
The most profitable urgent contribution. Bank deposits. Mail Bank presented "Maximum" contribution

The contribution, he also deposit is the money that the client places in the bank in order to preserve and multiply his capital.

The greatest income brings urgent bank deposits with the largest interest rates. Best bets In deposits in rubles and currency can be obtained during seasonal or other special shares of banks.

Bank deposits individuals We are divided into a lot of species depending on the period, additional options and currencies.

Banks offer a number of additional urgent deposits:

  • capitalization of interest is a monthly transfer of interest at the expense of the contribution to the following interest accrual from total amount the initial amount of the contribution and accrued interest;
  • autoprolonization - the extension of the contract in automatic mode if the contributor does not recall the deposit amount at the end of its validity period;
  • replenishment I. partial removal money from a deposit account provides the client to dispose of cashwithout terminating the contract with the bank.

The best deposits in banks are chosen taking into account all these components.

According to the currency used, deposits are: ruble, currency (deposits in dollars, euros and other currencies), multicurrency (the value of the contribution is made up of the amount of funds in several currencies). The best interest and maximum yield is the deposits in rubles.

The investment in the currency is one of the most popular ways of saving and multiplying their capital, especially in crisis time.

Almost everyone russian bank It offers currency deposits in dollars and euros. You can store your savings in English pounds sterling, and in Swiss francs, as well as in Chinese yuan and japanese yen. You can compare currency courses on our website in the section "Currency Courses". Suggestions of deposits in these currencies are few, as the demand for them is small.

Interest rates Even at advantageous urgent deposits in foreign currency, in comparison with ruble, lower due to the unstability of the ruble in relation to the dollar and the euro. Also, depending on the age of the applicant, deposits are allocated for pensioners and students.

Which deposit to choose, and how to find reliable contributions for a high percentage per annum? Find the best interest rates By deposits and other parameters, our form will help you. With it, you can select not only profitable deposits, but also reliable banks for their placement in the current 2019

To date, in Moscow, the highest interest rate in rubles has been contributing at the top (share in NSG 30-99.9%) in Gazprombank Bank (AO) - 9.50% per annum. The minimum deposit amount of 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit period. It can be called the best deposit in rubles.

The deposit in the bank was and remains the easiest and most reliable way to receive additional profits from available funds without loading itself with additional work. For residents of Moscow, deposits in banks are especially relevant: having the opportunity to postpone into account more moneyThey can count on a higher percentage and profits. But in which bank is to make a contribution, and where will it be profitable and safe?

About security today everything is simple: system state insurance Deposits protects investors from the loss of money due to the ruin or liquidation of the bank, and any amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles will be returned to its owner. In case you intend to put in the account a little less, it is not worried about: you can only choose a program with best Terms On the deposit - and open an account. At the beginning of 2017, it is possible to resume the decline in interest rates, so it makes sense today to choose the most appropriate offer.

What deposits in Moscow banks will bring the greatest interest? Where to invest money in 2017 will be most profitable?


Start from Sberbank, as from the most popular bank among depositors in Moscow, it would be reasonable. But not very - to do accumulation in this bank. The whole thing in percent, which are the lowest among all other banks that we consider in this review. Sberbank offers its customers 6.95% per annum on deposits as the maximum possible, except for the "Good year" seasonal offer with a bet of up to 8%.

Nevertheless, the deposits "manage", "Keep" and "replenish" are quite convenient for the bank's customers. There are no hard restrictions on the amount and deadlines here: the client can independently choose any period (from 1 month) and put on account even the minimum amount (from 1000 rubles). In terms of deposits, interest is capitalized, and the rate as the amount increases increases in the account. When opening the deposits of the online bet above average by 0.4%.

VTB 24

Among the banks offering contributions are different in that it offers its customers wide opportunities for additional income. The bank offers three deposit products - "comfortable", "accumulative" and "profitable". The maximum income is possible at the contribution "profitable". With the amount of investments from 200 thousand rubles and storage period of 181, it is possible to count on a percentage rate of 6.80% (taking into account capitalization - 6.90%). With the amount of the deposit of 1500,000 rubles, the maximum effective rate will be 7.75% under the opening period from 91 to 181 days. When opening a contract in the Internet bank, interest will be higher.

