
Sberbank VIP deposits. Sberbank Prime Minister - interest on deposits, how to issue a program? Savings account Sberbank

By proposing a special service format to wealthy persons, the country's leading bank provides for special privileges when issuing deposits. Sberbank Prime Minister individuals In 2019, they are provided on several types of programs and are characterized by higher percentages for savings than similar projects for the remaining bank customers.

Privileged customers are offered special conditions for saving and accumulation

Consider the conditions of the main deposit proposals of the Bank in 2019.

Types of deposit programs

For the activated package provided for services in any direction: the presence of a premiere format card, participation in investments, in insurance programs, etc. Types of deposit programs are represented by these areas:

  1. Standard. The minimum embedding value is from 1 thousand rubles and from 30 thousand rubles for the project to manage.
  2. Deposits are special - from 0.7 million rubles.
  3. Give life: from 10 thousand rubles per year without additional making money or without removing part. The rate is very significant 7.56%, as the capitalization system is applied. This indicates that accrued interest is added to the residue and in the new period the rate is valid for a large amount. 0.3% of the amount of invested funds once a quarter is transferred to the organization's account give life, the purpose of which is the help of children with severe diseases.
  4. Contribution to international. The reception of the deposit is terminated from 12/23/2016.Storage of money in non-standard currencies: from 10 thousand Swiss francs or pounds sterling or from 1 million Japanese yen to 3 years. The magnitude of interest depends on the duration of cooperation and size: up to 0.75% for francs, up to 1.3% for yen and up to 2.7% for pounds. Income is not only due to interest accrual, but also due to courses fluctuations. Deposit Investment. Designed for a comprehensive program, taking into account investment in FIF and OMS. The latter do not give guaranteed income, it depends on the selected portfolio and quotations. At the expense, it is permissible to put from 50 thousand rubles to obtain profitability from 9.2%.
  5. Savings certificate. A distinctive feature and advantage enters more high rate - up to 10% (based on the duration and values \u200b\u200bof investments). This is due to the obligatory participation of deposits in the insurance system, due to which the institution is incurred by additional costs, while certificates are not subject to insurance. Security Provided in a bank where it can be left for storage. Supplement it with some amounts or ahead of time It is not allowed to shoot a part of the money.
  6. savings account. It acts indefinitely, allowed at any time to completely remove money or partially, as well as contribute any values. A bet in Sberbank Prime Minister to deposits varies up to 4% to ruble, up to 0.01% in the Euro currency and up to 0.2% - in dollars.

The main parameters of the group deposits are special

Types of deposits and interest on them

Consider the main parameters of deposits with elevated interest rates ( special offers For owners of packages of services Premier and the first.

Contribution special save

From the standard options, the contribution of Premier Sberbank is most advantageous. This is due to the lack of removing the part of the money or addition. Such a policy allows the establishment to clearly dispose of funds for the entire announced period, and therefore it is ready to offer maximum percentage - Up to 7.76%. Accruals occur every month. At the same time, a net income (from interest) is allowed to remove or translate to a personal use card or leave on an account to increase yields (capitalization).

This deposit offer is considered the most affordable and profitable (rates are relevant from 04/09/2018)

Contribution special replenish

The project replenishment is intended for citizens who have the opportunity to systematically postpone the sum that they want to increase. Every month, permissible to make any value when transferred from the map (when introduced through cash, the lower threshold is limited - from 1 thousand rubles). Percentages accrued every month is permissible to transmit to the debit card or shoot. You can also leave them in order to increase the remnant and, as a result, profits. The rate is prescribed according to the amount and term. At the same time, it varies on a special table when the next threshold is reached. The maximum value is up to 7.1%.

The peculiarity of this product is a systematic accumulation and the ability to postpone large amounts (rates are relevant from 04/04/2018)

Contribution special rules

The project management allows you to control the amounts of application and removal without prejudice to the claimed profitability. According to this program in Sberbank, the prime minister of individuals in 2019. Interest has less than previous options - up to 6.59%. But the client has the right to pick up not only the income received, but also to derive some part of its investment for certain needs. At the same time, the rate and the conditions for obtaining income will not be changed.

