
Sberbank deposit for individuals interest. Deposits of Sberbank for individuals: interest rates. What contribution is better to open in Sberbank

On this page of the portal Banks.ru presents the most actual information By deposits for individualsacting in the Sberbank of Russia at the moment. Here you will find detailed information about the conditions and interest rates on deposits of the largest Russian bank.

The line of deposits of Sberbank is quite diverse and includes urgent deposits for various categories of citizens. Sberbank offers profitable contributions with the capitalization of interest, the ability to replenish and commit expendable Operations, multicurrency, as well as deposits for pensioners on more attractive conditions. Most contributions provide for early termination on preferential terms. Contributions opened through the Sberbank online system are also distinguished by increased interest.

How to choose favorable contribution in Sberbank?
  • Compare offers in various sources - banks.ru concludes a special agreement favorable conditions For their visitors.
  • Examine the basic types of deposits and choose which program is more convenient for you:
  1. With the capitalization of interest - gives additional income, but sometimes it is more profitable to get percentage monthly.
  2. With replenishment - this increase in the body of the contribution Now in various products may have a limit on the possible date of the latter before the expiration of the replenishment contract period, and the rate here may be lower.
  3. The amount of not more than 1.4 million rubles is not exceeding the amount suitable for banking insurance program.

In an unstable economic time in our country, few people are perfected to make bank deposits. However, if you do a contribution, then only in a reliable, stable bank, which has practically not touched upon crisis times. This is exactly the Sberbank serving a third banking system countries.

If you also discover the contribution, then only in Sberbank. So believe Russians and trust the bank tools. Consider the entire line of deposits of Sberbank of Russia at 2020 with interest rates for today.

Problems in the economy did not shake Sberbank and bank deposits remained profitable. New offers appeared, with new conditions and rates.

Popular previous line of deposits of Sberbank for individuals in 2020 "Keep online", "replenish online", "Manage online" a little "passed" in percent, but not everywhere. Rates for some types of deposits are below average by 0.5-1%, but there is also an increase in 0.15-1.8%, especially for currency investments. Stasted rates on deposits open online or in the bank office. If you discover online online on the official Sberbank website, then your bet will be an average of 0.15% higher than if you discovery with the same name, but in the bank office. Sberbank, therefore, calls on its future and current customers to move on the Internet.

It is worth noting that the conditions for deposits for pensioners became more interesting. In 2020, rates on cumulative, savings deposits and accounts for receiving pensions increased in Sberbank.

Urgent deposits of Sberbank in 2020

Today, Sberbank offers six types of urgent contributions.


This contribution to Sberbank promises reliable saving and replenishment of your savings. The interest rate on the deposit varies from 4.05 to 5.75% per annum, if the contribution in rubles, from 0.01 to 1.85% in US dollars.

The term of the deposit from 1 month to 3 years. To replenish the contribution or partially to remove funds throughout the status it is possible - it is impossible. Minimum deposit amounts: 1 000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

The interest on the deposit is accrued every month and are automatically added to the deposit amount, so next month they are already accrued to an increased amount. Accrued interest on the deposit can be credited or transferring to the bank card of Sberbank.

"Pop up"

The interest rate on this contribution ranges from 4.6 to 5.3% per annum, for deposits in rubles. For dollars and euros - from 0.01 to 1.45% per annum. You can invest your funds for a period of 3 months to 3 years inclusive. The contribution remains replenished. However, it is impossible to reduce the nested initially or replenished amount. Interest on the contribution you can safely shoot and list yourself on the map. Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

"Replenish" in the name of the child

Sberbank gives parents the opportunity to open a personal contribution to a minor childClose which is possible only when it is reached 18 years. The minimum amount for accommodation is 1000 rubles or 100 dollars, and the rate will be 4.6-5.15% for ruble deposits and 0.01-1.15% for dollar. The account is replenished by any persons without restrictions, but the accumulation is cashed only when the age-related threshold is reached or through permission from the guardianship.