Alfa Bank

On the this moment offers to its customers not only credit products, but also a number of programs on deposits. The smallest percentage for income (not accumulative) deposits is 7.10% (the contribution "potential +"), the greatest - on the deposits of "victory +" (8.34%) and "Prize +" (7.60%) with the amount of the contribution from 10 000 rubles. On the deposit "Victory" at the maximum rate of 8.96%, it is possible to expect, invested from 5 million rubles for a period of 184 to 276 days. And according to the savings program "Lifeline" under the amount of the contribution from 50 thousand rubles and a period of 1 year, the income will be up to 8.0% per annum, and this product is charitable: monthly Bank 0.05% of the deposit amount to the Charitable Foundation for Saving Sick Children Line Life.

VTB Bank of Moscow

The organization offers several deposit programs with different conditions. The most profitable offer is valid until January 31, 2017 on the "Seasonal" deposit - up to 10% per annum can be obtained by placing from 100 thousand rubles for 400 days. The contribution is divided into percentage periods of 100 days, replenishment and partial removal is not provided. Also, under the program "Maximum Income", you can get a high percentage of 8.46 %% per annum (with capitalization, for 1 year with the amount of from 1.5 million rubles). Contributions to 550 thousand rubles will bring up to 7.76% per annum (with capitalization). When opening the contributions "Maximum Income", "Maximum Growth" and "Maximum Comfort" in the Internet Bank acts elevated bid - + 0.3% to the deposit rate in rubles of the Russian Federation and + 0.1% to the deposit rate in US dollars / euro.

Home Credit Bank

Home Credit offers to his depositors several savings programs. One of them is the contribution " Profitable year"Opens in rubles and in currency. The contribution "profit year" is issued for a year, minimum size The first contribution is 1000 rubles with a percentage rate - 8.75% (9.13% - with capitalization) per annum. Interest rates in US dollars - 1.50% (1.51% with capitalization, in euro - 0.5%. Deposses in the ruble "Maximum income" and "Pension" offer more high percentages - 8.75% (with capitalization - 9.34%) under a period of 18 months. But the deposit "maximum income" is opened only in the Internet bank. Under 8.0% per annum opens a deposit "Capital" for a period of 36 months, but without capitalization of interest. For all deposits, except the "Cabinet", the minimum amount of the first contribution and replenishment is 1000 rubles. The contribution of the "Cabinet" can be opened for 12 months, having an amount of at least 3 million rubles, with an interest rate of 8.9% (9.29% with capitalization).


Bank Tinkoff offers its customers one type of deposit, issued remotely, with interest rates to 8.0% (8.84% - with capitalization) per annum in rubles, 1.5% in US dollars (2.01% - with capitalization) and 0.75% - in euros (with capitalization - 1.25%). This percentage can be counted with the amount of balance from 50 thousand rubles and the shelf life of 12 to 24 months, with a period of 3 to 5 months - 5.5%, from 6 to 11 months 6.5%. If funds are listed bank transactionThis is added 1% of the deposit amount.

The possibility of replenishment is provided (there are limitations for timing) and partial removal to an unsigned residue.

Russian standard

The maximum rate in the Bank of the Russian standard can reach 10% on the Maximum Income Deposit Program. The contribution is located on 720 days, which are divided into percentage periods, the most profitable one is 360 days under 10%. The amount of placement in the design on the bank's website or in the office is from 30,000 rubles, and when opening in an Internet bank - from 10,000 rubles at the same rate. According to the urgent deposit "Refilled", the holder of funds can get up to 9.5% per annum. The shelf life is half a year or a year, the minimum amount for opening is 30 thousand rubles, but on the specified bid can be calculated by placing them for a period of 360 days.

Where is more profitable to keep money?

