
Types of resources in the economy. Economic resources and their types. Resources in the economy and their classification

In the general understandingresources - These are cash, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income. Usually highlighteconomic resources - All that is necessary for the production process.

It should be noted that along with the concept "Production Resources" In economic literature, often as synonym is used by the concept "Production factors".

There is a general one between them, both resources and factors are the same natural and social forces with which production is carried out. The difference lies in the fact that resources include natural and social forces that can be involved in production, and the resources are already actually involved in this process. Based on this, the concept of "resources" is wider than "production factors".

See also:

Economic theory allocates two groups of economic resources - material and human. Material resources - Capital and Earth, humanlabor and entrepreneurial ability. Various combinations of these factors are used for the production of the whole manifold of goods and services.

Concept "land" Encompasses all natural resources: arable land, forests, mineral deposits, water and climatic resources, etc.

For your information. Historically, there was some states that they have large territories - Russia (17,075 thousand km 2), USA (9629 thousand km 2 ), China (9560 thousand km 2 ), and others are smaller - Andorra (467 km 2 ), Liechtenstein (160 km 2 ), San Marino (61 km 2), Monaco (2 km 2).

Earth can be used both for agricultural (crop growing) and non-agricultural (construction of buildings, structures, roads) needs.

For your information. The agricultural land of the planet occupy 51 million km 2 . On average, per capita in the world there are 0.3 hectares of Pashny. The dimensions of a pashnya per capita are significantly differentiated by different countries. For example, in the United States per capita accounts for 0.67 hectares of Pashny, and in Japan only 0.03 hectares.

In addition, a variety of minerals are in the depths of the Earth.

For your information. Saudi Arabia There is more than 25% of the exploited oil reserves, the world's largest explored reserves in Russia are concentrated - about 40%, and the United States ranks first in the world in the world's explored coal reserves - 26%.

Concept "capital" one of the main in the theory of market economy. Considering capital as a factor of production, economists understand under it means of production , created by people, including infrastructure (machines, equipment, buildings, facilities, transport, communications, etc.).

Capitallong-term resource created in order to produce more and services. Capital, embodied in the means of production called real capital . Cash capital , or capital in cash is . Monetary capital is used to purchase machines, equipment and other means of production. Capital is a product of labor and, by virtue of this, is limited.

Concept "work" Denote the physical and mental abilities of people used in the production of goods and services. Labor resourcesthis is a able-bodied population with physical and mental abilities necessary for the implementation of industrial activities. Labor resources are presented by the population in working age.

For your information. In Russia, the working age is considered: men - 16-59 years (inclusive), in women - 16-54 years (inclusive). Boarding age borders differ in countries. In some, the lower limit is 14-15 years old, and other -18 years. The upper border in many countries is 65 years old for all or 65 years old - for men and 60-62 years - for women.

It's obvious that labor resources both a separate country and Also limited. Today for industrial developed countries and states S. transition economy The demographic aging of the population is characteristic, when the number of working-age population is only slightly exceeding the number of pensioners.

For your information. In 1950, one pensioner accounted for 12 people aged 15-64 years. Today, the average global figure is 9, and on forecasts it is expected to decline before 4. If quantitatively labor resources are growing together with the growth of the population, then qualitatively - as education is developed. In terms of higher education, Russia is in fourth place in the world (after Israel, Norway and the USA). The literacy rate among adults in Russia is 99.6% and is the highest in the world; secondary education has 95% population. For comparison: this indicator in Germany - the country with the highest level of education in the EU - 78%, in the UK - 76%, in Spain - 30%, in Portugal - less than 20%.

Concept implies the ability to effectively use in economic activities all other economic resources in order to profit and readiness to carry For the results of their activities.

Entrepreneurial ability (enterprise, entrepreneurial potential, entrepreneurial resource) is the ability to organize production and manage it, in the ability to navigate in market conditions.

The value of entrepreneurial ability for the economy is revealed through functionsthat performs entrepreneur.

Firstly , entrepreneur, combining all other economic resources (land, capital, work) and starting the production process, takes over a responsibility For its successful implementation and takes the main decisions during the conduct of the case.

