Mirdita), the Turks could not be established finally, the liberation speeches against which punitive expeditions were directed (1537, 1610, 1612, 1686, 1716). With con. 17th century There is a decline of anti-magic speeches. This was facilitated by the process of the Islamization of the population, accompanied by economic and legal pressure on him from the authorities (to the beginning of the 19th century. At least half of the Albanians became Muslims). From 17 century In the situation of the expansion of the military system and the distribution of hereditary possessions - chiflikov occurred by the economy. The power of large Albanian feudalists, which in the crisis of the Ottoman Empire, strengthened in the 2nd floor. 18th century, sought to political independence. In the North A., a semi-state education was developed - Shkodrinsky Pashalyk, with 1756 Rules of the name Bushati. He reached the greatest independence under Kara Mahmud-Pasha (1778-96), which twice (1787, 1793) struck by the Sultanian armies. The territory in the south of modern A. and the north-west of Greece entered the Yaninsky Pashalyk, which in 1787-1822 rules Ali Pasha Tellensky . Turkish troops were eliminated by Yaninsky Pashalyk in 1822, and Shkodrinsky - in 1831. Distribution to the territory A. Tanzimat reforms, who had the goal to modernize the Ottoman Empire and prevent its decay, was accompanied by a deterioration in the situation of the masses, which caused antitrician uprisings in 1833-35 and in 1847.

In the 1840s. The ideology of the Albanian National Renaissance began to form. In 1844 Albanian enlightener Naum Vekilhardzhi published the first Albanian tank. The first Albanian national liberation organization was the promenade league, founded in 1878 in Kosovo, where there was a significant Albanian population. Pravov with the Turkish government, the League made a program of autonomy A. In some areas of A. Power passed to the League committees, and its National Committee in January 1881 was transformed into a temporary government. In 1881, the league was crushed; The leadership of the national liberation movement passed to national societies created by Albanian emigrants in Istanbul, Bucharest, Sofia, and others. In 1910-12, the uprisings of Albanians were taking place in the territory of the north of modern A. and Kosovo.

The preservation of traditional relations in agriculture and the arbitrariness of the Turkish administration was hampered by the development of capitalist relations. With nach 20 V. A. began to undergo economic exploitation by Austria-Hungary and Italy. During the 1st Balkan War in 1912 b. h. A. The territory of A. was occupied by the troops of Montenegro, Serbia, Greece. 11/28/1912 The Allaleban Congress in the city of Vlaire proclaimed independence A. and created a temporary government headed by Ismail Kalia.

Albania in 1912-39

Independence A. was recognized by the London Peace Treaty of 1913 and the Conference of the Ambassadors of the Great Powers (29.7.1913), which determined its border. By decision by Power Management A. was transferred by Prince Wilhelm at the form (Wilhelm I; March - September 1914), who could not extend his power to the whole country. During World War II In the territory of A. Warfish. The London agreement 1915 provided for the liquidation of Independence A. and the section of it between Italy, Greece, Serbia and Montenegro. However, after the end of the war, the leaders of some powers (in particular, US President V. Wilson) refused to support this plan. On the wave of liberation movement, the National Congress in Luche (January 1920) formed a temporary government in Tirana, which became the capital A. The uprising in Vlare (June - August 1920) freed South A. from Italian occupation. The development of a democratic movement led to the June revolution 1924. The government headed by F. Noli acted as a program of bourgeois-democratic transformations. In December 1924, a counter-revolutionary coup was carried out. 31.1.1925 A. Proclaimed by the Republic, the president was elected head of the coup A. Zogu. 1.9.1928 The Constituent Assembly proclaimed the Zogu "King of Albanians" under the name of Zogu I, and on December 1, adopted a monarchist constitution. The country fell into the economic (Italian companies took key positions in the oil production and a number of other industries of the Albanian economy) and political dependence on Italy, fixed albano-Italian treaties and agreements . 7.4.1939 Italy Annexed A., which was attached to Italy (12.4.1939) in accordance with the "personal unia" (Italian king Viktor Emmanuel III was proclaimed by King A.). The Italians canceled the Albanian Constitution, although the Albanian government and parliament left practically deprived of the powers. The Albanian army became part of Italian. In A. The local fascist party was created.

Albania from 1939 to the mid-1980s.

In September 1942, patriotic forces were united in the national liberation front. The Communist Party of A. (KPA, was founded in 1941 played an important role in organizing the national liberation struggle. From April 1942, partisan detachments arise, of which in the summer of 1943 the National Liberation Army (NAA) was formed; From May 1944, the general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPU E. Khoja became its commander-in-chief. Noah, the number of which reached 70 thousand people, in battles with Italian, and after the surrender of Italy (September 1943) with the German troops liberated the territory of A. Up to the complete liberation of the country 29.11.1944.

In October 1944, the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Committee - the central body formed in the liberated areas of authorities, national liberation councils, was transformed into a temporary democratic government. 2.12.1945 In the elections to the Constituent Assembly, more than 90% of the votes were received by the Democratic Front A., which was under the complete control of the Communists. 11.1.1946 The founding (constitutional) Assembly was proclaimed People's Republic of Albania (NRA). 14.3.1946 Constitution adopted, guaranteed the basic rights and freedoms of citizens. The first government of NRA was headed by E. Khoja (in 1954-81 his head was M. Shehu). In 1945-46, A. I was restored by the economy, conducted transformations in the bourgeois-democratic spirit. During the agrarian reform of the land of major owners were alienated and donated to landless and small-earth peasants.

Since 1946, the leadership of the KPA (since 1948, the Albanian Labor Party, APT) began to conduct socialist transformations on the Soviet model, during which the progress of the development of industry, culture and education was achieved. In 1949 A. became a member of the Council of Economic Assistance (CEV), in 1955 - the organization of the Warsaw Treaty.

However, the APT leadership refused to support the new line of the Soviet leadership, proclaimed at the 20th CPSU Congress, and especially painfully perceived the outlined Soviet-Yugoslav rapprochement. The ideological disagreements arising between the APT and the CPSU led to the exacerbation of Soviet-Albanian relations and their rupture (December 1961). Economic ties with the USSR stopped completely, and with the East European countries declined significantly. The principle of "Supports to His Force" was proclaimed. At the same time, Albano-Chinese connections were strengthened. PRC with con. 1950s. Enhanced A. Economic Assistance, having received political support from it in an ideological conflict with the Soviet leadership. Especially intensive was the help of A. from China in 1963-78 (discontinued as a result of the appearance of ideological disagreements from the CP of China).

According to the Constitution, 1976 A. began to be called the People's Socialist Republic of Albania (NSR) and was declared the state dictatorship of the proletariat. In fact, A. Khoji dictatorship mode existed in A.. Mass violations of civil rights, hard centralization of management braked economic and social development A. The lack of many products and consumer goods led to the introduction of a partial rationing system. Attempts by M. Shekhu to improve relations A. with other countries stumbled upon the rigid position of the dictator. In the face of the inevitable opals, M. Shehu in December 1981 committed suicide (according to the official version), and the persons associated with it were subjected to cruel repression.

Albania from the mid-1980s.

After the death of E. Khoji (1985), the 1st secretaries of the Central Committee of the APT became R. Aliya, who made steps to reform economic and political life. A number of decisions involved the use of economic stimulus measures. In the beginning. 1991 Albano-Soviet and Albano-American relations were restored. 31.3 and 7.4.1991 For the first time, free parliamentary elections on a multi-party basis were held, in which all Albanians who have reached 18 years have had the right to participate. The victory on them won the APT, which since June 1991 began to be called the Albanian Socialist Party (ASP). He headed the reformed party F. Nano, a supporter of the market economy, adhered to social democratic views. The country began to be called the Republic of Albania, R. Aliya was elected her first president. According to the 1991 Constitution project, on the basis of which state construction was conducted, the president became commander-in-chief and did not belong to K.L. Political party.

The difficulties of market transformations provoked a drop in production (by 50% in 1991), mass unemployment and other crisis phenomena, emigration of a significant part of the population. At the extraordinary parliamentary elections in March 1992, the Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) won, the leader of which S. Berish became President A. His Board was noted by authoritarianism, persecution of political opponents, corruption during the privatization of state ownership, a foreign trade deficit, an increase in external debt, mass Violations of the electoral law during the 1996 parliamentary elections, as a result of which DPA victory was declared. In January 1997, the collapse of investment funds built on pyramidal schemes led thousands of people. In March 1997, a sharp political crisis broke out. Anti-government performances surrendered to the national uprising, "Committees of salvation" were formed, decorated with armed detachments. In the south of the country, the authorities actually moved to them.

Overcoming chaos contributed extraordinary elections in June 1997, the victory on which ASP won. Its program provided for the restoration of public order, the completion of privatization reforms, integration into the structure of the UES and NATO. R. Maidani was elected president. In 1998, a new constitution was adopted. In 1999 A. supported the actions of NATO in Kosovo and Yugoslavia, which led to the rupture of Albano-Yugoslav relations.

During hostilities in Kosovo, about half a million refugees from Kosovo found a temporary refuge in A. This led to a deterioration in relations with neighboring Greece, which throughout the history of independent A. tried to influence the position of the Greek minority in the territory A., while the majority Kosovo refugees are located in the south of the country - the territory of the compact residence of the Greeks. Relations with neighbors (primarily with Greece and Macedonia) are complicated by the growth of nationalism in A., the popularization of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis isv. The Great Albania, which should cover all the territories inhabited by Albanians who are not included in the Republic of Albania. At the turn of the Millennium, the economy A. was in a catastrophic decline. Most of the national income (about 56%) accounted for agriculture, while industry - 12%. A significant assistance to the economy of the country was provided by the Albanian diaspora in the West, which, working as low-paid labor force, translated earned money to their families remaining in the country. Common destruction after the events of the last decade, as well as infrastructure decline and strong corruption, prevented foreign investment. The situation somewhat changed after the completion of the war in Yugoslavia. The orientation of the country to European and theestiate structures allowed her to get financial support To overcome the crisis. With the help of Western instructors, the police reform was carried out. In the summer of 2001, a block of left parties "Union for the State" led by ASP won the victory. At the same time, observers from the OSCE, the EU and the Council of Europe recorded numerous falsifications and expressed the general dissatisfaction with the process of holding elections. The Prime Minister of the country was appointed Socialist Ili Meta, which is already less than a year, as a result of the party crisis, was forced to give my place of Pandelli Maiko. In July 2002, A. He was elected president Moysu, Supporter of entry A. in the structure of NATO. Meniyu dissolved the Cabinet Majko, the new government was headed by Fatos Nano, head of the ASP. Despite the next victory of socialists in local elections in October 2003, already in February 2004 in A. Mass demonstrations against the board of the ASP were accused of corruption and the insufficient growth of the country's economy. In Jan. 2003 Government Start negotiations on adopting A. in UES as an associate member. Elections 2005 brought victory for the Democratic Party, the government headed Sali Berish (President A. in 1992-97). In Feb. 2006 Signed Association Agreement with the European Union. In the same year, a resolution was adopted, condemning the communist past and the mode established by Enver Khododa. In the 2007 presidential election, ASP has again suffered a defeat, the country was headed by a candidate from the Democratic Party Bamm Topi. In 2009 A., together with Croatia, officially became members of NATO. At the same time A. filed an official application for EU membership. Parliamentary elections 2009 with a minor advantage won Democrats, the ASP challenged their results by declaring falsifications. The refusal of the Prime Minister of Berishi from the recalculation of votes led to protests in Tirana, which in May 2010 passed into the campaign of civil disobedience. The opposition leaders declared a hunger strike, the EU demanded the settlement of the political crisis, threatening otherwise to freeze the application A. for membership in the Union. In 2011 politics. Crisis overgrown into mass riots with human victims. Berisha laid the blame for their death on his political opponents. The growth of public discontent with the policy of Democrats allowed socialists in local elections in May 2011 to get a majority in several major cities, but the common victory remained for the Democrats. This allowed Berii to keep the post of Prime Minister. The presidential election (June 2012) brought victory to the candidate from the Democratic Party Buyar Nichani. The following parliamentary elections in June 2013 had importantSince the correctness of their holding was declared the EU Commission deciding on the decision to decide on the future A. in the EU. The victory won the ASP, whose candidate Ed Rama and headed the government. One of its main priorities of the frame called the struggle with organized crime and the overall increase in the level of security in the country. In June 2014 A. received the official status of a candidate member of the EU.

Russian-Albanian relations

The first diplomatic contacts between the Albanians and the Russian Empire refer to the middle of the 18th century. Himariota, residents of the southern regions of Albania, in October 1759 sent an appeal to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with a request for the patronage and protection against the arbitrariness of the Ottoman authorities (it was rejected by the Russian government, who did not want to break the world with the Ottoman Empire at that moment). In October - December 1924, the government F. Naly began the process of establishing diplomatic relations from the USSR, but it was cooler after the coup committed by A. Zogu. Diplomatic relations between the USSR and A. are established in Saint. 1934, actually discontinued after the occupation of A. Italy (Apr. 1939), restored to November. 1945 (in full - from Dec. 1946). In connection with ideological disagreements between the APT and the CPSU, diplomatic relations between the USSR and A. were torn on Dec. 1961, restored in the summer of 1990 (embassies resumed work in Fevr. - Apr. 1991). In Apr. 1995 Russia was visited by the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania A. Mexius. During his negotiations with the Chairman of the Government Russian Federation V. S. Chernomyrdin discussed issues of bilateral economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation. A number of documents were signed who had laid the foundation of the contractual base of Russian-Albanian relations: the consular convention, trade and economic and scientific and technical agreements, as well as a paraffin agreement on friendship and cooperation between Russia and Albania. Albanian presidents S. Berishe and A. Mineyu visited Russia on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary (1995) and the 60th anniversary (2005) of the victory over fascism. Since the summer of 2015 A. was included in the list of countries in respect of which Russia adopted countermeasures in connection with the accession of A. to the anti-Russian sanctions of a number of Western states. In 2015, the total turnover between Russia and A. amounted to $ 79.2 million (decreased by 23% compared with 2014).


