
How to update the budget classification in the BSU. Updating classification features of accounts (CPP). Examples of updating classifiers

Budget classification Russian Federation is a group of income, expenses and sources of funding for budget deficits budget system The Russian Federation used to compile and execute budgets.

Also, the budget classification is a group of income, expenses and sources of financing budget deficit and / or sector operations government controlledused for:

  • maintaining budget (accounting) accounting
  • compiling budget (accounting) and other financial statements.

Frequently often, state institutions accountants face situations where it is necessary to make changes to the work plan in connection with the change in the budget classification.

Budget classification can be changed when entering into force new edition Order of the budget classification or upon entry into force of a new order about the budget classification.

In this article, we consider the procedure for creating a new code of the budget classification of the expenditure type in the program "1C: Accounting of the State Institution 8", ed. 2.0 (hereinafter - BSU 2.0).

Directory "Classification Signs of Accounts (CPP)"

In BSU 2.0 Budget Classifiers are stored in group directory Budget Classifiers (section - Budget Classifiers).

Reference books are supplied completed and contain relevant budgetary classifiers approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 01, 2013 No. 65n "On approval of the instructions on the application of the budget classification of the Russian Federation."

Before creating a new CPP in the program, you must first make sure that the budget classifier is relevant, the availability of the latest update. You can make it using the Navigation Panel command "Assistant Update Budget Classification" (section Planning and sanctioning - Service).

If there are available classifier updates, first of all it is necessary to download topical federal classifiers. Trust this work is necessary to a specialized firm serving the program 1C, or a programmer of the institution in the presence of such an employee in the state of the organization.

For storage of 17-bit budget Codeswho participate in the formation of the working plan of the accounts intended a reference book.

To view the directories "Classification Signs of Accounts (CPP)" It follows in the section "Accounting and Reporting" Select the navigation panel command "Classification Signs of Accounts (CPP)".

Entering a new classification feature of the account (CPP) of the expenditure

Directory "CPS" - Multi-level, coupling can be combined into groups. To enter a new item, click the button. "Create" (INSERT key).

In the open form of the element, the details should be filled in the following order:

The type of indicator is the type of classification of an account that determines its structure.

  • For consumables used by state institutions and authorities, it is necessary to choose an indicator KRB.
  • For consumable CPPs used by budget and autonomous agencies You must select the indicator AU and BUand krk indicate in Clarification of the indicator.

The start date and the end date of the CPS are determined by the dates of the beginning (end) of the action of the components of its elements of classifiers.

Classification of expenses (KRB) Presented three directories:

  • Section and subsection;
  • Target article;
  • Type of consumption.

The CPS of the KRR type is formed by selecting codes from the corresponding budget classifiers.

After selecting the classifier position, its name will be reflected next to the selected code.

To select a target article, open the selection field first "Program and subprogramme, basic event".

If in the appropriate discharges of the cost classification code, zeros are specified, for example, the code does not contain programs (subroutines), the corresponding props of the group "Composition of a classification feature" It is not required to fill. In the CPP code, empty values \u200b\u200bwill be replaced by "0".

Fill in all the necessary details, click "Record and Close" To save the new item in the directory.

The formed classification code of the CBR account will be reflected in the overall list of the CPS directory and will be available to choose from an institution's account plan with the subsequent possibility of its selection in documents.

If you have any questions on this topic, discuss them with our expert free number 8-800-250-8837. You can get acquainted with the list of our services on the website of the institution. You can also at our newsletter to first learn about new useful publications.

Updating classification features of accounts (CPS)

To update the classification of budget revenues; sections, subsections of expenses; target costs of expenses; expenses; classification of sources of financing budget deficits; The chapters on the budget classification are designed to process "Assistant Update Budget Classification". "Accounting is a budget classification - updating the budget classification." The update helper window opens. Next, you need to select the update file.

By default, it is called federal.clax and is located in the folder in which the program installs (for example, C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ user_name \\ ApplicationData \\ 1C \\ 1CV82 \\ TMPLTS \\ 1C \\ StateAccounting \\ number_RELIZA). Open the file.

