
Unisexual residential buildings. Single houses. Mall residential area

1. Multisective residential buildings

2. Volume-planning structure of the main types of multisective residential buildings

Shopping center residential area

Indoor markets


Dropped ceilings

Types of suspended ceilings

1. Multisective residential buildings

Sectional residential buildings are buildings consisting of several single-dimensional planning structure blocks of sections that differ through the floors, length and configuration.

Section is a part of a residential building, the apartment of which have an exit to one ladder of common use and which is separated from other parts of the building with a deaf wall or a solid intercircular partition (double with air gap). The planning decision of the section depends on the number of apartments overlooking the floor staircase. Taking into account that numerous families are planning to rush in manor and blocked houses, apartments in residential sections should be single, two- and three-room (for small and medium-sized families). It is recommended to develop a block section with three or four apartments on the floor. The orientation of the apartments must meet the requirements of the insolation - to ensure the direct ingress of sunlight in one-, two - and three-room apartments in at least one room. The rationality of the solution of the building volume is largely determined by the provision of minimum heat loss. This is achieved by increasing the width of the hull, location in the middle part of the premises that do not need natural lighting, adjustment to the outer walls of the narrow side of the residential room. In no elevator multidimensional houses of small and medium storeys (2-5-storey), two hours are used most often, two-page stairs, placed in the middle of the section or from the courtyard (if it coincides with the northern orientation) or from the northern side of the house - to increase the number of residential rooms, overlooking the favorable side of the horizon. Most often residential sections are designed based on a rectangular modular coordination grid that in more than Corresponds to the natural form of the elements of the apartment (residential and utility rooms, stair marches), technology of more economical construction of buildings, etc. However, the creative combination of simple block sections can lead to the creation of a variety of composite and expressiveness. residential complexes. For this, at least three main types of sections are used: ordinary, end and swivels.

Private section - this section is usually a straight outline between two other parts of the residential building.

Forest sections located along the edges of the house. One of the walls of the section should be blocked with the neighboring ordinary section. Often the end section repeats the planning of the ordinary section with a change in the design of the end outer wall. It can be deaf or with window opening, loggias or balconies.

Swivel sections apply to form a complex configuration houses. Most often there are angular sections with a turn of 135 or 90 degrees. Swivel sections are designed by both ordinary and end.

Sections of various configurations, floors, numbers and types of apartments are combined into one series.

Sections within the same series are developed on the basis of the same type of constructive and planning schemes. For example, if one or another structural system of carrier elements is accepted, it should be used in all sections. This is important to optimize the building process. Apartments in all sections should be with the same degree of comfort, which is achieved by applying a single planning reception and the same engineering equipment.

2. Volume-planning structure of the main types of multisective residential buildings

Multisective residential buildings are formed by blocking several sections that are elements of the volume-planning structure of the building. Sections are designing ordinary and turning, including those with end endings or without them.

The ordinary sections (including with end endings) on the form of a plan are straightforward, ascent, as well as a complicated form (including curvilinear, T-shaped, etc.).

Swivel sections (including corner) allow you to design a building with development:

1) in two directions (sections with angles of rotation 90 °, 135 °, etc. - angular sections);

2) in three directions (sections with angles of rotation 90 °, 120 °, etc.).

Four-beam sections are quite rare.

Under the conditions of orientation on the parties of light and ensuring insolation of apartments, the sections of multi-section residential buildings are designed:

universal (unlimited) orientation;

partially limited orientation (latitudinal);

limited orientation (meridional).

Sections have an unlimited orientation if apartments are provided with regulatory insolation with any section setting relative to the parties to the horizon. As a rule, the number of single-level apartments on the floor of this section can be one, two or three.

The limited orientation section, as a rule, has four or more single-level apartments on the floor (or single-level and multi-level). Given the needs of people with disabilities using wheelchairs, it is not recommended to design in residential buildings of levels of levels between the outlets from stair cells and inputs to the apartment. The width of the stairs should be provided with regard to the possibility of placing the lift moving obliquely along the staircase march. In this regard, the minimum width of the staircase march is 1.2 m.

