
Interrelation of economic categories Finance and money. Finance and money: general and special than different money from finance historical aspect

  • 6. Saving population: target characteristics and forms of education. Problems of the organization of savings in Russia
  • 7. Personal finances: Economic content and their role in the financial system of the country.
  • 9. Corporate finances and their importance in the country's economy. Main financial flow companies
  • 11. Classification of production costs and sales
  • 12. Algorithm for the formation and use of financial results of the company.
  • 13. Profitability: concept, main indicators, their relationship and use in the process of managing the company
  • 14. Public Finance: Concept, Essence, Composition, Role in Economics
  • 15. Federal budget: concept, structure, role in the economy
  • 16. Classification of budget revenues. Features of the structure of the income of the federal budget of the Russian Federation
  • 17. Tax system and its structure. Trends in the development of the tax system of Russia.
  • 18. Direct taxes: advantages and disadvantages.
  • 19. Indirect taxes: advantages and disadvantages.
  • 20. The structure of the expenses of the federal budget of the Russian Federation and the impact on it of individual factors.
  • 21. Regional Finance: concept, composition, function and importance in the economy. Revenues and expenses of regional budgets.
  • 24. Functional directions of the budget policy of the state and the problems of its implementation in Russia.
  • 1. Budget policy should become a more efficient tool for implementing the state. Socio-economic policy.
  • 5. Ensuring macroeconomic stability and budget sustainability.
  • 8. Requires the implementation of a new phase of the development of intergovernmental relations.
  • 10. It is necessary to ensure the transparency and openness of the budget and the budget process for society.
  • 25. Budget federalism: the essence and principles of implementation. Intergovernmental relations in the Russian Federation and implementation problems.
  • 26. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: Creation, Functions, Formation and Use of Fund. Problems of reforming the pension system in the Russian Federation.
  • 27. Gas principles and concept of financial management
  • 28. Basic refinancing methods receivable
  • 29, budgeting system in Russian companies. Types of budgets compiled in the company.
  • 30. Managing liquidity and solvency of companies.
  • 31. Essence, goals and financial planning methods.
  • 32. Features of the organization of finances in small business structures.
  • 33. Forms and methods of state price regulation.
  • 34. Pricing structure and characteristics of individual components.
  • 35. Pricing methods: concept, classification, advantages and disadvantages of individual methods.
  • 36. Pricing strategies in a market economy.
  • 38. Commercial and consumer loan types: common features and features. Development of consumer lending in the Russian Federation.
  • Characteristics of IR and LCs (I) / LC (II)
  • 40. State Credit: Essence and classification of varieties. The impact of the state loan on the development of the country's economy.
  • The impact of the state loan on the country's economy (see regulating function).
  • 41. International Credit: Essence and classification of varieties. The impact of an international loan on the development of the country's economy.
  • 43. The credit market, its segments and the formation of demand for them. Assessment of the state of the modern cr in Russia. Definitions
  • 44. The Banking System of Russia, its modern structure. Features of non-bank credit institutions included in the banking system of the Russian Federation.
  • 45. Organization of the process of regulating the banking system of Russia and the prospects for its development.
  • 47. Types of monetary policy. Features of the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia at the present stage.
  • 48. Bank of Russia as a state supervisory authority for the activities of commercial banks.
  • 49. Active operations of banks: the concept, types and their importance in the Bank's activities.
  • 50. Insurance market of Russia: the formation and trend of development.
  • 51. Insurance: concept, participants and industries.
  • 53. Property insurance.
  • 54. Features of health insurance.
  • 55. Insurance of civil liability of motor vehicles.
  • 56. Structure and place of the securities market in the financial market. Securities Market Statistics
  • III. Fund mediators
  • IV. Regulatory and control bodies.
  • 3. Burzhi.
  • 4. Community
  • V. Organizations serving the market.
  • Vi. Information, rating, consulting agencies
  • 59.phunds Stock Exchange: Tasks, Functions and Development Trends. Fund stock exchanges in Russia.
  • 60 Foreign exchange market: functions, participants and classification of species of the foreign exchange market.
  • 1. Relationships and differences between money, loan and finance

    Finance - Special economic relations arising in the process of formation and distribution of funds funds. The circle of participants is wide: from the state to a citizen of the country. Finance cannot exist without subjects of financial relations, leading settlements among themselves in monetary form, because under finances are understood not as much money as cash payments in the economy. Not all cash relations express financial relations. Finance differ from money both in their content and on the functions performed: Money special goods, universal equivalent or universal equivalent form of value of all other goods. Those. money - This is the economic content and material form of finance. No money - no finance. Finance, as special economic relations, are directly related to the distribution and redistribution of GDP and ND to form monetary funds and financial resources generated and regulated by the state. The main purpose of finance - through the formation of cash funds to ensure the needs of the state and economic entities in cash and, at the same time, to organize control over their targeted use. So, finance are secondary, i.e. derivative, cost category. Financial relations are always mediated by certain legal acts regulating monetary relations.

    One way to implement financial policies is a loan. Credit (from Lat. Credere is to trust) - economic relations between the lender and the borrower about the transfer of the temporarily free monetary amount (value) on the principles of repayment, urgency, payability. Credit - This is the movement of loan capital. Loan capital is a cash capital provided in a loan by the owner on the terms of refundable for a fee in the form of interest. From money a loan is characterized in the following features: 1) The composition of the carrier subjects: in cash - the seller and the buyer, in credit - the lender and the borrower who may not coincide; 2) the nature of the cost movement: in purely monetary relations - counter (equivalent movement of two different forms of value - commodity and monetary), in credit - non-equivalent movement of value in cash or in commodity form; 3) Public appointment in the reproduction process: Money is intended to ensure the implementation of the consumer value and bring it to the end user, as well as a means of accumulating a realized value, the loan is intended to satisfy temporary needs in additional funds of some economic entities and contribute to the favorable placement of free funds - for others; 4) Credit for the use of a more "narrow" category than money. Money serves the implementation of all GDP (except Barder), the distribution and redistribution of its cost, and the loan serves the movement of only part of GDP during the playback process. Therefore, the participants in monetary relations are all legal entities and individuals of society, and credit relations are only a certain part of them; 5) Money movement from one eq. The subject to another (in the non-credit) is always accompanied by the change of ownership: the ownership of money is transferred from the payer to the recipient, with the credit movement of the cost of its owner there is always a lender. Even selling goods on credit, the seller reserves the ownership of them, which is confirmed by the return of the cost when repaying the debt by the Buyer; 6) upon maturity of the loan, only money can provide an equivalent payment for the goods, although it acts in the form of debt repayment; 7) Loan capital is one of the forms of an exploring value, while the money does not give money.

    Thanks to the wide development of the loan, the money acquires another Odinin status - capital, and their public appointment is divided into money and property. So Credit and money is two independent economic categories, each of which has its own specific appointment, the scope of use and nature of the cost of value.

    Finance and credit have a common economic nature - they are based on inventive cash relations. There is significant differences between loan and finance: 1) Finance is formed in the process of distribution and redistribution of value, credit - only in the process of redistribution;

    2) a loan is always provided on the terms of payability, repayment, urgency and material security, the cost of value in financial relations is associated with a change in ownership and is not reverse and paid (the exception is budget loans), is determined mainly by non-market, administrative and volitional factors; 3) the scope of use of financial resources is wider than credit; 4) The loan is directly related to the cash turnover, and finances do not affect the money back.

    Finance and loan function mainly in parallel, on separate economic segments, complementing, and not replacing each other. And even when finances and credit are used on the same economic segment, they are not deleasing, but retain their species specificity. For example, when performing the state budget, both purely financial relations (taxes and budget financing) and credit (state loans) can be used. However, if the financial relations at the end of the budget year are mainly completed, the credit relations will continue until the state exists the entire amount of public debt associated with the formation of this budget.


    2.4 Comparative analysis of the monetary system of the Russian Federation and foreign countries

    In Russia, as in all developed countries, cash and money turnover is significantly less non-cash.

    The organization of cash circulation is carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, this is one of its basic functions. It includes:

    Forecasting and organizing production, transportation and storage of banknotes and coins, the creation of their reserve funds;

    Establishing the rules for storage, transportation and collection of cash for credit institutions;

    Establishing signs of solvency of monetary signs and the procedure for replacing damaged banknotes and coins, as well as their destruction;

    Determining the procedure for conducting cash transactions for credit institutions.

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out interbank settlements through their institutions. Its system includes the central apparatus, territorial institutions, settlement and cash centers, computing centers.

    Cash service is one of the most important functions of banks. The bank is the initial and final point of the movement of money providing commodities. Cash will fall into the sphere of circulation from the bank in the form of salary payroll or other cash settlements and return to the bank in the form of revenue. The level of monetary circulation is subject to regulation and tough regulation by the state, the main aspects of which are enshrined by law.

