
Book value. Basic concepts. Types of Evaluation: Initial, Restorative, Residual

- (Book Value) The cost of assets indicated in the accounts (accounts) of the company. This cost can be initial (in the acquisition prices) or the estimated periodic reassessment of assets. Accounting for assets balance value… … Economic Dictionary

Book value - Companies are determined as follows: total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities, such as debt. The balance sheet value of the company may be lower or higher than its market value ... Investment Dictionary

- (ENTERPRISE VALUE (EV), Total Enterprise Value (TEV) or Firm Value (FV)) analytical indicator, which represents a company's value estimation, taking into account all sources of financing: debt obligations, preferred shares... ... Wikipedia

Book value - - The cost of long-term assets (object, fixed assets of the enterprise, firm) included in the balance sheet and recorded in the balance sheet. It is calculated as the initial cost of acquisition, the creation of an object on which it was listed in ... ... Commercial electric power industry. Dictionary dictionary

book value - The cost of the object, the main funds of the enterprise, the company (long-term assets) entered into its balance fixed in the balance sheet. It is calculated as the initial cost of acquisition, the creation of an object on which it was listed in ... ... Vocabulary economic terms

- (Book Value) The cost of an asset according to the accounting books of the organization. This is usually the initial cost of purchasing an asset less the amount written off on depreciation. If the value of the asset ever was reassessing, ... ... Financial vocabulary

Book value Encyclopedia Rights

book value; Cost of net assets, accounting cost - (fixed assets, funds) (1) The balance sheet value of the assets specified in the balance sheet in accordance with their price at the time of purchase. Cost, for example, production equipment Reduced every year, as depreciation is deducted from ... ... Financial and Investment Dictionary

The cost of long-term assets (object, fixed assets of the enterprise, firm), contributed to its balance, recorded in the Balance Vedency. It is calculated as the initial cost of acquisition, the creation of an object on which it was listed in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

Book value - (English Balance Cost) 1) B.S. Asset (less often commitments and articles own capital) as the initial cost of a long-term asset minus accumulated wear; In a broader sense, the cost of this asset, taking into account the reduction of the residue ... ... Big Law Dictionary

The balance sheet value of assets is the money value of the company's entire property reflected in the balance sheet. Consider in more detail than the difference between the carrying cost from the residual and initial, as well as for which assets these concepts should be applied.

Balance price is the residual or initial?

Any property owned by an organization can be both material, that is, in a natural form, in the form of real estate, machinery, tools, various equipment, and in intangible form: Investments in scientific developments, know-how, officially executed patents. The cost of such property when registration in the company is consisted of:

  • expenses for its creation or purchase;
  • expenses for loading and unloading, delivery;
  • commissioning works;
  • costs for consulting services required for use;
  • registration, customs fees;
  • minus indirect taxes.

Formed in this way money Evaluation The company's property is the initial cost. In balance fixed assets Reflected by residual valueThat is, the initial minus accrued depreciation for all the time of operation. Answering the question, the carrying price is residual or initial, it can be said that the book value is equal to residual.

The depreciable property should also be distinguished, the cost of which is not written off immediately, but during the period useful use. This period must exceed 1 year, and current assets whose value is repaid at a time. The number of working resources include:

  • materials, various reserves;
  • receivables and the remaining undefined VAT;
  • granted loans and short-term financial investments;
  • cash and cashless cash.

Current assets do not belong to the amortized property and are reflected in the balance of their actual acquisition cost.

Balance and residual value: difference

The difference between these two concepts in the amount of accrued depreciation, as in accordance with paragraph 49, the Regulations on accounting and reporting, the main funds are reflected in the balance sheet at the residual value. The same applies to intangible assets According to paragraph 57 of the same position. Therefore, the concepts of balance and the residual value there is no difference, they are absolutely identical in russian legislation. The same opinion adheres to tax legislation.

There is also the concept of the replacement cost of property in the form of fixed assets and intangible assets. This is understood to be the cost of property at market prices on the current date or calculated using the specified inflation coefficients. The cost of fixed assets that were revised by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation may also be restored. If the amortized property was reassessing, then in the balance sheet it is reflected in the rehabilitation cost per minus accrued depreciation amounts.

What is the difference between the carrying cost from the residual and why is it calculated?

The carrying amount of the assets is equal to the residual value of non-current resources and the amount of reverse reserves in natural and cash according to registers accounting. The balance sheet cost is necessary to analyze the financial position of the enterprise, determining the level of profitability of available assets.

