
New school subject - financial literacy. Financial literacy has become a mandatory school subject form of financial literacy in school

Since the beginning of the school year, Russian schoolchildren study new discipline - financial literacy. On how to equip the order in personal finances, how to establish economic stability in the family will be learning from the second classes.

While the project is implemented as experimental, lessons are carried out as electives. In the future, it is planned to study this subject in social studies, obzh, mathematics lessons. The first participates in the experiment of the school of Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Saratov, Tomsk regions, Altai, Stavropol, Krasnodar Terrays and in Tatarstan.

Experts from the Ministry of Finance have developed a project tutorialdesigned to improve financial literacy russian population, develop mass economic Education. Moreover, the schoolchildren themselves will develop financial literacy, but also their parents, as well as pupils of orphanages and boarding schools.

He heads the project of introducing a new subject Andrei Bokarev, head of the International Finance Department at the Ministry of Finance. In his opinion, russian citizens It is about the average place in the world in terms of financial literacy, that is, we, of course, are not leaders, but not outsiders. However, there is a problem: our fellow citizens pay little attention to the planning of family and personal budget. According to social studies, 90 percent of Russian citizens do not make up cost plans for more than one month.

Another weak point, the head of the International Department called the admission of the population about where and how they can defend their rights in those situations where they did not provide quality financial services. The majority believes that for such reasons, contact the Sberbank branch. The fact that you can contact Rospotrebnadzor or Central Bank, many, unfortunately, did not even hear. Rarely, who recalls the organization of the protection of consumer rights.

At the same time, even those citizens who know about their rights and in which organization should take their claims, as a rule, do not see anywhere. This is happening because of the extreme low level Trust to such organizations. Most of the Russian population does not believe in the ability to win their business in a dispute with representatives of banks. On the other hand, as Andrei Bokarev notes, the situation is by no means hopeless: if it still listens in court, then most often (according to the study, about 90%) decisions on claims are accepted in favor of the affected consumer.

Here's about where and how to protect your financial rightsAnd they will teach Russian schoolchildren as part of a new project. Children should understand the value of cash, they are earned by work, and not get from the bedside table. Therefore, schoolchildren must learn to consider money, to keep them correctly, to make accumulations.

Also, the problem of our society is the confidence that all financial losses arising from unsuccessful investment, ill-conceived loans, should somehow compensate for the state. That is, rampant solutions are made by citizens independently, and the state is offered to respond. Such a few infantile mentality of Russians has developed due to historical reasons, traditions and again the lack of financial competencies.

The organizers of the project with the introduction of a new school subject considers their task to change this situation, increase the level of economic ideas of citizens, to teach them to competently plan their budget, thoughtfully treat crediting issues, loans and personal responsibility for their financial activity.

What should be a financial competent person?

According to experts from the Ministry of Finance, this is, first of all, a person who plans a personal budget for a year.

Secondly, financially competent citizen analyzes the market banking services, not comes to the first bank to enter into an agreement. After all, it is possible that in the next financial organization You can get more favorable conditions.

Thirdly, a civilized and competent person knows everything about his rights, as and where they can be defended.

Fourth, an important stability condition in any budget, including personal - availability of airbags. There must be a certain amount of funds to hold out in black days. Circumstances can be a variety of, you can lose the job, the bank can break. In a competently planning person's budget, there should be a stock of money at least earnings for three or four months.

Most of our people, unfortunately, are accustomed to learn mistakes. But this is not necessarily. Let the children at school receive knowledge about how to handle money. In school they have many items that may not be useful in life. If you are not an engineer and not mathematician, it is unlikely that you will ever need knowledge of cosine and catangents. And we buy food every day. This is a real life, it is also necessary to prepare and dispose of your funds correctly, as a civilized financial competent person.

What exactly will tell the guys in financial literacy lessons and why are they generally needed? You will learn about this as part of this article.

Programs of training current systems today russian education Enclosed almost all areas of life modern manWhat provides high-quality training for schoolchildren to adult life. Until recently, only practical preparation of students to the current economic conditions, i.e financial literacy of children. And this is despite the fact that Russia is included in the list of countries with a high level of development of the economy.

2016, this gap of the schoolchildren's educational program was eliminated - in Russian schools introduced financial literacy lessons, during which children will not only teach carefully to handle money, but also tell you how to defend their rights if necessary. What exactly will tell the guys in financial literacy lessons and why are they generally needed? You will learn about this as part of this article.

Why do I need financial literacy lessons?

