
State Device Bhutan. "In the state of the inner world between people, not so much differences Bhutan

The fact that the Ministry of Happiness appeared in Bhutan, there is nothing surprising. In this country, there are tantric buddhism (based on meditation and self-development) and state level Care about the happiness of every citizen. There is even such a generally accepted concept as a gross domestic product, replaced against gross national happiness.

The activities of the Ministry of Happiness are fixed9 articles of the Constitution of Bhutan, and the level of satisfaction of the population is regularly verified. Including, asking each during the census of the population, as far as he is happy. And they do it not for a tick, but to know where else to modify.

Although the authorities of Bhutan are doing so much for their citizens. The country is forbidden to use chemical fertilizers, hunting animals and cut down the forest. And such a policy brings its results:in 2015, 45.2% of the inhabitants of Bhutan said that "very happy", and 51.6% are simply "happy." "Not very happy" turned out to be only 3.3%.

A positive example of Bhutan inspired neighboring India. Last summer, the country announced the creation of the Ministry of Happiness in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

"The staff will take responsibility for the happiness and tolerance of their citizens, - said Minister Madhyia Pradesh Singh Shihanii Choran. - And wewe will make sure that psychologists explain to people how to stay happy. "

The new ministry has already proposed to 70 social programs, including yoga classes, spiritual development, meditation, art courses and free religious pilgrimages for the elderly.

Also make a happy every of your citizen plan United Arab Emirates. About a year ago, Emir Dubai Sheikh Mohammed reported in his Twitter on creating a ministry of happiness, which will be engaged in creating a public good and improving the level of satisfaction of the population. At the same time, the public reaction was not so predictable as it would be assumed. Some social network users frankly raised the initiative of the state. They say that it can still improve the new minister in the country where everything is fine.

But where is a really unpached field, so it is in South America. Similar institutions already operate in Venezuela and Ecuador. Do they benefit - the question is open. It is unlikely that one ministry can radically change the situation in the country with an acute deficit of essentials and ever-growing inflation, as in the case of Venezuela, or with corruption and unemployment, as in Ecuador.

Should the state take care of their citizens? Of course. Is one ministry able to change someone else psychological state without improving living conditions? Unlikely. The positive experience of Bhutan is rather connected with the activities of the Ministry of Happiness, but with attitudes towards people.

It is likely that vanity and chaos in the lives of people would be a serious threat to our planet, if it were not for the reliable counterpart of peace of mind and peace, which remains in some corners on Earth. One of these corners is a small Himalayan state - the kingdom of Bhutan. This kingdom remains a mysterious territory that attracts more and more travelers. The country recently opened its doors for foreigners and does it carefully. Foreign citizens Must be, in addition to a visa, pay for the duty, approximately 250 dollars a day. Thus, the Himalians, limiting the flow of tourists, protect nature and culture inherent in butane. A trip to Bhutan is a chance that is provided once in life!

Happiness is silence in the shower. This is the sincere conviction of the inhabitants of the kingdom of Bhutan. And silence in the shower - when you do not have any desires.

Bhutan is located in Himalayas between China and Northeast India. In Bhutan - a constitutional monarchy, religion - tantric Buddhism. On an area of \u200b\u200babout 47 thousand square meters. KM lives about 700,000 people, mainly rural residents. About 60% of the territory of Bhutan is occupied by national parks and reserves.

In a hard-to-reach mining country there are no minerals. Apparently, for this reason, no large state made Bhutan territory of its interests.

Butancans love their young 36-year-old king. He married "love" on a young student. The king is constantly driving around the country and is interested in how people live. Therefore, many buttans can say that they met him personally. Still in Bhutan love the great guru Ripopoche and Shabdrung Ngavang Namgyala. The first - in the middle of the eighth century began to preach Buddhism on the lands of Bhutan. The second - in the 17th century defended the integrity of the country and built a lot of well-protected monasteries - Dzong. In the kingdom, Bhutan love all living things: a person, including snow in one of the reserves, delicious nature and animals. Buddhism recognizes the murder of an animal with mortal sin. Judging by the number and variety of the animal world in Bhutan, even predators adhere to this strict rule.

