
World GDP by country. Gross world product. The most developed states

How to determine the country among the huge number of countries in the country with a strong economy? To identify highly developed states, pay attention to the ratings - the results of comparative studies made by international experts and organizations for ranking countries in various indicators. Every year, studies are published, demonstrating which country rose to the top, which dropped. Consider the main indicators for which they determine which countries in 2019 have become the most influential in the economic field, have the highest standard of living, prosperity and freedom.

Level of economic development

By level economic Development Evaluate the effectiveness and maturity of the country's economy. No wonder only countries with a high level of economic development are included in the group developed, and the rest are called developing. This level is determined by various ratings.

GDP Rating

The key indicator is the level of internal gross product (GDP). So called the overall value of goods, services and other results of enterprises, firms, companies, institutions, organizations, individuals. This is the result of all residents of the country under consideration during the year. It is calculated in two ways. The first is when all revenues received for the year are folded: interest, profit, salary, and so on. The second - when expected expenses (state procurement, investment, consumption, export with deduction). The official source of such information is the World Bank database. Statistics are updated every year and published in the fall. The accounting of the indicator is also conducted by the International Monetary Fund and the UN.

The backbone of global GDP produces only a few countries, mainly large in the territory and population.

If all goods and services produced in monetary equivalent (GDP) is an absolute value, which compares the gross domestic product with the population, we obtain the relative indicator indicating the well-being of citizens.

According to the World Bank and the IMF, the best indicators of the GDP level in the United States of America. At the rate of countries, the first places in this indicator are occupied by:

Country2016 2017
1 USA18624 19391
2 China11222 12015
3 Japan4949 4872
4 Germany3479 3685
5 Great Britain2661 2625
6 India2274 2611
7 France2466 2584
8 Brazil1793 2055
9 Italy1860 1938
10 Canada1536 1652
11 Russia1285 1578
12 The Republic of Korea1411 1538
13 Australia1265 1380
14 Spain1238 1314
15 Mexico1077 1149
16 Indonesia864 932
17 Turkey859 857
18 Netherlands751 771
19 Switzerland671 660
20 Saudi Arabia652 640

The table presented with indicators is the actual value that does not take into account the difference in prices for homogeneous goods and services. As a result of this omission - GDP developed countries Often overestimated, while developing countries Lower indicators are indicated.

Since the purchasing power parity is more important because it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of life in the countries of the world, more confidence is another rating based on PPS.

According to the International Bank, the PPP GDP level for the countries of the world is:

Country2017 2018 2018
1 China23190 25270 18,69
2 USA19485 20494 15,16
3 India9597 10505 7,77
4 Japan5427 5594 4,14
5 Germany4199 4356 3,22
6 Russia4027 4213 3,12
7 Indonesia3250 3495 2,59
8 Brazil3255 3365 2,49
9 Great Britain2930 3038 2,25
10 France2854 2963 2,19
11 Mexico2464 2570 1,90
12 Italy2324 2397 1,77
13 Turkey2186 2293 1,70
14 The Republic of Korea2035 2136 1,58
15 Spain1778 1864 1,38
16 Saudi Arabia1777 1858 1,37
17 Canada1764 1837 1,36
18 Iran1640 1611 1,19
19 Thailand1240 1320 0,98
20 Australia1254 1318 0,98

The International Bank estimates all the world's economies with the exception of Syria (due to active hostilities), Somalia (since the state actually broke up into several separate parts) and Venezuela (the internal policy is extremely closed, it is impossible to appreciate the level of GDP on PPP).

Economic freedom

The most important indicator of the country's development is the level (or index) economic freedom. Since 1995, it is determined by the American Research Center "Heritage Foundation" and publishes annually on its website and in the publishing house "Wall Street Gornal".

Economic freedom Experts of the Heritage Foundation Center, based on the theories of Adam Smith, are determined as the level of non-interference of the state in the process of production, distribution and consumption, with the exception of situations where it is necessary to protect citizens.

The index is calculated on the average arithmetic ten criteria of freedom - property, the lack of corruption, the share of government in the regulation of the economy, freedom of trade, investment, labor, entrepreneurship, monetary, fiscal, financial. For each of them, an estimated scale is developed from 0 to 100 points, which are eventually summarized. The higher the number of points, the higher the level of economic freedom.

1. Hong Kong90,2
2. Singapore89,4
3. New Zealand84,4
4. Switzerland81,9
5. Australia80,9
6 Ireland80,5
Basically free
7. Great Britain78,9
8. Canada77,7
9. UAE77,6
10. China Republic77,3
11. Iceland77,1
12. USA76,8
13. Netherlands76,8
14. Denmark76,7
15. Estonia76,6
16. Georgia75,9
17. Luxembourg75,9
18. Chile75,4
19. Sweden75,2
20. Finland74,9
21. Lithuania74,2
22. Malaysia74,0
23. Czech Republic73,7
24. Germany73,5
25. Mauritius73,0
26. Norway73,0
27. Israel72,8
28. Qatar72,6
29. The Republic of Korea72,3
30. Japan72,1
31. Austria72,0
32. Rwanda71,1
33. Northern Macedonia71,1
34. Macau71,0
35. Latvia70,4

Thus, countries with free economies (from 80 points and higher) in 2019 are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland and Switzerland.

As for the countries of the former USSR, in most cases the level of economic freedom in them is weak. For most states, the active influence of the state on all areas of life is characteristic, which often creates some inconvenience, prevents the free development of the economy.

As an example, we give data of 2 studies conducted in 2016 and 2019 for comparison:

2016 year
Countries with mainly

free economy

9. Estonia77,2
14. Lithuania75,2
23. Georgia72,6
36. Latvia70,4
Countries with moderately

free economy

54. Armenia67
68. Kazakhstan63,3
91. Azerbaijan60,2
Countries with mainly

non-free economy

96. Kyrgyzstan59,6
117. Moldova57,4
149. Tajikistan51,3
153. Russia50,6
Countries with non-free economy
157. Belorussia48,8
162. Ukraine46,8
166. Uzbekistan46,0
2019 year
Countries with mainly

free economy

15. Estonia76,6
16. Georgia75,9
21. Lithuania74,2
35. Latvia70,4
Countries with moderately

free economy

47. Armenia67,7
59. Kazakhstan65,4
60. Azerbaijan65,4
79. Kyrgyzstan62,3
Countries with mainly

non-free economy

97. Moldova59,1
98. Russia58,9
104. Belorussia57,9
122. Tajikistan55,6
140. Uzbekistan53,3
147. Ukraine52,3

Prosperity rating

Economic achievements of countries of the world are measured in terms of prosperity. This indicator offers the English Analytical Center "Legatum Institute". He calculates it since 2006. This index is determined by the level of public well-being of countries in the development of the economy, entrepreneurship, management, health, safety, education, personal freedoms and social capital. Each of the eight criteria is calculated on the basis of UN statistical studies, the World Bank, the sociological data of the Galllapa Institute and other authoritative centers. According to the results of comparative studies, the rating of states is published annually. In 2019, such results were published by 142 countries in the world.