In September 2016, a new subject was introduced in many Russian schools on the development of financial literacy among schoolchildren within the framework of this subject as social studies. In the future, aspects of the financial literacy rate, it is planned to introduce into such items as mathematics, obzh, geography and history.

Specialists are confident that the Russian society learned to respond quickly to changes in the economic situation, which will have a positive effect on universal well-being, the child must meet themes cash currencies and operations with them, accumulation and knowledge of the family budget, gaining financial independence etc. Already on a school bench. Especially since world practice has shown a good result of the development of states by introducing payment programs in the field of cash relations.

The need to introduce lessons of financial literacy in schools is also due to the fact that modern children actively buy goods independently, enjoy plastic cards and mobile applications. That is, they operate from early age monetary signs And are active participants in trade and financial relations, which requires them a certain level of financial literacy.

The main task of introducing financial literacy learning, of course, is the desire to stop the development of an irresponsible attitude towards monetary operations as a whole. After all, most of the adult population of our country, unfortunately, still financially illiterate and is not protected in case of unforeseen circumstances or loss of work. Many families do not conduct consumption and income. And it is sadly affected by the development of the economy in the field of consumption.

Project implementation

In the process of implementation financial literacy lessons In schools, first of all two main questions were resolved:

  • Providing the necessary information - the development of textbooks, taking into account the age categories of students.
  • Preparation of a teaching staff for learning new discipline.

To date, the problem of the preparation of high-quality educational materials has already been successfully solved. A variety of specialists took part in their creation: bank employees, teachers, financiers, employees of the Department of Management and Economics, Employees of Education Organs and others.

But the decision of the second question demanded much more efforts, since it was necessary to organize the training of teaching staff. Teachers had to undergo training on special courses, where they met with basis of financial and economic relations and such concepts like:

It is expected that by the end of 2017, more than 15 thousand teachers will be trained in specially created federal and regional methodological centers, which will then lead in schools of financial literacy lessons.

Why are the difficulties and additional load?

It is difficult to deny the fact that for the social adaptation of children in modern society, schoolchildren need to know about all the mechanisms of relationships and connections. And one of the components of parts are monetary operations. Having practical knowledge in this area, the child will get more chances not to be confused when problems occur during monetary operation and cope with the real life situation.

School course of financial literacy Encompasses the following concepts and topics:

  • drawing up and calculating the family budget;
  • cash transactions in banks and other structures;
  • risk-related transactions;
  • cash remuneration;
  • the presence of responsible bodies for financial services;
  • personal savings are an excess or rod;
  • subtlety loans and deposits;
  • the rights and obligations of participants in financial and economic relations;
  • cash flow management;
  • aggressive policy of banks;
  • assets and liabilities (income and expenses);
  • insurance and pension payments;
  • the presence and safe use of plastic cards.

It should be noted that in the development of educational materials aimed at disclosing each topic, the age characteristics of individual groups of schoolchildren were taken into account. For example, for the smallest information is presented in a game form, and schoolchildren of high schools disassemble specific situations and solve them. This approach allowed to do learning financial literacy Maximum accessible to understanding, which makes it possible to avoid making mistakes in adulthood and correctly dispose of money now.

Expected results

Naturally, for the full picture of the results must pass more than one year of work with new program. However, it is already clear that to achieve the goal (that is, the liquidation of financial illiteracy among the population) is possible only if, together with schoolchildren, parents will be held. At least because some topics in the textbook are unfamiliar even adults and learning school Financial Literacy Program Let parents fill the gaps in their knowledge.

Experts also note that parental assistance is invaluable in solving such issues: how to spend pocket money, how to scat on the desired gift, where to buy a high-quality and inexpensive thing, how to get monetary remuneration For knowledge (but not for marks in the diary) or encouraging the initiative to help various matters. In addition, the joint education of teachers, schoolchildren and parents will help significantly reduce the tension in the consumer sphere.

In 2015/2016 academic year in 8 Kaliningrad educational institutions There was an approbation of an experimental course on financial literacy for schoolchildren.

At the same time from the Kaliningrad region, the testing of financial literacy classes was held in four regions participating in the project: Volgograd, Arkhangelsk regions, as well as in the Altai and Krasnodar Territories.

In our region, nine general educational institutions took part in the approbation: school number 12, 31 and 47 of the city of Kaliningrad, Lugovskaya School of the Guryevsky District, Lyceum No. 10 of Sovetsk, Cadet Corps. A. First Called, as well as College of Service and Tourism and College of Entrepreneurship. In general, more than 1,000 students took part in financial literacy classes.

