
Specialization of regions of foreign Europe on the map. Foreign Europe. General Information about Foreign Europe


general characteristics Foreign Europe3

1. Territory, borders, position.3

2. Natural conditions and resources.4.

3. Population: reproduction, migration, national composition, urbanization.5

4. Farm: place in the world, differences between countries.

5. Industry: Main Industries.8

6. Agriculture: Three main types.

7. Transport: Main highways and nodes.13

8. Science and Finance: Research Parks and Banking Centers.14

9. Recreation and tourism: Main Tourist Region of the World.


Foreign (with respect to the CIS countries) Europe covers an area of \u200b\u200b5.1 million km2 with a population of 500 million people (1995). There are about 40 sovereign states related to the generality of historical fate, close political, economic and cultural relations. Foreign Europe is one of the foci of world civilization, the birthplace of great geographical discoveries, industrial coups, urban agglomerations, international economic integration. And although, as you already know, the era of "Eurocentrism" went into the past, this region and in our days occupies a very important place in world politics and economics.

General Characteristics of Foreign Europe

1. Territory, borders, position.

The territory of foreign Europe extends from north to south (from about. Svalbard to about. Crete) by 5 thousand km, and from west to east by more than 3 thousand km. Among European countries there are more and less large, but most of them are relatively small.

The economic and geographical location of the countries of foreign Europe is determined by two main features.

First, the neighboring position of these countries in relation to each other. With relatively small sizes of the territory, the small "depth" and good transport "passability" these countries are either directly bordered, or divided into minutes. In addition, their borders take place mainly by such natural borders that do not create significant obstacles for transport links.

Secondly, the seaside position of the overwhelming majority of countries, many of which are located near the busiest sea trapes. In the western part of the region, there is no place removed from the sea by more than 480 km, in Eastern 600 km. The whole life of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece from ancient times is closely connected with the sea, "the daughter of the sea" can be said about each of them.

Political map of the region during the XX century. He undergone large changes three times: after the first and second world wars and in recent years (the union of Germany, the acquisition of independence by the Baltic countries, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, a change in the public system in Eastern Europe).

In foreign Europe, both the republics and monarchies as unitary and federation states are represented.

2. Natural conditions and resources.

Natural prerequisites for industry of foreign Europe have developed under the great effect of the placement of minerals. However, their composition in the northern (platform) and southern (folded) parts of the region differs significantly.

In the northern part, both ore minerals are common, associated with the Baltic shield and the zone of Gercinskaya folding and fuel, "tied" primarily to the sedimentary cover of the platform and its regional deflection.

Among the coal pools, the RURSHOE in Germany and the Upper-Silesian in Poland are especially allocated in Poland, among the oil and gas North-Russia, among iron ore Larring in France and Kiruna in Sweden.

Ore deposits of both magmatic and sedimentary (bauxite) origin prevailed in the southern part, but the stocks of fuel resources are significantly less. Such a tectonic structure of the territory is largely explained by the "noncompleteness" of a set of minerals in individual countries.

The hydropower resources of foreign Europe are quite large, but it falls mainly to the districts of the Alps, Scandinavian and Dinar Mountains.

Natural prerequisites for the region's agriculture relatively favorable and are widely used for many centuries. As a result, reserves for the expansion of the land processed are almost already exhausted, and the "load" increases on them. Therefore, small seaside countries, and above all, the Netherlands continue the offensive for coastal seas.

In the Netherlands for many centuries, with the help of dams and dams by the Sea, almost 1/3 of the entire country.

No wonder there is a saying: "God created the earth, and the Dutch of Holland." The drainage of Lake Eiselmer, formerly by the Sea Bay, and the implementation of the so-called "delta plan", is completed, and the implementation of the so-called "delta plan".

The agroclimatic resources of the region are determined by its position in moderate, and in the south in subtropical belts. In the Mediterranean, sustainable agriculture needs artificial irrigation. Most of all irrigated lands in Italy and Spain.

Sweden and Finland have the greatest natural prerequisites for forestry and Finland, where typical forest landscapes are dominated: the forests are covered with lowlands and hills, the banks of the rivers and lakes, approach settlements. No wonder they say: "Finland without a forest, that the bear without wool."

Foreign Europe also has large and varied natural recreational resources.

3. Population: reproduction, migration, national composition, urbanization.

Recently, the population of foreign Europe began to grow very slowly. As you already know, this is explained by the fact that for the reproduction of the population of the region is characterized by complex demographic situation. In some countries, there is even a natural settlement of the population. At the same time, the population of the population is also changing, the share of older people is growing.

All this led to a sharp change in the region's share in the global system of external population migrations. The main source of emigration since the great geographical discoveries from the time of the great geographical discovery was turned into the main world focus of labor immigration. Now there are 12 13 million foreign workers, a significant part of which is not in the position of non-citizens, but the time of guests-workers (in German "Migrant workers").

By national composition, the population of foreign Europe is relatively uniform: the overwhelming majority of 62 peoples of the region refers to Indo-European language family. At the same time, the relatives of the Slavic, Romanesque, German groups have significant traits of similarities. The same is characteristic of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Ural family. Nevertheless, the ethnic map of the region, which folded for thousands of years, is not so simple. Along with Sneonational, there are many states with a complex national composition, in which the extension of interethnic relations has recently been observed; An example of this kind can serve Yugoslavia.

In all countries of foreign Europe, the prevailing religion Christianity. Catholicism is sharply dominated in Southern Europe; in the northern Protestantism; And in the middle, they are in different ratios. The world center of Catholicism Vatican is located in Rome.

Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. At the same time, the placement of the population in it is primarily determined by the geography of cities. The level of urbanization here is one of the highest in the world: on average 73% live in cities, and in some countries more than 80% and even 90% of the total population. The total number of cities is measured by many thousands, and their network is very thick. Gradually, for thousands of years, the Western European type of the city has developed, whose roots rise to the times of the Roman Empire and Middle Ages.

The characteristic feature of the urbanization of foreign Europe ~ a very high concentration of the population in large cities and urban agglomerations, which are more here than in the United States and Japan together. The largest of them are London, Paris and Rhine-Rurassic. In the 70s. After the period of the rapid growth of cities and agglomerations, the outflow of the population began in their centers (nuclei) first in the neighboring and distant suburbs, and then to more distant small towns and to the countryside ("green wave"). As a result, the number of residents in the central regions of London, Paris, Hamburg, Vienna, Milan and many other cities either stabilized, or even began to decline. This process received in science the name of suburbanization.

According to forecasts, the level of urbanization in the region by the end of the XX century. May increase to 85%.

4. Economy: Place in the world, differences between countries.

Foreign Europe, as a holistic region, ranks first in the global economy in the size of industrial and agricultural production, on the export of goods and services, in the reserves of gold and currency, on the development of international tourism.

It is clear that the economic power of the region primarily define four countries that are included in the "greater seven" of the Western Western FRG, France, the United Kingdom and Italy. It is these countries that have the widest complex of various industries and industries. But the ratio of forces between them has changed over the past decades. The role of the leader moved to Germany, the economy of which on the ways of reinductitia is developing more dynamically. The United Kingdom, the former "workshop of the world", has lost their own former positions.

Of the remaining countries of foreign Europe, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Sweden have the greatest economic weight. In contrast to the four main countries, their economy specializes primarily on certain sectors who have conquered, as a rule, European or world recognition.

In the new conditions of the post-pubolar world of the United States, as well as other actors on the world arena, claiming greatness, in a global-strategic plan face not so much with the military-political, as with economic, social, scientific and technical challenges. It is known that it is in these areas that they often lose the race in the competition with the most dynamic subjects of the world community. An example is the new economic giants, who not only catch up with the United States, but in a number of areas are ahead of them. In the field of economics and scientific and technological progress, UES, Germany, Japan, China are rapidly overlooking.

The American market economy model is, for example, for the countries of East Asia with an organic sociocultural tradition less attractive than Western European models (Swedish, German, French, etc.), for which the states are stronger than solidarist, paternalistic elements, the state plays a big role in determining Social and economic strategies. The American idea today challenges the European Idea, a Japanese model, a model of new industrialized countries, as well as other competing models that have a lot of influence on the nature of the relationship between various regional centers of economic, socio-cultural and political relics.

As not without reason, the former NATO General Secretary of NATO Lord Carrington noted, in the period between the Battle of Waterloo (1815) and the beginning of the First World War "Europe not only played a role in world politics, but herself largely personified this world policy."