The inhabitants of Bhutan move along the mountains along with long-haired bulls by Yaki, which have a unique gift to unmistakably find a narrow mountain path under the layer of snow. European tourists who joined the caravan were surprised that every night, liberated from heavy nosha, Yaki without a taught was released in the mountains. The next day, Yakov were collected until noon. Our Europeans received a truly Buddhist answer that each living being has the right to at least temporary freedom.

Human happiness researchers recognize Bhutan the most happy country in the world. It sounds implausible, but the most important ministry of Bhutan is the Ministry of Happiness. And in the royal family sincerely believed, the happiness of the inhabitants of Bhutan is much more important than growth Gross domestic product. Butane is a place in which the desire for happiness should be every person. The Commission on National Happiness was specially educated, which during the census of the population is interested in how happy the residents of the state. According to the latest census data, only 3.3% of citizens do not consider themselves too happy.

It is very curious that instead of GDP (internal gross product) in Bhutan uses VNS (gross national happiness). The Ministry of Happiness is impossible to meet anywhere else on Earth, only in this amazing country. It turns out that the national policy in this country manages happiness.

This country is truly unique and wonderful, because people are really happy here. There is no unrest, malice and poverty. Everywhere you can meet friendly and ready to communicate people. Here they are idle and honor their ancestors. Local culture and traditions are highly appreciated.

Yul friend - so residents of Bhutan call their homeland, which means "the country of the Thunder Dragon". The dragon himself lives on the sacred mountain Jomolhari and feeds on snow and ice from mountain peaks. Good monster in Bhutan see everything except tourists.

In the country of monks and monasteries, the ancient culture of Tibet is preserved. The age of a novice monk is 6-9 years old.

Bhutan holidays marked Buddhist rites and dances in masks. Anyone can take part in the holiday and make photos for memory. If you want to get away from the noise and fun - go to the east of the country to admire a more calm festival, such as the Mighar Festival.

Dzondi, these majestic monasteries scattered throughout the country are religious, political and administrative centers impressive with their beauty and geographical position. The most mythical is Punakha Dzong, Trongsa-Dzong and Paro Dzong.

There are no locks in Bhutan, and the doors are not locked. From the evil influence of the unclean strength of the house of Button, the amulets protect the amulets. In Pain national form Sports archery Buttones are superior to rivals on world competitions. In the bright time, the nights are required to wear national clothes to not lose their culture. Smoking in Bhutan is prohibited back in the 17th century, and in 2004 a ban and for sale tobacco was introduced. There are no happiness in the country and homeless people.

In the usual routine of people there are no accurate time limits. If the caravan goes into the mountains, then "for a long time".

The vegetarian lifestyle is inherent in many inhabitants of Bhutan. Religion does not allow residents to kill living beings. To decorate your trip, you need to try the kitchen of Bhutan. It would be a shame to leave without trying a typical dish, such as "Ema Datsi". A peculiar genus of casserole based on cheese and paprika. Although the food of Button often vegetarian, you will always find in the meat (beef, pork, poultry) with white or red rice and vegetables as a side dish. Meat in the country is imported, or used from the dead, either the animal and birds scored by a special way (a special license for this is issued by the Hindu living in Bhutan). And, of course, everything is accompanied by tea, which is put sugar, milk or, as in Tibet, oil and salt!

The importation of chemical fertilizers for plant crops into the country is not allowed. Here you can find only environmentally friendly and natural products. The forests are not cut here, on the contrary, people plant trees. The terrain of this state has not yet been studied. There are such areas that still remain intact man.

The ban on cutting down forests and hunting for animals, plays a big role in the fact that nature still keeps his initial View. Despite this, everyone has everything necessary for life: food, clothes and everything else. Streets are distinguished by their crystal purity. In comparison, even the net streets of European countries do not go. In Bhutan, trash thoroughly sort.

Tourism in Bhutan was resolved since 1974, and before that, the guests of the country could be, only having a personal invitation of the King or Queen.

The best time to visit Bhutan - between October and April, so as not to get into the summer monsoon. Winter, perhaps quite harsh. The best solution It remains autumn or spring to take advantage of a pleasant climate. Lovers of the Himalayan landscapes will be fascinated by beautiful mountainous species. They will also reveal that Bhutan is a real shelter Rhododendrons!

