
Department of field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Organizational structure of the Bank of Russia. Bank of Russia reporting and audit

For more than 70 years, the deposits of the Red Army have been kept unclaimed at the Central Bank. During this time, the state did not remember its obligations, and explained to the veterans who applied: deposits cannot bring income, they have depreciated - to the kopecks. Literally. All data is classified. Is it just because you are ashamed?

Allow me to betray a long-standing military secret, which has ceased to be a secret not only for many citizens of Russia, but even for our Supreme Commander-in-Chief. If we assume that the military financiers have been hiding this fact from him, Vladimir Putin, for a long, long time, then, finally, a non-military woman told him everything as it is. After a series of inquiries, State Duma deputy from the Komi Republic Tamara Kuzminykh informed Vladimir Vladimirovich in writing that the archive of the Central Bank of Russia contains 2 million 600 thousand unclaimed deposits. On them - the money of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, who died and are still alive. This money (the salary of military personnel) has been regularly transferred to accounts since 1942. Soldier's rubles have been kept secret for 70 years, and those who succeed in legally get them (at least without interest), it will be just right to present the medal "For taking a contribution."

Deputy Kuzminykh wrote to the president, and at the same time a letter from the head of the Museum-Memorial of the Great Patriotic War in the Kazan Kremlin, Mikhail Cherepanov, came to Novaya Gazeta. Mikhail Valerievich, a well-known search engine, painstakingly engaged in military history, for the second year already, has been mobilizing the inhabitants of Tatarstan to receive those soldiers' contributions. He actively disseminates information about the soldiers' money, helps the heirs to issue requests to the field office "Krasnoarmeyskoye". Imagine, this is still the name of this division of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which skillfully keeps the defense. It does not deny that personal accounts are stored in the archive, but it does not tell anyone anything about the size of deposits. It is not enough to provide a certificate of marriage with the deceased or a certificate that he is your father. "Krasnoarmeyskoye" wants to deal only with notary offices "at the place where the inheritance was opened" - the place from where the person was drafted into the army.

“It is very difficult to prove that you are the heir,” explains Mikhail Cherepanov. - It is necessary to seek recognition of the rights of the heir in the courts. At the same time, judges often either shrug their shoulders or declare that in order to obtain information about the contribution of a serviceman by his heirs, a government decree or a decree of the President of Russia is necessary.

The situation with the heirs of the missing soldiers is completely hopeless. As long as the owner of the deposit is listed as missing, only he himself can receive the money. That is, what is the bank afraid of? He will give out the contribution of the soldier to the heir, and then a 100-year-old investor will appear and say that he has finally got out of the forest and swampy area and he just needs money to put himself in order and dress up. And we have millions of missing - it turns out, just wait for surprises.

To the question: "Has at least one person received an inheritance from a soldier's contribution today?" - Cherepanov replies that sometimes only rumors reach that someone succeeded, but there are no confirmed messages.

I believe that the Central Bank itself should have looked for the relatives of the victims, just as it did in Soviet times Inyurcollegium, which helped the citizens of the USSR to receive an inheritance from foreign relatives, - believes Mikhail Valerievich. - In the case of the soldiers' loose-leaf books, the opposite is true. Despite the fact that there was an order from the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, General Khrulev, dated July 14, 1942, which stated that along with the notice of the death of a soldier, a payroll should also be sent to the regional military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence of the soldier's family, the relatives of the victims themselves are looking for information about salaries Red Army men.

By the way, what were those salaries? Since 1942, the State Bank of the USSR accrued to each private soldier 10 rubles a month, to the lieutenant - 200 rubles. Those who are older in rank - even more. There is information that bonuses were also awarded: for downed aircraft or destroyed enemy tanks. All this went on a savings note, which, as it says, should be "carefully kept." Nobody knows where these tickets were kept. Have you seen at least one participant in the war who would return home with a savings card in his tunic pocket?