A. - one of the poorest countries in Europe; per capita income 4500 dollars. in 2002 (400 dollars in 1994; $ 1,650). The economy is in a state of transition to a market and develops mainly due to the transfer of money by emigrants to its relatives (in con. 1990s, it was approx. 1/3 of GDP), as well as financial assistance in Italy and Greece ($ 400-600 million. in year). In the mid-1990s. Course to the denationalization of the economy; By the beginning of the 2000s. The privatization of land, retail and services, transport and construction services has been completed; Conducted (2004) privatization of large industrial facilities, banking system. As a result of reforms OK. 70% of GDP is made in the private sector. Political instability in con. 1990s. And the overall economic crisis led to an increase in unemployment, high inflation, creating a negative investment climate. The leading industry of the economy remains agriculture (47.6% of GDP, 2003). Electricity deficit in the 1990s. and the competition of foreign goods led to a significant reduction in industrial production (24.6% of GDP). In the 1990s. International tourism began to develop, which, along with the services, gives 27.8% of GDP.


In the structure of industrial production, the main place is occupied by mining industries (the main mineral resources of A. - oil, gas, chromium ores) and the industry for the processing of raw materials. Gas production (approx. 30 million m 3 in 2001) and oil (0.5 million tons) are conducted in the south-west of the country, in the Semyani River basin (main centers - Bowls, Patosi, Marineza, Kuchow). The main area of \u200b\u200bproduction (approx. 250 thousand tons per year) and the enrichment of chrome ore - mines of Bulkiza northeast of Tirana. Copper (Rubik, Kurbneshi), nickel (border), iron ores (in the area of \u200b\u200bOhrid Lake), lignite (in the Tirana region and in the Korchinskaya Basin), Natural Bitumen (near Selenica) are mined. Mining of mineral raw materials in the 1990s. sharply decreased (with the exception of chrome ore). B. h. Forests in the 2nd floor. 20 V. was cut down; Since the 1990s Forestry is carried out only for internal consumption (wood from the North Alban Alps and the eastern regions of the country enters the sawmill plants in Elbasane and cities located along the Drin River). Electricity production 5.3 billion kWh (2002), including 97% is produced on small hydropower plants in mountainous areas (on the rivers Drin, Mati, Bistrita, etc.). TPPs operating on the ligat and fuel oil are operating in Tirana, Elbasane, Fiere, Vlare, Kurch, Kuchov.

The manufacturing industry was developed in the 1960-80s.; In the 1990s. Production volumes decreased dramatically due to the economic crisis and competition with imported goods. Oil refinery (production of oil products 360 thousand tons in 1997) work in Fii (the largest refinery in the country), Balshys, Kuchov, Cerrik; Petrochemical and chemical - in Vlare, Fii, Lyachi. ENTERPRISES OF COLOR (MEDOVILABLE FACTORY IN RUBICH) and black metallurgy (combine in Elbasane), metalworking and mechanical engineering (Tirana, Durres, Shkoder, Weller), cement, woodworking, furniture, textile, tobacco (shkoder), food (olive oil production, sugar , Fish and fruit canned, etc.) industry.


Agricultureit is ineffective and does not satisfy the domestic foodstience (A. imports grain and food). Agriculture suffers from drought (in the seaside districts in the 1950-70s. Irrigation channels built; irrigated approx. 1/2 of arable land), shortages of S.-H. Inventory, fragmentation of land plots (in the beginning. 1990s. There were 120 state farms and 420 collective farms, which in the beginning. 2000s were dissolved, and land and inventory were privatized). The processed lands occupy 21% of the country's territory (of which approx. 1/2 - under the grain crops), pastures - 15%. Basic S.-H. Culture - wheat and corn (in the seaside zone and the Korchinsky hollow). Barley, Sugar Slander (in the Korchinskaya Both), Sunflower, Potatoes, Bakhchye, Vegetables (Bean, Bow, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Eggplant), Tobacco (along the South Coast), Fruits (including citrus southern south, peaches ), Grapes (winemaking in the Tirana area and in the south of the country), olives (along the sea coast). The main traditional livestock industry is a pasture sheep (more than 1.4 million heads in 2002; in the 1990s. The population decreased by almost 3 times). Diluted goats (900 thousand heads), cattle (800 thousand heads), poultry (4.1 million heads), horses, donkeys. In the south prevails meat milk, in the north and east - mining and pasture animal husbandry, with foci of agriculture in the valleys. Wheels and donkeys are used as a major force. Handicraft production of white Albanian cheese. Fisheries in the coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea (mining Sardin, Kefali).


The main type of transport is automotive. Highways (length approx. 18 thousand km, including 30% with solid coating) were not repaired with con. 1980s. (The main road is reconstructedTirana - Durres, 2004). B. Part. Car park - old cars. In rural areas, manpure prevails. There is a private bus service from Tirana to all cities of the country, as well as to Sofia (Bulgaria), Skopje (Macedonia), Pristina (Kosovo), Janin and Florina (Greece). Length of railways 720 km. Automotive and railways are concentrated in the western low part of the country, only individual highways cross the mountain ranges in the east of the country and reach the Ohrid and Prespa. The sea merchant fleet consists of 24 vessels (including 70 tons with displacement of St. 1000 T). The main foreign trade ports are Durres (approx. 90% of the total cargo turnover) and VLORE. Shipping on the River Buna (to Lake Shkoder), Lakes Shkoder, Prespa, Ohrid. The length of gas pipelines is 339 km, oil pipelines 207 km (2004). International Airport (25 km from Tirana); Built (2004) International Airport in Vlare.

Foreign economic relations

Importing goods ($ 1.5 billion in 2002) significantly exceeds exports ($ 340 million). A. Imports food, consumer goods, machinery and machine tools, used cars, fertilizers, etc. Major exports - chrome ore (approx. 18% of the cost), copper, nickel, bitumen, tobacco, wines. Main trading partners - Italy, Greece, Turkey, Germany.

Foreign tourism

The flow of tourists is insignificant (60-80 thousand people per year). The main centers - the resort of Saranda in the extreme south-west A., that is N. Color shore (along the coast of the Adriatic Sea from Vlörd to Saranda, with good beaches and subtropical vegetation), beaches in the Durres area, medieval castles and fortresses in the cities of Gyrocera, Kreya, Berat, as well as in the North Albania Alps, on the Ohrid Okrid coast and Presby.

Armed forces

The total number of armed forces (Sun) approx. 30 thousand people (2004); Consist of ground forces (SV), Air Force and Navy, two commanders (operational and combat training, rear support), as well as compounds and parts of central subordination. In wartime, militarized formations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (approx. 17 thousand people) are transmitted to the operational submission of the Chief of the General Staff (GS). Supreme Commander - President. In peacetime, the general management of the Sun is carried out by the Minister of Defense (civilian), operational management - the head of the GSH. On the operational purpose of Sun A. is divided into rapid response (staffed and equipped with weapons and equipment by 100%), the main defensive forces (equipped with 50% and equipped with 100%) and the forces of territorial defense. The host of the army is carried out according to a mixed principle: due to military service in accordance with the Law on Universal Military Meetility, a set of contract and personnel servicemen. SV (approx. 17.5 thousand people) have in its composition 11 brigades (infantry - 7, tank - 1, special purpose - 1, artillery - 2), 10 artillery regiments, etc. Parts and units. In service ok. 400 tanks, more than 350 field artillery, mortars and RSZO, combat armored cars. The Air Force includes: Aviation Wing (fighter-bomber, fighter, training, educational squadron and transport links); Anti-aircraft missile brigade; helicopter regiment; Transportation squadron. In service with the Air Force OK. 30 combat aircraft (mainly MIG-19, MiG-21), more than 10 aircraft auxiliary aviation, approx. 10 helicopters and more than 20 PU Zur. The Navy includes a fleet and a shelf of coastal artillery. As part of the fleet of 5 warships and more than 30 combat boats.


General health care costs (the amount of public and private health expenditure) cover the provision of medical services (preventive and therapeutic), family planning, food, emergency assistance, etc. If health care costs in 2000 amounted to 3% of GDP, then in 2015 - 6% . Total health care costs $ 272 (2014). Doctors are preparing at the medical faculty of the University of Tirans. In 2014, the number of doctors amounted to 4000 (1.3 doctors per 1000 people of the population) and 12,455 employees from the number of medium medical staff. The number of beds - 320 per 100 thousand inhabitants (2014). The main causes of death are cardiovascular diseases, injury, cancer and respiratory diseases. In Albania, a rather low level of incidence of HIV AIDS. Resorts: Durres, Border and others.


Until World War II, in Albania numbered approx. 1000 athletes. In 1945, a sports federation was created, in 1947 - Committee of Physical Education and Sports. Since 1951, the complex "Ready for Work and Defense of Albania" was actively introduced. In the early 1950s With the Tyranian State University, the Faculty of Physical Education was opened. From the mid-1940s. There are several large stadiums in the country, including in Tirana - "Kemal Staff" ("Qemal Stafa"; 1946-2016, OK. 20 thousand places), "Dynamo" ("DINAMO"; 1956.20 thousand places), which in 1991 changed the name first on Tirana ("Tirana" ), and after restoration (1995-2015) on"Selman Stadium Stadium" . In 1967, a multifunctional "Elbasan Arena" (12.8 thousand places) was built; After restoration in 2014, it became the venue for the matches of the national team and the Elbasani Football Club ("Elbasani").

Popularization and development of sports in the country contributed to the holding of 6 Albanian Spartakiad (1959, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989). The greatest development was ok. 20 sports, including game - football, futsal, basketball, volleyball, as well as struggle, cycling, light athletics, swimming, sports gymnastics, shooting, heavy athletics, chess. In 1958, the National Olympic Committee of Albania was created; The IOC (International Olympic Committee) is recognized in 1959. Since 1972 (Munich), Albanian athletes are involved in the Olympic Games, from 2006 (Turin) in the Olympic Winter Games (in cross-sports competitions three times - Turin, 2006, Vancouver, 2010, Sochi, 2014 - participated by E. Tola); The awards are not conquered. The national team of Albania's first international success was achieved in 1946, winning the Balkan Cup at the "Kemal Staff" stadium and ahead of the national teams of Yugoslavia, Romania and Bulgaria (a special brand released by Mail Albania was devoted to this event. In 2016, the national team of Albania for the first time in history received the right to play in the final part of the European Championship (passed in France) and made it worthy, gaining 3 points in his group (defeated the team of Romania); Soccer players from many European clubs were performed in its composition, including Goalkeeper E. Berish from Lazio ("S. S. Lazio"; Rome), defenders - L. Tsana from Nanta ("FC Nantes"; command Captain, spent the greatest number of matches for the national team93), E. Chessi from "Napoli" ("SSC Napoli"; Naples), M. Mauri from "Cologne" ("one. FC Köln » ), T. Gakka midfielder (Basel; "FC Basel") and others trained the Italian j. de Biazi team. The strongest football clubs of Albania are multiple champions of Dynamo country ("DINAMO"; Tirana, 18 victories in 1950-2010), "Tirana" ("Tirana"; 17 in 1930-2009), "PARTIZANI" (Tirana, 15 in 1947-93). The winner of the last 6 championships of the country in 2011-16 became the club "Skanderbeu" ("Skënderbeu" ) From the city of Korch, speaking in the same stadium (7.5 thousand places). In 2003, a team of mini-football "Tirana" was founded, successfully speaking at the country championships and international competitions.

One of the first most famous athletes in the international arena became Hockey player T. Doma - the first in the history of Albanians in NHL (National Hockey League), club defender "New York Rangers" (1992-93), Winnipeg Jets ("Winnipeg Jets"; 1993-95) and Toronto Maple Lifs ("Toronto Maple Leafs"; 1995-2006); Played more than 1000 matches and scored more than 100 heads, was distinguished by a fighting character and was one of the most frequently removed players. Among the successful protruding athletes - representatives of heavy athletics - D. Godelley (in the weight category up to 77 kg became the world champion in 2014, the repeated winner of the European Championships in 2011-14), K. Erkand (in the weight category up to 77 kg won the gold medal of the European Championship In 2014 and silver in 2009), among women - R. R. Rubay (in the weight category up to 55 kg, the winner of the 5th European Championships in 2008-13); Attractile L. GEGA - the winner of the two Championships of the Balkan Countries (2011, 2015) and the Universiade Bronze Camera (2013; the only Award of Albanian athletes in these sports forums on 1.1.2016) in 1500 m and others. In 2015, the Albania team participated in first European games in Baku; 28 athletes competed in 9 sports, but the awards did not conquer.

