
Bank "Express Volga. Express Volga launched Mobile Bank for Business Client Bank Express Volga

The Bank "Express Volga" launched a mobile version of the popular system of remote maintenance of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs "Internet client." Now the bank clients can in real time using smartphones to track all operations that are performed via the Internet. And from February of next year, payment services will be available in the mobile bank, allowing to conduct operations on settlement accounts.

We understand the needs of our customers in the small and medium-sized businescent sector, says Sergei Samoilov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank, Managing Director of Small and Medium Business Department. - The entrepreneur is a working day, as a rule, non-normalized and every minute in the account. That is why the Bank "Express Volga" decided to develop such a promising direction as a mobile bank.

Express Volga and the Life Financial Group, which includes the Saratov Bank, one of the first in Russia offered to legal entities such a service. It turned out to be very in demand: in just two months, about 6 thousand customers joined the mobile bank. "Internet client" today enjoy 70% of the total number of Yurlitz clients (all of them in the EVB - 42 thousand).

The Mobile Bank application for legal entities and individual can be used on mobile phones on iOS and Android platforms (from version 3.0 and higher). It is quite simple to connect to it: you do not need to sign any additional applications, just download the application in the AppStore store or via QR code, explains Evgeny Berezhnaya, Deputy Director of the Small and Medium Business Department.

The client at any time of the day in online mode can recognize the remains of the accounts of the organization, to build an extract for the selected account, view ruble payment documents of the organization and their condition, etc. Since February 2014, payment services will also be available to conduct operations on settlement accounts.

A simple and easy-to-use program interface will allow you to quickly find all the necessary information. The Internet Client service, as well as his mobile version "Mobile Bank", EV provides for free. The safety of operations performed via the Internet provides Etoken Pass and Etoken GOST systems.

By the way, the Internet client system of the EVB, according to the research of Markswebb Rank & Report, this year ranked third in Russia. When analyzing, the functionality of the services provided, ease of use and a number of other characteristics took place.

More information about the new service of the Express Volga Bank, as well as the current maintenance conditions for small and medium-sized businesses, can be found by phone in Saratov 431-431

Express Volga Bank is one of the key credit institutions that are part of the well-known financial group "Life". The Central Bank of the Group is Probusinessbank, serving more than half of the accounts opened within the Life group. In addition to Probusinessbank and Express Volga, the Bank, the Group unites 5 more than 5 banks smaller scattered throughout Russia. Currently, the Life group ranks 4th among Russian banks in the number of regional divisions - their more than 800. The financial group clients are more than 4 million individuals and about 200 thousand organizations and entrepreneurs.

JSC AKB "Express Volga" - only a little inferior in the main indicators the leader of the Life group - Probusinessbank. Initially, the bank was opened in Saratov, but now the Express Volga Bank can be unambiguously attributed to the banks of federal significance, which has full representative offices in 14 regions of the country. Total departments 137. Of course, the main part of the offices of the Express Volga Bank is concentrated in the Saratov region and directly - Saratov, but the Volgograd, Voronezh and Stavropol branches are also played in the life of the bank.

History of the Bank

Express Volga Bank was registered in 194, in Saratov. At the first stage of its development, the bank focused on servicing the divisions of the Saratov Ministry of Communications. After TransCreditBank was elected the main bank of the Russian railway workers and widespread centralization began, the Express Volga Bank had to reoriented to serving smaller organizations and actively start involving private clients for service.

In 2004, the "Life" financial group was interested in the Express Volga Bank and acquired a third of the bank's shares on behalf of Probusinessbank. To date, the Group 99.8% of the Bank's Express Volga shares and the credit institution are fully integrated into the structure of the Life divisions, offering uniform, standardized services to all group customers.


Since the express Volga Bank is an integral part of the joint banking group, then in its activities, the Bank's management is primarily focused on general group values. And in the Life group, this is a comprehensive customer service of any level and category, universalization of services and improving software for remote access to the bank services. Of course, organizations and enterprises are involved in service to the bank and access any popular services, but still the main clients of the bank express Volga are individuals.