1 Norway80.98
2 New Zealand80.90
3 Finland80.58
4 Switzerland79.71
5 Denmark79.33
6 Sweden79.15
7 United Kingdom79.12
8 Canada79.02
9 Netherlands78.99
10 Ireland78.95
11 Iceland78.47
12 Luxembourg78.15
13 Australia78.10
14 Germany77.72
15 Austria76.64
16 Belgium76.00
17 United States76.00
18 Slovenia74.65
19 Malta74.10
20 France74.06
21 Singapore73.73
22 Hong Kong72.93
23 Japan72.79
24 Portugal72.61
25 Spain72.49
26 Estonia72.44
27 Czech Republic72.08
28 Cyprus70.53
29 Mauritius69.76
30 Uruguay69.72
31 Costa Rica69.33
32 Slovakia68.84
33 Poland68.33
34 Italy68.27
35 South Korea67.82
36 Lithuania67.72
37 Israel67.66
38 Chile67.59
39 United Arab Emirates67.01
40 Latvia66.71

The best performance indicators of prosperity index from Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands.

Other indicators

There are other indicators for which the country's economic development rating is measured. This is the level of GDP per capita. It does not consider strict characteristic, but refer to important indicators.

Recent studies of the GDP level per capita (denominations) on the World Bank estimates show such results:

1 Luxembourg104103
- Macau80893
2 Switzerland80190
3 Norway75505
4 Iceland70057
5 Ireland69331
6 Qatar63506
7 USA59532
8 Singapore57714
9 Denmark56307
10 Australia53800
11 Sweden53442
12 San Marino.49664
13 Netherlands48223
14 Austria47291
- Hong Kong46194
15 Finland46703
16 Canada45032
17 Germany44470
18 Belgium43324
19 New Zealand42941
20 UAE40699
60 Russia10743
- Peace10714

A more accurate characteristic is the level of the same indicator for parity (the ratio of several currencies) of the purchasing power per capita to a certain set of services or goods.

Here the first places occupy:

Country2017 2018
1 Qatar127755 130475
- Macau (PRC)110592 116808
2 Luxembourg103298 106705
3 Singapore95508 10345
4 Brunei78971 79530
5 Ireland73215 78785
6 Norway72170 74356
7 UAE68639 69382
8 Kuwait66197 67000
9 Switzerland62131 64649
- Hong Kong (PRC)61529 64216
10 USA59895 62606
11 San Marino.68624 60313
12 Netherlands53933 56383
13 Saudi Arabia54595 55944
14 Iceland53834 55917
- Taiwan (PRC)50593 53023
15 Sweden51180 52984
16 Germany50804 52559
17 Australia50609 52373
18 Austria50035 52137
19 Denmark50643 52121
20 Bahrain49035 50057
49 Russia27964 29267

Index human Developmentwhich is published in the UN Development Program reports since 1990 - another traditional comparative rate of living and economy. A very high rating of human development, according to the latest report of 2014 in Norway, Australia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Denmark.

Based on all these indicators, the strongest and efficient economies of the world for 2019:

2. Hong Kong

3. Australia

4. Germany

5. Switzerland

7. Netherlands

8. New Zealand

9. Singapore

10. Japan

Corruption perception index

Since 1996. the most important indicator The state of the country's economy recognize the rating of the level of corruption. The official name is the index of perception of corruption. He was introduced by the International Non-Governmental Organization "Transparency International". It takes into account how common corruption in the public sector is. This rating is calculated by analyzing polls and statistical data. Under corruption, within the framework of the study, any extraction of personal gain by the abuse of official position is understood.

Interesting: The study is based on the statistics of criminal cases or sentences, but on the opinion of those who suffer from corruption or study this phenomenon.

To determine this index, we developed a scale from "zero" to "hundred", where 0 means the maximum level of corruption, and 100 is its absence. Although the technique with which the rating is determined is the object of criticism, as a whole, it is recognized as experts relatively reliable.

2018 Country2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
1 Denmark89 90 91 91 91 90
2 New Zealand88 90 91 92 91 90
3 Finland85 89 90 89 89 90
4 Sweden85 85 87 86 86 85
5 Switzerland85 86 86 86 85 86
6 Singapore84 88 89 87 89 88
7 Norway84 84 85 84 86 87
8 Netherlands82 83 87 83 83 84
9 Canada82 82 83 81 81 84
10 Luxembourg82 81 81 79 78 79
11 Germany82 81 81 78 76 74
12 Great Britain81 81 81 82 80 80
13 Australia77 77 75 74 75 77
14 Iceland75 78 79 79 78 82
15 Hong Kong75 77 77 76 75 75
16 Austria75 79 79 80 81 85
17 Belgium75 75 76 72 69 69
18 Ireland75 74 76 74 73 73
19 Japan74 73 75 74 72 69
20 Estonia73 72 75 76 74 74

The most difficult situation with corruption is observed in such countries:

170 Sudan17 18 18 18 20 25
171 Yemen17 16 17 19 19 25
172 DPRK.17
173 Syria17 14 16 18 15 21
174 South Sudan17 12 8 8 8 8
175 Somalia16 14 12 11 11 13
176 Yemen16 14 18 19 18 23
177 Afghanistan15 15 11 12 8 8
178 Syria14 13 18 20 17 26
179 South Sudan12 11 15 15 14
180 Somalia9 10 8 8 8 8

Credit ratings

The economic "health" of the country is also estimated on financial or credit ratings. They are calculated taking into account financial Story States, the size of its property and the possibility, and the desire to pay debts. Such an index is needed in order to make it clear to potential lenders or investors how safe to deal with the country. Evaluation financial ratings give international Agencies. Moody's, Standard and Poor's and Fitch have the most serious reputation. They work all over the world and help to distinguish reliable partners from unreliable. Each of them has its own system of names, but in general the country with a high degree of obligatory is denoted by the letter A, the average and lower - the risky - in, with high risk and close to the default - S.