The definition of the book value of assets is required to calculate the size of the concluded transaction. The transaction is considered large if its sum exceeds 25% of the book value of all available assets of the company. In case of incorrect calculation of balance assets, the perfect transaction may be invalid.

You do not know what the balance sheet value of the fixed assets? Then consider this question and stop at the main points that you need to remember the management and accountant.

It is worth dealt with not only in the most concepts, but also know, for example, what kind of balance is the balance of fixed assets. There are many nuances that should be paid attention to.

Necessary information

To determine the book value of the OS, it is necessary to clearly understand what it is and which major legislative provisions regulate their accounting.


The main means are called material assets of the company. The expected dates for the useful use of the OS make up more than a year.

The cost of the OS with depreciation deductions, which is accumulated - clean fixed assets or residual value. When purchasing OS, this is the initial cost.

The accounting account is taken by primary value, but later reflects the residual value, which is determined as the difference initial cost and depreciation deductions. Accounting is carried out in non-current assets.

The carrying amount of fixed assets is the cost according to which they are reflected in. This is the cost of the Foundation for the results of the revaluation or primary value indicators, which was not overestimated.

The rules for recognizing the object are mainly prescribed in. Do not confuse the main and coveragesTo which raw materials, fuel materials, containers, etc.

It is determined, given the amount of goods or work volumes. Fixed assets can be manufacturing and non-productive.


Given the composition and appointment, the OS is divided into such types:

  • building;
  • construction;
  • gear device;
  • transport and equipment;
  • tools;
  • inventory of business and industrial type;
  • perennial planting, etc.

  • applications in the production process;
  • delivery in another person;
  • performing social functions.

Legal base

Actual regulations:

Arising nuances

We define what to pay attention to. We will analyze questions that often worry inexperienced professionals.

At what value, fixed assets are reflected in the balance sheet

OS includes assets that cost more than 40 thousand rubles. In Bubalance, they are listed in sum, which are reduced on the amount of depreciation.

The cost of the main balance sheet fund (this is the balance line 1150) fill in the information of the balance, which is formed at the end of the period according to Dt 01. The balance is deducted by CT 02.

If the pre-equipment or reconstruction of the OS is carried out, which increases their cost, such data is reflected in.

This also applies to the reassessment of property objects, which is carried out no more than once a year (p. 49 PBU).

The revaluation is carried out when indexing the reduction value of the asset or when recalculating to actual prices. The difference will increase additional capital.

If the OS is not suitable, it must be written off (). Residual value indicators will increase the article at other expenses.

The initial cost will include appraisal duties, which are formed from recycling costs and costs for dismantling the liquidated asset.

The revaluation of fixed assets is carried out if the preparation of the balance identified the difference between the price of the object from those reflected in the previously compiled balances. That is, it is not about a fair price.

In such a situation, the cost of the object is revised and the reflection of the prices of each group is analyzed, which refers to the firm. fair value - Money that apply when paying for specific obligations, which are concluded between the parties.

The reflection of cost in the balance sheet is carried out by such categories:

The documents record the price that is established when issuing funds. Market value includes OS, which are used when paying for goods, which is sold in the active market.

The result of revaluation in the balance sheet should be reflected like this:

Revaluation - the procedure is regular and mandatory. It is carried out 1-2 times a year.

How to increase the indicator?

The rules for calculating the cost of net assets are prescribed in and FCCB No. 03-6 / PZ dated January 29, 2003.

In violation of net assets, there will be problems in the work of an enterprise if:

  • according to the results of annual activity, a decrease in the authorized capital is needed;
  • the company decides to increase the authorized capital;
  • JSC decides to buy out shares;
  • the company distributes income between participants and pays dividends.

In order to prevent the closure of the company () and restrictions on the rights of investors, financiers increase the size of net assets in current periods.

For this, assets are formally created - short-term strings of active parts of the balance increase, while the number of values \u200b\u200bof the material plan does not change.

Use such options:

Such actions are illegal. What legitimate way Use with increasing net assets LLC?

Minimizing liabilities like this:

  • taking measures to manage, control receivables;
  • reorganizing the production process by reducing the cost of goods;
  • by changing the accounting order.

The increase is carried out:

  • when attracting additional external investments;
  • upon receipt of assets by reorganization;
  • with the revaluation of fixed assets.

The revaluation allows you to improve the balance sheet indicators of the OS. A privatized company is resorted to this method, the property objects of which are underestimated when creating.

The procedure for accounting revaluation will increase the regulatory sizes pure assets. Balance data on the article additional capital Excluded by order from liabilities, which is accepted for calculations.