Feature of this contribution partial removal funds in the process of deposit, while not closing and without losing interest. Interest rates of the contribution are 4.3-5% for deposits in rubles, depending on the deposit amount. Interest rate for dollars - from 0.01 to 1.35% per annum. Deposit term from 3 months to 3 years. The contribution can be replenished and partially removed funds. You can control the movement throughout the deposit period, hence the name. Minimum deposit amount: 30 000 rubles or 1,000 dollars.


Specklade for children left without parental care, and depositors who have a veteran status or a disabled person. Opens for 3 years, in free mode is replenished and spent when necessary. Interest is set at a mark of 4.75% per annum and are accrued at the end of each quarter. "Earned" over initial Capital Funds can be translated on a third-party account or return to the deposit for subsequent capitalization. The amount of minimum for deposit is 1 ruble.

"Gift a life"

This is a charitable contribution. Every 3 months from the contribution lists 0.3% per annum to the fund assistance to children with oncological, hematological and other severe diseases. The interest rate on the deposit is 5.65% per annum. The contribution is exclusively in rubles, and the minimum amount is 10,000. The contribution is made up for a period of 1 year, during this period it is impossible to replenish or partially remove funds.

Deposits online

In the line of deposits of Sberbank: "Keep", "replenish" and "manage" - there are options for opening deposits with the same names via the Internet. Conditions for similar, but differ slightly.

To open the deposit, go to the Sberbank online or " Mobile Bank"Select the section" Deposits and Accounts ", then" Opening Deposit ". Be sure to read the terms of placement and removal of funds in deposit accounts, then select the following conditions for you and interest rates And click the "Continue" button. Fill in the application where you specify the amount credited to the contribution and the time after which click "Open". After that, you can consider yourself a contributor.

Interest rates on deposits open online via the Internet, above 0.15% per annum.

"Pension plus"

The contribution of "Pension Plus" - what is it special? The essence of the contribution is that the pensioner does not remove when admitting the entire retirement, and leaves there some of the funds for accumulation under 3.5% per annum in rubles. The deposit period is 3 years, throughout the term "non-aggravated" amount can be replenished and partially removed.

Deposits with elevated rates

For owners of the Sberbank First Service Package or Sberbank Premier, deposits with elevated annuals are available. The standard annual rate increases by 1%, which is at least 700-5000 thousand rubles. or 50 -150 thousand cu Bring a depository high yield. This deposit is drawn up with a personal manager or in personal Online Cabinet on the individual time and with special conditions.

Special accounts

In addition to standard consumer deposits, special deposits can be issued in Sberbank. Among them:

  • for social benefits for the content of the ward. The minimum initial contribution to the line activation is not installed, replenishment and spending is free, and the rate is fixed by 3.5%;
  • to form an electoral account. Without additional income to the residue and without restrictions on spending and forming an account;
  • for the procurement participant. It opens early, it is replenished indefinitely and consumes within the amount of the amount with a yield of 0.01% annually.

savings account

It is an account for free and confident disposal disposal. It opens indefinitely, replenished and spent at the request of the investor. Available in three currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. Annual rates range from 1-1.8% for ruble deposits and make up 0.01% for currency investments. The higher the deposit amount, the greater the interest rate.

Current account

For daily use, an indefinite contribution is suitable in rubles without restrictions and accrual 0.01% each year.

Poste restante

The basic contribution of Sberbank, acting indefinitely and offering unlimited limits of traffic in the account. Suitable for any global currency, including rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling, crowns and yen. The minimum amount and unsigned residue - 10 rubles, 5 cu or equivalent 5 US dollars others monetary signs. The deposit is replenished for any amounts throughout the entire period of existence, and it is removed to the minimum starting fee. Interest in the amount of 0.01% are charged quarterly, and in case of early requirement, the actual storage period is calculated.