    Enrollment of cash revenues to the bank accounts and the issuance of cash for various purposes are defined as cash transactions, which on the balance sheet and in purpose are divided into profitable and consumables. Each enterprise determines the limit value of cash at the checkout - the limit of the cash balance and the rate of cash spending from revenue. Simultaneously with standards, the Bank approves the procedure and deadline for revenue to the bank of this enterprise.

    The payment system is a set of tools and methods that are used in the economy for the transfer of money and the implementation of settlements between legal entities and individuals. It is under the general guidance of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which in accordance with the law ensures its effectiveness, stability, reliability and safety.

    Reforming the payment system in Russia began in 1992 by introducing new forms of settlements and improving banking technologies: new forms of information transfer to the establishment of the Bank of Russia were introduced, experimental projects were carried out on electronic payments. As a result, the amount of funds in the calculations of the Bank of Russia declined.

    By the beginning of the XXI century. The electronic systems for the transfer of funds, according to American specialists, will be prevailing, although even in economically developed countries, elements of electronics in banking began to develop into electronic payment systems only from the end of the 70s.

    The translation of monetary regulation in the EU for a superior level creates significant advantages for Member States and, above all for their business entities.

    At the macroeconomic level, the Unified Budget Discipline and the Union of EU Cash Markets under the guidance and control of supranational financial institutions will allow to continue to deal with inflation, reduce interest rates (and with time and tax payments), which should contribute to the growth of production, employment (now it is one of the most important Priorities of social market policy and economy in the EU) and the stability of public finances.

    For business entities, a single monetary policy and currency will mean existence throughout the territory of the same monetary and currency regulation (including stock), a significant reduction in overhead costs for the calculated maintenance of operations, price and currency risks, the timing of monetary and payment transfer. For enterprises, a single currency means a single monetary and stock regulation throughout the currency union, a reduction in the need for working capital.

    Globally, the introduction of euro in Europe, including in Russia, will speed up the process of movement of the global monetary system based on the actual dominant role of the US dollar, to a more symmetrical "multipolar" currency device. Replaced by European currency units in circulation, the euro will be able to become one of the key world currencies in the foreseeable future. The single currency is designed to provide the European Union "currency weight", corresponding to its economic power. The EU produces a third of all world goods, while being a generally recognized leader in trade and goods, and services. However, in the currency area, an economic giant as it may exist. This naturally affects the possibility of providing a real political impact on world processes.

    This, in particular, is the difference between the EU and the United States. The United States produces only 20 percent of global goods. At the same time, they have currency, which is used in 40 percent of all global currency transactions. The actual influence of the US dollar is much wider and deeper: American and transnational corporations at any point of the globe can invoicing accounts for their services in dollars and at the same time do not risk face currency exchange problems. Most of the global market is, therefore, in essence, the "domestic market" for American companies.

    Modern monetary systems of foreign countries, despite their own characteristics, have a lot of general features. They include the following elements: a monetary unit, price scale, types of money that are a legitimate payment facility, the emission system and the state-owned monetary circulation. The modern monetary system of foreign countries is characterized by the following main features:

    1. abolition of the official gold content of monetary units, the motion of gold;

    2. The transition to non-removable on gold credit money, a little different by their nature from paper money;

    3. Conservation in the money back of some countries, along with credit money paper money in the form of treasury tickets;

    4. Issue banknotes into circulation in the procedure for lending to the economy, states, as well as the increase in official gold and currency reserves;

    5. Development and predominance in cash circulation of non-cash turnover while reducing cash;

    6. Strengthening state regulation of monetary circulation due to a constant violation of the fundamental principle of the monetary system - compliance with the amount of money with the objective needs of the economic turnover, which leads to the inflationary process.

    The analysis of the processes in the monetary sphere of Russia allows the following important conclusions relating to the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in this area: the current structure of the monetary system began to significantly reflect the needs of market economy and increasingly adapt to the process of new economic reforms.

    At the same time, the process of becoming a monetary system revealed certain disadvantages. They expressed violations in all units: minor institutions (banks, insurance companies, investment funds) continue to form and exist, which due to a weak financial base cannot cope with the needs of customers; Commercial banks and other institutions mainly carry out short-term credit transactions, insufficient investing in industry and other industries. This is one of the most important findings that should be made from the comparative characteristics of monetary systems of Russia and the United States. It is in the development of the non-banking sector that the further prospect of reforming the monetary system of Russia is seen.

    Another important example of the US monowing and credit system, which is relevant to Russia, is the independence of the regulatory body from the executive. In Russia, attempts are constantly being made to put the central bank under the control of the government. The actual position is now difficult to call completely independent.

    It is impossible to go around the fact that many newly created credit and financial institutions, insurance companies and investment funds are engaged in unusual activities: attract the contributions of the population, performing the functions of commercial and savings banks. In the US, it is possible to observe a similar process, however, it is complicated by the lack of traditions in the financial sector, which often leads to fraud and as a result to loss of confidence from the population to many credit institutions. Therefore, Russia needs to look at the experience of legislative regulation of the US monetary system.

    Consequently, the following recommendations on the further improvement of the monetary system of Russia can be made from the analysis of monetary systems of Russia and the United States.

    Further development of the monetary system and strengthen confidence in its financial instruments

    Strengthening the ruble, its real convertibility and displacement of the shadow walking of the dollar in Russia.

    Fighting corruption and strengthening the openness of financial institutions.

    Further increase in the independence of the Central Bank of Russia as an emission center from executive and legislative authorities with the simultaneous increase in the importance of self-regulating organizations in the financial sector.

    In this work, an analysis of the financial systems and money circulation of the Russian Federation, the United States and Japan was carried out. Separately it was said about the United Kingdom's monetary system. The main comparisons are shown in Table 1.

    Table 1. Comparative table of basic indicators characterizing the monetary system of countries.


    1. National currency Ruble Dollar Jena
    2.Bank system

    Central Bank of the Russian Federation

    Credit organizations, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks

    Two-level banking system: at the first level there is a central bank of the United States - a federal reserve system, and at the second level - a network of commercial banks and other settlement and credit institutions

    Duplex banking system:

    Bank of Japan

    Commercial banks; specialized credit institutions, including financial companies for small and medium-sized businesses; government credit institutions; Postal savings checks.

    3. Functions, tasks, TSB tools

    The functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are defined in Article 4 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation"

    Protection and provision of ruble resistance;

    Development and strengthening of the banking system of the Russian Federation;

    Ensuring the effective and uninterrupted functioning of the payment system.


    1) interest rates on the operations of the Bank of Russia;

    2) standards of mandatory reserves deposited in the Bank of Russia (Reserve Requirements);

    3) operations on the open market;

    4) refinancing of credit institutions;

    5) currency interventions;

    6) the establishment of money growth orientations;

    7) direct quantitative restrictions;

    8) the emission of bonds on its own behalf.

    The Federal Reserve is the US Central Bank.

    the duties of the Federal Reserve Bank are divided into four general directions:

    The implementation of the monetary policy of the state by influencing the monetary situation and lending to the economy in order to ensure maximum employment, price stability and moderate long-term interest rates;
    - control and regulation of the activities of banking institutions to ensure the reliability and reasonable device of the banking and financial system of the country and the protection of consumer credit rights;
    - Halio of the stability of the financial system and the containment of systemic risk, which can occur in the financial markets;
    - Providing financial services to deposit institutions, US government and foreign official institutions, including the implementation of basic functions as ensuring the work of the country's payment system.

    1. Release of banknotes;

    2. implementation of monetary policy;

    3. Changing the norm of mandatory bank reserves,

    4. Operations in financial markets,

    5. Regulation of the accounting rate,

    6. Implementation of commercial bank settlements;

    7. Monitoring and verification of the financial situation and state management of financial institutions;

    8. Conduct operations with government securities;

    9. Implementation of international activities;

    10. Implementation of economic analysis and conducting theoretical studies.


    1. Changing the norm of mandatory bank reserves,

    2. Operations in financial markets,

    regulation of the interest account

    4. Functions, tasks and operations of financial and credit institutions

    Functions of commercial banks:

    1. accumulation and mobilization of temporarily free cash,

    2. Credit provision,

    3. Mediation in the implementation of payments and calculations.

    Operations of commercial banks:

    1) attracting funds for individuals and legal entities into deposits (up to demand for a certain period);

    2) the placement of the first part of this article of attracted funds from their own behalf of the first article;

    3) the discovery and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;

    4) the settlement on the instructions of individuals and legal entities, including corresponding banks, according to their bank accounts;

    5) collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash maintenance of individuals and legal entities;

    6) purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

    7) attracting into deposits and placement of precious metals;

    8) issuance of bank guarantees;

    9) implementation of cash transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (with the exception of postal transfers).