Deposit leaves independent control over interest (rates are relevant from 04/09/2018)

Program interaction rules

To make deposits, you need to visit the service area for privileged customers and declare your wishes. Since a personal assistant manager is provided to each privileged client, all interaction should be made through it. It will help the Council based on the needs of the investor, and will select the most acceptable option. The depositor will only remain cash to accommodate them or list them from the card.

Registration of documents

The interaction of the relative account occur according to such rules:

  • At the end of the term, it is permissible to extend the contract for similar conditions. Prolongation occurs automatically. The number of renewals is not limited.
  • If the client uses Sberbank services prime, the rate is saved. Otherwise, the contract acting at the time of the end of the contract is applied.
  • When closing the account earlier, the rate of completion changes the rate to the minimum - 0.01% when passed less than 6 months and 2/3 from the above-mentioned half a year. If the early termination of the contract comes on the deposit with a period of 6 months, the rate is assigned 0.01%. In this case, the capitalization of interest does not occur.
  • Calculated income and added to the residue is not recalculated.
  • It is permissible to make a testament on a deposit or make a power of attorney on another person.
  • To make a deposit on unauthorized persons in any direction is not permissible - only on ourselves.


Among the advantages of connecting a privileged package of services is the ability to issue a deposit at a higher interest rate. This applies to both long-term and short-term programs that allow increasing income.

Deposits of Sberbank for individuals today remain attractive, although they have not the most profitable in 2019 interest rates: Compare updated conditions for opening deposits in rubles and currency, online and in the department.

Updated Sberbank's deposit rates for today

Sberbank in 2019 updated interest rates on deposits of individuals. Today, deposits are not so profitable as in many other banks. But individuals when choosing a bank for investing, Sberbank often prefer, as the most reliable. In addition, the deposits of Sberbank for individuals are insured by the state. So, if the bank loses the license, which is unlikely, you will be returned to the amount of not more than 1.4 million rubles, taking into account interest. Read more about Investment Insurance Read

The line of deposits of individuals in Sberbank is simple and understandable:

  • - "Save", "Keep online" and "Special Keep",
  • - "replenish", "replenish online" and "special replenishment",
  • with replenishment and partial removal of money without loss of interest - "Manage", "Manage online" and "Special Control".

Sberbank's deposits for individuals today can be opened in rubles of the Russian Federation and currency (US dollars). It is possible to design deposits in the department and online via the Internet. In addition to deposits from the base line, Sberbank has been offering seasonal deposits several times a year with elevated interest rates or more favorable conditions for design. Today, for example, money is attracted to the contribution "".

For customers of the retirement age - on the deposits "Keep", "Pop up", "save online", "replenish online" is set to the maximum interest rate for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. See the conditions and interest rates of Sberbank's deposits

Deposits in Sberbank today: interest and conditions

Compare interest rates and conditions for the opening of deposits of individuals in Sberbank today - in 2019.

New contribution of Sberbank "Red Carnation"

This is a seasonal offer of Sberbank to the Victory Day on May 9. The deposit opens in the amount of 10,000 rubles and the period from 6 to 18 months. Replenishment and partial removal without percent loss is not provided.

Since the deposit "Red Carnation" is timed to the Victory Day, he is a charitable. With each total of 1000 rubles, accrued by the interest client, Sberbank will list 1 ruble as a donation to the "Memory of Generations" charitable foundation.


  • Term: 6 - 18 months;
  • Amount: from 10 000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial removal: not allowed.
  • Interest accrual: at the end of the term

Interest rates

9 - 12 months.

12 - 18 months.