It is worth noting that the deposits of Sberbank, of course, provide for early removal of funds if they are needed. However, it is not recommended to shoot money ahead of schedule, as you lose your accumulated and future interest on the deposit. Interest rates in case of early removal of funds and closing the deposit are immediately reduced to 0.01%, despite how much time the money has already been laying on the account. You violate the terms of the contribution contract, therefore the bank has the right to reduce the bet. Even if you have previously shot or capitalized already accumulated interest, you will be given money, picking up these percentages.

Sberbank offers registration of urgent contributions without the possibility of replenishment and removal (preserve), cumulative (replenish) and consumables (control). Also, the client can discover the contribution of demand without restrictions on removing funds. Special conditions Developed for pensioners, as well as for current customers of the bank (belonging to the category of the prime or being the owners of the Sberbank package first).

The bank suggests special contribution To enroll social payments, as well as the contribution to the accumulation of funds, the recipient of which a child will perform after the achievement of the majority. The program of deposits is also valid, some of the funds for which is expelled to charity.

Features of design. For the deposit in the bank, a citizen of the Russian Federation must provide a document certifying the identity of the depositor - this may be a general passport, a certificate of personality of the Russian Federation (military ID), a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form N 2P). Also, the bank in some cases has the right to request the Inn.

Make a contribution to the bank may also foreign citizens - In addition to the national passport, they need to provide a migration card and a document certifying the right of staying in the territory of the Russian Federation. The number of contributions that the client can open at the same time is not limited. There are the following features of deposits in Sberbank:

  • Urgent contribution can be opened in Russian rubles or US dollars;
  • The contribution can be issued in the name of another person. With me, you need to have your own passport and a copy of the person's passport certified by the notary, on which the contribution is issued;
  • You can make a contribution to the name of the child. To do this, you need to have your own passport, passport / childbirth certificate, if there is Inn;
  • A few people can manage the contribution at the same time, for example, family members, for this you need to make a power of attorney. The service is free, the presence of trusted persons is not required;
  • Possible transfer of deposit to a new owner in the order of inheritance;
  • The rate can be enlarged by additional contributions or in connection with an increase in the incompatible amount (if it is provided for by the individual terms of the contract).

How to discover the contribution? You can make a contribution to Sberbank in the following ways:

  • In the bank office. The client needs to have a document identifying the identity: the general passport of the Russian Federation, the ID of the military personality, a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form N 2P) or a foreign civil passport (for foreigners also requires documents certifying the right to find in the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • In the ATM Sberbank. Money to contribute can be credited by transferring from the card or directly make cash in an ATM. The ATM menu can be found with the bank's deposit parameters and indicate the amount and deadlines for the deposit.
  • Remotelythrough the Internet Bank or the Sberbank mobile app - for current customers of the Bank, this method involves getting a percentage rate (available in the framework of the basic bank programs).
Attention!Remote actions with your deposits can be made only if you have previously concluded a contract with the bank banking services (DBO). Mandatory condition Dbo is the presence of the investor debit card Sberbank (card currency - rubles).

If the client does not have a specified card at the time of concluding a contract, then the card account automatically operates in rubles and the Momentum card is immediately issued without charging the service charges.

Get the contract bank depositOpen online, you can printing it in the Personal Account internet bank Sberbank online in the section "History of operations", or personally contact any office of the bank.

Prolongation of deposits.When executing an urgent contribution information about the date of the end of the contract will be indicated in Sberbank online, as well as in the contribution contract. If, after completing the term of deployment of the deposit, the client did not take money, autoprolonation occurs on the conditions recorded in the contract or operating at the time of the deadline (if the client did not refuse autoprolonation at the time of the contract).

If during the term of the contract, the bank has ceased to provide a similar tariff of the contribution, autoprolonation is carried out under the conditions of the demand deposit (rate of 0.01%). Please note that automatic prolongation may assume a lower rate compared to the initial (if the bank's tariffs changed during the term of the contribution). The client can avoid such risks by issuing a "manual" prolongation - by contacting the bank immediately after the expiration date of the contribution to conclude a contract under the new conditions.

