
Rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR. The structure of the cash funds of the military unit. Financial relations arising in the process of military unit

Born in the village of Kurdysh Gorky region. Father, Lieutenant, died at the front in February 1943 in the Kursk region. After the 4th grade in 1944 he is enrolled by a pupil in HSV. Participant of the Victory Parade in Moscow.

In 1950-1952, the cadet of the Tambov Military Financial School. For six years he served in Romania (head. Customer Production-Treasurer of the Tankore Repair Base, Head of Financial Proliferation of the Divisional Automobile School). As part of the 33rd Guards Mechanized Division in 1956 he participated in the combat actions of the Soviet troops in Hungary. From 1958 to 1962 - a listener of the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute. From 1962 to 1969 - the inspector-auditor, then deputy head of the financial department of the 10th separate air defense army (Arkhangelsk). From 1969 to 1984, he served in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Defense in the posts of the senior officer, the senior officer, the inspector, the head of the group, the Deputy Head of the Department of Consolidated Financial Planning and Financing of the Army and the Fleet of the Central Financial Department of the USSR Ministry of Defense. From 1984 to 1987 - Head of the Financial Service of the Northern Group of Troops. At the same time, a member of the Soviet-Polish mixed commission on the settlement of issues and claims related to the stay of the Soviet troops on the territory of Poland, as well as a member of the Party Commission of Polit Management of the Troops Group. From 1987 to 1988 - Head of the Secretary Financial Planning Department of the Army and Fleet of the Central Financial Department of the USSR MO. From November 1, 1988, he was fired to the stock in the rank of colonel. Continues to work by the main specialist of the monetary and economic department of the Main Department of the Military Budget Financing of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation (former - CFC MO of the USSR). During the service in the Soviet Army, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, 19 by Soviet and foreign medals.

After the Great Patriotic War, the task of preparing financial and economic personnel for the armed forces, especially the guideline. At the proposal of the head of the Finnishing Department of the Military Office, General Yakov Khanyenko, with the support of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance on September 20, 1947, Deputy Minister of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Vasilevsky and Minister of Higher Education Sergey Kaftanov signed a joint order for the organization of the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute.


"For the fleet and state, more than two billion rubles were preserved on the banks of Ukraine."

In July 1948, the head of the faculty was appointed an experienced Financier General Major Sergey Spiridonov. The participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, he became the first of the Pleiads of Frontovikov's leaders who have invested military experience in organizing the educational process.

The staff of the faculty entered the management, four courses of listeners, three departments and service units. In 1949, commissioned courses of improving officer composition, and in the 1950s - a special department for the preparation of military personnel of foreign armies and adjuncture. By 1960, a slender system of training of military financiers was formed.

In the period from 1955 to 1963, scientists departed a number of monographs, released six collections of scientific notes. These works reflected questions of the theory and practice of finance of the USSR Sun, the monetary support of the troops. B. Rivkin, N. Verba, B. Kein, N. Gritsynin, I. Lakhmetkin, V. Pyusenik, B. Savchenko, V. Shcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Schcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Tivanov, contributed to the development of science on finance Korolev and others.

In January 1963, at the Department of Finance, two research laboratories were formed - "automation" and "financial service problems". Their activities contributed to strengthening the regime of savings in the use of public funds in the army and on the fleet, improving the quality of the fink distance, the fight against loss material values and money.

A characteristic feature of the development of the faculty in 1963-1972 was the increase in the level of military-economic training of listeners. New disciplines have been introduced, developed courses on the study of the economy, organization and planning of industrial production and caption in the USSR MO, analysis economic activity enterprises and construction organizations.

In 1967, at the faculty began to prepare executive officers in the system field agencies State Bank of the USSR to ensure financing new types of armed forces, primarily RVSN.

The faculty professorship took an active part in preparing for the introduction of annual financial planning in troops from January 1, 1970, as well as the use of impersonal financing that allowed commander to send funds to the solution of priority tasks. This step, supported by the Ministry of Finance, was revolutionary for that time. It is noteworthy that in the public sector of the country to such financing only in the twentieth century.

The logical completion of the restructuring of the educational process with a bias on the economy was the creation of an independent department of military-economic disciplines in 1971, the first head of which was colonel A. Grishin.

The confrontation and rivalry between the NATO block and the Warsaw contract was accompanied by the development, production and adoption of increasingly complex complexes and systems. This resulted in strengthening the bonds of the Economy of the Armed Forces with the Defense and Industrial Complex, the growth of military expenses. To optimize them, it was decided to improve the qualifications of the management team of military missions (VP): the department of the economy and the organization of the production of defense industries was created, the head of the Colonel-Engineer V. Zhikharev is appointed. The country's leading specialists, scientists, practitioners, financiers, economists were selected. From October 1974, the Department began training officers of the VP, and in the future and ordered offices, NIO, industrial enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1976, specialists with higher military education were already preparing at the faculty. Graduates got the opportunity to study economic analysis Theaters of hostilities, the choice of rational options for ensuring the needs of troops. The main efforts were sent to the practical side of the training and the achievement of a logical connection between the educational processes of the Yaroslavl Higher Military and Financial School named after the General A. V. Khrulev and the Military Faculty, the creation of a slender system for the training of finservice professionals with higher military education.

Military special training has become provided by two groups of disciplines: financial and economic, the number of which has increased significantly. In 1979, the first edition of officers with higher military education was held, which were almost completely directed to the central bodies of the aircraft. And from the 1981st, higher military education began to receive graduates of the branch of absentee training.

The arrival of such specialists was accompanied by the expansion of the rights of managers of loans of all degrees in the use of budgetary funds. In the army and on the fleet began to be implemented standards of expenses, the remains were allowed to use next year. This led to a significant budget economy of the Ministry of Defense.

