
Federal Law 167 FZ. What changes were made? What is the law

The creation of sources of financing for pensioners (pension insurance) is the basis of the pension system in different states of the world. There are two types of pension insurance:

  • Mandatory pension insurance;
  • Voluntary.

To understand the types of insurance and understand how this type of activity is regulated, was created

What is the law?

The main provisions of FZ 167

Summary Federal Law № 167:

  • Chapter 1 - Describes general provisions FZ;
  • Chapter 2 - Lists participants in legal relations on the mandatory pension insurance;
  • Chapter 3 - describes the rights and obligations of subjects of mandatory pension insurance;
  • Chapter 4 - Discloses the Concept financial system compulsory pension insurance;
  • Chapter 5 - Lists methods for payment of insurance premiums;
  • Chapter 6 - describes the final, as well as transitional positions.

What changes were made?

As mentioned above, last changes The federal law was made on December 28, 2017. The changes touched the following articles:

P 4 Articles 33

Information about organizations that carry out technical and innovative activities was removed from this point.

P 7 st 33

This paragraph is set out in new edition. It says that since 2014, those who contribute funds to the Insurance Fund to obtain a future pension, pay and earn 8 percent. The amount of contributions is determined by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation individually based on the general statistics of the amount received from citizens in the Russian Federation. In 2018, the fee will be 13 percent. In 2019, the tariff will be 20 percent.

P 17 st 33

Legal entities will have to pay insurance premiums in the amount of 6 percent.

P 2 art 33.1

It says that since 2014, until 2020 (earlier 2019), a tariff in the amount of 22 percent within the established amount and about 10 percent (above the established amount) applies for some insureders.

P 4 tel 33.3

It says that part insurance fee goes completely to financing labor pension With the subsequent indexation of the insured person. However, since 2015, until 2020, the accumulation of the insurance pension will be sent to ensuring the insurance pension of citizens with regard to indexation. Such contributions to the pension fund are mandatory.

The following are important articles in which no changes were made:

Article 4.

Article 4 describes who is subject to compulsory insurance. They are:

  • Insured persons;
  • Insurers;
  • Insurer.

Art 8.

Article 8 describes the insured case. Based on the law of the FZ 167, the insured event occurs:

  • to achieve retirement age;
  • at the time of disability;
  • with the loss of the breadwinner.

Article 13.

Article 13 lists the rights and obligations of the insurer. He is entitled:

  • Conduct additional checks from insureders, namely, with the appointment of compulsory insurance and its recalculation;
  • Require clients to eliminate violations in immediate order;
  • Receive data from taxpayers;
  • Independently carry out cash management;
  • Present the interests of insured persons before insured.

The insurer should:

  • Control the correct provision of documents and the correct information that will be required for further personal accounting;
  • Prepare reasonable reasons why the insurance premiums rate were raised;
  • In a timely manner to prescribe the right amount of pension that citizens of the Russian Federation should receive;
  • Monitor the validity of the documents;
  • Draw up a project on the basis of the budget of PF;
  • Provide proper use Money;
  • To take into account the funds that come on compulsory pension insurance;
  • Register and shoot from the registration of citizens who are or were insured;
  • Ensure the proper maintenance of a special personal account;
  • To organize advice through our own territorial bodies to insured persons on pension insurance issues;
  • Determine the amounts of insurance premiums that are charged on accumulative and insurance pensions;
  • Register the total amount of insurance payments that were adopted by the PF of the Russian Federation.

Art 16.

Article 16 describes the budget Pension Fund RF.

Under the budget of the Pension Fund means funds that have passed into federal property. They do not base other budgets, so they can not be withdrawn. At the time of creating a budget, the rate of working capital is established for the next year. The budget is approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of federal laws and the budget Code of the Russian Federation and is consolidated.

The text of the law on compulsory pension insurance

Federal Law No. 177 "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" regulates the legal relations that are associated with mandatory pension insurance. To analyze the law and its regulations in detail, you need to proceed.

To date, the pension system in the Russian Federation has undergone significant changes.

For example, such a concept was introduced as mandatory pension insurance (OPS) in order to ensure insurance protection and interests of Russian citizens. Regulates this issue FZ No. 167-FZas well as other regulatory acts.