In recent years, international competitions of the most different level are increasingly held in Albania; Among them - the match for the world championship in chess among women (Tirana, 2011) between Hou Ifan (China) and X. Koneru (India), in which the Chinese chess player defeated (5.5: 2.5); Two Yunior Tournament on Karate Variety (Section) - the 6th European Championship and the 3rd World Cup (Tirana, 2014); Sport orienteering competitions (Shkoder, 2015), etc.

Education. Institutions of science and culture

General management of educational institutions are carried out by the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training. The main regulatory documents are laws: about higher education (2007, amendments 2010), about the educational system (1995), on private education (1995), about vocational education and training (2002), on the system of pre-university education (2012), about the system of higher education Education and research in higher educational institutions (2015) and regulatory documents on public schools of Albania (1995). The education system includes optional 3-year pre-school education, 9-year compulsory general education (5-year-old initial and 4-year incomplete secondary education), 3-year-old secondary secondary education, higher education. Vocational education gives the lower (1-2 years of study) and the average (3-4 years of study) of the school, as well as technical schools on the basis of an incomplete secondary school. Preschool education covered 81.3% of children, primary learning - 95.5%, average - no data (2014, data of the UNESCO Institute of Statistics). The literacy rate of the population over 15 years is 97.6% (2015). In the higher education system, 13 state universities are functioning.

The main scientific institutions, universities, libraries and museums of Albania are in Tirana [including Academy of Sciences (created in 1972, reorganized in 2006), University of Tirans (founded in 1957), National Library (1922), National Historical Museum (1981). There are also universities in Shkodér (1957), Kurce (1971), the garbagestra (1971), Elbasane (1991), Vlare (1994)]. Large museum centers are also concentrated in the garbagestra (ethnographic, weapons, etc.), Berate [Museum of Onufria (named Icon painter 16 century), ethnographic (1979), historical, archaeological, etc.], Kurce (Albanian medieval art, historical , national education). The Museum of Independence in Vlör and the Museum of History in Durres, as well as archaeological museums in Byrinti (1950), Durres (1951) and Apollonia (1958) are of great value.


The largest nationwide daily newspapers are published in Tirana: "Zeri and Populit" ["Zyri I Popullit" - Alb. "Personal People"; Founded in 1942; Body of the Socialist Party of Albania (until 1991 - Albanian Labor Party)], Rindja Demokratike ("Rilindja Demokratike" - Alb. "Democratic revival"; from 1991; body of the Democratic Party of Albania), Koha Jona (Koha Jonë - Alb. "Our time", since 1991), "Gazeta Shqiptare" - Alb. "Albanian Newspaper", from 1993), "Albania" ("Albania", from 1995), "Newspaper 55" (" Gazeta 55 ", since 1997), Shekulli - Alb." Age ", from 1997)," Topic "(" Tema ", since 2000)," Panorama "(" Panorama ", since 2002) and Dr. Coming a number of newspapers in Greek, including "Lyko Vima" (Greek. "People's Tribune"; in the garbagest; from 1945). In English, the newspapers "Albanian Daily News" (since 1995) and Tirana Times (from 2005) are published.

Regular broadcasting since 1938, television broadcasting - since 1960. There is a state television and radio company RTSH (Radio Televizioni Shqiptar - Albanian Radio and Television), private "Top Channel" (from 2001), TV KLAN (since 1997), "Vizion Plus" (Since 1999) and others among private radio stations - Top Albania Radio, "+2 Radio" and others. State News Agency Albanian Telegraph Agency (Ata, Alb. Agjencia Telegrafike Shqiptare). Internet penetration depth - approx. 60% (2014).


Literature A. was formed on the territory of modern A. and beyond. The first discovered written monument in Albanian language is the "Baptism Formula" (1462), the first book - "Meszari" ("Serviceman", the translation of religious texts, made in Buzukka, 1555). In Albanian literature 18 V. The genre of biteja is blooming under the influence of Middle Eastern culture - improvised quatrain of satirical, moral and domestic content (N. Fracula, S. Naibo, H. Zyuko-Cambury). In the 2nd floor. 19 - Nach. 20 centuries. Romantic trends are developing in the work of Arbemes - Albanians living with 16 V. In southern Italy (poems I. De Rada, the poem of Z. Sermbe, Dramaturgia F. A. Santori et al.); The struggle for the unity and self-awareness of the nation in poetry and journalism are the brothers of Naim and the Frashers themselves; The main topic of literature during this period is the "great time" of the liberation of Albanians from the Ottoman IGA. In the beginning. 20 V. In the literature A. New genres appear: in poetry - ballad, elegy, sonnet, lyric-epic poem; In prose - a phaance story, an epic drama, household comedy (A. Zako-Chaypi, N. Mieda, Fishet, M. Grameno, Arameni, H. Moss, R. Siliychi). The foundations of the new realistic literature were laid in the 1st floor. 20 V. F. S. Naroli, Z. Harapi, F. Konitsi, H. Sterili, E. Colichi, M. Covera, L. Radiatsi; Social motifs prevailed in prose. After the fascist occupation (1939-44), in the conditions of totalitarian regime, Russian and Soviet literature had a significant impact, many works were translated into Albanian. Despite the hard party censorship, in prose (Ya. Dzodez, N. Svft, D. Chaplo, D. Agola, I. Cadar, F. Arap, D. Juvana), dedicated to the life of pre-war Albania and Albanian resistance, along with the novel The chronicle appeared novels, which took the story of the symbolic and mythological interpretation of history. The fall in the totalitarian regime gave a powerful push to journalism, a small prose (K. Blue, N. Lera) and poetry, which in the confessional-philosophical monologue turned to eternal topics (B. Londo).

Architecture and Fine Arts

The most ancient monuments of art in A. - Ornamented ceramics, anthropomorphic figures and vases of neolithic, weapons and ceramics from the necropolia of the bronze age, metal jewelry and figures from the necropolis of the early Iron Age (necropoli in Mati; Borchi and Kuch and Zi near Korchi, 1-thousand BC. Er), gold jewelry from Gaitan settlement near Shkoder. In the 1st thousand. The fortresses of the Illyrians (Gaitan, Tren, Traian, Karos, etc.) were erected.

The coast of the Adriatic Sea from 7-5 centuries. Signed under the influence of ancient culture due to the foundation of the Greek colonies: epidam (founded about 627; now Durres), Bothrot (now Byrinti; Kon. 7th centuries; is included in the list World Heritage), Apollonia Illyrian (founded about 588; walls of 6-3 centuries; Ruins of the Acropolis, 5th century, theater and nymphy, 3 century), Orikum (from 6th century), Avlona (now VLORE), triPort (from the end of the 6th century. ; walls of 4-3 centuries); Also Olympia (strengthening the end of 5 - 4 centuries), Lissos (now lying; from 4 c. BC), etc. They built acropolis, theaters, amphitheaters, stadiums, temples, terms, aqueducts, villa with mosaic floors; were created on the spot, and the works of antique bronze and marble sculpture, painting, mosaic ("Durres Beauty", 4th century BC, National Historical Museum, Tirana; in Buinfinti, Apollonia, Sarande), painted ceramics, jewelry art. Greek cities influenced the settlements with the dominant Illyrian and Epirus population on the mainland - Clos (strengthening 5-4 centuries, the ruins of the theater 3 in.), Amanity (the ruins of the stadium and the foundations of the Aphrodite temple, 3 in.), Bülece (fortifications 4 in ., Theater of the middle 3 century), Foining (fortifications of the 4th century, the theater of the late 3 century), Simiz, Skoder (now Shkoder; in both - the remains of the walls of the 2nd half of 4 century), antigony (rebuilt about 297- 295), Antipatriya (now Berat), Dores, Zergezch et al. By 4-3 centuries. refer to. The royal tomb of the Illyrians in the village of Selece E-Plutma, which is copying the architecture of Greek Macedonia. After conquering Illyria Rome and the construction of the Egnaturation Road from Dirrachia to Thessaloniki (3rd quarter of 2 century) from 2 V. BC. Ancient Roman fortresses were erected (the SPEM, now Elbasan; Clodian, now Beijing); continued the development of Greek cities; Theater was built in Orikum (1 century AD), an amphitheater in Dirrachia (now Durres), Buleverai and Odeon in Apollonia, Terms in Hell Quintum (all 2 centuries); A special heyday was reached by sculpture (including tombstone) and floor mosaic (in Apollonia, Dirrahia, Bülece, etc.). In mountainous areas, traditional culture continued to develop.

From 1-3 centuries. Early Christian culture developed (sarcophague reliefs in Byrinti, Durres). With 4 in. Christian temples were erected; Sometimes residential buildings were rebuilt in the church (in the zada of the village). The most active time of the early Christian construction is the end of 5 - mid 6 centuries. The temples of the basilical type were dominated, studied by archaeological excavations: simple 1-oil (in Durres, Antigony, Apollonia, Saranda, etc.), 3-Nephonic (Amania, Binsnit) or three (Balms) apsides. The oil was separated by rows of pylons (bundform, teke in Elbasane, Saranda, Mesaplik, Fiunika, Bülece, Gorica) or columns (Amantey), or alternating columns and pilaster (balls). A more complex type represent basilica with a transplanted apse (Basilica of Our Lady in Byrinti, 6th century; in the football; Basilica B in the Büleis), related to Basilica in Nikopol (Greece). In the Basilica of Archangel Mikhail in Arapay, near Durres (6th century), the translat sleeve has in terms of semicircular completion (close to basilicams in the Dodon and the Paradist in the old epire, Greece). Most Basili had a nartex (the bell), the atriums were adjacent to the Basilicians in Arapay and Bülece. A slightly less common was the centric type of buildings: Martyri (rare on plan 7-konch church of 40 martyrs of Sevastia near Sarandes, possibly the end of 5th century), churches with trickening plans (in antihionia, bundline), baptistery (in Byrinti, 6th century, Based on the term 4 in.; in the football; in p. Lin). Perhaps Martyrius was the 7th century temple. In Lina, on the shore of Ohrid Lake, one of the most complex Earlyzantine monuments in the territory of A. (a developed nartex with a baptisterium and an atrium was adjacent to the main centric building with three conchas from the West). All temples 4-6 centuries. ONLY ONLY at the level of foundations and lower walls of the walls (only the Basilica of Our Lady in Byrinty, rebuilt in 9th century, has kept the walls to the foundation of unaccompanied overlaps). In 5-6 centuries. Old and built new fortifications of cities (Pulcheriopolis, now Berat; Dirrachiya; Kanins near Vleos), Petrel's fortress (end 5-6 centuries was rearranged, rebuilt in 7-10 and 12-15 centuries).

Options found outdoor mosaics of Christian temples of 5-6 centuries: in Arapay, Belis, Sarande, Tirana, Antigony, Messuple (now partially in the National Museum of Archeology, Tirana); In Baptistery in Byrinti (6 century), in p. Lin. Preserved: the residues of the frescoes in the church of 40 martyrs of Sevastia in Saranda (possibly the end of 5-6 - 6 centners), frescoes (5-6 centuries) and mosaic (between 6 and 10 centuries; depicted by St. Stephen, Archangels, Ktitimors, Virgin the closure) of the chapel of the priest bishop of Astia Dirrahiy in the Amphitheater in Durres; Fragments of marble altar barriers (from the Temple in Line, 6th century).

After the "dark" centuries (end 6 - 8 centuries) in 9 c. Restores construction activity. Architecture (especially in the southern part of modern A.) experienced the influence of Byzantium and Bulgaria (from 10 century). From 9 c. Preserved chapels (in the Basilica of Our Lady in Byrinti). In quantitatively, small 1-Neft churches were dominated (in Buininti, 9-10 centuries) with wooden floors and round (saints of Sergius and Vakha in Himar, end 10 - early 11th centuries; Archangel Mikhail in Himare, 13 century), faceted (Prophet Elii in Bouala near Permeti, 11-12 centuries; Savior of the delicious in Herbele near the border with Macedonia, 12 V.; Saint John the Baptist in Boboshtitsa, St. Dimitri in Samishti, Church in Kamenites, all - 14th century) and Rectangular outside (Saint Paraski Friday in Chue, end 13 century) apsides. Presumably from 11 c. For the floors began to apply vaults (Churches of Our Lady in Church near the border with Greece, 11 c.; Saint Parasi Friday in Sopa near Fiier, 13th century; Saint Andrew in Himar, near the village of Mulet near the road Tirana-Elbasan, both - 13-14 centuries; The christmas of the Virgin in the cave on the island of Mali-Grad on the lake Prespa, 1345). In 11-12 centuries. In the north of modern A. Also built 1-Neft churches: in the sarde (now the fortune fortune) on the River Dryr (Ruins), in Dryvastumen (now ruins in the Drishti fortress).

