
Maximum percentage contribution per year. Reliable banks with a high percentage of deposits. How to choose the most profitable contribution

All banks are interested in attracting as many cash contributors to their accounts. For this purpose, a wide range of deposits appears. High percentages are not always accompanied by the convenience of account management. Before choosing a banking program, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and think about the further use of the contribution.

In this article:

Choose the contribution to the correct

For all differences, deposits can be divided into three groups, depending on the possibilities of account management: profitable (without the possibility of replenishing and removing money), replenished and with the possibility of using funds.

Choose yourself high percent Easy, what if you urgently need money? Here, accumulative programs come to the rescue with the right of partial / complete removal of money. Cashing some of the money, the client does not close the contribution, and in some cases does not even lose interest.

In the presence of free funds, income can be multiplied by increasing the deposit amount, thanks to the right to replenish it. Standard "profitable" banking ProductAs a rule, this feature does not include. Its functions - to capitalize interest from month to month to the end of the term of the contract without the opportunity to manage and use the funds to use. Standard deposits have the highest yield depending on the deposit amount and attachment time.

Terms of deposits in various banks are relatively equal:

  • You need to choose a specific offer.
  • Make the amount not lower than the minimum designated.
  • Present a document certifying personality.

Below are the most profitable deposits in Moscow banks depending on their capabilities.

Profitable contributions

  • Bank of Moscow "Right answer"

Interest rates up to 11% in rubles.

Contribution - from 100 thousand rubles.

  • Binbank

Annual percentage to 10.75% in rubles, 3% per US dollars, up to 2.45% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles., 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Promscape Bank "My Benefit"

Interest rates up to 10.5% in rubles, 2.2% per US dollars, up to 1.15% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles., 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Alfa Bank

Interest rates up to 10.29% in rubles, 2.59% per US dollars, up to 1.12% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, $ 500 and 500 €.

  • UniCredit Bank

Interest rates up to 9.5% in rubles, 3.5% per US dollars, up to 1.5% in euros. Opening - from 100 thousand rubles., 1500 $ and 1500 €.

  • VTB 24 "profitable"

Interest rates up to 9.2% in rubles, 1.95% per US dollars, up to 0.8% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

Deposit Calculator

Summa contribution

Interest rate (%)

Deposit term (month)

Monthly interest

Reinvest are removed

  • Gazprombank "Perspective"

Interest rates up to 9% in rubles, 1.5% per US dollars, up to 1% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, $ 500 and 500 €.

Replenished contributions

  • Bank Trust "Cumulative"

Annual rate up to 10.65% in rubles, 2.45 US dollars, up to 1.7% in euros. Opening - from 30 thousand rubles., $ 500 and 500 €.

  • Promsvyazk Bank "Maximum Opportunities"

Interest rates up to 10% in rubles. Contribution - from 300 thousand rubles.

  • Gazprombank "Cumulative"

The annual rate is up to 8.8% in rubles, 1.4 US dollars, up to 0.9% in euros. Opening - from 15,000 rubles., $ 500 and 500 €.

  • VTB 24 "Cumulative"

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 1.85% per US dollars, up to 0.7% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • Raiffeisenbank "Personal Choice"

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 0.5% per US dollars, up to 0.01% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles., 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • Sberbank "Pop up"

Interest rates up to 7.1% in rubles, 1.85 US dollars, up to 0.91% in euros. Opening - from 1000 rubles., 100 $ and 100 €.

Depositary with early removal

  • Bank Trust "All Inclusive" With the ability to replenish the account

Interest rates up to 10.4% in rubles, 2.35 US dollars, up to 1.4% in euros. Opening - from 30000 rubles., $ 500 and 500 €.

Interest rates up to 8.7% in rubles, 0.95% per US dollars, up to 0.55% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, $ 500 and 500 €.

  • Rosbank "Optimal"

Interest rates up to 7.6% in rubles, 1.1% per US dollars, up to 0.2% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 2000 $ and 2000 €.

  • UniCredit Bank. Contribution "Universal" Allows you to replenish your account.