In this article, we will consider the basic provisions of this legislative act, including the types of pension insurance, participants on it, the principle of operation of this system, and also, as a personalized accounting in the OPS.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Pension insurance (PS) in the Russian Federation is insurance, which is intended to ensure the sources of financing pension payments.

Exists mandatory and voluntary PS.

In agreement with Article 3 of the FZ No. 167-FZ dated December 15, 2010, under the OPS imply system of measures to compensate income personalitieswho was accrued before the appointment of pensions and was lost at the occurrence insurance case.

After the entry into force of the Federal Law "On compulsory PS" in 2002 in the Russian Federation began to operate pension reform. In agreement with the data legislative act All Russian citizens are insured. The FIU opens to all individuals an individual personal account (ILS), which each month is accrued (SV), which employee pays the employer during the calculation of the salary. These contributions form future pension payments.

Accumulated bonds are invested on Finrynka, additionally forming cumulative part (LF), the management of which is produced by the GUK "Vnesheconombank". If the physical is not determined with the investment method, then financial arrivals are listed from the FIU by default. Any citizen has the right to independently decide who to convey the right to manage the accumulated contributions, for example, a non-state pension fund or company.

An individual accounting system, which is conducted by the FIU, is intended for collecting and keeping accounting for information about all individuals who have registration in the OPS system. Due to this, there is the possibility of implementing the appointment of the accumulative and insurance part of pensions, depending on the amount of SV and investment paid on them.

For each physical FFR opens ILS. With a specific number, which has three components:

  1. The general part includes the following information: FULL NAME, address, passport details, sexuality, citizenship, work time and other activities, wage information and other data.
  2. The special part accounts for data on the amount of the SV listed on the accumulative part of the state-owned, about choosing the type of investment and other information.
  3. A professional part includes information about the amount of investment, accrued and paid sch for the pension provision of the physical, which has the right to the length of the experience and the amount of payments.

Each individual facial account The number is assigned, the information about which is contained in the SSHPS - the laminated plastic green card, which the FIU gives. You can get these information in your personal profile on the PFR website.

Summing up, it can be said that the OPS system was introduced to ensure the payment of pension charges to citizens in order to support them. To implement this program An individual accounting system was created on the insured saline. Thanks to the accounting with its help pension law Citizens eliminates the likelihood of errors in the accrual of pension payments.

About the system of mandatory pension insurance, see the following video:

Adjusting the relationship between the payer of insurance premiums and the insured is carried out through various laws. One of them is the law of federal significance of 167 FZ on compulsory pension insurance. All rights and obligations of the parties that are participants in such relationships are registered in this regulatory act. The resolution of all arising controversial situations is made when using such a document.

General provisions and basic concepts of the law

Federal Law 167 on compulsory pension insurance ensures the regulation of the relations of the parties in the system of compulsory pension insurance. Among the main tasks of such a document - the definition of the legal position of the subjects, as well as the procedure for implementing their rights.

According to this lawThe obligatory pension insurance is a system of measures that aims to ensure financial assistance to citizens in the event of an insured event.

Download the full version of the law you can here

Such a system created by the state allows various categories of citizens to receive compensation paymentsThis minimizes the financial burden on the family budget.

As mandatory insurance payments is defined money amountwhich is entered into the FSS budget from the employer or directly the payer itself (if the policyholder is an individual entrepreneur).

In accordance with this law, the executive bodies in the regions can engage in solving problems of this type:

  • consideration and approval of the budget of the Fund;
  • determination of features of funding pension savings;
  • control of the OPS system;
  • establishing the procedure for checking budget reporting;
  • determination of the storage order of budgetary funds;
  • holding state Supervision For compliance with the rights of insured persons.

Among the powers of the federal state authorities should also note the possibility of determining the conditions for investing pension savings.

Such a law clearly defines participants in legal relations, as insurers and insurers are in favor. The insured persons can be citizens who are constantly officially officially work, as well as persons who are not officially officially. In the first case, regular insurance premiums are listed in FSS through the employer by retention wages. The person who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, but does not use the labor of hired workers, independently makes such payments to the Fund budget.

The party that takes all responsibilities to ensure compulsory pension insurance is the insurer. Control the work of territorial bodies becomes possible due to the creation of a single centralized system.

The insurers use the services of the insurer and regularly contribute to the FSS account. When an insured event occurs, a certain amount of money is assumed, the size of which is determined depending on the set of different factors.