So, an increase in the active parts of the balance with an oral growth in the calculations is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in duties.

The result of the revaluation should not be considered when calculating. The company should not include the amount of additional assessment into profits, which is taxed.

Sample help

Help on the cost of the Balance of the OS can reflect their cost on credentials for a specific date. Such documents are not considered compulsory forms Accounting reports.

A certificate of the book value of the Basic Fund is applied with an internal analysis of the company's solvency in order to conduct management accounting.

It seems to be a third-party user - an investor, an insurance company, etc. The main fund can be at the conclusion of a commercial transaction.

Since the form of the government has not approved, the certificate can be made arbitrarily. The company itself can develop a form, taking into account its needs and features of work.

The form of reference is approved within the enterprise with the relevant order. You can make a certificate like this:

Increase the book value after repair

The costs are related to modernization, retrofitting, completion of the OS, will increase their primary cost. Depreciation amount of objects, which is accrued to reconstruction work, will not be changed.

The cost of such a plan should be reflected in the account 08, subaccount to increase the cost of the OS. Wiring used:

Grounds for increasing the initial cost of the OS non-financial asset prescribed in.

It is impossible to change the primary cost of the object of the non-financial asset, which is listed on the balance sheet records of the company otherwise.

Costs for a certain CSU code are subject to economic Sutty operations. The article describing how to increase the cost indicators is Article 310.

If average annual

The cost of out-turn I. turnover asset Reflect in accounting balanceWhat is drawn up at the end of the period. Each change is analyzed by determining the indicators average annual cost.

It is necessary to distribute the value of the company's assets at the beginning and end of the year, based on the data of BUST. The result is reflected in the line 300.

The calculation of the average annual value is carried out like this:

A1 - indicator of the value of the assets of the company at the beginning of the period.

A2 - valuation at the end of the period.

You need to fold the data on line 300 to the beginning and end of the period. Exercise the result by 2 and get an average annual value of the company's assets. Similarly calculate the indicator financial reports For earlier periods.

So you can analyze how the composition of the property of the enterprise is changing, to determine what cause is a change. You can also adopt the necessary management decision regarding the resources of the organization.

Sale of OS with zero carrying cost

With full wear OS, there is no residual value. So, the revenue will be income.

If the sale of a fixed assessment is carried out at the cost, which is lower than the balance sheet, then questions may arise from the tax instance of the relative time why the market price was not set.

If the OS is fully amortized, then the company can sell them at any cost.

How is the write-off? The residual value refers to other expenses, revenue from the sale - to other profits. Then you can determine the results from such business operations.

In national standards, admission from the sale of fixed assets and other assets is recognized in other profits according to class and costs, which are related to the sale, disposal and write-off of the OS.

If such values \u200b\u200bdo not have connections, then simply write off the value of the departing property objects in other expenses.

If, with OS sold operations, there are profit and costs that are interrelated, then income reflects in reporting on financial Agreement With a deduction of costs, which relate to such profits if:

From the sale of the OS, it is reflected non-income and expenses separately, but only the profit and losses.

Fixed assets - assets that should be properly reflected in accounting registers. But in the work of the accountant you also need to know what the book value is.

We looked at how such indicators of the cost of the OS are determined. For more information, contact regulatory documentation, which is valid in the Russian Federation.

Before starting a conversation about the assessment of fixed assets, I will express my thoughts, the essence of which looks somewhat even crazy. It lies in the fact that for the accountant the term "fixed assets" suggests, first of all, the value reflection of the presence of property capital to which the organization has. The real filling of this phrase in accounting is very recently.

In fact, there is no fundamental difference in the accounting work, how many products are planned today to produce on a particular machine installed in the workshop. Its real indicators serve in accounting only as identifiers to "personify" an object. All accounting procedures for any object are performed in its monetary, value terms.

This is exactly what gives the assessment of fixed assets a special significance for all aspects of the accountant's work on the accounting of fixed assets.

Types of assessments of fixed assets

In the management of any organization, a regulatoryly installed system of estimates of the value of property used for various target measurement purposes - accounting, analysis, forecasting, the formation of accounting, statistical and tax reporting are used.

Any private situations, such as selling, transfer to barter transactions, receiving a loan organization on mortgage schemes, sized size insurance compensation Or judicial settlement of property disputes are conducted on the basis of data defined in this property assessment system.

There are three basic types of estimates of the cost applied to the main funds of the enterprise:

  • Initial;
  • Restorative;
  • Residual.

