
1 Economic needs and benefits. Economic needs and benefits of society. Economic needs and their classification

Needs are the driving force for the development of society. These are some existing objectively desires (queries) of people who are associated with ensuring their development and livelihoods.

What is the need?

The need is a special psychological state of the individual, aware of or sensible as "dissatisfaction." This is an existing inconsistency between external and internal life conditions. The need usually encourages activity that is aimed at eliminating this inconsistency.

Social, spiritual and material needs

So diverse are the needs that there are many of their classifications. In classical science, it is customary to allocate 3 groups of needs: social, spiritual and material. The first place is satisfied with the material: in clothing, housing, water, food. Means with which the needs are satisfied, are called material benefits. These may be essentials or luxury, as well as services (lawyer consulting, doctor, car repair, etc.).

Spiritual needs are related to the need to develop an individual as a person. They are satisfied by obtaining education, reading books, attachment to art, ownership of information.

Through the participation of people in public and collective activities, socio-economic needs are being implemented: in professional unions, parties, public Funds, Circles of creativity, charitable organizations.

Other needs classifications

There are other divisions. For example, by type of subjects, they are divided into public, collective, family and individual. Representatives of neoclassical science in the economy (for example, A. Marshall, an English economist) subdivided into relative and absolute, lower and higher, urgent and those that can be postponed, indirect and straight. The needs of the areas of action are allocated: communication, labor, recreation (restoration, recreation) and economic needs. Let us consider the last look.

Economic needs are part of the needs of a person, to meet which the production, exchange, distribution and consumption of services and goods must be satisfied. It is this kind of need that participates in the interaction between unsatisfied requests and production.

Theory of Maslow

Great popularity in modern Western literature was obtained by A. Maslow, an American sociologist (it is presented below). All needs, in accordance with this classification, can be placed in the form of a pyramid, in an ascending order from the material ("lower") needs to spiritual ("higher").

The following types are allocated:

  • physiological needs (drinking, food, etc.);
  • safe (in defense against fear, wrath and pain, etc.);
  • in social relationships (friendly, family, religious);
  • in the acquisition of social status (in approval, recognition);
  • in self-expression (implementation of personality abilities).

This classification can be represented as a pyramid, at the top of which will require the need for self-expression, and at the base - physiological. The needs of the lower order, according to the oil, are physiological and safety requirements, and the highest order - in social status and self-expression. Higher needs does not occur until the lower deficiencies are satisfied.

Interconnection and interactiveness of needs

You can supplement the classification of needs to be released by the following their types: irrational and rational, specific and abstract, unconscious and conscious, etc. But it should be remembered that there is enough conditional to any classification, since the economic needs of one or another form are interconnected and interrelated. Material requests of people appear not only under the influence of the functioning functions of the human body, but also substantially under the influence of the scientific and technical and economic development of society, social and spiritual landmarks. And social, intellectual and spiritual needs specific for any social layer and separate human needs arise under the influence of material. They largely depend on the degree of satisfaction of the latter.

Historical nature and dynamism needs

Historical character has the economic needs of society. Methods for their satisfaction and sizes depend on what life requests and habits Society as a whole, social layers and individual people were formed, that is, in what socio-historical conditions they are located. Dynamic Economic needs of society. Social progress, human improvement, information exchange intensity - these are factors under the influence of which requests change.

Continuous change in a qualitative and quantitative ratio, which is undergoing economic needs and goods, steady increase in the process of evolutionary development of society - there is a law of elevation of needs. Their change took place with a relatively low pace, smoothly for many centuries and millennia. Today the pace that the economic needs and benefits grow significantly accelerated. At the same time, the social uniformity of their elevation arises, the emergence of higher order among the widespread masses of the population.

Economic and natural benefits

Satisfying the economic needs that are constantly growing occurs in the process of consumption of various goods. They can be divided, in turn, on 2 large groups: economic and natural. Natural are in the human existence environment (sunlight, air). They do not require the costs and efforts of people for their consumption and production. Satisfying the economic needs of the good - the result of economic activities.

Features and classification of economic benefits

They should be made before they fall into use. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the production activity of any society and the basis of his life is precisely the creation of such goods. Economic needs and resources, as well as various benefits have a rather complicated classification. The benefits are divided, depending on the criterion laid in their foundation, into several groups.

  1. Long-term, which suggest repeated use (book, car, movies, electrical appliances, etc.) and short-term, which disappear after one-time use (matches, drinks, meat, bread, etc.).
  2. Substituts (interchangeable) and complementary (complementary). Not only production resources and consumer goods refer to substitutors, but also transport services (car-air-train), leisure areas (Circus-theater-movie), etc. Speaking of complementary goods, you can cite as an example a chair and a table, a handle and paper, a car and gasoline, which, complementing each other, satisfy the economic needs of a person.
  3. Real benefits that are at the disposal of a particular economic entity, and future (their creation is only expected).
  4. Intangible and material.
  5. Private and public.
  6. Indirect and straight.
  7. Production tools and consumer items.

Material and intangible benefits

The development of economic needs occurs in the direction of increasing the consumption of material and intangible benefits. The first are the result of the functioning of this or that material production (construction, agriculture, industry, etc.). These are clothing, food, machinery, buildings, household appliances, sports goods, etc.

The second (intangible benefits) exist in the form of activities: treatment, training, communal, domestic or transport service of the population, etc. Intangible benefits are fundamentally different from material fact that the consumption of the latter is always preceded by the process of their creation. And in space, and in time these two processes are separated. In contrast to the goods, the production of services at the same time acts as their consumption, that is, there is not, as a rule, temporary rupture.

Public benefits

Public benefits are such benefits that are in collective, general consumption. For example, public order protection, national defense, street lighting, etc. Incuser from consumption and indiscrimination are distinctive features of this type of good.

