
The distance between the houses should less. Distances between buildings on the site. With what minimum voltage value

When designing and building a house, it is necessary to take into account that there are a number construction normsapproved by the state whose compliance is the main condition for construction.

The required distance between residential structures on state norms is calculated based on the construction material, which is used to make supporting structures.

  • In the event that both neighboring structures are erected from non-combustion materials, such as concrete, stone, as well as reinforced concrete, then a permitted distance between them is 6 or more meters;
  • If the structures are made of the same non-flammable materials, but in conjunction with wooden floors, then the minimum allowed distance between the residential buildings is at least 8 meters;
  • For neighboring wooden housesmade of combustible, as well as difficult and non-combustible materials, the standards are supposed to be the minimum distance of at least 15 meters;

When designing a private house, all the necessary distances need to be counting on the protruding points of the future buildings, which are usually a bucket and porch.

In the event that all construction measurements will be implemented before the start of direct development with the maximum accuracy, possible redevelopment houses along the construction will not give you any trouble and unpleasant surprisesbecause it will not require additional material costs to correct design shortcomings.

Norms of the location of a residential building in relation to economic structures

The dwelling is recommended to be erected at a distance exceeding 5 meters from the red road line and at a distance of at least three meters from the residential streets and travel. The red line in the field of urban planning is considered to be the conditional border, which presumably separates the roadway of the street directly from the territory of the residential building.

For compliance purposes fire safety The permissible distance between the residential private structures at the next land plots should be between 6 and 15 meters, depending on the level and degree of refractory buildings. IN regulatory acts It is recommended for more convenient implementation of the repair of the room to place a residential building with a displacement of the construction to the left or right side limit of the land plot, but, nevertheless, the permitted distance from the fence of the site to the wall of the residential building is from 1-1.5 meters.

Economic facilities need to be constructed in the depths of the land plot in compliance with the same requirements for their remoteness from the borders that apply and in relation to residential buildings. Economic blocks are recommended to build apart from the main residential building. The fence of the area from the residential street must be spelled out in the project documents.

Standards of minimum distances between buildings

The standard of minimum distance from building up to the street or the directions is as follows:

  • From the residential structure and household buildings in relation to the red line of the residential street is at least 5 meters;
  • From the residential structure to the red line of travel is allowed at least 3 meters;
  • From economic structures to the red line of travel should be at least 5 meters;
  • Established on the site a canopy or a car garage can adjoin the fence of the land plot from the residential street or travel. In addition, the placement of garages is allowed as separately worthy, built-in or also attached to the residential structure and economic utility facilities.

The minimum location distance on the adjacent land plot according to sanitary and domestic characteristics:

  • From a residential building - at least 3 meters;
  • From the economic building for the maintenance of domestic animals - not less than four meters. In addition, these structures are allowed to add only to small-sized residential buildings with a binding division of them from residential premises not less than three working utility rooms;
  • In the presence of the adjuncing of economic blocks directly to residential house The distance must be measured separately to each object:
    • Residential building - a car garage - from home at least 3 meters, from a car garage at least 1 meter;
    • Residential house-building for pets - from a residential building at least 3 meters, from auxiliary building for the content of animals at least 4 meters.

When building household buildings, in the garden or the country's land plot placed at a distance from one meter from the border of a neighboring garden or dacha land plot, the roof of the roof of the building must be positioned in such a way that the stock of natural precipitation does not fall into the adjacent land plot and did not heal it .

The standard of minimum distance between the facilities located on the adjacent areas of the Earth:

  • From a residential building or a residential private house to the yard soul, a bath building and a restroom - at least 8 meters;
  • From a natural well to street restroom and compost facilities - 8 meters.
  • Minimum distance from the foundation of a residential building to engineering communications networks:
  • Power cables of all types of voltages, as well as cables telephone communication located at a distance of at least 60 cm;
  • Channels and communication tunnels are placed at a distance exceeding 2 or more meters;
  • For water supply, as well as pressure sewage is provided for a distance of more than 5 meters.

The above-mentioned ranges of distances between private construction facilities will help to properly design both the living house itself and the proposed communication junctions. Compliance with these rules will help to introduce a built house into operation without any problems.

Video - Distance to the fence from the buildings according to GOST

When it comes to the distance from the building before the fence, should not be referred to as complacent neighbors and the lack of objections against the construction. All norms and rules are governed by law.