All participants in such legal relations have their duties and rights. All these points were also noted in the Federal Law 167. The organization providing insurance services (insurer) may initiate inspections regarding the correctness and regularity of accrual insurance premiums. In case of detection of any shortcomings, an option is possible to apply sanctions against the intruder.

If necessary, the insurer may require information in tax authorities Regarding a specific taxpayer. Functions for the development and execution of the budget are also assigned to this side.

The obligations of the insurer included the timely payment of insurance pensions and other payments upon the occurrence of the insured event. If necessary, this Party must inform the insured regarding the changes implemented in the relationship mechanism. Accounting is also responsible for the insurer.

Regarding the rights of insurers, here it should be noted the possibility of free receipt of information from the insurer regarding regulatory acts. This Party may take an active part in the management of mandatory pension insurance and, if necessary, to seek the court to protect their rights.

At the same time, the insured must necessarily register in the manner prescribed by Art. 11 of this federal law. It must fulfill all the requirements of the territorial authorities of the insurer and regularly make pay in accordance with applicable law.

The financial system of mandatory pension insurance is not part of federal budget. The funds existing on the account of such an organization are not subject to withdrawal and cannot be part of other budgets. The formation of the budget for the next fiscal year implies the establishment of a norm of current money. Every year a report should be drawn relative to the budget spending with a detailed description.

The amount of insurance premiums for a storage pension and additional insurance premiums in budget formation should be taken into account separately. Regional FSS account can only be opened. Access to funds also have five deputy chairmen of the FSS.

The FFR budget is formed not only at the expense of insurance premiums, but also due to the fines paid, voluntary contributions and various invested products. The main items of budgetary funds are financial and material and technical support of the insurer.

Features of payment of insurance premiums

The insurance premium rate is determined by a whole set of factors. The size of the monthly payment largely depends on the status of a citizen, its working experience and other factors. Payment of insurance premiums on compulsory pension insurance is made by a single settlement document. Subsequently, it is sent to the Federal Treasury of the FIU.

Accepted in 2001 167-ФЗ on the mandatory provision of payments to persons who completed the labor activity determines the legal status of certain categories of citizens, the founding of the emergence and the procedure for the implementation of responsibilities and rights in this area. The regulatory act also establishes the responsibility of the subjects involved in the relevant relationship.

Let us then consider some provisions of 167-FZ "On compulsory pension insurance".


167-FZ on mandatory guarantee special categories The population establishes a certain circle of persons participating in the relevant relationship. These include:

  • state institutions;
  • insurers;
  • persons implementing labor activity;
  • insured.


He acts as an insurer. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as its territorial units form a centralized structure of human resources management. The downstream organs are accountable to higher. The state subsidiary is responsible for obligations to citizens. Other funds in cases and manner established by law can be as insurers. The rules of creation in such accumulation structures, investing these funds, the conditions for transferring amounts from the FIU and payment of contributions, as well as the limits of the implementation of powers are determined by regulatory acts.

Responsible persons

In accordance with the 167-FZ "pension insurance" specified by the subjects:

  • Persons who produce payments to individuals. These are also attributed to citizens, IP, organizations.
  • Lawyers, individual entrepreneurs.

If any of these subjects is simultaneously included in several categories, the calculation and payment of contributions is carried out for each basis. In order to implement the provisions of 167-ФЗ on compulsory pension provision for individual entrepreneurs, private-projecting notaries and detectives are equal. Normative act Provides another category of persons. The policyholders include individuals who voluntarily enter into legal relations related to the obligatory pension insurance in accordance with the provisions of Art. 29 of the considered Federal Law.


These include persons on which it applies to compulsory insurance In accordance with the commented FZ. The laws of law are citizens of Russia living on its territory foreigners and people who do not have citizenship. At the same time, they must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Work on a labor contract or civil legal contract, as the subject of which is the provision of services, works, as well as on a licensing or copyright agreement.
  • Independently providing yourself with employment. These persons refer individual entrepreneurs, Protective notaries, detectives, lawyers.
  • Be members of farm / peasant farms.
  • Work abroad in case of contributions, according to the provisions of 29 Art. 167-FZ, unless otherwise established by an international agreement.
  • A member of family, generic communities of the small peoples of the North, occupied in traditional economic sectors.

The subjects of law may also include other categories that, in accordance with 167-FZ, compulsory pension provision arises with the ability to enter into relevant legal relations regulated by the regulatory act.