Indeed, world wars can serve as peculiar milestones in the evolution of the role of Europe in international relations. World War II 1914-1918 - The imperialist war between the two groups of capitalist powers - the Triple Union and Entente - ended with the defeat of Germany and its allies. World War II 1939-1945"War, unleashed by fascist Germany, the fascist Italy and Militarist Japan, for the purposes of the world, also ended with the defeat of its instigators. At the same time under militarism (from FR. Militarisme) understand the system of political, economic and ideological funds used by the ruling circles of one or the state to build up its military power.

As you know, before World War II, Europe was the main center of world politics. But from this war, she came out extremely weakened and in the first and a half or two post-war decades, she was given the role of a kind of confrontation field between two superpowers. Commenting on this situation, the Polish historian O. Khaletsky was not without some exaggeration wrote in 1950 that the history of Europe was completed and replaced from now on the history of the Atlantic Community.

However, the further development of events showed that the old continent has a future. The most far-sighted representatives of European peoples performed for a single Europe, united for the optimal implementation of the goals and aspirations of all its nations and peoples. "The unity of Europe," said Chancellor FRG K. Adenauer in 1954, was a dream of a few. It has become hope for many. Today it is the need for us all. It is necessary for our security, for our freedom, for our existence as a nation and as a spiritual and creative community of peoples. " So gradually gained the idea european integration - the economic and political association of most European countries, which led to the creation of the European Union (EU).

It is also impossible to forget that after World War II, due to certain reasons, the image of Europe, the European idea itself is somewhat swept. If at the end of the XIX century. It seemed that Europe prevails over the world, now, now, wrote the German philosopher K. Yaspers in 1949, "she retreated to America and Russia; The fate of Europe is now depends on their policies - unless Europe is able to unite at the last minute and it will be strong enough to preserve neutrality when the destructive storms of the World War I will disappear over our planet. "

In this context, a lot has been said in the postwar decade that Europe has already lost self-awareness, will to preserve their identity, that Europe is sick and its disease wears a "neurotic" and, therefore, "moral" character. In the late 70s - early 80s. They started talking about "Eurosklerosis" and "Europeanism". Commenting on these sentiments, the chief editor of the magazine "Neye Geellshaft" of the GLOTS wrote in 1985, that if Europe is not collected in the near future, "if the technical and political and economic changes in the 70s will not be taken into account, then the concept of" Europe " It will lose its spiritual content and Europe will be only a small piece of land on the western outskirts of Asia. " With this situation, he said, by the fiftieth anniversary of Yalta, that is, the signing of Yalta-Potsdam agreements, Europe will turn into a museum for American, Russian, Japanese and, possibly, even Chinese tourists.

However, in the same year, the former Minister of External Relations of France R. Duma published an article with the characteristic name "End to the Europeanism", which was touched upon by some political and economic problems Western Europe. He believes that there is no reason for a pessimistic view of its development, and justifies the idea that the United States cannot be considered an absolute model, since the "European Soft Response Model" for emerging problems has its advantages compared to "American rudeness and unpredictability".

On the validity of the position of R. Duma testified that already at that time, the symptoms of the revival of the optimistic faith of Europeans in their destiny and fate, strengthening independence and more and more persistently declaring the identity of Europe. Keeping his special mentality and the spirit inherent in it, Europe plays an important role in modern world. Despite the obvious differences between the regions, countries, the peoples of Europe, they are united by something in common - this is primarily the community of historical destinies, system of values, cultural heritage, etc. It is these phenomena, as fairly emphasized in the book "Metamorphosis of Europe", "allow us to interpret Europe as a cultural and historical community with a single cultural and genetic code, with the characteristic self-comparison and self-knowledge of Europeans."

The paradox is that the EU's activities, on the one hand, reduces the scope of the sovereignty of national states within it, and on the other hand, makes this sovereignty more durable, since the formal legal restrictions imposed by them are compensated by political aspects, in particular, Ultrasound of mutual responsibility.

During the Cold War period, especially in the first decades after World War II, Western Europe appreciated the United States as a political and military counterweight to the Soviet Union, while not wanting to turn into a global policy of Washington's global policy. She opposed the globalization of NATO's activities, mixing his interests as a regional union with the interests of the United States as a world superpower. In the past two or three decades, Europe, as Economic and Scientific and Technological Capacity Building, and the expansion and deepening of integration processes in the UES gained increasing weight and independence. This was especially manifested that during the 70s and 1980s in relations with the United States Europe, everything more confidently passed from relationships, characteristic, as they say, for the relationship between the "senior" and "younger brothers", to the relations of amizer partners. European policy of European politics occasionally manifested itself in some confrontation of European countries with a tough course of Americans in relation to the Soviet Union, in expanding their own dialogue line with him.

Leading figures of European politics were gradually realized that, restoring their economic and military-political power in the 60-70s, Europe in the modern world will play the role of one of several centers of world politics. Moreover, in the multipole world of the existing now (USA, Japan, China) and may arise in the future, Europe giants can defend their interests, being one in the most important areas: economic, technological, security, etc.

Based on the understanding of this reality, European countries have developed and systematically implemented a strategy for the restoration of European priorities and the status of Europe corresponding to its weight and influence in the world community. The trend towards the revival of Europe has become especially obvious with the deployment of the decay processes of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. If quite recently, in the 70s, the thesis on the decline and sunset of Europe, the American challenge, etc., was widely discussed in the intellectual circles of the West, the American challenge, etc., since the beginning of the 1980s, everything was more confident about the revival of Europe, the new European identity, new European dynamization, etc.

Many leading figures of European countries have become increasingly agrees for further political integration and, consequently, giving the supranational authorities of public authority and functions. So, speaking in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 23, 1985 R. von Wezzekker complained about the failure of the authority of the European Parliament. Strengthening his role, spoke Vayzsekker, it is necessary because the European Community "should be not only association of democratic states, but also by the community of citizens, i.e. democratic community. " A "Democracy is legitimized through parliament." Therefore, he argued, the European Community should have the same parliament, which exist in separately taken UES member countries.

And on the eve of the meeting in the top of the EU member countries in Maastricht in December 1991. Almost all German political parties welcomed the initiatives on issues related to the intentions of the formation of general foreign policy and political security for the future European Union. Moreover, the final goal of such a course was seen in the creation of the United States of Europe.

Strengthening the roll in the direction of European policies to Europeanization is more clearly manifested in the buildup of the so-called "European dimension" of defense both in NATO deprants and outside it. Europeans are more frankly express the desire to get out of the union of Washington. They express their willingness to carry a large load and responsibility in resolving conflicts and, accordingly, increase their role in the block and in the international arena. Considerations regarding the feasibility of dismantling the old structures of the Alliance of the Times of the Cold War in order to avoid the dissatisfaction of Russia in case of its expansion to the East. This line clearly manifested itself, in particular, on the Alliance Member Forum in Berlin in June 1996

The whole major role in this context is given to the Western European Union (ZES), which is the military-political alliance of countries Western Europe and considered as the "European Support NATO". In this capacity, he plays the role of a kind of binder between NATO and the European Union. After the Maastricht agreements of 1992, the formation of the European Union of the SES turned into an integral part of the EU, his defense structure. In December 1994, NATO officially approved the activities of the SES on the formation of European security identity. It is currently working on the creation of a regional tactical missile defense system (Pro), designed to defend European countries of the North Atlantic Union on the possible missile attack by third countries. With this development of NATO's events, the role is prescribed not the only one, but one of the two supports of European security.

The formation and functioning of the Institute for Joint Foreign Policy and Safety Policy within the framework of the SES contributes to a decrease in the possibilities of conducting a separate state, which is part of the EU / ZES, a separate policy that contradicts the interests of all members of the Union. This situation serves, among other things, a factor of "taming" and a certain neutralization of possible negative consequences increasing power and influence of Germany. In Europe, they understand that in the united Germany, the node of many European contradictions are laid, an attempt to resolve which can lead to acute conflicts.

In the same context, the steps of the influential forces of the region should also be considered in the direction of the creation of common Western European nuclear forces not dependent on the United States. So, in 1959, F. Malley, who held the post of Secretary of Defense in the Labor Government of Great Britain, proposed to create the United European Strategic Nuclear Forces to overcome the obvious hazards of nuclear anarchy. The main objectives of the alleged structure were, firstly, in order to enable all Member States to participate in the development of nuclear policies and, secondly, to prevent the risk of nuclear weapons and associated non-rattles of resources.