Financial Guardian

When creating the Armed Forces new Russia And the reduction in their numbers appeared proposals for the preparation of military financiers in civil universities, although such attempts rejected life itself in the 20s of the last century. They tended, as a rule, from some reformers, which, apparently, it was not clear that the armed forces are a specific state body designed to ensure the security of the country. And the Military Faculty has always been prepared for the organization of the financial security of the troops and the fleet forces not only in the conditions of their real dislocation, but also applications, and if necessary, and personal participation in hostilities, where the use of civilian specialists is in fact impossible.

In the era of "privatization", and simply - the population of state, including the Army Property, the Military Financial and Economic Faculty turned out to be a lounge piece for some representatives of the new Russian elite, which were alien to the training of specialists of such a profile, they were interested in personal mercenary goals. From attempting by property under the guise of various controversial reorganizations, the employees of the Military Faculty were repelled repeatedly.

When reforming the military education system in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1998, a military financial and economic university was established as part of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty and Yaroslavl Supreme Military Financial School on the Rights of the Branch. This decision was to create a multi-level learning and scientific complex, form a single systems approach to the preparation of personnel of financial and economic services. Such an association marked the beginning of one of the most productive periods of activity. In the short period there were serious changes in the educational process. New technologies have been introduced, the quality of scientific works has increased, the qualifications and potential of the teaching staff increased, which had a positive impact on the professional level of graduates.

One of the mains remained the Department of Finance and Management banking activities In the sun. Her representatives were attracted to conducting classes even in other universities. At the Academy of General Staff, lectures on the problems of the defense budget were read annually. Textbooks and monographs were prepared here, dozens of benefits, more than 70 dissertations were protected, various NIR and operational tasks were carried out.

Back in 1977, the Department of Financial and Economic Activities and Control (Organization of Financial Services and Control) was issued from the Department of the Russian Federation to strengthen the practical orientation of listeners (organization of financial service and control). On it they taught the disciplines of an applied nature - they prepared listeners to work by the heads of the financial service of the compounds and structural units District and Army link. Under the direction of financial Inspection The CFU of the Russian Federation here was prepared by the first textbook on financial control.

The department of economic management and accounting and analytical activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the economy of the Armed Forces) appeared in its kind, which, being relatively young, under the leadership of the First Chief of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G. Zhukov, brightly announced itself. The country's first military-economic analysis textbook was published here, which immediately began to enjoy high demand in both universities and research institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Disciplines appeared for the first time: Military-economic analysis, military financial informatics. From the 2000th, by decision of the Minister of Defense, EC engineers with higher military education are prepared here. Her graduates of 2002-2006 had a significant impact on the development of the industry and the current state of the state defense order management system. To date, the textbook "Prices and pricing" published by the Department in 1985 is the only one in the country.

In the development of scientific foundations military economy Many work was invested by university scientists: R. Pharmal, A. Fius, N. Abrosimov, S. Ermakov, V. Zhikharev, Zhukov, S. Viculov, etc.

The university during these years has become an intellectual center of key competencies on the planning and financing of the GOZ, the economy of R & D, the management of pricing products of defense appointment, accounting and analysis of costs, intellectual property management. All these most important directions were studied at the Department.

Today, the problems accumulated over the past ten years in the areas listed above may be a very serious threat to the implementation of the GOZ 2017-2019. But preparing profile specialists with no one and now.

An instructive example: to strengthen the IER in the field of economics and finance of the Armed Forces at the University under the leadership of Colonel A. Batkovsky, the Research Center for Military Economic Justles was worked. It has been completed about 50 research work, more than 170 operational tasks, eight monographs and methodological benefits on a wide range of financial and economic problems have been prepared. We began to regularly release the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Military Financial and Economic University", which published articles on the most topical issues of the economy and finance.

In 2002, a museum was built, equipped with advanced storage technologies and demonstration of historical information and archival materials. There were planned classes with listeners, excursions for families of military personnel, students of civil universities and schoolchildren, significant dates and days of military glory were noted. The Museum and Labor "Military Financial and Economic Service of Russia" were noted by the State Prize of the Russian Federation of the Marshal Soviet Union Zhukov.

The team of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty always walked up with the times. Performed the tasks of the financial service based on the geopolitical situation, was preparing and brought up officers devoted to the interests. Over the years of work for the Ministry of Defense, internal troops, the federal border service, other security agencies produced about 7,500 military specialists, retrained and advanced training of more than 10 thousand officers.

An objective evaluation of work has become its accreditation. According to the results conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2005, the external examination of the Military Financial and Economic University was among the best 10 percent of Russian universities (including civil) in all major indicators. Graduates successfully performed tasks of financial support for the Soviet troops temporarily stationed in Germany, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, in Cuba, in other regions. Many participated in hostilities and peacekeeping operations in Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Chechen Republic, Yugoslavia, Abkhazia, Transnistria. Often, in the service in hot spots, they had to join armed clashes, protecting finances, other values \u200b\u200bfrom capturing by militants. To perform along with the professional responsibilities of the task of maintaining and guarding the military columns, to take together with other servicemen personal participation In combat actions, showing courage and heroism. For the management of financial support for military operations in Dagestan and Chechnya, Lieutenant General V. Zastnoyuk, Colonels E. Polobyov and Y. Efimov were awarded the Order "For military merit". Colonel Efimov, besides, marked and the Order of Courage. For coarse labor awards were awarded awards participants in combat operations: A. Ullianchuk, I. Semenihin, V. Kirillov, B. Belotserkovsky, O. Belenko, A. Borisov and many others.