Intertility means that such benefits cannot be provided to a separate person so as not to satisfy the needs of other people at the same time. Incuser means indivisibility, that is, it is impossible to remove consumers who have not paid for their production. The state, speaking as a manufacturer of these goods, providing the right to use themselves to use them, applies special ways to affect them. Manufacturers of private goods behave differently.

Private benefits

Private are benefits entering the consumption of a separate person (shoes, clothing) or a team of people (fuel, electricity, equipment). Their consumption is preceded by buying them in the market. The buyer as a result of this purchase reimburses the cost of their creation to the manufacturer. Only subject to this condition to the ownership of the consumer comes private benefit. Further fate, as a rule, no longer interests the manufacturer.

Indirect and direct benefits

There are also indirect and straight lines. Direct - those that directly enter the consumption of a person, and indirect, unlike them, indirectly. Economic benefits Therefore, classify both the means of production and consumption items. The latter are used for home, family, personal and other types of public consumption. Created by people and subsequently used in their labor activity various equipment (appliances, tools, structures, buildings, equipment, machinery) and labor objects (energy, materials) are a means of production.

Now you know what the benefits of society and economic needs are. The economy today is actively developing and begins to produce more and better benefits. However, there are all new needs. Probably impossible to fully satisfy them. Society requests are constantly growing, and the fact that there was a luxury for one generation, for the other is already everyday life.

Requirements and resources

As follows from the previous topics, the modern economy is the science of the rational distribution of limited resources of the Company to meet the needs of people. In this topic, we will analyze the needs of people and ways to satisfy them, the target function of the economic activity of people, consider which resources are necessary for the production of economic benefits, which means limited resources and to which consequences it leads, the problem of choice and the main issues of any economic system.

The main issues of the topic:

Question 1. Economic needs and benefits.

Question 2. Production and factors of production.

Question 3. Production capabilities.

Question 4. The problem of choice and economic systems.

Economic needs and benefits

Needs- This is an expression of need in anything necessary to maintain the vital activity and development of the personality and society as a whole. It is the needs that encourage people to produce, to economic activity.

Needs are formed under the influence of numerous factors. The need for the biological nature of man, his spiritual world, the socio-economic conditions of his life, scientific and technical progress, the natural climatic environment, etc.

There are many options for grouping, classifying needs. You can allocate needs:

primary(The need for existence, which cannot be replaced - food, clothing, housing) and secondary(the needs of choice - cars, entertainment, travel);

material(in food) and spiritual(in reading books);

personal(education) and public(country's defense capability, security ambient).

When characterizing the needs and assigning them to a particular group, it is necessary to keep in mind the conditional (relative) character of one or another grouping. The boundaries between the types of needs of Pretty Zybanki.

For example, in high developed countriesah, the need for the ability to read, write refers to the primary needs, and in backward countries - to the needs of secondary.

The classification of needs developed by the American scientist A. Oil has been widely known. In the system proposed by them, all needs are presented in the form of a pyramid, at the base of which - physiological needs. The spiritual needs of a person towers above them (Fig. 3.1 Pyramid needs A. Oil).

According to A. Oil, the first two lower groups of needs are the needs of lower order, and as long as they are not satisfied, the highest order needs are irrelevant (three top needs of the needs).

As the Society Develops, the needs of people are constantly expanding and becoming more complicated, while the proportion of spiritual, intellectual needs increases.

Ascending needs creates a permanent incentive to productive work.

The needs of people are satisfied with the help of goods.

Good- It's all that is useful for a person and satisfies his needs. Goods may have a real form ( material object) Or perform in the form of services. The service is an intangible benefit that has the form of useful people's activities. Services cannot accumulate, as the processes of their creation and consumption coincide.

All goods with the help of which a person satisfies its needs, divided into unlimited- Granite benefits of nature and limited (Economic)Most of which are created in the production process.

Economic benefits limited- it means that:

- They are not enough to satisfy allthe needs of people;

- the volume of goods can be increased only by the cost of production factors;

- The benefits have to be distributed in one way or another.

Economic benefits are divided into two large groups:

consumer benefitsdirectly satisfying the needs of people (food, clothing, housing, etc.);

means of production- Production benefits that satisfy the needs of people indirectly (machines, machinery, equipment, minerals).

Many economic benefits are connected with each other: they can either replace each other or complement each other. In this regard, distinguish:

interchangeable benefits(benefit-substitutors) - benefits who have the ability to meet the needs at the expense of each other (oil - gas, margarine - oil, wood - brick, etc.) In this case, interchangeability can be complete (absolute) when one good can be completely replaced Other (ball - capillary handle; candy - sugar - jam, etc.), and relative, when the benefits can be equal to each other (natural and artificial fabrics, roses and carnations, gasoline or fuel oil);

complete(complimentary) good- Goods satisfying the needs of people only in the complex with each other (tape recorder and cassette, camera and film, car and gasoline, etc.). The complementarity may be rigid (absolute) and relative. In the first case, one good should correspond to a certain amount of another good (tape recorder - cassette), in the second - there is no such rigid certainty (coffee and sugar, shirt and tie).

Understanding the complementarity and interchangeability of benefits is of great importance for analyzing the behavior of business entities and regularities of pricing in a market economy.

Questions for self-test

1. What is the need? What affects the formation of needs?

How can I group needs?

2. Analyze the pyramid of the needs of A. Oil.

3. How do needs develop?

4. What is the good? What benefits are economic? As they can be


The economic life of society is based on the need to meet the needs of people in various economic benefits. In turn, these benefits are produced on the basis of economic resources that are at the disposal of society and its members.

The current stage of the development of the world economy is distinguished by the incentive scale of the consumption of natural resources, a sharp complication of the process of interaction between nature and society, intensification and expansion of the scope of specific natural-anthropogenic processes arising from man-made impact on nature. The aggravation of raw materials, fuel, energy, water and overall environmental problems crossed the boundaries of individual regions and acquired a global scale. In this regard, the study of the natural resource potential of the world as a whole, individuals and countries, analysis of the systems of economic use, which have developed in various socio-economic structures of the modern world community, develop ideas about the regional and optimal development of natural resources.