Such appeals were especially frequent after the end of the "Cold War" and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thus, the former Chairman of the EU Commission J. Delor in January 1991 stated: "I can't get rid of the thought that if one fine EU day becomes a very strong political union, nuclear weapons can be transferred to this political power. It is clear that nuclear solidarity lies at the end of the path of European solidarity. "

These trends have gained increasing certainty and persuasiveness with the approach of 1993, when an agreement on the European Union entered into force. It was a qualitatively new stage, from the point of view of European integration. It is noteworthy of the remark of one of the consecutive adherents of the ideas of the American century S. Huntington that, although all over the world, people pushed in queues at the doors of American consulates in the hope of obtaining an immigration visa, in Brussels, whole countries lined up in a queue behind the EU doors, seeking accession to it.

"The federation of democratic, rich, socially diverse countries with a mixed economy - he wrote, - can turn into a powerful force on the world stage. If the next century is not an American age, then most likely it is that he will be the European century. The key world leadership, which moved towards the West across the Atlantic Ocean at the beginning of the twentieth century, can move back in the eastern direction of the century later. "

Thus, Europe retains its potential. From this point of view, the thoughts of those peoples and countries that, after the collapse of the Eastern Block and Totalitarianism, rushed "to Europe", dictated not only to its geographical proximity, but not to a lesser extent and the fact that for many of them it becomes "hail on a hill "The United States shall applied for many generations for many generations. It should be added to this that the end of the "Cold War" put an end to such an abnormal phenomenon as the separation of Europe by the "iron curtain" into two hostile camps. In essence, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the literal sense of the word reunited with Western Europe. The concepts of "Eastern Europe" and "Central Europe" themselves gained their initial political and geographical and geopolitical meaning again.

DETAILED SOLUTION Theme Theme 6 in geography for students of grade 10, authors V.P. Maksakovsky Basic Level 2017

Task 1. Using atlas maps, give the characteristic of the economic and geographical position of one of the countries of foreign Europe (optional). Use a typical plan of the Country EGP characteristic (see Plan on p. 233).

Task 2. With the help of a "business card" of the countries of foreign Europe on the forge of the textbook, specify the characteristic of their state system. Explain why so many constitutional monarchies have survived in one other part of the world as in Western Europe. Apply the republics and monarchies to the contour card. Use also Table. 2 in "applications".

Monarchies in Europe have preserved more in the role of an important part of culture. Modern monarchs of Europe have limited authority or simply perform a ceremonial role.

Task 3. Using the mining card of minerals of foreign Europe in the atlas, compare the countries of the region on wealth and a variety of fuel, ore and non-metallic minerals. Apply a typical plan characteristic of natural prerequisites for the development of the industry of the country (region).

Task 4. Using Fig. 44, give the characteristic of foreign Europe as the main region of immigration of the population. Select countries with mass immigration and emigration of the population. Get out of rice. 44 So many information as possible.

In terms of immigration (people who come to the country), the United Kingdom, France, Germany especially stand out among the countries of the region. The number of foreign workers there exceeds 6 million people, and Germany reaches 10 million people. The main immigration flows go from the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia countries. At the same time, the population migration is observed and within Europe itself. For example, migration for the purpose of employment from the less economically developed European countries (Balkans, Spain, Italy) to more developed, primarily in the UK.

Task 5. Along the map of the peoples of foreign Europe in the Atlas, characterize the spread of the peoples of Indo-European and Ural families. Identify countries with single-altonational, bietary and multinational population.

Almost all nations living in Europe belong to the Indo-European family. The Ural family is represented in Europe only Finns and Estonians.

Task 6. Using Fig. 45 And the physical map of foreign Europe in the atlas, hold the classification of the cities-millionaires of the region according to their EGP. Determine the cities, located: 1) on sea coasts; 2) in the mouths of the rivers; 3) away from the seas, but on shipping rivers; 4) away from the seas. Classification results reflect in the table. In which countries of the capital are nearby from the geographical centers of these countries?

In which countries of the capital are nearby from the geographical centers of these countries?

In Belarus, Spain, Poland.

Task 7. Using the text and drawings of the textbook, atlas maps and tables 22-27 in "Annexes", specify the characteristic of one of the industries of the foreign Europe (optional). Specify the main areas and major centers or main pools, set their distribution by country. In the Figures 21-26, set it from where in foreign Europe, oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, steel are coming into the overseas Europe.

Mechanical engineering is the leading industry in Europe. This industry accounts for 1/3 of all industrial products of the region under consideration and 2/3 of its exports. Mechanical engineering oriented primarily on labor resources, scientific database and infrastructure and most of all burden to major cities and agglomerations. Especially great development received the automotive industry. Marks of cars like Renault (France), Volkswagen and Mercedes (FRG), Volvo (Sweden) are used by world fame. An important feature of the mechanical engineering of foreign Europe is the active penetration of capital of other countries, primarily the United States and Japan. Oil and natural gas go to Europe from the countries of the Persian Gulf (the largest supply flows), Venezuela. Iron Ore comes from Brazil, India, Australia, Canada.

Task 8. Using a map of foreign Europe in the atlas, bring examples of orientation of areas and centers of black metallurgy by: 1) coal pools; 2) iron ore pools; 3) Cargo Cargo traffic and iron ore (including sea).

Examples of orientation of the centers of ferrous metallurgy on: 1) reserves of stone coal (RUR in Germany, Donbass in Ukraine); 2) deposits of iron ore (Lorraine in France, the Urals in Russia); 3) at the intersection of coal and ore streams (Taranto in Italy).

Task 9. Using Fig. 49 Determine the agricultural crops that are most characteristic of countries belonging to the Central and South European types of agriculture. Install similarities and differences. To explain, use the agro-climatic card in the atlas.

For the Middle Eastern Type of Agriculture, the predominance of animal husbandry of dairy and dairy-meat directions, as well as pig breeding and poultry farming. The crop production in this type not only satisfies the main needs of the population in food, but also "works" on animal husbandry. Significant, and sometimes the predominant part of arable land is engaged in feed crops. For the South European Type of C / X, on the contrary, the predominance of crop production is characterized, while animal husbandry plays a minor role. The main place in the crops is occupied by grain crops, but also significant areas are occupied by fruit plantations (citrus, grape plantations, olives, nuts, tobacco, essential oil cultures).

Task 10. Using the text of the textbook and the transport card of foreign Europe in the atlas, schematically apply the main railway highways to the contour card, shipping rivers and sea ports of the region. Give examples of countries with a single center (radial) and multi-center transport network configuration. Think over the reasons for their formation.

Transport chains of individual countries can be a radial (single center) configuration (France) or multicenter (Germany).

Task 11. Using the plans of the central parts of London or Paris in atlas and additional sources of information, prepare a message about cultural and historical sights. Why have they become major tourism centers?

In the center of London there are many attractions. The most famous symbol of London is the hourly tower of the Westminster Palace, which is known more than Big Ben. In the Westminster Palace itself, meetings of the House of Lords and the House of Commons are held. Not far from the abbey is the residence of Her Majesty of the Queen - Buckingham Palace. The shift of Karaula at the Buckingham Palace is one of the most recognizable ceremonies in the world. An important tourist attraction is Trafalgar Square, which is also the geographical center of London. In the center of Trafalgar Square, the column is towers in honor of Admiral Horatio Nelson. Also on the Trafalgar Square in the corners there are posters, three of which are constant, and the fourth pedestal is a platform for modern artists. Over the Trafalgar Square, two more sights of London are towering - this is the London National and Portrait Gallery. Also one of the most important attractions of the London eye is the famous Wheel Review in the center of London. Located in London's eyes five minutes walk from Big Ben. In the center of London is London Tower and next to him Tower Bridge. Tower is the oldest building of London and the treasures of the British crown are kept in it. And the Tower Bridge is the only recruiting bridge over the Thames in London.

London, like Paris, are the oldest cities of Europe, its cultural centers.

Task 12. Make a draft of the two-week vacation in foreign Europe dedicated to meeting the objects of the World Cultural Heritage. Offer one or two options for routes.

European countries have a large number of attractions that are listed by UNESCO World Heritage List. To familiarize yourself with them, you can create 2 routes, one will pass by Northern Europe, Some countries of Central Europe and the UK. The second route will be held by the countries of Central Europe.