Interest rates up to 7.5% in rubles, 0.25% per US dollars, up to 0.25% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles., 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Sberbank "Manage"

Interest rates up to 6.59% in rubles, 1.64 US dollars, up to 0.35% in euros. Opening - from 30000 rubles., 1000 $ and 1000 €.


Be able to earn good money This is a great art, but even more important, save them and increase them. Hidden money-hidden paper money with time depreciate and lose their purchasing power. Investors with experience know that for the growth of savings, it is necessary to create an investment portfolio. Money should be placed in different financial institutions under various deposit programs and interest, and in such operations the most favorable contribution accompanied by increased risks.

What does profitable bank deposit for individuals mean

A large range of deposit offers and shares, the difference in interest rates, parameters and placement time, should not distract their savings from the main task. In order to choose the most profitable contribution, at the first stage it is necessary to determine the reliability of the commercial financial structure. The next step is to assess the profitability, which depends on the annual deposit rate, the period of capitalization and the possibility of replenishing the deposit account. For many depositors, freedom is required to withdraw their funds in convenient terms for them.

The purpose of the deposit

For the correct selection of the deposit program, decide with the amount you want to invest, and the time through which you will need this money. These initial data make it possible to determine your goal of the deposit - get short-term income or steadily accumulate cash With additional account replenishment. Bankers are more profitable to deal with a customer inserting funds to a clearly defined period. This provides an opportunity for a banking institution to plan their credit and financial operations on the same long periods.

How to choose the most profitable deposit

In order to protect the money of citizens, the insurance program is valid bank deposits. In the event of a bank loss invested by a borrower, compensation is made in the amount of 1,400,000 rubles per one deposit. Given this amount, it is worth making investments in several banks. The choice of the most reliable of them will simplify the solution of the task of the deposit for a large amount. The population of the country, workers and pensioners have the opportunity to compare bank services, and choose the most profitable deposits. A balanced deposit portfolio must contain both high-yield and highly reliable investments.

Interest rates on deposits

After the choice of the bank to determine the most advantageous contribution, you should decide with the maximum interest rates and final remuneration. Resulting, or effective interest rate Taking into account additional cash deposits, the commissions differ from the nominal. Large financial institutions offer not the highest yield, as they guarantee reliability when large sums ruble and currency deposits. Less large, increase rates, introduce attractive conditions for capitalization, replenishment, try to attract depositors.

Capitalization of interest

Suppose you made your first deposit for 3 months. After the end of this period, 0.25 from the annual interest rate on the chosen deposit program is accrued to your deposit. You add the amount of accrued interest to the main contribution, and leave total money for the next 3 months. This process is called the capitalization of the profit. A simple calculation shows that the less period of capitalization, the greater the final income on the completion of the deposit period. The period of capitalization varies from 1 month to the full period of the deposit.

Deposit amount

Russian legislation does not limit the minimum and maximum amounts of investment. For small deposits, it is worth using the amount of compensation for their insurance. The probability of bankruptcy of banks in the era of the global global crisis remains high. With large amounts of investments, from 10 million and higher, it is worth choosing reliable institutions. The deposit amount directly affects the interest rate. The higher the minimum entrance threshold in deposit programThe higher and the interest rate. This is equally related to ruble and currency deposits.

Deposit currency

One of the main factors for the investor is to determine the currency of the deposit. The ruble is subject to inflation and coursework, but it is the highest rates. Dollar and Euro More stable currencies are attracted under a smaller percentage. It is worth noting that the difference in currency is strongly affected by additional conditions on deposits. On a dollar or euro, banks introduce restrictions on free replenishment and early complete or partial deregulation. The institution manager will tell you how to take advantage of available currency programs.

The possibility of replenishing the deposit

Some profitable agreements In deposits make it possible to replenish your account at any time. There are programs for which you can add money only after a certain period of time expires. The deposit account replenishment scheme is a quarter-made table in which a change in interest rate is painted. This change looks like a staircase with a step of 0.5-1% with the highest indicator in the first quarter and the smallest in the latter. Distributed ban on replenishment in recent months.