The issue of limited resources and benefits in modern world is one of the most relevant. It is known that the reserves of many natural resources are already in short supply, and the fact that some are preserved in sufficiently large quantities, does not mean their endlessness. The satisfaction of the needs of society directly depends on the creation of benefits, and good, in turn, demanding an increasing amount of resources for their production. It is clear that with a constant increase in the population of the Earth, good and resources will be limited, they will not be enough to meet all needs. Currently, it is already possible to see that a huge amount of resources is spent on the production of goods. It is necessary to limit the use of resources, because in the future the problem of their limitations may be intact and will lead to fatal consequences.

This topic is addressed in the scientific literature, because it directly affects the further development of society. Some authors emphasize that the limitations of resources and benefits is relative, not absolute, that is, how long one or another is the resource for a long time, is determined how effective it will be used by society. Others believe that resources are both absolutely limited, and relatively limited. Regarding relatively limited, they agree with the opinion of the first, and at the expense of absolutely limited they say that there are resources that cannot be replaced by others and they will sooner or later exhausted. The opinion of the first authors seems more convincing, because modern technologies Improved with a huge speed and allow you to use, for example, waste-free production, that is, they help save resources.

The subject of work is the limited resources and benefits, and the object is the resources and good.

Thus, the purpose of this term paper It is the study of the problem of absolute and relative limited resources and benefits.

The tasks of work - to consider and disclose the concepts of economic benefits, needs and resources, determine their role in the reproduction process, consider the causes of the theory of limited resources and unlimited needs, to determine the main directions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the solution of the problem of limited economic resources in the country.

Chapter 1. Economic needs, benefits and resources: Essence and classification.

1.1. Economic needs and their classification.

The driving force of human society is the needs - objectively existing requests (desires) of people associated with ensuring their livelihoods and development.

The need is a special psychological state of a person who is sensible or aware of them as "dissatisfaction", the discrepancy between the internal and external conditions of life. Therefore, the need encourages activity aimed at eliminating the inconsistency.

The needs are so diverse that there are many options for their classification. Classical economic science Usually allocates three groups of needs: material, spiritual, social. In the first place, she puts satisfaction with people of material needs: in food, water, housing, clothing. These needs are satisfied with both material benefits (essentials, luxury objects) and services (car repair, doctor's advice, lawyer, etc.). Spiritual needs are associated with the development of a person as a person and are satisfied with the receipt of education, introduce to art, reading books, information of information. Social needs are implemented through the participation of people in collective and social activities - in parties, trade unions, "quality circles", in public funds, charitable organizations.

By types of subjects who have needs, the latter are divided into individual, family, collective, public.

Representatives of neoclassical economic science (for example, English economist A. Marshall) divided the needs for absolute and relative, higher and lower, urgent and those that can be postponed, direct and indirect.

On the areas of activity, labor, communication, recreation (recreation, recovery of performance) and economic are allocated. Consider more about the last type of needs. Economic needs This is part of human needs, to satisfy the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. It is these needs that are involved in the active interaction between production and unsatisfied people's requests.

In modern Western literature, the theory of American sociologist A. Oil, in accordance with which all needs are located in the upward order from the "lower" material to the "higher" spiritual;

· Physiological (food, drink, etc.);

· Security (protection against pain, wrath, fear, etc.);

· In social relations (family, friendly, religious, etc.);

· In the acquisition of a certain social status (in recognition, approval);

· In self-expression personality (in the implementation of abilities).

The listed forms of human needs can be depicted as a pyramid (see Fig. one ).

The two first groups of needs, according to A. Maslow, - the lowest order, the last two - the highest. As long as the low order needs are not satisfied, the needs of the highest order arise.


in self-development

The need for respect

Need in

social contacts

Need security

Physiological needs

R. c. .1 Pyramid needs of modern man

The classification of needs can be supplemented with the allocation of the needs of rational and irrational, abstract and concrete, conscious and unconscious, falsely understood, etc. However, it should be remembered that any classification of needs is sufficiently conditional, since all needs are interconnected and interdepended. Material requests are formed not only under the influence of human life functioning functions, but also largely under the influence of the level of economic and scientific and technical development of society, spiritual and social landmarks. In turn, special, specific for each person and social layer, spiritual, intellectual and social needs add up under the influence of material needs and especially their satisfaction.

The needs of people are historical. Their size and methods of satisfaction depends on which social and historical conditions, with some habits and life requests, individual people, social layers and society as a whole are formed. The needs of people are dynamic. They vary under the influence of public progress, the intensity of the exchange of information, the improvement of the person himself. Continuous change in quantitative and qualitative needs, their increase in the process of the evolution of human society is characterized as the law of elevation of needs. For many hundreds and thousands of years, growth and change of needs happened smoothly, relatively low rates. In modern conditions, the growth rate of needs has been significantly accelerated. At the same time, social uniformity of the elevation of needs occurs, the emergence of higher order needs in increasingly wide segments of the population.

1.2. Economic benefits and their classification

The satisfaction of numerous, ever-growing needs of people occurs due to the consumption of a variety of benefits that can be divided into two large groups: natural and economic. The first are in the habitat of a person (air, sunlight) and do not require the effort and costs of people for production and consumption. The second is economic - the result of man's economic activity. Before getting into consumption, they must be produced. Therefore, the basis of the life of human society and the ultimate goal of the entire economic activity of people is the production of economic benefits.

Economic benefits, as well as economic resources, have a challenging classification. Depending on the criterion, which is based on, they are divided into:

· Long-term, assuming reusable use (car, book, electrical appliances, videos, etc.), and short-term, disappearing in the process of one-time consumption (bread, meat, drinks, matches, etc.).