As you can see, deposits in Moscow banks are offered on different conditions. All organizations can be divided into two groups - banks with the smallest and most maximum rates. The first group includes Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB24 and the Bank of Moscow. In the second - Tinkoff, Home Credit, Russian Standard. The best interest on deposits in rubles is waiting for you in the banks of Home Credit and Russian Standard. Here you can get up to 10% per annum and more. However, one interest rate to draw conclusions about the profitability of the contribution in a particular bank is not enough. We recommend paying attention to the ability to make profitable and consumables In a account, because of most of the high-yield deposits, replenishment is also prohibited, and partial removal of funds, interest is also usually paid only at the end of the deadline, which is not always convenient to depositors.

Updated in December 2016

A complete list of the most relevant banks for investors for investors is available at http://www.podborvklada.ru - there you can find a constantly updated list of deposits with the best conditions.

Keep money in Sberkasse if you have them! Quote from Comedy Gaiday is relevant now. Interest rates on deposits in banks are high today, so that people can benefit money on the deposit, without worrying about inflation. Buy real estate now not too favorable attachment, foreign currency Periodically cheaper in relation to the ruble, but to store bills of houses is dangerous. It is reasonable to contact the bank and try to accommodate the accumulated funds there.

Rates on deposits of individuals

Recent polls show: more than half of Russians believe that money is better to save in a bank, on a deposit or accumulative account. The credibility of financial institutions gradually increases, people from the experience of previous years prefer to postpone the surplus. Each bank offers its solution, but there is a middle rate concept bank interestwhich is installed by the Central Bank:

  • central bank Analyzes the actions of all financial institutions not only to identify violations that lead to fines or deprivation of a license. Other indicators are tracked.
  • Average interest rates on deposits in 2019 are 10.82%: this is 0.3% higher than in the past 2016.
  • The state is following that the institutions do not exceed this value more than 2 points - it threatens them with fines, an additional audit and an increase in insurance premiums. According to this principle, the state controls banking marketwithout giving opportunities to credit institutions to risk customer money.

Interest on pension deposits

Pensioners as clients are all glad, it is the most reasonable and disciplined category of citizens. Almost all the largest russian banks offer attractive interest rates on pension deposits With the function of replenishment, which is a certain savings account analog, but with a much higher interest rate. Pensioners are invited to use different types of deposits with minimal initial sum.

Sberbank pleases pensioners favorable conditions - Interest does not depend on the deposit value, there is an opportunity to replenish online. "Pension plus" is a replenished deposit for 3 years, 3.5% per annum, "preserve" - \u200b\u200bunrefined, the rate is 5.6% (when opening an account online - up to 6.13%), "replenish" - 5.12% ( Online - 5.63%). There is a "pension" - 8.3% a year from MDM Bank, Home Credit Bank offers "Pension - 7.75%.

Interest on ruble deposits

The main share of bank deposits is ruble investments. Choosing where to invest money should not look for high interest rates in banks on ruble deposits that are offered managers of small organizations. Large financial institutions offer profits around 8-10%:

  • Sberbank is positioned as reliable and does not offer annual interest More than 8.1, but the minimum amount begins from 1000 rubles.
  • VTB24 offers to open a deposit with margin up to 11% per annum, but without the function of removal or replenishment.
  • Alpha Bank also holds a bar in an area of \u200b\u200b9-10% on three-year accounts.

Currency deposit rates

Although the euro is considered a more reliable currency, the situation with foreign exchange investments is not too different from the trends for ruble deposits. Interest rates in monetary deposits In banks fluctuate from 1.5 to 3.5% per annum, and again the promoted players are in no hurry to make high interest on multicurrency accounts. Want to work out - take advantage of some regional financial institutions, but together with the growth of the percentage, the risk increases with their license.

Interest rates on deposits in Moscow banks

The bank should not only offer profits, but also be stable. Interest rates on deposits of Moscow banks are constantly analyzed and the results are drawn up profitable proposals. They take into account the rating loan contracts, yield and net assets, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200btheir reliability level. Do not forget that rates on deposits in Moscow depend on the term and its magnitude.

