
Two round dates of global financial history. How did the Soviet government selected savings from the population whether the expropriation of gold in the population

msimagelist\u003e Gold Fever - Campaign OGPU on the identification and seizure of gold in the population in 1923-1929 . K. 1920s - the time of establishment of sole Stalin authorities I.V.. - country Soviets was on the verge of financial Bankruptcy. Gold reserves the USSR not exceeded 200 million gold rublesThat was an equivalent of 150 tons of pure gold. Insignificantly not enough compared to the pre-war gold reserve of the Russian Empire, in price reached almost 1.8 billion. gold rubles (Equivalent of more than 1400 tons of pure gold). In addition, the USSR had an impressive external debt, and the country had to spend astronomical funds on industrial jerk. Tsarist The golden treasury was allowed in just a few years. Even before arrival Bolsheviks to power more than 640 million gold rubles were exported abroad to the royal and Temporary governments In payment military credits. In the peripetias Civil War, P. participation and White, And the red, Istraktri, stole and lost gold in the amount of about 240 million gold rubles. But especially quickly the "royal" gold reserve melted in the first years of Soviet power.

Gold went to pay Contribulations by Separate Brest Mire. with Germany who has allowed Soviet Russia exit from First World War, on "gifts" in the civil contracts of the 1920s - Baltinesi States, Poland, Turkey. Huge tools left in the 1920s on the burning of the world Revolution and the creation of a Soviet spy network in the West. IN 1925 commission Senata US investigated the question of Soviet Export precious metals to the west. According to her, in 1920-1922, the Bolsheviks sold over 500 tons of pure gold abroad. Realistic of this assessment confirmed both secret documents of the Soviet government and scant cash in repositories. Gosbank THE USSR. According to the "Report on the Gold Fund", compiled by the Government Commission, which is on the task Lenina V.I.. examined the financial position of the country on 1 fV 1922. soviet state There was only 217.9 million gold rubles, and from these funds it was necessary to send 103 million gold rubles to repay public debt.

In addition, tons of gold and jewels, Expropriated at the "Item classes" went to the coating of the deficit of the Soviet external trade. Gave gold released provided that Predit Write a statement about the "voluntary donation" by their gold in favor of the Industrialization Fund Soviet Republic. With full collapse Economy, absence of exports and income from it, as well Difficulties with obtaining loans on Capitalist The West of Soviet Russia had to pay for import vital necessary National goods Gold stock. In the Soviet Union, the gold fever of the turn of 1920-1930 was state Enterprise, the purpose of which was the financing of industrialization and the creation of a national gold reserve. The methods with which it was conducted, gave rise to mass hunger, Zekovsky Gulag., looting property churches, national museums and libraries, as well as personal savings and family relics of their own citizens.

Harvesting gold and currency, Stalin I.V. did not disappear anything. In k. 1920s criminal wanted and Police Transmitted all the affairs of "currency" and "valuables". Economic management of OGPU. Under the slogan struggle With the currency speculation, one after another followed the "golden campaigns" - seizure currency and values Population, including household items. There was a persuasion, deception and terror. Some of the church believers in the person of the "renewed church" supported the withdrawal of church values. In his appeal from 1922 Leaders This church was declared: "And now, in our eyes there was such a difficult case with the appeal of church values \u200b\u200bon bread for hungry. It should have been a joyful feat of the love of the dying brother, and it turned into an organized performance against state power.

It caused blood. Blood shed in order not to help Christ - starving. Refusing to help hungry church people tried to create a coup. Patriarch's appeal Tikhona has become the banner, near which counter-revolutionaries, dressed in church clothing and moods. But the wide masses of the people and most of the ordinary clergy did not go to their appeal. The conscience of People condemned the perpetrators of blood shedding, and death dying from hunger falls with a grave reproach on those who wanted to use a folk disaster for their political goals.

