
Where the pension fund was transferred. How to carry out the transfer of the accumulative part of the pension in the NPF or the FIU. The obligation of the NPF translate the accumulation back to the PFR

Existing legislation provides special categories Citizens The right to manage the amount of contributions made by the employer to the Pension Fund of Russia (FIU). However, the transfer of pension to non-state pension Fund (NPF) is associated with certain risks, although it has its advantages.

Is it profitable to form pension savings

The general procedure for the formation of the pension budget involves the transfer by the employer in the FIU monthly for each leakage of the amount equal to 22% of earnings, from own funds. They are distributed like this:

  1. 6% is sent to the solidarity used to perform current payments to recipients;
  2. 16% is taken into account on facial account Truck.

Manage a person in the last part can as follows:

  • all 16% leave on the insurance factor;
  • translate 6% of them to the cumulative part (10% in any case will be taken into account in the insurance).

Thus, the participant of the OPS system has the right to distinguish the share of contributions in order to invest it in investment activities. To control this part of capital to old age by law can:

  • management companies (CC);
  • non-state pension funds.

In addition, additionally accumulation on the insured case is allowed to replenish:

  1. voluntary contributions;
  2. participation in the program of state-finance;
  3. maternal capital (for women only).

Benefits from the transfer of part of contributions to the NPF management are as follows:

  • capital increases due to profits from investment activities;
  • it is inherited if a lifetime payment plan is not selected;
  • in certain situations, it can be obtained at a time after the offensive insurance case (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of Law No. 360-FZ dated November 30, 2011).
Important: The main minus of this pension plan is its risks. Download for viewing and printing:

Why use NPF services

The choice of most participants in the OPS system is based on the profitability of a company.
The NPF is beneficial to the CC, working under the contract with the FIU, in this regard. And there is foundations:

  • private funds are wider than the choice of financial instruments;
  • they are not limited to binding platforms for investment as a Criminal Code.

In addition, NPFs work on the creation of attractive services for depositors:

  1. provide the opportunity to citizens to follow the movement of funds in accounts via the Internet;
  2. operate on the principle of openness and security:
    • publish regular reports;
    • deposits insure their statutory fund.
Important: The NPF concludes official agreements with citizens, guaranteeing the invariance of the conditions for managing money.

The main goal of the private fund's work is to increase the welfare of people who have confessed their future.

Who can resort to private funds

The Law No. 424-FZ contains restrictions on age for those who want to make pension savings. Thus, this tariff is not available for workers who have earlier than 1967. Except are:

  • men 1953 - 1966..;
  • and women 1957 - 1966.;
  • executive officials labor activity From 2002 to 2005.

For them, small accumulative contributions were made in the same period. These categories of citizens have the right to dispose of them at their discretion.

In addition, capital on old age can form:

  1. Women by attachment maternal capital In the coming allowance.
  2. Workers who have managed to connect to the program of state-financed.
  3. Young insured people for whom the first installment in OPS is made from 01/01/2014.

People belonging to the latter of these categories, given five years since the first contribution to determine the tariff plan.

The selection time of the accumulative tariff is determined differently for workers who have not reached the 23rd anniversary. The period mentioned earlier increases until December 31 of that year, in which such a person marks 23 years. In 2014-2020 All insolutions on the OPS, paid by employers for their employees, with any pension funding options, are sent only to the formation of an insurance pension. Download for viewing and printing:

Is it worth entering into an agreement with NPF

Despite the risks of the activities of private funds, such factors speak in favor of cooperation with them:

  • the probability of receiving a pension is significant not only from the invested funds, but also by profits from investment;
  • customer money is guaranteed by the statutory fund of the organization:
    • losses are compensated at their own expense financial organization;
    • consequently, the losses do not threaten the future pensioner;
  • private structure has all the possibilities for effectively responding to fluctuations financial markets Due to:
    • attracting high-class specialists;
    • use of modern technologies;
    • own interest in maximum profitability.
Recommendation: When choosing a cumulative tariff, it should be borne in mind that the NPF may withdraw the license.