1 route (main items):

Suomenlinna Fortress (Helsinki, Finland) - Royal Residence Drochnyngholm (Stockholm, Sweden) - Heianger-Fjord (Norway) - Old shipyard Bergen (Norway) - Castle Kronborg (Denmark) - Rune Stones in Elleing (Denmark) - Windmills in the Kinderdeyk area -Ellshaw (Rotterdam, Netherlands) - House Schröder (Utrecht, Netherlands) - Concentric channels of the XVII century in the quarter of Singlegrht (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - the historic center of Brugge (Belgium) - Gran Place Square in Brussels (Belgium) - Neolithic quarries in Spesen district (Mons, Belgium) - Megalithic Monuments Stonehenge (United Kingdom) - Westminster Palace, Westminster Abbey (United Kingdom) - London Tower (United Kingdom)

2 route (main items):

Palace and Park Complex Radziwilles in Nesvizhi (Belarus) - Mirsky Castle (Belarus) - Belovezhskaya Pushcha (Belarus) - Warsaw Historical Center (Poland) - Auschwitz-Birkenaau Concentration Camp (Auschwitz, Poland) - Royal Salt Mine in Village and Bochnik , Poland) - Krakow's historic center (Poland) - Prague Historical Center (Czech Republic) - Column of St. Trinity in the city of Olomouc (Olomouc, Czech Republic) - Aachen Cathedral (Aachen, Germany) - Cologne Cathedral (Cologne, Germany) - Speair Cathedral ( Schpeier, Germany) - Cathedral of St. Mary and Church of St. Michael in the city of Hildesheim (Germany) - Palaces and Parks Potsdam and Berlin (Germany)

Task 13. Analyze the map of the Ruhr industrial area in the Atlas. Determine the main industries and industrial centers. Which industries belong to the old, what - to the new one?

Rur is one of the most typical old-industrial regions of Europe. In the Ruhr industrial area, a complex complex of industrial industries was formed, including coal, metallurgical, chemical industry, heavy (including military) mechanical engineering, energy and enterprises of many related industries. To new industries that have developed in this region include instrument making, electrical engineering, electronics. The largest industrial centers of the region are Essen, Duisburg, Dortmund, Bochum.

Task 14. Using the "calling card" of the countries of foreign Europe on the Floor of the textbook and the selection of charts on with. 217-219, make a brief message about one of the countries (by your choice).

When preparing a message, you can use answers to task 1 and 15 of this topic.

The Federal Republic of Germany is a state in Central Europe. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 357 408.74 km². The population of 82 million people. By state Device He is a federal state. Germany is a developed country with a very high standard of living.

The level of urbanization of the country is 74%. The largest cities are: Berlin (Capital with a population of 3.5 million people), Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt am Main. In the ethnic composition of the population, the Germans dominate (92%).

Germany does not have significant reserves of any minerals. The exception is only coal mined in the territory of the Ruhrian basin. However, today these resources are limited or exhausted, since they are operated for a long time. Therefore, the country's economy is concentrated mainly on the industrial production and services sector. The basis of the economy (from 70% to 78%) is services, 23-28% - production. The agrosphere is 0.5-1.5% of GDP, which employs the same number of the country's economically active population.

Germany has high-performance agriculture. About 70% of the commercial agricultural products give animal husbandry. Cattle breeding is the main branch of animal husbandry in Germany. Second place in the meaning occupies pig breeding.

Germany is one of the founding countries and a member of the European Union, a member of NATO, is included in the "greater seven."

Task 15. Using atlas maps, apply main industrial centers to the contour card, agricultural areas, transport highways and seaports of one of the countries of foreign Europe (by their choice).

Task 16. Review the material of the textbook of the first textbook and theme 6 "foreign Europe", as well as the tables of "applications" and write down all the information and digital data related to the FRG in the notebook. Use your abstract to more complete the characteristics of the economic and social geography of this country.

The most important feature of the economic and geographical position of the Federal Republic of Germany is the location at the intersection of trans European trade and transport routes of latitudinal and meridional directions, the presence of access to the Baltic and Night seas.

In the form of the Board of the Federal Republic of Germany is the parliamentary republic, and in the form of an administrative-territorial device by a federal state.

According to the total GDP, the country is inferior only to the United States, China, India and Japan, and in terms of GDP indicator from the per capita per capita is among the top ten leading countries of the world.

The structure of the economy suggests that the country is located on the post-industrial stage of development.

In terms of industrial production, Germany occupies the fourth place in the world.

Mechanical engineering focuses on labor resources, scientific base and infrastructure, as well as to major cities and agglomerations. Great Britain, the Czech Republic of this industry is available in almost every city.

Especially great development received the automotive industry. Marks of cars like "Volkswagen" and Mercedes (Germany) are enjoyed by world fame.

In the country, developed black and non-ferrous metallurgy. FROM industry Structure Colored industry highlights the copper industry.

FRG transport network refers to multicenter.

FRG agriculture is distinguished by a high level of mechanization and chemicalization and, accordingly, the same level of the yield of field and garden crops and livestock productivity. The industry is characterized by the predominance of animal husbandry. Dils mainly milk cattle and pigs. Crop production almost fully satisfies the needs of the population in food. Food crops are the greatest value wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar bumps.

The international specialization of Germany is the export of cars, machine tools, industrial equipment, electrical engineering and electronics products, sea ships, chemicals and light industry products.

Task 17. Work in the notebook

17.1. Group countries of foreign Europe according to the following criteria: 1) the territory of the territory; 2) population; 3) the level of urbanization. Make conclusions.

Largest territory

After analyzing the table, it can be concluded that the countries are dominated among the countries of Europe. At the same time, there are a number of dwarf states in Europe. In Europe, there is a part of the largest country in the country - Russia (its European part).

In terms of population

After analyzing the table, it can be concluded that countries with a population of 3 to 20 million prevail among Europe countries. Also among European countries there are countries with a population of more than 20 million people and less than 1 million.

In terms of urbanization

After analyzing the table, it can be concluded that almost all European countries are highly-ribanized. Countries with a percentage of urbanization above 80% are dwarf states and the most economically developed countries of Europe. Also refers to Iceland, the high urbanization of which is caused by the influence of climate. The lower level of urbanization is characteristic of Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula countries.

17.3. Using tables, drawings and text theme 6, determine which countries of the region are included in the top ten countries of the world for the production of individual types of industrial and agricultural products. The resulting data is made in the form of a table.

17.4. Using the textbook material and additional sources of information, describe your virtual journey through the Danu from its origins to the mouth.

Danube is the second for the length of the river in Europe (after the Volga). Often Danube is called the "international" river, as it proceeds through the territory of 10 states: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. The main feature of the Danube is the yellowish-brown color of its water, which is attached to the Danu weighted particles of or streams, washed off from the coastal surface. Therefore, the Danube is considered the most turbid among the largest rivers of Europe. Danube originates in the Black Forest Mountains in Germany. The territory of the water basin, covered by the Danube on all its length, have the most diverse landscape. These are alpine areas with glaciers, medium height rock ridges covered with forest arrays. There are karst platea, devoid of all vegetation, low mountain plateau with river valleys, as well as forest and steppe plains. In the lower current of the Danube branches, and forms an extensive delta, cutting the duct thick network.

17.5. Prepare an oral message about one of the micro-states of Western Europe.

San Marino is one of the smallest states in the world. Located in Southern Europe, from all sides is surrounded by the territory of Italy. San Marino is the oldest state of Europe. Its area is only 60.57 km². The country is entirely located on the southwestern slope of the Monte-Titano mountain range, towering over the hilly plain of the Foreigners of the Apennine. The state of the state is the same name - San Marino, which focuses most of all attractions. The visiting card, as well as the main attraction of San Marino (both cities and the whole country), is considered the medieval complex "Three Towers of San Marino", located on the three vertices of Mount Monte Titano. In the capital, many diverse museums. Despite its tiny sizes, San Marino is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

17.6. Determine the methods of cartographic image on the maps that you used when studying the topic 6. Which of them are new to you?

When drawing up cards on this topic, the following methods were used:

The method of carding grams, with which the structure of the industry can be traced;

Movement signs that are used to show spatial movements of any social, natural or economic phenomena (for example, transport routes, population migration, etc.);

Method of icons (reflection of the volume of production by country);

Method of high quality and quantitative background.