We, the following priests of the Orthodox Church, who are expressive of wide church circles, condemn the actions of those hierarchs and those shepherders who are guilty to the organization of counteracting the state power to provide assistance to the starving and in its other undertakings for the benefit of the workers. "In the 1920s, Jews convinced - nEPMANOV Reliable Values \u200b\u200bwith the help of their melodies who performed a guest musician. There were ugu and frankly bloody methods. For example, "Dollar Steam" or "Golden Camera": "Currency" were kept in prison until they say where the values \u200b\u200bare hidden, or relatives Because of the border will not send a redemption - "Money of salvation". The demonstration shooters of the "Currency and Gold", sanctioned by the Politburo, were also in the Arsenal methods of OGPU.

Only for 1930 OGPU passed the state bank of values \u200b\u200bworth more than 10 million gold rubles (equivalent of almost 8 tons of pure gold). IN Mi 1932. Deputy Chairman OGPU Yagoda G.G.. Reported Stalin I.V. that at the Casse OGPU is valuables in the amount of 2.4 million gold rubles and that, together with the values, which "were previously handed over to the state bank", OGPU was produced 15.1 million gold rubles (almost 12 tons of purity In the gold equivalent). By the time of death Dictator Gold stock of the USSR grew at least 14 times. Inheritance to the subsequent Soviet leaders Stalin I.V. Left, according to different estimates, from 2051 to 2804 tons of gold. Stalinsky Golden Cube turned out to be more golden treasury of Tsarist Russia. Far to Stalin I.V. It was his main opponent - Hitler. In n. World War II Golden resources in Germany were estimated at $ 192 million - equivalent of 170 tons of pure gold, to which it is necessary to add ok. 500 tons of gold, loose by the Nazis in Europe.

Balts Bank Central (Bank of Russia)

First post-war monetary reform It was conducted from December 16 to December 29, 1947. Preparation was kept secret from the population, although formally, "so that speculators did not know about it." Allegedly, during the war, speculators strongly enriched, trading on the black market, so it took confiscation of funds. Partially it was so, but the main reason was, of course, the next seizure of money from the population in favor of the state.
The new ruble exchanged on 10 old, but when the salaries recalculate, one new ruble was considered for one old one. This was a means of confiscation of free cash, accumulated from the "speculators". It was believed that the right Soviet people hold money in savings boxes, but also there were non-equivalent exchange conditions. The contributions of up to 3 thousand rubles were recalculated alone to one, but the contribution from 3 to 10 thousand decreased by one third, and the contribution of over 10 thousand rubles to two thirds. Thus, the most large deposits States were confiscated.
The monetary reform of 1961 looked like a simple denomination: ten old rubles exchanged for one new, cash or deposits, and also 10: 1 all prices were recalculated. But it contained a trick. The official gold content in the ruble and the official ruble exchange rate to the dollar rose only 4.44 times. There was no free conversion of the ruble then, and it did not affect the mass of the population. But it has now had his little effect when establishing retail Soviet prices for imported goods (which, by the way, was also a bit too).
The last confiscation monetary reform, which some consider "the last coffin, driven into the cover of the USSR, was conducted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, headed by V. Pavlov on January 23-25, 1991. New chapter Then another union government believed that such a measure would be able to reduce the number cash In the hands of the population (of course, first of all, in the "speculators") and thus solve the problem of the deficit, which people were especially unhappy. The reform was prepared as a military operation against the population: declared suddenly. People had the opportunity only for three days to exchange old large bills 50- and 100-ruble sample on new ones. The volume of exchange in one hands was limited to 1000 rubles. Initiality in the country because of this, an incredible, economical effect It turned out to be zero. Deposits did not touch.
Well, what about history newest Russia - This is the largest in its scale in the history of our country confiscation by the state of deposits from its citizens. It was conducted under the type of hyperinflation. However, this is another story.

When discussing the story with the father of Landau, someone was expressed by a thought: they say, a person copied gold, "earned by his own mind and work", and then the Bolsheviks come and demand "to give Zolotishko in the robbing rate."

I must say that the Bolsheviks are not original in this:

Great confiscation: Gold possession was outlawed in the United States from 1933 to 1975

Have you heard of the Emergency Law of Roosevelt about banks from April 5, 1933? On this day, the American president declared gold outlawed out of law and ordered US citizens before May 1, 1933 to return coins, bars and certificates for gold to federal reserve banks at a price of $ 20.67 per ounce. This devalued a dollar by 40%; The price of gold was installed at $ 35.00 per ounce. One blow of Roosevelt increased gold assets of the government, stabilized monetary system And raised the wholesale prices by more than 33%. However, he also brought losses in the amount of 40% of gold to the owners of gold and deprived their metal, which they stored to ensure their financial future.