Secondly , successful Today it is impossible without innovation. The entrepreneur is developing and implementing innovation - new products, technologies, new information.

Thirdly , any entrepreneur risks. Entrepreneurship involves mastering new , conclusion of transactions with new suppliers and buyers, the production of new goods and services and the use of new technologies, in the effectiveness of which no one is sure. Risk is the inevitable component of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial resource is a rare gift.

For your information. Researchers Harvard medical center Develop a test to identify human abilities in a variety of spheres. They found that only 1% of people are gifted by "exceptional creative potency", i.e. they are available to outstanding achievements in the field of art and entrepreneurial activity; 10% possess "high creative potency; Even 60% have a "moderate or some" creative potency; Less than 30% of people do not exhibit at all or in a very low degree their creative activity.


Probably, we all had to walk along the showcases more than once and with the lust of the goods put on them. If we had the opportunity to buy them! Alas, it is impossible to get something that there is no funds, how can not be embraced! This is an example of an economic problem: limitless desires, very limited possibilities.

And although this problem should never be solved completely, as a result of "savings" we can get as much as possible, based on what we have. So, the household buying those benefits that will bring a little satisfaction within the limited family budget. The student tries to best spend his scholarship. A businessman takes those solutions that allow him to get the maximum income into invested capital. Finally, the Government is forced to plan their expenses to achieve as much as possible, based on budgetary remedies.

Economic science is engaged in the problem of choice - i.e. Such decisions that we are forced to take due to the insignificance of our resources compared to our desires. However, the choice of something one means the refusal of something else. Due to the limited resources, the possession of something alone means that it will have to do without something else. To indicate the best alternative, without which we will have to do, to get what we choose, there is a term alternative costs.

Only a few benefits are available in such large quantities that no one will give a penny for them. Such benefits are called "free". However, most of the goods are still "rare" - they can be obtained only by refusing something else. If we want to possess them, we have to deal with economic problemand therefore they are called again " economic benefits" The society is also faced with the choice of what to produce and in what quantities. Because Production factors are limited, then the possibility of the production of others is reduced to the increase in the production of one products.

economic Resource Cash Credit Financial

Economic resources. Their types and limitations

Economic resources are the economic potential of society as the ability to provide the highest possible level of production of goods and services.

Economic resources are divided into:

1. Material

2. Natural

3. Labor

4. Information

5. Monetary

6. Financial.

Material resources include:

· Foundation

· Labor objects.

Among the means of labor, the instrument of labor is played.

Labor objects (materials subjected to processing) are divided into 2 types:

The 1st is the substances that are first disclosed by difficulty and transformed into a product, for example, coal.

2nd -sya-test materials, or raw materials, substances that have been processed. A variation of material resources are secondary material resources - materials and products that, after initial use, can be applied re-in production as a raw material or product. Main sources of secondary material resources Production waste and product consumption.

Natural (natural) resources are part of the entire population of the environment of nature (its objects, processes, conditions), available for use by society in order to meet material and spiritual needs.

Natural resources include:



resources of animal and plant world

solar energy

energy of tides and sings,

internally warm.

Natural resources are divided into:

practically inexhaustible (solar energy, energy of tides and sings, wind and geothermal)

exhausted (aquatic, land, forest, mineral, animal and plant resources).

Exhausted, in turn are divided into:

W renewable (soil, water, forest, animal world)

WC non-renewable, to which are primarily related to mineral deposits (oil, coal, gas, iron, copper, tin, mercury, aluminum, etc. ores).

In domestic economic literature, it is sometimes allocated as an independent type of economic resources energy resources as a result of a sample of natural and material resources. Under energy resources, the combination of energy carriers used in national economy: coal, oil and petroleum products, natural gas, peat, hydro and electricity, as well as secondary energy resources (coke gas, etc.).

Labor resources are a part of the population with the necessary physical development, mental abilities, general education and professional knowledge, practical experiences for exercising socially useful labor. Labor resources are fundamentally different from all other types of economic resources. They are defining and active factor of social production. The borders of the working-age population are established by law. The change in the number of labor resources is directly determined by the fertility and mortality of the population, the duration of education, the ratio of the number of persons entering the able-bodied and retirement age. Special role Acquires intellectual capital - the basis of new sectors of the economy with intensive use of knowledge.