Often, performing tasks in hot spots, graduates had to organize social security of the civilian population, to participate in the stabilization of the financial and economic system of the regions. A vivid example: In 2014, after the state version in Ukraine, an economic terror organized in Crimea, the blockade of banking and treasury systems, deprivation of the population to the existence of the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet was able to quickly and in combat, without exaggeration to say a rescue financial and economic operation. As a result, for the fleet and state, more than two billion rubles, which were in the bank's accounts of Ukraine, are secretly collected from the garrisons of hundreds of millions of hryvnia and converted to rubles. Together with officers of the field departments of the bank with the mainland, a huge amount of cash for Pension Fund, "Russian Post", credit and financial and other organizations of the Crimea. If it is impossible to pay money allowance and wages in non-cash plastic cards With a significant increase in the number of fleets, in a timelyworthy in cash. Thanks to primarily the financial service officers managed to bring to a working state as soon as possible. salary project through a new servicing banking institution. All this largely contributed to the economic stabilization of the Crimea and the social protection of its population.

There are someone proud

"In hot spots I had to join armed clashes, protecting finances, other values \u200b\u200bfrom capturing by militants"

Among our graduates - 124 General, 27 doctors of science and professors, three deserved figures of the science of the Russian Federation, seven winners of the State Prize. Marshal Soviet Union Zhukova, 59 of the well-deserved economists of the Russian Federation, 13 officers awarded the sign "For excellent successes in the field of higher education of the USSR", three honorary workers of the country's higher professional education of the country.

Life showed that university graduates are very in demand and after dismissal from military service. They occupied and occupy decent positions in the administration and control administration of the president, the governments of Russia and Moscow, the Accounts Chamber, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, other authorities. Graduate of the University of 2005, Golden Medist Colonel Reserve D. Aristov Today as director Federal Service bailiffs. Graduate 2002 Colonel of the stock of S. Emelyanov - Director of the Department of Aviation Industry of the Ministry of Industry. Position of the first deputy head of the Department of Finance of Moscow, the head of the urban treasury occupies a colonel of E. Menshov stock. Colonels of the reserve V. Pavlov and O. Yakovlev are directed by the financial and economic bodies of the Department of Health and Education of Moscow. In the control administration, the president was previously held public service Officers S. Averichev and Y. Fedorov. Military financiers, A. Matyunin, A. Skobeliev, I. Oshchipkov and P. Romashkan are successfully working here. In the Department of Control of Defense Expenditures of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, which was headed by Auditor A. Piskunov, more than 85 percent of the inspection composition were graduates of the university. Many have become major leaders in banking system states. Thus, the head of the Far Eastern General Directorate of the Bank of Russia is S. Belov, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia on the Central Federal District - V. Knosh. The Department of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia is headed by O. Belenko. Managing branch Belgorod of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District - A. Belenko. Our graduates lead almost all the financial bodies of the armed forces of the post-Soviet states. Many remain faithful to the chosen path, continuing to work in the defense structures of the state, the OPK, heading the Research Institute, plants, financial departments, pricing management.

With great respect and pride, today we remember the heads of the Military Faculty - participants of the Great Patriotic War, Generals N. Foundaova, V. Krishkevich, I. Ryzhkov, V. Selikha, V. Bursa, V. Semenikova, M. Polishchuk, which made a significant contribution in development and improvement of activities educational institutionpreparation of decent personnel for financial service.

On the authority of the Military University and Military School, they testify to the visit of them by the President of the country, twice - the chairmen of the Russian government and the Minister of Defense. Of such attention and honor were not awarded more elite educational institutions.

Unfortunately, in 2009 and 2010, the Military Financial and Economic Academy in Yaroslavl and the Military Financial and Economic Institute, repeat, were disbanded. This step by many veterans of the army and fleet, especially graduates of the university, is regarded as an anti-state, aimed at undermining the economy and the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the country's defense capability. It seems that the current leadership of the two ministries - defense and finance will come to the conclusion that without such a unique educational institution, it is impossible to effectively solve the use of budget funds for the country's defense.

All those who are the roads of the Military Financial and Economic University (Military Financial and Economic Faculty at MFI), congratulations on the holiday, I wish you health, well-being and success in life. I am convinced that we have done work for the benefit of the armed forces, we have the right to be proud of.

Vasily Vorobyov,
colonel-General, Doctor economic Sciences, Ex-head of the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In the birth of the troops of the Sun of the Union and individual births of troops.

The rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR - Forces and means intended for the rear support and on the services of the rear of the technical support of the troops (forces) of the Sun Union of the SSR.

The beginning of the creation of the provincial bodies in the Russian army was putting a Decree of Peter I of February 18 (on March 1 in a new style) of 1700, the position of the provisional general in the military department, which was appointed by regional seeds of languages. This decree of General / Provita was commanded "... to conduct all the bread reserves to the country's ratios, as well as the collection of them and the country, in Moscow and in other cities ...". Thus, a new order was established, which in accordance with the title of his chief began to be referred to the provincial, the beginning of a centralized provision of food troops was established. On the same day, the royal decree was formed by a "special order" (subsequently called the name of the military (sometimes they are called the "Commissar"), which was entrusted with the supply of troops by outfitting, equipment and salary, as well as weapons and horses. In 1711 by decree Peter I The supply authorities were part of the current army. In its field administration, the Commissariat was created, which made all types of supply. In divisions, the supply organization was entrusted to the Ober Commissioners and Ober-Provitmisters, and in the shelves, respectively, at the Commissioners and Provitmisters. Moreover The shelves were acquired by their own military economy.

The structure of the management bodies and accumulated in the course of the XVIII century and accumulated during the Northern War have been enshrined in the Charter of the military of 1716. Responsibility for the provision of troops was assigned to the commander of the army (General-Field Marshal), and the direct leadership of its supply - to the CRIGS-commission team, whose duties, in particular, included the supply of troops with money, broad property, provinite, weapons and horses. Medical support was carried out: in the army - the doctor under the highest generals, in divisions - the doctor and headquarters, in the shelves - the doctor, in the company - the barber (Feldscher).

Subsequently, the system of the rear support of the Russian Imperial Army was improved taking into account the experience of wars. Received transportation transportation, a system of reserves was developed, a single intenntener service was created. In the first world war, front-line and army supply bases were formed, front-line camshafts were operating, which provided the reception of railway transport from the country's rear, as well as cabinet unloading stations.