In working with individuals, priority is given to attract funds into deposits. To do this, in the Express Volga, the Bank constantly creates modern deposit products - deposit programs that can ensure additional income for depositors with the most diverse requests. In terms of express Volga contributions, the Bank ranks 1 place in the Saratov region and is confident in the top 50 Russian banks. However, other bank services enjoy private clients with popularity - loans and bank cards are in demand in all regions where there are representative offices of Express Volga.

Additional attractiveness of the banks of the Bank give a variety of and developed remote services, by the number and quality of which express Volga Bank competes with the largest banks of Russia. Accordingly, the development of such services is paid to considerable attention.

Another competitive advantage of the express Volga is a variety of opportunities for sending money - the bank uses 7 money transfers, while their usual number for most Russian banks is 2-3. This makes it possible to choose the optimal, the most profitable, option of sending money, depending on the amount, direction and translation destroyers. Now partners Volga Express Bank and Life Group are Western Union, leader, golden crown, contact, fast mail, Unistream. Plus, each client can send money and internal translation between the accounts of the Life Group banks.

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: №3085

About Bank

The Express Volga Bank received a license in September 6, 1994. Express Volga is a member of the system necessarily insurance deposits. The Organization Foundation is created at the expense of physical / legal entities and borrowing from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The head office is located at 156,000, Kostroma, Textiles Avenue, 46. Contact phone number of the bank: 8 800 200-66-96.

During the work of the bank, its representative offices opened in different cities of Russia, 87 branches were open, in the region of 154 ATM.

Express Volga Bank provides the following services:

22 deposits on deposits, the maximum rate among which is 8.80. The most popular offers: permanent income, permanent income in foreign currency free.

Express Volga carries out mortgage lending. To date, 10 mortgage products are available, the minimum rate is 6.00. The most common loan for mortgage programs without the initial contribution (security deposit), subsidy 2018, mortgage without the initial contribution (pledge of real estate)

The organization offers car loan service. Total programs 35, the minimum rate on which is 2.24. Some of the most sought-after programs: Lada Kalina and Lada Granta Express program, Ravon Finance Classic program, Premium used.

Express Volga provides consumer lending services. Total loans programs 9. The minimum interest rate is 0.01. Among the most popular offers - programs we went crazy! , SuperPlus, express plus.

In an express Volga, you can make a credit card by choosing the most profitable one among 6. The minimum rate is 10.00. Bank customers often choose the following programs:

"Akb" Express Volga "is a major assets of the regional bank registered in Kostroma. The main activities are operations in the securities market, lending to individuals and commercial enterprises, attracting citizens in deposits. The Bank is characterized by a high level of dependence on the means attracted in the MBC market. Earlier, the bank was the daughter of the Moscow Probusinessbank (the license was withdrawn on August 12, 2015, see "Memory Book"), a participant in the Life Financial Group. After the license revocation, Probusinessbank Central Bank approved the participation of deposit insurance agency in the prevention of bankruptcy of the FININT-Volga group of the group "Express Volga", University Bank, bank "Let's go!" and Gazenergobank. Currently, the bank is in the process of accession to Sovcombank.

Express Volga in terms of assets occupies 48th place in the country and 2 in its region. The head of the bank is Krasnoslobodtsev Vladimir Nikolaevich. Information Akutatna on 09/11/2017.

Services for physical. persons

  • Contribution
  • Consumer loans
  • Mortgage
  • Car loans
  • Credit and debit cards

Services for JUR. persons

  • Loans for Yurlitz

Requisites Express Volga Bank

Institution: AKB "Express Volga"
Location address: 156000, Kostroma, Textiles Avenue, 46
OKPO: 33240417
Registration number: 3085
Beach: 46311808
Correspondent account: 30101810600000000808
Code s.w.i.f.t.: Exvoru21

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