The procedure for closing the contribution.Close Contribution can be remotely, using an Internet bank or application mobile Bank Sberbank Online - To do this, you must fill out the appropriate brief form in Personal Cabinetindicating the credentials of funds and in mobile applicationBy clicking the Close Contribution button and then following the instructions, the amount will be transferred to the valid card or account. All, you can immediately enjoy cash.

Another option to close the contribution is to contact the Bank's division, in which the contribution has been opened. The client needs to provide an employee of the branch of the passport (or other document that was provided during registration) and bank card (or account details) to enroll funds. Cash cash You can also get at the bank's office. For getting large sums (from 150,000 rubles), usually a preliminary application requires 1-2 days before the expected date of closure of the contribution.

Sberbank of Russia in 150 years of its existence won unshakable public confidence. Today financial institution Linders among competitors in many indicators. One of them is a package of services for deposit deposits. We will understand what exactly offers bank depositors, how profitable interest rates and what is needed for the deposit.

Actual interest rates on deposits in Sberbank for 2018

Deposit nameMax. % boughtDeposit termMin. sumPopolniaPart. Removal
Contribution "Give Life" 5,00 % 1 year from 10,000 rubles.
Contribution "replenish" 4,50 % from 3 months. up to 3 years from 1000 rubles. +
Contribution "Replenish online" 5,00 % from 3 months. up to 3 years from 1000 rubles. +
Contribution "Save" 5,00 % from 1 month. up to 3 years from 1000 rubles.
Contribution "Save online" 5,50 % from 1 month. up to 3 years from 1000 rubles.
Contribution "Manage" 4,20 % from 3 months. up to 3 years from 30000 rubles. + +
Contribution "Manage online" 4,70 % from 3 months. up to 3 years from 30000 rubles. + +
savings account 2,30 % Indefinite -

More detailed and most accurate information on deposits can be viewed on the official Sberbank website by reference: www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/contribution/deposits

"Urgent deposits" Sberbank: titles and conditions

For investors, Sberbank has developed a simplified program that includes three basic products: "Keep", "manage" and "replenish", which, in turn, for different categories of the population provide additional decisions and special offers. Interest on the deposit is charged on the basis of the nested amount, currency and the timeline chosen by the client. The packet of "term deposits" is available to both major businessmen and the average retirees.


Deposit conditions:

Interest ratein the office of the bank - 3,65%-4,50% for ruble deposits, 0,05%-0,95% - for dollar deposits;
Interest ratewhen opening online - 3,9%-4,75% For ruble deposits, 0,1%-1,35% For dollar deposits.

Deposit currency:russian ruble, dollar USA;
Minimum deposit amount: 1 000 rubles, 100 dollars.
Deposit term:1 month. - 3 yearsinclusive.

Replenishment:not provided
Partial Removal:not provided.

The deposit period for each specific case is calculated individually up to a day.

"Pop up"

Deposit conditions:

Interest ratein the office of the bank - 3,6%-4,05% For ruble deposits, 0,05%-0,95% - for dollar deposits;
Interest ratewhen opening online - 3,85%-4,3% For ruble deposits, 0,25%-1,15% For dollar deposits.

Deposit currency:russian ruble, dollar USA;
Minimum deposit amount: 1 000 rubles, 100 dollars.
Deposit term:3 months - 3 yearsinclusive.

- Cash:

- non-cash:not limited.
Partial Removal:not provided.

You can also open the contribution of the "replenish" to the name of a child who can access it only on the occurrence of the age of majority: from the 14th, he can replenish the score itself, and from the 18th - fully dispose of them.

Did you know? Per last years Sberbank increased lending to 70%, while competitors have this indicator at the level of 21%.


Deposit conditions:

Interest ratein the office of the bank - 2,9%-3,75% For ruble deposits, 0,01%-0,6% - for dollar deposits;
Interest ratewhen opening online - 3,15%-4,0% For ruble deposits, 0,15%-0,8% For dollar deposits.

