
How to fill money check - form and sample? Checkbook or plastic card

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In Russia, checkbooks have quite limited distribution. They are used only legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. How to arrange a cheek book? Just follow these simple step by step adviceAnd you will be on the right track while solving your financial issues.

What you need to have - Bank account, open for a legal entity or IP.

Short step by step guide

So, consider the actions that need to be taken.

Step -1
Open a bank account for your organization. Please specify whether to make a checkbook to it. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -2
After opening an account, write an application for the release of books for your organization. This can be done in the department of your bank, but not in each - usually financial organizations Allocate special staff to work with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and these specialists work not in all offices. Find out where you can get such a service, you can via the bank's call center. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -3
In the application, specify the details of your organization, as well as information about your seal, which will be triggered by checks. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -4
Pay for the value of the checkbook. It depends on the specific bank. This can be done in cash or by cashless payment through your bank account. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -5
After analyzing your application, get the book itself in one of the branches of the bank. After that you can use it for calculations. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -6
Find out the rules for using this type of payment document. In various banks may differ. For example, there may be different maximum amount that can be removed from the account one check. In case you need to pay more money On one payment document, the Bank will need to be prevented further than this. There is I. general rules For the use of checks of all banks. Only those employees of the organization can write out checks, which are written on a special registration card of the Bank as those who have the right to write down checks. When changing such employees or printing, the organization needs to be notified in advance about this.

Additional Information and useful advice Financial Expert After receiving the book, adhere to security requirements when used. She herself should be stored at the chief accountant in a closing safe.
We hope the answer to the question - how to get a checkbook - contained information useful for you. Good luck to you! To find an answer to the question you are interested in. Use the form -

Check money - is the order of the enterprise to the Bank on issuing from the current account of the enterprise indicated in it the amount of cash required for paying wages, benefits or pensions, travel expenses, economic needs. The check is valid for 10 days from the moment of its discharge.

I suggested that I poured a bottle of water into this gigantic barrel, no one would notice the difference. What happened to me is that all participants had the same idea. Nevertheless, that does not reduce the problems arising from these emissions. First, the check must be filled with great attention, which must be accepted by the bank. The most important requirements are the output date, place of its extradition, numerical importance and signature, as well as the signature of the subscriber. If there is a discrepancy between the number filled with the number or written completely, this second amount is worth it.

The check should have the following necessary details:

- Bank's name;

- unconditional order of payment of the amount;

- money recipient;

- Date and place of check statement;

- Signature of the check.

When solving a question about the issuance of cash on the purpose specified in the check, banks can request the necessary documents from serviced enterprises.

As for the place of issue, this refers to the city in which the issuer is now. Proper information is important because it directly affects the presentation of the check bank. This is what we mean by checking the same or other square. The first case arises when the place of issuing a check is the same place as payment, therefore the application period is 30 days. On the other hand, if the place of filling the check is different from the municipality of your bank branch, this deadline will be 60 days for the presentation.

The statute of limitations is six months. Do not be confused with the term presentation with the recipe. When you get a check, you can make it at any time, during the restriction period, which expires after six months from the date of application. However, if you put a check after the deadline, you lose the right to fulfill the debtors, leaving only the check owner.

· Procedure for receiving a checkbook

Checks are in a special checkbook. To receive a checkbook, you should fill out a corresponding application, which indicates the name, name and patronymic of the cashier and gives a sample of its signature. The application is signed by the head and chief accountant and is assigned to the printing of the enterprise. According to this statement, the cashier receives a checkbook on 25 or 50 checks. To make cash from your current account in the bank, accountant fills cash check, Signs it with the leader and reports the cashier. The cashier pre-ordered the required amount of the acquittal document for records of cash transactions in accounting registers.

For example, if John submitted a check in favor of Peter, and he approves him Julia, during the deadline for filing, Julius can perform John and Peter. However, if you go through this time, you can attract John only to justice. Remember this situation, because in accordance with the current legislation, the verification has no restrictions on approval. As a rule, the title that was released is separated from the cause of its origin. But the courts understand that the autonomy of the check in relation to the cause of its release is not absolute.