Cases of implementation of provisions

The Federal Law 167-FZ applies if there are risks. They constitute a threat to losing the right to their earnings, remuneration and other payments related to labor activities. Insurance cases include the offensive of retirement age, disability, as well as the loss of the breadwinner. In these situations, appropriate payments are appointed. These include the insurance and accumulative parts of the labor pension to achieve old age and with disabilities, the insurance part of the benefit in connection with the loss of the breadwinner, as well as social pay For the burial of citizens who did not carry out employment at the date of death.

Contributions to the FFR

The law 167-FZ on the mandatory provision of persons entitled to payments in the above cases establishes that the amounts that have been received for these subjects to the Fund are accounting on their individual accounts. As an object of taxing and bases for their accrual, amounts of ESN are coming. They are installed ch. 24 NK.

Registration of responsible persons

The law 167-FZ establishes the procedure and time framework to the FIU. Check in - mandatory procedure. It is held within a month:

  • For employers-organizations, farmer / peasant farms - from the date of state registration at the address of the location. Enterprises including separate divisions, registered in the departments of the FIU on the territory of its finding and work of representation / branch.

  • For individuals, independently paid contributions from the date of state registration (obtaining a permitting document for activities) at the address of residence. If the work is carried out in another area, then registering there.
  • For citizens accepting employees under a contract paying remuneration under the conditions of civil law contracts that contributions are charged - from the date of their conclusion at their place of residence.

Powers of GosVesti authorities

FZ-167 refers to the competence of structures:

  • The establishment of the rules for adopting the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, its approval and determination of the procedure for execution.
  • Maintaining financial stability and balance of the OPS system. In the number of activities aimed at implementing this task, there is an admission required contributions in planned volume.
  • Determining the conditions and rules for the formation and investment of accumulation tools.
  • Establishment of the storage order of the cash fund.
  • Management of the OPS system.
  • Defining the rules for using temporarily free financial resources.
  • Maintaining state control and supervision for the realization of the rights of subjects.

Additional powers

FIU, according to FZ-167, has the right:

  • To carry out in responsible persons, checking documentation related to the appointment / recalculation, the payment of compulsory support, the provision of information of individual accounting of the subjects of law.
  • Require and receive necessary information on issues arising in the process of revisions. The exception is the data assigned to a commercial secret.
  • Require from leadership and other employees of checked enterprises and individuals, independently paying contributions, eliminating violations of the regulatory provisions found in the process of inspections.
  • Receive the information needed to implement the OPS. The FIU has the right to request information from the Declaration and other data assigned to the tax secrecy.
  • Manage fund budget funds, control their spending.
  • Present the interests of the subjects of the right to payers of contributions.
  • To return mandatory deductions If it is impossible to establish specific persons for which they were listed.


In accordance with FZ-167, the FIU should:

Rights of payers

FZ-167 determines that responsible persons can:

  • Through its representatives to take part in the management process of the OPS.
  • Receive information from the FIU regulatory documents, the magnitude of the mandatory provision paid by the subjects of law for which responsible persons transferred funds.
  • Contact B. judicial authorities To protect interests.

Prescriptions for payers

Insureders are required:

  • To register according to the rules established in Art. 11 of the regulatory act under consideration.
  • In full timely deduction contributions to the FIU budget, keep records regarding accrual and transfer funds.
  • Provide in the territorial divisions of the Foundation the documentation necessary to maintain an individual account of a citizen, appointment / recalculation, as well as payments of mandatory support.
  • Perform the requirements of the FIU and its bodies related to the elimination of violations of the provisions of regulatory acts.
  • Perform other duties established by law.

Rights and obligations of citizens

Insured Subjects can:

  • Through the representative structures of employers and workers to take part in improving the OPS system.
  • Receive without any obstacles from the employer information about the accrual of contributions, keep control of their transfer to the budget of the FIU.
  • Implement the protection of interests, including in court.
  • Completely and timely receive compulsory provision at the expense of the FIU budget.

At the same time, citizens should:

  • To provide payers with reliable information speakers as a basis for appointing and transferring mandatory support established by law.
  • To report responsible persons about all changes that may affect payment.
  • Perform the conditions set for destination and transfer benefits.