Among the rare 3-nemical basil 10-14 centuries: The foundations of the Cathedral (presumably apostle Andrei) in Durres (end 10 - early 11th centuries, in 1502 rebuilt in the mosque of Sultan Mehmed Fatiha), the ruins of the Church of St. Stephen in Dermi (11-12 VZ.), Basil near the village of Chiflik near the border with Greece (end 13 century) and in Rosé near Elbasana (13-14 centuries). The only well-preserved basilica in Albania of this time is the church of St. Nicholas in Peruddy (end 11 - beginning of 12 centuries; at 14 c. The bell tower is attached) with central nave, towering over the side, with columns separating the oil (related to Castorian churches, Nessebar and Art). In 12-14 centuries. The 1-Neft Church with the dome ("Dome Halls") were erected: St. Nicholas in the village of Armenia with an oval dome plan (12th century), the Virgin in Dermi (13-14 centuries), the Christian of the Lifetus in the village of Meline (1380s .), Ambulance Mikhail's Church in Berate (14th century).

From 10 c. In the south of modern A. The temples began to spread cross-domed system . To t. N. The transitional subtepa (with rectangular supports stretched along the milk) includes the churches of the Virgin Mary in the village of Peshkepia (presumably the beginning of the 10th century) and in the village of Koshina near Permeti (perhaps 12 centuries). In 12-15 centuries. On the territory of South A. The type t. N. In addition to the cross (in which the cross sleeves do not go beyond the general outlines of the plan) with four freely standing supports: the Church of Our Lady of Vellaner (13th century, rebuilt in 16th century) and the Holy Trinity (between 1302 and 1326) in Berate, the ruins of the Church of St. George In Brother's near Vleora (13-14 centuries), the Church of the Holy Trinity in Lovendar (presumably about 1470). The only temple of this type in A. with six pillars is the Assumption Cathedral of the former Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Apollonia (1st half of the 13th century), Related Athenian churches of 11-13 centuries. The search for a spatial solution with a wide bribing rectangle, limited from the north, the West and the south of pairs of pillars with triple arcades in two tiers, showed himself to the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in the village of Upper Labov (presumably 12-13 centurs and South Prize - 19 century), close temples Constantinople. 11-13 centuries.

Also preserved temples such as T.N. The free cross (with the crosses protruding sleeves in the plan) without free standing inner supports: the church of the Virgin in the Sunday on the road of Gyroaster-Janin (presumably 11th century; rebuilt in 16 century), Marmirit in Orikum (12-13 centuries), in The monastery of the Virgin on the island of Zvenets near Vloera (13-14 centuries). Rare temples with additional northern and southern kids: Ruins of a small church in Drishti near Shkoder (possibly 11th century), Church of St. Nicholas in Kuricani (13-14th centuries) and the dispensary church of the monastery in Apollonia (presumably 14th century). The unique church of St. Nicholas in the village of Mesopotam near Delvina - a symmetric 2-oil 2-apse 4-domed temple, originally surrounded by an open gallery, conducive to the creation of a smooth height of heights to two oriental domes (built in the 13th century, taking into account the elements of the architecture of southern Italy ; Perestroika 1793 and 1845). In the 2nd half of the 13th century. In the territories close to the shores of the Adriatic Sea, the effect of culture was manifested Neapolitan kingdom headed by representatives Anzhuy dynasty (Adamertext Cathedral of the Virgin Monastery in Apollonia, architectural details and reliefs on the walls of the Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Kuryani).

In the north of modern A. in 12-14 centuries. Temples were erected with elements romaneskaya style and Gothic: Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Rubik (about 1166), Church of St. Stephen in the village of Blindishi (12 V., Rebuilt at the beginning of the 14th century), Church of Our Lady in Wow-and-Daens (13th century; not survived), ruins St. Stephen's Cathedral in Shkodér (end 13 century), churches of saints Sergius and Vakha in the village of Shirch (1290), St. Nicholas in Lea (14th century), St. Paraski Friday in s. Baldre (14 V., Restored in 1462), Monastery of St. Anthony of Paduansky at Cape Rhodoni (Church of the 14th century). In 1240, the first in the territory of A. Franciscan monastery is founded (not survived). In the 14th century, during the kingdom of Stephen, Serbian temples were built mainly along the Drin River (not survived).

12-15 centuries. - Time of active building fortresses: Trucks (12th century), steep (12-13 centuries), Argicastro (now GyroCara; 2nd half of the 13th century; together with the city center included in the World Heritage List), the genus transmission Topia (14 is the beginning of 15 centuries), Cardics of the genus Zenevisi (end 14 - early 15 centuries), Skanderbega at Cape Rhodoni (about 1451-52). Improt Epirus Mikhail I Komnin Duku rebuilt the fortress in Berat (13th century; along with the city center included in the World Heritage List). At the end of the 14th - 15 centuries. The Venetsians were erected by the fortress of Bashtov on the Schukumbin River (15th century), renovated strengthening in Shkoderty, Byrinti, Durres, Dryvastumeumen, lesion (1440; place of the foundation of the Laja League).

From 11-12 centuries. Painting on the territory of A. was under the strong influence of the art of Byzantium. Presumably in 12 V. The church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the village of Upper Labova (Fresco "Deesus") is painted. Rare Painting Monument 13 V. In A. - Ktorovskaya fresco in the exonatex of the Assumption Cathedral of the former Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Apollonia (presumably a family-friendly portrait of Emperor Mikhail VIII Paleologist, his wife Feodora and son Andronika II, the upcoming Mother of God with the model of the Church in Hands, 1270-80s.). Murals were also preserved presumably early 14 V.: In the refectory monastery in Apollonia (scenes from the life of Christ, "Deesus", the figures of the saints), in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Berat (Trinity "in the Konhe apcida, prophets and angels in the drum, evangelists on Sails, scenes from the life of Christ on the crops and walls, "Assumption" on the western wall, the figures of the saints, etc.). Presumably several temples in A. at the beginning of the 14th century. Solunas masters Mikhail Astrap and Evtichy were painted (Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Kuryan, was recorded in 1578), who worked on the territory of Macedonia and Kosovo. According to the annals, the icon painter Gyon (John) from Durres (14th century) is known. Painting in the northern part of modern A. Also created according to the samples of Byzantine iconography: in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Rubik (1272), in the Church of Our Lady in Wow-and-Daens (three layers of painting of the end of the 13th - 14th centuries, not survived), in church Holy Paracsev Fridays in p. Baldre.

In the Cords region, the Byzantine monumental paintings of the 14th century are preserved, many of which are created by the masters of the Castoria School in the spirit of the T.N. Paleologovsky Renaissance: In the church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the cave on the island of Mali-Grad on the lake Press (1345 - "Our Lady of Signing" and "Worship of the Sacrifice" in Apsid and others; 1369 - the kotira portrait of Caesar Novaka with the wife of Kali (Catherine) and the children of Amioral and Maria, "Deesus", two "Saves of Independent", "Annunciation", "Assumption", scenes from the life of Christ, and others; Restored in 1981-82), in the church of Christ the Lifetus in the village of Monda (1389; Pantokrator in the dome, Prophets in the drum, evangelists on the sails, "Our Lady sign" and "worship of the victim" in apse, "Assumption" on the western wall, etc.), in the church of St. Dimitri in the village of Boboshtitsa (last one third of the 14th century). Many cave temples on the territory of South and Central A. in 13-15 centuries. Covers were covered with paintings (in the caves of the volatile, the years near Calmetti, a cat in Librazy, the Virgin Yeleus east of the village of Tuminets on the shore of Lake Prespa, etc.).

From the 14th century Icons from Berat, Monda, from the island of Mali-Grad, et al. Rare icons can be attributed to the classic Byzantine direction (the "Virgin Odigitria" from the cave church of the Annunciation near the village of Globroshan, the 14th century, the National Museum of Medieval Art, Corch). The more numerous group is the icons of 14-15 centuries. Castoria Schools (Arkhangel Mikhail, 14-15 explosives; royal gates with an image of the Annunciation from the cave Church of the Annunciation near C. Globroshan, 15th century, in the museum in Kurce), as well as icons of so-called. of the local direction ("Holy Spiridon" from Monda, 14-16 centuries, the National Gallery of Fine Arts, Tirana; "Virgin Odigitriya" from Mali-Grad, 15th century, Corch), in which the features of provincial creativity with deviation from classical proportions and coharled color combinations, but with the addition of expression.

Monuments are preserved in the Central State Archive in Tirana miniatures of books 9-18 centuries: Bratsky Gospel Code (Golden Code of Anfima; 9-11 centuries, figures of evangelists Mark, John and Luke), close to manuscriptors in Constantinople; Two Aublon Code (end 11 - beginning of 12 centuries), etc.

In 11-15 centuries. Reliefs with images of animals were created (in the church in the village of Mesopotam), heraldic symbols on the facades and in the interiors of churches and palaces (marble relief with the emblem of the Arberian principality, end 12 V.; Coat of arms of Topia, 14th century, Both in the National Archaeological Museum, Tirana). From the 14th century The works of facial sewing are preserved (the Glitney Cloak from the Monastery in Balshys, 1373, the National Historical Museum, Tirana), wooden iconostasis (church on Mali-Grad Island). In the north of modern A. in 6-14 centuries. Communicated team culture (weapons, metal decorations, ceramics).

In the 15th century, after the seizure of the territory of A. Turks, many Albanian masters left for Italy (sculptor and architect Alex from Durres, 1420-1505). Albanian Alex Tarket was a whitizer of the sculptural "Albanian altar" in Milan (1478-80, sculptor J. A. Amadeo).

During the period of Ottoman domination (from the end of the 15th century), Muslim traditions of architecture and decorative and applied art developed. Urban fortifications were built (in Elbasane, about 1466), fortresses (in lesion, 1515-21; Shkodene; in the lecturer, 1537; in Porto-Palermo, 1660s, rebuilt at the beginning of the 19th century), tek (in Berate , 1782; Dolm in Cruel, last quarter of 18th century; in Tirana, 1798; Melan in the garbagestra, 1870), Palaces of nobility (sheds), time towers (in Kawa, 1817; Beii, 1822-23; Tirana, about 18222 -30), baths, stable yards (khana; in Kurce), covered markets (insane), bridges (at the village of Mesia near Shkoder, 17-18 centuries; in Berat, 1780). Among the mosques are common: the cold type (Mbret in Elbasane and Berat, both about 1492; the market in Cruel, 1533, rebuilt in 1837; Bekarlar in Berate, the beginning of 19 centuries) and the dome type (Mirachor in Kurch, 1494; Muradia in Vlare, 1542-57; Pliyby in Berat, 1553-54; market in the garbagestra, 1757; Plumby in Shkodene, 1773-74; Haji-Eheme-Beea in Tirana, about 1791 - about 1821). Some buildings are 16 in. Erected by the projects of Albanians taken to Istanbul (Mehmed Aha, Kasim Yeah, etc.). There was a type of city house with covered balconies and external stairs; In Berate and Kortch, the top floor stands over the street. In the northern regions were built high houses of fortified type with mounted braces (Kula).

The Islamization process of Albanians passed gradually and in 16-19 centuries. The construction of Christian churches (mainly in the south of modern A.). One of the most common forms in the post-offensive period: 1-Neft Church with Wooden Cleaning (Church of St. George in the Upper Leshnice and St. Athanasius in Petz near Sarandes, painted in 1525; Church of St. Dimitri in Polichen, 1526; Church of the Holy Cosma in Dermi with a unique Rotional apse, 16th centuries; Announted Churches of Archangel Mikhail and the Virgin Mary in Vero, 1783, etc.) and overlapped by the arch (bunk churches of St. Anne in Dervician, 16th century, Saints Cosmas and Damian in Vitcuki, 1736; Church of Our Lady in Pets with four consecutive cylindrical vaults, 1770, etc.).

Under the influence of political conditions (including restrictions on the Turkish government of the construction of domes, visible outside), local peculiarities developed and new types of temples appeared. All the richness of volume-spatial solutions was mainly in the interiors and open gallery. For 17 century Characterized by the so-called. The dome rooms are blocked by double roofs (the church of the Virgin in the Barmashi with five inner domes in a row, is painted in 1616). 3-Neft basilica with hidden internal domes in the central (Church of Archangel Mikhail in Witcuki, 1682, and in the Varosh district in the garigar, 1776), as well as in lateral neophers (the Church of the Virgin Mary, 1773; Holy Parasis Friday in Permoti , 1776; Virgin Mary in Sopika, 1770s.) And Nazi (St. Nicholas in Topova, 1788). A rare type - the temple with a cross arch (Church in Chatiste, 1584; Church of the Trinity Monastery in Carvikche near Saranda, 17 century); It corresponded to the new requirements of the appearance of the church and the desire to highlight the cross in the design.

In 18 V. Especially active religious and cultural center (with a typography) was a wax; There are 5 temples raised between the 1700s. and 1751; Four of them - with two internal domes of the central nef, the quarter-barcular arches of the side oils and the southern open gallery (Church of St. Nicholas, 1721). Instead of hidden domes, simple semi-curvous vaults were also used (in the monastery church of the Virgin in the woven, painted in 1604; Churches of St. Nicholas in Lipa near the Permota, 18th century; Virgin Mary, 1789). In mid-18 - early 19th centuries. Mostly in the region of Lyushnya and Fiier, a simplification of basilical type has been simplified - 3-Nephors (Monastery Church of the Virgin in Ardenice, 1743; Church of St. George Namfosha, 1776; Virodoka in Lamash; Holy Spiridona in Vooro, 1778) and 1-Nephonic (St. George In the structure, painted in 1801; St. Nicholas in Toszhez, 1811) Basilica with single-level flat wooden floors. In the Cords region in the middle of the 18th century. Basilica with light high central oil (Prophet Elijah in Wax, 1751; St. George in Vitcuki) was built.