Self-control unit and mutual control

Check knowledge of concrete material:

1. Which of the listed countries of foreign Europe are constitutional monarchies: Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Greece, Germany?

Answer: Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain.

2. Which of the countries listed below are used by the Danube Water Path to enter the sea: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Albania, Romania, Poland, Hungary, FRG?

Answer: From the listed Danube water, let them use Hungary and Serbia to enter the sea, since they do not have access to the sea and the Danubai River plays an important vehicle. In addition, from the listed countries, the Danube occurs through the territory of Croatia, Romania and Germany, but these countries have an open access to the sea, so the Danube waterway has a smaller value than for other countries.

3. Which of the foreign Europe ports listed below are the category of world ports: Oslo, Glasgow, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Marseille, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAthens, Gdansk, Constanta?

Answer: Rotterdam, Hamburg, Marseille, Constanta (more than 50 million tons of cargo are overloaded annually)

4. Which of the areas listed below belong to the number of highly developed: Midland, South Wales, London, Paris, Lorraine, South Germany?

Answer: London, Paris. South Germany (modern highly developed regions).

Find answers to questions in the text textbook:

1. What are specific traits Western European city?

In the center of such (Western European) city is usually the main (market) area with the town hall and the cathedral, from which the narrow streets of the old city with residential buildings, shops and buildings are radially diverge. In the old town, architectural and historical sights are usually preserved. In other parts, modern development prevails.

2. What are the specific features of the fuel and energy economy of Eastern Europe?

In the fuel and energy facilities of most countries of foreign Europe, oil and natural gas, both mined in the region (North Sea), and imported from other countries (Russia) occupied. In Eastern Europe, unlike the countries of Western Europe, the orientation for coal as an energy source (Poland, Czech Republic) is partially preserved. Most of the TPP of the region is focused on coal pools.

3. What is the main difference between the northern and southern parts of overseas Europe for a set of minerals?

In the northern part of the region, both oretable minerals and fuel are common. In the southern part the ore deposits are dominated, and the stocks of fuel resources are much smaller here.

4. What are the characteristic features of the Foreign Europe transport system?

The transport system of the region refers to the Western European type. For the distance of transportation, it is inferior to US and Russia systems. But the provision of the transport network ranks first in the world. It is characterized by a high population of motion, the great importance of international and transit traffic. Automobile transport plays a major role in the transport of passengers and goods.

Use cards for answering questions:

1. In which countries of foreign Europe, the role of the capital does not fulfill the largest city of this country?

Answer: Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, Montenegro, Switzerland.

2. What countries in the region have the greatest population density?

Answer: The greatest population density is characteristic of Monaco (more than 10,000 people / km2). Also high density is characteristic of Malta, San Marino, the Netherlands and Belgium.

3. How can I get from the northern to the Baltic Sea by water, not a ribbie Peninsula of Jutland?

Answer: You can use the Kiel Canal, which connects the Baltic and North Sea. It takes place from the Kiel bay, at the city of Kiel to the mouth of the Elba River, the city of Brunsbuttel.

4. Which industries are most characteristic of industrial areas and assemblies formed: 1) in metropolitan cities; 2) in the cities ports; 3) in coal basins?

For industrial regions, engineering, electronics, food industry are characterized by industrial areas. In cities ports: shipbuilding and ship repair, food industry (fish processing and importing products). In coal basins, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry are developed.

5. What metallurgical plants work on imported raw materials and fuel?

On imported raw materials and fuel, plants are operating in the coastal regions, ports. Such combines are found in Italy (Taranto), in Germany, France, Great Britain.


1. When and why the overseas Europe has become a world center of immigration of the population?

For Europe, the "aging of nations" is characterized, when the share of the elderly population increases and sharply decreases the proportion of people of young and able-bodied age. When applied to this even low birth rates, the demographic problem of Europe becomes clear, which leads to a shortage of labor resources. In this regard, European countries have conducted a policy of attracting immigrants that were interested in moving to more highly developed countries with a high standard of living. However, this situation has changed dramatically in 2015, when there was another European migration crisis. As a result, an increase in the number of warrior in the Middle East and in Syria, as well as the demographic explosion in Africa, the proportion of refugees from these regions sharply increased. In total, more than 1.5 million migrants arrived in Europe during this time (2015-2016).

2. Why in France and the UK there is a sharp advantage of the capital over other cities, and for Germany and Italy it is not characteristic?

These cities (Paris and London) are the oldest political and industrial centers of both countries and Europe as a whole. This is exactly what the advantage of these metropolitan agglomerations over other cities within its countries. In the case of Germany and Italy, their modern capitals were not always political centers. So Rome became the modern capital of Italy only in 1870, and even after that, during the Second World War, the capital was transferred from Rome to other cities.

3. Why in the structure of water consumption of Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Sweden 60-80% falls on the industry, and in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece - to agriculture?

Countries of Southern Europe have more favorable agro-climatic resources in comparison with the countries of Central and Northern Europe. This allows you to actively develop agriculture, a significant part of its products is exported and is an international specialization of countries. In the countries of Central and Northern Europe there are significant reserves of mineral resources, which allows them to develop industry.

4. Why oil monopolies behave exploration and oil production in the North Sea, although its cost is many times higher than in the countries of the Middle and Middle East?

Oil of the Middle and Middle East Despite the low cost requires the cost of delivering this oil to the region. At the same time, many countries are conducting a policy of energy security, during which the purchase of energy resources (including oil) in different countriesTo reduce the dependence of the country's energy security from political and economic issues. Also during this policy, oil production and production is carried out on its territory.

5. Why does Norway have more revenue from fisheries than from agriculture?

Agricultural land in Norway occupy 3% of the country's area, which is a consequence of climatic (low-chip soils) and the orographic features of the country's territory. Almost all the territory of the country is occupied by the Scandinavian mountains, strongly dissected by fjords and cutting deep valleys. Simultaneously with these countries, it has a long coastline and from 3-EXs is washed by seas. In connection with which the fishery developed.

6. Why does the Rhine River turnover exceed all other river systems in the world?

Rhine is the largest river of Western Europe, which proceeds through the territory of such countries as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands. All these countries are among the highly developed countries of the world. Also, the river is shipping for 952 km (to the city of Basel and the Lake Bodeno), which is in aggregate with climatic conditions Region (Rhine does not freeze during the year), allows it to be an essential transport artery of the region. Along the Rhine there are large cities, characterized by a high level of industry.

7. Why was Europe and remains the main area of \u200b\u200binternational tourism?

This region has a rich history and cultural heritage, which is represented by architectural attractions, museums, etc. Also, the region has a variety of recreational resources: mountains, seabed, extensive plains. All this in countertility attracts tourists to this region.

8. Why in depressive old-industrial regions ambientis usually the most threatening?

In the old industrial regions, coal performed the main energy resource. When burning coal into the atmosphere, a large amount of solid particles and carbon dioxide is ejected. The presence of coal attracts ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering, which also affects the state of the environment. All these problems increase as a result of the lengthy existence of these areas, during which the human activity is carried out there.


1. In which of the countries listed below the population speaks in the languages \u200b\u200bof the German Group of Indo-European Family: Italy, Austria, Greece, Germany, Finland, United Kingdom?

Answer: Austria, Germany, United Kingdom.

2. For which countries listed below are characterized by the influx of immigrants: Italy, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland?

Answer: The greatest influx of immigrants is characteristic of Italy, Germany and France.

3. Which of the claims below are correct for the following countries?

Answer: Approval 1 is true for Poland, Hungary, Germany, Italy.

Approval 2 is true for France, Finland.

Approval 3 is true for Switzerland.

Approval 4 is true for Poland, Hungary, France, Finland, Italy.

Approval 5 is true for FRG, Switzerland.

Can you:

2. Determine countries that have land boundaries: 1) only with Germany; 2) only with Spain; 3) with FRG, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia?

Answer: 1 - Denmark and the Netherlands; 2 - Portugal; 3 - Austria.

4. Call the country of foreign Europe, where there is practically no rural population?

Answer: Monaco, Vatican.

5. From the list below to exclude Sneonational countries: Belgium, Spain, Norway, Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom?

Answer: Singo-country countries - Norway, Portugal, Germany.

Choose the correct answer:

1. France borders C: a) three countries; b) five countries; c) six countries.

Answer: France borders with 7 countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Andorra.