Here, immediately, the term "book value" should be mentioned, applied in accounting to designate the assessment. In practical activities, it is often implied that the initial and book value is completely identical. However, this is not entirely true.

The borderline moment of distinction between them is the case of reassessing fixed assets. The cost of objects that have passed the revaluation is reducing, in the future and takes into account these objects in the balance sheet.
The property facilities acquired after the revaluation are accepted on the balance in their initial assessment. The amount in which both the main funds are taken into account. However, on economic content, the carrying cost of some is restorative, and others are initial.

This is evidence that in practice, property accounting is conducted in a mixed form of estimates. Further, to designate the cost at which fixed assets are taken into account, we will use the concept of "Balance Cost", if necessary, indicating the category of its filling, initial or replacement.


Defines the cost at which the property unit was recorded as a fixed assessment. The formation of the initial assessment of property consists in directly dependent on the method of its receipt.

When buying or creating or building, the initial amount is formed by the aggregate of the actual costs of acquiring or creating. In case of deposit in the form of a contribution to authorized capital, the initial value is established according to the assessment agreed by the founders. The basis of the formation of the initial amount upon admission to the exchange agreements (barter) is the amount of transmitted instead material values. If the objects were received free of charge, the current market price of similar recognizes as initially.

In addition, in all cases, in the formation of the initial amount, shipping costs, storage and installation are taken into account, as well as other related to the introduction of an object, costs.
In the future, the initial balance sheet costs, as a rule, remains unchanged. The change in the original amount may occur in the process of its refinement during the revaluation or conducting measures that significantly change the state of the object. In this case, such a change can be as an increase, in cases of major repairs or modernization, and a decrease in partial liquidation.


In practice, there are situations when the current balance sheet cost ceases to respond to the actual emerging economic situation in the market. In this case, the organization can take advantage of its right to reassess property. During the revaluation, the balance sheet assessment of the fixed assemance of the data on the market value of the cost of creating or buying an object identical to the overestimated one.

As a result of the revaluation, the replacement cost of fixed assets is established. It is the restoration amount from this moment that is accepted as their carrying price. To establish the amount of the object in a reducing assessment, various sources of information may be used, including:

  • Information companies of identical objects;
  • Price level information obtained in state organizations or special public sources;
  • Expert assessment by independent specialists
  • It should be noted that in the future, previously revalued fixed assets must be reassessing that there are no significant differences in the current rehabilitation costs.


For full management of economic processes important role It has economic information about the state of property capital. One of its main indicators is the residual assessment of the property, defined as the difference between the carrying (initial or restorative) cost of fixed assets and the sum of depreciation.

Thus, the residual assessment of the object reflects the share of the value of the main means, which is currently not yet transferred to the product produced.

At the residual value, determine the degree of property of property and reveal the need for its update. The funds with zero residual value should be output from the property, due to their economic inefficiency.

In cases of reconstruction, upgrades, major repairsThe completion of fixed assets, there is an increase in their residual value in the amount calculated on the amount of costs for these activities.

Some moments related to the assessment of fixed assets in tax accounting

And in accounting and tax accounting there is one category system - initial, reducing and residual value. However, it should be noted that the final results of the formation of the initial cost for accounting and tax registers may have differences.

This is often due to the moment of accounting for sums (exchange rate) differences arising in the process of acquiring objects, the fee for which is determined in binding to foreign currency. The amount (term) difference in such cases is determined as the difference between ruble equivalent of debt debt in currency expression on the date of its occurrence and on the date of its repayment. The calculation of differences is carried out at the official rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In a position defining the procedure for taking into account fixed assets, the difference between currency courses, which arose during the calculation period for the purchased property is included in the costs of the company incurred by the enterprise during the admission of fixed assets. At the same time, the Tax Code, namely, Article 256, definitely treats the course difference as related to the category of non-evaluation income or expenses.

The result becomes an increase in or reducing the "accounting" initial book value of fixed assets in relation to the initial assessment, calculated for tax purposes.

Also food for discrepancies also gives Article 264 of the Tax Code. A number of cost types, in accordance with this item attributable for tax purposes in accordance with this article on other expenses related to the production and implementation, on the basis of PBU may also be included in the initial value of property.

It is equally important to take into account the limitations imposed by the Tax Code, by the procedure for determining the rehabilitation amount of the object. Chapter 25 established that the inclusion of income or expenses taken into account during taxation includes only those reassessment results that were taken to account until 01/01/2002.

