
Deposits in Ak Bars Bank. AK BARS Bank - deposits. Comparison of deposit programs

This financial organization was created in 1993. To date, its offices are in 24 regions, the list of which is published on the official website. It provides a wide range of commercial servants, working with both companies and citizens.

Deposits of the Bank "Ak Bars" for individuals 2020 are represented by the following finproduks:

1. "Just accumulate" - involves the investment from 10 thousand rubles from 91 days under 7.3%. You can choose the procedure for obtaining payments - monthly or after the completion of the deposit period. Possible replenishment or early closure.

2. "Just manage" is designed to invest in the amount of from 10 thousand to 5 million from 91 to 370 days. Profitability is assumed at 6.55%. The investor can close it before the end of the action or partially remove funds from it. In addition, you can independently determine the schedule for the removal of interest, the ability to replenish and other service settings.

3. "Confident Future" - an investment deposit for 370 days. The size of the attachments should be at least 50 thousand rubles. The yield is 8.5%.

Cooperation with this bank has its advantages. Place the savings in it beneficial to citizens with both solid accumulations and with small dedicated means. The most attractive for users are:

  • maximum interest rates on deposits. Most large percentage is 5.25, and minimal - 4;
  • the possibility for the client to independently choose the terms of service;
  • high reliability, which is ensured by the share of the state as a shareholder, as well as the presence of a license of the Central Bank of Russia;
  • ability to make money without percent and make them account through the ATMs of partners.
  • What do you need our service?

    If you decide to open the score, our project will help you choose the most acceptable offer for you. We have collected on one service all current programs that offer Russian banking structures.

    For the convenience of searching, all finproducts are presented in the form of a rating. To date, the rating of the most interesting products is as follows: 61.

    On the first line of the list there is a proposal providing the most profitable terms. Today it is. Minimum bid It is 4.25, and the maximum reaches 5.15. The score opens on following conditions: The size of the minimum amount of funds for attachment is 10,000,000, the period to which opens is from 91 days.

    Another benefit from cooperation with us is to use the Calculator online. With it can be calculated interest accruals The amount you plan to place.

    Those who have temporarily free funds, we offer to make the accosals of AK Bars in Moscow for individuals 2020. Here you are guaranteed a high profitability of the deposit. The quality of services in the bank "Ak Bars" received a worthy assessment in the form of a constantly growing client base. For example, as of today, 5 deposit accounts in rubles, dollars and euros are open at the bank.

    Choice of finproduks in the bank "AK BARS"

    Each potential inventor has different capabilities for opening cumulative accounts. Someone can allocate significant amounts for long time. Others have limited financial resources, and the time factor is of great importance. The proposals of the bank "Ak Bars" take into account these circumstances and allow you to choose the most appropriate deposit option:

    1. Maximum interest rates has a version simply multiply. Depending on the duration of the contract, their value is from 4.25 to 5.15. The initial fee for this program is 1000000 for a period of at least 91 days. Partial removal of money from such an invoice, except accrued interest, is not provided.

    2. The product "Just to increase" provides the possibility of incomplete removal with the condition that the balance on the account will be at least the amount of the first contribution. In this case, its yield in %% is preserved. For this embodiment, the rates are set differentiated depending on the duration of the agreement and the volume of invested money.

    3. If you want to get additional features By order by your contribution, pay attention to the program "Just manage". From such an attachment can be removed more money, to a level of 50% of the initial amount, while maintaining interest accrued. A payment for this is some reduction in profitability in comparison with previous two types of contracts.

    4. The easiest type of deposit is "just catch the moment." It is open for a month.

    Calculate the yield of different investments will help you an online calculator. To pick up favorable terms of the agreement, you can contact the Bank's employees who will also answer all customer issues. More detailed information The services of the Bank "Ak Bars" are presented on its official website. By the way, you can open the account and arrange documents via the Internet. In this case, you are guaranteed increased interest on Finprodukt.