Deposit currency:russian ruble, dollar USA;
Minimum deposit amount: 30 000 rubles, 1,000 dollars.
Deposit term:3 months - 3 yearsinclusive.

- Cash:
from 1 000 rubles or 100 dollars;
- non-cash:not limited.
Partial Removal:d.about

"Gift a life"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -4,55% .

Deposit currency:russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 10 000 rubles.
Deposit term -1 year.

Replenishment:not provided
Partial Removal:not provided

The contribution was created to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases.

Sberbank every 3 months lists 0.3% per annum from the deposit amount to the Charitable Foundation "Give Life".


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate:
- 6,5% - for 1 year;
- 6,7% - For 2 years.

Deposit currency:russian ruble
Minimum deposit amount: 10 000 rubles;
Deposit term: 1-2 years

Replenishment: not provided
Partial Removal:not provided

"Weight benefit"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate:1.5% -3.0% per annum

Deposit currency:u.S. dollar
Minimum deposit amount: 10,000 dollars;
Deposit term: 6 months, 1,2.3 years

Replenishment: not provided
Partial Removal:not provided


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -3.75% per annum.

Deposit currency:russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 1 ruble.
Deposit term -3 years.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial Removal:d.about The level of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest

The contribution is a special offer for children who are left without parental care, and veterans / disabled of the Great Patriotic War. It is possible to open it only in the Sberbank branch in the name of a child-orphan child by his legal representative upon presentation of the act of guardianship and guardianship authority on the child's guard / guard / premises of the child into a specialized social institution, as well as veteran or disabled goods upon presentation of a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War / Certificate of disabled person of the Great Patriotic War.

"Pension-plus Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -3,5% .

Deposit currency:russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 1 ruble.
Deposit term -3 years.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial Removal:d.about The level of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest

This contribution was created to enroll pensions, social benefits and other payments.

Terms of registration of perpetual contributions, categories "Deposits for settlements"

For daily use and regular payments, Sberbank of Russia offers its customers special offers: deposits for settlements.

"To demand Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -0.01% for all currencies

Deposit currency:Rubles / US Dollars / EURO / Pounds Sterling / Swiss Francs / Swedish Crowns / Singapore Dollars / Norwegian Crowns / Danish Crowns / Canadian Dollars / Australian Dollars / Japanese Yen;
Minimum deposit amount:.
Deposit term:indefinite.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial Removal:d.about The level of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest

In force majeure circumstances, when the need to remove all invested money, you have the right to break the contract ahead with the bank and take your contribution. In this case, the income will be charged taking into account the actual shelf life of money on the account and the established interest rate. If she changed since the opening of the deposit, each of its meaning will be taken into account. With long-term storage to their savings, you can make a power of attorney or make a testament.

"Savings account"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate:
- 1,0%-1,8% - ruble deposits;
- 0,01% - for contributions in foreign currency.

Deposit currency:russian ruble, dollar USA, euro;
Minimum deposit amount: not limited.
Deposit term:indefinite.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial Removal:not limited.

Contribution "Universal Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -0.01% for all currencies

Deposit currency: Rubles / US Dollars / EURO / Pounds Sterling / Swiss Francs / Swedish Crowns / Singapore Dollars / Norwegian Crowns / Danish Crowns / Canadian Dollars / Australian Dollars / Japanese Yen;
Minimum deposit amount: 10 rubles / 5 US dollars / Amount equivalent to $ 5 in other currencies
Time Deposit:indefinite.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial Removal:d.about The level of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest

This contribution can be discovered not in all branches of Sberbank. With a list of offices, where it is available, you can read the link.

Important! To make a deposit, it is necessary to come to Sberbank with a passport or pension certificate, sign a contract and put money on a deposit.

"Nominal account for crediting social payments"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -3,67% .

Deposit currency:russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 0 ruble.
Deposit term -durable.