First you need to perform the download test for the possible detection of errors. We will give a daw "Run the download Test" and check the available updates available, click the Next button.

After some time, the program issues the error protocol. If you have mistakes, they need to be manually corrected. Next, click the "Back" button. If errors were identified, but you were not corrected, you can put a daw "Download update even if there were errors", in which case all the elements in which were errors. In the absence of this flag, classifiers are loaded only if the program does not detect a single error.

Mix the available updates and download the classifiers to the information database using the "Next" button.

Update and configure "1C" programs is not as hard as it seems. You can always do it yourself, following simple instructions.

The specialists of our company prepared the cycle of training video on the program "1C: State Institution Accounting" ("1C: BSU") version 1.0 and 2.0. For your convenience, we transferred video to the text format of cribs with step by step instructions. We hope this information will help you independently understand the "1C: BSU" setting and save time.

Of course, in one article will not be able to cover the entire functionality of the program, however, some common questions about setting up "1C: BSU" version 1.0 will be considered here.

From the article you will learn:

  • How to update the OKOF directory?
  • How to update currency exchange rate?
  • How to update the FC formats?
  • How to update the address classifier?

Setting "1C: BSU": how to update the OKOF directory?

  • Open the top menu item "OS, NMA, NPA", click on the "OKOF" item.
  • In the window that appears, click the "Download Classifier" button.
    • the site of the company "1C";
    • folder on your computer.
    • if you select the classifier update from the "ITS" disk, you will need to insert the disk into the computer drive.
    • if you choose a folder with files on your computer, it will be enough to specify the location of the folder where the files are stored for the update.
  • Click the Next button, wait for the loading band to 100%, click Finish.
  • All-Russian Classifier Basic funds in your "1C: BSU" 1.0 updated!

Setting "1C: BSU": how to update the currency rate?

  • Open the top menu item "Treasury / Bank", we bring the cursor to the item "Operations in foreign currency"Next click on the clause" currency ".
  • In the window that appears, click the Upload Courses button.
  • We choose currencies whose courses would like to update, as well as the boot period and press the "Download" button.
  • Currency courses in "1C: BSU" 1.0 or 2.0 successfully updated!

Setting "1C: BSU": how to update the formats OFK?

  • Open the "Service" top menu item, click on the item "Exchange with Treasury Systems and Bank Institutions".
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Exchange Formats" tab and click on the "Upload Formats" button.
  • Select the classifier download source. It can be:
    • the site of the company "1C";
    • disk "information and technological support";
    • folder on your computer.
  • Depending on the method of the selected method, further steps will be different:
    • if you choose a boot method through the site "1C", you will need to enter a login and password from personal Cabinet client.
    • if you select the classifier update from the "ITS" disk, you will need to insert the disk into the computer drive.
    • if you select a folder with files on your computer, it will be enough to specify the program "1C: BSU" 1.0 or 2.0 The location of the folder where the files are stored for the update, as well as select which formats will be loaded into the system.
  • Press the "Download" button. Upon completion of the download, click the "Finish" button.
  • To complete the update of the FC formats, it is necessary in an open window "Exchange with treasury systems and institutions of the bank" next to the "Format Setup" field, click on the button with the image of 3 points. In the window that opens, select the format used now and press the "Change" button (a pencil is shown on the button).
  • In the window that opens, you need to click the "Fill" button, and then click on the "OK" button.
  • Congratulations, you have successfully updated the formats of OFK in "1C: BSU" 1.0!

Setting "1C: BSU": how to update the address classifier?

  • Open the "Operations" top menu item and click on the "Information Registers ..."
  • In the window that opens, we find the item "Address Classifier" and 2 times with it.
  • In the window that opens, click the Upload Classifier button.
  • A window for downloading classifiers, where you will see 4 fields at once, where you can enter the path to the data file. All fields are not required. It is enough to choose the path only in one field (let's say in the "Address Classifier" field to put the path to the kladr.dbf file) and all other paths to the update files will be automatically.
  • Choose from the list below the necessary regions. To select, move the desired region by selecting it with the left mouse button and clicking on the button with a blue arrow right, then click the "Download" button. You can add all the available regions immediately by clicking on a double arrow to the right, but in this case the download time can increase significantly.
  • Congratulations - your address classifier in "1C: BSU" 1.0 successfully updated!