· Interchangeable (substitutes) and complementary (complementary). Substitutes include not only many consumer goods and production resources, but also transport services (train - a plane - a car), leisure activities (cinema - theater - Circus), etc. Examples of complementary goods are table and chair, car and gasoline, Pen and paper.

· Real, which are in the immediate order of an economic entity, and future - the creation of which is expected.

· Material and intangible;

· Public and private;

· Direct and indirect;

· Objects of consumption and means of production.

Material benefits - The result of the functioning of the material production (industry, agriculture, construction, etc.): these are buildings, cars, food clothes, sports goods, household appliances, etc.

Intangible benefits (services) - benefits existing in the form of activities; Training, treatment, transport, domestic, communal service of the population, etc. The fundamental difference between intangible benefits from material is that the consumption of material benefits is preceded by the process of their creation; These two processes are separated both in time and in space. Manufacture of services The same time their consumption, i.e. Temporary rupture here, as a rule, no.

Public benefits - Good, collective consumption: National Defense, Public Order, Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Services, Street Lighting, etc. Distinctive features of public benefits are indiscrimination and non-exclusiveness of them from consumption.

Intertility means that public goods cannot be provided to one person so that it is simultaneously not to satisfy the needs of other people in this good. Incuser in consumption means that public benefits indivisible and use themselves consumers who have not paid for their production. By providing non-payment of the right to use public benefits, the state is the manufacturer of these goods - uses special methods of impact in relation to them. Otherwise, manufacturers of private goods behave.

Privately called goods that enter the private consumption of a single person (clothing, shoes) or a team of people (equipment, electricity, fuel). The consumption of private benefits is preceded by their purchase on the market, as a result of which the buyer reimburses the manufacturer's costs for their creation. Only when this condition is fulfilling this condition, the Consumer property comes to the property, and the further fate of the good, as a rule, ceases to interest the manufacturer.

Sometimes, when characterizing goods, they are distinguished as direct and indirect. Direct - these are benefits entering human consumption directly, indirectly indirectly, through participation in the production of direct goods. Therefore, economic benefits are classified as objects of consumption and means of production. Consumer items - These are benefits used for personal, family, home and other types of social consumption. Means of production - These are created by people and used in labor activities of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, tools, instruments) and labor objects (materials, energy).

According to the theory of Marx, the cost (value) of the economic benefit is determined by the costs of socially necessary labor, i.e. Labor committed under the average socio-normal production and average labor intensity. According to neoclassical views, the value of benefits depends on their rarity, primarily on the intensity of the need and the number of benefits capable of this need to satisfy. It is assumed that any need can be satisfied with several benefits, and any economic benefit can be used to meet different needs. If Q. 1 , Q2 ..., q n. - A combination of certain quantities of each of N products, and p 1 P. 2 ..., P. n. - their prices, the cost of the total set of benefits can be recorded as s \u003d p i. Q. i. , where i \u003d 1,2, ..., n.

To obtain missing consumer goods, as a rule, indirect economic benefits are needed - resources.

1.3. Economic resources

To meet the needs in the process of economic activity, people use a variety of economic resources. Modern economic science highlights five main types among them; Earth, labor, capital, entrepreneurship and information.

Land - The most important economic resource - includes everything useful, which is given by nature: mineral deposits, forests, fields, pashnes, water resources, etc. A person uses them in different ways: arable land - for the production of agricultural crops; pastures - for animal breeding; Plots rich in minerals - for the extractive industry; seas and rivers - for fishing, etc. The feature of the Earth as the type of economic resources is its limitation and non-reproducibility. The properties of the Earth can be divided into natural (location, climatic conditions, fertility) and artificial, obtained as a result of human activity (for example, during the work on land reclamation, drainage, etc.). However, the impact of a person on natural resources And their transformation is not irreplaceable. Sooner or later, the law of decreasing return comes into force, which is that if you carry out investments of capital and labor into a certain section of the Earth, then, in the end, the moment will come when additional investments will not give the growth of the resulting product (harvest, natural fossil production and etc.)

The work of the most important economic resource of human economic activity is intellectual or physical activity aimed at making goods and providing services. The time for which a person works is called a working day, or working time. Its duration is determined by the physiological possibilities of a person, as well as the requirements of moral and social character, i.e. The need to meet the spiritual needs of people. The actual duration of working time is influenced by the intensity of labor, the level of unemployment, an agreement between employees and employers on labor conditions. The characteristics of labor are its intensity and performance.

Labor intensity - labor intensity, degree of spending physical and mental energy per unit of time. It increases when the conveyor is accelerated, increasing the number of simultaneously served equipment. A high level of labor intensity is equivalent to an increase in the duration of the working day.

Labor productivity - Product production per unit time. The unit of time, as a rule, is considered an hour, although it is possible to count the day performance or weekly, etc. Labor productivity - primarily a natural figure (meters per hour, kilograms per hour), but sometimes the cost indicator is calculated: goods and services measured in monetary terms are divided into time costs. This calculation is carried out for intercountry comparisons. For measurement of costs per unit of production, the complexity rate is used. The laboriousness binds how much time is required to release one product (in kind) or for the production of products in value terms.

Capital - Economic resource created by man for the production of goods and services. Capital acts in various forms. It is called basic, if materialized in buildings, structures, equipment and functions for a long time and transfers its value in the cost of the product created with its help. Capital, materialized in raw materials, materials, energy resources spending entirely for one the production cycle And entirely carrying its cost in the cost of the finished product, is called working capital.

When the capital characteristic as an economic resource should be borne in mind that economic theory There are several capital interpretations:

Physical capital (this is the economic resource) - the supply of production goods created by the economy for the production of other goods.

Monetary capital (not economically resource) - trapped in circulation cash, securities (Shares, bonds ...), any financial assets.

Human capital is the accumulated knowledge and human experience, allowing it to receive higher income (a special form of labor factor).