Thus, the debtor may revise the legality of its release, in cases where the check was filled with coercion or other illegal practice or if it was released as collateral. You can deny the check on the check. It should be noted, however, it should be noted that this investigation of the reason for the occurrence of the check is exceptional. Even because, in contrast to bills and coins of real, he has no compulsory course, that is, no one must receive it.

· Filling order

Gets a company in cash from the bank on a cash receipt, written in his name. On the day of receipt of the Sumy, the accountant fills all the details of one check and the root to it and to the painting in the root gives the check in the cashier. The check is submitted to the bank. The bank's employee checks the correctness of the filling of the check, takes off from it and transmits the enterprise a control mark on which money from the bank's office is issued. For each amount received in the bank, the accounting amount is discharged cash Order In the name of the recipient of money indicating the check number.

Therefore, the accountant will be denied a new mismunity, in addition to ensuring that it protested and executed, and also refused the loan by other institutions. If there was no protest, the name of the account holder is dirty in the central bank. However, it is good to follow, because the institution may charge for this service.

This is exceptional use in the European landscape. However, with the development of payments and credit card transfers, its use is gradually decreasing. Even if it is in a state of decline, the French banking federation has published a leadership in which protective reflexes regarding payment of check or their cash will be mentioned.

The check is written out by ink or ballpoint handle, while F.I.O. The recipient of the means and the amount are written from the capital letter, be sure to start the line, and free spaces in the rows are firing a continuous feature. On the reverse side of the check, you must specify the assignment of the amount. The money received should be spent on those goals that are specified in the check.

Fill the check right

This may seem trivial, but these basic rules are not always applied. First of all, at least the amount corresponding to the amount of the check should be put on the account. In addition, you must write at the beginning of each row or window so as not to leave the places that can be filled with people with malicious intentions. In addition, it is better to also specify the number of digits with a comma and penny, even if it's a round number. It is also necessary to write the date of the day, and not to make erasure.

Another point: the owner's signature must be an identical subscriber of the bank. To facilitate the speed of treatment, it should not silent on the number of the numbers at the bottom of the checks. Moreover, if the checks are filled with the machine, it is better to check amounts and order before signing.

The signature of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant is obligatory.

· Errors allowed when filling and correction method

No blots, fixes in checks are not allowed. If an error was made when filling the check, the check is filled again. Incorrectly filled check is crossed out and written "spoiled", it consists and remains in checkbook.

Even a conscientious empty check medium can lose it or rob. In order not to risk, it is better to limit the number of checks at its disposal, even if the checks are not signed. "In case of closing your account or at the request of the Bank, quickly return unused forms," \u200b\u200balso reminds the federation.

In addition to the opening of days and hours, contact the National Call Center for lost or stolen checks, with which you can contact daily and at any time. However, we should not forget to confirm the opposition to his bank, writing later, and the opposition is recorded within 48 hours. The opposition, which can be paid in accordance with the establishments, must be committed in case of loss, theft, fraudulent use, protection procedures, reorganization, or judicial liquidation of the beneficiary.

· Sequence of cash receipt in a bank for money check

1. The client places a cash receipt by the operationalist who checks the presence of the required amount of money on the current account, processes the check and records the amount in the cash register for consumption, gives the client a control mark from a cash check for presenting to the cashier and transmits a cashier check.

Collection: Attention to fraud

No matter how paradoxically, while the French banking federation publishes a guide to its use, it advises to refuse checks "as far as possible." On the issue of payment, which "never guarantees: Checks can always return unpaid." If there is no other choice, the beneficiary of checks must check whether the amounts in numbers and letters correspond, and the checksum was dated less than one year and eight days ago. When transferring to your bank, you must confirm the check, that is, add the number of your account, date and signature on the back side.

2. Cashier checks for signatures officials Bank on the check, summary in words and numbers, the presence of the client's signature check in the receipt of money and the data of his passport, then prepares the amount to the issuance specified in the check.

3. The cashier raises the recipient of the money at the check number and requests the amount of money from him, checks the check number with the check mark number, lines the control mark to the check and re-checks the issued amount in the presence of the client, gives it to the client and signs the check.