CountryLong-term ratingShort-term rating
1 USAAAA.F1 +.
2 Great BritainAA.F1 +.
3 GermanyAAA.F1 +.
4 FranceAA.F1 +.
5 JapanA.F1
6 SpainA-F1
7 ItalyBBB.F2.
8 PortugalBBB.F2.
9 GreeceBb-B.
10 IrelandA +.F1 +.
11 AndorraBBB +.F2.
12 UAEAA.F1 +.
13 ArmeniaB +.B.
14 Angola.B.B.
15 ArgentinaB.B.
16 AustriaAA +.F1 +.
17 AustraliaAAA.F1 +.
18 AzerbaijanBB +.B.
19 BangladeshBb-B.
20 BelgiumAa-F1 +.
21 BulgariaBBB.F2.
22 BahrainBb-B.
23 BeninB.B.
24 BoliviaBb-B.
25 BrazilBb-B.
26 BelarusB.B.
27 CanadaAAA.F1 +.
28 CongoCC.C.
29 SwitzerlandAAA.F1 +.
30 Côte d'IvoireB +.B.
31 ChileA.F1
32 CameroonB.B.
33 ChinaA +.F1 +.
34 ColombiaBBB.F2.
35 Costa RicaBB.B.
36 Cape VerdeB.B.
37 CyprusBB +.B.
38 Czech RepublicAa-F1 +.
39 DenmarkAAA.F1 +.
40 Dominican RepublicBb-B.
41 EcuadorB.B.
42 EstoniaA +.F1 +.
43 EgyptB.B.
44 EthiopiaB.B.
45 FinlandAA +.F1 +.
46 GabonB.B.
47 GeorgiaBb-B.
48 GhanaB.B.
49 GambiaCCC.C.
50 GuatemalaBB.B.
51 Hong KongAA +.F1 +.
52 CroatiaBB +.B.
53 HungaryBBB-F3.
54 IndonesiaBBB.F2.
55 IsraelA +.F1 +.
56 IndiaBBB-F3.
57 IraqB-B.
58 IranB +.B.
59 IcelandA.F1
60 JamaicaB.B.
61 KenyaB +.B.
62 South KoreaAa-F1 +.
63 KuwaitAA.F1 +.
64 KazakhstanBBB.F2.
65 LebanonB-B.
66 Sri LankaB +.B.
67 LesothoB +.B.
68 LithuaniaA-F1
69 LuxembourgAAA.F1 +.
70 LatviaA-F1
71 LibyaB.B.
72 MoroccoBBB-F3.
73 MoldovaB-B.
74 MacedoniaBB.B.
75 Mali.B-B.
76 MongoliaB.B.
77 MaltaA +.F1 +.
78 MaldivesB +.B.
79 MalawiB-B.
80 MexicoBBB +.F2.
81 MalaysiaA-F1
82 MozambiqueRd.C.
83 NamibiaBB +.B.
84 NigeriaB +.B.
85 NicaraguaB.B.
86 NetherlandsAAA.F1 +.
87 NorwayAAA.F1 +.
88 New ZealandAA.F1 +.
89 OmanBBB-F3.
90 PanamaBBB.F2.
91 PeruBBB +.F2.
92 Papua New GuineaB +.B.
93 PhilippinesBBB.F2.
94 PakistanB.B.
95 PolandA-F2.
96 ParaguayBB.B.
97 QatarAa-F1 +.
98 RomaniaBBB-F3.
99 SerbiaBB.B.
100 RussiaBBB-F3.
101 RwandaB +.B.
102 Saudi ArabiaA +.F1 +.
103 SeychellesBb-B.
104 SwedenAAA.F1 +.
105 SingaporeAAA.F1 +.
106 SloveniaA-F1
107 SlovakiaA +.F1 +.
108 San Marino.BBB-F3.
109 SurinameB-B.
110 SalvadorB-B.
111 ThailandBBB +.F2.
112 TurkmenistanCCCC.
113 TunisiaB +.B.
114 TurkeyBB.B.
115 TaiwanAa-F1 +.
116 UkraineB-B.
117 UgandaB +.B.
118 UruguayBBB-F3.
119 VenezuelaRd.C.
120 VietnamBB.B.
121 South AfricaBB +.B.
122 ZambiaB.B.
RatingThe value of the rating
AAAthe smallest risk, maximum creditworthiness
Aa +.moderate risk, very high creditworthiness, first level
AAmoderate risk, very high creditworthiness, second level
Aa-moderate risk, very high creditworthiness, third level
BUTmoderate risk, high creditworthiness, second level
BUT-moderate Risk, High Credit, Third Level
BBB +.moderate risk, sufficient creditworthiness, first level
BBBmoderate risk, sufficient creditworthiness, second level
Envelopmoderate risk, sufficient creditworthiness, third level
SCS.high risk and threat of default, significant credit risk

Index with "Human Face"

The last few years have demonstrated the importance of such an economic development indicator as social progress. Previous indicators answered economic theoriesBut it was not seen from them how the growth of the economy was reflected in the lives of people. Therefore, in 2013 as an alternative economic indicators A social progress index was developed. Its author is Professor Harvard University Michael Porter. This rating is calculated on the basis of analyzing these sociological surveys, expert opinions and statistical information of international organizations. Determining the achievements of each country in this area, the researchers took into account more than fifty factors.

  1. This is the satisfaction of the basic needs - meals, ensuring water and medical help, housing, degree.
  2. Then the fundamental foundations of well-being are taken into account - access to education and information, literacy and communication levels.
  3. And finally, the possibilities of development are analyzed - the level of protection of civil and political rights and self-realization is determined.
1 Norway90.26
2 Iceland90.24
3 Switzerland89.97
4 Denmark89.96
5 Finland89.77
6 Japan89.74
7 Netherlands89.34
8 Luxembourg89.27
9 Germany89.21
10 New Zealand89.12
11 Sweden88.99
12 Ireland88.82
13 United Kingdom88.74
14 Canada88.62
15 Australia88.32
16 France87.88
17 Belgium87.39
18 South Korea87.13
19 Spain87.11
20 Austria86.76
21 Italy86.04
22 Slovenia85.50
23 Singapore85.42
24 Portugal85.36
25 United States84.78
26 Czech Republic84.66
27 Estonia83.49
28 Cyprus82.85
29 Greece82.59
30 Israel82.47
60 Russia70.16

From the results of the studies that we analyzed, it is clear that there is a direct connection between economic freedom, financial reliability, level of living and social progress. Countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands are leading among those who provide their citizens worthy and at the same time comply with civil and political rights, and also honestly pays bills. Little Asian Tigers: Singapore or Hong Kong, like oil "millionaires" (UAE, Qatar) "ahead of the rest of the whole" in terms of economic freedom and per capita income. But countries with a strong and efficient economy - USA, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany - are distributed in the ranking at different positions, because It is not always possible to provide people living there a high level of income and opportunities for development.

This post is the collected information about the most powerful economies of the world - the consequence of a small Facebook discussion. We needed accurate comparative data on the development of economies in countries for a number of positions. The most characteristic position, in my opinion, is a per capita GDP. More precisely GDP (gross domestic product) per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP). It is this indicator that is the most accurate characteristic that determines the level of economic development, as well as the growth of the economy.

Recent data collected in Wikipedia laid out in the form of tables, « when analyzing which it should be noted that countries use different so-called national accounts. So the United States, Canada, Ukraine and 28 EU countries submitted their data for 2014 in accordance with the new SNA-2008, other countries, as well as Russia, still on SNA-1993 and that is not fully: excluding conditional residential rent and evaluation natural resources. The main difference between the SNA 2008 is that in its additionally taken into account intellectual property, derivatives financial instruments, Expenses for R & D and Armament. Thus, adding new articles of accounting leads to a significant increase in macroeconomic indicators (including PPP GDP per capita), especially for countries with highly developed technologies. This can serve as a justification for additional cash emissions. "

Despite some differences in the tables, it can be noted that in most analyzes these analyzes are practically similar, and the best indicators are not at all such giants for the production of products and the development of technologies, as the United States, Japan, Germany, China, etc. for this indicator Ahead of the planet of all Qatar, Luxembourg, Macau, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, etc.

This material is assembled according to another criterion: just on the total annual volume of the nominal gross domestic product. Who he has more, who most of all produced various products, for the country and above the position in the ranking. That's so simple.

By providing data on the economies of the countries of the world below, as a very visual idea of \u200b\u200btheir power, I bring a simple example in the form of a picture: countries with economics lessthan just one of the US states - California.

The rating of the strongest countries of the world is compiled by the criterion for the volume of nominal GDP, it also takes into account the ever-growing effect of the East on the planet's economy. Russia in the top ten the best states He strengthened at the ninth position.

1. USA

GDP$ 15,095 $ 025 US CapitalWashington Population313 232 044 people. Year of foundation1776 Territory9,518,900 km2 (without dependent territories). US economyholds leadership for the last 100 years. Its components are the largest in the world. banking system and stock Exchange, transnational corporations, highly productive agriculture and leadership in the innovation and high-tech industry, in particular computer and telecommunication (Apple, Microsoft).

