
Mosoblbank analysis. Reviews of Moscow Regional Bank. Balance Structure and Dynamics

FSIN commented on the death of the founder of Mosoblbank in a colony ... received two top managers of the bank - Viktor Yanin and Julia Zedin. Mosoblbank Since 2014, there was a state of SMP by the Bank, which ... The founder of Mosoblbank Andrzej Malchevsky died in a colony ... from the bank 68 billion rubles. For output money in Mosoblbank Wip-Department was created: he made operations on deposits necessary ... Alexander Malchevsky handed over to Rotenbergs almost all their assets: Malchevsky controlled Mosoblbank Through the republican financial corporation, which included more than 30 companies ... 454%, and the loan portfolio increased by 384%. In 2017. Mosoblbank Through the court demanded almost 68 billion from its founder ... Russians fined 30 million rubles. Due to dual sanctions of the United States and FTS ... did not reach the American bank blocked the means due to the fact that Mosoblbank was under US sanctions. By that time, almost 100% of Mosoblbank ... Pack of "Ukrainian" sanctions. According to the OFAC rules, the sanctions automatically distributed to Mosoblbank As on the "daughter" of the SMP of the Bank. Standard Chartered, which in 2012 ... Ft suspected Russian brokers in the "sanctions" trading Russian BCS brokers and the "discovery" trade with shares and bonds of companies from the sanctions list, wrote FT. Thus, they may violate the sanction regime, implies the publication, but the brokers themselves refute the Russian brokerage companies "Opening a broker" (enters the "Opening" holding) and BCS ( financial Group BCS) trade in securities of Russian ... Rotenberg's banks will serve calculations on the Kerch Bridge ... ", the remaining calculations will track commercial Mosoblbankreport "Vedomosti". As a result, according to the publication, through Mosoblbankcurrently held on a sanation ... Calculations for the state contract for the construction of the bridge were initially walked through MosoblbankBut in 2016 the government decided to translate the Treasury Contract ... Sanged banks showed an increase in delay in loans to 17500% ... percent - overdue debts during the reservation. Leader for this indicator - Mosoblbank, followed by Baltic Bank, Sanation of which Alfa-Bank began ... Banks have a long period of time, the picture is unlikely to change. List leader - Mosoblbank - increased not only overdue debt, but also a loan portfolio, and ... The auditor warned the rothenberg bank about the threat tax claims ... with profit, but he will still have to pay for the rejoice Mosoblbank. KPMG auditor found that because of him SMP can ... he will have to pay taxes), due to the fact that Mosoblbank I hid in the reporting the actual amount of deposits. These "conditional tax liabilities ... Ex-owner of Mosoblbank received four years colony ... rubles, and the number of employees "VIP-Division" has grown several times. Mosoblbank Mosoblbank customers reported funds written off from their contributions ... hundred thousand dollars and euros. Check is planned to be completed in May. Mosoblbank Located on the sanation, which is conducted by the SMP Bank. The sanator was evaluated ...

Finance, March 29, 2016, 10:56

"Vedomosti" described the output scheme of 68 billion rubles. From Mosoblbank ... Loads, write "Vedomosti". By the beginning of the reservation in May 2014 Mosoblbank was "on the verge of bankruptcy, because he worked on the principle of the pyramid, paying ... Submitted a petition for the consideration of the case in a special order that supported Mosoblbank, told Golovkin. When considering the case in a special order, the sentence is not ... separate production, immediately suspended due to its severe disease. Mosoblbank Located on the sanation, which is conducted by the SMP Bank. The sanator was evaluated ...