If the site is intended for gardening

There is SNiP 30-02-97 with changes from March 12, 2001, which contains all the necessary rules of development, never changing radically.

Everything land Must be fenced off with transparent fences to prevent the shading of neighboring ownership. Mesh or lattice fences are allowed not higher than one and a half meters. The deaf fence can be made from the side of the roadway.

The distance between the neighbors house should be at least three meters. Memorials are made from the base of the house to Mezh. If this is built for household needs, the distance is one meter. The construction for the maintenance of poultry and livestock should be located no closer than four meters from the meter. The garage should be located not closer to one meter from the fence.

Separately stipulates the distance from the road to the fence. The owner of the plot cannot determine him independently, because he has only the boundaries of his possessions. However, there are requirements that the distance from the residential building and household buildings to the road line should be at least five meters. If this is passage - then three meters.

Detailed information on permitted distances between the fences can be obtained in the architecture department of your settlement.

Individual housing

Dimensions and designs of individual fences housing construction They are not normalized, and it can be any, according to the desire and capabilities of the owner of the land.

The distance between the fences is regulated by SNIP 20-102-99. So, the boundary of the neighboring plot should be not closer to three meters. The distance from the windows of the neighboring house to the wall of your residential building is not closer than six meters.

According to the requirements of fire safety, the distance between wooden houses There must be at least 12 meters, and between stone at least 6 meters.

If it is not possible to observe the regulated distances, you can get a written, confirming that they are not against the structure. As for the economic buildings and the garage, the requirements are the same as to the horticultural sections.

With all this it is worth abiding fire standards. In the event of fire, firefighters need unhindered access to each capital structure.

Single stops, including combined (bus trolleybus), are arranged provided if the total speed of the route vehicleenjoyed by one stop, does not exceed 30 units / h; Double - when several routes of one type of vehicles with a total movement frequency of more than 30 units are served with a total movement frequency. At the frequency of the bus and trolley buses, more than 30 units / h of their stops should be dispersed: there is a trolleybus, and there is a bus stop behind it; The distance between their landing platforms should be at least 10m.

Bus and trolleybus stops, as a rule, should be placed outside the intersections at a distance of at least 5 and 20 m, respectively, from a pedestrian crossing and intersection to the landing site.

In order of exception, placement of bus and trolley bus stops is allowed to crossroads of streets and roads in cases where:

Before the intersection there is a large cape-forming object or input to an underground pedestrian crossing;

The reserve of the bandwidth of the roadway of the street (road) to the intersection more than behind it;

The intersection begins an entrance to the bridge, tunnel or overpass. At the same time, the distance from the stop before the intersection should be at least 20m.

The location of the bus or trolleybus stop can be common with the continued width of the carriageway or arranged, if possible, due to the expansion of the roadway in the form of an open "pocket" (the separation of "pockets" from the roadway is prohibited by a border or other obstacle). The width of the "pocket" is taken equal for the movement strip, but not less than 3.5 m at the expense of technical and separating strips between the carriageway and the pavement, as well as the strips of green plantings, the length of the transition site at the entrance to the stop - 20m, on the road - 15m (in limited Conditions can be reduced to 10m).

In cramped conditions, the width of the "pocket" can be reduced to 3m and is carried out at the expense of the sidewalk if its left width ensures the normal functioning of the landing site and the proper conditions for the movement of pedestrians in the sidewalk.

When the "pocket" is placed behind the intersection at a distance of 10m from the border of the pedestrian transition, the extension of the roadway should be arranged so that it begins at the intersection from its rounding (that is, without the input transition site "Pocket").

The tram stops must be placed before the intersection of urban streets and roads before the pedestrian crossing at a distance of at least 5m from the intersection.

The length of the landing site is determined by the types and number of route vehicles simultaneously carrying out the landing of passengers at the stop, and should be accepted according to the table.

Placing stops public transport On the squares allowed when they have a significant bandwidth reserve of the carriageway, and the locked stops will not create obstacles to traffic flows.

At the stops it is necessary to provide pavilions or canopies for passengers, which should not worsen visibility for drivers and interfere with the movement of pedestrians (Fig. 5).

The distance between stopping points on the lines of public passenger transport within the territory of settlements should be taken, M: for buses, trolley buses and trams 400-600, express buses and high-speed trams 800-1200, metro 1000-1500, electrified railways 1500-2000.