In 1732, the United Kingdom decided to close hat factors throughout America - and ordered the colonists to buy expensive hats produced in English manuff. They say that dictate has become one of the reasons for the American revolution and the subsequent economic boom in the country.

On the this moment In the US, there are headquarters 139 of the 500 world's largest companies, which is almost twice as much as in any other country. About 60% of the currency reserves of the planet are translated into US dollars and only 24% in euros. One of the most influential financial markets of the world will be deployed in the country.

In the field of information technology, the United States has no equal. So, in the ranking of the Business Week magazine from 100 companies of the IT 75 area, and in the first twenty - 17 Americans, including Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe and others.

If you believe the statistics, during the US Football Championship, the Middle American spends on the discussion of matches during the working time 10 minutes a day. Damage is more than $ 800 million.

The first skyscraper in the world appeared in 1885 in Chicago. For 2011, only 4 of the 25 most high buildings Planets are located in the USA

In the US, children of rich parents do not live on their money, and try to build their own careers themselves, counting only on their education and acquired during the time of study.

GDPUS $ 799 $ 147 CapitalBeijing Population1 347 374 752 people. Year of foundation1949 (PRC) Territory9 596 960 km2 China B. early XXI century- Space and nuclear power, which by 2020 according to the plan of the Chinese Communist Party, should catch up with the United States on the cumulative income of GDP. Exports gives 80% of state currency income of the PRC. The country leads in production more than a hundred types of products, of which the most advanced - automotive and textile.

Chinese economy is the most fast-growing in the world; Its consistent growth rates are about 10% over the past 30 years. The country is also the largest exporter and the second largest importer of goods. GDP per capita in China is 7,544 dollars. According to experts, after 8-10 years, the absolute figures of the PRC GDP will catch up and, perhaps will exceed the indicators of the United States.

The provinces in the coastal areas of China are usually industrially more developed compared with the peripheral regions. By the way, the territory of Hong Kong and Macau de facto are independent and have the status of special. To visit their visits you need a special permit.

National currency - Yuan, it is measured by the cost of Chinese " folk money»Zhenminby (RMB). The yuan course is established by the state, besides, it cannot be purchased abroad. 1 euro costs about 8 yuan, 1 yuan is a little more than 5 rubles. Starbucks coffee shop network in China is much more famous and stronger in various indicators than McDonalds fast food restaurant.

China's population in 2012 amounted to more than 1.3 billion people. According to average estimates, it will cease to grow by 2030, when it reaches 1.465 billion

Every year in China, exhibitions of achievements in the field of high technologies are held, the most famous of them is the Cantonese Fair in Guangzhou (CECF, CANTON FAIR). It is one of the most important events in the world of production and trade.

3. Japan

GDP$ 5,869,471 US CapitalPopulation126 400 000 people. Year of foundation660 BC e. Territory377 944 km2 In size of GDP and volume industrial production Japan occupies 3rd place after the United States and PRC. Developed high tech - electronics and robotics, as well as transport engineering, including car, ship, machine-tooling. The fishing fleet is 15% of the world. Agriculture is subsidized by the state, but 55% of food is imported.

Within three decades since 1960, a rapid economic growth was observed in Japan, which was a consequence of post-war " economic Miracle" On average, its rates accounted for 10% in the 1960s, 5% in the 1970s and 4% in the 1980s.

In Japan, the degree of economic freedom is high: the government works closely with the manufacturer, stimulating its development. The main focus is on science and high technologies. All this, as well as strict labor discipline contribute to the rise of the Japanese economy.

A distinctive feature of the country is Karetse - association of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors around powerful banks, as well as relatively weak international competition in domestic markets. In addition, there are many more social, rather than production agreements: for example, a guarantee of lifelong employment in large companies.

Three main banks of the country - Mitsubishi UFJ FINANCIAL GROUP (MUFG), Mizuho and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (SMFG) - are now filled with deposit deposits.

Japan is the world "capital of robots." According to the number of industrial robots used, she overtakes even the US

Only at MUFG has deposits in the amount of 129 trillion yen (1.6 trillion dollars), it is the second largest bank in the world. The problem is that MUFG does not yet know how to dispose of these money.

4. Germany

GDP$ 3,577,031 $ CapitalBerlin Population81 751 600 people. Year of foundation1990 Territory357 021 km2 Economy Germany- The largest in Europe. Motor foreign trade - Industry, which is a large proportion of GDP. Also developed agriculture, energy: the country is confidently leading in the production of wind and solar generators, information and biotechnology. Germany - the 2nd in the world exporter: abroad there is a third of national production.

Germany has a leading economy in the European Union and is a major lender for most European states, including crisis Greece. Most of the country's products are associated with technology: these are cars and equipment. The chemical industry is also widely deployed. The largest German enterprises operating in these industries have their branches, research centers and production facilities around the world.

Among them are the famous Volkswagen car concerns, BMW, Daimler, Chemicals - Bayer, Basf, Henkel Group, Conglomerate Siemens, E.ON and RWE Energy Companies or Bosch Group. In such cities such as Hanover, Frankfurt and Berlin, the largest annual international exhibitions and congresses are held.

Germany is the leading manufacturer of wind turbines and the main developer of solar energy technologies in the world.

At the end of the XIX century, the United Kingdom, in an attempt to protect its market from second-rate imports, ordered the launch of German goods in the inscription "Made in Germany".

Now Germany is experiencing a real "boom" of the auto industry. This is obliged to her key market sales market - China

However, after a couple of decades, the quality of goods from Germany improved so much that this labeling turned into a sign of the highest sample.

5. France

GDP2 776 $ 324 US CapitalParis Population65 447 374 people. Year of foundation843 (Verden Treaty). Territory674 685 km2 France for the total economyit takes leading places in the EU and consistently enters the first world ten. Leads in mechanical engineering, chemical and aerospace industries. In terms of agricultural production, Germany is ahead of Germany, and exporting agricultural products - the United States. Traditionally, high in export share of wines. Large tourism center: more than 75 million travelers visit France every year.

The French economy is the fifth largest in the world and the second - in Europe (after its main partner - Germany). The country entered the 2008-2009 recession later, later and was able to come out earlier than most states comparable to it. From January to March 2011, the growth of France's GDP was dynamic than expected, and amounted to 1%. One of the best indicators in Europe!

France is a nuclear power and one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, besides, this is the most visited country in the world. Paris can be called the tourist capital of the planet, and Eiffel Tower is the most popular attraction on Earth. These facts automatically make France by world tourism championship, which is a large share in the revenue state budget. By the way, tip here are already included in your account and make up 15% of the order amount.

This is the most famous winemaking country in the world. The wine here was made even in the time of the invasion of the Romans under the leadership of Julia Caesar. According to statistics, 72% of the French are hardly understood in numerous wine brands.

Champagne was first produced in France in the XVII century. The drink was immediately called "Devilish" - he exploded the barrels in which he was stored

Only from the legendary Bordeaux (Bordeaux) more than 9000 varieties! The best liqueurs in the world are also produced in France.

6. Brazil

GDP$ 2,476 $ 908 CapitalBrazilia. Population189 987 291 people. Year of foundation1822 Territory8 514 877 km2 Brazil has the biggest economic potential among the Latin American countries and produces a variety of products: from petroleum products, steel and consumer goods to computers, cars and aircraft. One of the main articles of Brazil's export - coffee. The country is also leading in the production of sugar cane, from which ethanol is produced.