In the school schedule for experimental classes, 17 school hours were provided (that is, 1 hour per week), a doubled number for 10-11 classes - 34 hours (2 hours per week). At the same time, educational materials for the 10-11 classes are distributed by profiles: for the economic, legal, mathematical profile and base level.

The course provided for two stages of monitoring the level of financial literacy of teachers and parents: "Input" (preliminary) and final testing.

In total, 83 textbooks included in 17 educational and methodological sets were developed for testing lessons. Specially designed financial literacy textbooks are provided for different groups of students: 2-4 classes, 5-7 classes, 8-9 classes and 10-11 classes of secondary schools, as well as students of medium institutions vocational education and students of boarding schools. Also designed guidelines For teachers, control and measuring materials, didactic materials for parents and benefits for individual work. For individual sessions, materials are divided into modules: "Banks", " Stock market", "Own business", " Financial risks"," Insurance "," Pension Provision ".

According to the results of the approbation, the experience of the regions in which approbation was carried out, training materials will be corrected and distributed throughout Russia until the end of 2018.

Educational materials are available for download:

2 - 4 classes of general education organization (initial stage)

The course program is drawn up for 2-3 grades (the author of materials for students - S. Fedin) and grade 4 (the author of the materials for students - Glovel). The program shows the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the evaluation system, the forms and methods of organizing the educational process are described, as well as a list of educational and methodological and material and technical resources.

Financial literacy: Materials for students. 2, 3 classes of a general education organization. In 2 parts

Starting at school, the child makes the first steps in adulthood. In order for it not to be confused in it and became in the future financially prosperous man, he needs to master the alphabet of financial literacy and learn to consider money. This will make it a benefit in this. In an entertaining form, the initial basic concepts from the world of money are presented here and their role in our lives is shown; It is described what money is spent on how to manage them, how to protect itself from fraudsters and more about many other things.

Financial literacy: Pupils. 4th grade of general education organization

From this book, students learn about the world of money: how and from where they appear, what they happen, what the difference between cash and non-cash money, what is family budget And why it is important to plan it correctly, as people increase their income, how to protect against fraudsters and about a lot.

5 - 7 classes of general education organization (basic general education)

In the manuals described about the complex world of money and the basic rules of human behavior in it. It is explained in detail where family income is taken from what a family budget is and why it is important to plan it correctly. Significant place is given to the protection of a person from the risk of losing money and property, the interaction of the state and family, the possibility of improvement financial state man due to the organization of its own business. The benefits are written with a light, well-understandable language to schoolchildren and can serve as a basis for conducting classes in the classroom, preparation of independent projects and solutions financial tasks together with parents.

8 - 9 classes of general education organization (basic general education)

Materials are called upon to familiarize adolescents with the basics of rational financial behavior - as reasonable to organize and optimize the future family budget, which must be done to increase personal and family well-being, why it is important to provide for financial losses and how to minimize them, how to learn how to manage your finances Old age, etc.

10 - 11 classes of general education organization (secondary education)

In accessible form, the main aspects of personal finance management are set forth modern tendencies Development of the financial sector of the economy and current legislation. The tasks contained in the manual are aimed at the development of cognitive activity of students, independence and initiatives in the field of personal finance management.

10 - 11 classes of a general education organization. Mathematical Profile (secondary general education)

The manual contains a mathematical description of traditional disciplines for financial literacy of issues: simple and complex interest, accounting of high-end financial flows, price calculation financial instruments and evaluations investment projects. Significant place is given to examples of solving problems. To describe and assess the risks associated with financial operationsThe concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics are actively used. Materials are excessive and suggest the possibility of a schoolboy to master the sections relating to the theory of probabilities and statistics.

10 - 11 classes of a general education organization. Economic profile (secondary education)

The course is devoted to key issues of the functioning of modern financial institutions and human interaction mechanisms with them. As part of the course, such financial concepts, as commercial banks, investment funds, market valuable papers, tax system, pension funds et al., reveals their essence and shows a place in the financial life of modern Russia.

Materials training course for financial literacy for students educational organizations secondary vocational education

In the manuals in a simple and accessible form outlines the issues of financial well-being of families and orders cash. In addition to such standard, as savings, credit, insurance, taxes and pensions considered in the manual are covered by the legal aspects of the relationship between employees with the employer, the issues of employment and career growth, the organization of private entrepreneurship, the protection measures from financial fraud, etc. participating in the analysis of real Life situations and business cases, in group projects and discussions and performing tasks for searching and analyzing data, students are preparing for the use of knowledge gained in practice.