Deposits of Sberbank "Save": interest and conditions

Deposit of individuals for reliable savings conservation and receipt of guaranteed stable income. Without the possibility of replenishment and partial removal Without loss of profitability. Opens in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Replenishment: not produced;

Conditions for accrual interest

Interest rates

In rubles of the Russian Federation

In US dollars

Deposits of Sberbank "Save Online": Favorable interest

Online contribution to reliable savings and getting guaranteed stable income. The rate is higher than when opening in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: not produced;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: not produced.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

in dollars

** Deposit rate, taking into account the capitalization of interest

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Special Save": Increased percentage

Deposit of individuals for reliable savings conservation and receipt of guaranteed stable income. The contribution is available for registration only for customers with the current service package of Sberbank Prime Minister / Sberbank First.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
  • Replenishment: not produced;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: not produced.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

up to 5.70% per annum in the rubles of the Russian Federation;

up to 2.70% per annum in US dollars.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Pop up": interest and conditions

Replenished contribution for those who prefer to save and regularly postpone funds in a reliable bank. Opens in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
  • Partial removal without percent loss: not produced.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

in rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

** The rate on the deposit taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Pour online": Favorable interest

The replenished contribution for those who prefer to save and regularly postpone their funds using a convenient and reliable Internet bank of Sberbank. The rate is higher than when opening a similar contribution in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: not produced.
  • Increase interest rates: automatically when the next summion gradation is reached.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

in rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

** The rate on the deposit taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Special Pop Us": Increased rates

Replenished contribution for those who prefer to save and regularly postpone their funds. Available for registration only for customers with a valid package of Sberbank Prime Minister / Sberbank First. Opened in the department and remotely.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1 million rubles / 50,000 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: not produced.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

\u003e up to 5.15% per annum in the rubles of the Russian Federation;

\u003e up to 2.30% per annum in US dollars.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Manage": interest and conditions

Contribution for reliable storage of your savings with the possibility without losing interest to shoot part of the funds before the expiration of the deposit period. Replenished. Opens in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
  • Replenishment: Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Non-cash - not limited;

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

in rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

** The rate on the deposit taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Manage online": High interest

Online contribution for free control cash With the ability to use part of the funds without losing interest. Replenished. Opened via the Internet, the rate is higher than when designing in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles / 1000 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: to the minimum amount of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest.
  • Increased interest rates: with an increase in the deposit amount until the next amount of gradation and at the conclusion of an additional agreement on increasing the amount of the abnormal residue.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are charged monthly to the entire amount of the contribution (the interest rate depends on the amount of the abnormal residue).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.
  • Accrued interest are added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rates

in rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

** The rate on the deposit taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Special Control": Increased rates

Contribution with the possibility of replenishing and removing the part of the funds without loss of interest. Available for registration only for customers with a valid package of Sberbank Prime Minister / Sberbank First. Opened in the department and remotely.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1 million rubles / 50,000 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: to the minimum amount of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are charged monthly to the entire amount of the contribution (the interest rate depends on the amount of the abnormal residue).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.
  • Accrued interest are added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rates

\u003e up to 4.85% per annum in the rubles of the Russian Federation;

\u003e up to 2.20% per annum in US dollars.

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposits of Sberbank "Give Life": Terms and rates

Contribution to help children with oncological, hematological and other severe diseases. Sberbank every 3 months lists the "Give Life" charity foundation in the amount of 0.3% per annum from the deposit amount. Opens in the department.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: 1 year;
  • Minimum amount: 10 000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: not provided;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: not provided.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are accrued every 3 months;
  • For early termination The contribution interest is recalculated without taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Interest rates

\u003e 5.05% per annum (5.15% per annum with capitalization).

Savings account Sberbank

Deposits of Sberbank for individuals is not the only opportunity to invest in this bank. There is also a savings account for free disposal in daily mode with replenishment and removal of money. Increasing the interest rate occurs automatically when the next summion gradation is reached. In any unforeseen situation, if you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get them.


  • Account term: indefinitely;
  • Account currency: RF / US / Euro Dollars;
  • The minimum account amount: not limited;
  • Replenishment: not limited;
  • Partial Removal: Unlimited.

Conditions for accrual interest

As a customer of Sberbank and having a map or contribution, it is possible not only with comfort to use the services, but also have more favorable conditions. Let's first figure out what we get if we connect the Package "Sberbank Premier".

What is included in the Sberbank Prime Minister?

The package includes:

  • Map with big bonuses
  • Deposits S. increased rates
  • Favorable currency exchange
  • Discounts on safe cells
  • Free Perseals in Business Hall of Airports
  • Travel insurance
  • Second medical opinion
  • Premium service
  • Tax return help

And now about everything in more detail.