Bank checks: safer, but not 100%

To identify any possible fraud, it is better to regularly check your account on checks. Bank checks are often used when buying-resale property of a certain amount, such as vehicle. This type of check is issued and signed by the Bank of the Buyer, which blocks funds on the account, allowing the buyer to ensure its solvency with the seller.

However, bank statement It may be rejected if it was stolen or fake. That is why the Bank of the Beneficiary creates a collection reserve for several days to ensure the authenticity of bank checks. You can also contact the Issuer Bank to confirm.

· The presence of an acquittal document on the operation

Simultaneously with the filling of the check, its details are transferred to the root remaining from the enterprise in the checkbook and being an acquittal document. The check itself remains in the bank.

8.4 Checkout the cash book on completed documents

Accounting for cashier operations The cashier leads in the cash book (F.N. Ko-4), which should be numbered, has been laid and sealed with a wax seal on the last page, where the record "in this book is numbered and lists". The total number of sheets in it is assigned by signatures of the head and chief accountant.

Independent check: Only the beneficiary to which he is called can only be paid for to you. Costs: Compare and select zero account costs to cancel all account costs. Transferred verification: can be transferred to a third party by the beneficiary. . Bank check is a tool available to account holders. It allows you to make deposits at any time and, therefore, make payments instead of cash, bank card and credit card. Banking check may be "transmitted" or "indescribable".

Each sheet of the cash book consists of two equal parts: one of them (with a horizontal line) fills the cashier as the first instance, it remains in the book; The second (without horizontal limies) is filled with facial and back side through copy paper. As a cashier report, it is a tear-off part of the sheet. The first and second instances of sheets are numbered by the same numbers. The records of cash transactions begin on the front side of the nearest part of the sheet (after the string "remains at the beginning of the day"). Pre-sheet must be collapsed in half along the cut slicer so that the terminal part of the sheet is put under the part that remains in the book. To maintain records after "transfer", the tear-off part of the sheet is applied to the front side of the nearest part and continue recording on the horizontal rules of the integration side of the nearest part of the sheet. The report form until the end of operations per day does not come off. The line "including salary" indicates the amount of payroll bills, not written off on the cash flow rate.

In the first case, the check can be transferred to a third party by the beneficiary, which will have to sign it on the reverse side of the check, where the word "Girat" appears. Instead, the "indescribable" check should be collected exclusively at the beneficiary, which is managed by the check.

Issuance of overdue checks, that is, the amounts exceeding the submitted liquidity is administrative offense And it provides for financial sanctions, as well as the initiation of the protest procedure with the subsequent loss of credit reputation and sanctions, such as a ban on issuing other bank checks for the minimum period in two years. So that the test was valid, it must be performed correctly in all its parts.

Records in the cash book are made by the cashier immediately after receiving and issuing money for each order or another replacement of its document. Daily at the end of the working day, the cashier calculates the results of operations per day, removes the balance of money at the checkout for the next number and transmits to the accounting department as a report on the cashier's second tear-off sheet with the receipt and expenditure check documents on receipt at the cash book. With a minor cash operations, cash reports are allowed once every 3-5 days.

Below are the main rumors and rules. When you check, you must specify where you are when it is issued. If the site coincides with the location, in which the Emitted Bank is located, it is said that the check is issued "on the square"; If two locations do not coincide, the check is considered "outside the square".

Always in the first row, immediately after specifying the place, the release date should be indicated. This is important because the check should be sent to the receipt, that is, for a certain number of days: 8, if the check "on the square", 15, if it is "outside the square". In addition to this restriction, who issues a check, he can dispose of that the bank no longer makes a payment. Finally, the law does not allow you to check the mail, that is, the date after which the verification is really issued.

In the cash book indicate the number of the document from whom and to whom the money is issued, the corresponding account, the amount (parish, consumption). Every day, at the end of the working day, the cashier counts the results in the book and displays the rest of the day. The cleansing and not agreed corrections are not allowed. Corrections are assigned by signatures of the cashier and the chief accountant. Control over the conduct of the cash book and cash operations is assigned to the chief accountant.

To avoid any disputes, the size of the surcharge must be specified twice and must contain two decimal sign, even if they are zero. The amount in numbers must be specified at the end of the first line. This element is displayed in the second row of the check. In this case, the amount must be recorded in full and the bar must be placed between an integer and decimal signs.