I was able to take a look at the "Savings Card for special contribution", Having found the owner of such a rare document. The ticket is carefully kept by the 79-year-old Kazan citizen Khazip Sadykov, the son of Yusup Sadykov, an ordinary soldier of the 3rd Guards Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front, who died in November 1943. Khazip Yusupovich explains how the outlandish ticket ended up in the village of Izmeri, where the soldier's family lived. It turns out that the document was sent during the war by a fellow countryman of his father. At the same time, the fellow countryman was interested in the letter whether his father was alive. That is, it seems that Yusup Sadykov handed over the ticket to his fellow countryman and asked him to send it to his family if something happened.

"If something happens" in the war happened every day, and the fighters, apparently, did not meet any more, and the fellow countryman decided that it was time to send the ticket. Indeed, it was time. The Third Guards at that time pursued the retreating 6th Army of General Sherner through the Zaporozhye slush and went out to the Dnieper. The battles were bloody, and it was tricky to survive, repelling enemy tank attacks. Private Sadykov died near the Shevchenko farm. He was buried in the village of Chapaevskoye in a mass grave together with 622 soldiers.

It would seem an indisputable situation. The soldier is not missing, there is a notice, and the place of burial is known. There are heirs, and the document is in their hands. It clearly states that the balance of the deposit is 92 rubles 69 kopecks. It is also indicated here that the deposit accrues 3 percent per annum. You will not immediately understand how much money there is in terms of the current one, but why not sign the receipt? Maybe enough for some souvenir in memory of my father ...

But it was not there. Khazip Yusupovich, accidentally hearing about the soldiers' contributions, remembered his father's ticket, found it in the papers of his deceased mother, made a copy, attached Required documents and sent it all to Moscow. The address he, like many other citizens of Kazan, was given in the museum at Cherepanov. Several months have passed, and there is not even a triangle without a stamp from the Krasnoarmeyskoye field institution, let alone a branded envelope.

Of course, the soldiers' money was more needed when the widow of the deceased was left with seven children, and the schoolboy Khazip and his brothers and sisters fell out into a hungry military childhood. Actually, that was the idea of ​​military contributions to slightly alleviate the fate of orphans and widows. Now Khazip Yusupovich is looking not so much for money as for justice, which is three monetary reforms like they shouldn't have depreciated.

FROM the heirs are not important matters, but some investors are still alive, who do not need to prove anything. The man fought, the grateful state added some money to his account. Then, however, they forgot to invite him to the checkout window, but you never know what they forgot from the promised to our citizens. Since 70 years later it turned out that the veteran is owed something, please, skip the line at the window. The vision is no longer the same, and the hands are trembling, but to put a squiggle where the "sum in words" is somehow ... Do not throw a grenade.

Senior sergeant of the 123rd separate communications regiment of the Second Shock Army Antonina Zaikina will turn 90 in July. Antonina Semyonovna, a Voroshilov shooter, went to war in 1941, right from school. She studied until October at the courses of communications and in a calf carriage - to the front. The first battle was near Leningrad, then - the encirclement, from which they left for three months. She served as a signalman for the notorious General Vlasov until he surrendered. Everything happened: they wounded her (she was lying unconscious, someone saw a German soldier turn her over and found her dead), and she carried her friend out of the battle. Turned gray by the age of 19. “Okay,” he says, “there was no mirror. I rarely saw myself. " The war ended in May 1945 in the university town of Greifswald near the Baltic Sea.

During demobilization, senior sergeant Zaikina did not receive any money from the account. Medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Leningrad" and the Order of the Red Star are a worthy assessment, but who thought about money then? And about a year ago, Antonina Semyonovna heard about the soldiers' money and remembered that a deposit was also opened in her name. I wrote a statement to the Krasnoarmeyskoye institution and asked for information about the state of the deposit. She was notified that the letter had been received. Then there were several responses like “a corresponding request was sent to the archive”. Antonina Semyonovna turned to the State Duma for help. From there they replied: "Your appeal has been sent to the chairman of the Central Bank of Russia for detailed study and consideration."