In case of non-compliance with the prescriptions and pay in connection with this unnecessary sums From the funds of the FIU budget, citizens will be responsible in the amount of property harm inflicted by them in the manner prescribed by law. In particular, administrative, civil law and criminal measures can be applied to the guilty. In the interests of the subjects to provide reliable information in a timely manner. The list of documents giving reason to receive payments established by the legislation is determined by the Government.

Responsibility for violations

It is installed in Article 27 167-FZ. Violation by payers for registration in the territorial division of the FIU in the absence of other illegal actions may entail the appointment of a fine of 5 thousand rubles. In case of delay in registration for more than 90 days, the amount of recovery increases twice. With a complete / partial non-payment of contributions due to the undertaking of the base for their accrual, other incorrect calculation or other illegal actions, a penalty is imposed on the perpetrator, which is 20% of the incredible amount.

In case of intentional committing these acts, the amount of recovery increases twice. With an unlawful / untimely report by the subject of information, which it was necessary to submit to the territorial division of the FIU in accordance with the law, the face is facing a fine of 1,000 rubles. In the case of re-committing the specified inaction during the calendar year, recovery increases to 5 thousand.

Budget PFR

It is drawn up for the coming year, taking into account the balance of expenditure and income parts. When forming a budget is determined by the standard current means. Annually approved the financial plan, as well as a report on its execution according to the rules established in the BC. The PFR budget is consolidated. Its composition separately takes into account contributions to the accumulative part, funds that are sent to investment, payments carried out by savings, costs associated with the operational activities of the Fund. Cash OPS must be stored in the accounts of the FIU. They opened in central bank institutions. In the event of their lack of account are created in credit organizations, the list of which is determined by the government on a competitive basis. Per bank operations With the means of the OPS fee is not charged.

2) individuals In order to pay insurance premiums for another individual for which the insurance premiums are not paid by the Insured in accordance with this Federal Law and the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees;

3) Insured persons carrying out insurers to pay insurance premiums in a fixed size in a part exceeding this size, but a total of not more than a size defined as a work of eight-time minimum size The wages established by the Federal Law at the beginning of the fiscal year for which insurance premiums are paid, and the insurance premiums tariff in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation established by sub-clause 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 425 Tax Code Of the Russian Federation, increased 12 times;

4) individuals in order to pay additional insurance premiums for a funded pension in accordance with the Federal Law "On Additional Insurance Contributions for a Cumulative Pension and state support formation of pension savings ";

5) individuals in order to pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for themselves, constantly or temporarily living in the Russian Federation, which do not apply to compulsory pension insurance, in accordance with this Federal Law, with the exception of the persons specified in subparagraph 6 of this item;

6) individuals in order to pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for themselves, applying a special tax regime "Professional Income Tax", constantly or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Persons who have the right to voluntary entry into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance on several grounds among those listed in paragraph 1 of this article have the right to voluntarily enter into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance for each of the grounds.

3. The persons listed in subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of paragraph 1 of this article shall enter into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance and terminate the legal relations on compulsory pension insurance by submitting an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation according to the rules approved in The procedure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The persons specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of this article shall enter into legal preparations on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance premiums for a funded pension in the manner defined by the Federal Law.

5. The persons listed in subparagraphs 1 - 3, 5 and 6 of paragraph 1 of this article are paid to the payment of insurance premiums on the relevant accounts of the Federal Treasury with the use of codes budget classificationintended for accounting for insurance premiums paid in a voluntary order.

The minimum amount of insurance premiums of the persons listed in subparagraphs 1 - 3 and 5 of paragraph 1 of this article is defined as a work of the minimum wage established by the Federal Law at the beginning of the fiscal year, for which insurance premiums are paid, and the insurance premiums tariff in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation , established by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 425 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, increased by 12 times.

The maximum amount of insurance premiums of the persons listed in subparagraphs 1 - 3, 5 and 6 of this article cannot be more sized as defined as a product of an eight-time minimum amount of wages established by the Federal Law at the beginning of the fiscal year, for which insurance premiums and tariff are paid. Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation established by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 425 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, increased by 12 times.

The estimated period of insurance premiums is recognized as a calendar year. When applying for voluntary entry into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance estimated period It begins from the date of submission of the specified statement to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. When submitting an application for termination of legal relations for compulsory pension insurance, the billing period ends on the day of submission of this statement to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 3, 5 and 6 of clause 1 of this article independently, taking into account the restrictions established by this clause, determine the amount of insurance premiums and calculate the indicated insurance premiums payable for the estimated period.