In section buildings, a way out of the first floor apartments can be arranged for the local area. Apartment sites are not recommended to be placed in the entry sites in the residential building or above the transit passage of communications. In terms of the number of apartments on the floor, two-, three, four-quarters sections were distributed. Composite construction of volumes of apartment buildings is formed by repeatability of plans of floors of the same configuration or plans of floors of various configurations. One of the techniques of the volume and spatial construction of residential buildings is the terracement of their volumes. Terraced residential buildings are designed both on a flat relief and complex. The terracement of the residential building is achieved by reducing the size of the rooms along the ends of the building or on its front, reducing the number of rooms in the apartment, reducing the number of apartments on the floor or decrease in the number of floors in adjacent sections.

In overseas practice, the use of the upper floors of residential buildings in relation to the underlying floors is widely used. At the same time, part of the space in the lower floors is often engaged in public service elements or parking garages.

Energy-saving characteristics of residential buildings are achieved due to:

reducing the surface area of \u200b\u200bouter walls by reducing the cutting of the building volume;

increase the width of the case under the compliance with the regulators on the illumination of the premises;

increase in the length of the building (taking into account the optimization of urban planning requirements);

increase the total area of \u200b\u200bapartments on the floor;

application of planning elements that contribute to improving the heat efficiency of a residential building (including the use of upper lighting staircases - in residential sections up to 3 floors inclusive).

Reducing noise in residential buildings can be carried out:

application of a special noise-proof layout with a predominant orientation on the main street of the subsidiary and additional rooms of apartments, the total rooms of 3-room apartments, as well as extremary rooms (stair cells);

structural means noise protection of external fences of buildings;

windows and balcony doors with increased soundproof properties;

technical means Noise protection, including silencer valves, etc. (when providing regulatory air exchange in the apartment).

Examples of planning solutions of multi-section residential buildings of various orientation

I -private and end sections of a latitudinal orientation; but - model plan;

II. - the ordinary section of the meridional orientation; b. - model plan;

III - four-piece residential house of meridional orientation; in - Plan of the standard floor.

IV - six-quarter section of universal orientation with two-level apartments; g., d. - Floor Plans;

V. - two-quartic sections of universal orientation; e., j. - Floor plans.

Mall residential area

Stores can be located in separate buildings on a functional basis (bakery, fruit vegetables, and so on) and in shopping centers.

Z. and recent years, shopping centers received wider distribution. Accommodation of shopping centers and a surround-planning solution should be provided on the basis of functional purposes, location of trade enterprises and types of goods: goods of everyday use (bread, meat, fish, grocery, dairy products, etc.) and periodical goods (industrial goods, ready-made dress, Headwear, Radio and Photographs, Bicycles, Perfumery and T, p.). The goods of the first group prevail in the shops of neighborhoods and shopping centers of residential areas, the second stores shopping centers of residential areas and cities.

Shopping center of a residential area by 45 thousand inhabitants:

but) -floor plan

b) -plan of the second floor

5 - pharmacy


7 - Hairdressers

8 - household service enterprises

1 - Food Shop

2 - Restaurant

3 - Personnel Room

4 - Communication Department

Surgical-planning solutions of shopping centers may be the most diverse: in the group of separate buildings located in one row; in two rows, forming an inner street; around the perimeter of the trading area; In the same building, etc.

Single indoor market

1 - entrance node

2 - Shopping Hall

4 - Administrative and serving rooms

When planning shopping centers it is necessary to solve such basic issues as access to the place of trade, entrances and parking lots of cars, entrances of the freight transport, delivering goods to shops, place of unloading goods, place to store goods and used containers. It is necessary to design buildings so that the delivery of goods, its unloading, unpacking were isolated from the buyer's stream. Co-separated shopping centers are combined using a cellular structure with a column grid preferably 6 x 6 or 6 x 12 m. When designing it is advisable to provide individual entrances to the premises of various purposes - to the communications separation, pharmacy or in household room.