The results of the revaluation produced later or the results of the revalues \u200b\u200bmade to the specified date, but taken to account after it, are not accepted to determine the rehabilitation value and calculating depreciation for tax purposes.

To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe real financial condition of the enterprise, its assets and sources of their occurrence should be analyzed. Such an assessment can be carried out differently on the basis of the objectives: to put the property to record, reflect it in the reporting, accrual taxes, etc. accounting reporting Types of property of the company are presented in the monetary equivalent. To keep at the enterprise, accurate accounting should be aware of the rules for determining the balance sheet.

Fixed assets: concept and characteristics

To produce products and carry out other activities, the company uses labor means. These may be buildings and other properties, equipment, machine tools, vehicles and others. Such property is called the main means (OS) of the enterprise and has the following characteristics:

  • Not consumed in production as raw materials and materials;
  • Not used for sale (like goods);
  • Brings (or able to give in the future) some kind of economic income;
  • Its service life longer than 12 months;
  • The price is more than 40,000 rubles (for tax accounting - more than 100,000 rubles).

Under the book value of the OS, the cost is understood by which they are reflected in the corresponding line of the accounting balance. There are initial book value of fixed assets and residual value. Consider each more.

Definition of the initial book value of the property

On accounting, fixed assets are made at their initial cost without accounting for VAT and other reimbursable taxes. It affects its calculation, how the company received an asset.

When buying OS, it includes:

  • The price of property reflected in the contract of supply or purchase and sale;
  • Expenses for the delivery of equipment to the place of use and installation;
  • Government taxes, fees and duties, including customs;
  • Fees for services (for example, intermediary) and other costs of receiving an object.

If an enterprise independently produces the main tool, its initial assessment includes those expenses that the company actually incurred to its manufacture.

There are situations when an asset is difficult to assess. For example, an organization receives it under a donation agreement or as a result of a barter transaction. In such a situation, property is taken into account at the current market price of this or similar objects.

The initial book value of fixed assets is calculated once and then do not change, except for some cases:

  • Completion of the object of real estate or its reconstruction;
  • Modernization of property;
  • Partial liquidation of the OS object;
  • Revaluation.

The company has the right no more than once a year, to revaluate its assets and take them into account on the balance sheet on the current (or restorative) cost. Such a revaluation is carried out both in large and in a smaller side (accommodation and markdown, respectively). Recalculation must be done at market prices, in the presence of confirmation documents, or by indexing.

Determination of residual book value

The property already existing in the enterprise is estimated at the balance sheet at its residual value. To calculate it, it is necessary to subtract the amount accrued on the OS object from the initial assessment.

If a revaluation was carried out at the enterprise, in this case the carrying value of the property will be equal to its rehabilitation cost less accrued depreciation.

In order to determine the amount of depreciation, use different methodsspecified in the legislation. The simplest is a linear way.

With primary accounting formulation, each OS is calculated useful life. To determine it correctly, it is necessary to decide which depreciation group Includes property according to the classifier OS.

Depreciation is charged, starting from the next month after a month, when the property was actually put into operation. Depreciation is not charged on Earth, water and others natural resources. A complete list of such property is specified in Art. 256 NK RF.

Tip: You should always check current changes in legislation for the correct accounting of accounting. OS accounting is regulated, for example, Tax Code and PBU 6/01.

Example of calculation

Consider what the book value of fixed assets on specific example calculation. Suppose, in March, the company acquires equipment for 2,260,000 rubles, taking into account VAT - 18%. All additional costs (for example, delivery to place and installation) are included in the contract. In this case, the property is adopted for accounting by the price of the contract minus VAT, that is, the initial assessment will be 2 million rubles.

Suppose for this equipment group in accounting policies Enterprises provide for a linear method of depreciation. When setting OS for accounting, the accountant was attributed to the 3rd group. Property utilization - 50 months. It turns out that every month depreciation in the amount of 40,000 rubles (2,000,000 / 50) will be accrued.

In April of the next year, the residual balance price of the acquired equipment after 11 months of operation will be 1,560,000 rubles (2,000,000 - (20 000 * 11)).

Where the value is used

OS assessment in monetary terms is necessary not only for accounting, but also to calculate some coefficients and indicators financial state Enterprises.

The balance sheet value of the OS is used when calculating such financial indicators as:

  • Coefficients of updates and disposal, technical fitness and wear;
  • Indicator of own working capital;
  • Coefficient real value Property, etc.

So, in some forms statistical reporting It is required to specify the accounting value of fixed assets. In addition to the amount of fixed assets, intangible assets may be taken into account in this indicator.

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