Business, 01 Sep 2015, 08:40

The Central Bank approved the Sanation Plan of Mosoblbank The Board of Directors of the Central Bank approved the plan of the Sanatation of Mosoblbank, which provides for the allocation of almost 43 billion rubles. In addition to the already allocated 129.2 billion rubles, writes Kommersant. This means that the newspaper writes that the credit organization will again become a record holder among private banks in terms of allocated assistance. Sources familiar with the situation reported ... The court in absentia was arrested by the former deputy chairman of Mosoblbank The Tver Court inhibited the former deputy chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank Dmitry Vasilyeva and the Former President of the Banking Holding "Republican Financial Corporation" (RFC) Alexander Malchevsky in the case of fraud for 70 billion rubles, Interfax reports with reference to the statement of the representative of the court. "With regard to Alexander Malchevsky and Dmitry Vasiliev ... The media learned about the arrest of the assets of the former owners of Mosoblbank Tver District Court of Moscow in the middle of last month in the framework of the criminal case of 76 billion rubles from Mosoblbank. Arrested property belonging to former owners and bank managers. It is reported by the newspaper "Vedomosti" with reference to the representative of Mosoblbank. As the interlocutor of the publication explained, the court arrested the assets of the former main owner of the bank ... Mosoblbank was chosen for the construction of a Kerch bridge with a violation ... List of such credit organizations published by the Ministry of Finance, Mosoblbank absent. Now it is not there too. What Mosoblbank did not cause confidence in the Ministry of Finance, no wonder ... (monitoring of calculations). General Contractor - "Stroygadazontazh" (SGM) Arkady Rotenberg - chose Mosoblbank for banking accompaniment Contract, Rosavtodor Contractor's decision agreed. But 30 ... The former chapter of Mosoblbank convicted for six years of imprisonment ...., formed "as a result of the criminal actions of the former leadership and owners of AKB" Mosoblbank" Evgeny Kalyukov Ex-Chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank is found guilty of fraud The Izmailovsky Court of Moscow found the guilty of the EX-Chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank, Viktor Yanina, is guilty of the EX-Chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank, Interfax reports. The trunth of the court will announce after analyzing the materials studied during the consequence and testimony of witnesses. The prosecutor's office requested to sentence Janin to eight years of imprisonment. As follows from the sentence, Janin for theft of means ... The Ministry of Internal Affairs declared the son of the founder of Mosoblbank ... Bank Judia Zedi. Now she is also arrested. Now Mosoblbank Located on a reservation. It is conducted by SMP Bank Arkady and Boris ... Ex-head of Mosoblbank is arrested in the case of the embezzlement of 70 billion rubles .... The announcement of the decision of the court was scheduled for June 22. Currently Mosoblbank Located on the sanation, which is conducted by the SMP Bank. According to the bank estimates ... The founder of Mosoblbank was detained on suspicion of fraud ... approved the indictment in the criminal case of the former chairman of the Board of AKB " Mosoblbank"Viktor Yanina. According to the preliminary investigation, Yanin in May 2014 ...., formed "as a result of the criminal actions of the former leadership and owners of the Akb" Mosoblbank" Evgeny Kalyukov The Ministry of Internal Affairs opened the case of embezzlement in Mosoblbank by 70 billion rubles. Another criminal case was initiated about the embezzlement in Mosoblbank. This time it is about the amount of more than 70 billion rubles. According to the "Kommersant", the defendants of the new case can be the ex-owner of the bank The investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia opened a criminal case about the embezzlement of more than 70 billion rubles. From Mosoblbank, whose sanation holds a SMP Bank, writes Kommersant. By... SMP-Bank has achieved from the Central Bank of Increased Sanation Financing of Mosoblbank SMP-Bank has achieved from the Central Bank allocating additional funding for the Sanation of Mosoblbank, Kommersant writes. Nevertheless, the amount requested in the Central Bank turned out to be modestly requested. The source familiar with the situation clarified that the amount of additionally identified unaccounted deposits in Mosoblbank amounted to 9.7 billion rubles, therefore, taking into account the formula shown ... Kerch Bridge will help Arkady Rothenberg to fix things in Mosoblbank ... "- the subsidiary of the Stroygazmontazha, created for the construction of a bridge through the Kerch Strait. Mosoblbank accompanies the project until June 30, 2015 (by this deadline ... its preparation and placement of the Watching settlements began. Bank with problems Mosoblbank Corresponds to all necessary requirements To accompany the project, the representative of "SGM ... SMP Bank appreciated the damage in the case of the embezzlement in Mosoblbank in 116 billion rubles. ... formed as a result of criminal actions of the former leadership and owners of the AKB " Mosoblbank", The WMP can cause damage to the specified amount ... In accordance with ... approved the indictment in the criminal case of the former chairman of the Board of AKB" Mosoblbank"Viktor Yanina. According to the preliminary investigation, Yanin in May 2014 ... Bank May 20, 2014 picked up three banks on a rejection - Mosoblbank (Share of participation 97.96% of shares), Finance Business Bank (99.38 ... SMP-Bank rated the damage from Mosoblbank in 116 billion rubles. In a criminal case about the embezzlement of depositors of the Mosoblbank, a new victim appeared - SMP-Bank sent a statement to a consequence of damage in the amount of 116 billion rubles, Kommersant writes. The appropriate statement of the SMP-Bank, which fulfills the responsibilities for the Sanation of Mosoblbank, sent on January 15 by the head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the General ... SMP Bank found a hole in 105 billion rubles in the capital of Mosoblbank. ... Mosoblbank Not only carried out frauds with the contributions of citizens, but also used ... turned out to be more than the Bank of Russia assumed. "When we went to Mosoblbank, The Central Bank estimated that the hole is not more than 76 billion rubles ... the problem of Mosoblbank, suggested that Mosoblbank Could cease to start the assets under non-reflected contributions. Mosoblbank Known what "spent ... Mosoblbank and Mosobodbank became leaders on losses per half ... quarter. In May of the current year, SMP Bank of the Rothenberg brothers took Mosoblbank to a rejection. According to the press service of the SMP Bank, negative ... The cause of the search in Mosoblbank was embossed for tens of billions of rubles ... Prohibition of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to receive contributions from the population that applied Mosoblbank. In particular, the reception of deposits was made under the guise of the sale of shares of the bank ... An employee of the press service of the SMP of the Bank, passed "in a very correct setting." Mosoblbank Previously, he was under the control of Alexander Malchevsky and his father, Angeya ... The Bank amounted to 18.8 billion rubles. At the beginning of this year Mosoblbank