Do not learn at school and rarely spoke in the family. There is nothing to be surprised here, because parents and teachers in most cases are practically not understood in management.

We present the main statements that you need to know the younger generation, schoolchildren who wish to gain financial independence.

1. As we have noted, this very necessary item is not taught at school. Pupils are forced to teach boring items, tooling annoying material. But we are not taught how to achieve.

2. The economy is built so that people live on salary and depended on the employer, Often working without days off.

According to statistics, 93% of wealth belongs to 7% of people!

Unjust, it can be said, but this is due to the fact that people do not know how to properly manage their own.

3. It is mistaken that financial literacy is not needed to schoolchildren. So, how older in many cases cannot teach you the Azam financial literacy, it means that you should take it in your hands and study additional discipline In the free time from the lessons. but the most important thing is practical use Knowledge. IN educational institutions We are taught to learn, and not to apply the knowledge gained. The site about financial literacy "" will introduce such concepts as income and expenses, assets and liabilities and you will see that it is relatively simple.

4. Actually for youth. The idea that adolescents are too early to think about financial matters is prejudice. It is mistaken to be that only when the family is, then you can think about money and now you need to learn, learn and study again. 70-80% of people do so and now look as they live.


5. Control of income and expenses. Teach yourself to increase revenue and cut. For example, refuse chips, crackers and sweet water.

It turns out double use: first, you save your health, and secondly, you retain the money that you can save and multiply, bringing yourself to financial freedom.

The amount of income and expenses is not so important, but it is important how much money remains.

6. Assets and liabilities. Assets bring you money on a saucer, regardless of your activities, and the liabilities, on the contrary, eat honestly cost, without looking at us and our position. To become rich, you need to increase assets and reduce liabilities.

7. Financial literacy is important for children. Wealthy people advise to start saving and as early as possible. Remember that the sooner you start your way to financial freedom, the fewer voltage from you will need to achieve this goal. Time is yours best asset. Let power complex percent work on you. After all, what more income You will receive from investing, the less you will have to report from your pocket.


8. To achieve the consistency of special abilities is not required. It is only necessary to be brave and stubborn, and have a desire and purpose. According to various studies, people without higher education are often becoming rich, or even those who have not graduated from school (this does not mean that you need to throw a school or institute).

Special knowledge without proper use is almost nothing.

9. By itself is pretty simple, although it is considered the prerogative of specialists and scientists. Is it really so difficult to master that the money that managed to keep should be divided into 3 parts: the first - on the savings (in reliable bank), the second is to invest (stocks, bonds, etc.), and the third - for charity (help to other people is returned repeatedly).

Everything is simple and everything is just in your hands.

Remember that 80% reached the state themselves, and only 20% inherited it.

Additionally, read the brief video about the basics of financial literacy for schoolchildren:

Giving a child's financial literacy skills now - it means to provide and protect it in the future.

Everyone knows what money you can buy on them. But does everyone really know how to use them? To learn is now on the example of people who have accumulated billions like D.D. Crofeller. And he began to earn it at a very young age.

Finally, people realized that, despite the stereotype, which had developed in Russia in the nearby past, to concern this topic not only to people who work the finance market.

The earlier the schoolchild begins to develop financial literacy, the more conscious attitude towards money can be raised.

The topic of development is becoming more and more popular among schoolchildren. For this a lot of reasons:

  • This is a way to stop constant requests "Buy! Oh please! Want!"
  • You defend the family from scammers, which so much everywhere
  • Schoolboy becomes more independent, household literacy
  • "Adult" topic makes your relationship more trusted and close
  • You save the family budget
  • Develop the initiative in the schoolchild, open the world of opportunities.

In the end, go through the training of financial literacy now - it means not to solve the question of how to remove children from your neck tomorrow.

Surprisingly how important the understanding of the finance! With money, each sphere of our life is connected, they influence everything.

The government also saw the weak financial literacy of the population. In 2017, a strategy was approved to eliminate illiteracy in monetary issues, calculated until 2023

Right now answer a few questions of our test and check out for financial literacy. Correct answers you read below.

  1. How old can you make yourself bank card?

    a. At 18 years old;
    b. From 14 years with the consent of the parents; br\u003e c. Since birth;
    d. After registration for work (ed.)

