
Draft wooden houses for 2 families. Projects of houses from a bar with two inputs. Nuances of independent design

The project of the house with two entrances is a practical and convenient solution that is suitable for both one family and for two. The design may provide:

  • front doorway located on the front facade;
  • the second, through which you can enter the back of the building. The passage is located on the side of the courtyard.

The house with two inputs can also be designed as a duplex for 2 families. This will save the land area and reduce the costs of content.

Advantages of profiled bar

Cozy family house from a tree - a tested traditional solution. Modern technologies Allow to use a tree in a rational version. Wooden timber is easy to install and does not require fitting. Brusade material has an affordable cost and reduces construction costs. Size I. qualitative characteristics Materials allow projects of different complexity.

Profitable offer of the company

The construction company Brigade works in Moscow and regions of the central part of Russia. We offer design and construction of houses from a bar. We try to optimize the project and inexpensively to implement it.

Our services include:

  • drawing up a project, with plans of floors;
  • drawing up cost estimates;
  • full complex mounting work Full construction;
  • summing up and connecting engineering networks.

The cost of services is a cumulative calculation of the price of materials and the cost of work. Project I. production cycles Controlled by professional professionals. Detailed information You can get on free consultation, by phone.

Beautiful projects of houses for two families: photo, catalog

Finding typical projects of houses for two families, and convenient search filters will help to order an individual project of a two-seamy. You will pick up the attic and two-storey projects houses for two families, classic and modern, houses of a wide variety.

Fully all projects of houses for two families, photos, video, schemes, sketches and drawings are collected in this section of the directory.

The planning of houses for 2 families is designed in such a way that apartments are fully independent of each other, and only in some cases they have the overall only utility room. Such houses are more profitable in the construction of turnkey and operation: one roof is erected for two, and the cost of heating will be less. In addition, the plot for them can be used more compact to implement such projects of houses. Children, parents, for example, or brothers, sisters who want to live together will be winning from these advantages.

Houses of houses for 2 families: Possible options

House project plans for two families in structure can be divided into two types: twin houses and two-quarters houses ordinary view. In ordinary private two-quarters, one of the apartments is completely located on the first floor, the second occupies, as a rule, both floors of the house, or a fully second floor.

Twin houses are absolutely the same and symmetrical relative to the common wall. The double house project is less economical in construction, but their location in two neighboring sites allows much more efficient to use the space around the house.

For projects of such houses, the price is for both segments of the house. Only one segment of the sale of sale is not subject to sale, since all technical parameters of the house are designed immediately into two segments. For a single building in such a project, you need to make a lot of changes to such a project: to recalculate loads on the supporting structures, change the project of the roof, the project of the foundation, to recalculate the volume of the required materials and much more. Making such changes significantly increases the estimates of the cost of creating the project itself.

Planning houses for two families: Making changes

By buying a cottage project for a large family, we strongly recommend that you adapt the foundation of a typical project under the features of the soils of the building site, using the addition of "". Only in this case, our finished project will be able to guarantee the necessary reliability and quality of the built new home (subject to competent construction, of course). To carry out such adaptation, you need to provide a report on geological surveysspent on your site.

"" - will help choose the most advantageous contractor for the construction of the house. Having ordered this service, you will get, in general, the same estimate, but without prices. The calculation is made to the fact that prices are easy to you. construction organizations In your region, and you will be left to choose only the best and optimal offer from the received.

Package "" will offer an optimal option on the wiring of these networks in the house. It is still not necessary to do it in the construction process: it is difficult because it yourself to provide for their convenient control, gasket at the right distance from the electrician, etc.

Thanks to the popular addition, the layout of houses for two families can be corrected. The service "" allows you to create the original design of houses for 2 families.

And our comfortable and good microclimate will take care of our additional services "" "And" "- they are standing, because what can be more pleasant to the warm floor, and what can be more important than fresh air in the house?

Having decided to buy typical or individual architectural projects of houses for two families, developers can be confident that they will receive detailed project documentation, which consists of 5 sections: 3 parts of the engineering section (power supply, ventilation and heating scheme, water supply), constructive and Architectural sections.

All the projects of residential cottages of the company Z500 are protected by copyright, which gives a guarantee to developers to legal safety when erecting a frequent cottage for the projects of the company Z500.

A certificate is placed, which is a confirmation of the fact that the company Z500 is the official representative of the Architectural International Bureau of the Z500 Ltd in our country.

Have a cozy house - the natural desire of every young family. But the construction of a private house and its arrangement requires significant financial injections than the content, for example, apartments. The best solution This problem is the construction of a house for several families. Therefore, projects of houses for 2 families with different inputs become increasingly popular.

Often, the project of the house into two families is a symmetrical cottage source ukut-ekb.ru

A significant condition for living together two families are their common interests and friendships.