Brazil manages one of the most fast-growing economies In the world: its GDP on average increases by more than 5% per year. The country continues to maintain a high level of social inequality, which invented by the state since the time of the long colonization of Portugal. However B. last years He fell.

The 1970s became the beginning of the Brazilian "Economic Miracle". It was at that time that a successful national program was initiated, providing for the replacement of gasoline to a more eco-friendly and cheap ethanol. In its framework, the government also ordered the largest car concerns to collect only those models that can work on ethanol.

Now more than a third of GDP is provided by agriculture. The most important fact: Brazilians own 46% of the world market of Arabica - the best variety of coffee. At the same time, this state is the most controversial in Latin America in terms of investment. All major companies are usually extremely monopolized, and management is carried out by closed groups with state participation. The country has a number of customs prohibitions for imports, because of which there are difficulties with the purchase household appliances.

Get to Mount Corcovado, where the statue of Christ the Savior is standing on the railway - the train with two traps rushes up the jungle slopes

According to Forbes (2011), Brazil is located in the eighth place in the world by the number of billionaires.

7. United Kingdom

GDPUS $ 2,417,570 CapitalLondon Poore 62 698 362 people. Year of foundation1801Territory243 809 km2. Basic articles export- Mechanical engineering, industrial goods and chemicals. An industrial corporation British Petroleum, holding 2nd place in Europe in the rating of the largest, saves on imports of petroleum products and brings substantial profits. Also, the United Kingdom - the second in the world exporter of white clay, from which porcelain is made.

Many historians tend to believe that if Russia had passed the Great October Revolution, the country would have developed along the UK path. Today, Britain is one of the globalized countries of the world. London, along with New York, is the largest global financial center and has the largest GDP among European cities.

An important role in the British economy is played by the pharmaceutical industry and oil production - the country has oil and gas reserves in the North Sea worth about 250 billion pounds of sterling. Britain carries out 10% of world exports of services - banking, insurance, brokerage, advisory, as well as in computer programming. Currently, the country occupies 4th place in the world (and 1st in Europe) in the Consolidated Index on Business Establishment (World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index).

National Health Service of the United Kingdom - the third largest employer in the world after the Red Army of China and railway India.

By tradition, installed at the beginning of the twentieth century, the monarch's birthday is celebrated in the UK to one of the Sabbath of June - regardless of the actual date

Despite deep integration (including economic) all countries of the kingdom, you will receive a refusal if you wish to pay the Scottish pounds in the shops of England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Most of the British do not even know how this money looks!

8. Italy

GDP2 198 730 $ US CapitalRome Population56 995 744 people. Year of foundation1946 Territory301 340, with Islands 309 547 km2. Italy - World Supplierhousehold appliances, one of the leaders of the automotive industry and industrial equipment. Food exporter: Cheese, Macaron, Wine, Olive Oil, Fruit and canned vegetablesas well as finished clothes and leather shoes. At the same time, Italy has little natural resources and imports most raw materials and more than 80% of energy.

After World War II, Italy passed a long way of significant economic transformations: starting with a total lag, it achieved a developed industrial economy. The income per capita was three times less than the same period in the United States. Almost half of the country (42.2%) was occupied in agriculture. The current time, according to the IMF and the World Bank, the Italian economy is the eighth in the world and the fourth in Europe in the point of view of nominal GDP, as well as the tenth in the world and the fifth in Europe by the GDP criterion calculated on PPS.

Italy is significantly focused on foreign trade. Many of its food are known all over the world. So, the legendary Italian wines, cheeses, pizza are supplied to export. Almost all products are marked by a special DOC brand (Denominazione Di Origine Controllata), which is the designation of the highest quality - it helps a foreign consumer to "cut off" simply similar products (for example, German Gambozola's cheese - imitation of the Italian Gorgonzola).

Italian fashion houses Versace, Gucci, Prada, Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and others received wide fame.

The status of the most expensive car acquired the Italian sports car Ferrari 250 GTO 1962 of the release sold in 2012 for 35 million US dollars

Motorists are well acquainted by the names of car brands of Italy: Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini.

9. Russia

GDPUS $ 1,850 CapitalMoscow. Population143 030 106 people. Year of foundation862 (the beginning of Russian statehood). Territory17 098 246 km2. Economy of Russiait characterizes a significant dependence on energy prices. According to the data Federal Service State statistics, Russia's exports by 65.9% consists of mineral raw materials. Metals and precious stones are among the remaining proportion (16.3%), the products of the chemical industry, machinery and equipment.

Russia is historically rich intelligent resources. Unfortunately, most of them sell their potential in the West. For example, Max Factor became the founder of Max Factor, who opened his first store in Ryazan, and in 1904 he emigrated. It is also necessary to remember the founder of Google Sergey Brin and Engineer of the Concern Daimler Boris Lutsk.

Thanks to the economic reforms of the 1990s, most industrial assets were privatized in Russia, with the exception of energy and defense enterprises. The main problem of the country is a strong dependence on energy resources, in particular oil and gas. Stock market Also located on the path of its formation and is assessed by many as speculative. By the way, since 2011 in Moscow - the highest concentration of billionaires in the world.

According to the calculations of the consulting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers, by 2014 Russia will overtake Germany in terms of GDP and will enter the top five countries.

Negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO began in 1995, the acceding itself will occur in September 2012

The big influx of foreign investment and the new stage in the development of the economy, in the opinion of experts, must follow in the near future - they are associated with global sport events: Olympiad in Sochi in 2014 and the World Cup in 2018.

10. India

The monument to the Mausoleum Taj Mahal is a symbol of the delicate love of King Shah Jahan to his wife Krasavice Mumtaz Mahal.

GDPUS $ 1,430. CapitalNew Delhi. Population1 210 193 422 people. The year of foundation 1950 (complete independence from the UK). Territory3 287 590 km2. Economy of Indiacovers all industries: from agricultural production to industry. 67% of the working-age population directly depend on agriculturethat is third GDP. India is the largest exporter of tea and has the largest livestock population in the world. At the same time, the defense, atomic and space industry is highly developed.

In the XVII century, India was the most rich country In the world - before the arrival of colonializers from the UK. Dutch, Danes, French, Portuguese and other nations fought for receiving trade privileges here. The country is the birthplace of algebra, trigonometry and chess. Now India is a bright and diverse state, its economy is increasingly integrated with the world.

Economic reforms conducted in the country since 1990 have far-reaching consequences. General Electric Capital considers this country unique, PepsiCo finds her the fastest growing, and Motorola is confident that India becomes one of the leading powers of the planet. Currently, the state dynamically goes back to the position of the world leader in the IT sector.

One of the main advantages of India is a high qualification and a relatively low cost of labor, which is actively used by transnational corporations. Now, according to the size of GDP for the purchasing power parity, India has reached the 4th place in the world, and in 2050 its volume will catch up with American.
Despite the rapid economic growth, India continues to face the problems of social inequality and a high level of unemployment.

Text Dmitry Zolotavin, Financial Consultant "A-Club" in Tyumen, Alpha Bank

(Visited 4 Times, 24 Visits Today)

The rating of the strongest countries of the world is compiled by the criterion for the volume of nominal GDP, it also takes into account the ever-growing effect of the East on the planet's economy. Russia in the top ten states strengthened at the ninth position.