To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as part of the Tar of the Armed Forces of the USSR, there were: rear units, parts and institutions that were part of military units, compounds and associations of all types of armed forces; bases and warehouses with material reserves; Railway, automotive, road, repair, engineering-aerodrome, aviation-technical, medical, veterinary and other rear parts and subsection units. The leadership of them was specially carried out through the relevant main and central administrations of the People's Commissariat of Defense. The general management of the main intennant, sanitary, veterinary departments and the department of material funds was entrusted to the Deputy Commissar of Defense. The existing structure of the rear did not comply with the requirements of the war. Army and front-line rear was absent, since its content in peacetime was not envisaged.

In the course of the Great Patriotic War, a well-organized and technically equipped rear of Sun, which successfully coped with a large amount of tasks on the rear association of troops (forces). Since the beginning of the war, the main management of the rear was created, the control of the rear in fronts and armies. T. about. A centralized rear was formed. May 1942 introduced the posts of rear chiefs in buildings and divisions. For the war rear Sun accepted from industry and secured storage and import of troops (forces) over 10 million tons. Ammunition, 16 million tons. Fuel, OK. 40 million tons. Food and forage. The personal composition is issued over 70 million uniform sets. Military rail transportation exceeded 19 million cars, 625 million tons transported by road, air - approx. 140 million tons of material resources. Road troops built and restored approx. 100 thousand km road roads, Railway troops and specialization of the People's Commissariat of the message - approx. 120 thousand km of railway tracks. For the needs of aviation, more than 6 thousand airfields are equipped. The military medical service and medical institutions of the People's Commissariat of Health returned to the system after the cure of St. 72% wounded and 91% of patients.


Management and rear headquarters;
  • Main Directorate of the Railway Forces of the USSR Ministry of Defense (Huzv Mo USSR);
  • Main Automotive Administration of the USSR Ministry of Defense (GlavTow MO of the USSR);
  • Main Military Medical Office of the USSR Ministry of Defense (GMU of the USSR MO);
  • Main Department of Trade of the USSR Ministry of Defense (GUT MO USSR);
  • Central Office of Military Communications of the USSR Ministry of Defense (CU VEB of the USSR MO);
  • Central Food Department of the USSR Ministry of Defense (CPU of the USSR MO);
  • Central Bed Department of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (SSC of the USSR MO);
  • Central Rocket fuel and fuel ministry of defense of the USSR (CURTG MO USSR) - military unit 25968;
  • Central Automobile Administration of the USSR Ministry of Defense (Tsad Mo USSR) - in / h 92407;
  • Central financial management Ministry of Defense of the USSR (CCFA of the USSR) - V / h 01990;
  • Engineering and aerodrome service of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR;
  • Service of fire and rescue and local defense of the USSR Ministry of Defense;
  • Inspection of security ambient Ministry of Defense of the USSR;
  • Management of agriculture.

Higher educational institutions

  • Academy
    1. Military Order of Lenin Academy of Tar and Transport (Leningrad)
  • Team
    1. Moscow Higher Community School of Road and Engineering Forces (Balashikha)
  • Tyla
    1. Wolish Higher Military Order of the Red Star School of Rear name of the Lenin Komsomol
    2. Gorky Higher Military School of Tar named after Marshal Soviet Union I. H. Baghamyan
  • Engineering
    1. Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky

Central Financial Management of the USSR

  1. Military Financial and Economic Faculty

Main Military Medical Office of the USSR

  1. Military Medical Order of Lenin, Red Banner Academy named after S. M. Kirov (Leningrad)
  2. Military Faculty with
  3. Military Faculty with
  4. Military Faculty with
  5. Military Veterinary Faculty

Main Automotive Office of the USSR

  • Team
    1. Samarkand Higher Military Automobile Community School named after the Supreme Council of the Uzbek SSR
    2. Ussuriya Higher Military Automobile Community School
  • Engineering
    1. Chelyabinsk Higher Military Automobile Engineering School named after the main marching of armored troops P. A. Rothmistrov

Main Department of Railway Forces MO of the USSR

  1. Leningrad Higher Order of Lenin, Red Banner School of Railway Forces and M. Frunze M. Frunze

Military departments at universities

Military departments at universities:

  • etc.


Military bodies

  • Management and rear headquarters;
    • The main and central controls.

Differences and differences

Various signs

The sewage signs of specialists and special services were worn only by the category of ensigns, sergeants and soldiers of the urgent service and superior service and cadets of military universities on overcoats, on the sidelines and the daily form of clothing. On the field, working (substituted) form of clothing, wearing the violation of the signs was not provided.

Chest signs

The breastplates in the rear of the USSR Suns were two types of differences and differences.

On September 20, the Military Financial and Economic University would be 70 years old. Unfortunately, it is no longer. He fell under merciless reforms, covered armed forces in the 2000s. But the experience of training military financiers was accumulated unique. He did not lose imports today, as, however, are relevant and full of bright pages of birth and life of this educational institution.

After the Great Patriotic War, the task of preparing financial and economic personnel for the armed forces, especially the guideline. At the proposal of the head of the Finnishing Department of the Military Office, General Yakov Khanyenko, with the support of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance on September 20, 1947, Deputy Minister of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Vasilevsky and Minister of Higher Education Sergey Kaftanov signed a joint order for the organization of the Military Faculty at the Moscow Financial Institute.


In July 1948, the head of the faculty was appointed an experienced Financier General Major Sergey Spiridonov. The participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, he became the first of the Pleiads of Frontovikov's leaders who have invested military experience in organizing the educational process.

The staff of the faculty entered the management, four courses of listeners, three departments and service units. In 1949, commissioned courses of improving officer composition, and in the 1950s - a special department for the preparation of military personnel of foreign armies and adjuncture. By 1960, a slender system of training of military financiers was formed.