By connecting the Sberbank Pack Premier Your card will receive more bonuses Thank you for each perfect shopping on the map, as well as free annual service. Immediately let's say that this offer is really if you spend a month on a map over 80,000 rubles.

Bonuses Thank you when the Sberbank service is connected Prime

When connecting Sberbank Prime, your cachek on the Sberbank card will noticeably increase. Thus, your interest on the program thanks will be:

  • Payment at gas stations, taxi payment GETT and Yandex.Taxi - 10%
  • When paying in cafes and restaurants - 5%
  • When paying in supermarkets - 1.5%
  • For all other purchases, 0.5% is accrued.

Agree, it is much more profitable than under normal conditions. To be accurate, then accruals are above 20 times than by a regular map.

It is also important to note that these bonuses are only available for new decorated on you. visa cards Platinum Premier or World MasterCard Black Edition Prime.

Let's, for example, consider your benefit from ownership new card. For example, on average, you spend 800 rubles for annual maintenance cards and 60 rubles for the service Mobile Bank monthly. Then your savings for the year will be 1520 rubles.

Sberbank Prime Minister

If the deposit amount of more than 1 million rubles, then the interest rate on the deposit is higher by 0.8%. Increased interest rates in comparison with the contribution open at the Sberbank branch. It is also important to consider that the deposit period should be from 1 year to 2 years inclusive.

Favorable conditions conversion Currency Sberbank Premier

So, when exchanging $ 1000 in rubles you will get savings in about 1039 rubles. Suitable value for familiarization. Real benefits change depending on the changes in the currency rate.

Safety coffee cells in Sberbank Premier

If you use safe cells, then you will also be interested in Sberbank Prime Minister. So, with costs of 10,000 on safe cells per year, you will save 2000 rubles. The benefit is obvious.

This premission to the Business Hall of Airports with Priority Pass

If you often fly a business class, the Sberbank Service Package Premier will help you feel also comfortable as before and while saving a significant part of the money. For example, flying once a month during the year you will save on stay in an airport business room 46,575 rubles.

Traveler Insurance Sberbank Premier

As part of the package, the package acquirer receives insurance for the whole family within the amount of $ 100,000. This insurance can be used if you are going to open a visa. In this way insurance Company Sberbank Insurance will compensate you:

  • Medical trips
  • Medical expenses in the exercise of active sports (here transported in the clinic and health care upon receipt of injuries)
  • The cost of lost baggage
  • Flight Delay Costs
  • Cancellation expenses or early return
  • Insurance civil responsibility

The advantage of this insurance program is that it operates throughout the world. The exception serves the territory within a radius of 100 km from the place of permanent residence. At the same time, the expiration date from the beginning of the trip is 90 days. As we have already written above, this insurance policy is suitable for opening a fresh visa, since Sberbank's insurance certificate is recognized by all foreign embassies. In any case, the company will reimburse the total cost.

Who is insured within the Package of Sberbank Premier

  • It is directly the owner of the Sberbank Package Prime Minister (age from 18 to 70 years old)
  • If you are traveling with your family, you are also insured with your spouse (including civil under 70 years old), children under 18, adult children who learn in universities on the day office for the first time
  • Also, if the holder is traveling with you bank card World Mastercard. Black Edition Premier or Visa Platinum Premier under the age of 70, then he is also insured

The insurance certificate is issued only to the owner of the Sberbank Premier service package. To obtain a visa at the embassy, \u200b\u200byou can enter a certificate of family members or the holder of an additional card (up to 2 people).

Sberbank insurance conditions Premier

Expert Medical Opinion Sberbank Premier

Another useful addition of your premium Package Sberbank Prime. As part of this option you can:

  • Get the consultation of the world's leading medical professionals (alternative medical conclusion, recommendations on the treatment plan and answers to all exciting questions)
  • Laboratory and radiological studies (covered to $ 500 the cost of studies per person per year, which will recommend you an expert)
  • Organization of treatment in Russia or abroad (consultants will prompt the best clinic and help arrange a trip for treatment)

Access to premium service Sberbank Premier

At your disposal will always be a personal manager, which is always ready to help solve this or that problem within the service package. In addition, you always have a dedicated support line, as well as the selected Zone Sberbank Prime.