50 years ago, Bhutan lost in Himalayas did not have external connections. Today, the country's guests are needed roads, service and communication. Therefore, progress does not pass Bhutan, although the main thing is for the country - to preserve Buddhist values, cleanliness in the thoughts of her people and pristine freshness ambient. The construction of highways in Bhutan began half a century ago. There are no marking on high highways, road signs - a rarity, the country does not know traffic lights. To comply with the safety, the permissible speed of movement is 15 km per hour. Railways So far only in projects. Telephone communications Appeared in Bhutan at the end of the last century, television - in 1999. The television has become a shock for Button, which were not ready for avalanche of new information and paintings by violence. Fights began in Bhutan schools!

Airport in Paro - the only one in Bhutan, is located in the mountain gorge, where, when taking off, the plane must virtually no acceleration over the mountains, because The runway breaks down with a sheer mountain. Only a few pilots in the world have the right to land and take off in Paro.

And yet, Buddhism or communism? Bhutan is a country of smiling people. They rejoice that they have. After visiting Bhutan, tourists from the countries of the former Soviet Union remember that once heard about such a lifetime. And after all, we "have passed it" in school. Such a life structure is nothing but utopian communism. But in a developed human civilization, it is only a beautiful dream!

Recently, scientists came to the conclusion that the intensity of human happiness is changing through Parabola. We are happy in childhood, fussing during the adulthood and "calm down" to old age. But life in small butane is an exception to this pattern. After all, the happiness of Button is like a huge festive cake. And each resident even before birth, the small, but the same as others, a piece. And the intensity of butane happiness is just a straight line in length into human life.

It is likely that vanity and chaos in the lives of people would be a serious threat to our planet, if it were not for the reliable counterpart of peace of mind and peace, which remains in some corners on Earth. One of these corners is a small Himalayan state - the kingdom of Bhutan. This kingdom remains a mysterious territory that attracts more and more travelers. The country recently opened its doors for foreigners and does it carefully. Foreign citizens must, in addition to a visa, pay for the duty, approximately 250 dollars a day. Thus, the Himalians, limiting the flow of tourists, protect nature and culture inherent in butane. A trip to Bhutan is a chance that is provided once in life!

Happiness is silence in the shower. This is the sincere conviction of the inhabitants of the kingdom of Bhutan. And silence in the shower - when you do not have any desires.

Bhutan is located in Himalayas between China and Northeast India. In Bhutan - a constitutional monarchy, religion - tantric Buddhism. On an area of \u200b\u200babout 47 thousand square meters. KM lives about 700,000 people, mainly rural residents. About 60% of the territory of Bhutan is occupied by national parks and reserves.

In a hard-to-reach mining country there are no minerals. Apparently, for this reason, no large state made Bhutan territory of its interests.

Butancans love their young 36-year-old king. He married "love" on a young student. The king is constantly driving around the country and is interested in how people live. Therefore, many buttans can say that they met him personally. Still in Bhutan love the great guru Ripopoche and Shabdrung Ngavang Namgyala. The first - in the middle of the eighth century began to preach Buddhism on the lands of Bhutan. The second - in the 17th century defended the integrity of the country and built a lot of well-protected monasteries - Dzong. In the kingdom, Bhutan love all living things: a person, including snow in one of the reserves, delicious nature and animals. Buddhism recognizes the murder of an animal with mortal sin. Judging by the number and variety of the animal world in Bhutan, even predators adhere to this strict rule.

The inhabitants of Bhutan move along the mountains along with long-haired bulls by Yaki, which have a unique gift to unmistakably find a narrow mountain path under the layer of snow. European tourists who joined the caravan were surprised that every night, liberated from heavy nosha, Yaki without a taught was released in the mountains. The next day, Yakov were collected until noon. Our Europeans received a truly Buddhist answer that each living being has the right to at least temporary freedom.

Human happiness researchers recognize Bhutan the most happy country in the world. It sounds implausible, but the most important ministry of Bhutan is the Ministry of Happiness. And in the royal family, sincerely believes, the happiness of the inhabitants of Bhutan is much more important than the growth of gross domestic product. Butane is a place in which the desire for happiness should be every person. The Commission on National Happiness was specially educated, which during the census of the population is interested in how happy the residents of the state. According to the latest census data, only 3.3% of citizens do not consider themselves too happy.