Figure 5. An example of posting a public transport stop with a canopy.

Car parking and garages

The insufficient capacity of parking lots does not provide the ability to provide normal transport service of residents, and the clogging of streets worthwhile cars reduces the bandwidth and safety of motion.

The level of motorization, the overall need for places of continuous and temporary storage of cars, the requirements for their placement in the population and its individual functional areas, as well as near residential and public buildings and structures, industrial and communal - warehouses, distance from parking lots and garages The surrounding objects are accepted according to DBN 360, the rules for the development of this settlement, sanitary legislation and other existing regulatory documents.

Garage - building (construction), part of the building (facilities) or complex of buildings (facilities) with rooms for constant or temporary storage, as well as elements of maintenance of passenger cars and other motor vehicles.

The main type of garage in the conditions of a multi-storey residential building of cities are multi-storey garages, including with partially broken first floor or several built-in and attached underground floors. It is allowed to design separately standing underground or semi-base garages (see Appendix 5).

The minimum required area of \u200b\u200ba particular area (territory) for permanent or temporary storage of cars on open car parks is determined based on the rate of 25 m 2 to the calculated car, and in the garages, depending on their floors, according to Table 1.

Table 1.

The capacity of parking and garages, the composition of objects and areas of premises for service personnel, including technical purposes, sanitary assemblies, their surround-planning solution, the number of entrances with one-sided or bilateral movement and their placement in relation to urban streets and courtyards, The need for a device of a cumulative platform before entering, the territory fence is determined by the design assignment, urban planning sanitary and real standards.

At the same time, the parameters of the machine-space, travel and volume-planning solutions of garages and car parks are determined by the dimensions of cars for which a garage or a parking lot, car layout (angle of arrangement, number of storage ranks) in relation to internal travel, the smallest radii of their turns, and also The dimensions of the approximation (protective zones) of the vehicle storage to the construction of the building (structures), to the equipment and other cars in the storage places.

Depending on the number of storage sites, parking lots and garages of small (up to 50 engineers), medium (from 50 to 300 cars) and large (more than 300 cars) capacity.

Parking- Specially equipped outdoor area for permanent or temporary storage of passenger cars and other motor vehicles.

As part of car parks for permanent storage of cars, open parking lots, indoor and storage facilities, relevant elements of engineering equipment and improvement, as well as, if necessary, and technical capabilities, may be - posts that, tr and car wash, including Self-service posts - observation pit (overpass), cleaning vehicles of the car. Such parking can be equipped with sunscreen canopies, windscreen walls, decorative sunscreen and noise protection.

In parking lots of temporary storage of cars, if necessary, and technical capabilities are arranged in specially designated places, self-service items, observation pit (overpass), alarm is established.

When designing car parks, it should be proceeded from the following regulatory parameters:

The dimensions of one machine-space in car storage parking (taking into account the minimum allowable safety gaps 0.5 m) - 2.5 x 5.3 m. For temporary parking lots, the size of a parking lot 2.3x5.0 m. Safety gaps are allowed to increase to 0.7 m;

Minimum travel width: with bilateral movement - 6 m, with one-sided movement - 3.5 m;

Radius of rounding stone - not less than 6 m.

Note. When calculating the number of motorcycles that can be arranged in the parking lots, the following dimensions are accepted: a motorcycle with a carriage - 2.4x1.7 m, a single motorcycle - 2.4x0.8 m, the distance between the motorcycles is not less than 0.5 m.

Depending on the configuration and size of the territory of the parking lot, the organization of entry-departure can be accepted by one- and multi-row arrangement of cars with the installation of machines on one side of the passage and along both opposite sides, in parallel, perpendicular or at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the passage (see Appendix 6).

At the same time, the requirement of the rational use of the designated territory, ensuring the safety of traffic and pedestrians (separation of their movements) within the site and on the surrounding streets and travels.

After the end of work on the implementation of buildings on the General Plan of streets, roads and intra-ordinary travel, it is necessary to complete the graphic design of the drawing. It is recommended to draw a drawing to ink. This will make it possible to clearly identify the gradation of the thicknesses of all lines, bring clear numbers and remove unnecessary lines.

The ceiling repair is a fairly responsible event, which among other things is associated with the most diverse calculations. Here it is necessary not only to calculate the repair budget, but also to correctly calculate how the number of lamps, especially if point lights will be used, it will be necessary to install. To find out, the first thing you need to decide how much the distance between the lamps should be.