    In Russia, Sberbank of the Russian Federation dominates among savings institutions (in February 1999 he had 1848 branches).

    An important place in the credit system is the extensive group of savings institutions. They attract small savings and income that cannot function as capital without the help of the credit system. There are different types of savings institutions: savings banks and cash registers, mutually savings banks (a type of cooperative banking institutions in the USA), confidence-saving banks, loan-saving associations (in the USA), credit cooperatives (alliances, associations).

    The main functions of commercial banks are:

    1) mobilization of temporarily free cash and turn them into capital;

    2) lending to enterprises, states and population;

    3) issuance of credit money;

    4) the implementation of settlements and payments in the economy;

    5) the emission-founding function;

    6) consulting, presentation of economic and financial information.

    7) Other.

    Japanese banks perform the following operations - pay various firms for utilities, pay for purchases in stores, transfer money to the account of its customers for their work and even independently associated with employers' companies, if the client does not receive wages in a timely manner.

    5. Normative base

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) No. 86-FZ dated July 10, 2002

    FZ "On banks and banking activities" №395-1 of 02.12.1990

    Other FZ.

    Regulatory acts of the Central Bank (provisions, instructions, explanations)

    In the US, the control mechanism consists of the following links, organs and elements:

    Legislative acts and decisions of the Congress;

    Institutional support (a system of federal laws carrying out a general supervision of the activities of the Exchange);

    Mechanism of self-regulating the securities market (from the side of the Birzhevikov);

    A tested state intervention methodology in the activities of the fictitious sector of the economy.

    Japan Bank Law No. 89 dated April 1, 1998

    In Japan, there is no large number of legislation for banks, and this consists of a banking feature in this country. The system of commercial banks is guided in its activities so-called guiding instructions, i.e. Oral prescriptions of the Ministry of Finance. Although these instructions do not have the strength of the law, all commercial banks are clearly adhered to them.


    Under the financial system, a combination of financial institutions of the country, rules, norms governing financial activities and financial relations of the state (monetary system, financial institution system) are understood. The financial sector of the economy in a broad sense includes financial institutions controlling, observational bodies, as well as financial unions. The main tasks of the controlling and observational bodies within the framework of the financial system are to maintain its sustainable functioning, the implementation of state regulations and directly monitoring the activities of financial institutions.

    Financial institutions within the framework of the financial sector include organizations relating to the banking system, as well as to non-bank financial intermediaries. In turn, in the banking system a special place is given to central banks.

    In economically developed countries, two main types of financial systems are traditionally allocated - segmented and universal.

    In a universal financial system, it is not legally limited to the implementation by banks of the operations of financial services that do not relate to banking.

    In a segmented financial system, banks cannot be performed by non-banking functions. An additional feature, although not absolute, is the tougher distinction of the fields of activity and individual operations.

    The given division on universal and segmented financial systems in modern conditions is still not absolute. The most typical representatives of segmented systems are US, United Kingdom and Japan.

    Central emission banks are the main regulator of monetary policy in all countries, and naturally, that the main problem of organizations implementing electronic money systems is to resolve relationships with them.

    In the absence of due control, the Central Bank will have distorted information on the amount of payment facilities in the economy, which will ultimately reduce the effectiveness of its monetary policy. In addition, there is a danger of an uncontrolled emission of electronic money, which can lead to inflation.

    In Japan, for example, a national program for creating an information society was adopted. An important role in this program is given to the financial system.

    The practice of banking abroad is of great interest to the new economic system in Russia. The construction of a new banking mechanism is possible only by restoring the principle of functioning of credit institutions adopted in the civilized world and relying on the centuries-old experience of market banking structures. Therefore, it is so important to study the foreign practice of organizing banking systems that demonstrated their high efficiency.

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    Any construction of banking is a bank. Currently, in almost all countries with a market economy, two-level banking systems are created and actively developed, GLA at the first level operates the central bank of the country, carrying out emission, legislative, supervisory and other activities; on the second - there are commercial banks. However, on the pages of economic ...

    The modern world assesses the success of projects and investments in material terms, putting the economy at the head of the corner of society. On the household level, we often confuse two categories: finance and money. They came from the economic sphere, but at the moment they significantly changed their importance. What is the difference between them and is it possible to consider these categories synonyms in a certain sense?

    Finance - Economic relations related to the collection, distribution and control of the use of funds. Their essential feature is a constant course that never stops and does not stop. Finance arise in the process of cash flow and have a different level: international, state, regional, personal. Participants in legal relations form peculiar markets: currency, stock, money, where a wide range of tools is applied to regulate behavior. In the philistine understanding, finances designate assets that are concentrated in the hands of a physical or legal person.

    Money - Universal goods taken to pay for any products not prohibited by turnover, in a certain territory. It can be used in cash and cashless form, as well as as an equivalent (precious metals and stones, real estate). Money is used to accumulate revenues, exchange of goods, investments, stimulation of financial and economic activity. The universal means of expressing their prices are currencies: convertible and non-convertible.


    The definitions of categories indicate that the scope of the concept of "finance" is much broader and includes, among other things, consumer money relations. Any transactions that occur between states, organizations and individuals are somehow reflected on GDP. Consequently, they are included in the volume of financial relations. In the US, the budget replenishment and the calculation with creditors occurs 24 hours a day, and if the inflow of funds will be stopped, the threat of technical default occurs.

    So, the most important difference between the specified categories - their functions. Money is used to determine the cost of goods, accumulation, payments, foreign economic relations. Finance performs a control, distribution, stabilizing and regulatory function. If there is too much cash in the turn, they are lost in price, and national banks hold policies to reduce them. If cash instead of education goes to entertainment activities, politicians redistribute financial flows, changing the budget expenditure functions.

    Conclusions Site

    1. The volume of concept. Finance - the concept narrower, which includes monetary relations.
    2. Origin. Money appeared at the dawn of modern civilization and were used as a universal product. Finance arose together with the centralization of state power and the development of economic institutions.
    3. Functions. Money serve to accumulate, pay, determining the cost, international calculations. Finance is designed to direct and redistribute cash flows, stabilizing prices by controlling income and expenses.
    4. Definition. Money can always be calculated, pick up the equivalent of a certain amount and find it an expression. Financial relations represent a set of cash flows, so you can not always express them in any form.

    Non-specificists usually say: "Finance - ϶ᴛᴏ money; ϶ᴛᴏ Cash tools available from the company. "

    Money and finance differ sharply from each other by content and on the functions performed. Finance is economic relations related to the formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized funds funds in order to fulfill the functions and objectives of the state or a separate enterprise and ensure the conditions of expanded reproduction, that is, they have the importance of the derivative of money.

    Money - ϶ᴛᴏ A means of payment for goods (services, works), a means of measuring the cost and means of saving the cost. Money is a very difficult economic category, still the well-known phenomenon of money remains a mystery: why increase the number of monetary signs in a separate person increases its individual wealth, and the growth of money supply in society as a whole does not contribute to the increase in the richness of society?

    Money - ϶ᴛᴏ Exchange sign, Kᴏᴛᴏᴩi participates as an intermediary in the exchange of one product on another.

    Some modern Russian economists, i.e. economists of the Russian market economy, consider money to be one of the types of securities, a specific feature of kums will be the relative autonomy of their movement and the possibility of accumulation.

    Money performs completely different functions than finance.

    Finance perform three functions:

    1. formation of cash funds and cash receipt;
    2. use of cash funds and cash;
    3. control.

    Some economists believe that finances perform only two functions: distribution and control.

    K. Marx allocated five functions of money: a measure of cost, means of circulation, means of payment, means of accumulation and savings, global money. And as the first he called the measure of value.

    In the early last years, economic science stepped far ahead. Many modern economists allocate three functions of money:

    1. means of circulation;
    2. means of measurement of value (i.e. measure of value);
    3. means of accumulation and saving cost.

    Differences between finance and money Consider the inheritance example.

    A citizen gives money to another person. This means that a citizen conveyed a material thing in the form of a cash banknote to another person. In other words, money - ϶ᴛᴏ thing, kum, like any other thing, can lose, find, destroy (break paper banknotes)

    But the citizen's relationship, Kᴏᴛᴏᴩy gave money to another person, - ϶ᴛᴏ already financial relations. A citizen acts as a lender, and the person who took the money in debt is like a borrower. Whether the lender will receive a receipt from the borrower, whether it will take some thing in a deposit, whether interest will be charged for money transferred to the debt, and interest for non-repayment of money on time, etc. - all ϶ᴛᴏ is a financial relationship.