Mosoblbank, outreached in attraction of approximately 60 billion rubles. Depositors for ... RBC close to the Central Bank, says that the money was initially enrolled in Mosoblbankwhich then posted them in the SMP Bank. "The bank can ... closed," he explained. This calculation does not take into account the return of assets in MosoblbankIf this happens, the loan issued will be frightened early. "This scheme ...

Media: Rothenbergs during the Sanation of Mosoblbank will receive all the assets of Malchev ... ", told the interlocutor of the publication. Jad Malchevsky, together with his son Alexander controlled Mosoblbank through the RFC. The corporation includes more than 30 companies. Malchevsky also ... the term is 10 years. In the official report, the Bank of Russia indicated that Mosoblbank Mosoblbank He offered people not only to open contributions, but also to buy it ... if the sanctions were introduced, "says Levkovsky. Even before the announcement of the rehabilitation Mosoblbank reported that his cards (more than 260 thousand) will now serve ... - Tsea Alexei Buzdalin. Angei Malchevsky together with his son Alexander controlled Mosoblbank Through the Republican Financial Corporation (RFC). The corporation has a wide range of activities ... Shareholder Mosoblbank promises to personally return money to depositors ... which the Central Bank in the summer of 2011. allocated VTB 295 billion rubles. Yesterday Mosoblbank announced that the service issued to them bank cards, and ... billion rubles. According to the Bank of Russia, on January 1, 2014. Mosoblbank He entered the top 100 Russian banks in terms of assets and ... The Central Bank will be engaged in the rehabilitation of Mosoblbank ... that the Central Bank has revealed a scheme with which Mosoblbank Depositors depositors for the balance - individuals. Having a restriction of the Central Bank ... citizens means, "explains one of the interlocutors of Kommersant .7 May 2014. Mosoblbank Refuted reports of fragrances with the means of depositors, and the Chairman of the Board ... an attempt to destabilize the banking system of Russia, "he stressed.13 May 2014. Mosoblbank announced the submission to the Arbitration Court of Moscow Law Claim ...

Mosoblbank does not give deposits latest news 2020 - Why do not return the money after the two weeks laid under the law? After the merger with Inresbank, can customers count on receiving their funds?

A huge number of banking institutions in Russia are currently experiencing great difficulties, almost every few months a message appears on the closure of a bank. This is due to a strongly financial crisis, Western sanctions, capital outflow and tremendous loans, which is due to business decline.