Advantages of the project of the house for two families

Reasons for construction general house For two families, several:

    at the time of buying general Plot. For one family, half of its cost is saved;

    the total price of the house is divided evenly between two buyers;

    reduced financial load on family during arrangement engineering communications;

    if desired, one common garage and a swimming pool in the yard is equipped.

The house for two families has a number of advantages. Among them, private entrance, own yard, garage and even pool on the street. All this is almost half of the cost, as all costs for the project, buying a plot, arrangement of the territory, carrying out engineering communications are divided by half. This method of construction of country cottages is popular among middle-class representatives who wish comfort, but do not always have sufficient funds for the construction of a private house.

The disadvantages of such an embodiment include the likelihood of controversial situations caused by different tastes of the owners. For example, when finishing the facade.

If the facade parts do in different style solutions, then the external harmony of the house will be broken Source techwood-house.com

It is desirable that the facade is made in a single style and from one material. Also, a house for 2 families has general territory. Registration of the site will also have to be coordinated with neighbors. The situation may be aggravated if utility services will be paid together.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most from construction companiespresented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Economic benefits of a joint project of the house for two families

Construction of a joint house for two families is beneficial with economic Party This question. Projects of houses for two families choose mainly families consisting of relatives of different ages or simply between themselves in friendly relations.

In this case, families live almost under one roof, but do not intersect in solving everyday household issues. The house itself is completely autonomous two parts of it. The internal layout of the premises is the same and is a mirror. Some projects use a total boiler room, garage and other auxiliary premises.

Significant economic benefits From the construction of a shared house are as follows:

    only one land plot is bought and issued;

    one general foundation is laid;

    the work is carried out one brigade of builders;

    one roof is equipped, and general communications are held;

Autonomous sewerage, designed for several houses, works better than a separate Source kupitseptik.com

    the costs of utilities, on repair and maintenance of the house divided;

    escape funds for project design and other technical documentation for construction.

The joint project is developed taking into account the interests and personal preferences of both families who will jointly live in the house.

Video Description

A few more thoughts about the benefits of building a house for two families:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home construction services. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

The cost of the house for two families in Moscow

The term "house into two families", or duplex appeared in the comfort of the real estate market recently. The principle of vertical separation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is used in its construction, which eliminates conflicts between neighbors.

The project of the house for two families with two entrances necessarily provides for the presence of a small plot of land around it. The cost of such housing depends on the class class and material used in its construction. The price of a business class ducex with monolithic brick begins with 10 million rubles. Houses made with cellular gas and foam blocks are housing economy class.

Their cost varies in a wide range and depends on the external facing decoration. For example, a two-storey house made of aerated concrete blocks with trimming bricks will cost from 3 million rubles.

Source yurlkink.ru.

Cheaper options one-storey houses Two entrances with a classic frame, a block house, a block house or clinker stone will cost the owners from 1.5 to 3 million rubles.

Examples of projects

Examples of houses for two inputs for living two families:

    A total area of \u200b\u200b153 square meters, intended for two families. Such country cottage Attractive for living close relatives of different ages. That is elderly parents with newlyweds. The house is convenient for use, with a sufficient number of residential rooms.

Its approximate price of aerated concrete blocks is 3.63 million rubles, from bricks - 4.11 million rubles. The cost of the project is 26.0 thousand rubles

Source Hmkmos.ru.

    IN classic two-story house Family couples with similar interests and equal incomes will easily stay. The latter factor is important to ensure peaceful coexistence.

The project of such a house costs 34.0 thousand rubles. The house is performed from brick or gas blocks. Approximate price of a brick box without an internal and exterior finish 6.32 million rubles, a box of aerated concrete - 5.59 million rubles.

Classic project of a two-story house into two families Source Hmkmos.ru

  • It is perfect for living two active young families related to relatives. For example, two brothers with wives.

Material for building house - gas blocks. The facade is insulating and plastered with decorative coating. The cost is 5.58 million rubles.

Source www.1000proektov.by.


For accommodation in a house into two families, the ability to negotiate and get along with each other. Despite the fact that both families live in their individual residential rooms, they will have to negotiate in many issues. For example, repair facade, payment communal services, maintenance of the household site.

Our company performs qualitatively and on time projects of houses for two owners For customers in Moscow and regions of Russia. At the same time, we take into account all the individual wishes of the client concerning the planning, material of the walls, shape and area of \u200b\u200bpremises, etc. The assortment has a large selection of finished sketches, under various needs. Their affordable price will please you. Houses on these sketches are made of modern materials and meet all quality standards. The well-established management system allows you to provide you with a high-end service.