The height of trading halls should be 3.3 m at an area of \u200b\u200bup to 300 m 2, in the halls large Square The height is set 4.2 m, in the basement - 2.7 m, and before the protruding structures - at least 2.4 m.

The composition and area of \u200b\u200bthe premises are prescribed in accordance with SIIP II-L.7-70.

Indoor markets

One of the complexes of shopping buildings of district and urban centers are covered markets. Such trading enterprises as covered markets are two types: markets for the sale of agricultural products and complex markets, where there is an opportunity and sell agricultural products and buy the necessary industrial supplies.

In the first type of markets for the sale of agricultural products are located in the center of the hall and around the perimeter of the building. In covered markets, there are shopping places permanent, occupied by state trading enterprises, and one-time, intended for sale by collective farms and individuals.

Shopping sites are distributed over zones: sale of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, game, fish, etc.

Passages design various widths: the main 4-10 m, the side 2.5-7 m, the transverse 1.5-5 m. Total area The market of the market is established at the rate of 0.5 m 2 per buyer, and the area to one trading place is taken from 6 to 13 m 2. The temperature of the market indoors should be in winter at least + 5 ° C, in summer no more than 4-18-20 ° C

Composite Solution Markets - central-compact, block and pavilion.The centric composition is more successful, it requires a significantly smaller area of \u200b\u200bthe site, the estimated cost of buildings is less than 10-14% and it is more economical and at current costs.

Designing of the rooms of the spatial insony-free structure with large-pool coatings increases by 7-10%, economical use of areas.

The market is designing service and auxiliary premises: sanitary services, administrative premises. In addition, there must be buffets and toilets. In sanitation premises check products coming on sale.

In administrative and serving premises, sellers are provided by equipment for trade.

In most markets there are basement rooms, often provided refrigerators for storing not sold by perishable goods.

In the market of second type, along with the sale of agricultural products sell industrial products. In the figure (see Fig. Below) in centrally island rows traded agricultural products, and industrial shops are located in the back and around the circumference.

There should be good approaches to the markets that are not intersected by transport highways, as well as the entrances, on the squares in front of the markets are the parking lots of passenger cars.

Tutorial \u003e\u003e Construction

Functional and architectural and artistic solutions residential at home, His sanitary and hygienic, .... These elements are composite nucleus at homebecause According to the fire ... Accident. In multi-storey multisective houses Make one or more ...

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  • Monkey houses

    A single-section houses are a complex of apartments located around one node of vertical communications (staircase and elevators), thereby have a relatively small compact plan. In such houses, small one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments from good conditions Insolation and ventilation. This explains the rather wide distribution of single-track, or, as they are called, "point", houses both in our country and abroad. In the development of residential complexes, they are used in combination with extended houses and they are very convenient for building in a complex relief or an adhesive area.

    Single-section houses can be both medium and elevated floors. For mass construction, the most common houses at 9 ...... 16 floors.

    The form of a single-section house plan can be a rectangular or square, T-shaped, three-beam (tribal), cruciform consisting of two blocks and any complex configuration.

    Rectangular or square plans are most acceptable for industrial construction and therefore, they are widely used in our construction practice. In the houses with such a plan on the floor there may be four, five, six and eight apartments.

    The T-shape of the plan somewhat complicates the design scheme, but significantly improves the conditions of orientation and ventilation of apartments.

    Fig. 1. A single-section house with a simple form of plan

    In the houses with a plan in the form of a tribal three wings form in most cases of 120 ° corners. Such an angle creates the minimum possible dimming and the best visual insulation of apartments located in adjacent wings. Possible placement of wings and at different angles (Fig. 2).