1. USA

Several facts

GDP $ 15,095 $ 025 US

Capital Washington

Population 313 232 044 people.

Year of foundation 1776

Territory 9,518,900 km2 (without dependent territories)

US economy Holds leadership for the last 100 years. Its components are the world's largest banking system and stock exchange, transnational corporations, highly productive agriculture and leadership in the innovation and high-tech industry, in particular computer and telecommunication (Apple, Microsoft).

In 1732, the United Kingdom decided to close hat factors throughout America - and ordered the colonists to buy expensive hats produced in English manuff. They say that dictate has become one of the reasons for the American revolution and the subsequent economic boom in the country.

Currently, the US headquarters are located in the United States from 500 world's largest companies, which is almost twice as much as in any other country. About 60% of the currency reserves of the planet are translated into US dollars and only 24% in euros. One of the most influential financial markets of the world will be deployed in the country.

In the field of information technology, the United States has no equal. So, in the ranking of the Business Week magazine from 100 companies of the IT 75 area, and in the first twenty - 17 Americans, including Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe and others.

If you believe the statistics, during the US Football Championship, the Middle American spends on the discussion of matches during the working time 10 minutes a day. Damage is more than $ 800 million.

The first skyscraper in the world appeared in 1885 in Chicago. For 2011, only 4 of the 25 highest planet buildings are located in the USA.

In the US, children of rich parents do not live on their money, and try to build their own careers themselves, counting only on their education and acquired during the time of study.

2. China

Several facts

GDP US $ 799 $ 147

Capital Beijing

Population 1 347 374 752 people.

Year of foundation 1949 (PRC)

Territory 9 596 960 km2

China at the beginning of the XXI century - Space and nuclear power, which by 2020 according to the plan of the Chinese Communist Party, should catch up with the United States on the cumulative income of GDP. Exports gives 80% of state currency income of the PRC. The country leads in production more than a hundred types of products, of which the most advanced - automotive and textile.

Chinese economy is the most fast-growing in the world; Its consistent growth rates are about 10% over the past 30 years. The country is also the largest exporter and the second largest importer of goods. GDP per capita in China is 7,544 dollars. According to experts, after 8-10 years, the absolute figures of the PRC GDP will catch up and, perhaps will exceed the indicators of the United States.

The provinces in the coastal areas of China are usually industrially more developed compared with the peripheral regions. By the way, the territory of Hong Kong and Macau de facto are independent and have the status of special. To visit their visits you need a special permit.

National currency - Yuan, it is measured by the cost of Chinese "folk money" Zhenminby (RMB). The yuan course is established by the state, besides, it cannot be purchased abroad. 1 euro costs about 8 yuan, 1 yuan is a little more than 5 rubles. Starbucks coffee shop network in China is much more famous and stronger in various indicators than McDonalds fast food restaurant.

China's population in 2012 amounted to more than 1.3 billion people. According to average estimates, it will cease to grow by 2030, when it reaches 1.465 billion

Every year in China, exhibitions of achievements in the field of high technologies are held, the most famous of them is the Cantonese Fair in Guangzhou (CECF, CANTON FAIR). It is one of the most important events in the world of production and trade.

3. Japan

Several facts

GDP $ 5,869,471 US

Capital Tokyo

Population 126 400 000 people.

Year of foundation 660 BC e.

Territory 377 944 km2

In size of GDP and industrial production Japan occupies 3rd place after the United States and PRC. High technologies are developed - electronics and robotics, as well as transport engineering, including car, etc., machine-tooling. The fishing fleet is 15% of the world. Agriculture is subsidized by the state, but 55% of food is imported.

Within three decades since 1960, a rapid economic growth was observed in Japan, which was a consequence of the post-war "economic miracle". On average, its rates accounted for 10% in the 1960s, 5% in the 1970s and 4% in the 1980s.

In Japan, the degree of economic freedom is high: the government works closely with the manufacturer, stimulating its development. The main focus is on science and high technologies. All this, as well as strict labor discipline contribute to the rise of the Japanese economy.

A distinctive feature of the country is Karetse - association of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors around powerful banks, as well as relatively weak international competition in domestic markets. In addition, there are many more social, rather than production agreements: for example, a guarantee of lifelong employment in large companies.

Three main banks of the country - Mitsubishi UFJ FINANCIAL GROUP (MUFG), Mizuho and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (SMFG) - are now filled with deposit deposits.

Japan is the world "capital of robots." According to the number of industrial robots used, she overtakes even the US

Only at MUFG has deposits in the amount of 129 trillion yen (1.6 trillion dollars), it is the second largest bank in the world. The problem is that MUFG does not yet know how to dispose of these money.

4. Germany

Several facts

GDP $ 3,577,031 $

Capital Berlin

Population 81 751 600 people.

Year of foundation 1990

Territory 357 021 km2

Economy Germany - The largest in Europe. Motor foreign trade is an industry that makes up a large proportion of GDP. Also developed agriculture, energy: the country is confidently leading in the production of wind and solar generators, information and biotechnology. Germany - the 2nd in the world exporter: abroad there is a third of national production.

Germany has a leading economy in the European Union and is a major lender for most European states, including crisis Greece. Most of the country's products are associated with technology: these are cars and equipment. The chemical industry is also widely deployed. The largest German enterprises operating in these industries have their branches, research centers and production facilities around the world.

Among them are the famous Volkswagen car concerns, BMW, Daimler, Chemicals - Bayer, Basf, Henkel Group, Conglomerate Siemens, E.ON and RWE Energy Companies or Bosch Group. In such cities such as Hanover, Frankfurt and Berlin, the largest annual international exhibitions and congresses are held.

Germany is the leading manufacturer of wind turbines and the main developer of solar energy technologies in the world.

At the end of the XIX century, the United Kingdom, in an attempt to protect its market from second-rate imports, ordered the launch of German goods in the inscription "Made in Germany".

Now Germany is experiencing a real "boom" of the auto industry. This is obliged to her key market sales market - China

However, after a couple of decades, the quality of goods from Germany improved so much that this labeling turned into a sign of the highest sample.

5. France

Several facts

GDP 2 776 $ 324 US

Capital Paris

Population 65 447 374 people.

Year of foundation 843 (Verden Treaty)

Territory 674 685 km2

France for the total economy It takes leading places in the EU and consistently enters the first world ten. Leads in mechanical engineering, chemical and aerospace industries. In terms of agricultural production, Germany is ahead of Germany, and exporting agricultural products - the United States. Traditionally, high in export share of wines. Large tourism center: more than 75 million travelers visit France every year.

The French economy is the fifth largest in the world and the second - in Europe (after its main partner - Germany). The country entered the 2008-2009 recession later, later and was able to come out earlier than most states comparable to it. From January to March 2011, the growth of France's GDP was dynamic than expected, and amounted to 1%. One of the best indicators in Europe!

France is a nuclear power and one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, besides, this is the most visited country in the world. Paris can be called the tourist capital of the planet, and Eiffel Tower is the most popular attraction on Earth. These facts automatically make France by world tourism championship, which is a large share in the revenue part of the state budget. By the way, tip here are already included in your account and make up 15% of the order amount.