    Educational institution

    secondary vocational education

    "Oryol Banking School (College)

    Central Bank of the Russian Federation "

    Department of Professional Disciplines

    Course work

    by discipline: Finance, money circulation and credit

    on the topic "Comparative analysis, structure and functions of the Russian and foreign credit system"


    Troshina Ekaterina Sergeevna


    Molchanova Elena Valerievna



    Section 1. Theoretical foundations of the functioning of the credit system

    1.1 Credit system concept, its essence and function

    1.2 The structure of the credit system and the role of its subjects

    Section 2. Comparative analysis of the structure and functions of credit systems of foreign countries and Russia

    2.1 Credit System of Russia

    2.1.1 Structure of the Credit System of Russia and its characteristics

    2.1.2 The role of the Bank of Russia in the country's credit system

    2.1.3 Banking and non-bank credit organizations, their functions and role in the country's credit system

    2.1.4 Specialized credit and financial institutions, their functions and role in the country's credit system

    2.2 Comparative analysis of the structure and functions of credit systems of foreign countries and Russia

    Section 3. Problems and Improvement of the Credit System of the Russian Federation

    3.1 Problems of the modern credit system of the Russian Federation

    3.2 Ways to improve the modern credit system of the Russian Federation


    Bibliographic list



    Relevance. The credit system is a combination of credit relations existing in the country, forms and methods of lending, banks or other credit institutions that organize and carry out such relations. It functions through a credit mechanism, which is a relationship system: between credit institutions and various sectors of the cash capital and investment economy; Between the credit institutions themselves on the redistribution of money capital within the framework of the capital market. By mobilizing money capital and concentrations of investments in key sectors of the economy, a credit system contributes to the growth of production, scientific and technical progress, to ensure the balance of economic development.

    In a market economy, there is a situation from time to time when some subjects arise temporarily free money, while others have a temporary need for additional funds. The credit system allows you to mutually benefit this contradiction. Therefore, this topic is relevant in the modern world, as many take loans to a wide variety of needs.

    The object of research is Russian and foreign credit systems.

    The subject of the study is the structure and functions of Russian and foreign credit systems.

    The goal of the course work is to carry out a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign credit systems.

    To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

    To define a credit system, its essence and functions.

    Submit the structure of the credit system and show the roles of its subjects.

    Allocate the structure of the credit system of Russia and give it a characteristic.

    Show the role of the Bank of Russia in the country's credit system.

    To define, explore functions and role in the credit system of the Russian Federation of banking and non-bank credit institutions.

    Specialized Credit Financial Institutions of Russia.

    Conduct a comparative analysis of the structure and functions of credit systems of foreign countries and Russia.

    Indicate the current problems of the credit system of the Russian Federation.

    Identify ways to improve the modern credit system of the Russian Federation.

    The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of the formation and development of the country's credit system, the main of which were created by such scientists as Lavrushshin O.I., Rogova O.L., Fetisov V.D., Biryukova E.A. , Chinenkov A.V. et al. In addition, the study is based on the analysis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation governing the functioning of the credit system of the Russian Federation, as well as analytical and statistical data.

    During the work, the following methods were used: comprehensive analysis, concretization, generalization, comparative comparison, analysis of literature, regulatory documents, documentation.

    The practical significance of the work is that its main provisions and conclusions can be used to further study the issues of functioning of credit systems.

    The structure of the work is determined by the logic of the study of the theme and aims to the consistent presentation of the topic of the study. The work consists of three sections.

    The first section discusses the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the credit system: the concept, essence, function, structure of the credit system and the role of its subjects.

    The second section presents the comparative characteristics of Russian and foreign credit systems.

    The third section examines the prospects for the development of the credit system in Russia and increasing its effectiveness.

    Work includes 8 applications.

    The total work of 26 pages of typewritten text.

    1. Theoretical foundations of the functioning of the credit system

    1.1 Credit system concept, its essence and function

    The credit system is usually considered as a set of credit and settlement relations, forms and methods of lending and as a set of credit institutions, or financial and credit institutions. The essence and function of the loan in its various forms are implemented through the credit system. The credit system is closely related to monetary, so they often speak of their totality - a monetary system. Traditionally, the credit system is considered in two aspects: functional and institutional.

    From the point of view of a functional aspect, under the "credit system" means a set of credit relations, forms and methods of lending, that is, the credit system is represented by banking, commercial and consumer, state and international loans (Appendix 1).

    From the point of view of an institutional aspect, the credit system is a set of credit institutions that create, accumulating and providing funds in accordance with the basic principles of lending.

    The institutional component of the credit system is characterized by the following parameters:

    type of banking system - single-level, or multi-level;

    place in the economic system, economic role, functional destination, organizational construction of the Central Bank;

    place in the economic system, economic role, spectrum of operations, specialization, degree of economic freedom, organizational structure of banks;

    place in the economic system, the economic role of specialized financial and credit institutions and non-bank credit institutions, as well as state and non-governmental organizations carrying out various types of control of this sphere (tax authorities, audit services, etc.).;

    The functional component of the credit system consists of the following elements:

    Principles of credit - repayment, urgency, payability, security, targeted.

    The credit functions are accumulating, redistributive, replacing.

    Credit forms - commercial, state, banking, consumer, international.

    Lending methods - by the residue, by turnover, individual, urgent, credit lines.

    Subjects of credit relations - lender, borrower.

    The credit system performs the following functions. A loan is serviced by commodity circulation. The credit system accumulates, or collects cash savings and accumulation of enterprises, the population, states, as well as foreign customers. The transformation of cash funds is carried out directly into loan capital and using it in the form of capital investments for the maintenance of the production process. As sources of capital to cover public and consumer spending, the state and population are served. In addition, there is an acceleration of concentration and centralization of capital, facilitating the formation of powerful financial and industrial groups.

    The central bank is the main part of the structure of the credit system. This organization is an intermediary between public administration and banks. The main objectives of the Central Bank are: Emissions of the AUND, conducting a monetary policy of the state, the management of government reserves, as well as the implementation of credit and monetary policy.

    The banking sector is also one of the most important parts of the structure of the credit system. Currently, the banking sector is divided into savings banks, commercial banks, investment banks, mortgage, as well as specialized banks. The main task of banks is the issuance of loans to private and legally, attracting funds from individuals to increase turnover, as well as accounting and the provision of credit and cash maintenance services to legal entities.

    The insurance sector in the modern structure of the credit system also plays an important role. This sector employs not only insurance organizations that provide various types of mandatory and voluntary insurance services, but also pension funds.

    Specialized organizations representing the Embankavan Sector include various investment and financial companies, charitable funds, trust companies, as well as loan-savings cash registers (Appendix 3).

    This structure of the modern credit system is characteristic of most countries with a developed economy, however there are national features of the development of the structure of the modern credit system.

    Thus, the credit system is an integral part of the economy of any country, since the form and dynamics of the state development depends on its functioning, and first of all in economic terms.

    2. Comparative analysis of the structure and functions of credit systems of foreign countries and Russia

    2.1 Credit System of Russia

    .1.1 The structure of the credit system of Russia and its characteristics

    The Russian credit system includes a banking system and specialized credit and financial institutions. The banking system is a two-level. At the first level, it includes the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and at the second level, credit organizations that include bank credit organizations, non-bank credit organizations.

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation under the law has the status of a legal entity. The key element of the legal status of the Bank of Russia is the principle of independence, which is primarily manifested in the fact that the Bank of Russia acts as a special public-legal institution, which has the exceptional right of monetary emission and the organization of money circulation

    It is not a state authority, at the same time, its powers in their legal nature refer to the functions of state power, since their implementation involves the use of state coercion measures. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a unified centralized system with a vertical control structure. It includes a central office, territorial institutions (main departments and national banks), cash centers (RCC, GRCC), computational centers, field agencies, educational institutions and other organizations that are necessary for the activities of the Bank of Russia (Appendix 4).

    Like the central banks of other countries, the Bank of Russia primarily carries out the emission of banknotes, banking supervision and monetary regulation of the economy. The fulfillment of its basic functions by the central bank implies the need to control and oversight over the activities of credit institutions. The Bank of Russia combines monetary policy with supervision of the work of credit institutions, being practically the only supervisory body in the country. The functions of the Central Bank confirm its status of the Institute in the very center of the country's banking system. The successful performance of functions by the Bank of Russia is a condition for the effective development of the market economy of the Russian Federation.

    In 2010-2012, the Bank of Russia conducted active activities in the field of banking regulation and supervision, ensuring the stability of the financial system, stability and development of the national payment system, currency regulation and control, and the organization of cash flow, improving accounting and reporting, international cooperation and cooperation and cooperation and Dr.