Self best programs Moscow banks:

  • "With the maximum rate" - 8%, URALSIB;
  • "Vlad to the Future" - 10%, Binbank;
  • "Partner" - 8%, Nevsky bank;
  • "Maximum income" - up to 8.4% of Sovcombank;
  • "All incredible income is included" - 8.5% of the Moscow institution Credit bank;
  • « Financial protection", In euros, 3.5% - Promsvyazbank;
  • "For life", in euros, 3% - UniCredit Bank;
  • "Tradition of success", in euros, 2.5% - Promsvyazbank.

High deposit rates

Interest rates on deposits in banks today quite differ. What does it depend on? Experts identify several reasons that can determine high interest rates on deposits in banks:

  • the intensity of issuing loans that make up the main profit of institutions;
  • high competition - an increase in the number of institutions in the country leads to an increase in interest rate;
  • deposits of SO complex interest Initially offer smaller profits than with a simple bet.

Large players on financial market Do not stimulate profitability, preferring to attract customers with a reliable reputation. Sberbank of Russia, VTB24, Gazprombank, AlfaBank, Raiffeisenbank - their percentage is rarely above 8.5-9%. People understand that the overestimated income parameters are more reluctant than attract. Want to win percentage - look for an institution with deposit insurance system. In the case of a license or bankruptcy revocation, the state undertakes to return to customers of the amount up to 1400,000 rubles.

Interest rates of reliable banks

What bank is considered reliable? About sharks banking business Everyone knows: they are hearing. Is it possible to find high interest rates in reliable banks of Russia outside the "big triple" - Sberbank, VTB24, Gazprombank? The reliability of banks must be compared and analyzed constantly, while it is taken into account:

  • analysis of the work of the credit institution by the Central Bank, while takes into account the value of its own capital;
  • customer reviews about the work of the institution;
  • check organizations with special agencies.

The approximate list of deposits with good interest from recognized reliable banks looks like this year:

  • "Magnus" - 8% a year from Jay Endi Bank;
  • "Solid percentage" - 8% of 3 months. Promsvyazbank;
  • "Prime" - 8.13% - 3 months old from UniCreditbank;
  • "150 years of reliability" - 8.2% for 3 months. from Rosbank;
  • "Perspective" - \u200b\u200bup to 8.1% with deadlines from six months to 3 years from Gazprombank.

Banks of Russia - interest rates on deposits

As the analysis of deposits, the most profitable interest rates on deposits in the banks of Russia - in unrefined deposits for a period of six months and higher. Interesting offers of small banks that are actively trying to attract new customers:

  • "Solid" - 10.5% of 550 days from Gaztransbank;
  • "Maximum" - 10.5% of 9 to 36 months, Bank "Dolinsk";
  • "Loyalty to premium traditions" - 10.25% (amount from 2,000,000 rubles. For 1 year from Alef-Bank;
  • "In Euro Call" - 10% a year from Binbank Capital;
  • "Safe" - 10% a year from the bank "Interaction".

Rates on deposits in Sberbank for today

Middle rarely exceed 8%, which is compensated by reliability, widespread in the Russian Federation and quality of service.

  • "Generations memory" - the minimum deposit is 10,000 rubles. The rate of bet is 6.4-7%, and part of the profit is transferred to the Assistance Fund for Military Veterans.
  • "Save online" - can be done in any currency. A small minimum amount is only 1000 p. - makes it available to any layers of the population. Maximum percentage income - 6.13 in rubles and 1.06 in dollars.

More Popular offers:

  • "Manage!" - Replenished, it is possible to arrange it online. Percentages range from 3 to 5.85.
  • "Give life" - partially income sacrifice to the same name. Term - 1 year, rate - 5.3%, without replenishment.
  • "Savings" - a common account with a minimum percentage of 2.3 per annum. There are replenishments and early removal.
  • "Savings Certificate" is a favorable offer with an income of 8.45% per annum. Feature - no deposit insurance system.

Bank VTB 24.

This bank has a share of state money, so reliability is quite justified. The percentage of deposit today VTB 24 Bank offers low, which is compensated by favorable conditions:

  • "Profitable - Telebank" with a monthly payment of profits - 7.4% (online 7.55%) per annum from 1.5 million rubles. for 3 months;
  • "Cumulative" - \u200b\u200bfrom 200,000 rubles. for 3 months and above, the percentage - up to 6.95, there is a capitalization of income;
  • "Comfortable" - 5.35% (when ordering 5.5%) - the period from six months, the minimum amount is from 200,000 rubles, there is a possibility of partial removal.