2. The largest urban agglomeration of foreign Europe: London, Paris, Rhine-Rurassic, Dutch.

Answer: Paris agglomeration.

3. From the capital cities in the region on the sea coast: Madrid, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Prague, Sofia, Athens.

Answer: Stockholm, Copenhagen, Athens.

4. Most of all oil in foreign Europe is mined in: Spain, Austria, Norway, Great Britain, Romania, Albania.

Answer: In Europe, Norway is most of all oil (in the world rankings 13th place as of 2016 according to OPEC).

Find out the country:

1. Island country of Western Europe, in the past distinguished mass emigration in the United States. Member of the European Union. Specializes in milk animal husbandry.

Answer: Ireland.

2. Country located on the peninsula in Northern Europe. It is a constitutional monarchy. Specializes in mechanical engineering, the production of ferrous metals, forest and woodworking industry.

Answer: Sweden.

3. The country, which is a confederation of 26 independent administrative units, whose population speaks in four state languages.

Answer: Switzerland.

Introduction................................................. .................................................. ................................. 3.

The overall characteristic of foreign Europe .............................................. ................................ 3.

1. Territory, borders, position ........................................... ................................................ 3.

2. Natural conditions and resources ............................................ .................................................. .. four

3. Population: reproduction, migration, national composition, urbanization ................. 5

4. Farm: place in the world, differences between countries ....................................... ..................... 7.

5. Industry: main industries ............................................ ........................................... eight

6. Agriculture: Three main types .......................................... ...................................... eleven

7. Transport: Main highways and nodes .......................................... ..................................... 13

8. Science and Finance: Research Parks and Banking Centers ..................... 14

9. Recreation and tourism: the main tourist region of the world ........................................ ................... fourteen


Foreign (with respect to the CIS countries) Europe covers an area of \u200b\u200b5.1 million km 2 with a population of 500 million people (1995). There are about 40 sovereign states related to the generality of historical fate, close political, economic and cultural relations. Foreign Europe is one of the foci of world civilization, the birthplace of great geographical discoveries, industrial coups, urban agglomerations, international economic integration. And although, as you already know, the era of "Eurocentrism" went into the past, this region and in our days occupies a very important place in world politics and economics.

General Characteristics of Foreign Europe

1. Territory, borders, position.

The territory of foreign Europe extends from north to south (from about. Svalbard to about. Crete) by 5 thousand km, and from west to east by more than 3 thousand km. Among European countries there are more and less large, but most of them are relatively small.

The economic and geographical location of the countries of foreign Europe is determined by two main features.

First, the neighboring position of these countries in relation to each other. With relatively small sizes of the territory, the small "depth" and good transport "passability" these countries are either directly bordered, or divided into minutes. In addition, their borders take place mainly by such natural borders that do not create significant obstacles for transport links.

Secondly, the seaside position of the overwhelming majority of countries, many of which are located near the busiest sea routes. In the western part of the region, there is no place removed from the sea by more than 480 km, east - 600 km. The whole life of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece since ancient times is closely connected with the sea, "the daughter of the sea" - so we can say about each of them.

Political map of the region during the XX century. He undergone large changes three times: after the first and second world wars and in recent years (the union of Germany, the acquisition of independence by the Baltic countries, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, a change in the public system in Eastern Europe).

In foreign Europe, both the republics and monarchies as unitary and federation states are represented.

2. Natural conditions and resources.

Natural prerequisites for industry of foreign Europe have developed under the great effect of the placement of minerals. However, their composition in the northern (platform) and southern (folded) parts of the region differs significantly.

In the northern part, both ore minerals are common, associated with the Baltic shield and the zone of Gercinskaya folding and fuel, "tied" primarily to the sedimentary cover of the platform and its regional deflection.

Among the coal pools, the Ruruga in Germany and the Upper-Silesian in Poland are especially highlighted in Poland, among the oil and gas - Severnorsky, among the iron ore - Larring in France and Kiruna in Sweden.

Ore deposits of both magmatic and sedimentary (bauxite) origin prevailed in the southern part, but the stocks of fuel resources are significantly less. Such a tectonic structure of the territory is largely explained by the "noncompleteness" of a set of minerals in individual countries.

The hydropower resources of foreign Europe are quite large, but it falls mainly to the districts of the Alps, Scandinavian and Dinar Mountains.

Natural prerequisites for the region's agriculture relatively favorable and are widely used for many centuries. As a result, reserves for the expansion of the land processed are almost already exhausted, and the "load" increases on them. Therefore, small seaside countries, and above all, the Netherlands continue the offensive for coastal seas.

In the Netherlands for many centuries, with the help of dams and dams by the Sea, almost 1/3 of the entire country.

No wonder there is a saying here: "God created the earth, and the Dutch is Holland." The drainage of Lake Eiselmer, formerly by the Sea Bay, and the implementation of the so-called "delta plan", is completed, and the implementation of the so-called "delta plan".

The agroclimatic resources of the region are determined by its position in moderate, and in the south - in subtropical belts. In the Mediterranean, sustainable agriculture needs artificial irrigation. Most of all irrigated lands in Italy and Spain.

Sweden and Finland possess the greatest natural prerequisites for forestry and Finland, where typical forest landscapes are dominated: forests cover lowlands and hills, river banks and lakes, approach settlements. No wonder they say: "Finland without a forest, that the bear without wool."

Foreign Europe also has large and varied natural recreational resources.

3. Population: reproduction, migration, national composition, urbanization.

Recently, the population of foreign Europe began to grow very slowly. As you already know, it is explained by the fact that for the reproduction of the population of the region, a complex demographic situation is characterized. In some countries, there is even a natural settlement of the population. At the same time, the population of the population is also changing, the share of older people is growing.

All this led to a sharp change in the region's share in the global system of external population migrations. The main source of emigration since the great geographical discoveries from the time of the great geographical discovery was turned into the main world focus of labor immigration. Now there are 12-13 million foreign workers here, a significant part of which is in the position of non-citizens, but the time of guests-workers (in German "Migrant workers").

According to the national composition, the population of foreign Europe is relatively homogeneous: the overwhelming majority of the 62 peoples of the region refers to the Indo-European language family. At the same time, the relatives of the Slavic, Romanesque, German groups have significant traits of similarities. The same is characteristic of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Ural family. Nevertheless, the ethnic map of the region, which folded for thousands of years, is not so simple. Along with Sneonational, there are many states with a complex national composition, in which the extension of interethnic relations has recently been observed; An example of this kind can serve Yugoslavia.

In all countries of foreign Europe, the dominant religion is Christianity. Catholicism is sharply dominated in Southern Europe, in North - Protestantia; And in the middle, they are in different ratios. The world center of Catholicism is located in Rome - Vatican.

Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. At the same time, the placement of the population in it is primarily determined by the geography of cities. The level of urbanization here is one of the highest in the world: on average 73% live in cities, and in some countries more than 80% and even 90% of the total population. The total number of cities is measured by many thousands, and their network is very thick. Gradually, for thousands of years, the Western European type of the city has developed, whose roots rise to the times of the Roman Empire and Middle Ages.

The characteristic feature of the urbanization of foreign Europe ~ a very high concentration of the population in large cities and urban agglomerations, which are more here than in the United States and Japan together. The largest of them are London, Parisian and Rhine-Rurassic. In the 70s. After the period of the rapid growth of cities and agglomerations, the outflow of the population began in their centers (nuclei) first in the neighboring and distant suburbs, and then to more distant small towns and to the countryside ("green wave"). As a result, the number of residents in the central regions of London, Paris, Hamburg, Vienna, Milan and many other cities either stabilized, or even began to decline. This process received in science the name of suburbanization.

According to forecasts, the level of urbanization in the region by the end of the XX century. May increase to 85%.

4. Economy: Place in the world, differences between countries.

Foreign Europe, as a holistic region, ranks first in the global economy in the size of industrial and agricultural production, on the export of goods and services, in the reserves of gold and currency, on the development of international tourism.

It is clear that the economic power of the region, first of all, determine the four countries that are included in the "greater seven" of the Western countries - Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy. It is these countries that have the widest complex of various industries and industries. But the ratio of forces between them has changed over the past decades. The role of the leader moved to Germany, the economy of which on the ways of reinductitia is developing more dynamically. The United Kingdom, the former "workshop of the world", has lost their own former positions.