Removing interest

The deposit period specified in the deposit contract determines the time through which the depositor has the ability to access its deposit account and dispose of money at your discretion. When monthly capitalization Interest, their removal will prevent the growth of your asset. There are rules for which your income on an additional account is listed. Sberbank offers savings certificates, the most revenues of which, with a par from 100 million rubles, bring an income of 7.2%.

Where to open a contribution to a high percentage



"Savings account"



"Maximum Online"

Moscow credit bank

"All inclusive - maximum income online"


"Additional bonus"


"My income (online)"



Alfa Bank

"Bottom" to demand


"Keep online @ w on"

What bank is the most profitable in deposits

The study of our experts showed that large percentage Deposits offers a development bank. The bid according to ruble deposits of the Premium program for 12 months depends on the deposit amount. With a minimum amount of 15 million rubles, the maximum rate is 14%, and in deposit more than 30 million rubles per 1 year - 14.3%. Accrual interest and capitalization is made at the end of the deadline with the possibility of replenishment. Annual rate for other currencies is attractive. With the amount of 5 million dollars or the euro rate - 7%.

The highest interest on deposits for today

The table provides advantageous deposits of Russian banks.



"Your Pension" Efficient Rate

From 31 to 744 days

Rocket Bank

Rate early termination 0.1% per annum


"Maximum income" for a period of 90 to 181 days

Crocus Bank

"Urgent-360 (% at the end of the term)"


"Golden time!" Replenishment of 90 days

Eastern Express Bank

"VIP Contribution" Monthly interest

"Contribution №1" with capitalization

Up to 735 days

BaltinVestbank SANKT-Petersburg

"Absolute Champion +"

272-366 days

Bank master capital


From 30000 rubles.

Bank Zenit

"Urgent Premium"

From 5mln.ru.

Favorable deposits in rubles

Given accessibility for most depositors, the most favorable deposit Offers the Asia-Pacific Bank. At the entrance from 125 thousand rubles according to the programs "Future" and "Investment" rate of 10.5%. The second most popular program Katyusha provides 8.8% per year. UniCredit on deposits offers profitability in rubles - up to 9.8% per annum, in dollars - up to 3.23% and to 1.18% - in euros. The deposit "Maximum" Inbank will bring 9.38% per year at dates from 1 to 36 months, with the possibility of replenishment, monthly capitalization, partial removal and the minimum sum of the entrance from 50,000 rubles.

To select the most profitable contribution and the correct investment strategy, it is worth contacting experienced investors. Managers financial institutions Can not help you choose the most profitable contribution. Each of them is interested in attracting depositors to their bank. A competent portfolio investor will help analyze the effectiveness of your investments. The final income and the resulting interest rate differs from nominal and advertising proposals. It is necessary in the calculations to take into account additional banking commissions on the transfer of money to accounts, conversion.

It is worth considering the possibilities of investing a part of the free funds in different currencies, Gold and others precious metals. IN last years, the largest banking structures of the world are chosen as a cryptocurrency bitcoin as a reserve currency. Competent financial reviews Analytical sites will help choose optimal behavior, and will be taught to choose the right strategy and tactics financial means for creating passive incomewill show new directions for the acquisition of assets and the most profitable contribution.

Favorable deposits in the currency

We reviewed the most profitable contribution to foreign currency Development Bank, but deposits with a high percentage are offered to large investors. The average yield in currency on banks of Russia varies from 1 to 2% per annum. Taking into account the factors of reliability, prevalence, availability, the most profitable contribution from the Alpha Bank "Victory +" with a bet of 1.97% per annum in dollars is attractive.

Effective deposit rates on the dollar are higher than when using the euro. European currency under the influence of the geopolitical problems of Europe, recent years shows its instability. What is happening a change in the political elites of the European continent, the new US president, the increasing tension between superpowers, the prospect of exiting the European Union of several countries, does not add euro sustainability and prospects for investors.