Rosselkhozbank Russia

Possess Rosselkhozbank as "People's Bank" with favorable offers For all segments of the population. Interest on deposits of individuals of Rosselkhozbank fluctuate from 6 to 9% depending on the duration and size:

  • "Investment" - from 50,000 r., 8.75%, payment of profits - at the end of the term (half a year, year);
  • Golden Premium - up to 8.1% for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years, the minimum amount is 15000000 p.;
  • "Classic" - Profit 7.95% per annum, interest payment - to choose from, minimum amount - 3000 p.

Contribution to Alpha Bank

The interest rate of the contribution to the Alpha Bank is comparable to competitors, but popularity financial institution Great. Now customers are offered:

  • "Life line +" - a deposit for a year with complex interest (up to 7.1) and the minimum amount of 50,000 p.;
  • "Victory +" is a contribution for half a year to 7.3% and the deposit amount of 50000 p.;
  • "Potential +" - with a high minimum amount of 500,000,000 and profit of 6.4%, period - 245 days;
  • "Premier +" - for half a year, 6.8% with the amount of 5 million rubles (payment of profits - upon completion of the contract).

Bank mail

"Mail Bank" appeared on the Russian financial market quite recently, and until 2016, he was called "Summer-Bank" and was a subsidiary of a large credit player VTB24. Last year, all the offices "Summer-Bank" closed, and customers were surprised to find what was serviced in the "Mail-Bank". Aggressive advertising company involving famous actors does its job, the bank constantly calls to take advantage of its services for investment of accumulated funds.

It is proposed to choose the following deposit rates in the post office by the Bank, and all deposits are subject to insurance:

  • "Seasonal" - for a year with the amount of accommodation from 50,000 rubles. The rate of 8.25% with the payment of profits after the expiration of the term, retirees receive 8.5% per annum.
  • "Capital" - for six months or a year to 8.25% plus a card as a gift.
  • "Cumulative" - \u200b\u200ba replenished deposit up to 7.5% and the minimum amount of 5000 rubles. Perhaps early closure and capitalization of percent times in a quarter.
  • "Profitable" - annual deposit from 7.75% per annum and amount from 500,000 rubles., Card or Personal Account go as a gift.

Rating of banks on interest rate on deposits

The best interest rates on deposits this year guarantee small credit institutions that need to be attracted maximum amount New customers. It is worth noting that high interest rates on deposits in banks today are leaders among credit organizations Do not offer, but to decide which option is more important - profit or reliability - only the client. Almost all banks operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, who will be expensive to reputation, participate in the deposit insurance system (now the maximum amount to return is 1 million 400 thousand rubles.

Specify the features of the proposals in the table:

Bank's name


Deposit conditions


There is no replenishment, paying percent at the end, there is no early removal.

Russian standard

Maximum percentage

Payment of profits at the end, without replenishment and early removal.



Monthly payment of profits, replenished, without removal.

Fixed income

Replenished (if specified in advance, with a preferential commission on early removal), the payment of profits every month.

Maximum percentage

Payment at the end of the year, replenishment is, removing the money before the end of the term is impossible.

Video: interest rates on deposits in 2019

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Forming on the basis of the total volume of incoming funds. If you are looking for a financial institution with high indicators, thanks to the ranking you can choose the appropriate. Based on the information provided, you will be able to choose optimal proposals for profitability and interest rates.

Features of the formation of the rating of Russian banks in deposits

Russia in deposits is formed according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Analysis occurs on other indicators:

  • Positions in the ranking drawn up by independent agencies.
  • The opinions of customers who have already performed operations in this bank.
  • Positions in the ranking drawn up by ordinary people.

For the Central Bank of Russia, the main indicator is the size of the fundamental capital of the institution. The more funds, the less likely it will be recognized as insolvent.