Lamps on the ceiling

Moreover, such calculations are important not only to create a general lighting system in the house, but also in production (for example, for security, emergency, etc. type of illumination). About everything related to this kind of computing, our article will tell you.

What is the calculation

According to the regulatory documentation (SNiP, SanPiN), the lighting system in any room should obey certain requirements that are primarily related to the level of illumination. Each home or production room must have its backlight levels that are implemented by different types of lamps (emergency, general, local, working and other purposes). All indicators of the degree of illumination for different rooms are shown in SNiP. An example of a backlight level, which should be implemented in different rooms, will lead to the table.

Note! The level of the required illumination is given in the table at the minimum level. Therefore, its small adjustment is allowed upwards.

Table. Lighting level for premises

Such rules were designed to ensure that people who are in the premises have experienced discomfort. To clarify the optimal level of the backlighting for each particular room, the calculation should take into account a number of indicators:

  • the view and purpose of the room;
  • type of lighting (general, emergency, working or other destination);
  • type of lamps, as well as their location (on the ceiling, wall, work surface);
  • type of light source. For lighting at home and industrial premises (security, emergency, working destination), the calculation can use the parameters of the operation (power, etc.) of incandescent lamps, LED, luminescent and other types of lamps.

Types of light bulbs

At the same time, little to know the above indicators. The calculation must also determine how many light bulbs and lamps need to be used to create the reference level required by the norms. And in order to find out if you need to know what distance it is between the lamps used.
If you do not carry out such a calculation, then you can hardly be able to create a pleasant backlight indoors. And the most complicated this calculation for industrial facilities When organizing emergency, worker, general and other lighting options.

The most popular option with dot lamps

To date, dotted lamps are the most sought-after version of the ceiling lighting. Most often, such lamps are applied in home and offices, as well as public buildings.
The point lamp is a small lamp into which one light source (LED, halogen and luminescent light bulbs) is screwed.

Note! Very often, point lamps are used to illuminate in a tension or plasterboard ceiling.

Stretch ceiling lamp

Moreover, the technical characteristics of the lighting instrument allow you to use it in an absolutely any room of the house (living room, bedroom, and even in the bathroom or in the kitchen).
This is a fairly simple lamps in its design, when using which the calculation and determination of the distance between them will not be very complex, in contrast to similar actions with lamps applied in production (for the organization of general, emergency and other lighting options).
At the same time, you should not forget that other lighting devices can be used in addition to point lights:

  • suspended and ceiling chandeliers for different bulbs;
  • production lamps;
  • office lamps, etc.

In each area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity, the lamps used to create emergency, general, working and other lighting options will be different different technical characteristics, as well as dimensions and placement methods. Therefore, the calculation of the level of illumination and the distance between the lamps used will be based on various parameters.
But since industrial premises And the organization there is a different version of the backlight (emergency, security, etc.) are a separate topic, we focus in more detail in the most common variant - point lamps. Their example will easily demonstrate how this calculation should look like.

What parameters affect the calculations

In order to properly carry out the calculation to calculate the distance between any lamps (even for the security and emergency plan) on the ceiling, you must first estimate their structural features.

Design of point lamp

The point lamp has an embedded housing that is easily placed in the design with a tension or plasterboard ceiling.
Note! The design of the plasterboard or stretch ceilings for different premises (bedrooms, bathroom, etc.) will be mounted according to a single principle.
Thus, if there is a suspended ceiling design in the room, then the installation of the point lamp will take at least time and strength. It is also worth noting that such lighting devices are of two types:

  • embeddable;
  • overhead.

If there is a suspended ceiling design for embedded models, the overhead lamps of the point plan can be mounted completely on any surface, which makes them versatile. It is these lamps today can be found in many public rooms, as well as on production and industrial facilities as a common, working or emergency lighting.

To accommodate such a lamp, you will need only a standard set of fasteners that will go with it complete.
At the same time, you should not forget that the location of the lamps on the ceiling may be different. It all depends on the purpose of both the premises and the lighting systems in general or its individual elements.
This aspect must necessarily take into account the calculation you are.
Options for lighting devices can be as follows:

  • at an equal range from each other. In this situation, they will create general and uniform lighting, preventing the emergence of shadows and poorly illuminated places in the room;

Uniform placement of lamps

  • zonal. Here is the concentration of lighting devices for better and high-grade illumination of a particular area.