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The decision to cooperate with the private structure should be made on the basis of a thorough study of all available information. Attention should be paid to such characteristics of the financial organization:

  1. Feedback rating agencies about the reliability of the structure.
  2. The term of exercising activities in the markets. Older structures have a rich experience in investing, therefore, risks are reduced.
  3. The rate of profitability in the dynamics for several years (at least five).
  4. List of founders. Well, when dear companies engaged in the high-tech developments are included in it.
  5. Openness activities for customers.
Important: The most indicative characteristic of the efficiency of the financial organization is its reputation. It is worth learn what other legal entities and simple clients say about NPF.

How to conclude a contract with a private foundation

The procedure for the preparation and signing of the agreement between citizens and the NPF is described in Article 36.4 of Law No. 75-FZ dated 07.05.1998. The document says:

  1. The agreement is drawn up in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. The parties conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance.
  3. Money under the management of the private structure is transferred from April next year.
  4. A citizen can conclude a similar agreement with only one organization in the same period.
ATTENTION: The agreement comes into force from the moment the insurer's funds are transferred.

After making an agreement on the choice of the Fund, you must notify the FIU:

  • this happens in a regular order without the participation of a citizen if the structures agreed on a mutual certificate of signatures;
  • in other cases it is necessary to write an application to the FIU.

After receiving the information of the action of the FIR:

  1. Until the end of the current year, experts proceed the applications of the participants of the OPS system on the transfer of funds to a particular private fund or the Criminal Code.
  2. Until March 1, the registry makes appropriate changes.
  3. Since April, the transfer of funds to the selected NPF is carried out.
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Is it possible to translate the cumulative part back to the pension fund

Translation of capital to old age in the FIU is carried out in a declarative manner.
That is, a citizen follows the end of the calendar year in writing to make an ambition. Application can be sent by one of the following methods:

  • personally at the reception at a specialist:
    • in the local department;
    • in a multifunctional center;
  • mailing;
  • on the Public Services portal;
  • through a representative.

Set necessary documents Depends on the selected method of alerts of specialists of the FIU. Namely:

  1. With a personal conversation, you must provide:
    • passport;
    • SNILS.
  2. If the application is sent by mail, then you must invest in the envelope with it certified by the notary copies of the specified papers.
  3. When using the Internet connection you need:
    • upload to the portal of civil service electronic copies of documents;
    • either take advantage digital signature (Copies are not required).
Important: The transfer of savings in the FIU is carried out in April following the date of the application of the year. ATTENTION: In case of early termination of the contract with the NPF in the overwhelming majority of cases, the depositor carries the risk of loss of investment profits. Since the end of 2017, the Bank of Russia decided to oblige NPF in advance to inform the consisted and potential customers about such risks.

Caution! At the end of 2017, unscrupulous NPFs were activated, persuading people to translate their pension savings from the FIU into their NPF. The future pensioners tell the most incredible stories that if this is not done before the end of the year, the accumulation will be lost or will not be indexed. All this is nothing more than another NPF trick. The appropriate statement has already been done on the official website of the FIU.

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Sometimes there is a need to move from NPF to the NFR. To understand how to make such a step correctly, you need to deal with all the nuances. If you want, you can also find instructions on our website.

A citizen can choose any management company that transmits its money. Such organizations are public and private. In the latter case, it is important to conclude a trust agreement with the FIU. Investing savings, contributions from the employer are the main sources of income for such situations.

Reverse transition from the NPF to the FIU: Let it?

The right to failure to serve everyone, even when accruals are already being formed.

After money, they are sent only to the insurance pension:

  1. Nowhere to disappear money accumulated until that moment. They will continue to go to those or other areas of investment. When the right to receive a citizen will receive a sum in full.
  2. Money management can be continued if the insured person wants. Translation is carried out in any direction - to another control company, on insurance pension.

How to translate accumulations from NPF in the FIU: Instruction

Any citizen has the right to transfer money. But this right is allowed to maximize every 12 months.

If you change the insurer more often than 1 time every five years - there is a risk of losing an investment income accumulated by the previous partner. Without profit losses, it is allowed to change only the management company or its investment portfolio.

To exit the NPF, you will need to spend several actions:

  • Definition management companywhere money will list. After that, it is determined with a specific investment portfolio. The official website provides a detailed list of organizations with which agreements are concluded.
  • It remains to submit a statement where a citizen tells in detail about his intention.

Applying for Translation: Terms, Methods

Document filing time - until December 31 of the current year. The operation is usually completed from the beginning of the year after the period of sending applications.