This is the most famous winemaking country in the world. The wine here was made even in the time of the invasion of the Romans under the leadership of Julia Caesar. According to statistics, 72% of the French are hardly understood in numerous wine brands.

Champagne was first produced in France in the XVII century. The drink was immediately called "Devilish" - he exploded the barrels in which he was stored

Only from the legendary Bordeaux (Bordeaux) more than 9000 varieties! The best liqueurs in the world are also produced in France.

6. Brazil

Several facts

GDP $ 2,476 $ 908

Capital Brazilia.

Population 189 987 291 people.

Year of foundation 1822

Territory 8 514 877 km2

Brazil has the greatest economic potential Among the Latin American countries and produces a variety of products: from petroleum products, steel and consumer goods to computers, cars and aircraft. One of the main articles of Brazil's export - coffee. The country is also leading in the production of sugar cane, from which ethanol is produced.

Brazil manages one of the fastest growing economies in the world: its GDP on average increases by more than 5% per year. The country continues to maintain a high level of social inequality, which invented by the state since the time of the long colonization of Portugal. However, in recent years it has decreased.

The 1970s became the beginning of the Brazilian "Economic Miracle". It was at that time that a successful national program was initiated, providing for the replacement of gasoline to a more eco-friendly and cheap ethanol. In its framework, the government also ordered the largest car concerns to collect only those models that can work on ethanol.

Now more than a third of GDP is provided by agriculture. The most important fact: Brazilians own 46% of the world market of Arabica - the best variety of coffee. At the same time, this state is the most controversial in Latin America in terms of investment. All major companies are usually extremely monopolized, and management is carried out by closed groups with state participation. The country has a number of customs prohibitions for imports, because of which there are difficulties with the purchase of household appliances.

Get to Mount Corcovado, where the statue of Christ the Savior is standing on the railway - the train with two traps rushes up the jungle slopes

According to Forbes (2011), Brazil is located in the eighth place in the world by the number of billionaires.

7. United Kingdom

Several facts

GDP US $ 2,417,570

Capital London

Poore 62 698 362 people.

Year of foundation 1801

Territory 243 809 km2.

Basic articles export - Mechanical engineering, industrial goods and chemicals. An industrial corporation British Petroleum, holding 2nd place in Europe in the rating of the largest, saves on imports of petroleum products and brings substantial profits. Also, the United Kingdom - the second in the world exporter of white clay, from which porcelain is made.

Many historians tend to believe that if Russia had passed the Great October Revolution, the country would have developed along the UK path. Today, Britain is one of the globalized countries of the world. London, along with New York, is the largest global financial center and has the largest GDP among European cities.

An important role in the British economy is played by the pharmaceutical industry and oil production - the country has oil and gas reserves in the North Sea worth about 250 billion pounds of sterling. Britain carries out 10% of world exports of services - banking, insurance, brokerage, advisory, as well as in computer programming. Currently, the country occupies 4th place in the world (and 1st in Europe) in the Consolidated Index on Business Establishment (World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index).

The National Health Service of the United Kingdom is the third largest employer in the world after the Red Army of China and the Railway of India.

By tradition, installed at the beginning of the twentieth century, the monarch's birthday is celebrated in the UK to one of the Sabbath of June - regardless of the actual date

Despite deep integration (including economic) all countries of the kingdom, you will receive a refusal if you wish to pay the Scottish pounds in the shops of England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Most of the British do not even know how this money looks!

8. Italy

Several facts

GDP 2 198 730 $ US

Capital Rome

Population 56 995 744 people.

Year of foundation 1946

Territory 301 340, with islands 309 547 km2

Italy - World Supplier Household appliances, one of the leaders of the automotive industry and industrial equipment. Food exporter: cheese, pasta, wine, olive oil, fruit and canned vegetables, as well as finished clothes and leather shoes. At the same time, Italy has little natural resources and imports most raw materials and more than 80% of energy.

After World War II, Italy passed a long way of significant economic transformations: starting with a total lag, it achieved a developed industrial economy. The income per capita was three times less than the same period in the United States. Almost half of the country (42.2%) was occupied in agriculture. The current time, according to the IMF and the World Bank, the Italian economy is the eighth in the world and the fourth in Europe in the point of view of nominal GDP, as well as the tenth in the world and the fifth in Europe by the GDP criterion calculated on PPS.

Italy is significantly focused on foreign trade. Many of its food are known all over the world. So, the legendary Italian wines, cheeses, pizza are supplied to export. Almost all products are marked by a special DOC brand (Denominazione Di Origine Controllata), which is the designation of the highest quality - it helps a foreign consumer to "cut off" simply similar products (for example, German Gambozola's cheese - imitation of the Italian Gorgonzola).

Italian fashion houses Versace, Gucci, Prada, Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and others received wide fame.

The status of the most expensive car acquired the Italian sports car Ferrari 250 GTO 1962 of the release sold in 2012 for 35 million US dollars

Motorists are well acquainted by the names of car brands of Italy: Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini.

9. Russia

Several facts

GDP US $ 1,850

Capital Moscow

Population 143 030 106 people.

Year of foundation 862 (the beginning of Russian statehood)

Territory 17 098 246 km2

Economy of Russia It characterizes a significant dependence on energy prices. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, Russia's exports by 65.9% consists of mineral raw materials. Metals and precious stones are among the remaining proportion (16.3%), the products of the chemical industry, machinery and equipment.

Russia is historically rich in intellectual resources. Unfortunately, most of them sell their potential in the West. For example, Max Factor became the founder of Max Factor, who opened his first store in Ryazan, and in 1904 he emigrated. It is also necessary to remember the founder of Google Sergey Brin and Engineer of the Concern Daimler Boris Lutsk.

Thanks to the economic reforms of the 1990s, most industrial assets were privatized in Russia, with the exception of energy and defense enterprises. The main problem of the country is a strong dependence on energy resources, in particular oil and gas. The stock market is also on the path of its formation and is assessed by many as speculative. By the way, since 2011 in Moscow - the highest concentration of billionaires in the world.

According to the calculations of the consulting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers, by 2014 Russia will overtake Germany in terms of GDP and will enter the top five countries.

Negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO began in 1995, the acceding itself will occur in September 2012

The big influx of foreign investment and the new stage in the development of the economy, in the opinion of experts, must follow in the near future - they are associated with global sport events: Olympiad in Sochi in 2014 and the World Cup in 2018.

10. India

Several facts

GDP US $ 1,430 $ 020

Capital New Delhi.

Population 1 210 193 422 people.

The year of foundation 1950 (complete independence from the UK)

Territory 3 287 590 km2

Economy of India covers all industries: from agricultural production to industry. 67% of the working-age population are directly dependent on agriculture, which is a third of GDP. India is the largest exporter of tea and has the largest livestock population in the world. At the same time, the defense, atomic and space industry is highly developed.

In the XVII century, India was the richest country in the world - before the arrival of the colonializers from the UK. Dutch, Danes, French, Portuguese and other nations fought for receiving trade privileges here. The country is the birthplace of algebra, trigonometry and chess. Now India is a bright and diverse state, its economy is increasingly integrated with the world.

Economic reforms conducted in the country since 1990 have far-reaching consequences. General Electric Capital considers this country unique, PepsiCo finds her the fastest growing, and Motorola is confident that India becomes one of the leading powers of the planet. Currently, the state dynamically goes back to the position of the world leader in the IT sector.