General in all interpretations: Capital is what is started in turnover, the owner is returned in the increased scale (with a profit, with the increase in wages, with dividend).

Increased capital volume, i.e. An increase in the supply of material resources is called investment. Investments mean a refusal of current consumption in favor of the future. Distinguish the following types of investment: government (formed from funds state budget), private (formed from private, corporate enterprises, as well as from citizens), foreign (investigated foreign investors, other states, foreign banks, companies, entrepreneurs).

Specific economic resource is entrepreneurship. This is a special kind of human activity, which consists in the ability to use all other economic resources in order to achieve commercial success. Entrepreneurship covers industrial, mediation, trading, innovative, advisory and other types of initiative activities. It is based on the following principles:

· Economic independence in adoption economic decisions;

· Property responsibility for the results of economic activities;

· Competition as a factor in stimulating production;

· Free pricing on the market;

· The right to exercise foreign economic operations.

Persons leading entrepreneurial activities special type Economic thinking, the ability to take risks, take non-standard solutions, overcome the resistance of the environment, have the gift of foresight. In the civilized world, the success in business is ensured by high labor and professional ethics, business integrity, respect for the laws of economic behavior. With low culture and degradation of moral values, entrepreneurship takes wild uncivilized forms. A feature of this type of resource is that, unlike labor, land, capital entrepreneurial abilities are never sold. Entrepreneur - the owner of entrepreneurial abilities - uses them for organizing their own business and receiving economic benefits. If he proposes his entrepreneurial abilities to another person, will turn into a hired (albeit highly paid) manager, and its abilities are transformed into labor.

Chapter 2. Economic needs and benefits in the reproduction process.

2.1. The relationship of needs with production.

There is a certain relationship between production and needs. First, the needs, consumer requests stimulate production, and in turn, creating new values \u200b\u200band benefits, has an impact on the volume and structure of consumption. Thus, to consume more, it is necessary to produce more. If the production falls, then consumption is inexorably.

Secondly, production, creating specific types of material goods and services, creates a specific need for them. For example, the social need for televisions and tape recorders arose only after the creation and organization of sufficient production.

Thirdly, the interaction of production and needs is specific in different economic Systemsoh.

Thus, the production forms general objective conditions in which the needs that focus the reproductive activities of the Company, individuals and social groups arise and develop.

In economic life different countries Three main variants of quantitative proportions (ratio) between production - on the one hand, and the needs and consumption of the population are on the other. The first option is regressive (from Lat. Regressus - movement back). It arises in those countries and regions where long-term decline of the economy leads to coagulation of consumption, and thereby quantitative and qualitative reduction in needs. Travel moves to lower level Human needs. Such negative changes in the economy can be thrown by a spiral-shaped movement with decreasing circles, which we observe, say, in the rustling of the water. This leads to an exclusively acute manifestation of the contradiction between the elementary needs of the people and the inability to satisfy them at the expense of the internal production of the country that fell into a distress. This situation can now be seen, in particular, in a number of Asia countries, Africa and Latin America. So, about 2/3 developing countries For the 80s and the first half of the 90s there was a reduction in the income of society per capita.

The second option is stagnant. With it, the release of a relatively limited set of products is growing extremely slow, the needs are steadily traditional and only gradually expand.

Movement by Keao "Production - Distribution - Exchange - Consumption - Needs" Remind a Vicious Circle. The creative activity and needs of people are in a strongly inhibited and essentially consistent state. It follows the duration of the total stagnation in the economy, which is also often fixed by the most popular primitive customs, traditions. Nowadays, this provision can be observed in individual countries and regions of Asia and Africa.

The third option is progressive. In this case, production is increasing and efficiently improved, the level of consumption and needs increases. All this can be like moving up the spiral with expanding turns.

Despite some unevenness of such a movement in recent decades, it occurs in leading industrialized countries. It is noteworthy that in the organization of economic cooperation and development (OECD), which includes 24 countries - the United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France and other Western countries, the average annual growth rate of the gross national product (the value of the final results of material and intangible production) amounted to 1971 - 1980. 3.3%, in 1981-1990. - 2.9%. Personal consumption of the population increased over the year in 1971 - 1975. by 3.6%, in 1976 - 1980 - 3.1. In 1981 - 1985 - 2.6 and 1986-1990. by 3.4%.

What are all the listed options?

The first and second options show that in many countries, the elevation of needs strongly counteracts a number of factors paralyzing socio-economic progress. These, in particular, include such circumstances:

The low level of material and spiritual culture of society limits the circle of human needs their low-order types, which varies slower than everything;

Very weak development of the division of labor does not allow to increase the variety of material goods and increase consumption and needs;

Miserer cash incomes of the mass of people at a high level of prices prevent their satisfaction of their even the most elementary requests;

In many cases, the population population increases higher rates than the material conditions of its existence expand.

Of all the considered varieties of relations between needs and production, it is possible to recognize only the third option. In it, the elevation of needs naturally relies on the progressive development of material and spiritual culture, on the increasing division of labor, an increase in money incomes and real wealth per resident.

However, for the third option, a contradiction between needs and production is characterized by a non-compliance between the fact that people would like to have, and the fact that in reality can give them economic activity.

2.2. Circulation of economic benefits

The functioning of any economic system is associated with the movement of economic benefits. Economic Circuit B. market economy It is a circular motion of real economic benefits, accompanied by a counterflow of money incomes and expenses. Economic benefits move themselves in themselves, but act as a means of communication between economic agents.

Economic agents are subjects of economic relations involved in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic benefits. The main economic agents in the market economy are households (consumers) and firms (manufacturers). Since we consider the market mechanism, we do not include the activities of such an economic agent as a state.

The model consists of the following elements:

1. Households - directly or indirectly own all economic resources, but need consumption subjects (consumers, and not manufacturers.)