Free assistance with tax return

You can return taxes if you bought housing, paid for mortgages, training or treatment, transferred money to NPF and on IIS. Tax consultation Fill a personal consultant for you.

Terms of Use Sberbank Sberbank Premier

First two month The use of the service is provided absolutely. is free. Next, the monthly fee for the use of the service will be 2500 rubles. This is provided that total amount All your accounts in Sberbank is less than 2,500,000 rubles.

If there is a total of 2,500,000 rubles at a common account of Sberbank, the cost of using the Sberbank package is free.

So you got acquainted with all the advantages of the premium package of Sberbank Prime. The benefit of it is obvious if you lead an active lifestyle if you are a traveler or if you always want to always be confident in tomorrow.

Questions-Answers Package Sberbank Premier

Since the package includes a large package of options and services, then maybe you have had difficulty or questions some of the included services. Below we collected answers to the most popular services from the Sberbank package Premier.

Where can I make a package of services Sberbank Premier?

The package of services can be connected only in the special zone of Sberbank Premier in the Sberbank branch. The age of the client must be 18 years old and older.

I already have a savings account in Sberbank. Will there be valid rates when connecting a package?

Yes, they will change automatically on elevated.

How many cards as part of this package can I arrange?

You can make a maximum of 5 cards for 3 people. Card currency: rubles, dollars or euros.

What is the map Priority Pass In the package of services "Sberbank Premier"?

PRIORITY PASS Map is an opportunity to enjoy silence and spend your flight waiting time in comfortable conditions in more than 950 lounges expectations of the largest airports in 120 countries of the world, regardless of the class of your ticket. For owners of the service package, the card is provided free of charge.

You can see a complete list of answers.

Sberbank pays high attention to the quality of service and periodically introduces new service programs focused on different categories of customers. In this article we will deal with what is in 2015 the program "Sberbank Prime Minister" and to whom it suits.

Service not for everyone

This is how it is possible to characterize the Sberbank Prime Minister, offered not only in Moscow offices, but also in regional branches of the bank. The essence of the program is to provide wealthy customers with the following additional amenities:

  • individual service without queues in special dedicated areas in the offices of the bank, as well as an increased level of service and confidentiality during business negotiations or meetings;
  • personal manager services;
  • specialized banking products;
  • selected telephone line In the contact center.

As you can see, for business people who appreciate their time, the privileges listed above are very useful, especially taking into account the traditional queues for the bank.

How to become a user of Sberbank service Premier

To get into the number of users of a premium package service, you need to have an impressive capital and consistently high income. The bank defines the following criteria for customers from the Moscow region:

  • Envisages the cumulative volume of which is 1-8 million rubles;
  • the average monthly size of credits on plastic card within salary project Over the past six months - 150-500 thousand rubles;
  • the amount of housing loans provided for the financial institution for the last three years - 6-10 million rubles;
  • the average monthly payment over the past six months on the loan issued by the Bank is more than 50 thousand rubles.

For customers living in other regions of Russia, the program standards look more modest:

  • the total volume of the contribution (for individuals) is from 400 thousand to 4 million rubles;
  • the average monthly size of credits on salary map Bank over the past six months - from 50 thousand to 200 thousand rubles;
  • the amount of housing loans provided for the finicing for the last three years - 2-5 million rubles;
  • the average monthly payment over the past six months on the loan issued by the bank is more than 25 thousand rubles.

Features of the service

An important feature of the service is the possibility of customers to receive VIP service in any territorial separation of the bank. To do this, it is enough to notify your personal manager about the intention to visit the department in another region of the country.

Now a few words about the conditions of "Sberbank Prime Minister" for 2015: for servicing a savings account Bank charges a commission to 4% per annum - if the contribution in rubles, and up to 0.6%, if the deposit in the currency.

Individuals - users of a package of services should have at the end of each month the balance sheet not lower than 2.5 million rubles, otherwise the use of the service will cost 2.5 thousand rubles per month.