Rating of banks in Russia on deposits of individuals in 2019

In 2019, the top of the best banks of Russia on deposits did not change much. The higher the place in the list, the more confidence in this financial organization. Usually the Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes the official list that causes the most confidence in people by:

  • interest rates,
  • creditworthiness.

The top of the best banks may vary depending on different indicators. Therefore, we regularly update information by offering customers only favorable offers.

The rating of banks for today is formed on the reporting provided financial organizations. All companies included in the list are presented in our consolidated rating. Advanced Reliability can not only bank deposits, but also other indicators.

If you consider interest rates, the list may be different. When choosing, pay attention to the rating full value contributions. It includes surcharges, bonuses and other gifts for investors.

Banks today Live

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Wanting to get stable, although small income, citizens who have certain accumulations, are increasingly trying to discover contributions in various banks. For most depositors, the most important indicator, when choosing a cumulative program, is the interest rate. However, there are several more weighty nuances, which is worth paying attention to when choosing a deposit product. About what to pay attention to, and in which bank, we will tell high interest on deposits in our article.

So it happened that most of the depositors, when choosing deposit Program Pay focus on the interest rate. And this is the biggest mistake. But what about reliability? The biggest percentage usually promise new banks or those who have huge problems and urgently need to attract new customers. As practice shows, they quickly ruin, leaving their depositors without promoted income and without their own savings too.

It is for this reason that the first thing to pay attention to the client is the reliability of the bank. Reliability is checked by the stability of the financial institution, warranty of payments on contributing operations, as well as market leadership banking services. As a rule, it is large bankswhich many years coped with all crisis situationsThe right is becoming the most popular among the population.

Of course, you have to pay for security. Therefore, the interest rate in reliable banks is an order of magnitude lower than in some banks, but also the likelihood of obtaining the planned income increases at times.

Important! An additional guarantee is governmental support Those banks that participate in the Deposit Insurance Program. According to it, all contributions, the amount of which does not exceed 1.4 million rubles, will be paid even in the event of bankruptcy of the bank. Consequently, the first thing, when choosing a bank, the deposit should be paid attention to the presence of a state insurance license from the Deposit License Bank.

Additional criteria

With reliability figured out, now we will define what else to consider when choosing a contribution.

  1. Interest. For some, this indicator will stand in the first place, but it is still better to consider it after the choice of the most reliable bank. So, among the leaders of the financial services market, there are not so few banks ready to offer their depositors favorable contribution. A good interest rate on today fluctuates in the limit of 8-8.3%. Of course, you can find interest and boost, but also conditions may be too tough for those who want to invest.
  2. The possibility of early partial or complete removal of money. This is another factor that needs to immediately take into account. As a rule, the most popular contributions provide for the term of the contract from six months to a year. This is the most profitable and not too long programs, because there are always risks of the decline in the economy and the unexpected bankruptcy of the bank. However, there are cases that there is no opportunity to wait for the expiration of the deposit period, and we need money right now, then you need to clarify whether you have the opportunity to pick up your blood on my first requirement:

    Important! It is also worth paying attention to the amount of missed benefits in case of early closure of the contribution contract. After all, some banks are practically completely taken by accumulated interest, even if the contribution has taken out almost all of the agreed period.

  3. Capitalization of profits. Another an important indicator - The possibility of capitalization of the received income. That is, the contract may be provided for automatic combination of the principal amount of the contribution with the time percent, and the accrual of the following percentages already taking into account the increase in the size of the main contribution. This is quite advantageous, however, most often, such contributions are not distinguished by worthy interest rates or there is a step of step accrual interest. With this option, interest will gradually decrease, with an increase in the principal amount of the contribution.
  4. Deadline for deposit. This factor is also weighing, because often, banks offer very decent interest only for short-term deposits. For deposits with a period of year, the percentage becomes slightly lower.
  5. Mandatory input amount. Most depositors are confident that they can put in interest any amount available to them. However, this is not the case. Of course, there are banks that are completely unimportant to the size of your savings you want to put in interest, but most of the contribution threshold value. And than this amount is more, the more percentage you can be offered. The reason is that the more the influx of depositors, the greater the possibilities of the bank to turn the money from him. Accordingly, their profits depend on it.