Of the remaining countries of foreign Europe, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Sweden have the greatest economic weight. In contrast to the four main countries, their economy specializes primarily on certain sectors who have conquered, as a rule, European or world recognition. Small and medium countries are particularly widely drawn into world economic relations. The highest level of the economy has reached in Belgium and the Netherlands.

A special place in the economy map of the region is occupied by the countries of Eastern Europe, where from the late 80s. There is a transition from the former system of social property and centralized planning to a system based on market principles.

5. Industry: main industries.

The "face of" foreign European in the international geographical division of labor for more than 200 years was determined, and now still largely determined by the development of industry.

The region produces more metalworking machines, industrial robots, accurate and optical instruments, cars, tractors, petroleum products, plastics, chemical fibers than the United States.

Mechanical engineering is the leading industry in the industry of foreign Europe, which is his homeland. This industry accounts for 1/3 of all industrial products of the region and 2/3 of its exports.

Mechanical engineering, oriented primarily on labor resources, a scientific base and infrastructure, most of all to major cities and agglomerations, including the capital. But at the same time, for each of the numerous sub-sectors of the most engineering, their characteristics of the orientation are typical.

In the UK, the development of electrical engineering, electronics, instrument making, the aircraft and space industry is distinguished by the area of \u200b\u200bLondon, the development of machine-tooling and automotive industry - the Birmingham region, textile engineering - the area of \u200b\u200bManchester, shipbuilding area - Glasgow District.

One of the largest industrial assemblies of foreign Europe is the capital of Hungary Budapest, where more than 0.5 million people are employed in this industry. It produces more than 1/3 of all industrial products of the country.

But there are also areas and even whole countries in which mechanical engineering is very dispersed. In Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic of this industry are available in almost every city.

Chemical industry in foreign Europe ranks second after mechanical engineering. In particular, this refers to the most "chemist" country not only of this region, but also the whole world - Germany.

Until World War II, the Chemical Industry was focused mainly on the stone and brown coal, potash and cook salts, pyrites and was placed in areas of their production. The reorientation of the industry for hydrocarbon raw materials led to the fact that it moved "to oil." In the western part of the region, this shift found an expression primarily in the emergence of large petrochemical centers in the estuary of the Thames, Seine, Rhine, Elbe, Rhines, where this industry is combined with oil refining.

The largest node in the region of petrochemical industries and the refinery was formed in the estuary of the Rhine and Shelda in the Netherlands, in the Rotterdam area. In fact, he serves all Western Europe.

In the eastern part of the region, the shift "to oil" led to the creation of refined refinery and petrochemical plants on the tracks of the main oil and gas pipelines.

The main oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary were built on the highway of the international oil pipeline "Friendship" and gas pipelines for which oil and natural gas are coming. In Bulgaria for the same reason, petrochemistry "shifted" to the coast of the Black Sea.

In the fuel and energy facilities of most countries of foreign Europe, oil and natural gas, mined both in the region (North Sea) and imported from developing countries, have been occupied. Mining and consumption of coal in the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands declined sharply. In the eastern part of the region, the orientation for coal is still preserved, and not so much on the stone (Poland, Czech Republic), how much to the brown. Perhaps all over the world there is no other area where brown coal would play such a big role in the fuel and energy balance.

The largest rugged basins in Foreign Europe are located in Poland (Belkhatuv), the Czech Republic (North Czech) and Germany (Nizhne-Lauzitsky, Galle Leipzig).

Most TPPs are focused on coal pools. But they are also built in seaports (on imported fuel) and in major cities. An increasing impact on the structure and geography of the electric power industry - especially in France, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria - has a construction of nuclear power plants, which in the region are already over 80 (see Figure 51). On the Danube and his tributaries, on Rhine, Rhine, Duero built hydroelectric power plants or integers of their cascades.

The largest of the hydrouds on the Danube was built at the beginning of the 70s. In the gorge of the Iron Gate to the joint efforts of Romania and Yugoslavia. Power of hydropower plants - 2.1 million kW, electricity generation - 11 billion kWh per year.

The Metallurgical Industry of Foreign Europe was mainly formed before the start of the HTR era. Black metallurgy has been developed primarily in countries with metallurgical fuel and (or) raw materials, FRG, Great Britain, France, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Czech Republic.

The South Metallurgical Base of Poland was formed on the basis of the Upper-Silesian coal basin. It includes about two dozen factories, and including two very large combines - "Huta-Krakow" and "Katowice".

After World War II, large metallurgical plants were built or expanded in seaports with the orientation of imports of a higher-quality and cheap iron ore and scrap metal.

The largest and most modern of the combine, built in seaports, is located in Taranto (Italy). Its capacity is more than 10 million tons of steel per year.

Recently, not large plants are built predominantly, but mini-plants.

The most important sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy are aluminum and copper industry. Aluminum production arose both in countries with Boxitov reserves (France, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Greece) and in countries where there is no aluminum raw materials, but a lot of electricity (Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Austria) is produced. Recently, aluminum plants are increasingly focused on raw materials from developing countries by sea.

The copper industry has gained the greatest development in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Yugoslavia.

The forest industry, oriented primarily on sources of raw materials, has become a branch of the international specialization of Sweden and Finland, which have long been forming the main "forest shop" of the region.

The light industry with which, as you already know, the industrialization of foreign Europe began, largely lost its former importance. Of course, old textile areas that have formed at the dawn of the industrial revolution (Lancashire and Yorkshire in the UK, Flanders in Belgium, Lyon in France, Milansky in Italy), and also emerged in the XIX century. The Lodz region of Poland exists today. But recently, the light industry is shifted to South Europe, where there are also reserves of cheap labor. So, Portugal has become hardly at the main "garment factory" of the region. And Italy for the production of shoes is inferior only to the United States.

In many countries, rich national traditions in the production of furniture, musical instruments, glass products, metal, jewelry, toys, etc. are also preserved.

6. Agriculture: Three main types.

According to the main types of agricultural products, most countries fully ensure their needs and are interested in selling it in foreign markets. After the Second World War in their agricultural, there were significant changes related to the transition from the universal small one in the systemile degradation and land use peasant farm To a large specialized high-pressure household included in the agribusiness system. The main type of agricultural enterprise has become a large high-mechanized farm. But in Southern Europe, landowners and fine land use of tenant peasants are still dominated.

The main branches of agriculture of foreign Europe are crop production and animal husbandry that are common everywhere, combining each other. Under the influence of natural and historical conditions, three main types of agriculture have developed in the region: 1) North European, 2) Middle Eastern and 3) South European.

For the Northern European Type, which is common in Scandinavia, Finland, as well as in the UK, is characterized by the predominance of intense dairy animal husbandry, and in the serving crop-feed crops and gray breads. The Middle Eastern Type is distinguished by the predominance of animal husbandry of dairy and dairy-meat direction as well as pig breeding and poultry.

A very high level has reached animal husbandry in Denmark, where it has long been a branch of international specialization. This country is one of the world's largest manufacturers and exporters of oil, milk, cheese, pork, eggs. No wonder it is often called the "dairy farm" of Europe.

The crop production not only satisfies the main needs of the population in food, but also "works" on animal husbandry. Significant, and sometimes the predominant part of arable land is engaged in feed crops.

For South European Type, a significant predominance of crop production is characterized, while animal husbandry plays a minor role. Although the main place in the crops occupy grain crops, the international specialization of southern Europe is determined primarily by the production of fruits, citrus, grapes (which from ancient times serves as a symbol of fertility and abundance), olives, almonds, nuts, tobacco, essential cultures. The coast of the Mediterranean Sea is the main "garden of Europe".

The entire Mediterranean coast of Spain and especially the Valencia district is usually called "Werta", i.e., "Garden". There are various fruits and vegetables, but most of all are oranges, the collection of which continues from December to March. According to the export of oranges, Spain ranks first in the world.

Fisheries has long been a branch of international specialization in Norway, Denmark and especially in Iceland.

7. Transport: Main highways and nodes.

The regional transport system of the region refers mainly by the Kzapaffee Type. For the range of transport, it is much inferior to US and Russia systems. But the provision of the transport network is far ahead, ranking first in the world. Very high and density of movement, the role of international and transit traffic is great. Relatively small distances stimulated the development of road transport, which now plays the main role in transportation not only passengers, but also goods. Net railways Most countries are reduced, and large new buildings in the 50s - 70s. Characterized only for some Eastern European countries (Poland, Yugoslavia, Albania).