    Credit organizations. The concept of "credit organization" is enshrined by the legislator in the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities", where under the credit institution is understood - a legal entity that is for the extraction of profits as the main goal of its activities on the basis of a special permit (license) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia ) It has the right to carry out banking operations. Three types of credit institutions stand out:

    Bank credit organizations.

    The Bank recognizes a credit institution that has the exceptional right to exercise the following banking operations in the aggregate: attracting funds to the deposits of individuals and legal entities, posting these funds from its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, pay, urgency, opening and maintenance of bank accounts of physical and legal entities.

    Non-bank credit organizations.

    The non-bank credit organization is a credit institution that has the right to carry out separate banking transactions provided for by this Federal Law. Permissible combinations of banking operations for non-bank credit institutions are established by the Bank of Russia.

    Specialized credit and financial institutions.

    These are specialized credit and financial institutions that are engaged in lending to certain areas and industries. In their activities, it is possible to identify or two basic operations, they dominate relatively narrow sectors of the loan capital market and have a specific clientele.

    2.1.2 The role of the Bank of Russia in the country's credit system

    The main link of the banking system of any state is the Central Bank of the country. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the main bank of the country. The functions and powers stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation", the Bank of Russia carries out independently of the federal government bodies, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

    The Bank of Russia has a seal with the image of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation and with its name. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. The state is not responsible for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

    The objectives of the Bank of Russia are:

    · Protection and provision of ruble resistance;

    · Development and strengthening of the banking system of the Russian Federation;

    · Ensuring the effective and uninterrupted functioning of the payment system.

    Profit profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia.

    The Central Bank law contains a detailed list of areas of the Bank of Russia (Appendix 5). The difference between the objectives of activity and functions is that the objectives show the directions of development of processes, and functions are a set of certain powers and actions aimed at achieving the goals. Functions can be classified by their economic content (enlarged functions):

    Conducting a unified state monetary policy is one of the most important functions of the Central Bank, which in collaboration with the Government of the Russian Federation develops and ensures the implementation of the main directions of the Unified State Monetary Policy. She is devoted to the VII head of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)". The main instruments of the Bank of Russia monetary policy are: the establishment of interest rates on the operations of the Bank of Russia; standards of mandatory reserves deposited in the Bank of Russia (Reserve Requirements); operations on the open market; refinancing of credit institutions; currency interventions; establishment of money growth orientations; direct quantitative restrictions on refinancing and banking operations; Emissions of bonds on their own behalf.

    Monopoly exercise of cash issuance, the organization of their appeal in the territory of the Russian Federation is one of the oldest functions of the Central Bank. He produces and removes cash from circulation, provides conditions for the production, storage, replacement of damaged coins and banknotes and their destruction, determines the procedure for maintaining cash transactions.

    The Bank of Russia in accordance with the legislation organizes the payment system, establishes the rules, forms and standards for the implementation of settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation, supervises and monitoring in the national payment system, as well as its participant.

    The Central Bank is the organizer of the refinancing system for credit institutions, the lender of the last instance. The Bank of Russia exercises lending in the following forms: Lombard loan; Intraday loan (during the operational day) - a loan type to complete the calculations; Credit "Overnight" (on 1 working day); loans provided by the deposit of bills and the rights of claims on loan agreements to the organizations of the scope of material production and (or) by guarantees of banks (for up to 6 months); Loans secured gold. In the context of the financial and economic crisis, refinancing practice is usually expanding. For example, in 1998-1999. The Bank of Russia issued stabilization loans, and in 2008-2009. Unsecured loans. Their term was extended to 1 year.

    The implementation of the function of banking regulation and banking supervision includes decision-making on state registration and licensing of banking operations; Documentary supervision - evaluation and identification of problems in the early stage of problems in the activities of credit institutions and take measures to overcome the identified negative phenomena and trends; conducting inspection checks of the activities of credit institutions (their branches); prevention of insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit institutions and control over their liquidation; Control over issuing credit organizations of securities.

    In accordance with Federal Law, the Bank of Russia is the main body of currency regulation and control in the Russian Federation. This direction of activity of the Central Bank is usually strengthened during the period overcoming the consequences of the financial and economic crisis.

    The fulfillment of the function of the financial agent of the Government, namely through the lending of the state (only in the case of the adoption of the relevant budget law) and servicing public domestic debt and through the maintenance of budget accounts of all levels and extrabudgetary funds.

    The implementation of the functions of macroeconomic analysis and forecasting is carried out by: compiling, forecasting and analyzing the balance of payments of Russia; analysis and prediction of the state of the economy of the Russian Federation as a whole and by regions, primarily monetary, and currency and price relations; analysis and forecasting of the development of the banking system; Monitoring the most important enterprises of the real sector of the economy, etc. The value of this function increases in the context of stabilizing the economic and political situation in the country.

    To achieve the goals set before the Bank of Russia, he has the right to carry out banking operations and transactions with Russian and foreign credit institutions and the Government of the Russian Federation. The Central Bank's law determines the list of operations of the Bank of Russia (Annex 6).

    A comparative analysis of banking operations and transactions authorized by the legislation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and credit organizations allows the following conclusions. For the Bank of Russia, legislation has restrictions not provided for for credit institutions. In particular, the counterparties of the Bank of Russia on operations and transactions can only serve as a certain provision and for a period of no more than 1 year (with the exception of non-tax loans issued in the context of the financial and economic crisis). There are also restrictions on the financial and economic activities of the Bank of Russia, participation in the capital of other legal entities. Among other things, the Bank of Russia needs to be considered as an effective investor and resource distributor among credit institutions. Effective distribution is the condition that the accompanying development of the banking sector will be maximal. Accordingly, the participation of the Bank of Russia in any events of the socio-economic policy of the state, providing for the involvement of the banking sector, regardless of the current macroeconomic situation, will be justified.

    Thus, the goals, objectives, functions and operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation meet its entity. All those goals and objectives that stand in front of the Bank of Russia and the authority provided to him ultimately are determined by the fact that the bank acts as a national center designed to regulate the monetary circulation in the country.

    2.1.3 Banking and non-bank credit organizations, their functions and role in the country's credit system

    Credit organizations are divided into two groups - banks and non-bank credit organizations.

    Banks are credit organizations that have the exceptional right to carry out the following banking operations in aggregate: attracting funds in the deposits of funds from individuals and legal entities; placement of these funds from your own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payability, urgency (lending); Opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities. Commercial banks accumulate and mobilize cash capital, carry out mediation of credit, check the calculations and payments in the economy, organize the issue and placement of securities, provide consulting services. Depending on the method of the formation of authorized capital, commercial banks can be divided into joint-stock and mutual.

    For credit institutions, three credit principles are established: the principle of repayment; urgency principle; The principle of payability.

    Non-bank credit institution (NGO) is an organization that has the right to carry out separate banking operations. Permissible combinations of banking operations for NGOs are established by the Bank of Russia. Legislative requirements for non-bank credit organizations are lower than to banks, which is associated with a lower risk of operations.

    In general, non-bank credit organizations can be divided into three main types: settlement non-bank credit organizations (RNOs), payment non-bank credit organizations (PNKOs) and non-bank depository and credit organizations (NDKO).

    RNOs can carry out the following activities:

    Opening and maintaining bank accounts of legal entities;

    Making calculations on behalf of legal entities, including corresponding banks, according to their bank accounts;

    Collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash maintenance of legal entities;

    Purchase and sale of foreign currency in non-cash form;

    Carrying out cash transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (with the exception of postal transfers);

    RNKO is not entitled: to attract cash of individuals and legal entities into deposits; discover and conduct bank accounts of individuals, carry out settlements on behalf of individuals on their bank accounts; buy and sell cash foreign currency; Attract in deposits and place precious metals, as well as issuing bank guarantees. In other words, RNCO does not have the right to attract deposits and issue loans, it provides a system of calculations and translations.

    The payment non-banking credit organization has the right to carry out money transfers without opening bank accounts and related other banking operations. This type of NAO appeared with the release of the law "On the National Payment System". Compared to the settlement payment of non-bank credit institution, a narrower range of operations is allowed. It should provide a risk-free translation system within the organization of instantaneous, electronic, mobile payments.

    Ndko can carry out the following banking operations:

    Attracting funds of legal entities in deposits (for a certain period);

    Placement of funds rapidly attracted into deposits from their own behalf and at their own expense;

    Purchase and sale of foreign currency in non-cash form (exclusively on their own behalf and at their own expense);

    Issuing bank guarantees;

    Implementation of activities in the securities market.