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Who are collector such and how to deal with their threats

What banks are the highest percentages?

So, as we have already decided on, the most important factors When choosing a deposit program are the reliability of the bank and the interest rate. We will not compare interest from banks with dubious reputations that simply want to attract customers as much as possible. Of course, in such financial institutions you can see a bet and under 15% per annum. But are you sure that the bank does not fall apart until the time comes to pick up accumulated interest? Do you risk staying completely without money?

Bank and program Percentage rate Decitation term Deposit size Currency
1 Opening "High Percentage" to 10% 1 year from 50 thousand not provided
- The less time, the more percentage: 3 months. - 10%, 6 months.
- 8%, 9 months. - 6%, 12 months. - five%;
- the deposit can not be replenished;
- interest is paid after the completion of the contract;
- after the end of the contract, if the contribution is not
was issued, it is prolonged under the conditions of the contribution "main
2 VTB 24 "Cumulative Account" up to 8.5% basic;
up to 10% with multiferous VTB
1 year any sum not provided
- When you open the multicarter and connectivity
"Savings" can be obtained an increased percentage provided
settlement of the design card;
- Cumulative account can be replenished and removed
percent losses;
- the more spent on the map, the more the increase will be
3 NS Bank "Investment" 9% 6 months from 100 thousand to 10 million rubles. not provided
- interest can only be obtained at the end of the term
- The contribution is intended for customers issued by the policy of saint or
4 Gazprombank "Saving and Protection" 6,7-8,8% 3.6, 12 months from 50 thousand rubles. not provided
- interest paid at the end of the term;
- the deposit cannot be prolonged;
- The smaller the deposit period is the higher the percentage.
5 Sovcombank "Maximum Income" 6,9-8,6% from 1 month. up to 3 years from 30 thousand rubles. not provided
maximum rate set in case of regular
using halva cards with monthly sum Shopping from 5.
thousand roubles.;
- the deposit is provided;
- interest are accrued only at the end of the term, including
Additional 0.5% per halave calculations.
6 BINBANK "Maximum percentage" from 7.05 to 8.3% from 3 to 24 months. from 10 thousand to 30 million rubles. -dollar (from 300 at a rate of 0.55-1.65%);
- Euro (from 300 at a rate of 0.25-0.8%).
- All percentages can be obtained only at the end of the term;
- Possible prolongation of the deposit;
- when opening a contribution in rubles an additional
Increased percent for pensioners (+ 0.15%) and raising
Rates by 0.3% when using an online application.
7 Promsvyazbank "My Income" 8,1-8,3% 3-12 months. from 100 thousand rubles. -dollar (from 1 thousand at a rate of 1.2-2.85%);
- Euro (from 1 thousand at a rate of 0.5-1.2%).
- the possibility of early termination of the contract
with a preferential rate;
- Possible prolongation of the contract in an automatic order (not
more than 3 times);
- Percentages are paid at the end of the term.
8 Rosselkhozbank "Investment" 7,8-8,05% 6, 12 months. from 50 thousand rubles. - Dollar (from 1 thousand at the rate of 1.4 to 2.4%).
- the contribution opens for a period of 180 or 395 days;
- the contribution can be opened along with the acquisition of the share;
- interest is paid at the end of the deposit period
- no deposit size limit value;
- Ply early termination Accounts interest
paid according to the agreed rate rate;
- The contribution of prolongation is not subject to.
9 VTB "Maximum Income" 3,24-7,14% from 3 months. up to 3 years from 1 thousand rubles. -dollar (from 100 at a rate of 0.4-1.74%);
- Euro (from 100 at a rate of 0.01%).
- the less time - the more percentage;
- To replenish or remove money, it is impossible ahead of time;
- interest will be counted at the end of the term;
- Possible capitalization of interest.
10 Sberbank "Just 7%" 7% 5 months. from 100 thousand rubles. not provided
- You can open only yourself: through an ATM,
Online bank or in mobile application;
- interest will be paid to the account after the expiration of the term;
- Possible prolongation, but on the conditions of connecting the contribution
"Poste restante";
- Through the office of the bank, the rate is set 6.5%.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state