Read more about the package of services can be found on the site sberbank.ru or by visiting the well-known financial portal Banki.ru.

Premier is a package of services for loyal groups of clients (individuals), which provides maximum opportunities in collaboration with the bank. Package includes favorable bets By deposits, loans, many pleasant bonuses and cachens. Consider what conditions the Sberbank contributes to the contribution of the Premier, and what interest rates in 2017 are.

The premier implies special services For wealthy customers who appreciate time and comfort. Package included different kinds Programs:

  • debit and credit cards;
  • settlement and cash services;
  • loans;
  • deposits.

Each service is analogous to the available package, but is provided. on more favorable conditions.

Customers on premiere deposits are serviced out of turn.

Conditions of programs

Investments in Sberbank for premium clients imply more high percentagesrather than for ordinary depositors. Consider a number of programs that can be issued with a personal visit to the office or online mode.


Allows you to receive a constant guaranteed income. The account is multicurrency What implies the possibility of limitless conversion of money inside the account in US dollars, euros and rubles.
The contribution "Premier Save" has the following parameters:

  • the rate is 5.97% when opening in rubles (1.53% - in dollars and 0.01 - in euros);
  • term: 1-36 months, and the minimum amount is 1 million rubles;
  • replenishment and partial seizure is not provided.

Thus, "Save" is convenient for those who plan to obtain maximum income without additional account operations. Prolongation of the contract in automatic mode is unlimited.

"Pop up"

Interest rates are somewhat lower than the previous program, but the deposit gives the client control a bill. Conditions are:

  • multicurrency: rubles, euro and dollars;
  • the percentage is up to 5.32% in rubles, up to 1.32% in dollars and 0.01% in euros;
  • deposit timing - 3-36 months;
  • the minimum amount is 1 million rubles. or equivalent in foreign currency.

A feature is the ability to replenish in unlimited mode (minimum - 1000 rubles). Partially remove the money can not. Full closing of the contract before the designated period leads to full interest of interest.

The contribution involves the capitalization of interest or their monthly removal.

The interest rate increases automatically when the amount corresponding to the following gradation is reached.


Fully managed option that allows you to replenish and partially remove funds without percent loss. Deposit parameters are as follows:

  • it is minimal possible to make 1 million rubles;
  • percentage - up to 5.02% in russian currency, up to 0.96 in US dollars and 0.01 - in euros;
  • terms - 3-36 months;
  • extension of the contract in unlimited mode, and interest is capitalized.

A feature of the contribution of "Special Control" is complete control over the actions in the account. Money can be removed to the minimum remainder after 6 months and to replenish it indefinitely.

Precision in precious metals

Customers Sberbank Premier can count on one more deposit program - Investments in discomposed metallic accounts. This is an invoice on which the acquired precious metals indicating weight. Gold and other metals are constantly growing in price, so it is the most profitable investment possible in Sberbank.

The main parameters of the transaction:

  • opens and serviced for free;
  • the program can be opened on a minor;
  • income is a permanent and long-term, and the interest rate depends on the result of investment;
  • receiving money is made by converting an account status to the current date: Dollar and Euro courses -
  • not permanent, and the prices for precious metals are constantly growing.

You can additionally place a borrower life insurance policy. Funds can be billed or make a power of attorney for account management. Sberbank works under the Smart Plus program.

Investment deposits are not protected by the state of insurance system, so you can get other policies indicating individual risks.

What program is preferable

Three programs have absolutely different conditions, and choose a deposit on the basis of necessary parameters. So, those who want to get Maximum percentageYou can choose the program "Save". It allows you to put money and after a certain period of obtaining a percentage. It is impossible to manage the score.

If you want to complete control of servicesIt is better to choose the package "Manage". The contribution can be replenished indefinitely. Means are also removed, as well as monthly interest.

"Pour" is suitable for those who want make money on accountBut in their removal there is no need. The fact is that in early seizure, money is issued on the terms of the "demand" rate - 0.01% per annum.

Thus, Sberbank offers the prime minister of the premium group that implies high interest rates, a major minimum amount and great score management capabilities. Interest on deposits in 2017 here is higher than in standard programs, and deposits are protected by the insurance system.

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