The project of the house with two entrances is necessary if a young family decided to live with the eldest generation. These cases are often frequent when newlyweds are born a child and requires the help of parents in care of him, upbringing. Separate entrances and separation by the wall give both parties with tangible benefits, mainly in the designation of personal space. This contributes to the prevention of many conflict situations in everyday life. Another feature of the project of the house with a separate entrance is the unequivocity of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential half. One of them is completed from the minimum number of rooms, the other - on the contrary, consists of separate bedrooms, guest rooms. It provides everything for comfortable accommodation And raising a small child. There are sketches options, where two halves are combined with one hall. To find the right one, use electronic form Search for the optimal version of the project of the house for two owners. Thanks to the set of filters, all this will take no more pair of minutes. It is only necessary to decide on:

  • common residential area;
  • number of floors;
  • wall material;
  • number of rooms;
  • the presence of basement and attic;
  • the presence and size of the garage.

After selecting a suitable sketch, make an order. If you decide to buy a project of cottages into two families according to personal parameters, the cost of execution of work should be determined. We expect it on the basis of the complexity of the sketch, in accordance with the current price list.

Make an order right now!

To make an order for a house project for 2 inputs, fill out the form and specify the contact details. In the near future, the manager will contact you .. Our employees will help you choose projects of houses for 2 families and calculate the preliminary value of individual orders.

Any building today is distinguished by its uniqueness and uniqueness. However, in addition to ordinary houses with one entrance, there are also at home for two entrances, in which two families can accommodate comfortably. For many people, the separation of land and a private house into two parts is a relevant issue, because not everyone can buy a separate house or divide the existing property.


The house for two owners with two inputs and the double number of rooms has to build and rebuild for many reasons. Most often in such premises there are several generations of one family. It is convenient because the elders can help young in the supervision of children and the arrangement of life. In addition, in some cases, families have no opportunity to divide property. Or it turns out too much, from a financial point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to stop your choice on such structures.

Families encountered with the issue of home improvement with a pair of exits should pay attention to what needs to be engaged not only to the physical side of the repair, but also legal.

So, it is not enough to come up with a project and start breaking or build walls. It is necessary to get permission to build and register a new project. Such an approach is saving your own time and money, because then you do not have to face additional problems and fines.

If there is no experience in these issues, it is worth contacting lawyers who specialize in such matters. Most often, this is happening when the property is divided by heirs. As a rule, in the absence of testament, the property is divided between all equally. And everyone can use their half. In order for everything to be officially, it is necessary to issue everything required documents, allocate part of each host and make a project to restructure at home, which will now be designed for two entrances.

At the same time, to share the land on which the house is located, it is impossible. The plot is divided by the same rules as the house.

Very often, the section of houses on two full parts occurs after the divorce of the spouses. Thus, the property acquired in marriage. And so the house has two owners at once. According to the rules of the Family Code, her husband and wife have exactly half of the property, if there is no other marriage agreement. And this means that each of them is half the house and half of the land plot, which is under it. At the same time, the address and cadastral number remains the same.

Making a duplex at home, each new owner receives a certificate of the right to own a house and separately to him the right to the ownership of the land under it. This makes it possible to dispose of each of the co-owners to dispose of an accessible part of the property at its discretion.

Often co-owners to avoid conflicts among themselves, try to arrange their part of real estate as a separate room. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement where it will be indicated that the residential building and the earth under it is in operation.

Many private houses that stand separately on land plotmay have only one entrance to the project. And it is simply impossible to divide them into two full parts. Therefore, in such cases you need to redecessing the house.

The statement of the plan is made in different instances. This is a very difficult and long procedure. And even after all written permissions were obtained and over-planning is completed, it is necessary to submit an additional application to local governments. This is done so that you can collect a commission that will visit the house and check, whether everything complies with the standards and laws. After that, the owner is issued permission to the right to operate an updated home.

Types of designs

The project of the house for 2 families may be different. After all the buildings are also two-story, and single-storey. But more than two floors in such houses does not happen. And also the room can be supplemented with various extensions, such as a garage or bath. And finally, designs differ in both their functionality - one family can live in them, and two.

If two families live in the house, then they should have a separate entrance with the porch, separate communications and individual rooms. There are such buildings where rooms are separated, but the kitchens and bathrooms are combined.


If we consider single-storey buildings, then the most used project will be a house for two owners, where rooms are located in a mirror image. That is, they are an accurate copy of each other. Each family can have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen or a dining room, a bathroom, as well as a separate output with the presence of a porch.

Unifying in this room is only one common wall, which has good sound insulation. It is thanks to her coexisting families will not feel uncomfortable in contrast to multi-storey buildings with very strong sound permeability. Walls of such a building are made of bricks or from aerated concrete. If the second option is selected, it will be necessary to additionally make a cladding with siding so that the house looks more attractive.

Usually in such houses outdoor decoration is made in a single style, so as not to spoil the overall impression of the house. And inside the room, each owner creates that interior who will have to do.