In 1933, the Great Depression led to a large-scale deficiency of gold. The demand for gold from concerned Americans has reduced the supply of metal in the federal reserve system almost to the minimum mandatory reserveBy creating additional concerns about the inevitable monetary crisis. Emergency Law on Banks of 1933 was adopted to "remove tension with banking sector And for other purposes. " On March 6, 1933, the President launched a chain of events that destroyed the International Gold Standard once and for all. First, he closed the banks of the country and forbade them to make payments or export gold coins and bars, using the emergency powers that were provided by the Trade Act with hostile states adopted during World War II.

Starting from 1933 and further, private ownership and ownership of gold for US citizens became illegal. Any refusal to return the gold was punished with a fine of $ 10 thousand and 10 years in prison. These exceptional measures were aimed at not allowing people to own gold. The solution was simple: to introduce a legislative ban on direct ownership of gold.

In 1934, Roosevelt announced the confiscation of gold from banks (the Law on the Gold Reserve: in exchange for gold certificates, which could not be exchanged for gold).

This law acted in the USA until 1975, a few more years after the value of the dollar ceased to be tied to the price of gold.

But this did not prevent Americans buying and selling gold in the black market, especially in the form of nuggets, which in the law forgot. Of course, there were also people who knew about gold and kept him in Swiss safes: the material reserves of real estate, but the value that these material reserves (currency) are repurchased.

Although private ownership of gold in the United States was legalized on August 15, 1974, the president still has the ability to confiscate it. The president still retains the right, according to the Emergency Law on Banks, "to investigate, regulate or prohibit ... Import, export, storage, melting or gold mark" during a state of emergency in the country.

It is necessary to act before the crisis comes, not after. If you wait until the introduction of gold confiscation, currency exchange regulation or other emergency measures, may be too late.

If you are an investor, how do you do? Translate part of its savings into ideal insurance from the crisis - collectible coins. In case of crisis, it is better to have numismatic gold than ingot.


As a result of this, the gold has ceased to be a legal means of payment in the United States, and the United States and then other countries overwhelmed the streams of unsecured paper dollars. And the right of US citizens to hold gold was restored only in 1974.

see also


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Economy Stalin Katasonov Valentin Yuryevich

"Gold Exodus" from Soviet Russia (1917-1925)

Data on official reserves of gold in the very first years of Soviet power is absent, however, it can be assumed that the Gold Treasury of the state is rapidly empty. For reference: December 31, 1913, the gold reserve Russian EmpireAccording to official data, it was equal to 1233 tons. In addition, at that moment there were gold coins with a volume of 382.5 tons in circulation. Total, together with coins in the circulation of gold in Russia, there were 1312.5 tons. It was a record amount of gold in the history Russia's existence by the time. According to official reserves of gold, Russia on the eve of the First World War was in second place after the United States (54% of the United States level), ahead of countries such as Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy.

During the First World War, Russia had to say goodbye to a part of his golden stock (the main loss is gold, which was sent to England as collateral for British loans). At the time of the seizure of the Bolsheviks in 1917, gold in the state treasury was approximately 850 tons. In 1925, the USSR gold reserve was only 141 tons. So, a net decline in gold for the period 1917-1925. - more than 700 tons.

Soviet Russia quickly lost the golden stock, which went to the Bolsheviks into the inheritance from the Russian Empire. Two stages of the "Gold Outcome" can be distinguished: 1) 1918-1920; 2) 1921-1925

First stage (1918-1920) was characterized by major leaks of gold abroad, which led to a loss of at least a quarter of the golden stock of the country, which was delivered to the Bolsheviks after the October 1917 coup. First of all, leaks should be highlighted: a) "Leninsky" gold; b) Kolchakovsky gold.