Replenishment:alimony, pensions, benefits
Partial Removal:d.about The level of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest

The nominal account for the enrollment of social benefits is opened in the branches of Sberbank to parents / guardians / trustees to enroll the funds of the social character specified in Article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: amounts of alimony, pensions, benefits, compensation for health and harm incurred in the event of the death of the breadwinner, as well as other funds paid by them for the maintenance of minors / incapacitated / limitedly capable citizens who are beneficiaries nominal account. To open his parent, it is enough to present my identity document, and the child's birth certificate under 14 years of age or a birth certificate and a child's passport between 14 to 18 years old, and no permits of the guardianship and guardianship authorities to provide . The guardian / guardian for opening a nominal account presents its identity document, a child's birth certificate under 14 years or a child's passport aged 14 to 18 years or an incompetent / limited capable citizen, the act of guardianship and guardianship authority (trustee ) confirming the powers of the owner of the nominal account to dispose of the ward

This project covers the needs of parents, guardians, incapable or limitedly capable people, as well as the trustees to whom the state pays funds for the maintenance of minor children. Deposits in banks are possible only in Russian rubles for a nominal account, intended for social benefits. How much money put on a deposit, solves the investor. For removal of funds, no prior permission of the custody and guardianship bodies.

The account may exist not limited time with the possibility of partial use. Moreover, the bank does not push any conditions about the minimum balance. The replenishment of the nominal account eliminates the receipt operations, in addition to crediting social payments and transfer from another of the same account, the beneficiary of which is the same person.

Every 3 months percent accrual. If you want to close an account and terminate the contract with the bank, the interest will be accrued to the actual storage of money, taking into account the rate specified when opening the contribution. All changes in interest rates values \u200b\u200bwill also be counted.

General conditions of deposits

All contributions differ in the interest rate, deadlines, minimum amount and various conditions of replenishment and removal. But they have the same items in granting:

Conditions for accrual interest

  1. Interest are accrued monthly;
  2. Accrued interest are added to the deposit amount, thereby increasing the income next month;
  3. Accrued interest can be removed or listed on the card account.

An increase in interest rate occurs to achieve the amount of the contribution of the following summion gradation. For example, if you discovered the contribution "replenish" in the amount of 100,000 rubles, and subsequently its amount has reached 400,000 rubles, then the interest rate from a value of 3.8% will increase to 3.94%.

Terms of early termination

  1. If you need money ahead of time the end of the contribution, you can always get them regardless of what reason it happened;
  2. If the contribution was open for a period of 6 months inclusive, then the amount of the contribution will be recalculated and returned, based on the interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
  3. If the contribution was open for more than 6 months:
    - upon requesting the contribution during the first six months - recalculation according to the rate of 0.01%;
    - When demanding the contribution after the sixth month - based on 2/3 of the interest rate set by Sberbank at the time of opening the contribution.

For early repayment The contribution interest is recalculated without accounting for monthly capitalization.

Prolongation conditions

  • The number of prolongations is not limited;
  • Automatic prolongation occurs under the same conditions and under the same interest rate that valid on the extension date.

Conditions for pensioners

Sberbank has developed special conditions for pensioners opening the deposits "Pop up" or "Keep":

  1. The opening of deposits on special conditions for pensioners is carried out for women older than 55 years and for men older than 60s;
  2. Deposits for pensioners are open with a maximum interest rate for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount;
  3. If the contribution was open until the retirement age is reached, then it is automatically maximal to achieve it;
  4. There is no limit on the maximum amount;
  5. When claiming deposits after 6 months of the main / prolonged period, in which the residue exceeds the maximum amount, to the difference between the actual residue and the maximum amount in addition to the 2/3 coefficient, a downward coefficient is applied - ½. These coefficients apply to the rate acting on the deposit on the date of discovery / prolongation.

Did you know? The rights of the General Shareholder and the founder of Sberbank are enshrined Central Bank Russian Federationwhich owns 50% + 1 voting action.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed instructionsHow to open the contribution in the Sberbank online system, in the document attached below.