    The difference between products in rubles and currency consists only in the amount of rates on the funds made. All other conditions they are absolutely the same. The profitability of the ruble deposits is higher, and the currency analogs will deliver the client from the risks of course oscillations and from the need to pay margin when buying currency. Accumulation in dollars is great way To postpone money for the planned vacation abroad, having received a small additional income.

    Investments in Ak Bars Bank, for individuals for 2017, can be opened with an interest rate to 9.50% in rubles.

    You can choose a suitable program with favorable conditions by selecting from the following options: with a replenishment, partial removal, in any currency (ruble, dollar, euro), with a monthly percent removal.

    Pensioners are suitable for a specialized product "Pension" - with a minimum contribution from 5 thousand rubles.

    To those depositors who are not indifferent to the fate of hard sick children, the program "Create Good" is proposed, with automatic transfer of income part, to the Creating Creation Charitable Foundation.

    The Investment Program "Multicurrency" - will help save and multiply your savings, due to the simultaneous storage of their storage in three currencies.

    1. Program of the "Festive Percentage" deposit - with a monthly income payment

    Our review will begin with one of best programs Bank - "Festive percentage".

    The product goes on the promotion, you can maximize - 9.30% per annum.

    The contribution opens only in rubles, the minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles.

    Program advantages : Replenishment, partial removal (accrued interest), monthly income removal. Deposit term to choose from the client: 93, 186, 372 days.

    Replenishment is valid only from the period of 186 days and higher (during the first two months, from the date of discovery). If you contributed to 93 days, unfortunately it is impossible to replenish it.

    The contribution is replenished with sums of 5 thousand rubles ( total amount replenishment should not exceed 3 fold size initial contribution By deposit).

    Interest is paid monthly, every 31 days.

    2. Program of the deposit "Pension" - Favorable conditions for pensioners

    This deposit can open pensioners and veterans. For them, the bank has developed the most profitable preferential conditions.

    The contribution is replenished, you can get the most in rubles - to 9,10 % annual. If you want to invest your savings in dollars or euros - here is such an opportunity, there is also available.

    Minimum deposit amount: 5 000 ₽, 100 $ / €.

    The time of investment of savings (to select the depositor): 30, 60, 90, 186, 372 days.

    Replenishment It is possible from 1 000 ₽, 50 $ / € (maybe up to 30 days, at the end of the deposit period). If you contributed to 372 days, you can replenish it, only up to 90 days, at the end of the deposit period.

    Payment of interest (to choose):

    • Once a month (interest is accrued every 31 day);
    • At the end of the deposit period (capitalization of interest);
    • In case of early termination of the contract (part of the bet is preserved).

    The value of the contribution rate depends on the term and amount of the deposit (we look at the interest table) ...

    In dollar deposits, the rate from 0.10 to 1.10% per annum (maximum rate can be obtained by investing 10 thousand dollars for a period of 372 days).

    Deposits in euros, traditionally have the lowest rates from 0.10 to 0.50% per annum (we obtain from the contribution of 10 thousand euros for a period of 372 days).

    In case of early termination of the contribution, the part of the bet persists (only for deposits, with a period of 186 and 372 days): ₽ - 2.5% per annum, $ - 0.3% per annum, € - 0.1% per annum.

    3. The program of the contribution of "Creation Good" - Help Sick Children

    Having invested its savings into this "product", you can help hard sick children.

    With your income, will "write down" 10%, and listed in the charity foundation.

    The contribution opens only in rubles. The minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles.

    Deposit term - 372 days. There is the possibility of replenishment (from 500 rubles), but 90 days before the expiration of the deposit period - the reception additional contributions stops.

    Interest rate fixed for the entire period - 8,70 % annual.

    4. Program of the Income Guarantee Deposit - Choose the maximum benefit

    Well, here we approached the most profitable program of the Bank "Ak Bars" - "Guarantee of income". But it is beneficial only at the "first glance", looking at the rate for the 2nd period.