Despite the restriction of the construction of the domes, in the 16th - 17th centuries, the Archaic Type of Dome Basilica was restored (the Church of St. Athanasius the Great in Polychanias, 1513; Virgin Mary in Vlasmanji, was painted in 1622; Virgin Mary in the post-Name, 17-18 centuries); In some temples, the central standing outside the dome is supplemented with hidden outside domes of lateral oils (the church of Archangel Mikhail in Montage, 18th century; Saint Peter in Witcuki, 1759; Virgin Mary in Berat, 1797, and in Leus, 1812). In the 2nd half of the 16th - mid-17th centuries. In the regions of the garigars and salades (as in other areas of Epira), mainly in the monasteries, building the cross-dome 1-chapter 1-apse churches of the inscribed cross with separate supports (monastic churches of the Virgin Mary near the village of Zervat, 1569; Saints Kirika and Julita near the village of Duvyan, 1588; St. Athanasius in Polychanias, painted in 1601; Virgin Mary in Cruze, the 1st half of the 17th century; the Virgin Near Sarachinish, about 1630; etc.). Beal and the last church of this type is the church of St. Dimitri in Keparo on the shore of the Ionian Sea (1760). Lower development received subtypes with a hidden dome (the monastery church in Kameno near Delvina, 1580) and with supports adjacent to the walls (the monastery church of St. George in a demise with a complex, allegedly perceived in Muslim architecture, the design of the dome, which rests on four intermediate kongs, 17 in.).

At the end of the 16th - 17th centuries. Trikonchi church (with additional northern and southern apsides) are built in the southern regions of the Krestovo-dome type in the monasteries: Annunciation near Vanishte (1582), the Vanokos near the village of Gurandi (end 16 century), Prophet Elijah in Stegopol (1624, with Baroque trends), St. John the Forerunner to the Wax (1632), the Virgin in the Kosvice (1669), the Virgin Mary in Pickerassia (1672), the Virgin Mother of God, the icons of the Mother of God "Live Source" near Dervician (both - mid 17th century). Among the triconkhovy temples are also: the monastery church of the Savior of Independent in Chatté (1584), the Church of the Prophet Monastery of Elijah near the village of Yorgutsat (1586), St. Nicholas in Upper Verrow (Kon. 16th century), in the monastery of St. Nicholas in Vivera (16-17 centuries .), In the Arkhangelsk Monastery near Dervician (17-18 centuries), the Virgin in Nich (18th century), the monastery church of the Holy Cosma in Cologdasi on the Semyani River near Fii (1813-14).


The first experiments of the stage dance belong to the 2nd half of the 1940s, when after World War II, experienced professionals came to the leadership of rapidly developing artistic amateur activities. In 1944, the first professional team was founded in Tiran - the Choir of the People's Army (now the artistic ensemble of the People's Army). In 1957, a state ensemble of folk songs and dances, known now far beyond the country. The art of ballet began to develop from the mid-1940s. In 1946, a children's dance studio was organized at the Tyranian Youth House, which was the kernel of the choreographic team of the State Philharmonic. During the period of active cultural cooperation between the USSR and A. The country worked in the country, Soviet choreographers and teachers (M. M. Gazev, G. V. Perkun, K. D. Karpinskaya, V. I. Tsaplin, etc.), the most talented studiors were sent Learn to Moscow and Leningrad choreographic schools. In A. As part of the concert brigades toured the leading Soviet artists of ballet. In 1951, Perkun forces of the studiors put the scenes from Bakhchisarai Fountain ballet B. V. Asafieva, in 1953 - Ballet "Esmeralda" to the music of Ch. Puni and R. M. Gliera (among performers - P. Kanachi, I. Marina, M . Territa). In 1956, the opening of the State Opera and Ballet Theater with a Ballet School took place in Tirana. This event coincided with returning the first graduate ballet artists who graduated from choreographic schools in Moscow and Leningrad, including: Z. Hajo, Venndish, A. Aliai, J. Simigio, P. Vorhsi (one of the Albanian students - M. Bebesichi was invited after the end of the MCU in Gabt). The opening of the theater in Tirana ballet youth devoted the play "Frequent precautionary" P. L. Gertel, who in many respects repeated Soviet rates, and the main parties were prepared as graduation with MSh's teachers. In 1957, Karpinskaya delivered ballet "Romeo and Juliet" to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky, in 1958 Gaziyev - Lola ballet S. N. Vasilenko. At the same time, the ballet troupe actively participated in the tour tour of the country. In 1959-61, a graduate of the balletmaster branch of Gitis Selimi put ballets "Shuraile" F. Z. Yarullina, "Fadestta" L. Deliba, "Laurencia" A. A. Krain. The premiere of the first Albanian ballet "Khalil and Heyria" T. Dai, conceived by the balletmaster P. Canada as a lyric-epic web dedicated to the liberation struggle of Albanians at 18 V. against the yoke of the Ottoman Empire, held in 1963, after breaking the relationship between the USSR and A. was turned into a party leadership in the propaganda event. However, along with the national ballets ("Fearless Orlock", Ch. Zadei, Balletmister M. Pope, 1971; "The tenth wounds of the gallery Elez Alia" F. Ibrahimi, Balletmister Aliai, 1986) in these and subsequent years, ballets for music of Russian composers continued to put Canada ("Paganini" to the music of S. V. Rakhmaninova, 1965), Selimi ("Shehherazada" to the music of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, 1963; "Petya and Wolf" to the music of S. S. Prokofiev, 1964), Aliai ("Lola" Vasilenko, 1980; "Romeo and Juliet" Prokofiev, 1993) and others in 2010. Albanian and foreign choreographers work with troupe: A. Sukniti ("Sleeping in the summer night" to the music of F. Mendelssohn, 2013), A. Plogging ("La Stravaganza" to music A. Vivaldi, 2013; "Wedding" I. F. Stravinsky, 2015), I. Kernie ("Graduation Ball" on the music of I. Strauss, 2014; "Nutcracker" P. I. Tchaikovsky, 2016), M. Stefanescu ("Risveglio Dell" Umanita "to the music of Stravinsky, B. Smetanes and J. Enescu, 2014), D. Cardoso [Ballets to the music of modern composers "Impact & Table" (2014) and "4 suits" (2015) ], Y. Vozos ("Carmina Burana" to the music of K. Orfa, 2015), B. Marshal ("Monger" on the music of F. Handel, J. Verdi, T. Dorsi et al., 2016).


The first national drama "Oath of Loyalty" was created by the Frashers themselves in 1875 in Turkish. In 1887, the drama "Emir" F. A. Santori appeared, the plays of A. Prohibitions ("Fourteen-year-old Bridegroom", 1902; "After death," "the Son of His Earth", both were published in 1937), Pieces M. Gramerano (" Curse by the Albanian language ", 1905;" The death of Pyrrh ", 1906), Drama F. Fasting" Curse of Mother "(1919), Drama H. \u200b\u200bSterili (" Unfortunate Dibrancy ", 1923;" Love and Loyalty ", 1923), etc. The first theatrical performances were carried out at the beginning of the 19th century. In Shkodér ("Brotherhood", "Oath of Albanians", "Bogdani"), Kortche ("Friend of Art", "Youth Cords"), Tirana, Elbasane, Durres, Gyricastra amateur troupes. The foundations of modern theatrical art were laid during the 2nd World War in the partisan detachments (short plays, sketchi by the fire). In 1944, the central partisan army theater was created in Permeti, his actors became the core of the first professional Albanian state (later folk) drama theater in Tirana (1945, with theatrical school). Among the first productions: "Auditor" N. V. Gogol, "Mother" on the story of M. Gorky, "Othello" W. Shakespeare, "Epopea of \u200b\u200bthe Comboletar" on the poem Sh. Musaraya, "Prefect" B. Levoni. The stage was the performance according to the historic drama "Khalil and Heyria" K. Yakov (1949). Following the Tirany theaters appeared in Shkoder (Michleni Theater, Teatri Migjeni, 1949), Cortri (Theater them. A. Proko-Chaypi, Teatri çajupi, 1950), Durres (theater. A. Moysiu, Teatri Aleksandër Moisiu, 1953) , Elbasane and Vlare (1962), garbagestra (1968), Fieve (1971), Berate and Peshkiy (1984). An important contribution to the development of the A. Theater was made by Soviet directories (VF Dudin, A. I. Shrchko et al.) And teachers (N. V. Cheefranova). In 1950, the central doll theater was opened in Tirana. In 1959, the highest school of theatrical art (university) named after A. Moysiu is founded (Shkolla E LARTë PëR ALEKSANDëR MOISIU). In 1956-65 in A. A professional theater with a repertoire of world classics was formed: "Cunning and love" F. Schiller (director M. Laurasi), "The Miscellenus of the nobility" of Moliere and "King Lire" Shakespeare (director P. Stylus), " Uncle Vanya "A. P. Chekhov (director A. MALY). For years (until 1992), the development of the theater A. fell out for a difficult period of ideological restrictions, party control, rigid censorship and self-insulation of the country in the international arena (including the works of foreign authors were removed from the repertoire). Continuing to work, theatrical teams treated folklore and national classics. The most significant for theatrical art of that pores were performances on the plays of the national - Proko-Chaypi ("After death" and "Fourteen-year-old bridegroom"), V. Eftimia ("Man, who saw death"), S. Chamor ("Carnavals in Kurce"), R. Polehai ("Mistress from the city") and Western European playwrights; Staging on the novels "Dead River" Ya. Dzode, "General of the Dead Army" and "Who Drove Dotruntin?" I. Cadar, "takes up the fall of Comrade Zyulia" D. Agola. In 1992, 9 dramatic theaters, 15 pop theaters, 26 dolls worked in Albania. C 1950s. Festivals were held amateur and professional theaters. In the development of the theater A. Major contribution was made by the director S. Mio, Stylus, K. Supihivogli, P. Mani, Z. Andri; Actors N. Frasheri, B. Imami, T. Kurti, M. Pyi, M. Logoretsi, L. Kovachi, V. Manushi, S. Obsosti, K. Roshi; Artists H. Devoli, A. Zashimi, K. Diot, et al. from 1961 to mid-1990s. Leave the TEATRI magazine.

At the turn of the 1990s. Theaters independently form a repertoire policy (including performances on the plays of Ibsen, E. ionesko, Cyclipulos, O. Wilde, A. P. Chekhov, etc.). Directed by D. Pecanya, F. For, Kame, A. Imam, S. Fanco, K. Londo, D. Agola, M. Lauracy, H. Milli, and others.


Cinema A. originated after the 2nd World War (until the end of the 1940s. Only chronicle films were produced). The first film was held in Shkoder (1912), the first chronic film was removed in Vlare (1920), the first cinema "National" opened in Tirana (1926). In the 1950s. Documentary cinema develops. With the help of the USSR, a film studio "New Albania" (1952) was built and the first gaming film was removed - "The Great Warrior Albania Skandardbeg" (1954, Scenario of M. G. Papava, director S. I. Yutkevich, Operator E. N. Andrikanis, Prize of the International Film Festival in Cannes). The first independent full-length gaming film is "Tana" (1958, director K. Damo). Since 1976, the National Film Festival is held (1 time in 2 years). Before the early 1990s. The main topics of Albanian cinema were heroic-patriotic and military. Significant films were removed by the high-generation directors, graduates of the USSR universities and other socialist countries - P. Milkani, V. Giki; D. Anagniya ("Maks on the walls", 1976; Great Prize of the International Film Festival in Belgrade). To moral issues, intimate experiences of the heroes are drawn films K. Cup, S. Petsani, V. Plifty; B. Bishi ("Mother's Heart", 1993, Prize of the International Film Festival in Salerno), K. Kashka ("Colonel Bunker", 1996, Prize of the International Film Festival in Saint-Etienne) and others. A special place is taken by the screening of literary works: "General Dead Army »Plifty (1976, according to the novel I. Cadar)," Fairy Tale from the past "anagnation (1987, according to A. Zako-Chaypi) and others. In 1999, the Albano-Russian film" Gate Eve "(director A. Mingang). Among the turns of the turn of 20-21 centuries: "Magic Eye" (2005) K. Kashkha, "Mao Tse Dong" B. Bishi (2007), Albanese Y. Priell (2009).

An animated movie is developing. The first hand-drawn film "Zana and Miri" came out in 1975, the first puppet "Little bird is a white gun" - in 1983. Since 1976, the Festival of Albanian cinema is held in Tirana.


Europe is one of the most economically, politically and socially developed regions in the modern world.

Most European states occupy a leading position in the world in socio-economic development. But I must say that one of the main problems of Europe is the difference in the development of individual regions. So, there are significant differences between the level of development of states of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Western European countries.

Among the CEE countries, we can especially allocate states located on the Balkan Peninsula (except Greece). It is the Balkans in economic terms represent the most underdeveloped European region.

The Balkan Peninsula is at the junction of three continents. Its coast is washed by the Adriatic, Black, Aegean and Ionic Seas. The geopolitical position of the Balkans throughout the history attracted the attention of world powers. The same position is also observed today, and the states were divided: most Balkan states are focused on the EU and NATO, while Serbia is to Russia.