Banks direct free funds for loans, and their customers do not return, from here and large problems with payments. However, in a situation with unreasonable deposits, Mosoblbank can be accused not only the financial crisis, but also a panic that spontaneously originated in the media. After the rumors appeared that Mosoblbank does not return money, all depositors were pushed them from deposits, as a result of which the situation was aggravated.

This is largely due to financial illiteracy, because in Russia for a long time, all deposits are subject to insurance, so that Mosoblbank will certainly not leave their customers without money. Moreover, it is necessary to pay tribute to the leadership of this institution, they undertook all the necessary steps and now this bank restores ratings and works very well. Moreover, not so long ago he was absorbed by Inresbank, which gave it financial stability.

At the same time, the reorganization with the joining of Inresbank provoked problems with customers who were often sent from one office to another and dragged the payment period. It is probably from here and rumors that Mosoblbank stopped issuing deposits.

The latest news of 2020, with a 100% guarantee, they say that the work of the offices has improved, and customers can take their money without any special problems and terminate the contract. It should also be noted that negative reviews Mosoblbank is not erased by leadership, clients apologize and honestly inform about the current situation. Thanks to such open behavior, a sharp outflow of funds and did not happen. Otherwise, despite the crisis, the bank continues to develop, support the business of the Moscow region and the city of Moscow, to allocate consumer loans and invite depositors.

In principle, considering that the Central Bank deprives the license mainly provincial small banks, bankruptcy does not threaten Mosoblbank. This is confirmed by financial statements.

So that Mosoblbank does not issue deposits The latest news 2020 informs about the sufficiently solid financial situation of this credit institution. The contribution can be obtained anyway, so there are no reasons for panic.

Latest news

Yet rumors about Mozoblobank are not notable. Since 2014, the Bank passes a sanation under the control of the SMP-Bank. In 2015, the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case about the embezzlement of 70 billion from the bank, was convicted for 4 years of his colony, the founder of Angey Ryrhardovich Malchevsky, who in 2018 passed away in the conclusion.

The bank receives significant funds from the deposit insurance system. For the first quarter of 2019, Mosoblbank showed a positive financial results In 5.1 billion rubles, whereas for the same period last year the indicator was almost 10 times less.

Among recent changes - Increased rates on deposits. A new chairman of the Board was also chosen - Vladimir Morsin became them. Given the fruitful impact of rehabilitation and competent management, the Bank is unlikely to go bankrupt, but for a solid conclusion in the revenue part may take several years.

As of the summer, Mozoblobank still remains in a state of financial recovery, but it entered the 20 most profitable banks of the Russian Federation. So the rejection gives its fruits.

In November 2019, news appeared that the size loan portfolio The Moscow Regional Bank decreased by 1.7%, and the share of overdue debts increased by 5.15%. Tags:

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& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Select Report:

Under the reliability of the Bank, we will understand the combination of factors in which the Bank is able to fulfill its obligations, to have a sufficient margin of safety crisis situations, not to violate the regulations established by the Bank of Russia and laws.

It should be borne in mind that only the basis of the reporting cannot be accurately determined by the degree of reliability of the bank, therefore the study below is approximate.

The stability of the bank is the ability to resist any external influences. Dynamics for a certain period can show stability (or improvement or deterioration) of various indicators, which may also indicate the stability of the bank.

Public joint-stock company Moscow Regional Bank is bigger russian Bank And among them occupies the 26th place on net assets.

At the reporting date (January 01, 2020), the value of net bank assets of the Moscow Regional Bank amounted to 403.91 billion rubles. Per year assets decreased by -32.56% . Recession assets-net positively influenced the profitability of ROI assets: for the year, the profitability of assets-net has grown c -1.79% to 2.79% .

According to the services provided by the Bank, the Bank specializes in investments in securities (investment bank).

Moscow Regional Bank - sanitary Bank (Located under the control of the ASV).

Moscow Regional Bank - in credit Organization authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia appointed.

Liquidity and reliability

The bank's liquid assets are those tools of the bank that can be quickly turned into funds to return to their depositor customers. To estimate liquidity, consider the period of about 30 days, during which the bank will be able to (or unable) to perform a part of the assigned financial obligations (Because all obligations can be returned within 30 days no bank). This "part" is called "intended outflow of funds." Liquidity can be considered an important component of the concept of reliability of the bank.