The configuration of the region's transport network is very complex. But its main framework form highways of latitudinal and meridional directions that have international importance.

River paths also have a Meridional (Rhine) or a latitudinal (Danube) direction. Especially great transport value of the Rhine, according to which 250 - 300 million tons of cargo is transported per year. After commissioning the Waterway, Rhine - Main - Danube, who connected both the most important water artery of foreign Europe, it should increase significantly.

In places of intersection of land and inland waterways, large transport hubs have arisen. Essentially, these nodes are marine ports serving primarily international transport. Many world ports (London, Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Havre) are located in the mouths-estuariums of rivers that connect them with deep districts. All of them actually turned into uniform porto-industrial complexes. They are characterized by the development of sectors and especially the so-called "port industries", working on imported, overseas raw materials. The largest of them - Rotterdam.

Cargo turnover of the Rotterdam port is 250 - 300 million tons per year. Located on one of the Rhine sleeves, 33 km from the sea, it serves as the main marine gates for many European countries. With deep districts, it is connected by waterways along the Rhine and Moshlin, iron and road roads, oil and gas wires.

Transport networks of individual countries have either a radial (single center) configuration, as in France, where "all roads lead to Paris", or a multicenter, such as in Germany.

8. Science and Finance: Research Parks and Banking Centers.

According to the "Silicon Valley" in the United States in Russia, many research parks also emerged, which already largely determine the geography of the science of a number of countries. The largest of them are in the vicinity of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Munich (Germany). In the south of France, in the area of \u200b\u200bNice, the so-called "Valley of High Technology" is formed.

In foreign Europe there are 60 of the 200 largest world banks. The standard of banker countries has long been Switzerland for a long time:

in the safes of its banks lie half of all securities of the world. The "Economic Capital" of the country - Zurich is especially allocated. Recently, Luxembourg turned into a banker country. But still London remains the largest financial center.

9. Recreation and tourism: the main tourist region of the world.

As you already know, overseas Europe is the main area of \u200b\u200binternational tourism. "World Recordsman" on tourism - France, which more than 50 million people visits annually; This means that for each Frenchman there is approximately one visit to a foreigner! Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Greece also belong to the number of the most popular tourist countries. And in such microcut states as Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, tourist service has long served as the main source of income. Here, for each resident there is a hundred tourists.

In foreign Europe, the most widely represented by tourist - the Corecake areas of the two types - seaside and mountainous.

The main area of \u200b\u200bseaside tourism is the Mediterranean, which is attended annually from 100 to 150 million people. The coast of the Laguriy Sea is especially popular, where the Côte d'Azur (Riviera) is protected from the North Alps, the Adriatic Sea coast in Croatia, the Spanish coast, the Balearic Islands.

The main area of \u200b\u200bmountain tourism is the Alps. The lower belt of the mountains is mainly used for the treatment and pedestrian tourism, medium-for skiing, top - for mountaineering.

Along with countries, "selling their climate", tourists and holidaymakers attract the "old european stones" - the sights of its cities. Paris, Rome, Madrid (see Figure 55) became a kind of "Tourist Mecca" (see Figure 55), where in July - August of local residents, probably less than visitors. Many tourists are also available in London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Dresden, Prague, Budapest, Venice, Naples, Athens.

10. Environmental protection and environmental problems: overcoming the threat.

As a result of high population density, long-standing industrial and agricultural development of the territory

the natural environment of foreign Europe has mostly become a geographical environment of human society. All types of anthropogenic landscapes are widespread here. But at the same time it led to the exacerbation of many environmental and environmental problems.

All countries of the region conduct state environmental policies and take more and more decisive measures to protect the environment. Strict environmental laws were published, mass community organizations and the Green Party emerged, propaganda use of bicycles has been underway, a network of national parks and other protected areas has been expanded.

All this led to the first positive results. But nevertheless, in many countries, the environmental situation still remains difficult. First of all it applies to the UK, Germany, Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic.

In the 80s. In Poland, 27 aroles of increased environmental hazards were allocated, in which 35% of the country's population lives. The ancient city of Krakow, in which the Metallurgical Plant largest in Poland is located, was declared an environmental disaster.

In general, the ecological situation in the eastern part of foreign Europe is much worse than in Western.

Theme lesson: 10 General characteristics Foreign Europe

Objectives lesson: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the EGP of Europe, the population and the natural resource potential of foreign Europe.

develop the ability to listen to a lecture and record the abstract of the lesson material, analyze cartographic and statistical materials, to draw up schemes, compare and summarize, review, amount to annotations. Consign the skills of collective work, the ability to draw out the answers of individual students in the form of a single answer.

Lesson content:

Material and technical and didactic lesson equipment: computer, presentation slides, abstracts.

Teaching methods:

by the source of knowledge : verbal, visual, practical;

in terms of cognitive activity : Information and receptive, reproductive

Structure lesson

Stage lesson


Stage content

1. Organizational

1.5 min

Preparation for the lesson;


2. Checking home preparation

10 min

Student response at the board;

Cross survey of students

3. Preparation for the study of new material

2 minutes

Student Answers for Supporting Questions

Message Topics and Objectives

4. Statement of new material

25 min

Explanation of the topic "General Characteristics of Foreign Europe"

5. Fastening a new material

5 minutes

Knowledge and skills

6. Summing up the lesson

1 min

Message to achieve the objectives of the lesson;

Voice and put students assessment for work at the lesson

7. Issuing homework

0.5 min

Recording students d / s


45 min.

Lesson content:

1. The organizational stage (1.5 min.):

Preparation for the lesson;

Mark present in the journal;


2. Ready to explore the new material (2 minutes.):

Assign Supporting Questions:

1. How does the role of European states in modern global political, economic and cultural processes?

2. Name European leading countries for mining.

3. What features of the age and sexual structure of the population of Europe are you known?

4. With the features of the population settlement in the region ?

Report the topic and purpose of the lesson.

4. Displaying a new material (25 min.):

1. Easy and role of foreign Europe in the world.

Many centuries in a row this region was in the center of world development. Starting from the Renaissance, since the times of great geographical discoveries, Europe performed as the most dynamic continent. The rapidly developed productive forces, culture, science. In the 20th century, Europe survived very dramatic events. At the same time, there was a noticeable weakening of positions in the global economy. Leadership passed to the United States. However, today Europe remains one of the centers of economic power in the modern world.

2. The benefitment of the geographical position of the region.

Europe includes 40 states. According to the geographical principle, it is customary to divide into subregions. EGP is determined by the seaside position, neighbor.

The task . Highlight + and - (favorable and unfavorable features of EGP Europe)

3. History of formation of its political card . Read page 180.

Read the textbook text Maxakovsky in P Page 180

tell us about changes in the political map of the region over the 20th century.

The political consolidation of the region contributes to the activities of the OSCE, the composition includes 53 countries. And the Council of Europe and the NATO Block plays the increasing role.

The task. With the help of the tutorial, specify the characteristic of their state system.

Republics Examples of countries

Monarchy examples of countries

4. Scarce features of natural resource potential, population and farm.

The task. Identify what natural resources Europe is provided. Work in groups.

View of the resource






FRG, United Kingdom


Brown coal

FRG, United Kingdom

Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic


Great Britain





Iron ore



Aluminum ores



Potash salts










Weakly secured



Weakly secured















Population: reproduction, migration, national composition, urbanization.

The task . Fill the scheme:

For Europe, a complex demographic situation is characteristic.

Task by atlas "Reproduction of the population" page 10

Find countries that are leaders in fertility rates, mortality, natural growth. What conclusion can be made about the reproduction of the population of Europe.

In which countries is the demographic problem?

National composition. Remember which countries are called single-altonational, multinational? Which countries belong to each group?

The task . Using the textbook text from 180. Complete the task number 4- migration, 5-peoples, 6 s. 216.

The task . With the help of atlas cards, divide the countries of Europe by urbanization level

5. Reflowing new material (5 minutes)

1. Give an assessment of EGP Europe and its impact on the development of the region?

2. What is the peculiarity of the national composition of Europe?

3. What changes occurred on a political map of Europe in the 90s of 20 century?

4. How does insufficient provision of fuel resources manifest?

6.Instation of the results of the lesson (1 min)

Achieving lesson goals;

Sound and put students with appreciation for work in the lesson.

7. Homework (0.5 min). Tutorial: Page 179-186.

Independent work . "Hot Points" on the map of the Foreign Europe.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state