Submission of applications through civil servants

SNILS and the passport will need a citizen to fill out the form for submitting applications on this site. Additionally offer to indicate email and mobile phone For communication. Usually it is necessary during registration. But it is recommended to contact the FIU or MFC in any case to fully confirm the personality. The time the site visitor will be available all service functions.

The procedure is described in the steps like this:

  1. Visit the site of the State Service. You will need to register, or the entrance to the account.
  2. Transition to a tab dedicated to services.
  3. Opening the "authorities" tab.
  4. Select the icon depicting the Pension Fund.
  5. Choosing a paragraph for receiving and consideration of applications from registered persons.
  6. The transition to the section associated with the transfer of savings from one direction to another.
  7. On the page describing the service click on the button to receive.

There will be an inscription that there will be a qualified signature to assign the application to electronic form. Left to fill out the application itself, personal data in most cases are automatically set. Need to point current companyresponsible for money. And the one where it is planned to go.

With personal contact via MFC

A citizen must visit the institution, following the following procedure:

  • Filling out an application with all the necessary details. This applies to personal information, the current type of management and desired.
  • Transfer documents for consideration by specialists.
  • Expect until the procedure is completed.

Important to remember! The fiscal year ends in Russia in March. That's why everything financial operations It is recommended to finish before this period. The same applies to applications for transferring their money from one source to another.

By mail

Here the list of documents remains the same as for the previous cases. Just to the application in the letter applied photocopies for checking the information submitted by the citizen. It is recommended to use the form of a custom letter, with a notice of delivery. And the description of all applications. Then a citizen will receive notifications about what stage there is consideration of papers. And it will be easier to control the process.

What other papers can be needed?

In addition to the passport and SNILS, together with the statement, no additional requirements for citizens are usually presented. The change of opinion regarding the insurer who is entrusted with the money is right, which remained until December 31 of the current year. The rule is valid for investment portfolios, management companies. When making a decision, the notification sends a new statement. The consideration is subject to information received by the latter from citizens.

March 1 of this year - Deadline, to which the consideration of applications should be completed.

  1. If the requirement is satisfied - until the end of the required period of time, all changes are made to the appropriate registry. FFR, along with the insured person receives a message.
  2. A citizen is reported and with a negative final decision. The contract with the NPF remains valid, the registry is not subject to any adjustments.

The obligation of the NPF translate the accumulation back to the PFR

After completion of the procedure, it is believed that the previous agreement with the NPF is terminated. The question of transferring money the organization must decide until March 31, following the time of handling. At most, a month after signing the contract, the FIU itself transfers the accumulation of the management company.

Here, the main regulatory document is No. 75-FZ. Other cases are described there when the transfer of money is carried out by NPF in obligatory, even without a statement from a citizen:

  • The Arbitration Court admitted a bankrupt fund, started competitive production By organization.
  • Termination of the contract for the obligatory pension protection, which is associated with court session and the corresponding decision.
  • The FIU receives a notification of refusal of savings by a citizen.
  • The owner of money went away.
  • Recalling license for financial transactions.

In the case of illegal actions

On the territory of the country Non-state pension funds in lately Started actively expand the service network. Organizations invite special agents who persuade to guide money in this or that organization.

Often there are so citizens who have had no rights to commit such actions. This led to the fact that the same face concluded a contract at once with several funds. Often the transfer of money is carried out without consent and legal grounds. Then the first step becomes a complaint, in writing.

Attention! When identifying violations of citizens, they are attracted to administrative responsibility, penalties.

When can refuse to transition to another fund?

In the translation of the future pension, may refuse if one of these circumstances arose:

  1. Termination of the contract between the management company and the FIU.
  2. The accumulation acceptance is suspended by the Organization itself.
  3. The investment portfolio and the management company are not chosen by the citizen.
  4. The application procedure was broken.
  5. Filling out documents with errors and disorders.

Accumulation of the deceased: Payments features

If the account owner dies, his closest relatives can seek the remaining amount of funds. It is necessary to visit the Department of Pension Fund at the Registration Place. The documentation package in this case consists of such positions:

  • Information about bank details Reretens.
  • SNILS.
  • Certificate of the death of a relative who participated in insurance.
  • Document confirming the degree of kinship between the participants of the procedure.
  • Identification.