Briefly structure highly liquid assets Imagine in the form of a table:

Name of the indicatorJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
funds in the checkout1 035 638 (1.86%) 807 751 (0.91%)
funds in accounts in the bank of Russia4 463 921 (8.03%) 3 974 826 (4.49%)
corschetov Nostro in banks (clean)336 130 (0.60%) 133 400 (0.15%)
interbank loans posted for up to 30 days48 377 440 (86.99%) 59 259 051 (66.98%)
high-liquid securities of the Russian Federation492 159 (0.88%) 23 417 352 (26.47%)
highly liquid securities banks and states1 066 350 (1.92%) 1 035 952 (1.17%)
highly liquid assets with regard to discounts and adjustments (based on indication No. 3269-y dated 05/31/2014)55 611 686 (100.00%) 88 474 174 (100.00%)

From the table of liquid assets, we see that the amounts of funds in the Bank of Russia, highly liquid securities of banks and states have slightly changed, the amount of interbank loans placed for up to 30 days has increased, the amount of highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation has increased, the amount of funds in the checkout has decreased. , the sums of Corschetov Nostro in banks (clean) decreased, while the volume of highly liquid assets, taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on instructions No. 3269-from 05/31/2014), increased over the year 55.61 to 88.47 billion rubles.

Structure current obligations shown in the following table:

Name of the indicatorJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
deposits of Fiz.lits with a term of over the year76 086 607 (30.24%) 65 515 693 (34.07%)
other contributions of physical (including IP) (for a period of up to 1 year)25 196 759 (10.01%) 25 627 762 (13.33%)
deposits and other means of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year)4 805 232 (1.91%) 3 225 137 (1.68%)
including current funds legal entities (without SP)3 524 702 (1.40%) 2 121 546 (1.10%)
corschelov Loro Banks17 728 (0.01%) 14 513 (0.01%)
interbank loans received for up to 30 days143 808 837 (57.15%) 96 965 369 (50.43%)
own securities710 741 (0.28%) 161 884 (0.08%)
obligations of interest pay, Credit, payables and other debt995 379 (0.40%) 765 951 (0.40%)
expected cash outflow153 778 784 (61.12%) 105 036 333 (54.63%)
current obligations251 621 283 (100.00%) 192 276 309 (100.00%)

During the period under review, the resource base occurred slightly changed the amounts of the contributions of the FIZ. LIC with a period of over the year, the other contributions of the physical liberty (including the IP) (for a period of up to 1 year), the amount of deposits and other YUR facilities decreased. Persons (for a period of up to 1 year), Corschetov Loro banks, interbank loans received for up to 30 days, commitment to pay interest, exercise, payables and other debt, highly decreased amounts incl. current funds of legal entities (without SP), own securities, while the expected cash outflow decreased over the year with 153.78 to 105.04 billion rubles.

At the present moment, the ratio of highly liquid assets (funds that are easily accessible to the bank over the next month) and the alleged outflow of current obligations gives us the importance 84.23% What means insufficient reserve strength to overcome the possible outflow of customers, but the bank is large And so significant the outflow is unlikely.

In correlation, this is important for consideration of the standards of instantaneous (H2) and the current (H3) liquidity, minimum values which are installed in 15% and 50%, respectively. Here we see that the standards of H2 and H3 are now on sufficient level.

Now keep the dynamics of change liquidity indicators during a year:

According to the median method (garbage of sharp peaks): the amount of the norm of instant liquidity of H2, as well as the standard current liquidity H3 and expert reliability of the bank for of the year tends to K. significant growth, however, for the last half year tends to slight drop.

Other coefficients for assessing the liquidity of the Bank of PJSC Mosoblbank can be seen on this link.

Balance Structure and Dynamics

The volume of assets that bring revenues of the Bank is 85.00% in the total assets, and the volume of interest obligations is 103.51% In the total volume of liabilities. The volume of revenue assets approximately corresponds to the average in the largest russian banks (87%).