The work in the bank dragged on and did not accelerate much even after the applicant's appeal to President Putin. Nevertheless, Antonina Semyonovna managed to obtain secret information that would have done honor to the regimental intelligence officer, and not just to the signalman. In a letter addressed to her, acting Head of the Department of Field Institutions of the Central Bank of Russia O.N. Belenko reports that when paying these deposits, the denominations of the Russian ruble made in the 20th century are taken into account. Further, when reading the official response, an elderly person needs to pause and shift validol or corvalol to a prominent place. “Thus,” the military official informs, “the average size of the contribution of a participant in the Great Patriotic War on a modern scale of prices is 3 (three) kopecks”.

Is it really 3 kopecks? Probably more. Well, of course more. In the aforementioned letter to the President of Russia (he is quoted by the media of the Komi Republic), Deputy Tamara Kuzminykh gives, in particular, the following example: “The Meshchansky Court of Moscow considered statement of claim Svetlana Sekretareva, the only heiress of the Red Army Lieutenant Pyotr Ivanovich Deikun, who died heroically on March 11, 1944. When the division was retreating, he was ordered, covering the retreat, to stand to the end with his soldiers. Peter Ivanovich carried out the order at the cost of his own life and was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. Recently, having learned from the Internet about the front-line inheritance, Svetlana Petrovna began to look for her father's supplementary book. Her mother, also a front-line soldier, dying, managed to say that during demobilization she received her front-line, but the front-line husband did not give her away. P.I. Deikuna was never found. In court, it turned out that after recalculation, 2,900 rubles turned into 29 kopecks, compensation - 12 kopecks, accrued interest - 54 kopecks. Total: father's inheritance is 95 kopecks. "

It turns out that the deposits did not grow over with interest, but depreciated several thousand times. The state is embarrassed to issue them in this amount, but does not intend to offer anything else. But the head of the Museum of the Patriotic War, Mikhail Cherepanov, sent a proposal to the Putin administration. He believes that if the state does not have money, then the soldiers' deposits, having fairly indexed, can at least partially be turned into shares. Or give this amount a relief in paying for housing to widows and other heirs of investors. Yes, you never know what can be done, but nothing is done, and military-field deception continues.

Senior Sergeant Antonina Zaikina told Novaya Gazeta that she wants to live until the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad.

“Many of our people died there,” she says through tears.

Perhaps we should wish Antonina Semyonovna to live up to receiving her soldier's bank deposit... This will be longevity, so longevity!

Personally in hands!

Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation E.S. Nabiullina

Dear Elvira Sakhipzadovna!

Today you are officially taking the post of Chairman of the Bank of Russia - one of the key ones in our country. There are a number of tasks before you, effective solution which will ultimately be important for the life of every citizen, but their understanding and assessment is still the lot of specialists and the leadership of the Russian Federation.

However, there is one plot of an acutely social nature that has been developing since 1942, and the Central Bank to today plays a very strange role in it. We are talking about the deposits of soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War, which are kept in the accounts of the Krasnoarmeyskoye field institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The total number of such deposits opened for the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War is 2.6 million. The overwhelming majority of people in whose name they were opened have not survived to this day, but there are also living investors - the owners of funds.

It is not possible to estimate their exact number, if only because the Krasnoarmeyskoye field office stores information about them as a military secret, and those who want to get it have to go through many instances, including judicial ones. The current practice is striking in its cynicism: those who manage to defend their right to deposits receive a penny in court. This is not a metaphor. Tens and hundreds of rubles (at the face value of the forties of the last century) turned into units and tens of modern kopecks - as a result of the denominations of the Russian ruble carried out in the XX century. This is the official position of the field office "Krasnoarmeyskoye" of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, supported by the courts.

Elvira Sakhipzadovna! We are confident that this acute problem may have a solution that is not so financially burdensome for the Bank of Russia, but its social effect will be difficult to measure. We do not offer specific mechanisms, but the experience of working with Sberbank deposits or the valorization of pensions accumulated over the past 20 years convincingly shows that the state is able to find an adequate solution for converting Soviet money into modern ones. Moreover, the price of the issue, given such a small number of veterans of the Great Patriotic War who were able to survive to this day, will not be burdensome for the state - it seems that it will be even less than the amount of money that may be required for the annual renaming of Volgograd into Stalingrad.

We are confident that the political will shown by you in resolving this issue will be an excellent start for your work as Chairman of the Bank of Russia.