Information resources are a set of information stored in various documents, reports, massive data obtained and accumulated in the process of practical activity of people and used in public manufacturing and management. They relate to material renewable resources. In modern society informational resources It is not only economic, but also the political and military power of their owner.

The specifics of monetary and financial resources lies in the fact that they mediate the movement of other types of economic resources. Having common economic base, monetary, credit and financial resources differ in both their entity and on functional purpose.

Monetary (including currency) resources - the entire amount of funds expressed in the national, as well as foreign convertible currency, and sources of their receipt for one or another period. They can be in cash and non-cash formas, satisfying operational or speculative demand, or speaking in the form of savings and savings.

Credit resources are a combination of funds that are at the disposal of the states of economic entities and the population and those used to provide in the form of a loan on the terms of repayment, urgency and payability. Estimated economic relations between the lender and the borrower.

Financial resources - a set of money incomes, savings and revenues available at the disposal of economic entities and states in a certain period and intended for the expansion of production, material stimulation of working, meeting social and military needs, as well as needs government controlled. Financial resources are formed in the process of distribution and redistribution of the cost of GDP and part of national wealth. They are material carrier financial relations Used in stock and nephond form. Part of financial resources are military financial resources formed and used in order to economic support military needs. Quantitative parameters and the structure of military financial resources are reflected in the military budget (as part federal budget) - military budget powers, allocations and expenses.

Efficient use of resources of society is an axiom of reasonable management. In reforming conditions russian economy, solving problems for its stabilization and provision national Security Big respect to all types of resources, their rational use has become a pressing problem.

Ministry of Education and Science



Bryansky State


Department "Economics and Management"

Abstract on the topic:

"Economic resources. The problem of their limitations. Alternative costs and curve of production opportunities "

Performed: Art. GR 14-East

Zuev A.N.


Gavrilenko T.V.

Bryansk 2016.

Introduction 3.

Economic resources and their types .. 4

The problems of limited resources. 7.

Alternative costs (costs of rejected capabilities) 10

Curve production opportunities. 13

Conclusion. sixteen

List of references used .. 17


The issue of limited resources and benefits in modern world is one of the most relevant. It is known that stocks of many natural resources Already in deficiency, and the fact that some are preserved in sufficiently large quantities, does not mean their endlessness. The satisfaction of the needs of society directly depends on the creation of benefits, and the good in turn demands an increasing amount of resources for their production. It is clear that with a constant increase in the population of the Earth, good and resources will be limited, they will not be enough to meet all needs. Currently, it is already possible to notice that the production of benefits is a huge amount of resources. It is necessary to limit the use of resources, because in the future the problem of their limitations may be intact and lead to fatal consequences.

In scientific literature, this topic is addressed, because it directly affects the further development of society. Some authors emphasize that the limitations of resources and benefits is relative, not absolute, that is, how long one or another is the resource for a long time, is determined how effective it will be used by society. Others believe that resources are both absolutely limited, and relatively limited. The opinion of the first authors seems more convincing, because modern technologies Improved with a huge speed and allow you to use, for example, waste-free production, that is, they help save resources.

The subject of work is the limited resources and benefits, and the object is the resources and good.

Economic resources and their types

Economic resources are all types of natural and human capabilities that are used for production in order to meet the needs. Modern production creates countless different products - services and products. Therefore, the number of resources used should be as huge as the production volumes. In essence, economic resources that are still called factors of production are various benefits that are used to produce other goods. All of them are combined into several large groups.

Economic resources and their types

1) Earth. This name unites all types of natural resources: fossil, land, forests, water, flora, fauna, climatic and recreational possibilities. Natural economic resources participate in different ways in economic activities: - as the operational bases of production, they represent the direct territory on which production facilities are placed; - as sources of mineral resources they are used in the extractive industry; - As objects of production activities, they are presented in agriculture. The Earth is a limited and almost irreplaceable resource, so it needs to be careful about users and in state protection. Because of the negligent attitude towards the Earth from agricultural circulation in the world more than six million hectares are made annually. At such a pace, two and a half centuries, humanity risks to lose all land suitable for agricultural

2) labor. This type of resources covers people who are busy in industrial (economic) activities. Despite the technical progress and automation, the role of labor in the production process does not significantly decrease. The reasons for this, firstly, the complexity of tasks that are solved in modern production to meet the growing needs. Secondly, work is becoming more intellectual, that is, mental efforts grow. Thirdly, in many areas of activity there are high risks and responsibility - for example, in nuclear power, air transport, etc. Since people are direct carriers of specific technical and organizational knowledge and skills, culture, it is now assumed that labor economic resources are not only labor, but all human capital, which reflects the level of development of workers.