If the statement on the voluntary entry into legal relations (on the termination of legal relations) on compulsory pension insurance was filed to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation during the estimated period, the amount of insurance premiums payable for this estimated period is determined in proportion to the number of calendar months during which the person It was in legal relations on compulsory pension insurance. Per particular month The amount of insurance premiums is determined in proportion to the number calendar days this month.

Periods of payment of insurance premiums by persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 3, 5 and 6 of paragraph 1 of this article are counted in the insurance experience. The duration of the periods of payment of insurance premiums counted in the insurance period of the insurance premiums specified in subparagraphs 2 and 5 of paragraph 1 of this article cannot be more than half insurance experiencerequired to assign an old-age insurance pension.

Persons specified in subparagraph 6 of clause 1 of this article if total amount Increased insurance premiums during the calendar year amounted to no less fixed amount of the insurance premium for compulsory pension insurance, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, taking into account the provisions of the paragraph of the seventh of this clause, the period equal to the corresponding estimated period is counted in the insurance experience, determined according to the fourth paragraph of this paragraph. In the event that the total amount of paid insurance premiums during the calendar year by these persons is less fixed in the amount of the insurance premium for compulsory pension insurance, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the period determined in the insurance premiums proportionately paid by the insurance premiums is counted But no longer than the duration of the corresponding estimated period, determined according to the fourth paragraph of this paragraph.

6. Payment of additional insurance premiums to the accumulative pension by persons specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of this article is carried out under the conditions and in the manner established by the Federal Law "On additional insurance premiums for a storage retirement and state support for the formation of pension savings".

7. The right of persons listed in paragraph 1 of this article on insurance support for compulsory pension insurance, including, taking into account additional insurance premiums for a cumulative retirement, employer contributions paid in favor of the insured person and contributions to co-financing the formation of pension savings in accordance With federal law "On additional insurance contributions for a storage retirement and state support for the formation of pension savings", under the observance of the conditions established by the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", the Federal Law "On Accumulative Pension".

Judicial practice under Article 29 of the FZ dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ

    Decision of November 7, 2018 in case number A79-10144 / 2018

    O.A. on the insurance pension, including to establish the value of the pension coefficient, on voluntary entry into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance (paragraph 3 of Article 29 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ), etc. Do not have legal significance for permission of claims declared under the present case. Taking into account the set out of the requirement ...

    Solution No. 2-1778 / 2018 2-1778 / 2018 ~ M-1498/2018 M-1498/2018 dated September 26, 2018 in case number 2-1778 / 2018

    Elabuga City Court (Republic of Tatarstan) - Civil and Administrative

    The plaintiff is indicated by special conditions Labor is not a reason for refusing to incorporate periods of working with the date of impersonal by the date of impersonal (1 year 7 months 29 days), with the date is impersonal by the date of the delete (5 years 10 months 10 days), only 7 years 6 months 9 days (1 year 7 months 29 days + 5 ...

    Decision No. 2-2538 / 2018 dated September 14, 2018 in case number 2-2538 / 2018

    Moscow District Court of Cheboksary (Chuvash Republic) - Civil and Administrative

    S.Yu. The insurance pension, including to establish the cost of the pension coefficient, on voluntary entry into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance (clause 3 of Article 29 of the Federal Law No. 167-ФЗ No. 167-ФЗ) does not have legal significance for permission of the requirements announced under the present case . Under such circumstances, the court considers the claimant's requirements ...

    Solution No. 2-1996 / 2018 2-1996 / 2018 ~ M-1742/2018 M-1742/2018 dated September 13, 2018 in case number 2-1996 / 2018

    Azov City Court (Rostov Region) - Civil and Administrative

    Within the territory of the Russian Federation: either in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation, or in case of payment of insurance premiums in the FIU in accordance with Art. 29 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation". In the controversial periods, the plaintiff worked in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and an agreement on ...

    Decision of September 12, 2018 in case number A79-7074 / 2018

    Court of Arbitration Chuvash Republic (AU Chuvash Republic)

    M.V. To the insurance pension, including to establish the value of the pension coefficient, on voluntary entry into legal relations on compulsory pension insurance (paragraph 3 of Article 29 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ) do not have legal importance to permit declared under the present case requirements. Under such circumstances, the decision of the refusal department ...

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