"New Newspaper"

are military institutions and are guided in their activities by the military charter, they are intended for banking services military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other government agencies and legal entities ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, and individuals living on the territory of facilities serviced by field offices, in cases where the creation and functioning of regional offices of the Bank of Russia is impossible.
At present, there are field establishments in all military districts, in fleets and in groups of troops, in neighboring countries (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan), Transnistria, areas with heavy climatic conditions(Anadyr, Tiksi, Novaya Zemlya), in remote base points of long-range aviation, at ranges, Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes. In addition, they operate as part of certain types of the Armed Forces of Russia, military associations and formations. The field facility stationed at the Baikonur cosmodrome, in addition to military units and organizations and institutions supporting the life of the cosmodrome, serves the administration of Leninsk and its structural subdivisions.
In order to improve the monetary system of the Russian Federation, the National Banking Council was created at the Bank of Russia, numbering 15 people, consisting of representatives of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, credit institutions as well as experts. The Chairman of the National Banking Council is the Chairman of the Bank of Russia. The Council is considering the concept of improving the banking system of the Russian Federation, projects of the main directions of the unified state credit and monetary policy, the most important issues of regulating the activities of credit institutions, carries out an examination of draft legislative and other normative acts in the field of banking, participates in the development of principles for organizing the settlement system in the Russian Federation.
The Bank of Russia enjoys economic and political independence from the executive bodies of state power. Its economic independence is manifested in its organizational and financial aspects... The organizational independence of the Bank of Russia is determined by the fact that the Bank of Russia is an independent legal entity and exercises the authority to own, use and dispose of its property. The seizure and encumbrance of the property of the Bank of Russia without its consent is not allowed.

More on the topic Field institutions of the Bank of Russia:

  1. Measures of the Bank of Russia to ensure the security and protection of information in the payment system of the Bank of Russia
  2. § 2. Legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

Some time ago, there was a tendency to transfer accounts of federal treasury bodies for providing troops with settlements from field offices of the Bank of Russia to settlement cash centers and other credit institutions. In my opinion, such an approach to the material support of the troops does not have enough weighty justifications.
Field offices of the Bank of Russia have been created and deployed in accordance with the tasks of defense and the socio-economic conditions of the respective territories in accordance with the Federal Law "On Defense". They are intended for banking services to military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense, as well as other state bodies and legal entities that ensure security. Russian Federation... By decrees of the President of Russia, it has been established that banking services for all these bodies and forces are carried out by field institutions of the Bank of the Russian Federation.
The Budget Code and Federal law"ABOUT The central bank Of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) "it is established that the Bank of Russia serves budget accounts and that funds federal budget and state extrabudgetary funds are stored in the Bank of Russia.
It should not be forgotten that one of the main tasks of the field institutions of the Bank of Russia, as well as of the Armed Forces, is the readiness to carry out their functions in conditions of warfare. Today money turnover Russia operates in difficult conditions characterized by a certain continuation of processes in the economy and banking system, deformation payment system countries. Non-payments remain, barter is used in settlements. Foreign currency, mainly the US dollar, is used for savings by Russian citizens, and also serves a very significant part of criminal and shadow activities, monetary surrogates are used.
With the onset of crises, the reliability of the entire monetary system, and it is during these periods that the role and volume of transactions carried out with the help of cash increase. In times of wars, socio-political upheavals, the value cash in the execution of everyday calculations and ensuring the functioning of the monetary system comes to the fore. This trend can be seen in the examples of many countries of the world.
It is at least short-sighted to ignore all this.
It follows from this that the federal budget funds in the section concerning the maintenance of military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense and other state bodies and forces ensuring the security of the state should be in the accounts of the federal treasury, namely in the field offices of the Bank of Russia. That is why the emerging trend of transferring accounts of federal treasury bodies to provide troops with non-cash payments (in some cases, in cash in cash) from the field offices of the Bank of Russia to the RCC and other credit institutions, in my opinion, is pernicious. Its consequences will negatively affect the quality of banking services for the troops. During the period of mobilization deployment and in wartime, they will be cut off from the financial flows intended to support their operations.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state