Note! In production, this placement scheme is used to illuminate the working area or the place of each worker, and in the house - for visual distinction of the room space, as well as in decorative purposes.

Zonal accommodation lamps

It is on these accommodation options and must rely on the calculation.

Optimal solutions

The definition of the distance between the installed lamps for each specific case should obey the following rules for creating an optimal level of illumination:

  • the distance between adjacent rows of lighting devices should not be greater than 1 m;
  • the distance from the wall to the lamp of the extreme row should not exceed 60 cm;
  • the above requirements are relevant for rooms having a ceiling height of 2.5 m.

Schemes of placement of lamps

These requirements were developed based on the fact that in such an altitude there will be an intersection of light cones, which will create all the lighting plants installed in the room.
At the same time it must be remembered that the installed lamps should not fall on the frame elements. Also, determining the distance between adjacent luminaires, you need to rely on the material from which the ceiling is made. For example, in the presence of a stretch ceiling, the calculation is carried out on the basis of the fact that 1 m.kv. Such a surface should have the lighting, calculated 20 W.

Actually calculations

Conceptual image of the room

Determining the distance that you need to install the lighting devices on the ceiling (ordinary, tension or plasterboard) comes down to find out how much you need to install in the room (in the bedroom, bathroom, etc.) lamps. Already from this will be treated with the distance between adjacent lamps so that they can all be fit in the room.
Thus, to calculate, we need to know:

  • type of lamps installed indoors;
  • the power that the lamp has;
  • the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the selected light bulbs and lamps will be placed.

Knowing these three meanings, you can already make a competent calculation of the distance, which should be between the selected lighting devices.
But do not forget that before the calculation it is necessary to calculate such a parameter as the number of lamps themselves. The algorithm of actions in this case looks like this:

  • we find out the lamp power;
  • next, measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe available room (multiplying the length of the width);

Note! If the room has a non-standard form, then to calculate its area you need to use special formulas.

  • next, change the area to power. Remember this figure;
  • then, in the passport of the instrument, find out its light radiation;
  • after that, the power of light radiation should be divided into the figure, which we received, moving the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the power of the lamp.

The resulting ultimate (can be rounded to the biggest) number will display the number of lighting devices that need to be installed in this room.
Calculate the distance between the lighting plane themselves is fairly easy. To do this, you need to know that the luminaires on the ceiling must be placed evenly. When zoning the room, part of the bulbs can be placed a little more abrupt.
Withstanding the sequence of computing, you are correct and without any problems can independently spend everything required calculations And get ultimately an accurate digit. In this case, the error of your calculations will be minimized.


Sequence, patient and accounting of all parameters will help you without errors to make the necessary calculation and to find out for any room, how much the distance should be between installed lighting devices. If you do not carry out this calculation, then you risk obtaining the blind effect instead of a normal light stream.

Selection of point lamps for children

Next, apply for the removal of the axes of the site and at home. After all this in special state bodies It is necessary to place an order for a construction passport. You will need a passport, a resolution application, a territory plan and a document that it is your property, a project of the future home, a topography or a document on the study of the territory, a license to create projects.

Fence as the border between neighbors

Now you need to determine the location of the house on the site as agreed with fire and sanitary inspections. At the end, the entire package of documents is subject to state.

Construction permit is valid for 3 years from the date of registration of the document. The last step is the payment of duties in the local administration. After that, the administration approves or refuses to build a house. The second option is possible only in the absence of any documents or incorrect design, but this happens rarely.

Coordination of construction with neighbors. Sometimes disagreements arise with neighbors even before you begin to live next to them. It is possible that they will be against you to build a house next to them. Then, many people have a question, is it necessary to build permission?

If it happened that the neighbor is not just indignant, but also captured part of your territory, for example, do not allow you to carry out a water supply, then you can safely complain about it into the court authorities. Of course, only when at the personal level it is not possible to solve the problem.

If you comply with all the rules of SNiP and the rate of distance, the opinion of the neighbors has no legal force, therefore, and the permit is not required.

However, if nevertheless fulfill the requirements of SNiP does not work, then it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the neighbors to execute the construction permit from the local administration.

So, having understood in all legal intricacies of the construction of a private house, you can confidently begin the construction of the dwelling. In no case do not neglect the law and keep all the formalities to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

What should be the distance between the buildings? Answers in teleconsultations:

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