The presence of two floors largely facilitates the work on the project. This can be both a full-fledged two-storey building and a house with a narent floor. The second option will cost cheaper, and there will be no significant drawbacks.


If the choice is made precisely in favor of the construction of an attic designed for two families, you can arrange bedrooms, children's or functional rooms there. For example, if you wish, there can be placed game or office. The first floor is discharged under the main rooms - living room, kitchen, and so on. It is convenient and in the event that one family lives in the house, and if there are several of them.

A full-fledged two-storey house is more expensive, and the embodiment of creative ideas in reality is more expensive. But for big families, this option is very good.

With garage

It is very convenient if there is a garage in the house for two families. It can be located on the first floor. It is very convenient, because with bad weather you will not need to go to another room in the rain or snow. It is enough to go down to the first floor, and you can easily leave the garage. And also on behalf of such a project, you can save money on the construction of a separate garage. Garage can be placed on any side. As a rule, it is installed in that part of the yard, where there is more free space. At the same time, there can be a full-fledged garage, and not a shell or canopy for the machine.

Materials Building

The house with the presence of two entrances is a fairly fundamental building that should be the most durable. Creating a project of such a house, you need to take into account all specifications For supporting structures, and rely on how strong materials should be materials for the construction of walls and partitions.

Modern cottage for two exits can be built from the following materials:

  • bruus;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • seven;
  • brick;
  • wooden frame.

You can choose any of the proposed options. All of them are equally good and have great strength and durability. Using them, you can build a house that has any strokes. At the same time, each of them has their own advantages, and their drawbacks.


One of the most expensive materials is brick. But despite this, it is brick buildings that are much more common. The fact is that they are the most durable, durable, and are not affected by negative weather conditions. The bearing walls are put in two bricks, and the interior partitions will have enough pollipich. But before that, it is necessary to place the construction planning to make sure that the walls and partitions will be quite strong.


The economical option is considered to build a house from the shell. After all, this material has a large block blocks, so they develop very quickly and easily. In addition, the seven has ecology, so that the construction does not harm nature. The only minus - this material is quickly destroyed under the influence of moisture. Therefore, if the climate is too wet, and often go rains, then the house in this area from the sewer is better not to build.

Frame houses

But you can also meet the project of a monolithic building. Its layout must be defined even before construction starts. This is done because all the walls: and carriers, and interroom - are made on special technology, and then nothing can be changed.

Framework is built from natural wood. Next, a solution of concrete is made, which includes Portland cement. Then add clamzit and crushed stone into it. And also the formwork is made by the reinforcement grid, it serves as a binding and strengthening link. Such a building is cheaper than brick, and even complex weather conditions and time testing will withstand.


But you can also build a house from a slagoblock or foam concrete. But in this case, professionals do not recommend erecting and this material two-story houses. After all, they can deform even under their weight. For a single-storey building, this option is very suitable. Construction will cost inexpensively and will end in a short time.


This material is also very good. Buildings from the bar look beautiful and differ in high strength. The tree is natural, eco and allows you to create a cozy atmosphere in the house. The smell of natural wood has a positive effect on the state of health, and it simply decesses.

When choosing such a material like a bar, to build a house for two families, it is necessary to know that before starting work it is necessary to dry well and make processing with the help of special compositions. Processing is done to protect against mold and from different insects. This allows you to extend the service life for several decades. And the entire surface of the building should be covered with a thick layer of primer.

Correctly treated wood and saved longer, and looks attractive. If desired, the foundation of houses from the bar can be additionally decorated. For example, covered with carvings. It looks good in many stylistic directions.


The biggest advantage of two-welter houses is that, although all relatives are under one roof, and each of them has its own space.

The plan of the house for two owners with the presence of individual entrances is very convenient for living large families in it. In addition This layout saves on construction.This is due to the fact that houses have a common foundation and general communications, and therefore it does not have to spend additionally money and time. This, by the way, applies to the utility buildings, which can be located both in one part of the house and in two at once.

Mirror layout

Most often, the developers choose this option as a mirror layout. In this case, the inputs are located on different sides Buildings exactly opposite each other. The location of the rooms in one part of the house completely repeats the location of the premises in the other half. The same applies to the size of the rooms and the location of the windows.

With one way

Some seems more convenient option in which the doors go on one side. It looks not quite familiar to our cities and towns. Doors are located at a short distance from each other. Each of them is complemented by a porch. If you wish, you can try to combine two porches in one large or refit it to the veranda.

For one family

Another popular layout option is suitable either for a large family, or for those who do not mind sharing their free space with their neighbors around the house. In this case, one of the inputs becomes the main, and the second is reserve. It is convenient and practical.

The choice of planning in the end depends on the joint decision of two families who will divide the house.

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