3) Capital. TO this kind Resources include production facilities (equipment, machinery, equipment, transport, buildings and structures) and financial opportunities (funds that are managed by banks and individuals, giving them into use in the form of loans and investments).

4) Entrepreneurship ability. These economic resources are separated from others in separate category And represent the ability to base profitable business and effectively manage them. Not every person has a natural ability to entrepreneurship, therefore, not everyone can become successful businessmen. Successful entrepreneurial activities, in addition to knowledge about production technologies, also involves a tendency to risk, developed intuition, communication skills and beliefs.

5) information. Information Economic Resources includes knowledge of the needs, opportunities, production and management technologies, prices, etc. In the current society, the following principle is fully implemented: who owns information, he owns the world. Therefore, it is called the informational society. Computer technologies, networks of accumulation and data transfer systems are currently identifying.

The main property of economic resources is their limitation With infinity, the need for them for the production of goods and services. This property implies the natural necessity of efficient use of economic resources to maximize the needs of the population. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions on the appropriate distribution of resources, i.e., about their use in such a way as to obtain the maximum result from this.

Another property of economic resources is their complementability. For example, knowledge is used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource, which, on the basis of scientific and technical developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge is based on the basis of human resources and are concluded in specific knowledge, skills, professional skills of employees.

Mobility Economic resources consists in their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on the set of both objective and subjective factors. For example, minimal mobility will be at the economic resource - land, as it is impossible to change its geographical position. Human resources that are capable of moving between national economies are the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, Which is the ability to replace one economic resource to another.

For example, in order to increase the efficiency of production, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - change the production technology and knowledge - to train employees so that they have more effectively performed their job responsibilities. The ability to replace the economic resources is limited and cannot be fully manufactured and totally. For example, capital cannot fully replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources can bring a positive result, but in the future economic activity is significantly complicated, and its effectiveness can be reduced.

The main task of the economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are involved - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

Within national Economy The treatment of economic resources occurs in the relevant markets (for example, the capital market, labor market). Inside these markets, there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, engineers).

Economic resources, which determine the nature of its functioning, pace, structure and MaE-development, have great importance in the national economy. They represent the basis for economic growth. In fact, this is a kind of good that can be used to produce other goods.

Economic resources are the form of the resources necessary for the production of goods and services.

There are the following types of economic resources:

1) entrepreneurial potential. This is the ability of the population to organize the production of goods in various forms;

2) knowledge. These are specific scientific and technical developments that allow you to organize the production and consumption of benefits at a higher than preceding, level;

3) Natural resources. These are specific minerals, such as earth, subsoil, as well as the climatic and geographical location of the country;

4) Human resources. This is a specific number of the country's population, differing in certain qualitative indicators - education, culture, professionalism. In the aggregate, human resources are the most important economic resource, since without it it is impossible to present the normal functioning of the national economy;

5) Financial resources. This capital represented by concrete cashexisting in the national economy.

Natural resources in their composition are quite diverse and includes land, energy, water, biological, forest, mineral, recreational, climatic resources. Their use is interrelated between themselves (for example, to use land resources of the technique, and for her work is needed mineral resources - fuel). Natural resources are divided into:

1) explored. Mining them are already underway;

2) reliable. On the existence of their reliable is known, but for various reasons, their prey is not conducted;

3) forecast. These are minerals that should have hypothetically exist, but this is reliable unknown.

According to experts, at the existing mining rates, their reserves will be exhausted about 500 years. At the same time, the need for them economies is constantly increasing by an average of 10% annually. To improve the efficiency of using this resource, the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies is constantly being developed.