Foundation staff will help to make a statement so that there are no mistakes. The decision should take on the seventh month, which has passed after the death of a citizen. Payments are made for 8 months, if, after submitting documents, the decision turned out to be positive.

Only in some cases, private and state-owned companies may refuse to consider. Then the money remains as a reserve at the Pension Fund.

Reduction on the transition: Is it worth it?

Here every citizen solves purely individually. It all depends on what information is among citizens regarding the activities of a company. According to statistics, income in the NPF is several times more compared to the FIU. But the last option is of greater reliability. Support from the state also plays an important role.


It is recommended to contact financial professionals who conduct individual advice. They will calculate how much the change of the management company will be advisable in one way or another. Any citizen can choose the insurer whose conditions are suitable for the current situation and financial needs. The main thing is to meet the submission of applications until December 31, so that the final decision is made no later than March-April next year. Then the transfer of savings will be completed, and the citizen will communicate about the level of possible income.

Attention! In connection with recent changes In the legislation, legal information in this article could endure!

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Today, employers pay insurance premiums to the obligatory pension system at a rate of 22% of the employee's remuneration fund. Of these, 6% of the tariff can go to formation pension savingsAnd 16% - on the formation of an insurance pension, and may, on the choice of a citizen, all 22% to go to the formation of an insurance pension.

Citizens of 1966 born and older, the formation of pension savings can occur only at the expense of voluntary contributions within the framework of the program to co-financing the formation of pension savings, as well as through the direction of the facilities of the parent (family) capital for a storage retirement. If a citizen works, insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance are sent only to the formation of an insurance pension. Pension accumulations also have 1953-1966 of birth and women born in 1953-1966, in whose favor in the period from 2002 to 2004. Includedly paid insurance premiums for a storage retirement. Since 2005, these deductions have been discontinued due to changes in legislation.

If a citizen was born in 1967 and later, until December 31, 2015, he was given the possibility of choosing his own pension provision in relation to its future pension savings:

  • form only insurance pension
  • form insurance and accumulative pension at the same time

Citizens of born in 1966 and older selection of the pension option was not provided.

Currently, the right to choose the pension option to preserve the persons born in 1967 and younger, in respect of which, from January 1, 2014, insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance are charged.

By December 1 of the year, which expires a five-year period from the moment of the first accrual of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, these citizens have the right to:

  • conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance and to apply for the transition (early transition) to the non-state pension fund;
  • either until December 31, in which the five-year period expires from the moment of the first accrual of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, to apply for the choice of the investment portfolio of the management company, an expanded investment portfolio of the state management company or the state-owned investment portfolio valuable papers State "management company".

When making changes to single register Insured persons on compulsory pension insurance or with the satisfaction of the Pension Fund Russian Federation Applications on the choice of an investment portfolio with the establishment of a pension provision providing for the direction of funding for a storage pension 6.0 percent of the individual part of the insurance premium tariff, for the indicated insured persons, a pension provision is established, providing for the direction of insurance premiums for a storage retirement.

Prior to the implementation of this right of choice, as well as for persons who did not use the specified right, the pension provision is established, which provides for the direction of financing the insurance pension of the insurance premium in full.

In case, after a five-year period from the moment of the first accrual of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, the insured persons have not reached the age of 23, the specified period is extended until December 31, in which the person will reach the age of 23 (inclusive).

If a citizen decided to abandon the further formation of a cumulative pension, all previously formed pension savings will continue to invest in the insurer chosen by him (FIU or NPF) and will be paid in full when the citizen's appeal for the appointment and subsequent payment of the pension. In addition, the insured person is still entitled to manage the indicated pension savings and choose, who to entrust the management of them.

  • Important! In 2014-2021 All insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance paid by employers for their employees are sent to the formation of an insurance pension.

Regardless of the choice of pension option in the OPS system, all citizens having pension savings are the right to entrust their management:

  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by choosing:
    • the management company (CC) selected by the competition with which the FIU concluded a contract of trust management of pension savings, incl. One of the investment portfolios of the state management company (GUK) - VEB.RF;
  • non-state Pension Fund (NPF), carrying out activities on compulsory pension insurance.