This item according to which the check is issued and appears in the third line. The latter can only be obtained by the beneficiary if the check is "indescribable". Otherwise, the beneficiary can turn the check to a third party by signing it in the space specified at the end of the inspection.

With the consent of the cashier, the cash book can be carried out automated way. Its sheets are formed in the form of a "Deposit List of the Cass Book". At the same time, the computerogram "Cashier report" is formed. These machine machines are checked and subscribe to the cashier and are transmitted with cash documents to the accounting department on receipt in the contribution sheet of the cash book. The last for the year is kept by the cashier separately for each month. The total number of sheets in the year is assigned by signatures of managers and the chief accountant, and the book is sealing.

8.5 Magazine Orders No. 1

Journal-order No. 1 account 50 "Cashier" is drawn up on the cash book. It indicates the date of the operation, the amount that relates to a specific account. In Journal-order number 1, an account of the account of account 50 is being conducted in the debit of accounts and the account of the debit of the account 50 - from the credit of accounts. Also indicated the balance at the beginning of the month on the main book and at the end of the filling is calculated at the end of the month.

To get finance in cash equivalent from the account, you must have a cash check. This documentation is located in a special book of checks, which is issued by a commercial bank. The blank of this check has the composition:

  • Root.
  • Check himself.

The first element is located in the book, in it partial information, but it is created almost the same as the check. Before has the following data: Number of Finance, Date, Full name Cashier, whose check is discharged.

Finance to the account should be made using a special document - the declaration of cash contribution.

What should be considered when you need to fill the check from the book?

With its design it is impossible to make fatal errors. If errors were found in the process of design, then such a check is considered invalid, it is crossed and write what it is spoiled. Next, it makes it up, then by returning to the client is attached to the root.

During the registration of the checks, it is necessary to use only a certain type of handle.

An example of how cash check is filled

The checkbook is drawn up as follows:

  • The exact name of the company.
  • The numbering sign of the current account, on the basis of which the book of checks is created.
  • The amount of money for issuing. Putting in the form of numbers, if there are unfilled lines, then they are written by solid lines (2nd).
  • In the place where the location of a commercial organization is issued is made, the date when the check came from the book was also filled.
  • Name commercial organization Fixed the organization itself. If this line is empty, then the one who gives the check itself fills.
  • Full name of man who receives finances. Must be indicated completely.
  • The amount of money is prescribed without abbreviations, even a penny is written in the form of numbers. Write from the very beginning of the line.
  • Consideration of signatures responsible.
  • On the rear, the table is filling out the appointment of finance, while dealing in directions, the amount of money of each direction is specified. The table is assigned, as well as on the front of the check.
  • It is assumed by a person who is listed on the front and its passport data.

You can find an example of how the money check is drawn up with us.

The check, which was decorated, is additionally confirmed by printing, subject to instructions in the bank card. If there is no information about printing, then the inscription is fixed in the map. Finance in cash equivalent arrives at the company's cash desk, resulting in execution of the order (KO-1) on the amount of money, information about PKO is fixed on the rear of the root. Any information in the form of a check is obliged to correspond to the data of PKO and the root.

Information on the receipt of cash in the cashier is fixed in the CA-4 cash book.

Cash check is one of the types of securities. It represents a kind of "Order", allowing the payment of a certain amount to the person, which provided this document to the bank.

Checkbook: Application, Pros and Cons

The main objective of the monetary check is the provision of funds in the bank for different needs. This type of calculations became very common, as you can get cash with the help of checks you can quickly and without any particular problems. Right now in russian banks Take samples of filled cash checks of a new sample, on which it is not necessary to put print prints. The advantages of the use of check receipts include:

    Clear monetary monitory monitory monitoring: A strictly defined amount specified in the receipt is made.

    High level of reliability. The payer bank will refuse to provide funds, if the receipts will not include the main required details in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Disadvantages of the finance of the organization (or individual) With the help of cash checks are the following:

  • The slightest blots and adjustments in the check are strictly prohibited. If the document is incorrectly compiled, it is already canceled.
  • When removing cash on receipts, the bank may charge the commission.
  • To get money on a cash check, you must come to the bank. The cost of travel time and expectation in the bank will be required, plus - transportation costs.