In addition, the Balkans are very complex in the region ethnically. On a relatively small territory, 20 peoples live, which belong to 3 religious confessions (Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox). Here, conflicts on ethnic and religious soil periodically flash. That is why the Balkan region is sometimes called the "powder barrel of Europe."

In the center of all events occurring in the region, there is a small state located in the western part of the peninsula - Albania. Albania is one of the poorest states of Europe; In addition, it refers to a few Muslim states on the continent. For a long time, during the reign of the Communists, the country was closed in Europe. All these circumstances cannot but affect the modern development of the Republic of Albania, they led to a certain identity of the country.

The purpose of this course work is to consider the socio-economic development of Albania at the present stage, identifying the main problems and development prospects of the state.


Identify the features of the socio-economic situation of Albania

Explore the specifics of the country's economic complex

Trace the dynamics of the main social economic indicators and make the appropriate conclusions

Consider country's foreign economic connections and evaluate its prospects

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the Republic of Albania

1.1 Economic and geographical location of the country

Albania is a small state in the south-east of Europe, located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Strait Otranto, width in 75 km, separates Albania from Italy. In the north, the state borders with Serbia, in the North-West - with Montenegro, in the East - with the Republic of Macedonia, in the south-east and south - with Greece. The length of the boundaries is 720km. The Western border is washed by the Adriatic Sea, and the south-western is ionic. The length of the coastline is 362km. On the territory of the country in 28748 km 2 lives 3600523 people. Capital - Tirana. Albania, having comfortable sea harbor, is located on the trade routes from the sea in the Peninsula. The geographical location of the state along the Otranto Strait (connects the Adriatic Sea with the Ionian and Mediterranean seas) creates favorable conditions for the development of foreign trade and the economy as a whole.

1.2 Political Device and Demographic Indicators of the Republic of Albania

In accordance with the Constitution, which entered into force in November 1998, Albania is the parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president elected by Parliament for 5 years (at the moment - Bamm Topi). The only legislative body is a unicameral parliament (Cuvend). Cuvend consists of 140 deputies elected by general elections for a period of 4 years (the latest elections - July 2005). The highest executive and administrative body is the Council of Ministers. Chairman - S. Berishe (from September 10, 2005).

Administrative-territorial division: The territory of the Republic of Albania is divided into 12 districts and 36 prefectures.

The population of the country is 3600523 people (July 2007). The average population density is 122 people / km 2. The coastal areas and mountain valleys are most thickly populated. Mountain areas in the East and the Northeast of the country are weakly closed (see Appendix 1, Fig. 1).

Albania can be found to one-native states: 95% of the population are Albanians, the Greeks are about 3%, other nationalities (mainly Serbs, Bulgarians, Gypsies) - 2%. A large number of Albanians in the Middle Ages emigrated to Italy and Greece, later - to Turkey, creating their diasporas there. Now in the world there are about 7 million Albanians, with something only 50% in Albania itself. Albanians are divided into 2 ethnocultural groups - geags and longing. Gegie live north of the river Schukumbini (constitute about 2/3 of all Albanians), and longing to south of the river Schukumbin (1/3 of the total number). The official language in the country is Albanian (Turkish dialect).

In 1967 All mosques and churches were closed and religious rites are prohibited, but in 1990. Religious activities were again resolved in the country. Most believers are Muslims (70%), adherents of the Orthodox Church are 20%, Roman Catholic - 10% (see Fig. 1).

Fig. one Religious affiliation of the population of Albania

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The growth of the population of Albania in the past was constrained due to diseases, hunger, wars, migrations and feudal strings, but since the 1920s, he sharply increased. In 1945 1.115 million people lived in the country, in 1960. - 1.626 million, and in 1995. - 3.41 million, but at the beginning of the twentieth century, the population has been relatively stabilized (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Dynamics of the population of Albania

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The average annual natural increase in Albania ranged from 0.9% per year from 1990 to 1995 to 1.03% in 2003, and in 2004 amounted to only 0.51%. In 2007, the natural population growth in Albania was 0.5 (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Dynamics of the natural growth of the population of Albania

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Thus, it can be noted that, although the natural increase in Albania remains positive, it has a tendency to decline, therefore, there are certain demographic problems in the country. The birth rate in the country in 2007 is 15.16 per 1000 person, mortality rate - 5.33 per 1000 people.

The average life expectancy for the population as a whole is 77.6 years, while: men - 74.95 years, women - 80,53 years old. The average age of the population is 29.2 years.

In the age structure of the population, according to 2007 data. Children under 14 are 24.1%, the elderly after 65 - 9.3%, while the population aged 15-64 is 66.6% (see Fig. 4).

Fig. four Age structure of the population of Albania

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It should be noted here that the share of older people in the European Union as a whole is 21.5% of the population. Comparing this indicator with a similar indicator for Albania, we notice that there is a quite favorable situation in the country. But it is also necessary to note the fact that compared with 2005 (similar data in Albania: children up to 14 - 25.6%, after 65 - 8.6%, 15-64 - 65.8%) there is a reduction in the specific number Children and, on the contrary, an increase in the specific number of elderly population. Thus, the trend of aging nation is already planned.

It should also be noted that a positive dynamics in child mortality rates are traced during recent years. So in 2003 This indicator was 37.3 of 1,000 born, in 2005 - 22.52 per 1000 newborns, and already in 2007 there were 20.02 lethal outcomes per 1000 newborns. This is due to the improvement of the quality of medical care and the living conditions of the population.

The Republic of Albania has a negative migration balance - -4.54 per 1000 person (2007). The main reasons for emigration from the country are political and economic. In addition to external migrations, there are also significant internal in the direction from the village to the city in Albania. Over the past decade, about 35% rural population left his habitat, rushing in big cities: Tirana, Shkoder, Korch, Vleor, Durres, Elbasan. Thus, the country has the process of urbanization. It should be noted that in recent years, the population in the metropolitan region of tyrana is growing with a colossal pace (see Fig. 5).

Fig. five Dynamics of the population of Tirana

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1.3 Natural Resource Potential Albania

The landscape of the country mostly consists of mountain ranges and a flatbed. Only along the sea coast extends a flat band. In the mountains there are quite a few broadcine and duby-beech forests. The forests are employed 2/5 of the territory, but the business wood can be obtained only with ¼ of this area. It should be noted that forest cover was strongly injured in the second half of the CHV. Due to intense cutting of forests. The animal world of Albania is very exterminated.

In the mountainous areas of the country, geological conditions are unfavorable for the formation of fertile soils. The serpentines are formed low-power and lowland soils, and in the limestones of the North Albanian Alps, the soil cover is often absent at all.

The largest rivers of Albania - Drin, Mati, Schukumbini. And the majority of the rivers of the country are mountainous. Rivers are not shipping, but are of great importance for irrigation. Most rivers that originate in the mountains in the East and fall into the Adriatic Sea, have a high flow rate and have a huge hydropower product. Along the borders are the largest in the Balkan Peninsula of Lake - Skadar, Orchid and Prespa.

In Albania, significant reserves of chromite, iron phones and copper ores are known; Opened deposits of boxites. The high-quality chromite deposits are found in different parts of the country. Chromite mines are in the border, Claysh, Flyy and near Kukes. The production volume has grown from 7 thousand tons in 1938 to 502.3 thousand in 1974 and 1.5 million tons in 1986. However, in the 90s. The production of chromite ores has declined sharply. However, since 2001, the production of chromites began to grow again. So, in 2004 The production volume was 300 thousand tons (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. The amount of production of chromites (thousand tons)

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More rich in ore fossil mountains of the northeastern part of the country, oil, gas, natural bitumen are concentrated in the southwestern part. On January 1, 2006 Proved oil reserves in Albania - 198.1 million barrels, Gas - 814.7 million m 3. But at the beginning of 2008. The media reported that large oil and gas fields were discovered in the north of the country. According to the information agency MAKFAKS, we are talking about reserves in 2.987mld. Barrels of oil and 3,014 trillion. m 3 natural gas. It is not difficult to estimate the importance of this discovery for the country: if the data is confirmed, this will significantly strengthen the position of Albania in the European market and in the Balkan region.

The country also has intelligence and mining ores containing gold, silver.

Climate in Albania Subtropical Mediterranean with soft and damp winter and dry hot summer. The territory of the country is one of the most abundant sediments of localities in Europe (from 1000mm per year in the western flat part up to 2500mm in the eastern mountain part). At the same time, there is a sharp off-season unevenness in the fallout of precipitation, for the summer there are only 1/10 annual norms. High daily temperatures for many cultures are favorable for many cultures, including subtropical fruit plantings. The long-term growing season allows in plain areas to collect two harvest per year.

Convenient access to the sea creates favorable prerequisites for the development of fisheries and sea transport. Sea along most of the coast of Albania shallow.

Thus, it can be noted that Albania is rich in natural resources, which is an important prerequisite for the development of the country's economic complex. Climatic conditions generally contribute to the development of agriculture. The presence of fuel and energy resources is of great importance, it is also worth noting that the country has such an alternative source of energy as turbulent mountain rivers. It is important that natural conditions: the environmentally friendly sea coast, mountain rivers and numerous lakes in combination with the Mediterranean climate are favorable factors for the development of tourism.

1.4 Basic Economic Indicators

Albania refers to a group of countries with economies. According to the development of human potential, the state is located in 68th place (0.801) as of 2007 data.

The country is now transition from a command-administrative management system to a more open market economy. Completed privatization of land, retail, household services, transport, construction; Privatization of industries and banking systems is carried out.

Albania is one of the poorest countries in Europe. GDP countries for 2007. amounted to 19.76 billion US dollars, while the level of real GDP growth is 5%, and the GDP per capita is 5,500 US dollars (see Fig. 8, 9). For comparison, similar indicators in 2004. There were: 17.46 billion US dollars, 5.6%, 4900 US dollars. But it should be noted that the GDP per capita in the EU is 32900 US dollars. Comparing these indicators, it is not difficult to estimate the position of people in Albania. In general, the poverty line is 25% of the population (2004).

Inflation rates in 2007 - 3%, whereas in 2002 they accounted for 4.7%, and in 2004 - 3.2%. It should also be noted that the official unemployment rate in the country in 2007 amounted to 13%, although estimated a real level can reach 30%. Official sources do not take into account the high level of incomplete employment in the Albanian labor market. Development force in September 2006. It was estimated at 1.09 million man, and most of them (58%) are employed in agriculture; In the service sector, 27% works, and in industry - 15% (see Fig. 19).

Fig. 7. Structure of employment of the population by industry

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Fig. eight Dynamics of Albania GDP (billion US dollars)

Fig. nine Dynamics of economic indicators (%)

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Compared to the situation in the 90s. The presence of the state in the economy narrowed sharply, the dominant position took the private sector. The proportion of non-state enterprises in the production of GDP was 75% in Albania. Despite the progress in the sphere of privatization and the creation of a legal framework for economic activity, numerous structural problems remain in the Albanian economy: the economy is maintained. money transfers Homeland from Albanians working abroad, reaching $ 600-800 million every year, mainly from Greece and Italy, as well as the country's economy depends on the construction industry used in order to laundering illegal income. The lack of energy and the underdevelopment of the infrastructure complicates the involvement and retention of foreign investment. Also, to ensure sustainable economic growth in the country, there is a need to upgrade equipment and improving the state of railways and highways.

According to estimates, the volume of investments in 2007 was 23.4% of GDP.

The main articles of exports of Albania are mainly asphalt, metals and metal ores, raw oil, vegetables, olives, citrus, tobacco.

Table 1

Main partners of the Republic of Albania for export

A source:

Albania imports mechanisms and equipment, chemicals, food products, including grain, textiles.

table 2

Main Partners of the Republic of Albania for Import

A source:

Exports of the country in 2007. amounted to 962 million US dollars, while imports were 3.42 billion US dollars. Thus, it can be concluded that the country imports much more than exported, that is, there is a dependence on imports. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize that over 90% of the total volume of foreign trade is accounted for by the EU countries.

It should be noted that Albania has a huge external debt. As of 2004 Country's foreign debt is 1.55 billion US dollars. Also to support the development of the country in 2005. 318.7 million US dollars were allocated. Basically, the country receives assistance from the EU.

In general, the national debt of Albania is 53.7% of GDP, which is an important problem of the country's economy.

Thus, it is possible to draw conclusions that in the past few years in the economic development of Albania there was a certain stability, but there are still unsolved several important tasks, among them: imbalance in the foreign trade of the state (significant predominance of imports over exports) and a large national debt.

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the economic complex of the Republic of Albania

2.1 Sectoral structure Economic complex Albania

Albania is an agrarian-industrial country. For a long time, agriculture amounted to 45-50% of GDP. So, for example, in 2002. The sectoral structure of the economy looked like: agriculture and fisheries - 49% of GDP, industry and construction - 27%, services - 24%. But gradually the proportions changed in the direction of the development of the service sector. Already in 2004 The distribution of GDP by industry of the economy of Albania looked like this: Agriculture - 46.2%, industry - 25.4%, and the sphere of services - 28.4%. It is worth noting that a significant shift occurred over the past 3-4 years, because already in 2007. According to estimates, the service sector in the country was 58% of GDP, while the share of agriculture decreased to 21.7% (see Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Sectoral structure of GDP

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The main factor of the jump was the development of tourist business in Albania. But now, it should be noted, tourist activity in the country can be recession due to the broken political crisis in the Balkan Peninsula related to the problem of independence of Kosovo. It is predicted that the current political instability will adversely affect the development of both tourism spheres in particular and the entire Albanian economy, in general.