The leakage of "Leninsky" gold.We are talking about gold, which Russia handed over Germany as a contribution in the second half of September 1918 according to agreements under the so-called Brest world. The Bolsheviks managed to transfer only a part of the gold provided by the agreements (93.5 tons of 200 tons provided by the agreements. After the final defeat of Germany in the First World War "Leninsky Gold" (literally 3-4 months after he received), it was transported to France to "temporary storage". Later, France and the United Kingdom shared this gold in half (apparently as the winner countries). About Russia as a legal owner of gold forgot. Soviet Russia at the 1922 Genoese Conference and later the Soviet Union at different conferences and for different occasions raised the issue of "Leninsky" gold, but until the end of its existence, the USSR did not receive from its former allies on Antante or the ounce of Leninsky Gold. True, according to some (unverified) data, N. Khrushchev allegedly managed to use the requirements for "Leninsky" gold to partially resolve the oncoming requirements of France on the repayment of the USSR obligations as the successor of the Russian Empire on Russian bonds, whose holders were citizens of France.

Attention should be paid to another channel of gold leakage from Russia in 1918, when Lenin led the negotiations about the world with Germany. It is also about the "Leninsky" gold, but that part of his part, which was posted on the on-school accounts of Swiss banks. The fact is that by conducting negotiations among themselves in the framework of the so-called Brest world, and the Soviet, and the German side in the fall of 1918 were already quite aware that world War Soon it can end (naturally, by the defeat of Germany), so they agreed that financial resources From Russia will be received to Swiss banks on the so-called online accounts (i.e. accounts to demand, access to which only the highest leaders of Germany would have access to protect funds from the attractions of the winning countries (i.e. the Entente countries). This agreement was implemented, but the Germans did not receive access to accounts, accounts in Swiss banks at the last moment were opened on separate party leaders of Soviet Russia. True, we are talking about translation into Swiss banks not physical, but "paper" gold (i.e., currency funds, not metal).

"Leakage" of "Kolchakovsky" gold.This gold is a part of the golden stock of the Russian Empire, which was kidnapped in 1918 by White Guards and whitewashes from the repository in Kazan. As a result, it turned out in the hands of the Kolchak government, which posted him to the repositories of the Omsk branch of the State Bank.

A generalized picture of the movement of the gold reserve of Russia in the first year after the October Revolution of 1917 in the cost indicators gives a table compiled by the Russian emigrant-historian S. Petrov. As can be seen from the above table 13, at the end of 1918 the gold reserve of Russia was still quite solid - 780 million gold rubles, which in terms of pure gold on the Golden parity of the ruble was about 600 tons, that is, almost? Gold stock of the state bank of the Russian Empire on the eve of the First World War.

Table 13.. The movement of the gold reserve of Russia from November 1917 to November 1918

Source: Petroff S.Where is the Russian gold? Report on the Russian Gold Reserve (1914-1929) // Independent Newspaper. - 1999. - November 30.

The Kolchak's government directed this by several parties abroad to pay for the supply of weapons and military equipment with it. Over 6 thousand powders were taken abroad. Kolchakovsky gold, which was approximately 1/5 part of the reserve, which was in the repositories of the Omsk branch of the State Bank (i.e. not more than 100 tons). Most of the Kolchakovsky gold after the seizure of the Bolsheviks of Omsk and Kolchak's capture was returned to the state bank repository in Kazan. It should be noted that the problem of leakage of the golden stock of Russia in the form of "Kolchakovsky" gold today by many authors excessively exaggerated, and it is given a sensational tint.

By various estimates, which differ little among themselves, from all the gold, which was sent by the Kolchak's government abroad, a little more than half of the procurement of weapons and equipment was used for the purchase of weapons and equipment - or about 50 tons. A significant part of the remaining foreign "Kolchakovsky" gold (2800 poods. ) It was used by Russian emigration.

In the aggregate of the leakage of "Leninsky" gold and "Kolchakovsky" gold can be estimated at about 250 tons.

Second phase (1921-1925) At this stage, there was an intensive transfer of the remaining gold reserve of Russia abroad. Receipts from traditional exports of goods were at an extremely low level and covered only a minor part of all currency expenses of Soviet Russia.