Cash check - Filling Sample: Regulatory Regulation

As for regulatory regulation, the approved forms or samples are not presented in the laws of the Russian Federation to fill money checks. Since 2017, the conduct of checks is regulated approved in the Ministry of Justice by the Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia of 27.02.2017.

For the document to become legally valid, it is necessary to fill out the main details. The receipt consists of two parts - this is the root of the check and the receipt itself. The receipt is provided to the bank, and the root remains from the enterprise.

In the organization, this type of security must be at the chief accountant and take into account the off-balance sheet. In Russia, unlike the United States, for example, checkbooks are used by organizations, and not by individual citizens.

How to get a checkbook

So, all checks of an organization or an individual are stored in a checkbook. To get such a book, you need to apply to the bank. It contains a limited number of pages - usually up to 50 checks. In addition, this book is required by the payer's bank account. The shelf life of the document after full operation is 3 years.

Sberbank Cash Checks: Filling Requirements

Sberbank, known as a reliable institution, which deserves confidence, is most common among enterprises opening checkbooks. It should be noted that not all branches can take such a type of securities. Therefore, you first need to clarify this question. You can call, go and pre-sign up. We list the basic requirements for the samples of cash check in Sberbank:

  1. To fill checks, you can use gel or ballpoint handles. The ink color is allowed black, blue and even purple.
  2. The amount for issuing is written as in words and numbers.
  3. The location of the amount should be from the left edge, the advent of currency ends.
  4. When filling out the date a month is written in words.
  5. In the monetary check there should be no blots and corrections.
  6. If an error still has done, you need to sign "corrupted" / "revoked".
  7. The check must be seal, unless otherwise specified in the contract with the banking institution.
  8. The recipient must sign on the root of money check. Samples of filling the roots and the check itself can be obtained at the bank on demand.
  9. The name of the recipient is a mandatory element. Another person cannot get money, and the check without a name is already considered invalid.
  10. The checkbook leaves the roots. They should be archived for a period of 3 years.
  11. The right to sign the check of the organization is only certain employees. This is usually the leaders and their deputies.
  12. If the bank account closes, then you need to return the checkbook to the bank. The statement indicates the numbers of the remaining pages.

These rules apply and when filling out any bank checks. Consider at the example of some Sidorova O.V., as the completed sample of a cash check in a savings bank should look like:

This is what the money check looks like the back.

How to get money on a check in a bank?

To do this, go to the bank and cash money check. A sample of filling out the application is provided by the Bank. You will also need a document certifying the identity of the recipient. It is necessary to inform the cashier to the sum that is written in the receipt. The operator checks the information specified in the passport of a citizen, and also checks information on the application and on the check. Then sticks the sticker on a special area in the receipt and issues cash. The amount issued must be immediately checked.

What should be considered when filling out cash checks? First, the sample of the signature on all sides of the check should be the same. Secondly, the same date should be affixed and when you receive money, and when filling out the organization's cash book.

If the recipient of the money expresses the desire to polistly recalculate the resulting amount, the cashier issues full packs of cash tickets, without cutting the seals (warranty seams). Recalculation cash cash The client is produced in the counting room or in a specially designated place under the supervision of a cash or other employee, while the delivery of the bank is carried out in the recalculation room.

Money from incomplete roots, as well as from packs with damaged packaging are issued by cashiers with polystive recalciation. When opening the roots with cash tickets for issuing money by individual sheets, the cashier's cashier is obliged to predict them.

The cashier's cashier is prohibited at the time of issuing money to customers at the request of the latest exchange of money on other advantages.

All necessary for committing expendable Operations The cashier's cash cash upon receipt is recorded in the book form No.0482155. The same book records the number and amount of paid documents for the operating day and the balance of cash at the end of the day.

The remaining at the end operating day The cashier's cashier's cash tickets have separate cash tickets, packed by other cashiers, should be a cashier politically recalculated and packaged in the prescribed manner.

Calculation fees and checks must be completed simultaneously with the preservation of all components of the form. Name of account holder, account number and name credit organization In checks and ads may be denoted by stamps.