  2. Imagine that on your savings bank account lies 100,000 rubles and the bank annually charges 10% for the balance sheet. How much will it be at the highest account in 2 years?

    a. 100 000 rubles;
    b. 110,000 rubles;
    c. 121 000 rubles;
    d. 200,000 rubles;

  3. Which of these banking instruments have the goal of multiplying funds?

    a. Contribution, debit card, Credit
    b. Paevy investment fund, contribution, individual investment account
    c. Cumulative insurance Life, contribution, debit card
    d. Investment insurance Life, contribution, mutual investment fund, credit card.

The topic of finance is the basic component of a successful future person. In our center, a special literacy rate has been developed on which the guys in an affordable form get acquainted with the theme of money and learn to use the knowledge gained every day.

Features of financial literacy in the center K.O.T.

The main task of classes is to introduce schoolchildren with basic concepts, to give a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow the world is arranged. And also to teach schoolchildren to dispose of finances, plan the budget, to save correctly, and also strive to earn.

The training of financial literacy for schoolchildren gives instructions for every day to form a "thinking billionaires", savings, increasing income.

Based on different approaches, we have developed a system of correct simple techniques that schoolchildren do not just heard them, but began to apply the information about finance information in life for every day right now.

Our course is not a simple lesson. Schoolchildren receive theoretical knowledge, literacy and working practical techniques to use them every day.

  • First we deal with basic concepts - where does the money come from?
  • We study the topic of savings, learn to put financial goalsachieve them.
  • Then - we study the techniques to increase their income. Money can be accumulated, invest, get interest and earn.

The most interesting thing is that schoolchildren can do it now!

Your child will learn not to just ask, but plan shopping, save and get the desired

All parents probably know the problem "Want! Buy! NOW!" The result of this conversation becomes usually or spending a round sum of the purse of the parents or the resentment and tears of the student. There is a solution to the issue - to teach the child to not perform impulsive purchases, but analyze and put financial goals.

For example, a child loves kinders, constantly asks them. And at the same time it also wants a new expensive toy or phone (for example, the price of this thing is 5000 p.). We will show a schoolboy how it can save, dispose of correctly pocket money, small purchases or gifts. The amount that should be accumulated - 5000 p. Cinder price - 60 r. That is, postponing on the day of the 1st Kinder, a child after 2.5 months will receive a toy that he wants. As a result, the schoolboy is proud of himself, because he himself reached the desired goal, the parent does not listen every day "I WANT - WANT - WANT!" And the apartment is not littered with trash.

We will get acquainted with the "adults" tools and take the first step to financial independence in the future.

There is a "adult" block about investment, stocks, credit cards. Here, children know a little about the world of finance, and will also understand how now they can participate in it to get freedom and independence in the future. We will deal with how to properly contribute to how to contribute to, get percentages from gifts of parents and grandmothers. We will try to calculate how long our investment is.

Financial literacy trainings create "thinking millionaire" - the ability to use money correctly, confidently treat them, believing in their strength and boldly look into the future.

This is really important for the development of the correct financial thinking of a schoolboy, the ability is not easy to use the means, but also earn, multiplying your capital.

Several useful tips for parents who want to teach schoolchildren literacy, dispose of money:

  • Explain that it is important that the money is not "flew to nowhere" - everything has its own value and child you need to know about it
  • Already, learn your schoolchildly to competently manage your money - teach it to see prices, understand what how much it costs (your toy is worth 10 ice cream. Do you really think you need to buy it now?)
  • Show, how and why keep accounting income, costs (it is better to explain it on the basic needs of a schoolboy, from which he cannot refuse)
  • Tell me what is "debt", why it is worth avoiding extra debt obligations
  • Learn to plan a personal budget - get a piggy bank, let's go pocket money.
  • Tell us how to use money: spend, save, invest, borrow, etc. - Expand the understanding of schoolchildren about the world of finance. It is very interesting and important for every person.

The program "School of Rockefeller" will help the child to figure out the world of finance.

Schoolchildren will see money from the new side, and finance will become an interesting tool for them, and not just a way to buy something.

Our trainings are practice! The guys themselves decide interesting life cases

Judging by the reviews of the participants in the past groups, the course has surpassed their expectations for their utility, saturation!

Separate graduates were so fascinated by the world of finances, which opened their business after the course.

SAMI profitable investment For financial competent parents - the education of children. Sign up for a course and contribute to the successful future of the child now.

Course format:

  • 5 trainings for 2 hours
  • Classes 1 time per week

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