Structure profitable assets Currently and a year ago:

Name of the indicatorJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
Interbank loans56 877 440 (11.34%) 62 759 508 (18.28%)
Loans legal entities222 983 343 (44.46%) 112 955 427 (32.90%)
Loans of physical liberty3 736 152 (0.74%) 6 026 925 (1.76%)
Bill (0.00%) (0.00%)
Investments in leasing surgery and acquired rights requirements30 561 053 (6.09%) 9 983 852 (2.91%)
Investments in securities187 341 169 (37.36%) 151 588 461 (44.15%)
Other income loans (0.00%) 1 823 (0.00%)
Profitable assets501 499 157 (100.00%) 343 315 996 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of interbank loans have slightly changed, the amounts of loans to physical liberty have increased, the amounts of investment in securities decreased, the amounts of loans of legal entities, investments in the leasing surgery and acquired rights, total amount Profitable assets decreased by 31.5% C 501.50 to 343.32 billion rubles.

Share of other assets (for example, settlements with stock exchanges, unfinished calculations, calculations with suppliers, expenses of future periods) in the total amount of bank assets of the Moscow Regional Bank account 16.64% . Such a high proportion may indicate the possible availability of unreliable assets, or about the specifics of the business.

Analytics by degree of security loans issued, as well as their structure:

Name of the indicatorJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
Securities adopted in providing loan issued13 203 044 (4.20%) 9 863 814 (5.60%)
Property adopted90 353 266 (28.76%) 71 805 881 (40.77%)
Precious metals taken into provision (0.00%) (0.00%)
Received guarantees and guarantees279 830 530 (89.07%) 151 700 450 (86.13%)
The amount of the loan portfolio314 157 988 (100.00%) 176 123 771 (100.00%)
- incl. Loans legal entities184 641 074 (58.77%) 75 829 795 (43.05%)
- incl. FIZ loans. Persons3 736 152 (1.19%) 6 026 925 (3.42%)
- incl. Credits banks56 877 440 (18.10%) 62 759 508 (35.63%)

The analysis of the table suggests that the bank focuses on Diversified lending, the form of providing Guarantees and guarantees. The overall level of loans is low, but sufficient subject to good quality of the provision.

Brief structure interest commitments (i.e. for which the bank usually pays interest to the client):

Name of the indicatorJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
Means of banks (MBK and Corschetov)215 489 965 (43.55%) 155 098 232 (37.10%)
JUR. persons175 425 337 (35.45%) 171 408 914 (41.00%)
- incl. Current resources YUR. persons3 549 338 (0.72%) 2 145 880 (0.51%)
Deposits of Fiz. persons101 258 730 (20.46%) 91 119 121 (21.79%)
Other interest commitments2 617 414 (0.53%) 449 409 (0.11%)
- incl. Credits from the Bank of Russia (0.00%) (0.00%)
Interestrial obligations494 791 446 (100.00%) 418 075 676 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of JUR shall change slightly. Persons, deposits Phys. persons decreased amounts of banks (MBC and Corschetov), \u200b\u200band the total amount of interest obligations decreased by 15.5% C 494.79 to 418.08 billion rubles.

Read more The structure of assets and liabilities of the Bank of PJSC Mosoblbank can be considered.


Profitability sources own funds (calculated on the balance sheet data) is slightly per year from -10000.00% to -10000.00% . At the same time, ROE capital profitability (calculated in forms 102 and 134) has changed slightly over the year from 0.00% to 0.00% (here and below are data as percentage per annum on the nearest quarterly date).

Pure interest margin decreased over the year from 1.37% to 0.56% . The profitability of loan operations increased over the year from 8.56% to 10.25% . The cost of attracted funds increased over the year from 4.19% to 5.76% . The cost of attracted funds of banks has changed slightly for the year from 5.66% to 5.62% . The cost of the population (fiz.litz) decreased over the year from

I have on October 7, the deposit period ended. Through the contact center for a week, I ordered the entire amount of the contribution to getting in the office where I am constantly serviced. The girl with a hotline herself call me back and said that the money was ordered to the office for 1905.