Cash checks are selected receipts of recipients (ink or ballpoint). In addition, these documents should make a mark on presenting a passport or replacing his recipient's document. It is allowed to fill these marks by the recipient himself, the correctness of the passport mark or another document is assigned to the operating officer's signature. On the circulation of cash checks, the client must indicate the appointment of the amount of payment. Information on the appointment of payment amounts is assigned by the checklist.

Enterprises, organizations and institutions, which in established cases under the terms of their activities do not decipher their costs, represent cash checks without specifying the appointment of payment amounts.

In the ads on a cash contribution, the date of the actual submission to the bank should be specified. The announcement of the cash fee is signed by depositors.

Introduction of corrections and additions to banking and cash documents not allowed.

The Bank refuses to accept a settlement document if the Certificate of Rights of the Order of the Account is recognized as doubtful or in violation of the requirements for the design of the document. Monetary estimated documents With corrections of such details, as the amount, customer name and numbers of their accounts, at least agreed, are invalid and are not subject to receiving the bank to execution.

3. The procedure for issuing a checkbook.

To obtain a checkbook, the client is submitted to the bank a written application in one copy on the form of form No. 0401017 (Appendix No. 6), signed by persons, which are sampled of signatures of which are included in the card with samples of signatures and print printing. The client may be issued simultaneously several checkbooks in compliance with the sequence of check numbers.

When receiving an application for issuing a checkbook Operational worker:

Checks the correctness of filling out the application and compliance of signatures and printing on it on it with the signatures of signatures of those authorized to dispose of the score;

Signs permission to issue a checkbook and transmits a statement with the ticket to the cashier.

Cashier, having received a statement:

Checks the presence of an operating officer signatures on it;

Notes on the statement and coupon to the application number of checks issued a checkbook (from the number of the number);

Shears the operating worker a checkbook decorated with a bank stamp, together with a statement on receipt in the coupon. Coupon to the application remains at the checkout.

Operational worker, having received a statement and checkbook from the cashier:

Checks all checks in the book;

Located on all checks the account number of the client;

Records numbers of checks in a card with samples of signatures of this client;

Returns a statement with the checkbook at the box office.

The cashier checks the presence of all checks in the checkbook, signs on the coupon. A ticket is returned to the operating worker after issuing a checkbook to extract a robust order, in account of the accounting forms of strict reporting.

The cashier issues a book on a receipt on a statement, after completing the recipient's signature with a sample of its signature on the application. After discharge of the expenditure order, the coupons for statements on the issuance of the checkbook are destroyed.

The rooms of the issued checks must also be entered into a card with samples of signatures and prints of the printing employee.

Applications for issuing checkbooks are stored in documents of the day with consumable Ordere, compiled for the total number of books issued for the day.

Completed checkbooks not received by customers for 30 days are repaid with a mark on the client's statement for signatures of the department of the department (or another employee in accordance with the functions entrusted to it) and the cashier by cutting out the checks of the part of the check, intended for the signature and Consistent consumption. The numbers of redeemed cash checks are crossed out of cards with sample signatures and print prints. Related checkbooks are attached to the expenditure order.

IV.. Analysis cash Services Customers of Serpukhov OSB №1554 of the Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow region is one of the leading production and population in the central region. Here are 3.7% of all enterprises in Russia, and the population is about 6.5 million people today.` by volume industrial production It is located at the 10th place among the regions Russian Federation And on the 2nd - in the central region. Currently Moscow regional Bankwhich is part of the Sberbank of Russia, is the lead commercial Bank Moscow region and ranks 1st in the number of branches and 2nd place in the number of population serviced by one institution of the Bank in the Central District of Russia. In the magnitude of the profit, the Bank is among the leaders of the Sberbank of Russia's leaders, and by the magnitude of the assets divides 2-3rd places with St. Petersburg Bank. In addition, the Moscow Regional Bank ranks 8th among other territorial banks on the volume of loan resources placed. Analysis of the formed customer base makes it possible to see that permanent customers Bank are enterprises and organizations of the Moscow region, with which the bank has a close and long-term relationship.