Deficit coating foreign trade Gold.Suffice it to say that in 1921 proceeds from traditional exports (flax, hemp, grain, oil products, forest, etc.) amounted to 12.1 million gold rubles, and total amount Currency expenses were 340 million gold rubles. Part of the currency was "earned" in 1921 by selling art paintings and other works of art (9 million gold rubles), flies through the Leipzig Fair (2.4 million gold rubles), as well as diamonds (7 million gold rubles) . Thus, through sales of goods of traditional exports, as well as various inconspicuous values \u200b\u200b(including church property) in 1921, less than 10% of all currency expenses of Soviet Russia were covered. The remaining expenses (more than 300 million gold rubles) were provided by the implementation of precious metals from the State Fund. For four financial years (from 1922/23 to 1925/26, inclusive) was used from the Gold Foundation of the State of Currency Values \u200b\u200bin the amount of 126.7 million gold rubles, which is equivalent to 98 tons of metal equivalent to pure gold.

"Emergency" Gold export.In addition to the export of gold to meet the current needs of the country in the currency (for the procurement of food, content abroad, for foreign trips, etc.) there was an unconventional (or emergency) export of yellow metal. The following categories of gold should be included here (grouping from the point of view of the declared export destination):

1) Gold Comintern ("Cominternovskoye" gold) - to finance the world revolution (specifically - on the establishment and content of communist parties, terrorist organizations, the publication of party literature, conducting intelligence in the channels of the Communist International, etc.);

2) "Baltic" gold - to meet the property requirements of some "independent" states, which were previously part of the Russian Empire (Estonia, Latvia, Poland);

3) "locomotive" gold - for the procurement of new and repair of existing locomotives and wagons.

Immediately, we note that the official goals of the export of gold from Soviet Russia were often used only as a "cover" for operations on personal enrichment of a number of party and state-owned countries, as well as to enrich their foreign partners in the face of bankers and various entrepreneurs. This, in particular, writes V. Shambar about the "Kominternovsky" gold: "Huge funds have flowed from Russia to prepare a revolution from Russia. In fact, she was postponed at once, was transferred. In a word, it turned out a "feeder", on which someone's hands warmed well. "

At the same time, in 1921 and in the next two years there has been an active deployment of gold from state Funds under the pretext of the struggle for world RevolutionWhat looked especially monstrous on the background of terrible hunger 1921-1922. The sources of gold supply abroad were not only the official reserves of the metal (they were concentrated in those years in the Hochrane of the RSFSR, which was led by Yurovsky), but also various party cash desks. The movement of gold through such cash registers was not controlled by state authorities, and was carried out by individual party leaders - especially those who dealt with the work of the Comintern. However, an effective control over the use of the values \u200b\u200bof the Hochran was also not, there were direct embezzlement and other abuses regarding the state reserve of gold.

The peak of the spending of the gold and currency reserves of the country within the period under consideration fell in 1921; In 1922, these expenses were significantly lower, and in 1923-1925. Massed very modest amounts.

Several more details for the emergency exports of the golden stock.

Gold Comintern.According to numerous sources, in the period from 1919 and to the defeat in the country, the Trotskyist block (the second half of the 1920s.) Different values \u200b\u200bwere sent abroad, including gold, other precious metals, precious stones, currency for helping " fraternal parties "and preparation in other countries of socialist revolutions (according to official versions). No estimates of the removal of gold of the Comintern in the literature not found. It is obvious that the supply of gold of the Comintern abroad was poorly documented or not documented at all (in order to conspiracy), therefore, the fate of this gold is quite difficult to trace. According to our estimates, the total exported gold of this category amounted to about 200 tons.

"Baltic" gold.Some of the golden stock of Russia was transferred on the basis of interstate agreements to new states, which after 1917 came out of the Russian Empire - Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Poland. According to some data, the specified States in 1920-1921. A total of 48 million gold was allocated., i.e. approximately 37 tons.

"Foreign" gold.Russian gold also walked abroad under the guise of payment of contracts for the supply of food and other goods, but above all - railway locomotives and other vehicle (The so-called "locomotive" gold). First of all, we are talking about transactions by order of steam locomotives in Sweden and the United States, as well as to repair rolling stock in Estonia. The amount of 300 million gold rubles was allocated to the "locomotive" operation, which is equivalent to more than 230 tons of pure gold.