One of the main advantages of India is a high qualification and a relatively low cost of labor, which is actively used by transnational corporations. Now, according to the size of GDP for the purchasing power parity, India has reached the 4th place in the world, and in 2050 its volume will catch up with American.

Monument-Mausoleum Taj Mahal - Symbol of tender love King Shah Jahan to his wife Beauty Mumtaz Mahal

Despite the rapid economic growth, India continues to face the problems of social inequality and a high level of unemployment.

Text Dmitry Zolotavin, Financial Consultant "A-Club" in Tyumen, Alpha Bank

In world practice, such concepts are used as indicators of the development of the global economy as:

v gross world product;

v gross domestic product

v gross national product

v National income.

Gross World Product - the main indicator of the dynamics of the global economy, expressing the total amount of finite goods and services , produced in the territory of all countries of the world , regardless of the national affiliation of enterprises operating there at a certain period of time.

Gross Internal Product (GDP)It expresses the cost of finite goods and services produced by residents of a given country for a certain period of time, in the prices of the final buyer.

Gross National Product (GNP) - expresses the value of the entire volume of products and services in the national economy-dependent location of national enterprises (in their country or abroad).

The difference between GDP and GNP is that GDP is calculated According to the territorial principle, i.e. takes into account the cumulative value of the products of the industry of material production and services, regardless of the national affiliation of enterprises located on the territory of this country, and GNP is calculated on the national basis, i.e. Consides the aggregate value produced by national enterprises.

To assess the rate of economic growth of the country (quality economic processes) The change in GDP in the current year is determined compared with the previous year, expressed as a percentage, while 100% adopt GDP indicator at the beginning of the period.

National Income (ND)- expressing the amount of primary income (wage, profit, property revenues, taxes on production and import) obtained by residents of this country . Unlike GDP national income Does not include income received from abroad or transmitted abroad.

The formation of the global market and production marked an important stage in the development of modern civilization, primarily because its material basis is technical progress and stimulated by it public separation Labor.

Structural and logic schemes.

Scheme 1.The subjects of the global economy.

Scheme 2.Stages of development of the SNA.

Scheme 3.Grouping countries in the global economy

Scheme 4.The main indicators of the country's participation in the system of world economy


1. Open economy suggests:

a) high level of development national Economy;

b) favorable investment climate;

c) erasing national borders;

d) subordination of the national economy of the economic interests of TNK;

e) access to the domestic market for foreign goods and services.

2. The traditional quantitative indicators of the openness of the economy are:

a) export quota;

b) the quotation of exports;

c) import quota;

d) import quotation;

e) foreign trade quota.

3. Gross domestic product based on the definition of GDP on the SNA (system of national accounts) is the sum of all:

a) the final goods and services produced and implemented in the country both their own and foreign manufacturers;

b) implemented goods and services;

c) produced goods and services.

4. Export quota is calculated as the ratio of the cost of exports:

a) to the number of people employed in industry;

c) to the volume of investments;

d) national to world.

5. The advantages of the intensive development path are:

a) an increase in product complexity;

b) deterioration of the economic situation in the country;

c) lowering production efficiency;

d) the growth rate of labor productivity.

6. The ratio of exports (imports) per capita of this country characterizes:

a) the dynamics of foreign trade;

b) the level of specialization and cooperation;

c) the level of competitiveness;

d) the degree of openness of the economy.

Answers to tests.

1. a), b) and e). 2. a), c) and e). 3. but). 4. b). 5. d). 6. d).

Control questions.

1. What is understood as the term "subject of world economy"?

2. What does it relate to the subjects of the world economy?

3. Why are national states are not the only subjects of the modern world economy?

4. What are the most frequently used country grouping criteria in the global economy?

5. What indicators are used to assess the development of the global economy?

6. What are the indicators of the openness of the economy?

7. What is the essence of the national accounts system?

8. What is the essence of the concept of "System of National Accounts"?

9. What are the stages of the development of the national accounts system?

The task.

1. Subjects of world estate ties.

2. How can influence incentives for emigration of workers from the country Introduction in this country of foreign trade restrictions?

3. Beef costs $ 5.4 per 1 kg. At this price, Russian farmers produce 20 thousand tons, while the demand for russian market Reaches 60 thousand tons. in the countries of near abroad, which are exporters of beef to Russia, its price is $ 3.6 per 1 kg. At such a price, Russian farmers will be able to produce only 5 thousand tons. In demand that increases to 65 thousand tons. To protect the domestic market, Russia introduces an import quota, a license to receive as much as much as the difference between the internal price of beef and its price is In the countries of the near abroad, i.e. $ 1.8 per 1 kg.

3.1 What is the volume of imports of beef in freedom of trade and when protecting the domestic market by imported quota?

3.2 How will the introduction of quotas on consumers and on producers? Calculate the magnitude of their possible winnings or losses.

3.3 What is the income of importers who have received import permit within the quota, from its introduction? What income does the state receive from the introduction of this measure?

As changing GDP Mira From 1970 to 2016 at nominal and permanent prices with respect to 1970. This is a lot of other interesting information you can read in this article. Where there is no data for 2016, the data is indicated for 2013 and this is mentioned.

For the period 1970-2016 World GDP grew from 3398.7 to 75212.7 and increased by $ 71817 billion or 22.13 times; The change occurred due to an increase in the population of the world from 3692 to 7456 million people, i.e. The population grew by 3764 million people. or 2.02 times relative to 1970. He also grew by increasing the GDP indicator per capita in the world, which in 1970 was $ 921, and already in 2016 amounted to $ 10167. The average annual increase in the GDP of the world during this period amounted to 1561.2 billion dollars.

During 1970-2016 GDP per capita in the world increased by 9246 dollars or at 11.04 times to $ 10167. The average annual increase in GDP per capita in the world during this period amounted to 201 dollars a year.

At constant prices by 1970, the picture looks like this. Here it should be said that such constant prices.

Permanent prices: The usual set of prices used to assess the volume of production of the company or the economy as a whole into sequential periods. The change in the real amount of activity in the enterprise or in the economy is measured by estimating the value of annual real costs and production at constant prices. The role of constants are the prices of any specific date or average for the price period. Select the corresponding set of permanent prices is quite difficult, since the type and quality of goods are continuously changing. It is impossible to find out the price of goods in 1980, if this product was available only in 1990, or, on the contrary, the price of the goods in 1990, if its sale was discontinued in 1980. The longer period of the period in question, the greater the share of the cumulative Production volume, when estimating the value of which it is necessary to deal with the difficulties of this kind, and the less reliable comparisons of income or production volume at constant prices.

So the permanent GDP regarding the prices of 1970 has grown from 3398.7 billion dollars. $ to 13487.4 billion dollars $ in 2016. The growth amounted to 10088.7 billion dollars. $ or he rose 3.97 times.

GDP per capita in the world in permanent prices relative to 1970 increased from $ 921 to $ 1823 in 2016. The growth was $ 902 or it rose 1.98 times. It means that purchasing power One resident of the planet for 46 years has grown almost twice.

GDP nominal world, billion dollars, 1970-2016

GDP Nominal per capita in the world, dollars, 1970-2016, current prices

GDP Nominal in the world by region

The share of regions in GDP of the world,%, 2013

Countries Top 30 on World GDP 1970-2016 (Nominal / PPS)

Countries Leaders in GDP Mira Nominal 1970-2016

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