Human resources in our country are limited. Despite the high level of unemployment, there is a shortage of human resources that differ certain quality characteristics - Professional and qualifying level. There is an acute shortage of employees of certain qualifications and professions, which significantly slows down the development of the national economy.

12. Properties of economic resources

The main property of economic resources is their limitations when infinity of the need for them for the production of goods and services. Its properties implies the natural necessity of the effective use of economic resources to maximize the needs of the population. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions on the appropriate distribution of resources, i.e., about their use in such a way as to obtain the maximum result from this.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, knowledge is used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource, which, on the basis of scientific and technical developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge is based on the basis of human resources and are concluded in specific knowledge, skills, professional skills of employees.

The mobility of economic resources consists in their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on the set of both objective and subjective factors. For example, minimal mobility will be at the economic resource - land, as it is impossible to change its geographical position. Human resources that are capable of moving between national economies are the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which is the ability to replace one economic resource to another.

For example, in order to increase the efficiency of production, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - change the production technology and knowledge - to train employees so that they have more effectively performed their job responsibilities. The ability to replace the economic resources is limited and cannot be fully manufactured and totally. For example, capital cannot fully replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources can bring a positive result, but in the future economic activity is significantly complicated, and its effectiveness can be reduced.

The main task of the economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are involved - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

As part of the national economy, the appeal of economic resources occurs in the relevant markets (for example, capital market, labor market). Inside these markets, there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, engineers).

  • Economic resources: them views. Great importance in national economy have economic resourceswhich determine the nature of its functioning, pace, structure, and Mae development headquarters.

  • Basic see Cumulative economic National potential economy are the following.
    Resource natural potential consists of such species economic resources, as

  • Views Cumulative economic National potential economy. Total economic economy Economic resources: them views.

  • During the evolution of the world economy The role of various species resources Changed. In the pre-industrial epoch essential value played land and, in economical sense of the word derived from them Aquatic (especially for ancient seeding civilizations) ...

  • Economically The active population does not cover all elements of labor resources - It does not include people employed in the household, students, etc. views students with a separation from pr-va, military personnel, Earls, etc. Persons, in age categories related to ...

  • Economic resources: them views.
    The main composite element of the cumulative economic National potential economy is national wealth.

  • Views Cumulative economic National potential economy. Total economic The potential is the basis of the national economyFrom which the right ... more details. Economic resources: them views.

  • Through such a transaction is carried out by the wealth of one or another economic agent.
    Training and ownership rights resources.3 view: 1 Trading transactions transmit rights to material values Through a voluntary agreement between ...

  • Views Cumulative economic National potential economy. Total economic The potential is the basis of the national economyFrom which the right ... more details. Economic resources: them views.

  • Views Cumulative economic National potential economy. Total economic The potential is the basis of the national economy, from which the rest.
    Economic resources can not be equated to economic Potential, because for ...

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The benefits necessary to meet the needs are created in the production process. Production - The adaptation of humanity of the substance (resources) to the satisfaction of its needs. In other words, the basis of any production is the resources that society has. Resources - Available in society opportunities to create goods and meet needs. Resources involved in the production of goods and services are called production factors.

Economic theory allocates two groups of resources - material and human. Material resources - capital and land, human - labor and entrepreneurial ability. Various combinations of these factors are used for the production of the whole manifold of goods and services. Concept "land" It covers all natural resources: arable land, forests, mineral deposits, water and climatic resources, etc. On earth, peoples and states are located on a certain space. Historically, one states have large territories - Russia (17,075 thousand km 2), USA (9629.0), China (9560 thousand km 2), and others are smaller - Andorra (467 km 2), Liechtenstein (160 km 2), San Marino (61 km 2), Monaco (2 km 2). Earth can be used both for agricultural (crop growing) and non-agricultural (construction of buildings, structures, roads) needs. The agricultural land of the planet occupy 51 million km 2. On average, I am inflated in the world in the world accounts for 0.3 ha Pashnya. The size of a pashnya per capita is essentially differentiated by different countries. For example, in the United States I am inflated by 0.67 hectares of Pashny, and in Japan only 0.03 hectares. In addition, a variety of minerals are in the depths of the Earth. For example, Saudi Arabia has more than 25% of the explored oil reserves, in Russia the world's largest explored stocks of natural gas are concentrated - about 40%, and the United States ranks first in the world in proven coal reserves - 26%.