Sending gold abroad under the guise of paying various contracts for the accounts of American and other bankers is qualified by some historians as a kind of contribution that the Bolsheviks paid in exchange for the right to existence of the Soviet Republic, given that she had opportunities to meet the need for mobile railway composition at the expense of its own production Power.

Part of the contracts turned out to be fictitious, on other prices were overestimated, which gave the opportunity to state and party functionaries to accumulate states abroad; At the same time, the enrichment and their foreign partners took place.

The geography of the flow of Russian gold (both "locomotive" and "Kominternovsky") abroad was quite simple: first it was delivered from storage facilities to the Baltic Republic (primarily Estonia) and Sweden, and then from there by the sea, it was sent mainly in the United States, partly and countries Western Europe.

Let's summarize some of the results of gold export in 1921-1925. Although by the end of 1920, the Golden stock of the country, which was inherited by the Bolsheviks, noticeably "mustache", but he, according to our assessment, was still equal to almost half of the stock, which Russia had the eve of the First World War. During the period from the end of 1920 until the end of 1922, the Bolsheviks managed to take out the main part of the gold received from the royal and temporary governments of gold plus gold, which was accustomed to them during the various confiscations of property in the population and the church.

Emergency sources of replenishment of the gold stock. In addition to the state golden reserve, which the Bolsheviks were inherited from the Russian Empire, they partly satisfy their yellow metal needs at the expense of some other sources. Gold mining during this period was only a few tons per year and could not be considered as a significant source of replenishment of the gold reserve. A much greater influx of gold was given a different kind of confiscation and voluntary and forced surrender of currency values \u200b\u200bby the country's population. On April 16, 1920, decree on the confiscation of gold and jewelry among all residents of Russia was released, he somehow regulated the order of voluntary forced surrender. Prior to this confiscation was carried out without any legal grounds under the pretext of combating class enemies and reminded ordinary robbery.

The confiscation of church values, among which there were a lot of products from gold and other precious metals, was carried out in 1922 under the pretext of the research of funds to combat hunger. On January 6, 1922, the decree of the WTCIK on the withdrawal of church property was published, and on February 26, the instructions on the procedure for the withdrawal of church values \u200b\u200bthat were used in the use of believers. All church property (gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, etc.) in terms of silver was estimated at 525 thousand PUD. According to various sources, only a meager part is directed to the purchase of food from the assembled funds. In general, the operation on the withdrawal of church values \u200b\u200bby September 1922 brought 8 trillion. rub. In 1922 dennaunas, and on the purchase of bread and other food for starving in 1922, only 3 million rubles went.

In 1922, the violent seizures of gold in the population began to gradually turn around, yielding the place of a more or less civilized buying of gold, followed by its concentration in the State Bank and the Finance Commissar (Hoharan). The SNA decree of April 4, 1922 canceled the obligatory passage of the state from the population of gold, silver, platinum (in coins, ingots, products), as well as precious stones and currency. Soon, a resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense (STR) dated July 27, 1922 was adopted, granted state and cooperative enterprises and institutions to accept noble metals and currency in payments. Committed currency values \u200b\u200bthey had to immediately transfer the state bank to enroll on their current accounts. The state bank was granted a monopoly right to buy a gold and silver coin. He also received the preemptive right to purchase foreign currencyderived from foreign trade.

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Chapter 3 "The most radical reorganization": the development of the views of the top leadership of Soviet Russia for military construction in November 1917 - February 1918 at the leaders of the drug addiction until March 1918 there were even unity of views and understanding of methods

From the book of votes from Russia. Essays of the history of collecting and transmitting abroad information about the position of the Church in the USSR. 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s Author Kosik Olga Vladimirovna

From the book The history of the state and the rights of Ukraine: studies, allowance Author Muzychenko Peter Pavlovich

Chapter 13. Formation of Soviet statehood in Ukraine (1917-1920) 13.1. The total historical review of the Oktyabrsky coup in 1917 in Petrograd opened the ERU of the rule of one of the most terrible ideologies of the XX century, the purpose of which was the World Socialist Revolution. But in T.

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