In the period from 1955 to 1963, scientists departed a number of monographs, released six collections of scientific notes. These works reflected questions of the theory and practice of finance of the USSR Sun, the monetary support of the troops. B. Rivkin, N. Verba, B. Kein, N. Gritsynin, I. Lakhmetkin, V. Pyusenik, B. Savchenko, V. Shcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Schcherbak, Yu. Chernov, V. Tivanov, contributed to the development of science on finance Korolev and others.

In January 1963, at the Department of Finance, two research laboratories were formed - "automation" and "financial service problems". Their activities contributed to strengthening the regime of savings in the use of public funds in the army and on the fleet, improving the quality of the finnote, the struggle against the loss of material values \u200b\u200band cash.

A characteristic feature of the development of the faculty in 1963-1972 was the increase in the level of military-economic training of listeners. New disciplines introduced, developed courses for the study of the economy, organization and planning of industrial production and caption in the USSR MO, analysis of economic activities of enterprises and construction organizations.

In 1967, the faculty began to prepare the officers of the leadership in the system of field agencies of the State Bank of the USSR to ensure the financing of new types of armed forces, primarily RVSH.

The faculty professorship took an active part in preparing for the introduction of annual financial planning in troops from January 1, 1970, as well as the use of impersonal financing that allowed commander to send funds to the solution of priority tasks. This step, supported by the Ministry of Finance, was revolutionary for that time. It is noteworthy that in the public sector of the country to such financing only in the twentieth century.

The logical completion of the restructuring of the educational process with a bias on the economy was the creation of an independent department of military-economic disciplines in 1971, the first head of which was colonel A. Grishin.

The confrontation and rivalry between the NATO block and the Warsaw contract was accompanied by the development, production and adoption of increasingly complex complexes and systems. This resulted in strengthening the bonds of the Economy of the Armed Forces with the Defense and Industrial Complex, the growth of military expenses. To optimize them, it was decided to improve the qualifications of the management team of military missions (VP): the department of the economy and the organization of the production of defense industries was created, the head of the Colonel-Engineer V. Zhikharev is appointed. The country's leading specialists, scientists, practitioners, financiers, economists were selected. From October 1974, the Department began training officers, and in the future and ordered offices, NIOs, industrial enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1976, specialists with higher military education were already preparing at the faculty. Graduates were able to explore the economic analysis of host theaters, the choice of rational options for ensuring the needs of troops. The main efforts were sent to the practical side of the training and the achievement of a logical connection between the educational processes of the Yaroslavl Higher Military and Financial School named after the General A. V. Khrulev and the Military Faculty, the creation of a slender system for the training of finservice professionals with higher military education.

Military special training has become provided by two groups of disciplines: financial and economic, the number of which has increased significantly. In 1979, the first edition of officers with higher military education was held, which were almost completely directed to the central bodies of the aircraft. And from the 1981st, higher military education began to receive graduates of the branch of absentee training.
The arrival of such specialists was accompanied by the expansion of the rights of managers of loans of all degrees in the use of budgetary funds. In the army and on the fleet began to be implemented standards of expenses, the remains were allowed to use next year. This led to a significant budget economy of the Ministry of Defense.

Financial Guardian

When creating the armed forces of new Russia and reducing their number, proposals appeared on the preparation of military financiers in civil universities, although such attempts rejected the life itself in the 20s of the last century. They tended, as a rule, from some reformers, which, apparently, it was not clear that the armed forces are a specific state body designed to ensure the security of the country. And the Military Faculty has always been prepared for the organization of the financial security of the troops and the fleet forces not only in the conditions of their real dislocation, but also applications, and if necessary, and personal participation in hostilities, where the use of civilian specialists is in fact impossible.

In the era of "privatization", and simply - the population of state, including the Army Property, the Military Financial and Economic Faculty turned out to be a lounge piece for some representatives of the new Russian elite, which were alien to the training of specialists of such a profile, they were interested in personal mercenary goals. From attempting by property under the guise of various controversial reorganizations, the employees of the Military Faculty were repelled repeatedly.

When reforming the military education system in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1998, a military financial and economic university was established as part of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty and Yaroslavl Supreme Military Financial School on the Rights of the Branch. This decision was to create a multi-level educational and scientific complex, to form a single systematic approach to the training of personnel of the financial and economic service. Such an association marked the beginning of one of the most productive periods of activity. In the short period there were serious changes in the educational process. New technologies have been introduced, the quality of scientific works has increased, the qualifications and potential of the teaching staff increased, which had a positive impact on the professional level of graduates.

One of the mains remained the Department of Finance and Banking Management in Sun. Her representatives were attracted to conducting classes even in other universities. At the Academy of General Staff, lectures on the problems of the defense budget were read annually. Textbooks and monographs were prepared here, dozens of benefits, more than 70 dissertations were protected, various NIR and operational tasks were carried out.

Back in 1977, the Department of Financial and Economic Activities and Control (Organization of Financial Services and Control) was issued from the Department of the Russian Federation to strengthen the practical orientation of listeners (organization of financial service and control). The disciplines of an applied nature were taught on it - they were preparing listeners to work by the heads of the financial service of the compounds and structural divisions of the district and army link. Under the guidance of the Financial Inspectorate of the CFC of the Russian Federation, the first textbook on financial control was prepared here.

The department of economic management and accounting and analytical activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the economy of the Armed Forces) appeared in its kind, which, being relatively young, under the leadership of the First Chief of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G. Zhukov, brightly announced itself. The country's first military-economic analysis textbook was published here, which immediately began to enjoy high demand in both universities and research institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Disciplines appeared for the first time: Military-economic analysis, military financial informatics. From the 2000th, by decision of the Minister of Defense, EC engineers with higher military education are prepared here. Her graduates of 2002-2006 had a significant impact on the development of the industry and the current state of the state defense order management system. To date, the textbook "Prices and pricing" published by the Department in 1985 is the only one in the country.