    The cruciform form of the plan creates the conditions of good insolation and ventilating apartments (with four apartments on the floor). But a significant increase in the perimeter of the walls makes irrational use of buildings of such a configuration in a cold climate.

    Single-section houses consisting of two blocks are two independent volumes connected by a common staircase and an elevator. The selection of the vertical communications assembly creates an isolation of apartments from noise, and when the building is located on the relief, it makes it possible to disrupt the buildings for half the floor or the floor without disrupting and complicating the overall structural circuit.

    Fig. 2. A single-section house with a tribal plan

    A single-section houses contribute to the improvement of urban-planning quality of development. In addition to the planning, they have volume-space. The home structure itself determines its composite solution. Single-section houses are equally overlapped from all sides. The composition of the facades is based on the repetition of the elements not horizontally, as in extended houses, and vertically. These qualities are characteristic of tower compositions. Of great importance in such compositions has the plasticity of the entire volume.

    In order to achieve in the composition of point houses, it is possible greater "sculpture" at present in their constructive solutions The monolithic reinforced concrete began to apply, which opened the wide possibilities of a variety of forms.

    Depending on natural climatic conditions, city majority, social Structure Populations are applied different types houses, basic classification signs which are:

    1) Floors;

    2) Volume-planning and constructive solution.

    Appointment and volume and planning solution:

    1) Apartment houses of mass build - VA:

    Multi-unit (multisective, single-section, corridor type, gallery, gallery-section, special (noise, windproof);

    Multi-killed (single-appliances, multi-unit, blocked)

    2) specialized. Houses (mysteries, hostels, hotels, nursing homes).

    Floors: - low-rise (1-2 floors), cf. Floor-ti (3-5 floors), rated (6-9 floors),

    Multi-storey (\u003e 10 floors)

    For the purpose of the house, it is classified depending on the duration of residence:

    1) Houses for permanent residence are apartment buildings, apartment houses We are divided into houses of general type and special purpose 2) Houses intended for temporary residence of various durations are called specialized, they include: - Hostels for young people for living during the period of study; - hotels, tourism, boarding houses, holiday homes for short-term residence; - Homes for the elderly for residence of persons over 60 years old who need maintenance.

    All of these types of buildings contain their compliant compliant communication units of communication, auxiliary, serving. Depending on the designation of the building, the requirements for the composition and size of serving and auxiliary premises are changed.

    In turn, the main planning units of housing includes main (residential) and utility rooms. The classification of volume-planning solutions is due to the type of residential building provided for by the General Plan of the City: Manor, low-rise high density, multi-storey or elevated floors.

    Apartment houses of medium and elevated storey form the main urban development. They are design based on 4-forming schemes:

    1) multisective; 2) single-section (tower); 3) corridor; 4) Gallery.

    The multisective diagram is the most common, it is explained by its function. and economy. features. The multisective house is formed from the bearing planning sections, which is a fragment of a building with a single barrel of vertical communications, the plans of the sections of the section are usually repeated, the deviation from this rule usually captures the 1st and last floors.

    The single-section scheme is applied when designing multi-storey houses and high floors acting on the development of high vertical accents, they have high town-planning maneuverability, because require small territorial buildings and provide the best hygienic qualities of apartments.

    Gallery and corridor schemes are characterized by the presence of horizontal open (gallery) or closed (corridor) of communication rooms. Gallery diagram due to open horizontal communication allows you to provide end-to-end sparecoming. Gallery houses are applied in the development in addition to sectional. The corridor scheme is used in moderate and cold climates. In such houses there is a device of various apartments, including 2 level apartments.

    Low-rise (1-4 floors) Bellifixed buildings are classified in 2 groups:

    1) House for manor construction (they include 1-2-story, 2-4-Apartments, 1-3rd. Blocked); 2) 2nd, 4-storey apartment houses For high density buildings (they include blocked, sectional or combined).

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