2. Firms - produce consumer items, but for this they need economic resources.

3. The resource market - it is here that the household resources are offered their resources that make the demand for these resources. As a result of the interaction of supply and supply in the market, resource prices are formed, resources are moving from households to firms (the lines counterclockwise in the upper part of the figure show this movement). In turn, the firms for households are moving cash flow - firms pay prices of resources in the form of costs of production costs that receive households as factor income (lines clockwise)

4. Products market - It is here that companies offer produced products (objects of consumption) households that claim them. As a result of the interaction of supply and supply in the market, prices are formed by products that are moving from companies to households (lines counterclockwise at the bottom of the figure). Households pay products for products in the form of consumer spending, which receive firms in the form of income from the sale of their products (lines clockwise).

The model, firstly, represents the economic circuit, as there is a circular movement of real economic benefits - resources and products (lines counterclockwise), accompanied by counter movement cash streams - expenses and income of firms and households (lines clockwise). Secondly, the model shows that it is the functioning of markets that gives a pulse to this movement, since it is that the price of products and resources is formed that, by virtue of this, become goods.

Chapter 3. Economic needs and benefits in market system RK: Problems and possible solutions.

3.1. The problem of infinity of the needs and limitedness of economic benefits in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In life, we often faced the fact that economic resources are limited. It should also be emphasized that the economic needs are endless.

This combination of two situations typical of economic life is the infinity of the needs and limited resources - forms the basis of the entire economy, economic theory. In essence, it is a science, "studying how society is limited, deficient resources decides that, as for whom to produce, "or, in a different way, she" examines the problems of efficient use of limited production resources or managing them to achieve maximum satisfaction of the material needs of a person. "

It is impossible to reduce this modern economic theory. However, the contradiction between the boundlessness of the needs and limited resources is formed by the axis around which the economic life rotates, and the rod of the economy as science. Household, firm, all national Economics It is necessary to constantly make a choice, to buy or manufacture which goods should spend your resources that are almost always limited.

Thus, in Kazakhstan, there is a problem of resource-based resources such as land and labor. As a basis for "land", we take natural resources, and "labor" is the employment of jobs in the country to the able-bodied population. Thus, the limitations of natural resources and unemployment becomes problems. Consider these problems using the Message to the people of the President of Kazakhstan dated January 29, 2010.

In his message, Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the sustainable and balanced development of the country in the next decade should be ensured by accelerated diversification and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. The main vector of implementing these areas is the support of non-relief exporters and access to world markets with a wide range of domestic brands.

The development of non-relief exports is designed to change the structure of the turnover foreign trade Kazakhstan, which is currently characterized by a high proportion of mineral raw materials in exports and dominance of products of high-tech industries (machinery and equipment) in imports. At the same time, over the past 10 years, the proportion of mineral products in total exports increased from 56 to 77.3%. The second largest article of Kazakhstan's exports are metals and products of them (since 2000 their share in exports decreased from 29 to 12.3%). The share of exports of products agro-industrial complex Also decreased from 7 to 2.2%. The rest of the export articles in the amount are about 10%, while the share of manufacturing products practically does not change and remains at an extremely low level: about four percent - for chemical products and one or two percent - for machinery and equipment.

However, we note that high raw material export rates are characteristic of countries with significant reserves of natural resources to which our republic is also related to. The dominance of the raw material component is an objective, justified and fairly rational strategy of foreign trade policy of resource-free countries.

Today, Kazakhstan positions itself as one of the largest and most promising exporters of the three most important products in the global market: oil, metals and grains. In this regard, it is necessary to recognize the fact that it is revenues from the sale raw Resources In the most difficult years, they act as a "airbag" for our economy, providing state fulfillment not only by their social obligations, but also allowing to implement development programs. So it was in the heavy 90s, and during the last global financial crisis.

From this it follows that at this stage of its economic development, Kazakhstan has a high potential to provide natural resources, but such intensive consumption can lead to a shortage of the latter. This problem will become relevant in the near future, if the country's foreign economic policy will not be reorienting.

As for unemployment, it should be noted that according to the statistical agency RK for the period of the third quarter of 2010, the unemployment rate in the country reached 5.6%, which, of course, indicates a decrease in unemployment compared to the pre-crisis and crisis period, but as a problem , unemployment, remains relevant and now.

3.2. Solving the problem of limited economic benefits and resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Natural resources, of course, served as a starting platform for Kazakhstan for economic growth. But objectively normally the need for structural changes in the country's economy, which would allow to realize the winnings from the possession of natural wealth by developing their own high-tech industries, reducing consumer goods import, primarily the production of agriculture and the food industry.

The structure of exports should change. World experience shows that the export of industrial goods, technologies and services usually stimulates the economy in much more thanthan the export of commodity group goods than and is currently characterized by the foreign economic policy of Kazakhstan in the global market.

At the same time, an analysis of the successful development of countries rich in countries, such as Australia, Canada, Norway, shows that the "growth points" for national economies can be precisely exporting mining companies that fulfill their diversification and modernization of their activities. This is explained by the fact that raw materials corporations have the opportunity to attract the best personnel, advanced technologies, investment resources, accumulate capital and develop innovation.

A similar model of transition from the level of mining commodity economy to an innovative industrial level can be very useful for Kazakhstan. The analysis shows that, along with significant volumes of exports of raw materials, there are also a significant proportion of non-observable exports of industrial countries.

Therefore, despite the acceptability and objective predetermination of the current export structure, the vector of development of Kazakhstan's economy should be shifted in the direction of consistent and balanced growth of not only extractive, but also processing, innovative and social sectors. It is necessary to gradually move away from the dominance of the export of untreated raw materials and increase the offer of goods with high added value. The value of mineral products can be significantly improved by competent and rational use, investing funds from their sale in improving the quality of human capital, reducing the country's dependence on the import of goods, the production of which is quite possible on their own, primarily oil refining and petrochemistry products, as well as food.