In the development of the scientific foundations of the military economy, scientists of the University of University were invested: R. Pharmal, A. Firov, N. Abrosimov, S. Yermakov, V. Zhikharev, Zhukov, S. Viculov, etc.

The university during these years has become an intellectual center of key competencies on the planning and financing of the GOZ, the economy of R & D, the management of pricing products of defense appointment, accounting and analysis of costs, intellectual property management. All these most important directions were studied at the Department.

Today, the problems accumulated over the past ten years in the areas listed above may be a very serious threat to the implementation of the GOZ 2017-2019. But preparing profile specialists with no one and now.

An instructive example: to strengthen the IER in the field of economics and finance of the Armed Forces at the University under the leadership of Colonel A. Batkovsky, the Research Center for Military Economic Justles was worked. It has been completed about 50 research work, more than 170 operational tasks, eight monographs and methodological benefits on a wide range of financial and economic problems have been prepared. We began to regularly release the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Military Financial and Economic University", which published articles on the most topical issues of the economy and finance.

In 2002, a museum was built, equipped with advanced storage technologies and demonstration of historical information and archival materials. There were planned classes with listeners, excursions for families of military personnel, students of civil universities and schoolchildren, significant dates and days of military glory were noted. The Museum and Labor "Military Financial and Economic Service of Russia" were noted by the State Prize of the Russian Federation of the Marshal Soviet Union Zhukov.

The team of the Military Financial and Economic Faculty always walked up with the times. Performed the tasks of the financial service based on the geopolitical situation, was preparing and brought up officers devoted to the interests. Over the years of work for the Ministry of Defense, internal troops, the federal border service, other security agencies produced about 7,500 military specialists, retrained and advanced training of more than 10 thousand officers.

An objective evaluation of work has become its accreditation. According to the results conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2005, the external examination of the Military Financial and Economic University was among the best 10 percent of Russian universities (including civil) in all major indicators. Graduates successfully performed tasks of financial support for the Soviet troops temporarily stationed in Germany, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, in Cuba, in other regions. Many participated in hostilities and peacekeeping operations in Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Chechen Republic, Yugoslavia, Abkhazia, Transnistria. Often, in the service in hot spots, they had to join armed clashes, protecting finances, other values \u200b\u200bfrom capturing by militants. To perform along with the professional duties of the task of maintaining and guarding the military columns, to take personal participation in hostilities together with other soldiers, showing courage and heroism. For the management of financial support for military operations in Dagestan and Chechnya, Lieutenant General V. Zastnoyuk, Colonels E. Polobyov and Y. Efimov were awarded the Order "For military merit". Colonel Efimov, besides, marked and the Order of Courage. For coarse labor awards were awarded awards participants in combat operations: A. Ullianchuk, I. Semenihin, V. Kirillov, B. Belotserkovsky, O. Belenko, A. Borisov and many others.

Often, performing tasks in hot spots, graduates had to organize social security of the civilian population, to participate in the stabilization of the financial and economic system of the regions. A vivid example: In 2014, after the state version in Ukraine, an economic terror organized in Crimea, the blockade of banking and treasury systems, deprivation of the population to the existence of the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet was able to quickly and in combat, without exaggeration to say a rescue financial and economic operation. As a result, for the fleet and state, more than two billion rubles, which were in the bank's accounts of Ukraine, are secretly collected from the garrisons of hundreds of millions of hryvnia and converted to rubles. Together with officers of the field branch offices, a huge amount of cash for the Pension Fund, "Russian Post", credit and financial and other organizations of the Crimea was imported from the continent. If it is impossible to pay monetary and payroll in non-cash on plastic cards, with a significant increase in the number of fleets in a timelyworthy in cash. Thanks to primarily the financial service officers managed to bring a salary project in the shortest possible time through a new serving banking institution. All this largely contributed to the economic stabilization of the Crimea and the social protection of its population.

There are someone proud

Among our graduates - 124 General, 27 doctors of science and professors, three deserved figures of the science of the Russian Federation, seven winners of the State Prize. Marshal Soviet Union Zhukova, 59 of the well-deserved economists of the Russian Federation, 13 officers awarded the sign "For excellent successes in the field of higher education of the USSR", three honorary workers of the country's higher professional education of the country.

Life showed that university graduates are very in demand and after dismissal from military service. They occupied and occupy decent positions in the administration and control administration of the president, the governments of Russia and Moscow, the Accounts Chamber, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, other authorities. Graduate of the 2005 University, Gold Medist Colonel Reserve D. Aristov Today as director of the Federal Bailiff Service. Graduate 2002 Colonel of the stock of S. Emelyanov - Director of the Department of Aviation Industry of the Ministry of Industry. Position of the first deputy head of the Department of Finance of Moscow, the head of the urban treasury occupies a colonel of E. Menshov stock. Colonels of the reserve V. Pavlov and O. Yakovlev are directed by the financial and economic bodies of the Department of Health and Education of Moscow. The presidential control officer S. Averichev and Y. Fedorov was previously held in the president's control. Military financiers, A. Matyunin, A. Skobeliev, I. Oshchipkov and P. Romashkan are successfully working here. In the Department of Control of Defense Expenditures of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, which was headed by Auditor A. Piskunov, more than 85 percent of the inspection composition were graduates of the university. Many have become major leaders in the bank's banking system. Thus, the head of the Far Eastern General Directorate of the Bank of Russia is S. Belov, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia on the Central Federal District - V. Knosh. The Department of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia is headed by O. Belenko. Managing branch Belgorod of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District - A. Belenko. Our graduates lead almost all the financial bodies of the armed forces of the post-Soviet states. Many remain faithful to the chosen path, continuing to work in the defense structures of the state, the OPK, heading the Research Institute, plants, financial departments, pricing management.