It is very curious that instead of GDP (internal gross product) in Bhutan uses VNS (gross national happiness). The Ministry of Happiness is impossible to meet anywhere else on Earth, only in this amazing country. It turns out that the national policy in this country manages happiness.

This country is truly unique and wonderful, because people are really happy here. There is no unrest, malice and poverty. Everywhere you can meet friendly and ready to communicate people. Here they are idle and honor their ancestors. Local culture and traditions are highly appreciated.

Yul friend - so residents of Bhutan call their homeland, which means "the country of the Thunder Dragon". The dragon himself lives on the sacred mountain Jomolhari and feeds on snow and ice from mountain peaks. Good monster in Bhutan see everything except tourists.

In the country of monks and monasteries, the ancient culture of Tibet is preserved. The age of a novice monk is 6-9 years old.

Bhutan holidays marked Buddhist rites and dances in masks. Anyone can take part in the holiday and make photos for memory. If you want to get away from the noise and fun - go to the east of the country to admire a more calm festival, such as the Mighar Festival.

Dzondi, these majestic monasteries scattered throughout the country are religious, political and administrative centers impressive with their beauty and geographical position. The most mythical is Punakha Dzong, Trongsa-Dzong and Paro Dzong.

There are no locks in Bhutan, and the doors are not locked. From the evil influence of the unclean strength of the house of Button, the amulets protect the amulets. In his national sport, the shooting of Luke Buttones are superior to rivals in the world Olympiads. In the bright time, the nights are required to wear national clothes to not lose their culture. Smoking in Bhutan is prohibited back in the 17th century, and in 2004 a ban and for sale tobacco was introduced. There are no happiness in the country and homeless people.

In the usual routine of people there are no accurate time limits. If the caravan goes into the mountains, then "for a long time".

The vegetarian lifestyle is inherent in many inhabitants of Bhutan. Religion does not allow residents to kill living beings. To decorate your trip, you need to try the kitchen of Bhutan. It would be a shame to leave without trying a typical dish, such as "Ema Datsi". A peculiar genus of casserole based on cheese and paprika. Although the food of Button often vegetarian, you will always find in the meat (beef, pork, poultry) with white or red rice and vegetables as a side dish. Meat in the country is imported, or used from the dead, either the animal and birds scored by a special way (a special license for this is issued by the Hindu living in Bhutan). And, of course, everything is accompanied by tea, which is put sugar, milk or, as in Tibet, oil and salt!

The importation of chemical fertilizers for plant crops into the country is not allowed. Here you can find only environmentally friendly and natural products. The forests are not cut here, on the contrary, people plant trees. The terrain of this state has not yet been studied. There are such areas that still remain intact man.

The ban on the cutting of forests and hunting for animals, plays a big role in the fact that nature still retains its original appearance. Despite this, everyone has everything necessary for life: food, clothes and everything else. Streets are distinguished by their crystal purity. In comparison, even the net streets of European countries do not go. In Bhutan, trash thoroughly sort.

Tourism in Bhutan was resolved since 1974, and before that, the guests of the country could be, only having a personal invitation of the King or Queen.

The best time to visit Bhutan - between October and April, so as not to get into the summer monsoon. Winter, perhaps quite harsh. The best solution remains autumn or spring to take advantage of a pleasant climate. Lovers of the Himalayan landscapes will be fascinated by beautiful mountainous species. They will also reveal that Bhutan is a real shelter Rhododendrons!

Another 50 years ago, Bhutan did not have external connections lost in Himalayas. Today, the country's guests are needed roads, service and communication. Therefore, progress does not pass Bhutan, although the main thing for the country is to preserve Buddhist values, cleanliness in the thoughts of its people and the pristine freshness of the environment. The construction of highways in Bhutan began half a century ago. There are no marking on high highways, road signs - a rarity, the country does not know traffic lights. To comply with the safety, the permissible speed of movement is 15 km per hour. Railways so far only in projects. The telephone connection appeared in Bhutan at the end of the last century, television - in 1999. The television has become a shock for Button, which were not ready for avalanche of new information and paintings by violence. Fights began in Bhutan schools!

Airport in Paro - the only one in Bhutan, is located in the mountain gorge, where, when taking off, the plane must virtually no acceleration over the mountains, because The runway breaks down with a sheer mountain. Only a few pilots in the world have the right to land and take off in Paro.