From January 1, 2001. Territorial banks - Tverskaya, Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula and Ryazan were joined to the Moscow Regional Bank. The Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of Russia was created on their basis.

Compilation of an application for issuing a checkbook is necessary in cases where the owner bank account He has the desire to receive money from it in cash.

What is hiding under the term "checkbook"

Under the checkbook is understood as a number of monetary checks (usually 50 or 25 or 25), upon presentation of which to the bank, the owner of the current account has the opportunity to remove cash from it. Most often, this document is used if necessary, to obtain the leadership of the company "Cash" to issue money "under the report", wage of workers, business expenditures and other current needs.

Files 2 files

A checkbook is issued to the account holder only after writing to them a special statement.

Subtlety checking checks

Checks related to securities And included in the book, typical and consist of two main parts. The first is the root, which remains in the book after registration and is subject to compulsory storage and the second is the actual check that is transmitted to the bank (based on it means funds).

To fill the checks, very strict requirements are presented, the violation of which leads to the impossibility of obtaining "cash". Common for all: Using only one handle of a specific color (black, purple or dark blue), the absence of even the smallest blots and especially some more serious and explicit errors (correct them can also be corrected).

All information should be made from the edge of the line, and everything that remains free place must be crossed out by two solid smooth lines. Signatures in the document have the right to put only those employees of the enterprise, which are indicated in the contract with the Bank and whose autographs are available to the card of the sample signature stored in the bank. Only when complying with all these rules, cash A checkbook holder will be issued.

The check must be cushed within ten days from the date of its design.


Unlike the check, usually the period of action of the checkbook is no longer limited - it is possible to use it up to the moment the sheets are not completed in it. However, in some cases, the institution that gives the document may establish the limit date of its application. At the same time, if the organization for any reason ceases to exist or simply closes the account in a credit institution, it must return a checkbook with unused checking sheets back to the bank.

When to write an application

An application for issuing a checkbook can be issued at any time. Most often, representatives of enterprises and organizations are given such documents immediately after opening an account - without "cash" in most cases, the company's activities are quite difficult. At the same time, many credit institutions require a statement in the presence of a banking specialist.

Features of the application

If you have a need to form an application for issuing a checkbook, read the following tips and see the example of the form - on the basis of it you can easily make your own document

First - generalwho relate to all this kind of paper.

  1. First, choosing how to make a statement, know that you have the opportunity to go a few ways. For example, to make it a pattern that will be provided to you by specialists of a credit institution is the most optimal way. It is also quite acceptable to write a document in arbitrary form - If this option allows the organization into which the statement will be submitted in the future. And finally, you can use one of unified formpreviously mandatory for use - they are convenient because they contain all the basic information, do not bother themselves to invent the structure and the content of the form.
  2. Secondly, if the application is issued in free form, It can be done on a simple piece of paper, any convenient format (preferably A4 or A5). Statement is permissible to fill in the computer if there is electronic form document (followed by printing), or write manually.

The form must be signed personally by the account holder or its representative upon presentation of a notarized power of attorney.

At the same time, if it is conducted on behalf of the organization, its director and chief accountant. It is necessary to put in the application in the application only if this rule is spelled out in the company's accounting documents and is enshrined in the contract between the company and the bank in which its account is.

An application for receipt of a checkbook - the document is quite simple.

  1. Initially, the name of the organization should be specified, the representative of which it issues it.
  2. Next - to assign a number to the forms (it is not always required) and put the date of its formation.
  3. After that, you need to enter a request for the issuance of a checkbook, indicating the account number from which his owner will withdraw money.
  4. Immediately, it is necessary to provide the obligation to store the document properly and specify information about who is entrusted to receive a checkbook (ie, the representative of the organization).
  5. Next must be certified by the signature.
  6. In completion, the form should be signed by the Company's director and the chief accountant and, if necessary, stamped.

How to store a checkbook

The checkbook refers to strict booking forms and should be contained by special rules. In particular, the obligatory requirement is to comply with the standards for the protection of a document from possible fires and theft. To do this, you need to appoint one of the employees of the company with a responsible person for storing a checkbook, and put it in a special safe. After the sheets in the document are completed, you need to contact the bank with a statement about issuing a new checkbook.

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