The deposits of Sberbank of Russia for individuals today remain attractive, although they have not the most profitable interest rates in 2020. Compare updated conditions for opening deposits in rubles and currency, online and in the department.

Updated deposit rates of Sberbank Russia today

Sberbank in 2020 updated interest rates on deposits of individuals. Today, deposits are not so profitable as in many other banks. But individuals when choosing a bank for investing, Sberbank often prefer, as the most reliable. In addition, the deposits of Sberbank for individuals are insured by the state. So, if the bank loses the license, which is unlikely, you will be returned to the amount of not more than 1.4 million rubles, taking into account interest. Read more about Investment Insurance Read

The line of deposits of individuals in Sberbank is simple and understandable:

  1. - "Save" and "Special Keep",
  2. - "replenish" and "special replenishment",
  3. with the replenishment and partial removal of money without losing interest - "Manage" and "Special Control".

Sberbank's deposits for individuals today can be opened in rubles of the Russian Federation and currency (US dollars). It is possible to design deposits in the department and online via the Internet.

For customers of the retirement age - on the deposits "save" and "replenish" the maximum interest rate is established for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. See the conditions and interest rates of Sberbank's deposits

Deposits in Sberbank today: interest and conditions

Compare interest rates and conditions for the opening of deposits of individuals in Sberbank today - in 2020.

Contribution of Sberbank "Save": interest and conditions

Deposit of individuals for reliable savings conservation and receipt of guaranteed stable income. Without the possibility of replenishment and partial removal without loss of profitability. Opens in the office, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: No;

Conditions for accrual interest

Interest rates

Without capitalization

Taking into account capitalization

In rubles of the Russian Federation

In US dollars

Sberbank temporarily does not open up new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage Savings account In the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Contribution of Sberbank "Pop up": interest and conditions

Replenished contribution for those who prefer to save and regularly postpone funds in a reliable bank. Opens in the office, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 dollars.
  • Partial removal without percent loss: no.
  • Increase interest rates: automatically when the next summion gradation is reached.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

Without capitalization

Taking into account capitalization

In rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

Sberbank Contribution "Manage": interest and conditions

Contribution for reliable storage of your savings with the possibility without losing interest to shoot part of the funds before the expiration of the deposit period. Replenished. Opens in the office, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 30 000 rubles / 1000 dollars.
  • Replenishment: Yes. Cash - from 1 000 rubles / 100 dollars. Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: yes. Prior to the minimum amount of the abnormal residue without loss of accrued interest.
  • Increased interest rates: with an increase in the deposit amount until the next amount of gradation and at the conclusion of an additional agreement on increasing the amount of the abnormal residue.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are charged monthly to the entire amount of the contribution (the interest rate depends on the amount of the abnormal residue).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.
  • Accrued interest are added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rates

in rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

Sberbank's contribution "Give Life": Conditions and rates

Deposit to help children with oncological, hematological and other severe diseases. Sberbank every 3 months lists the "Give Life" charity foundation in the amount of 0.3% per annum from the deposit amount. Opens in the department.


  • Term: 1 year;
  • Minimum amount: 10 000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: No;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: no.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are accrued every 3 months;
  • For early termination The contribution interest is recalculated without taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Interest rates

4.58% per annum with capitalization (4.5% per annum without capitalization)

Contribution "Pension-Plus Sberbank of Russia"

This is a special deposit for retirement revenue. It is intended for individuals receiving a pension from the PF of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments that carry out pension provision.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: not limited;
  • Accrual interest: every 3 months. The ranked interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods;
  • Early termination: When demanding a deposit, the rate set on the date of discovery (prolongation) of the contribution does not change.

Interest rate

3.67% per annum with capitalization (3.50% per annum without capitalization).

The contribution of Sberbank "Social": conditions and rates

This is a special deposit on which they are credited social payments orphans and war veterans.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: to the level of the amount of the unsigned residue;

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest is charged quarterly.
  • Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount.
  • Calculated interest can be removed.

Interest rate

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