The ability to independently configure "1C: BSU" will save a mass of time and will help better understand the possibilities of the program. We hope our cheat sheet will be a reliable assistant in this. Of course, in one article will not be able to cover the whole functionality of the solution. If you need help on other matters "1C: BSU" configuration - you can always contact our specialists.

In this article, we will talk about one of the most important legislative innovations - the Reformation of the List of Classification of Operations of the Public Administration Sector (CUP) and how this innovation is organized in the program "1C: State Institution Accounting 8, revision 2.0".

As we remember, the Kward is necessary in order to classify operations in the institutions of the public sector for their economic content. These codes should be obligatory Reflect on budget formation operations, as well as the implementation of the budget. In general, about how to use these codes, each accountant working in the public sector knows. But from the beginning of 2018, the composition of this reference book changes, which means that the rules for the use of separately taken KosP.

The rules for using the budget classification are described in the order. financial Ministry July 1, 2013. At the end of 2017 (namely, on December 27, 2017), the Ministry of Finance was formed an order for the number 255n, which makes adjustments to the above indications according to the rules for the application of the Kward. This order was not immediately enacted, although the changes described in it come into force from the beginning of 2018. Received legal force Order 255n in the twentieth of February, and, note that its initial statement has been changed (paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 exclude).

In this article I would like to tell about the new Kward and the new rules of their application.
Since the order of 255n has been in a "suspended" condition for some time - its final version was unknown, and, in general, commissioning was questioned - the company 1c was in a hurry with the introduction to software "1C: Accounting State. institutions 8, revision 2.0 "innovations in terms of the composition and application of cosgu codes. Although separate territorial treasury has already worked on the new Cosm, and the state sector institutions had to solve these problems locally, on the ground.

The update in which there are necessary changes in the part of the rules of the application of codes, came out on February 28, 2018 and has a number . Check the version of your program, in case it is below - it is necessary to establish a relevant release.
CRSU directory in the BSU 2.0 program - this is a directory of codes economic classification (KEK). You can find it:

We will deal with what changes occurred in the classification of the Kward. The main of them can be collected in the following list:
1. Fully detailed groups 120, 130, 140, 180, 290, 410, 420, 430 (that is, there are stones in these groups).
2. In groups 170, 270, 300, 400 additional subgroups are added or stands.
3. Some faces have changed the order of application, supplemented or defined descriptions.

To seem to appear, which means the above items, we will understand each of them.

1. Full details of groups.
If earlier than a group of 120, 130, 140, 180, 290, the institution was entitled to detail independently (that is, to add to the Kwards within these groups, which are necessary to refine accounting), now these groups cannot be changed independently, all possible details are clearly indicated in the order. I want to pay attention to the fact that the institution of the public sector has the right to detail the groups 310, 320, 330, 340, 530 in order to store more complete information.
Since groups 130 and 180 are detailed, 131 "revenues from the provision are now used to reflect VAT validity and income tax paid services (works) "or 189" Other revenues. "
All details that are currently present in the drawings below:

2. Adding individual pores to groups 170, 270, 300, 400.
Article 170 adds two stairs: 175 "Currency differences based on the results of recalculation of accounting (financial) reporting of foreign charges" and 176 "Revenues from assessing assets and obligations".
The appointment of 175 is designed to reflect exchange differences, but only relating to overseas institutions. The described fault cannot be used to form cash receipts or disposal as well as another new article 176 in group 170, which is used to reflect income after assessing assets and liabilities.

In Article 270, one new app was added 274 "Losses from Introducing Assets". It must be used to reflect the amount of losses that arose due to lowering the cost of assets after the depreciation (but not due to the accrual of depreciation on them!).

An article 300 is also added to one table 350 "Increase the value of the right to use asset", it is necessary to include the amounts of increasing the cost of use of an asset, but only under the condition that the object is recognized as in operating leases among the available non-financial assets institutions. This setting can also be used for cash receipts or disposal.