On the this moment We observe in the economy of Kazakhstan, pronounced regional economic asymmetry. Western regions of the republic have a distinct community specialization. Essentially, these are the zones of avant-garde development, the locomotives of the Kazakhstan economy, the support of the whole country. They do not deform the national economy, and support and insure it in crisis situations. The remaining areas could well develop an innovative way according to the example of non-sireless Japan, to be "nurseries" of breakthrough technologies, to form an innovative industrial complex and the scope of services. The essence of the problem is not in the fact that in the economy of Kazakhstan prevails the commodity sector - in absolute figures it is much less than that of developed countries, and the area of \u200b\u200braw material specialization is in any country. The fact is that the rest of the regions that have opportunities for the development of light and food industry, tourism, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, have not advanced enough in these directions.

Kazakhstan, in our opinion, should strive to become an energy, and not the raw leader. For this, it is necessary not so much to increase the export of hydrocarbons, how much to actively develop the production and export of electricity, energy-saving technologies, innovative energy projects, increase the participation of Kazakhstan companies in regional and global international programs.

In other words, our country should have healthy ambitions aimed at reorienting the commodity vector development of the economy to create a new transport and technological infrastructure, modern educational, medical, fundamental scientific and innovative centers. This policy It should ensure the leadership of the country not only in the Central Asian region, but also on the Eurasian space.

In addition, the policy of diversifying the direction of development of the economy will allow for not fully natural resources from the export sphere, then at least much reduce their consumption. And in the field of internal consumption - rationalize ways of processing and use in order to save and reduce consumption.

In addition, it is possible to reduce the amount of consumed resources using a resource-saving environmental approach to this problem. That is, the policy of rational use of natural resources in the field of environmental education should be intensified. Thus, in our republic, the program of environmental management is implemented.

As for unemployment, the main projects of the country are created and implemented to reduce it, such as " Road map Kazakhstan, "as one of the anti-crisis projects. As reported by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of the Republic, within the framework of the Road Card, about 248 thousand people were employed.

Upon completion of the roadmap program, the program "Traffic Card - 2020" program begins. The framework of the program "Business-2020 Road Map program" provides for the creation of social workplaces, youth practices and retraining of personnel.

The program "Road Map Business-2020" was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 13, 2010 No. 301. On its implementation this year, 30 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget. It consists of three main directions: support for new business initiatives, rehabilitation of the business sector and support for export-oriented industries. Thus, it is aimed at an increase in employment and support for entrepreneurship as major economic resources.


Each state shows care of the conservation, economical use and reproduction of the country's natural resources, it works to resolve the contradiction between the needs of society and the possibilities of nature, is engaged in environmental education and the upbringing of its citizens. As in other states, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, state legislation, executive and legal branches of government, associations of citizens and other public organizations are engaged in issues of management of environmental protection and rational environmental management.

Ensuring rational nature management and environmental protection depends on the further improvement of administrative and legal, socio-psychological and economic methods Control.

The state establishes the objectives of the environmental policy, determines its priorities and develops the norms of relationships with nature users, i.e. those rules of the game called the economic mechanism. This mechanism itself functions on a market basis with elements of coercive measures of both an economic and non-economic nature.

The basis for environmental policies and its functioning in most developed countries was the principle of the normative qualitative environment, which is achieved by establishing standards for pollution of various kinds. The transition to these standards is ensured by the relevant tax policy, which is punitive and gentle, stimulating, using subsidies, preferential lending, introducing into practice pollution or payments for their regulatory or excess levels, fines. The foreign economic levers can be attributed direct costs for production, administrative decisions on the closure of enterprises, as well as improving criminal liability.

Thus, the current stage of development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized by changes in the structure of production, the forms of ownership, the nature of production relations, the peculiarities of the placement of productive forces, in relation to the quality of the product and consumed products, in the possibilities of rational use of natural resources and improving the quality of the environment. To implement these tasks, it is necessary to optimally combine the economic and environmental interests of society. The economic mechanism of environmental management and will refer to a paramount role in solving many environmental problems of the country, which, in turn, will affect the safety of the economic benefits of our republic and solve the problem of limited resources to meet the economic needs of economic agents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Changes in the structure of the production planned earlier were characterized by a focus on diversifying the direction of the external and intraconsome policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to reduce the volume of exports of commodities, raising the innovative and technological level of the production of final products on the territory of our country on their own, reorientation for the production of the final Products in order to increase the value of the country's natural (commodity) resources.

2 quote. Software: McKonnell K.R., Blind S.L. Economics / Per. from English In 2 t. M., 1992. T. 1. P. 18.

To reduce only this modern economic theory. However, the contradiction between the boundlessness of the needs and limited resources is formed by the axis around which the economic life rotates, and the rod of the economy as science. Household, firm, the whole national economy has to constantly make a choice, to buy or produce what goods should spend their resources that almost ever all is limited.

Weave, Mobility and Interchangeability of Economic Resources

Resources are interconnected. For example, such an economic resource as knowledge is used when natural resources seek to consume more rationally based on new knowledge (scientific achievements). Knowledge are an important element Such a resource as work when it is assessed from a high-quality side and pay attention to the qualifications of workers, which depends primarily from their education (knowledge). Knowledge (primarily technological) provide an increase in the level of equipment use, i.e. real capital. Finally, they (especially managerial knowledge) allow entrepreneurs to organize the production of goods and services are the most rational.

Economic resources are mobile (movable), as they can move in space (within the country between countries), although their degree of mobility is different. The least mobile natural resources, the mobility of many of which is close to zero (the land is difficult to move from one place to another, although it is possible). More movable labor resourcesWhat can be seen from the internal and external migration of labor in the world in noticeable sizes (see ch. 36). Even more mobile entrepreneurial abilities, although they often move themselves by themselves, but along with labor resources or / and capital (this is due to the fact that entrepreneurial carriers are or hired controls, or capital owners). The most mobile two recent resources - Capital (especially money) and knowledge.