    NDKO is not entitled:

    Attract the funds of individuals into deposits (up to demand and for a certain period) and legal entities to demand deposits;

    Open and conduct bank accounts of individuals and legal entities, as well as carry out calculations on them;

    Engage in collecting cash, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash maintenance;

    Buy and sell cash foreign currency;

    Attract precious metals into deposits and place;

    Carrying out cash transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts.

    In other words, NDKO is not entitled to conduct settlement operations, but can carry out certain credit and deposit operations.

    Thus, modern economic conditions opened the problems of the banking sector, forced banks to revise customer policies, as well as the line of their products, changed tariffs. The purpose of the client's struggle is the desire to increase its own liquidity, even if at the expense of elevated rates on attracted funds, the provision of free services. The need to "work out" increased costs forces banks to adhere to the more risky tactics for the placement of "temporarily free" funds.

    2.1.4 Specialized credit and financial institutions, their functions and role in the country's credit system

    Specialized Credit Financial Institutions (SCFCs) or Parabankovskiy institutions are distinguished by the orientation:

    a) either for maintaining certain types of clientele;

    b) either to implement mainly one or two types of services.

    At the same time, for specialized credit and financial institutions (SQUI), a double subordination is characterized:

    ) Specializing in any financial, insurance, investment or other operations, SQFA fall under regulatory activities of the respective departments.

    The activities of specialized credit and financial institutions (SCFCs) are concentrated for mostly on servicing a small market segment and, as a rule, providing services to a specific clientele.

    A special variety of SCFCs are postal savings institutions that form the postal savings system. One of the most important and oldest elements of this system are postal savings banks that have historically emerged as government agencies to attract small depositors.

    Postal and savings institutions through post offices accumulate population deposits, make and issuing funds. Recently, in most countries, credit-estimated postal and savings institutions, characteristic of banks, are increasingly erased by the faces between the provisions of banking legislation and the regions of financial legislation on the subject of activity and types of services provided by various credit institutions.

    Specialized credit and financial institutions (SPCF) include:

    leasing firms, factoring firms, pawnshops, credit partnerships, societies and unions, society of mutual loan, insurance companies, investment companies (funds), pension funds, financial companies, calculated (clearing) centers.

    Leasing companies - organizations, firms that carry out leasing operations. Leasing is the type of financial services, a form of lending when acquiring fixed assets by enterprises or very expensive goods by individuals.

    Factoring is a range of services for manufacturers and suppliers leading trade activities on the terms of deferred payment.

    Lombards are credit institutions issuing loans secured by movable property.

    Credit unions are credit cooperatives organized by certain groups of individuals or minor credit institutions.

    Mutual Credit Societies (HVC) - type of credit institutions close to the nature of the activities for commercial banks serving small and medium business

    Insurance societies - organizations that provide insurance services acting into the role of the insurer, i.e. Making responsibility to refund the insured damage when an insured event occurs. Insurance companies carry out insurance of life, health, property, responsibility, etc.

    Investment Fund - an institution that implements collective investments. Its essence in the accumulation of savings of private and legal entities for the joint, including portfolio investment through the purchase of securities, and not real production assets. At the same time, due to the fact that the acquisition of securities is carried out by a professional market participant, it allows you to minimize the risks of private investors.

    The Pension Fund is a fund for the implementation of old-age pensions or disability.

    Financial companies are a special type of credit and financial institutions that act in the sphere of consumer loan.

    The settlement and clearing organization is a specialized organization of a bank type, which carries out the settlement service of participants in the organized securities market.

    Thus, the influence of credit institutions on the economy is extremely large, since it is they who provide the functioning of the financial market, organize the redistribution of funds between individual enterprises, industries, territories, individuals and legal entities. In case of insufficient development of the credit system, the pace of economic development suffers, since enterprises, experiencing a lack of resources for the development of production, cannot fill it at the expense of credit sources. The successful development of the economy contributes to the development and strengthening of the credit system.

    2.2 Comparative analysis of the structure and functions of credit systems of foreign countries and Russia

    For clarity, consider US credit systems, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the Russian Federation separately.

    US credit system. The core of the US credit system is the federal backup system (Fed) (application structure.

    Within the framework of the Fed there are the following important bodies:

    Committee on Operations on the Open Market Fed.

    Federal Advisory Council (Federal Advisory Council - FAC).

    Fed apparatus.

    The liabilities of federal reserve banks consist:

    ) from own capital, created at the expense of mutual contributions of member banks;

    ) from banknote emission;

    ) From bank deposits, which are reserves of Fed member banks.

    Focusing in federal reserve banks of cash reserves of commercial banks was a factor in saving money. The Fed organization contributed to saving cash and otherwise - due to the development of non-cash settlements that began to be carried out in broad sizes through federal reserve banks. Congress decided that in order to effectively carry the Fed of his duties, it should be independent of the executive and legislative branches of power. The Law on the Federal Reserve System of 1913 established 12 separate federal reserve districts, each of which has its own federal reserve bank. In each of the 12 districts, Banks are members of the Fed are the shareholders of their federal reserve bank. They choose 6 of the 9th directors of this bank.

    Federal reserve banks are designed not to make a profit, but to supervise the Bank members of the Fed and participate in the implementation of monetary policy developed by the Governing Council. The main active operation of federal reserve banks is to purchase government securities. Compared to this, a minor amount is a loan of federal reserve banks banks to members. Federal reserve banks are most advantage of state lenders. But the funds invested in state securities are ultimately used in the interests of corporations, as they are spent by the state to a large extent to pay for state promenes and the purchase of goods.

    In addition to emission (federal reserve) banks, the US banking system includes:

    ) Commercial banks,

    ) Investment banks,

    ) mutually savings banks,

    ) Banker houses.

    The most common type of banks in the United States is the inflammatory bank - a bank without branches (branches). That is why the number of banks in the United States significantly exceeds the number of banks in any other country. However, the structure of the US banking system is changing all the time. Infilia banks still retain their importance, but the role of offices, banking holding companies and other organizational structures in our days increases increasingly.

    The German credit system displays a relatively rigid monetary policy model, despite the wide political rights of the regions, which are included in the Federation .. Features are also associated with the fact that all major functions of financial intermediation are concentrated in universal banks (commercial banks and savings offices), which Do not specialize in individual operations, as made by US and Japan credit institutions. At the moment, a highly developed banking system has been created in Germany. Control over its activities is carried out by federal control of control (subordinated to the Ministry of Finance).

    Credit - Financial institutions in Germany perform four important national economic functions:

    Regularly carried out on assignments of many customer payments, ensuring the functioning of the non-cash payment turnover system;

    Take on the risks of interested in obtaining loans of companies;

    Act as a binder when attracting capital for various deadlines; Despite the fact that many depositors prefer short-term deposits, banks provide long-term investment financing;

    They accumulate due to many small contributions funds for large loans.

    Germany's credit system is one of the most developed in Europe. The reputation of Germany as a leading banking center in the world is associated with the perfection of national legislation. German credit system has a two-level structure. At the first level of the credit system there is a German Federal Bank.

    From August 1, 1957, the Law on German Bundesbank came into force, on the basis of which a new banking system headed by German Bundesbank was operating, with central administration in Frankfurt am Main and nine offices - central land banks and 126 urban offices. In accordance with the law, Bundesbank is a federal corporation. The authorized capital of the bank fully belongs to the federal government. On the other hand, the Bank performed by its activities is fully independent of the government.

    Bundesbank performs the following main functions:

    is the issuing center of the country;

    is the country's currency center;

    carries out the cash execution of the federal budget;

    carries out maintenance of credit institutions;

    is the settlement center of the country;

    carries out monetary regulation of the country's economy.

    At the second level there are commercial banks and non-bank credit - financial institutions.

    The UK credit system is one of the oldest. It is characterized by a high degree of concentration and specialization, well-developed banking infrastructure, close relationship with the international market of loan capital.

    The banking system of Great Britain is a two-level. At the top level - the central bank, on the bottom - other banks: commercial (deposit) and specialized - trade, foreign, savings banks, accounting houses.

    The key role of the Bank of England in the credit system is determined primarily by the fact that it serves as the issuing cash center of the country. The bank monopolis is issued by banknotes. His obligations (both in the form of banknotes and in the form of deposits of other banks) are the monetary base of the entire credit system. Any bank considers deposits at the Bank of England as their cash reserve, since if necessary, he can always withdraw funds from his account. Reducing or expanding the amount of its obligations, the Bank of England affects the magnitude of the cash reserves of banks and the money supply in circulation.

    Bank of England:

    Government consultant on monetary policy issues and its conductor.

    Is a banker of all other banks

    Exercises lending to the banking system

    He is a bank of government

    Manages public debt.