With great respect and pride, today we remember the heads of the Military Faculty - participants of the Great Patriotic War, Generals N. Foundaova, V. Krishkevich, I. Ryzhkov, V. Selikha, V. Bursa, V. Semenikova, M. Polishchuk, which made a significant contribution In the development and improvement of the activities of the educational institution, preparation of decent personnel for the financial service.

On the authority of the Military University and Military School, they testify to the visit of them by the President of the country, twice - the chairmen of the Russian government and the Minister of Defense. Of such attention and honor were not awarded more elite educational institutions.

Unfortunately, in 2009 and 2010, the Military Financial and Economic Academy in Yaroslavl and the Military Financial and Economic Institute, repeat, were disbanded. This step by many veterans of the army and fleet, especially graduates of the university, is regarded as an anti-state, aimed at undermining the economy and the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the country's defense capability. It seems that the current leadership of the two ministries - defense and finance will come to the conclusion that without such a unique educational institution, it is impossible to effectively solve the use of budget funds for the country's defense.

All those who are the roads of the Military Financial and Economic University (Military Financial and Economic Faculty at MFI), congratulations on the holiday, I wish you health, well-being and success in life. I am convinced that we have done work for the benefit of the armed forces, we have the right to be proud of.

Today we proceed to the study of the topic number 1, which is called the "Fundamentals of the Organization of Financial and Economic Support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and during 2 hour lecture classes we will study:

The concept of financial and economic support for combat training and economic activities of state institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, its goals, tasks and elements;

The composition and function of the financial and economic bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Centralized financial and economic bodies, forms of their functioning and tasks imposed on them.

In total, studying the topic number 1 by the training plan: 2 hours of lecture classes and 2 hours independent work.

Question No. 1. The concept of financial and economic support for combat training and economic activities of the military unit (state institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), its goals, tasks and elements

Today we are starting to study the new block of educational discipline "Military training", which is called "Finance and budget accounting of state institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation". In fact, this block has absorbed two military-special disciplines: "Financial and economic support of the military unit" and "budget accounting and reporting of the military unit."

In total, the study of the second block of the scientist plan has 112 study hours.

This lecture begins the study of the discipline "Financial and economic support of the military unit". The study of this discipline is based on legislative Base Of the Russian Federation, taking into account the peculiarities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Deep and high-quality work out of all learning issues studied discipline will allow you in the future at a high professional level to fulfill your duties on official destination.

Financial aspect The material content of the army is one of the mandatory, the most important parties. public Policy For the defense of the fatherland. The famous Russian scientist, Professor I.Kh.Orzers, failed argued that "Finance is a powerful factor in economic and political life. In finances we find the key to understanding the story. "

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, one of the main functions of the state is national security.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the State Military Organization, which is the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the President of the Russian Federation, and the Directory Defense Minister of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Armed Forces direct leadership.

In the conditions of the action of commodity and monetary relations, equip the armed forces by the personnel, to provide them with weapons, military equipment, other material means, provide them with the necessary services possible in the presence of appropriate financial resources. In the Federal Law "On Defense" it was determined that funding for defense expenditures is carried out from funds federal budget By appropriate funds to the Ministry of Defense and other federal executive bodies, ensuring the implementation of defense activities.

In 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation accounted for 92% of the federal budget expenditures under the National Defense section, and in 2012 and 2013 under this section, 95%. In the structure of the section, the main place is occupied by the costs of providing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: their share in the total expenditure on the section will increase from 73% in 2011 to 78% in 2013.

In accordance with the main directions budget Policy For 2011 and the planning period of 2012 - 2013, the priority in the field of national defense is financial support State program Weapons for 2011-2020 (HPV), which implies a comprehensive re-equipment of troops modern species Weapons and military equipment since 2011.

The Ministry of Defense is developing proposals for the inclusion of the needs of the Armed Forces in the budget allocations in the draft promising financial plan of the Russian Federation and the federal budget for the next fiscal year, actively participates in the consideration of the draft budget in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in the Government of the Russian Federation, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

After consideration in the State Duma in the third reading of the project federal Law On the federal budget for the next fiscal year in the Ministry of Defense begins to plan the use of budget allocations, i.e. Their intrasystem distribution between the species and childbirth of the armed forces, military districts (fleets), etc. After the adoption of the federal budget law for the corresponding year to all managers and recipients of the federal budget, limits of budget liabilities are brought to the year.

During budget year The Ministry of Finance finances the Ministry of Defense (brings the amount of financing).

Upon receipt of financing from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense establishes financing (bringing the amount of financing) of the species and labor of the armed forces, military districts (fleets), associations, compounds and military units.

If there are limits of budgetary obligations and financing volumes, budget consumption begins.

In the entire structure of the Ministry of Defense, there is a need to take into account the funds (limits of budget obligations, financing volumes), to control their use, report to them, and in the grassroots, in addition, receive and store cash. The combination of all these works is united in the concept of financial support.

Financial and economic support in the Armed Forces - a system of activities organized and held for the purposes of timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of troops (forces) in cash.

Elements of financial and economic support:

1. Financial planning and financing.

2. Calculation, receipt and storage of cash.

3. Economical and strictly expedient cash spending.

4. Budget accounting of money.

5. Reporting on the consolidation of funds.

6. Control over the use of funds.

Financial and Economic Service in the Armed Forces - a system of bodies carrying out financial support for troops (forces), as well as financing of activities conducted through the Ministry of Defense.

The Financial and Economic Service of the Army and Fleet has a long and rich history. Regular material and monetary support of Russian troops was organized back in the XVI century. Various orders: the Embassy (1549), the discharge (1st half of the XVI century), Streletsky (1571) and others - were made by the accrual and distribution of monetary content for the careful service. The establishment by Decree of Peter I of February 18, 1700 No. 1766 of the Commissioner's General and subordination to him of a special order (which was engaged in the army's monetary supply) were the first step in creating a centralized military management system of material and monetary support Army and fleet. Since that time, the activities of special military authorities engaged in the material and financial support of the army and fleet began.