In Article 400, one app was added 450 "Reducing the value of the right to use the asset". This new app will be used to reflect operations on the disposal of the right to use an asset, for example, with accrual of depreciation amounts on an object that is in non-financial lease.

3. If with previous items it is clear - an increase in the number of articles in the Cakes directory. In the same paragraph we will analyze which innovations happened to the Kwards that were already.
The first thing you want to note is now to modernize accounting objects that are not a single inventory object (as a classic example - a local computing network) article 226 "Other services and work". And in general - for all works or services for reflection of the caps, 226 Kward is no longer used. Instead, it is necessary to use the Stores 228 "Services, Work for Capital Investments".
To reflect the expenses on the commissioning of students, coaches or athletes for the events of the competitive species (various Olympics, Sports Compends) now you need to use the newly created article 296 "Other expenses".
Also, now it is impossible to use for cash receipts or disposals the following list of supports: 560, 660 "Increase (decrease) other accounts receivable"And 730, 830" Increase (reduction) of other accounts payable. "
We will analyze how the table of the ratio of types of expenses and articles has changed, stands for the reference book of Kward:
- in the types of expenses 112, 113, 122, 123, 134, 241, from 330 to 360, 406, 407, 411 - 414, 841 - 843 code 290 "Other expenses" is replaced by code 296 "Other expenses" code (since the approach 290 now fully detailed);
- Cost types 710 - 730 are replenished by code 294 "Penalties on debt obligations";
- in the types of expenses 851 and 852 code 290 "Other expenses" replaced by code 291 "Taxes, duties and fees";
- for the cost of expenses 853 "Payment of other payments" code 231 "Service of internal debt" is no longer used;
- view of expenses 863 "Payments in order to ensure the implementation of agreements on the obligations of the Russian Federation before foreign states and international organizations "is replenished with settings 295" Other Economic Sanctions ", 296" Other expenses ";
- For the cost of expenses 880, the CUP code 290 "Other expenses" is excluded, and articles from 221 to 226 are also excluded, but at the same time are supplemented by a group of 220. But this means that now any facility from the group of articles 220 can be used.
I also note that in groups of types of income changes were not made (i.e., the table of the ratio of the types of income and the KUPE has not changed), which means it is possible to apply the Kward with the types of income by the old rules.

I would like to note that at the current moment after the update of 1C: BSU 2.0 is not yet possible to choose new elements of the reference book of economic classification. Work on the restructuring of the system for work in the new conditions by 1C is conducted.

In any form of accounting, there are intersections with regulated directories. Such reference books may be needed to unload information for reporting to tax, payment orders, the correct display of codes by classifiers in primary documents (TORG12, invoice, etc.). The program 1C 8.3 and 8.2 can upload such information from external sources.

Consider in detail the types of classified information necessary for accounting, as well as the method of installing and downloading such information in 1C.

Video - How to update the classifier of banks in 1C 8.3:


All-Russian currency classifier (abbreviated OKS) - the current state standard, the object of the classification of which are in circulation of currency, currency values \u200b\u200band foreign exchange funds of the countries of the world.

In 1C 8.2, the data from this classifier is reflected in the primary documents, therefore the classifier must be as relevant as possible.

To download the currency classifier, similar to banks need to use the button on the shape of the currency list - Selection from OKV.. The system will select the classifier you need from the list and automatically create a currency in the directory.

All-Russian classifier units of measurement

In 1C 8.2, data from this classifier is reflected in the primary documents - commodity invoices, therefore the classifier must be as relevant as possible.

To load the currency classifier, similar to banks and currencies, you need to use the button on the shape of the currency list - Selection from Okay. The system will allow you to select the desired units of measurement from the classifier list and automatically create a currency in the directory:

Video How to create a new unit of measurement in 1C:

All-Russian Classifier of the Countries of the World 1C

OCSM is designed to identify the countries of the world and is used in the process of exchanging information in solving problems of international economic, scientific, cultural, sports and ties, etc.

In 1C 8.3 is loaded as usual using the button Selection from Occm On the form of a list of reference book.

OKP in 1C.

All-Russian Product Classifier - State Standard unified system Classification and coding of product groups.

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