Deposits in Moscow banks under the maximum percentage

The best deposit rates are offered by Moscow banks. BCS for sums from 500,000 to 1,000,000 for clients who have entered into DCBOs in units located in Moscow began the supervised program of the most profitable contribution with an annual yield of 9.3%. Absolute Bank with a deposit "Progressive income" will raise your income by 9.15% per annum. Ziraate Bank Moscow in his deposit "urgent" with the sum of the entrance from 90,000 rubles will offer 9% per year with the possibility of replenishing, capitalization and prolongation of the contract for 730 days.

The Ural Interregional Bank proposes to make from 10,000 rubles per deposit "Profitable" at a rate of 8.8% and a period of 91 days to 1 year. The interest rate on the "Maximum-Online" program from Bank Dolinsk is from 7.35%. In the Central Invest Center, the project "Urgent for 1 year with autoprolonation" under 8.3% of 15 million rubles. "His people" in the National Bank "Trust" will receive 8.85%.

Deposit "" Maximum percentage (Online) "Binbank provides for a rate of 8.5% of six months, but with interest paid at the end of the term. According to the program "All inclusive - maximum income online" Moscow credit Bank 7.75% is charged for monetary contributions from 185 days with monthly capitalization. Credit Europe Bank offers the contribution "Optimal +" under 8.75% with a monthly payment of income, and "Earlier" under 8.6%.

The Moscow Industrial Bank from June 2, 2019 launched the program "Spring Traditions" with a bid of 8.38% per annum with a minimum start from 30,000 rubles for a period of 360 days. The main characteristics are the payment of income and capitalization quarterly, preferential termination, replenishment of periods with "stair" yield from 9, 5 to 7%. The "Tradition of Success Maximum" offered by Promsvyazbank provides an income of 8.8% per annum in rubles. Deposit "Investment" will bring 8.6% in terms of 180 days with replenishment, capitalization and preferential termination.


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In which bank is the most favorable conditions on deposits and a high percentage of deposit

Bank deposit is an opportunity to earn a percentage by investing your money to the bank for a certain period. None of the programs cannot be called universal - recipe favorable attachment Money for each own and depends on the relationship of the investor to the reliability of the bank, autoprolonation, capitalization and other conditions. The best interest rates on deposits are usually associated with risks and some inconvenience for the contributor.

On this page collected banks offering maximum rates interest on deposits. To meet them best offers and programs in more detail, click the "Establish" button - you will go to the Bank's website.

"Creditznatok" is a service that allows you to select contributions with the maximum interest rate or most favorable conditions Taking into account the diversity of proposals. Regardless of what is important to you - the flexibility of the conditions, the presence of capitalization or maximum income - here you will find the highest percentage on deposits in Moscow and can now benefit your money now.

Analysis of profitable offers

Proposals providing for the possibility of capitalization allow the most beneficial to invest. Revenues are accrued every month, and in the next period the percentage is calculated with respect to a new enlarged amount. Among the best profitable offers can also be allocated:

  • not allowing replenishment and partial removal of funds;
  • preventing income to the end of the contract;
  • promotional proposals of banks dedicated to commemorative dates.

Urgent deposits under the highest percentage can also be found among currency products: the interest rate is lower here than from ruble, but the optional is very wide and flexible. You can open an account not only in dollars and euros, but also in other currency.

Favorable deposits under a high percentage is easier to find in less promoted small banks. Having an impeccable reputation large banks do not need the most high ratesTo attract depositors - many of them choose reliability and stability instead fast money. Additional advantages - convenient internet banking, bonus programs, the availability of ATMs not only in Moscow, but even in small towns.

We have gathered on this page banks offering the largest income and allowing favorably to invest. You can choose a suitable bank in several criteria: large income, term, deposit size, currency. It should be remembered that a big bet exceeding the refinancing rate by 5 points will entail the need to pay for tax in the amount of 35% on the difference between percentages.

To learn more, click the "Proceed" button: Get all the necessary information and fill out the application on the Bank's website. Look for profitable offer Together with "Creditznatok"!

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state