    The fact is that the entire deposit period (720 days) is divided into four periods. And, accordingly, in each such period - its own bid (see the table).

    To find out the actual bet on the deposit, you need to add all the periods, and divided into 4: (8.00% + 9.50% + 7.50% + 6.50%): 4 \u003d 7,87 % annual.

    At the final rate, you will calculate interest on the contribution of 720 days.

    Bank loyalty bonus

    The bank will add to your rate, another 0.5% per annum, if you have: bank card "Ak Bars" (except for the "social"), bank insurance package (list on the official website), or a valid loan.

    These products must be decorated, not earlier than 1 year, from the date of opening the contribution.

    The contribution can be opened only in rubles, the minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles.

    Replenishment is permitted, during the first 360 days of the deposit (from 10,000 rubles).

    Interest is paid: either at the map monthly, or at the end of the term. In case of early termination of the contract, the interest remains, only after 180 days of "the life of the contribution".

    5. The Investment Program "Multicurry" - Keep the money at the same time in three currencies

    Unstable financial market, and oscillation of the currency rate, you can use for your own profits. This deposit - created specifically for such purposes.

    Your deposit amount will be kept on three accounts: rubles, dollars, euros.

    You can convert them from one currency to another, making a profit on the rate difference.

    The contribution will be suitable for large investors who know the sense in this matter, and are able to anticipate the trends in the exchange market.

    Deposit term : 30, 91, 181, 367 days.

    Payment of interest - At the end of the term.

    Minimum amount : 10 000 ₽, $ 300, 250 €.

    Interest rates, you can see, in the table below ...

    Rates in rubles ("multicurrency")

    Rates in dollars ("multicurrency")

    Rates in the euro ("multicurrency")

    Bank "Ak Bars" accepts deposits from individuals in 2019 at the interest rate to 7.00% per annum in rubles. The Bank has four excellent programs for profitable placement of their savings. This review will be fully dedicated to the "Products" of the Bank "Ak Bars" - I will identify strengths and weak sides deposits.

    It should be noted that all deposits of the bank are insured by the state, since "Ak Bars" is included in the register of banks - participants in the system mandatory insurance contributions. The state gives one hundred percent warranty of the deposit refund in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles (or equivalent to this amount in US dollars or euro), in case insurance case (the most common - license selection by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

    When choosing a program, you should consider the presence of the options you need. In the bank "Ak Bars" they are as follows: the possibility of making additional contributions, the possibility of implementation expendable Operations By deposit, monthly percent removal (for some depositors is a very important option), the preservation of the part of the bet in the early termination of the contract.

    We note that preferential conditions have been developed for pensioners increased rates. About how to get a preferential rate will be written in detail in the review.

    How to discover the contribution?

    • Contact a bank branch with a passport (or pension certificate);
    • Sign the application for the opening of the deposit;
    • Put cash At the expense of the deposit in a convenient way.

    Along with the ruble deposits, in the bank "Ak Bars" there are excellent offers of deposits in foreign currency. Maximum rate In US dollars - 1.75% per annum. The euro rates are very small - you can get 0.10% per annum.

    1. Contribution "Just accumulate"

    Super profitable program with the ability to make additional contributions and monthly percentage. The maximum interest rate is 7.00% per annum in rubles (in dollars you can get up to 1.75% per annum). The contribution can be opened in two ways: in the office of the bank, or through the "Internet Bank".

    A small minimum opening amount (only 10 thousand rubles or 100 dollars / euro) will allow you to use the program of any category of depositors. The minimum amount of additional contributions is not limited.

    If you have discovered the contribution through "Ak Bars online", then you can get percentages only at the end of the deposit period. Interest on deposits opened in the bank's separation can be removed monthly (every 31 days). Accrued interest can be transferred to the bank card of the bank "Ak Bars" (at the request of the depositor).