Concept "capital" - One of the main in the theory of market economy. Considering capital as a factor of production, economists understand the means of production created by people, including infrastructure (cars, equipment, buildings, structures, transport, communications, etc.). Capital is a long-term resource created with the purpose of producing more goods and services. Capital, embodied in the means of production called real capital. Capital, not yet invested in production, is the amount of money. Cash capital, or cash in cash, represents investment resources. Monetary capital is used to purchase machines, equipment and other means of production. The production process and the accumulation of means of production is called investment. Capital is a product of labor and, by virtue of this, is limited.

Concept "work" Denote the physical and mental abilities of people used in the production of goods and services. Labor resources - This is a able-bodied population with physical development and mental abilities necessary for the implementation of industrial activities. Labor resources are presented by the population in working age. In Russia, the working age is considered: men are 16-59 years (inclusive), women - 16-54 goals (inclusive). Boarding age borders differ in countries. In some, the lower limit is 14-15 years old, and other -18 years. The upper border in many countries is 65 layer for all or 65 layers - for men and 60-62 goals - for women. It is obvious that labor resources as a separate country and the global economy are also limited. Today, the industrialized countries and countries with transition are characterized by the demographic aging of the population, when the number of working-age population is only slightly exceeding the number of pensioners. In 1950, one pensioner accounted for 12 people 15-64 years. Today, the average global figure is 9, and according to forecasts it is expected to decline before 4. The gels are quantitatively labor resources grow together with the growth of the population, then qualitatively - as education is developed. In terms of higher education, Russia is in fourth place in the world (after Israel, Norway and the USA) 2. Literacy rate among adults in Russia is 99.6% and is the highest in the world; Secondary education has 95% of the population. For comparison: this indicator in Germany - a country with the highest level of education in the EU - 78%, in the UK - 76%, in Spain - 30%, in Portugal - less than 20%.

Concept "Business ability" Ensures the ability to effectively use in economic activities all other economic resources in order to profit. The concept of entrepreneurship B. economic science Appeared in the XVIII century, and often the entrepreneur was identified with the owner. Today, entrepreneurs include owners of companies; managers who are not their owners; Business organizers who are in one person and the owner and managers. Entrepreneurial ability (enterprise, entrepreneurial potential, entrepreneurial resource) is the ability to organize production and manage it, in the ability to navigate in market conditions. Entrepreneur - central figure in market economy. The value of entrepreneurial ability for the economy is revealed through the functions that the entrepreneur performs. First, an entrepreneur, combining all other economic resources (land, capital, work) and starting the production process, takes responsibility for its successful implementation and makes basic decisions in the course of doing business. Secondly, successful entrepreneurship is impossible today without innovation. The entrepreneur is developing and implementing innovation - new products, technologies, new information. And, thirdly, any entrepreneur risks. Entrepreneurship involves the development of new markets, the conclusion of transactions with new suppliers and buyers, the production of new goods and services and the use of new technologies, in the effectiveness of which no one is sure. Risk is the inevitable component of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial resource is a rare gift. Researchers of the Harvard Medical Center have developed a test to identify human abilities in a variety of spheres. They found that only 1% of people are gifted by "exceptional creative potency", i.e. they are available to outstanding achievements in the field of art and entrepreneurial activity; 10% possess "high creative potency"; Even 60% have a "moderate or some" creative potency; Less than 30% of people do not show at all or in a very low degree of creative activity. "Today, many experts note that economic theory As science is associated with psychology, which, in turn, is associated with genetics. It has been proven that one of the forms of the Dopamine receptor gene determines the exacerbate of the new impressions. For Americans, this allel occurs on average 25 times more often than other residents of the planet, which largely determines the level of entrepreneurial activity in the United States.

Production factors are the property of various economic entities, ready to provide them for a specific fee for production use. Fee for the use of land - rent, capital - percentage, labor - wages, entrepreneurial ability - profits.

Thus, all economic resources have a common property: they are limited or rare.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state