    Commercial banks in the UK are called deposit banks. They constitute the basis of the banking system. Most of the operations of deposit banks focuses in six London clearing banks. They are called because they are members of the London Clearing Chamber

    The credit system of Japan consists of three links: the Bank of Japan, commercial banks and financial institutions .. The Central Bank (Nippon Gink) is the top level of the credit system, its chairman. The Bank of Japan carries out emissions of money, monetary policy, state-monopolistic regulation of the economy and cash services for the treasury.

    Commercial banks are divided into several categories: urban, regional banks, trust banks, long-term lending banks, foreign banks.

    Government financial corporations also function in industries, in lending to which private banks are little interested. In Japan, there are 8 state corporations (Appendix 7). Insurance companies in Japan are private institutions for life insurance, as well as on property insurance. They accumulate huge tools that are used primarily for investment in securities. Stock companies specialize in securities operations. This segment of the country's financial market in modern conditions is changing very dynamically. Postal savings cash registers occupy an important place in the structure of the country's credit relations, accumulating the savings of the population.

    Japan's credit system from the very beginning of its functioning was subordinated to the tasks of the general socio-economic development of the country, the strategy of turning Japan in the global economic leader. This explains its specificity, expressing primarily in the active participation of the state in the banking business, in planning and regulating the economic development of the country. It is this feature that often undergoing severe criticism from Western economists of liberal sense. However, a similar strategy to a great extent contributed to the transformation of the backward in the past Eastern country into a modern prosperous state. In the similar direction, modern banking systems of South Korea and China are developing.

    Credit system of the Russian Federation. The modern structure of the credit system of the Russian Federation approaches the model of the credit system of industrialized countries.

    The Russian banking system is formed by the Bank of Russia, the Bank of Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation (Vneshtorgbank), the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Sberbank), commercial banks of various species, as well as other credit institutions that have licensed banking operations. The rod of our banking system is the Bank of Russia. Foreign trade bank carries out foreign economic activity and performs operations in foreign currency. Vneshtorgbank is a joint-stock, controlling stake in this bank owns the Bank of Russia. Sberbank is also a joint-stock company, and the bank's test package owns the Bank of Russia. According to the law, the state guarantees the complete preservation of funds and other values \u200b\u200bof the population, entrusted to Sberbank, and issuing them to the first requirement of investors (contribution to demand). This is the main difference between Sberbank from commercial banks. Sberbank performs almost all the same operations with cash funds as commercial banks. Sberbank and commercial banks are kept cash deposits of enterprises and the population, provide loans to legal entities and individuals and, thus, increase the offer of money in the economy.

    Commercial banks in the Russian banking system play an executive role. Through commercial banks, the Bank of Russia implements financial policies. Each bank can only carry out its activities on the basis of a license issued by the Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia may, on the basis of the law, select a license from the Bank - this acts as a decision on the liquidation of the bank. Banks have the right to open on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond the branches. Banks can form banking unions, interbank associations, associations. It is prohibited only to use these and other associations to achieve agreements aimed at monopolizing the banking operations market and to limit competition in banking. Wide distribution received in our country to associate banks to bank holding companies. Banking holding companies are firms that own shareholder share of one or more banks sufficient to carry out full control over them. Consequently, banking holding companies focus in one hands the process of managing a whole group of banks. It is beneficial for firms, since they have the opportunity as soon as possible, if necessary, a loan from these banks.

    Most of its part, commercial banks are shareholders (there is a minor share of cooperative banks), and their shares are treated in the securities market along with securities of industrial enterprises.

    All banks must keep their mandatory reserves in the Bank of Russia, as the main part of the bank's assets is indefinite deposits to be withdrawn from the first requirement of depositors, a certain percentage of assets should be stored in reserves in highly liquid form. The activities of banks are annually subject to audit organizations.

    3. Problems and improvement of the credit system of the Russian Federation

    3.1 Problems of the modern credit system of the Russian Federation

    The features of the Russian credit system are currently consistent with the predominance of commercial banks, a weakly diversified structure (limited the number of species of other credit institutions), the fuzziness of the legislative regulation of other credit institutions not included in the banking system, and the absence of uniform approaches to their activities, low quality management in a number of credit institutions, including the inefficiency of risk management and internal control systems, weak development of modern banking technologies. In addition, it can be noted a constant decrease in the number of credit institutions (from 1476 in 1999 to 958 in 2012).

    Moreover, the decrease in the number of credit institutions is mainly due to the decrease in the number of minor credit institutions with the authorized capital to 150 million rubles. (from 1426 in 1999 to 290 in 2012). This is the difference between the Russian credit system from the credit systems of other countries (Appendix 8).

    Another feature of the Credit System of Russia is the fact that with a general reduction in the number of banks in Russia, starting from 2005. There is a sharp increase in the number of large banks with the authorized capital of 150.0 million rubles. And above and amount to 01/01/2012. 668 banks, as well as the fact that the bulk of assets (74.9%) falls on the 30 largest banks in Russia.

    One of the specific features of the Russian banking system is the extreme unevenness of the territorial distribution of banking institutions. Most banks are located in Moscow and in the Moscow region - 52.4% of existing credit institutions and 88% of the total assets of the banking sector. Very few banks operate in rural areas and in distant areas. The services of organizations and the population are mainly engaged in the branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation and branches of banks of regional centers. Most provincial banks have a pronounced regional orientation, as a result of which there are many relatively separate local banking markets. This situation has objective reasons: a large territory, the underdevelopment of the infrastructure away from large cities, etc., but nevertheless the elimination of territorial unevenness is one of the promising directions for the development of the Russian banking system.

    A feature of the current period of development of the credit system is that the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 has provided for its development., Which led to a significant reduction in the number of banks.

    For today, many banks undergo the following transformation:

    Banks are combined with the aim of increasing and maintaining capital, i.e. There is a fusion of capital;

    Large banks buy smaller banks, i.e. absorption occurs;

    Banks are closed in connection with bankruptcy or due to the impossibility of small banks to fulfill the requirements of the Central Bank for work and the size of the authorized capital, i.e. Self-destruction or liquidation is carried out. Interbank loans begin to play an increasing role in the formation of resources of commercial banks. However, they have significant disadvantages - the lack of efficiency in the redistribution of funds, limitedness in size and timing. You can liquidate these disadvantages by attracting the resources of the Central Bank as a lender "in the last instance" or the creditor of the "last hand".

    3.2 Ways to improve the modern credit system of the Russian Federation

    A powerful, well-established national credit system is the key to the successful development of the Russian economy. The process of becoming a credit system revealed certain problems and disadvantages in all its structural links. Therefore, in Russia it is necessary to develop and implement a system of measures that would solve three interrelated tasks. First, improving the credit climate in the country as a whole. Secondly, to ensure the alignment of credit conditions, the availability of resources for enterprises of various regions. And finally, to create a mechanism that allows the state to regulate financial flows, including credit, to direct them to address priority economic tasks - to modernize the economy, the development and implementation of modern technologies.

    It is necessary to develop mechanisms that will provide favorable conditions for attracting capital to credit organizations. It is advisable to establish a number of sectoral development banks, as well as reorient major credit organizations with state participation on preferential financing of high-tech and manufacturing industries. With regard to other banks, a flexible policy is required to develop specialization and concentrations of banking capital. Gradually changing the legislation, it is necessary to structure the banking system in such a way that part of credit institutions specialized on the calculations, part - on various types of loans, and part - on investment activities. At the same time, it is necessary to stimulate the friendly mergers of banking structures in order to increase the degree of banking capital concentration. To solve these tasks, it is necessary to combine the efforts of the legislative and executive power and, of course, the entire banking community.

    According to the Bank of Russia, strict measures to stimulate capitalization of the banking system should have a positive impact on the country's financial and credit system, cause its revival and bring the level of its development to international standards.

    Thus, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation carries out monetary regulation of the country's economy and, depending on the direction of the credit policy, builds its relations with banks. The Bank of Russia is conducting a policy towards banks aimed at expanding or reducing the volume of credit investments. At the same time, such tools are used as a change in the level of the accounting rate, the size of the minimum requirements for the mandatory reservation of the part of the resources attracted by banks, the volume of operations carried out on the open market. The use of this or that method of regulation by the central bank or their aggregate depends on the degree of development of market relations in a given country.


    Study in the course work is devoted to theoretical aspects of Russian and foreign credit systems.

    During the writing of the work, the structure and functions of credit systems in Russia and abroad, which makes the following conclusions:

    The credit system has a double nature: it represents a combination of credit institutions and credit relations, forms and lending methods in accordance with the basic principles of lending.

    The central bank is the main part of the structure of the credit system, which also includes the banking sector, which enters into credit and financial relations with individuals and legal entities. Insurance organizations, pension funds, investment and financial companies, charitable funds, trust companies and loan-savings cash registers support the normal functioning of the country's credit system.