    The investor has a unique opportunity to participate in charity. If desired, funds in the amount of 0.50% of the amount of accrued interest can be translated into the charity foundation "Ak Bars Creating".

    Deposit currency

    Rubles of the Russian Federation, US dollars, euro

    Deposit term

    From 91 to 720 days

    Interest rate

    ₽ - up to 7.00%, $ - up to 1.75%, € - 0.10%

    Minimum amount

    10 000 ₽ or $ 100 or 100 €



    Partial removal


    Payment of interest

    Monthly or at the end of the term



    Early dissolution

    At the request "to demand"

    Interest rates

    How to increase the percentage?

    2. Contribution "Just multiply"

    An excellent deposit with a complete set of all kinds of full-fledged contributions. Here there is: replenishment, partial removal, monthly payout percent. The maximum rate in rubles is 6.30% per annum. The only negative program "Just multiply": a very high minimum opening amount (1 million rubles).

    The contribution can be opened in one of the three currencies: rubles, dollars, or euros. The minimum and maximum amount of replenishment is not limited. Accrued interest can be obtained monthly to the account bank card (open in the bank "Ak Bars"), or pick up at the end of the term. By the way, the payment of interest on deposits that were open online is carried out only at the end of the term.

    Consumables on deposit are possible only to the "uncompound residue": rubles - up to 1 million, dollars and euros - up to 15 thousand. We note that according to the terms of the contract, a part of the bet remain in the early division of the deposit (provided that your contribution "lay" on the account of more than 370 days). In this case, retain: 2.50% per annum - rubles, 0.40% per annum - dollars, and 0.05% per annum - euros. For contributions that were terminated for a period of up to 370 days, the "demand" rate is appointed.

    The contribution rate has a dependence on the period and amount, as well as on the presence of preferential conditions for increasing the percentage (see below).

    Deposit currency

    Rubles of the Russian Federation, US dollars, euro

    Deposit term

    From 91 to 720 days

    Interest rate

    ₽ - up to 6.30%, $ - up to 1.30%, € - 0.10%

    Minimum amount

    1 000 000 ₽ or $ 15,000 or 15 000 €



    Partial removal


    Payment of interest

    Monthly or at the end of the term



    Early dissolution

    Interest rates in rubles

    Currency / Time 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years
    1 000 000 - 2 500 000 ₽ 5,20 % 5,40 % 5,50 % 5,60 %
    2 500 000 - 3 500 000 ₽ 5,40 % 5,50 % 5,60 % 5,70 %
    from $ 3,500 000 ₽ 5,50 % 5,60 % 5,70 % 5,80 %

    Interest rates in dollars

    The rate in the euro does not depend on the term and the amount of the deposit, and has a fixed value - 0.10% per annum.

    How to increase the percentage?

    3. Contribution "Just manage"

    Excellent program for free and comfortable management of your savings. Pros: small sum opening of the contribution (only 10 thousand rubles), the possibility of making additional contributions, the possibility partial removal, Monthly percent removal (optional), preserving part of the bet in case of early termination of the contract.

    The maximum rate in rubles is 6.25% per annum. For those depositors who prefer to keep their savings in foreign currency, there is the possibility of making a deposit in US dollars or euros.

    Partial removal is possible up to 50% of the sum of the initial contribution, i.e. Up to half of the "unsigned residue". At the same time, the interest rate is completely preserved. Early termination for a period of 370 days, retains part of the bet (rubles - 2.50% per annum). The early termination for a period of up to 370 days, calculated at the request "to demand" (the "burn").

    The minimum amount of replenishment is not limited. Additional contributions are accepted throughout the entire placement. Accrued interest are paid: either to the card account every 31 day, or at the end of the term along with the amount of the deposit.

    The deposit provides for a prolongation that you can use an unlimited number of times.