And yet, Buddhism or communism? Bhutan is a country of smiling people. They rejoice that they have. After visiting Bhutan, tourists from the countries of the former Soviet Union remember that once heard about such a lifetime. And after all, we "have passed it" in school. Such a life structure is nothing but utopian communism. But in a developed human civilization, it is only a beautiful dream!

Recently, scientists came to the conclusion that the intensity of human happiness is changing through Parabola. We are happy in childhood, fussing during the adulthood and "calm down" to old age. But life in small butane is an exception to this pattern. After all, the happiness of Button is like a huge festive cake. And each resident even before birth, the small, but the same as others, a piece. And the intensity of butane happiness is just a straight line in length into human life.

Butane - the only country in the world where there is Ministry of Happiness, and official religion proclaimed tantric buddhism. According to a survey of the population, only 3% of residents are not very happy, everyone else is quite satisfied with their lives. As the example of this country shows, poverty does not always mean misfortune, and the presence of modern benefits is not the only way to well-being.

The population of Bhutan is small - about 700 thousand people. The country is located in the Himalayas, one of the versions, Toponym Bhutan sounds on Sanskrita as "high-lived". Geographically, Bhutan is located between India and China.

Long years Bhutan was absolutely closed country, and only in 1971 after joining the UN, the first foreign journalists came here. Gradually began to develop tourism, to this day, all entering the country pay a fairly high duty, and these fees are a substantial part of government revenues.

Television and Internet in Bhutan appeared only in 2002, the Internet - and later. The exterior isolation of the country has a beneficial effect on the preservation of national traditions. So, in Bhutan, equality is observed and in some spheres women have even great rights than men. For example, the right to land always remains behind the mother of the genus. The main occupation in Bhutan - agriculture, both men and women work in the agricultural sector. The houses are also engaged in families in families.

A special place in the life of Button is a religion, many boys from six-year-old are studying in monasteries, the most severe conditions for those who go to monasteries located high in the mountains. There, in the distance from the worldly bustle, the young men are devoted to spiritual practices. From time to time, each monk goes into highlighting, the term of privacy is a multiple three - three days, weeks, months or even the year. The monasteries can go away both men and women, but the number of nurses is much less.

"Europeanization" of Bhutan began to pass gradually after the king was Jigme Kzezar Namgyal Wangchuk. He was educated in Oxford and is distinguished by progressive views on what the country should go through the path of development.

This country is impressive with its nature, temples and especially - attitude towards the life of its inhabitants.

Button surprised me - he is not at all similar to other Asian countries. This kingdom is worth a visit to everyone who is interested in Buddhism, Mountains and Asia.

What is it - happiness in Bhutan

For me personally, the country of happiness is Iceland with its third place in the world ranking on the index of happiness and huge GDP. Bhutan is also a country of happiness, but for its inhabitants. In the kingdom there is even a ministry of happiness and a fixed state indicator of "gross domestic happiness" - the local alternative to the internal gross Product. This is their chip, she is noticed. The question is supervised by the Prime Minister himself. Made so intention to be more powers. That is, for the country, happiness is a priority.

Bodo Travel.
Palace of Great Happiness

There are 4 principle of gross domestic happiness. I can be mistaken in the wording and sequence, but I will tell you how I remember. The first principle is the preservation of nature. There is a fixed percentage of forest coverage in a country, which under no circumstances should be reduced. Approximately 62%.

Thus, they manage to preserve the Himalayan nature of untouched: forests with wild animals and national parks related to special green corridors. Bengal tigers, Himalayan bears, Gauras, Indian buffaloes, leopards, elephants, rhinos are inhabited here. Ganggie dolphins are found in the rivers.

The second principle - exports must exceed import, but so far it does not develop in the kingdom. They export rice and spices, but in a small amount. Export a lot.

The third principle is a fair government. Although Bhutan is a kingdom, and his leader is the king, the position of Prime Minister - elected. Not everyone was happy, but the monarch substantiated this step by the fact that they will not always have such good kings, so the buttans need to have the power and freedom to choose rulers.

And the fourth principle - the preservation of traditions. It is not only clothing, but also etiquette. The guide told: to go for citizenship, you need to pass a lot of exams. Including - and on the knowledge of all the norms of behavior. For example, Boutanes should always be monitored where his view is directed. On the other hand, state religion in the country - Buddhism, and, for example, in relations - freedom. They relate to sex calmly, to phallic symbols, including, all okay is a symbol of fertility. Marriage - it is desirable that it is butanes and butane. They are not very important marriage, where one of the spouses of another nationality.