As for the structure of employment of the population of Albania by industry, it has practically not changed lately. So, as before, in agriculture more than half of the country's population is employed. But it should be noted that in connection with the processes of denationalization and privatization in the economy of the country in Albania there is an increase in the number of employed in the non-state sector.

2.2 Industry Albania

Albania, despite the small size, is rich in various minerals, which creates the basis for the development of industry (see Appendix 1, Fig.2).

Currently, the country's leading positions occupy producing industries. The mining of chromites, ironoponekel, copper ore, brown coal, natural bitumen, oil and natural gas is underway.

In the structure of the manufacturing industry Albania, the leading position occupies a lung industry.

The most important industries are metallurgy, construction, woodworking industry, the production of textile and knitwear and shoes, industrial processing of agricultural products and animal husbandry. And the entire industrial complex of the country is the energy industry.

Energy is one of the fundamental industries in the industry of each state. Nowadays, electricity is the basis of any production. Albania's fuel and energy industry is developing mainly on the basis of the use of hydropower resources and oil. Large importance in the country's industry has the oil-producing and oil refining industry. Albania has its own fields of oil and gas, but it should be noted that there are certain problems related to incomplete and irrational use of natural wealth, as well as with insufficient technical equipment of power plants. For example, estimated for 2005. The country produced 7.006 barrels of oil per day, whereas 2,000 barrels were consumed per day. From the given data it is not difficult to estimate the volume of oil imports. It is worth mentioning the fact that one of the export items of Albania is crude oil, and it imports processed high-quality oil.

It should also be noted such a feature of the Albanian energy: 97% of electricity produce hydroelectric power plants (hydropower plants). HPP is placed on the rivers Mati, Bistriter, Drin and others, and the power of the hydropower plant on the DRIN River is twice as much as the total power of other operating hydropower plants. It can be concluded that the country's electric power industry is mainly based on the use of hydropoweroreoresours.

The use of mining rivers for electricity generation is undoubtedly beneficial and promising, but there are certain problems with the functioning of the HPP. So, one of the main disadvantages of HPP is the dependence on climatic conditions. For example, Albania survived an acute energy crisis in 2005, its cause was the strongest drought over the past 20 years, which led to the host of most hydroelectric power plants.

The electric power sector is paid to Albania much attention and the ego development goes in two directions:

1. Improves the leadership of the National Energy Corporation (Cash); the correct calculation of the electricity consumption; Reducing losses when transferring energy to the distance.

2. Construction of a new heat center in the city of Vlare and hydroxtems in the city of Shkodra.

It is also worth emphasizing that the government is interested in attracting foreign investors. It is known that Italian, Greek and Austrian companies make interest in building a cascade of 11 hydroelectric power plants (on the Devol River) with a total capacity of 250 MW. Also, in connection with the ineffectiveness of the management of the Energy System of Albania, the Government is developed by the conditions for the transfer of cache to the management of foreign companies. Interest in the project is the Italian and German company.

Also in the country made steps to create metallurgy, mechanical engineering and chemical industry.

Another reason that Albania is now - one of the economically backward European states, is that for a long time the skidthall complex has served only industrial productionThis is despite that the country has unique deposits of non-ferrous metal ores. Nonmetallic materials are being developed, first of all, dolomite. However, in the mid-2000s. The industrially developed deposits of predominantly chromite ores and in a slight degree - bauxites (which is now mined a little - 5 thousand tons per year - despite the fact that bauxite reserves are estimated at 12 million tons).

The main area of \u200b\u200bthe development of chromite ores is located to the northeast (Burkiz) and north of Tirana, the Ferrochrome plant is also operating in Burrel. A few more decades ago, since the 1960s in the 1980s, Albania was in the top three leading manufacturers and exporters of chromite, yielding only the raw materials giants - South Africa and the Soviet Union. At that time, the country produced more than 1 million tons of chromites per year, whereas in our time production is at the level - 0.3 million tons annually. Moreover, more than half of the volume is simply an aglorud, and only 10 thousand tons is concentrate.

It is promising and the development of ironkel ores in the mountains to the west of the Lake Orchid. By the beginning of 2000 Albania was in a tenth place in the world in terms of the volume of confirmed nickel reserves (1 million tons, or 2% of the global volume). Its production is concentrated on the metallurgical complex in Elbasane, however, the capacity of this production is small.

There are also significant capacities for the production of copper (in the pools of Mati and Drin rivers), but they are currently practically not loaded. Although in the 1980s. The production of copper ore reached 1 million tons per year, and a significant portion of copper products (for example, a wire produced at the Rubic plant) was exported. But already 1998. He became the first when the products from copper were not produced.

As for raw materials support for metallurgy, there is a small amount of coke in Albania, up to 60 thousand tons. And to the south and south-east of the capital are the deposits of iron ore, which every year can provide the country's skidthall complex with deliveries of more than 1 million tons of raw materials, but now they are notated little. The country has a multi-purpose plant in Elbasane for the production of ferrous metals.

The Chemical Industry of Albania is represented by the production of fertilizers - phosphate in Lyachy and nitrogen in Fiier. In Wland on the basis of the cooking salt produced from seawater industrial complex for the production of caustic and calcined soda, as well as plastics.

One of the priority sectors in Albania is the construction sector that meets increased demand for housing construction, construction of business offices and development and infrastructure conversion (roads, sewage, water supply). For 2004 Operational costs of construction amounted to 875 million leek plus foreign credit approved by Parliament, in the amount of 17 million US dollars. Construction and repair of iron and road roads are underway, the construction of objects important for the integration of Albania in NATO and the EU: the "North-South" corridor and the eighth corridor "West-East". Ports are also expanding. Construction of new roads will improve transport within the country and, in view of its geographical location in Europe, will give a great increase in budget revenues, raising the standard of living of the population of Albania. All this will lead to government calculations, to enhance employment and increase the number of jobs.

The needs of the construction are serviced by cement plants in Vlare, Shkodene, Elbasane; In the villagers mining natural bitumen used for the manufacture of higher asphalt varieties.

The woodworking industry is located mainly in two districts: in the north, along the Kuqes - Shkoder's highway, and in the center of the country, where the plant in Elbasane, producing Phaneur and Furniture, is particularly distinguished.

Based on the local raw material base, cotton-cleaning enterprises are working in Rogozhin and Fii, textile enterprises, primarily in Isperish and Berat, as well as a cloth factory in Tirana.

Thus, the Industry of Albania is developing at low rates (3.1% - 2004, 2% - 2007) mainly due to the wear of fixed assets and lack of investors. Having in its disposal fairly rich fields natural resources, The Government of Albania has not yet established properly the production of goods. Attempts are carried out, especially in the field of construction, on modernization and improvement of production, but the successes are insignificant. In the production of the country, the share of high-tech products is too small. The extractive industry is developed, but it is ineffectively functioning processing, and as a result, from the state is mainly exported by raw materials, whereas the finished products are purchased. It should be noted that the widespread development in Albania received food and textile industries, where production is based on local agricultural raw materials.

2.3 Agriculture in Albania

The level of agricultural production in Albania is traditionally low, because Natural factors are very unfavorable for its development.

First, Albania is a mountainous country, and, therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bsowing lands is small here; Basically, such lands lie in the coastal and central parts of the country. It is estimated for 2005. The area of \u200b\u200barable land was 20.1% of the total territory of the country, the area of \u200b\u200bthe seed lands is only 4.21% (see Fig. 11).

Fig. eleven Structure of the Land Fund Albania

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Secondly, the development of agriculture, in particular crop production, impede the country's non-fermentation soils.

But after all, until recently, the agriculture produced about half of the GDP Albania.

During the communist regime in Albania, as in all socialist countries, collectivization was carried out, accompanied by land reform aimed at the elimination of large private land tenure. Collective and state farms have been planned across the country. And only in the early 90s. The twentieth century after the collapse of the communist regime, the privatization of agricultural land began. During radical reforms in the country, a section of 97.7% of the treated areas that were owned by the state was carried out. As a result, 413 thousand arable land owners immediately appeared with an average of 1.4G per farmer.

Until the 1990s. Over 60% of the treated lands were irrigation. After reforming, a significant reduction in irrigation capacity has occurred. As a result, only 54% of previously irrigated land remained suitable for use. As of 2003 The area of \u200b\u200birrigated land is 3530 km 2, or 12.3% of the territory of Albania.

Albania agriculture specializes in crop production. Grow grains, corn, sugar beet, sunflower, potatoes, vegetables (beans, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant).

Fig. 12 Dynamics of the average annual collection of wheat and corn in Albania

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Significant success, the country has achieved in the cultivation of fibrous cultures, especially cotton and tobacco. The cultivation of Maslin playing an important role. Fruit growing, vinegar. Among other crops grown in Albania, many different fruits - apricots, pears, quince, pomegranate, peaches, apples, figs, watermelons, melons, and in the south - grapes and citrus.

The increase in the area of \u200b\u200bgreenhouses, fruit gardens and vineyards was the achievement of a market economy in agriculture, the implementation of the development program of this sector.

An important role is the tobacco industry (its main centers - Shkoder, Durres). Along with the development of traditional oil and tobacco industries for Albania, sugar (in the Korchinskaya basin), winemaking (mainly in the south and in Tirana) and canning. Production of olive oil is carried out near the raw material base: from the loca in the south to the crook in the north. Fruits and tobacco products occupy a significant place in the export of Albania.

In animal husbandry, the main direction is pasture sheep. There are 1.4 million sheep heads and 900 thousand goats. Cattle, domestic birds, horses, donas are also bred. Meat-milk animal husbandry prevails in the south of the country, in the north and east - mining and pasture animal husbandry with foci of agriculture in the valleys (see Appendix 1, Fig. 3). Here is the famous white Albanian cheese.

Fisheries in Albania is poorly developed. Although the state is extensive to the sea, but so far fisheries remains a promising industry. For example, fish catch in 2001. Massed only 3,596 tons.

Thus, it should be emphasized that Albania still remains an agrarian-industrial country. In agriculture employs more than half of the labor force. Although natural conditions are not particularly promoted by the development of agriculture, but agricultural products occupies an important place in the structure of the export of the country.

2.4 Field of Services in Albania

From the service sector of Albania, tourism is most actively developing. It should be noted that despite the presence of an extensive access to the sea (the coastline - 362km), tourism began to develop in the country recently. This is due to the fact that the long period of Albania was a closed state, and only after the collapse of the communist system it became possible to visit the country. Thanks to the closed mode for a long time, namely, for 50 years, the nature of the country has so far in its larger part remained untouched, which attracts tourists here. It is worth noting that the successful functioning of the tourist sphere requires a developed infrastructure than the country cannot boast. But now the modernization of transport routes, airports, resort facilities is being modernized. So, for example, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will finance the project to expand the terminal of the Mother Teresa Mother Albania Airport (28 million euro). In early 2007, thanks to investments worth about 50 million euros of the German-American Consortium, which currently operates the airport, passed the opening of a new airport terminal. And, according to official data, for 2007 this international airport received over 1 million. Passengers, and the volume of freight traffic established a new record, which means 65% more compared to 2006. The number of passengers in the percentage rose by 22%. The tourist rise in the country began only a few years ago. Most recently, such airlines as British Airways, Germanwings, Belle Air and My Air have entered the Albania market. For the first time, they began to fulfill their flights to Tirana Airport only in 2006.

Albanian ports are also upgraded. So, the main port of the country is expanding in the city of Durres, on which 17 million euros spent. For the reconstruction of the port in Vlör and other seaside cities, about 3 million is spent. euro. The construction of roads within the country continues, which improves both the standard of living of the Albanian population, and contributes to the development of travel businesses.

It is also worth noting that in order to make Albanian tourism competitive, international experts recommend the country to choose another model of tourism development in southern regions, which will not be similar to the Croatian and Montenegrin models.

As for the health system of Albania, there are also certain problems. Official medical care is free for the whole population, but the level of medical care remains low. The health care system suffers from a shortage of doctors, drugs and outdated equipment. In connection with these circumstances, paid and traditional medicine develops.

According to official statistics, in the post-communist period, it was possible to significantly reduce the level of mortality and morbidity. To a large extent, due to the legalization of abortions between 1990 and 1993, the deaths during pregnancy decreased half a month. Pregnant women were liberated from working in hard and harmful conditions. Infant mortality in 2003. was 22.3 per 1000 newborns, then this indicator continues to decrease: in 2007, infant mortality was 20 per 1000 newborn. Positive trends in the health care system reflect that after all, the standard of living of the population in the country is gradually improving.