On October 7, in the office, I tried to first replenish my other contribution. It was opened simultaneously with the ending, but for a longer period. And there was also allowed replenishment. I was denied this referring to the internal decision of the Board of Directors. I, constantly reading the form of Bank.ru was ready for this and agreed to get the amount ordered in advance in the hands. What I was told that I could not give out the whole amount, since I see all my bills attached from another office "Nachichokinsky", and in this office I can only give me 700 thousand. I have never been in that office, I do not know Where he is and nobody said me about such a meanness during cash order! After all, I actually had anyway where to go. Most of all was surprised by the cashier - why I do not take the whole amount, because it is ordered and is located at the box office.

I spent in the office for more than 4 hours, listening to the fairy tales of the manager and Olga that they are trying to help me, call - write to all possible leadership. Only for some reason, no specialist answered them for 4 hours! I did not hear such a jumped liner in my life! All employees and leadership of the Presnya offices are simply embarrassed from problems and do not offer any solution, except "come tomorrow, we will give 700 thousand." I also learned that I was far from the first client of Mosoccal with such a problem, but no one is going to do anything. All do not care for customers.
I was mentioned on the demand of the book of complaints and suggestions. What such a bank does not exist. But even a statement that I am sure to leave in the garbage, did not want to register!

The bank violates all the conceivables and I am very sorry! Such behavior, all these internal orders, which you will learn at the last moment, only deskredit banking system RF and disgraces bank employees.

For all the time of this nightmare, not an alone person apologized! No one offered any compensation.

Administrator of the portal 15.10.2019 19:15

In connection with the response of the Bank, we do not count the estimate.

Moscow Regional Bank 15.10.2019 15:44

Good day!
In response to your appeal, we report that in accordance with the decision of the Bank of Russia 21.05.2014, the Bank's Sanation Procedure was entered into force by the Deposit Insurance Agency and the SMP-Bank JSC.
For this reason, almost all types of previous contributions are canceled by a sanator by the Bank, as well as the possibility of prolongation of the terms of the contracts. In the bank, the line of deposits corresponding to market conditions. Bank In order to resolve relationships with clients, it proposes to conclude agreements of urgent bank deposit In accordance with the current line of deposits, without the loss of previously accrued interest. At the same time, to the existing bank interest rate For an appropriate contribution, an allowance for 0.5 percentage points is provided (for deposit in Russian rubles). With valid and relevant on this moment You can find time on the bank's website on the link on the link: http://mosoblbank.ru/retail/deposits/.

In terms of your issue of issuing money in the amount of 1,400,000.00 rubles, we inform that in accordance with paragraph 3.26 of the Rules comprehensive service Individuals in PJSC Mosoblbank Cash issuance from an account is made by the Bank on the first request of the Client. The client undertakes in any possible way for 2 (two) working days to warn the Bank's division, in which the client's account is opened about the desire to receive cash in it from the account if the specified amount of cash exceeds 300,000 (three hundred thousand) Russian rubles / 10,000 (Ten thousand) US dollars / 10,000 (ten thousand) euros.
In a bank division other than the unit in which the client's accounts are open, cash cash is issued in the amount of not more than 700,000 (seven hundred thousand) Russian rubles (equivalent in foreign currency At the rate of the Bank of Russia for the day of operation) in one day, total from all accounts, including amounts issued from bank card accounts without the use of cards, while the client is entitled to implement the amount exceeding the specified amount, cashless translation either get cash in an amount exceeding the specified amount in the unit in which the appropriate client's account is opened.

You have been made a cash order in the Bank's reference and information center (hereinafter - SIC) to obtain the entire amount in the supplementary office of Presnya.
Identification When contacting Customer Customers is carried out according to the code word. Viewing information / data on the client is available to SIC staff, only after the code word is specified. Unfortunately, you could not call a code word when ordering money. In this connection, an employee of SIC could not check the information regarding the additional office where your account is served for the correct cash order.

Thus, from the staff of the office of violations was not identified. All employee actions are due to the execution of the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents Bank.

Regarding the lack of a book of complaints report that the Bank carries out its activities in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Bank of Russia - these documents do not provide for the availability of complaints and proposals in the bank branches. A variety of customer feedback mechanisms, such as 24-hour telephone, are implemented in the Bank. Hot line, Remote system "Internet Bank" (if available), a letter by the post of presidential chairman of the Board. It is also possible to leave your appeal by filling out the formation of the client's appeal at the bank employee.

Sincerely, PJSC Mosoblbank

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state