    Deposit currency

    Rubles of the Russian Federation, US dollars, euro

    Deposit term

    From 91 to 720 days

    Interest rate

    ₽ - up to 6.25%, $ - up to 1.10%, € - 0.10%

    Minimum amount

    10 000 ₽ or $ 100 or 100 €



    Partial removal


    Payment of interest

    Monthly or at the end of the term



    Early dissolution

    At a preferential rate or "to demand"

    Interest rates

    How to increase the percentage?

    4. Contribution "Just catch the moment"

    Short-term deposit, which opens for a period of 31 days. The contribution can be extended an unlimited number of times. Pluses of the deposit: a small minimum opening amount, you can get rapid income. Cons of the program: the lowest rate among all the "products" of the bank, the lack of replenishment and partial removal.

    In rubles you can get - up to 5.5% per annum. In dollars and euros, interest is very meager: 0.20% and 0.01% per annum, respectively. Accrued interest can be obtained monthly (if you want to extend the deposit), or at the end of the term (after 31 days).

    Deposit currency

    Rubles of the Russian Federation, US dollars, euro

    Deposit term

    Interest rate

    ₽ - up to 5.50%, $ - up to 0.20%, € - 0.01%

    Minimum amount

    10 000 ₽ or $ 100 or 100 €



    Partial removal


    Payment of interest

    Monthly or at the end of the term



    Early dissolution

    At the request "to demand"

    How to increase the percentage?

    AK BARS Bank offers decoration term deposits both in the national and in foreign currencies. The program of the savings deposit is valid without the possibility of increasing the principal amount or withdrawal of funds in partial volume. Savings Contribution With a higher interest rate, you can open within the comprehensive product. Developed program cumulative contribution With the possibility of making additional contributions during the deposit period. The client can place the consuming contribution within one of the bank's programs. Also, the Bank provides an opportunity to issue an indefinite contribution without restrictions on the amount.

    Features of deposits.The BARS Bank's deposit programs have a number of the following features:

    • The interest rate depends on the amount, the deposit period and the currency in which it is open;
    • Supports are provided by K. interest rate for pensioners, as well as when placing the contribution remotely;
    • Payment of accrued interest is carried out at the same time at the end of the deadline or each month, with the subsequent transfer of funds to a separate account - to choose a client. With a remote registration of the deposit, interest is paid at the end of the deposit period;
    • To make a contribution to the bank can both citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens / subjects of any other state, as well as persons without citizenship and refugees;
    • There are no restrictions on the maximum deposit amount;
    • Prolongation of the deposit is envisaged after the expiration of its operation on the terms of the primary contract. The number of prolongations is not limited;
    • The possibility of premature termination of the contribution contract is allowed, and interest is carried out by the percentage of an indefinite contribution. Some programs involve preferential procedure for early closure of the contribution;
    • The depositor can make up a power of attorney for the implementation of operations on the deposit in the Bank's office of the Bank;
    • The client is entitled to make a testamentary order in the bank's separation of the Bank regarding funds in the account account;
    • The client may entrust the bank to list a part of the interest accrued to the interest on charity goals.

    How to discover the contribution? AK BARS Bank provides for the following methods of deposit placement:

    • In the bank branch. With you, a customer is required to have a person identifying a document, for example, a general passport, a pension certificate, a certificate of a serviceman. You also need a document certifying the fact of registration - if this information is not specified in the document confirming the document. If you need to provide the Inn. Foreigners and aparters file a certifying personality document and a migration card and / or a document confirming the legality of being in the territory of the Russian Federation, for example, a residence permit. Refugees must have a corresponding certificate with them;
    • Remotely - with the help of an Internet bank. Available to current bank customers. When placing the contribution, a higher interest rate is valid.

    Closing the deposit and removal of money.The closure of the contribution is carried out upon demand from the client on the last day of the term of the contract. Refund can be made cash or in non-cash form. If you do not demand a contribution, its autoprolonation occurs for the same period. It is allowed to premature closure of the contribution, while the program may provide a preferential closing order, involving the maintenance of a part of interest. Otherwise, interest is recalculated at the rate of an indefinite contribution.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state