The country's education system is fully efficient. So for 1000 people in Albania accounts for over 250 students and schoolchildren. Compulsory education - eight-year school. The country's university system includes 5 universities, 2 Agricultural Institute, Institute of Physical Education, Arts and Pedagogical. The level of education is growing. For example, if in 2000 Population coverage initial education decreased to 81%. This was associated not only with the ineffectiveness of the education system, but also partly with the fact that in the 1990s to 1/3 of the country's intellectual potential emigrated. "The leakage of the mind" caused damage to both the development of higher education and the research sphere. It must be said that by this moment the situation in the field of education in Albania has stabilized; in 2007 The level of literacy of the population as a whole was equal to 98.7% (see Fig. 13).

Fig. 13 Albania's Literacy Dynamics

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An interesting situation has developed in Albania in the field of trade. Currently, the most priorities in trade has not yet been identified, so many entrepreneurs are engaged in several activities. In the state there are such promising areas as construction or tourism, but still not traced some particular specialization. It should also be noted that the private sector is occupied in the country in the field of trade.

In the field of telecommunications in Albania, there are also their problems, the main of which are an outdated cable system and the low density of telephone lines per capita. Despite the investment in the construction of telephone lines, their density is only 10 lines per 100 inhabitants. However, a mobile communication is quite widespread, whose services have become available to the population in 1996.

We note another tendency of the population of Albania in the field of information services - this is a sharp jump in the number of users of the Internet. So in 2003 There were only 30,000 users in the country, and already in 2006. Their number in the country has increased to 471200 people. Thus, we see that the number of users in the Internet for 3 years has increased more than 15 times, also in the past recent years the number of television broadcasting stations has increased. All this suggests that, despite the socio-economic backwardness in relation to most European countries, Albania has joined the era of computers and information technologies. Although, on the other hand, the number of Internet users per 100 people still remains low in the country.

In the Albania transport system, all types of transport are presented: rail, automotive, sea and river, air and pipeline.

Railway transport plays great importance in passenger and freight transport. The length of the railways is 447km. The main highway passes from north to south from Shkoder through Durres to Vlör, there are branches for Tirana and the border (on the shore of Ohrid Lake). Basically, through railway transport, freight transportation is carried out within the country from the areas of mining of minerals to the areas of their processing. Albania Railways come to the European Railway System.

Also for domestic traffic, road transport is essential, although the park of private cars is small, and the roads are in unsatisfactory condition. The first high-speed highway Tirana-Durres is completed in 2000. The total length of roads is 18,000 km, of which 7020 km (2002), with a solid coating. Bicycles are widespread. In remote mountainous areas, mules and donkeys are used as vehicles.

The possibilities of maritime shipping are limited. There are 22 vessels at the disposal of the Maritime Fleet. The main foreign trade port is Durres - has a favorable position in the central part of the country's coast and is associated with a network of roads with internal areas. There is a ferry message ports of Albania with Italian and Greek ports.

The length of the inland waterways is 43 km, including the Albanian section of Lake Shkoder, Ohrid and Prespa. The only shipping river is Buna, located in the north-west of the country. There is also a regular ferry message on Lake Ohrid, connecting the Albanian city of Borders with the Macedonian city Ohrid.

In connection with the development of tourism, air transport develops. The country's largest airport is Teresa International Airport in Rinas, 25 km from Tirana. Currently, 14 airlines operate in Albania and tie Tiran with almost all other European capitals with direct flights. Among them, the National Airlines - Albanian Airlines.

At the time of the Board of the Communists and earlier, with a pre-war monarchy, the Armed Forces of Albania were the weakest in the Balkans and were used mainly to suppress the rebellion inside the country.

In 1996 The armed forces have reached the number of 72.5 thousand people, and if we take into account other paramilitary organizations, the total number of servicemen reached 113.5 thousand people. However, at the beginning of the XI century, the foreign policy plant for the entry of Albania to the Euro-Atlantic structures has determined the development armed Forces countries. In January 2000 approved by Parliament. The defense policy strategy of the country officially secured the long-term goal is the full membership of Albania in NATO no later than 2010, the numerical composition of the Armed Forces was established: 31 thousand servicemen in peacetime and 120 thousand - in the military. In fact, the number of armed forces decreased from 47 thousand people in 2000. Up to 22 thousand people in 2002. At the moment, the prize age in Albania is 19 years old, the duration of the service in the armed forces is 15 months. In 2005 The country's military expenses amounted to 1.49% of GDP, which in comparison with other Balkan countries (Macedonia - 6%, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 4.5%, Greece - 4.3% of GDP) is too small for modernization and maintenance of troops, and, Thus, the early entry of the country in NATO. Although, on the other hand, the prospects for joining the Alliance depend largely on the United States, especially after the crisis-breaking crisis around the independence of Kosovo. It is worth noting that partially financing the country's armed forces are conducted from the outside.

Thus, it can be said that at present in Albania, the scope of services is rapidly developing, especially in the direction of international tourism. But at the same time, there are many problems associated with the lack of developed infrastructure, outdated equipment, a lack of financing certain areas, as well as the problems of attracting investors to unstable domestic market countries. It should be noted that the last problem has become even more aggravated due to the crisis situation around Kosovo, because The further future of the entire Balkan region was predicting and foreign policy instability scares entrepreneurs from the contributions of their funds. Moreover, the investment problem acutely stood not only in the service sector, but in the entire economy of the country as a whole.

Chapter 3. Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Albania

3.1 Albania in international organizations

Since the beginning of the 90s. The twentieth century, after the fall of the communist regime in the country, Albania conducts a course of integration into the sphere of international economic and political cooperation. July 30, 1990 A protocol on the normalization of relations between the USSR and Albania and the resumption of embassies was signed. In 1991 Relations with the United States and Great Britain were restored.

In June 1941 The country joined the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). OSCE - the largest regional organization The safety, which consists of 56 countries of Europe, Central Asia and North America. The organization is aimed at preventing the occurrence of conflicts in the region, settlement crisis situations, elimination of conflict consequences.

From 1955 The Republic of Albania is a member of the United Nations (UN). Albania is also a member of UNESCO, the United Nations Industrial Development, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Labor Organization (ILO).

In December 1992 The Republic of Albania became a member of the Islamic Development Bank and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The OIC is the largest and most influential official government-based Muslim international organization. Currently, it combines 55 countries. ORD CREATINGS: Cooperation between Muslim states, joint participation in activities in the international arena, achieving the stable development of the participating countries.

In June 1992 Albania has become the co-founder of the Black Sea area of \u200b\u200beconomic cooperation (BSEC), is a member of the Central European Initiative (CEI).

From July 1995 Albania is a member of the Council of Europe. Also, the country participates in the inter-bliss cooperation, established diplomatic relations with all major countries of the world, received the status of an observer in the North Atlantic Assembly, was admitted to the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (CASS).

The Republic of Albania joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (MBRD), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Interpol.

The priority direction of the foreign policy of Albania is joining NATO and the European Union (EU). Back in May 1992. Agreement on trade and economic cooperation with the EU for a period of 10 years has been signed. And in December 1992. Albania appealed to NATO asking for accession. The development of relations with the United States and the EU contributed to the essential assistance of the Western countries in a period difficult for the state. In 1996 The United States provided Albania loans in the amount of US $ 200 million, Italy - more than $ 400 million and Germany - more than 100 million US dollars. In addition, the EU donated more than 650 million dollars as humanitarian aid. In 2005 Albania, among other Balkan states, has signed an agreement on stabilization and association with the EU, making the first step towards accession to the Union. But the state will be able to be recognized as an official EU member candidate only after fully satisfied with the requirements of the European Union.

From January 1, 2008 An agreement to facilitate the visa regime of September 18, 2007 entered into force. Between Albania and the European Union, according to which certain categories of people can receive a Schengen visa on a simplified system. The Government of Albania is only after two months after the entry into force of the first agreement is ready to fulfill all the necessary requirements for citizens of Albania to move freely on the European Union. According to the estimates of some European experts in the visa regime, if the government will fulfill all the necessary reforms, the Albania can become part of the Schengen zone in two years.

April 3, 2008 At the summit of NATO member countries in Bucharest, the Republic of Albania received an official invitation to the Alliance. So, we can talk about the implementation by the state by one of the main foreign policy.

Thus, Albania consists in many international organizations, which includes it into the system of world-economic relations and increases the importance of the state in the system of international economic relations. Soon, Albania will become a full member of NATO, whereas entry into the EU remains only for the country only a dream due to the backwardness of the main economic indicators.

3.2 Characteristics of the most important forms of international economic relations

The main characteristic of the country is population and precisely with this characteristic it is necessary to begin the analysis of the country in the international division of labor (MRI). So Albania has a small population, which determines its minor role in the international division of labor. In 2007 Albania was in 129 locations in the population of 154 countries. According to the UN forecast for 2025, the republic will rise only at 5 positions and will take 124th place. It can be seen that its share in MRI will not change and will continue on a low level.

Moreover, in terms of labor productivity, Albania falls into the group of the most backward countries of the world and takes 115th place. In the international division of Labor, Albania acts as a supplier of products of mining, woodworking, food industry, as well as a supplier of such agricultural products such as tobacco, olives, citrus. Well, consumes the state, mainly finished industrial products.

The following indicator that determines the place of any country on the economic map of the world is GDP. The total GDP measures the economic power of the country, and the GDP per capita is the level of economic development. By GDP Country It takes 113 place in the world. The volume of GDP Albania in 2007. amounted to 19.76 million US dollars (for comparison: France - 2,0677TRL. Dollars, Germany - 2.833333 dollars. Dollars, USA - 13.86LLN. Dollars). In the way, we see that the GDP indicator in Albania is small and it reflects the insignificant The share of the country in creating world GDP.

Also important form of international economic relations are labor migration. This indicator is high in Albania. The country has a negative migration balance - -4.54 per 1000 person (2007). It is worth noting that for the migration process in Albania is characterized by a phenomenon as "leak of minds". Migrates, mostly people who have received a higher or secondary special education. Some ratings indicate that more than 50% of the educated population who has completed universities left the country. Most of the population leaves Albania to neighboring Italy and Greece, and illegally, and this is disagreement between the governments of these states and the Albanian leadership. Only in the 1990s. 600 thousand Albanians were forced to emigrate, and 83% of the emigrants were young people aged 20-35 years. Eternal migrations are primarily associated with an insufficient level of development of the country's economy and, as a result, with a low level of population. So, according to data for 2004, 25% of the country's population was beyond poverty. The average salary in the public sector is $ 118.

Naturally, on the one hand, these labor migrations undermine the country's economy, but, on the other hand, remittances from other countries contribute to improving the standard of living of the population. For example, between 10 and 20% of the national income of Albania receives from workers abroad of migrants.

Analyzing the Albanian Migration Process, it must be said that a certain meaning here has forced migration for political reasons. So, the ethnic conflict in Kosovo in 1999. He caused a large influx of Albanian refugees from there, which settled in the northeastern regions of the country, which aggravated internal problems, since the state was not able to provide a respective standard of living for those who emigrated.

The characteristics of the Albanian government in the field of attracting foreign capital and foreign trade should also be noted.

There is a problem in the country to attract foreign investors in the economy. Because of the existing political instability and for a number of other reasons, foreign investors are in no hurry to invest their funds into the Albanian economy. The problem of long-term investments is particularly acute. In this country, foreign investors prefer to invest primarily in those industries where profit is quickly achieved. Therefore, the volume of long-term investments is still relatively small.

To solve this problem, the government takes measures to create and adjust the country's legislative base. The fundamental for the development of investment activities are two laws adopted by the Albanian Parliament: "On Commercial Companies" and "On Foreign Investments".

Today, the legislation of the country provides for the protection of foreign capital and other interests of foreign partners. The procedure for registering companies with foreign capital is simplified. Profit of foreign investors translated abroad, taxes are not subject to tax. Released from introductory customs duties The goods intended for use in the production of objectives and activities of joint ventures are allowed exemption from income taxes for the first 4-5 years, depending on the industry, where production is carried out.

Also liberalized and foreign trade in the country: 45% of imported products are not subject to tax, existing customs tariffs are low, no import licensing. The main trading partners are Italy, Greece, Germany, Macedonia, Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria.

3.3 Participation of Albania in regional integration processes

The Balkan Peninsula was and remains a problematic region of Europe. Here, side by side live peoples belonging to various religious confessions: Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims. Moreover, the specific position is that the political borders of many Balkan states do not coincide with ethnic.

The situation in the Balkans is also complicated by the fact that the impact in this region there is a constant political struggle between NATO and the EU, on the one hand, and Russia, on the other. All these circumstances, ultimately led to political and economic crisis and broke out civil wars at the turn of the twentieth and twentieth centuries.

However, the economy of the Balkan states, and as its component - the economy of Albania, is constantly evolving. Currently, in the world, in general, in Europe, in particular, continuous integration processes are undergoing, which means strengthening the interdependence of countries and regions. The same processes are held on the Balkan Peninsula.

In the 90s. The twentieth century between the Balkan countries was signed a number of bilateral treaties on friendship, good neighborliness, cooperation and security. But it should be noted that the election approach to the development of relations with neighbors with neighbors was characterized by the development approach to all countries of this region: Greece and Romania supported closer relations with the Union Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), Albania - with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Turkey, Bulgaria - with Croatia , Slovenia and Macedonia, from which it follows that in their policies the parties adhered to civilizational and confessional principles.

In the relationship between the Balkan states, the issue of national minorities was always quite acute (see Table 3).

Table 3.

National minorities in the Balkan Peninsula

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