Bodo Travel.
Statue of Buddha Shakyamuni

Rules for clothes. We were at the national holiday during the festival and saw hundreds of women and men in traditional clothes. Here we have embroidery different: from the embroidered T-shirt to whole costumes. In Bhutan, the dress code is registered before the details - right up to the scarfic, which should be. And even for tourists there is a rule that if you buy national clothes that you are going to wear in the country, it should be in full set. It is impossible to buy only a robe and tied with your belt. If a woman acquired a skirt, she is obliged to buy a jacket, walking through the streets with another top it is impossible. But on the export you can buy one element of clothing.

Bodo Travel.

What amazes Bhutan

First of all, compared to other countries of Asia, Bhutan is a small state. And not only in the area, but also in the population - only a little more than 750 thousand and how few people here are felt physically. Even here is much cleaner, for example, than in Nepal, and in many other Asian countries.

To avoid pilgrimage of tourists and downshifters in "Cheap Asia", in Bhutan at the state level, a measure was taken - quotas were introduced - $ 250 per day with a nebutan. But this amount includes food, housing (by the way, very worthy and beautiful hotels) and even entertainment. For all the time of staying in Bhutan, the fun "came" to our hotel - theatrical performances, archery - all this was in our hotel.

We also had an incredible trekking to the monastery "Tigrin Nest" and the complex of temples in the rocks. We woke up early and went on a three-hour rise. Ascended to the mountain and saw beautiful eight temples on top. I was interested in climbing with some complexity. If we were simply brought, it would be different. Types are very beautiful, and impressive, as buttons were able to revive such an incredible complex at such a height.

Bodo Travel.
Monastery "Tigrin Nest"

Bodo Travel.
Palace of Great Happiness

Some travelers inspire themselves: "Oh, Bhutan is a fairy tale." I otherwise felt this country. Civilization is in Tchimphu - the capital. But beyond it, in small cities And the villages, people do not know how to read and write. 55% of the population are illiterate. And Bhutan - poor country. But it does not interfere with buttons to be happy. They have a completely Buddhist attitude to everything. They take life completely and without a residue: their mortality, what is happening around, their family, their position, their society and their homeland. And we should learn from Buttans, so it's calm and the way they look at life.

Bodo Travel.

Bodo Travel.

Even Bhutan remembered the festival and dancing. We fell on one day of the holiday by chance: I went into some closed courtyards of the most important dong of the country and saw a huge number of buttans - all the elegant, in traditional clothes. There, as a rule, do not let. Everyone was sitting on black mats, and the monks danced in the center in the center. On their heads they had masks with artificial hair, which they swung, often jumped and, most likely, were in the trance. Even for us danced in the men's monastery, where women were not allowed. We looked from the cage from above, and men were inside.

Bodo Travel.
Celebration of Ceschu


If you do not like or va can't be acute on health, think over your menu in advance. In Bhutan, there is an opportunity to pre-order and plan the entire diet for the time of stay. Including, I advise you to turn on the fish there. It is most likely to be brought from India, because in Bhutan, no living being killed / do not cut, but the options for those who eat meat and fish are available. Prepare it tasty for European standards, homely.

If you decide to see Bhutan from some vertex, but the height of you in a novelty, the body can respond. Therefore, it is worth it slowly, without sharp movements and jumps for the photo. Drink more water. Remember that no one except you will appreciate your condition. If the head sharply began to hurt, strong nausea appeared, you need to go down. "Pitry" retreats if descended from height.

Men in the monasteries are better to go in pants, Sarong (skirts), as in Indonesia, are not allowed and not allowed at the entrance, and they will not be allowed in shorts. Women should expect that they will not fall into some monasteries in general, entrance for men.

Plan to dress up to national clothes and shoot from Luke. Do not miss and the opportunity to watch this entertainment among buttans - songs, dancing, the system of screams - you will not be bored.

When the Butanes agree with you - this is not a fact that he agrees with you. In order not to go to the conflict, he will say "yes," but then recheck that he understood you and do what you need.

Bodo Travel.
Valley Punakha

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