    The Russian credit system consists of a banking system and specialized credit and financial institutions. The Central Bank is a special public-legal institution of the first level, having a unified centralized system with a vertical management structure, which has the right to apply state coercive measures to implement their powers. The second-level credit institutions include bank credit organizations, non-bank credit organizations and specialized credit and financial institutions, each of which performs its range of banking operations.

    The Central Bank of Russia is the main bank of the country and the central link of its banking system. Its activities are aimed at developing and strengthening the banking system of the Russian Federation, ensuring the sustainability of the ruble and the uninterrupted functioning of the payment system, and not to receive profits. All his property and authorized capital are federal property, and it is an effective investor and resource distributor among credit institutions in Russia.

    Banks are endowed with exceptional right to accumulate and mobilize cash capital, exercise lending, produce securities. Non-bank credit organizations, in turn, have the right to carry out payment, settlement, credit and deposit operations.

    Specialized credit and financial institutions are valid, obeying the instructions of the Central Bank or other departments. They provide redistribution of funds between participants in financial and economic relations.

    A comparative analysis of the structure and functions of credit systems of foreign countries and Russia shows that, relying on the experience of foreign economies, some aspects of our national credit system can be improved, which will allow the Russian economy to successfully develop and respond to all modern requirements of the economy.

    The credit system of the Russian Federation is currently facing a constant decrease in the number of credit institutions and the enlargement of the already large banks. The territorial unevenness of the credit system makes it difficult to function.

    To improve the National Credit System of Russia, it is necessary to follow three areas - to improve the credit climate in the country, to ensure the alignment of lending conditions, develop mechanisms for the successful distribution of capital.

    Thus, the credit system operates through the credit mechanism. It includes all aspects of loan, investment, founding, intermediary, advisory, accumulation, redistribution activities of the credit system in the person of its institutions

    In recent years, the Russian banking system has been developing intensively, and positive trends have emerged in this development. Credit organizations began to strive for the greatest transparency, openness to customers. Advanced business models are being introduced, new banking technologies (client-bank, money transfers, debit and credit cards, etc.), various types of lending (consumer, mortgage, etc.). By the end of the XX century. In Russia, a credit system for the structure close to the credit system of countries with market economies has been established, work is underway to improve the functioning of institutions already operating in the market of credit and financial services, as well as to create structures that have not yet been widespread in Russia (credit unions, Loan-savings associations, factoring firms, pawnshops).

    Nevertheless, in all indicators, the banking system of Russia lags far behind the developed countries. Despite the high growth, the amount of loans issued it does not correspond to the objectives of economic growth facing the country. In industrialized countries, the system of state regulation of the credit system is a complex, efficient and fairly controversial mechanism. However, it developed for a long time, passing the stages of adaptation and structural changes.

    Bibliographic list

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by a national vote on December 12, 1993) [Electronic resource]: Officer. text

    Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" with changes [Electronic resource]

    Federal Law of 02.12.1990 No. 395-I "On Banks and Banking Activities" with changes [Electronic resource]

    Golikova, Yu.S. Organization of the activities of the Central Bank [Text]: Textbook / Yu.S. Golikova, MA Hochlenkova. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and additional - m.: Infra-M, 2012.

    Rabbitetskaya, L.P. Banking: Credit activities of commercial banks [Text]: Tutorial / L.P. Rabbitetskaya, E.V. Tikhomirova. - M.: Knourus, 2009.

    Muravyova, Z.A. Financial and credit systems of foreign countries [Text]: Training Methodical Complex. 2nd ed., Improved / Z.A. Muravyeva. - M.: Publishing House, 2006.

    Rudo-Silivanov, V.V. Organization of the Central Bank [Text]: Tutorial / V.V. Rudo-Silivanov, N.V. Konina, MA Zhevlakova. - M.: Knorus, 2011.

    Borisov, S.M. Russian ruble in international calculations: geography and statistics // Money and loan. - 2011. - № 12.

    Ilyasov, S.M. On the prospects for the development of regional banking systems // Banking. - 2012. - № 4.

    Materials of the Bank of Russia [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http // www.cbr.ru

    credit Bank Financial Russia

    Attachment 1

    Credit system of state

    Fig. 1. Scheme "Credit system of the state"

    Appendix 2.

    Credit system structure

    Fig. 2. Scheme "Credit system structure"

    Appendix 3.

    Hierarchical structure of the credit system

    Fig. 3. Scheme "Hierarchical structure of the credit system"

    Appendix 4.

    Organizational structure of the Bank of Russia

    Fig. 4. Scheme "Organizational Structure of the Bank of Russia"

    Appendix 5.

    Functions of the Bank of Russia

    in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation develops and conducts a unified state monetary policy

    monopolois carries out the emission of cash and organizes cash

    approves a graphic designation of the ruble as a sign

    he is a lender of the last instance for credit institutions, organizes the system of refinancing

    sets the rules for making calculations in the Russian Federation

    oversees and monitoring the national payment system

    sets the rules for holding banking operations

    carries out the maintenance of budget accounts of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by federal laws, through settlements on the instructions of the authorized executive bodies and state extrabudgetary funds, which are assigned to the organization of the execution and execution of budgets

    makes a decision on state registration of credit institutions, issues licenses to credit organizations for banking operations, suspends their action and recalls them

    supervises the activities of credit institutions and banking groups

    registers issuing securities with credit institutions in accordance with federal laws

    exercise independently or on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, all types of banking operations and other transactions necessary for the functions of the Bank of Russia

    organizes and implements currency regulation and currency control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

    determines the procedure for making calculations with international organizations, foreign states, as well as with legal entities and individuals

    sets the rules of accounting and reporting for the banking system of the Russian Federation

    establishes and publishes official foreign currencies in relation to the ruble

    takes part in the development of the forecast of the balance of payments of the Russian Federation and organizes the preparation of the balance of payments of the Russian Federation

    takes part in the development of the methodology for the preparation of the financial account of the Russian Federation in the system of national accounts and organizes the preparation of the financial account of the Russian Federation

    an analysis and prediction of the state of the economy of the Russian Federation as a whole and by regions, primarily monetary, currency and financial and price relations, publishes relevant materials and statistical data

    banks of Russia payments in deposits of individuals in bankrupt banks recognized by bankrupt banks not participating in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in the banks of the Russian Federation, in cases and procedure provided for by the Federal Law

    it is the depositary of the funds of the International Monetary Fund in the currency of the Russian Federation, performs operations and transactions provided for in articles by the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and agreements with the International Monetary Fund

    performs other functions in accordance with federal laws

    Appendix 6.

    Banking operations and bank transactions in Russia

    provide loans for a period of no more than one year under providing securities and other assets, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law on the Federal Budget

    provide loans without providing for a period of no more than one year by Russian credit institutions that are rating not lower than the established level. List of rating agencies whose ratings are used to determine the creditworthiness of credit recipients, and the necessary minimum indicators of relevant ratings, additional requirements for loans recipients, as well as the procedure and conditions for the provision of relevant loans are established by the Board of Directors

    buy and sell securities on the open market, as well as sell securities that advocate the Bank of Russia loans

    buy and sell bonds issued by the Bank of Russia and deposit certificates

    buy and sell foreign currency, as well as payment documents and obligations denominated in foreign currency exposed by Russian and foreign credit institutions

    buy, store, sell precious metals and other types of currency values

    conduct settlement, cash and deposit operations, take storage and securities management and other assets

    issuance of guarantees and bank guarantees

    perform operations with financial instruments used to manage financial risks

    open accounts in Russian and foreign credit institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation and territories of foreign countries

    exhibit checks and bills in any currency

    carry out other banking operations and transactions on their own behalf in accordance with the customs of business turnover adopted in international banking practice

    carry out banking operations with legal entities that do not have licenses for banking operations, and individuals, except in cases provided for by the Federal Law

    acquire shares (shares) of credit and other organizations, except in cases provided for by the Federal Law

    carry out operations with real estate, except in cases involving the activities of the Bank of Russia and its organizations

    engage in trade and manufacturing activities, except in cases provided for by the Federal Law

    prolongate provided loans. Exception can be done by decision of the Board of Directors

    Appendix 7.

    State Corporations of Japan

    National Life Finance Corporation.

    Housing lending corporation.

    Corporation of financing agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

    Japanese financial corporation for small business.

    Japanese financial corporation of small and medium enterprises.

    Japanese financial corporation for municipal enterprises.

    Financial Development Corporation Okinawa.

    Association of credit guarantees.

    Appendix 8.

    Grouping existing credit organizations on the magnitude of the registered authorized capital in 2012

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state