Yakov Fedorovich Dolgorukov was appointed to the position of General Commissioner, or then he was called the people of Zvisna, "the title for honesty and integrity. He dared to object to Peter I, if faced with an ill-conceived solution. The case is known when the king in front of his approximal even ruined his decree after receiving an explanation about the causes of non-acceptance to the execution of Dolgorukov in the order that was envisaged in the decree of the king.

A revision-board appeared a little later, which was bred by all expenses and income bills. It consisted of six departments, two of which were engaged in checking documents of the Military Collegium. It was them that they were "counting statements" with a report on how much and where money was spent. If officials have doubts about the legality of spending, they could require all books to revision and expendable documents. And if disorders were found - the measures applied to the squabble were the most strict, such as reference to Siberia or the death penalty.

Large changes in the financing of troops were made during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. published on the eve of the war "Regulations on the field management of troops in wartime". This provision was determined financial rights officials The field army and the procedure for the financial support of the troops, as well as the first material on the field treasury and field control.

An important factor was the situation that all the economy of the regiment, including financial, essentially in full dependence on the identity of the regiment commander, which gave him the opportunity to solve the issues of spending the shelf sums at their own discretion.

The beginning of the education of the Soviet financial system was made on October 26, 1917 by the decision of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Council on the establishment of the People's Commissariat of Finance of the Republic. The First People's Commissar of Finance was appointed I.I. Stadean Skvortsov, his deputy - V.R. Menzhinsky. Really, the People's Commissariat of Finance in the new government was headed by V.R. Menzhinsky, who was soon appointed by the Commissar.

In early December 1917, the Collegium of People's Commissars on Military Affairs decided to form the financial department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, which on December 9, 1917 was headed by M.V. Lezgintsev. In January 1918, the Finance Department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs took control of the financing of the fronts of the Military Fund loans, and from February 1918 - Operations on current accounts of all satisfied the departments of the Military Ministry.

In March 1918, all the functions of the Department of Finance of the All-Russian College in the Organization and Management of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army were transferred to the financial department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

Thus, by the middle of 1918, the trend in the centralization of financing was designated, which went on the concentration of resources intended for the fronts, in one hand, while maintaining estimates in the central content management. These measures were very important in conditions of lack of money, attempts to disrupt the financing of the army from hostile workers in various organs of the security system. Financing the same military districts, central administrations conducted themselves.

The next important period for the financial service was the Great Patriotic War.

In just over the war years, more than 50% of the state budget was spent through the financial service of the NGO. And the fact that the state's financial system has surrendered, and the final results of these huge public spending In today's language, they were extremely effective, is a huge merit of military financiers.

Over the past period, the financial and economic service has continuously developed, and its role has constantly increased. The basic principles of the organization of financial support, developed by historical experience, are also in classification of expenses, planning and rationing, organization of control and accounting, monetary system and pension provision servicemen and other matters.

Changes in the state and political strict, priorities of state and military construction, achievements in economic Development, Military successes and failures of Russia and other historical events have made a direct impact on the organization and development of the financial support of the army and fleet. The Military Financial and Economic Service has withstood the test of time and has had a great influence on the development of the military organization.

Financial and Economic Service Depending on the subordination and the functions performed are divided into:

fund managers (Department of Financial Response of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Financial Supply Management for Subjects of the Russian Federation, Military Commissariants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

financial and economic bodies of state institutions (military medical institutions, military-educational institutions), i.e. budget recipients.

Question # 2. The composition and function of the financial and economic bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The centralization of the financial support of the military organization in Russia was legally determined during the civil war. A decree of the Central Executive Committee of September 2, 1918 was created a new military authority - the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR). Order of the RVSR of October 22, 1918 №135 The Financial Department under RVSR was established with a total number of 161 people who headed M.V. Lezgintsev.

The names have repeatedly changed, and the structure of this financial body was specified in connection with the change in the tasks due to the reorganization of the military department and the conditions of activity:

april 1921 - Military Financial Management of the Red Army;

july 1921 - the main military financial department of the Red Army;

august 1923 - Financial Department for the Revivsovets of the Republic;

november 1923 - Financial Department of the USSR Revoensuit;

march 1924 - Military Financial Management of the Red Army;

december 1927 - Financial and Planned Office of the Red Army;

july 1928 - Central Military Financial Management of the USSR Revolutionary Council;

march 1931 - Financial and Planned Office of the Red Army;

june 1931 - Financial Management of the Red Army;

june 1934 - Financial Department of the People's Commissariat of the USSR Defense;

september 1940 - Financial Management at the People's Commissariat of the USSR Defense;

june 1943 - Financial Department of the Red Army;

july 1946 - Financial Department of the Ministry of Armed Forces of the USSR;

february 1950 - Financial Department of the Military Ministry of the USSR;

march 1953 - Financial Department of the USSR Ministry of Defense;

may 1955 - Central Financial Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense (CFC RF);

october 1991 - Central Financial Management of the United Armed Forces Commonwealth of Independent States;

march 1992 - Main Department of Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Guvbiff of the Russian Federation);

october 2001 - Chief Financial and Economic Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Heads of the FES of the Russian Federation).

january 2004, the Economic and Finance Service of the Russian Federation is formed (Order of the RF Dated January 05/05 No. 10).

The main purpose of the service of the economy and finance of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the implementation in the Armed Forces economic Policy states and unified state and financial Policy, organization of financial support for construction, preparation and application of the Armed Forces, the management of financial and economic activities, the organization of solving the tasks of material and social security military personnel, veterans of the armed forces, members of their families and civilian personnel.

Main and main task The economy and finance services at the present stage, as well as in the entire history of financial bodies, as part of the Russian army, was the timely provision of the needs of troops and forces in relevant budget allocations, taking into account the need for their economical and efficient use.

In accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the service in the prescribed manner performs the functions of the main manager of the federal budget.

The task of financial support for troops and forces is solved through the lower financial and economic bodies.

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