Weave resources and their mobility partly reflect their other property - interchangeability (alternativeness). If the farmer needs to increase the production of grain, he can do it like this: expand the sowing areas (use additional natural resources), or hire additional workers (increase labor use), or expand its fleet of technology and inventory (increase their capital), or improve the organization Labor on the farm (wider use their entrepreneurial abilities), or finally use new types of seeds (apply new knowledge). Farmer has a similar choice because the economic resources are interchangeable (alternative).

Usually this interchangeability is not complete. For example, human resources cannot completely replace capital, otherwise employees will remain without equipment and inventory. Economic resources replace each other at first easily, and then more difficult. So, with a constant number of tractors, you can increase the number of employees on the farm, obliging them to work in two shifts. However, to hire more workers and organize systematic work in three shifts will be very difficult, except having increased them with wages,

The entrepreneur (organizer of production) constantly meets and uses the specified properties of economic resources. Indeed, in the context of the limited resources, it is forced to find the most rational combination, using interchangeability.

Model Kobba Douglas

An illustration for the weave and alternativeness of economic resources may be simple, based on the Cobb-Douglas model on only two production factors (named after two American economists).

The concept of resource markets

5. The basis of economic resources is carried out by the production of economic benefits. With limitity (rarity), resources have to choose which benefits to produce and what units there are production capabilities. At the same time, the concept of an alternative (imputed) cost (costs) is used, which means that something has to be abandoned to produce the desired benefit.

6. An increase in alternative costs As each additional product is released is the essence of the law of increasing alternative expenses, the law of decreasing returns is closely connected with it, which means that the production growth increases, it becomes more and less than new units of economic resource in combination with a constant number of others. Economic resources.

7. Economic theory and practice widely use the concept of limit (marginal) values \u200b\u200bunder which the increase in one value, caused by the growth of another value per unit (provided that all other values \u200b\u200bremain unchanged). They talk about marginal costs, utmost income, utmost utility. The concept of limit values \u200b\u200bis based primarily on two ideas. First, at a certain stage, the cost of manufacturing benefits (production costs) is beginning to grow faster than the production of this good itself. Secondly, the more abundant, the less it is appreciated.

8. Economic efficiency is to obtain a maximum of possible benefits from available resources. To do this, you need to constantly relate the benefits (benefits) and costs (costs), or, in a different way, behave rationally. The rational behavior is that the manufacturer and consumer of grace seek the highest efficiency and for this maximize benefits and minimize costs. Efficiency is calculated in various ways.

9. Separation of production of products by international workers, enterprises and their divisions, sectors, regions of the country, as well as between countries are called the division of labor. Accordingly, vocational, interfirm and intra-water, inter-sectoral, interregional and international division of labor are distinguished. Based on the division of labor orientation of manufacturers for the manufacture of individual products and their elements is called a specialization.

Terms and concepts
Economic benefits
Economic needs
Goods and services (goods)
Essential products
Engel law
Economic resources
Interchangeability (alternativeness) of economic resources
Production opportunities
Alternative (imputed) cost (costs)
The law of increasing alternative costs
Law of decreasing return
Economic efficiency
Pareto Efficiency (Pareto Optimum)
Division of labor

Questions for self-test

1. How is the law (principle) of elevation of needs formulad?

2. List the economic resources known to you.

3. What effects flow from the combination of infinity of the needs and limited resources?

4. What gives the entrepreneur such a property of economic resources as their interchangeability (alternativeness)?

5. Explain that demonstrates the curve of production opportunities?

6. What are similar and what differences are the law of increasing alternative costs and the law of decreasing return?

7. Where in household life, in your opinion, can I use the ideas of marzhinalism?

8. What are the indicators economic efficiency Are you known and how are they calculated?

9. What is the difference between branded and national economic efficiency?

10. Prove that specialization is associated with the division of labor.

How many people live, how much society exists, the same exists in humans in any way - in food, security, rest, etc., - the same thing exist. The need is the need of a person in anything, conscious of them and who mastered a certain need for a specific good.

Essence of economic needs. If the needs of people are associated with the work of any economic systems, the concept of economic needs arises. Thus, economic needs are a combination of economic relations related to the production, distribution and consumption of produced goods and services rendered and determining production volumes. Economic needs, expressed in the specific number of goods and services, are the amount of demand. And the demand, as we know, in a market economy determines the proposal. So, the economic needs of society are almost the engine of the entire economy (both on micro and on the macro level).

Classification. In economic theory, many scientists are offered a large number of economic needs classifications. They are accepted to divide on subjects (that is, the carriers) on the needs of society, individual groups and individual. According to subjects, you can also highlight the needs of certain categories of people (by age, place of residence, social status). Separate economic needs for material and intangible (ethical, spiritual, aesthetic), primary needs and secondary. So, to primary it is customary to attribute basic physiological needs, and the secondary - all the others, that is, the needs for study, spiritual development, security, in self-realization, services in services.

With the development of the world market, with the course of scientific and technological progress there is a permanent modification and complication of the economic needs of people. But always, secondary needs arise only when all primary are satisfied.

Economic benefits. The needs of society are satisfied through the goods. They also have their own classification. First of all, this separation of benefits on relatively non-limited (air, fresh water) and limited. Limited benefits are customary to call economic, since they are mainly the results of production, or, without being the results of production, are provided on a commercial basis (natural healing dirt, for example).

Economic resources. The concept of economic benefits includes economic resources. These are economic benefits that result from production take the type of finished products. Allocate the following main categories of resources. This is a work (labor resources, labor of people), capital (money and other financial resources), land (soil, water, minerals), entrepreneurial potential of people and information (or information resources).

Thus, the basis of economic relations between business entities is the existence of economic needs and the desire of actors to satisfy these needs. This is how the most complex continuous economic mechanism of production, distribution and consumption of economic goods is launched through a circuit of economic resources.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state