What is the difference between the Criminal Code and NPF?If pension savings are in trust management The Criminal Code or GUK, then the appointment and payment of the accumulative pension, the accounting of funds of pension savings and the results of their investment by the management companies is carried out by the FIU. If pension savings are located in the NPF, then investing and accounting of pension savings, as well as the appointment and payment of the accumulative pension, is carried out by a NPF citizen.

Funds of pension savings can be obtained in the form:

One-time payout - Immediately all pension accumulations are paid at once. Recipients:

  • citizens who have the amount of the accumulative pension amounts to 5 percent and less relative to the amount of the size of the Insurance Pension Pension, including taking into account the fixed payment, and the size of the accumulative pension, calculated as of the day the appointment of the fundamental pension;
  • citizens who receive an insurance pension on disability or on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner or receiving pension on the state pension provisionwhich, when achieving the Secondary Pension Age, did not acquire the right to an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the necessary insurance experience or the required number of pension coefficients (taking into account the transitional provisions of the pension formula ).

Urgent pension payments. Its duration determines the citizen itself, but it cannot be less than 10 years old. It is paid when the right to retirement retirement to persons who have formed pension savings due to contributions under the program of the state formation of pension savings, including employer contributions, state contributions to co-financing and income from their investment, as well as at the expense of maternal (family) capital aimed at creating a future pension and income from their investment.

Cumulative pension- is carried out monthly and life . Its size is calculated based on the expected period of payment from 2020 - 258 months. To calculate the monthly amount of payment, it is necessary total Pension savings entrenched in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person, as of the day, from which the payment is appointed, divided by 252 months.

New 2019 began for Russians with changes in the state pension system. In addition to raising the age and later access to the "Honored Leisure", the presidential decree from January 1 was introduced new order Changes NPF. This system helps to avoid risks associated with the loss of investment income, and allows you to manage the accumulated part of the future pension, without leaving the house.

All about the process of transition from one NPF to another

All necessary operations can be made from the Personal Cabinet of the Public Services. If you need, you can familiarize yourself with the material we have prepared.

Change the side of the contractual obligations is relevant when the fund does not perform growth rates in profitability indicators. Some organizations deliberately "go to the shadow", and the client loses money. This circumstance does not suit the future pensioner.

Changing the NPF in this situation is a time consuming occupation. Since 2015, residents of the Russian Federation are allowed to conduct a procedure under the usual scheme - once every 5 years - or in the form of early termination Treaty:

  • The first way implies a change of the insured without special losses.
  • The second method has always been considered risky, because the confidence officers did not consider their duty to notify the amounts of losses in investment income. According to the total, the costs of Russians exceeded 80 billion rubles over several years.

Procedure for the transition from one NPF to another

Now the policyholders are obliged to report all risks. The funds of the accumulative part of the pension will not be lost due to the clear planning of the applicant's actions.

To reissue the contract, it is necessary:

  1. Select from among the NPF worthy founder. Minimum requirements: the availability of a license, the availability of information on the registration of the rules of insurance against the Central Bank of Russia, information on participation in the system of protecting the rights of insured persons.
  2. To contact the address of the new non-state pension fund with a passport and SNILS. Here, the place is a contract for the placement of pension savings.
  3. In the territorial department of the Russian Federation, to submit a notice of the change of an intermediary organization.
  4. PF of the Russian Federation redirects the applicant's letter to the previous non-state fund.
  5. Wait for three messages: from the old, new NPF and PF RF.
  6. The former side of the contractual obligations is obliged to provide its client to a full account of accounts with losses and incomes.
  7. The new policyholder notifies about the amount received, annually sends certificates about accruals, including in the investment part.

"Chip" new system - Informing any citizen. In case of possible losses, the client has the right to change its decision on the transition. For this, he is a notice of refusal to change the insurer. This document is taken into account exactly 11 months, strictly until December 1 of the current year.

From December 1 to December 31, the rule of "cooling period" applies. During this period, it is impossible to abandon the previously taken decision on the choice of an intermediary organization. Application in the instance, whose activities are defined as the management of the accumulative part of the pension, are not accepted.

Another advantage of a new order - use electronic methods Connections with subordinate institutions. Notifications, statements are accepted in different ways:

  1. Via MFC.
  2. Through an intermediary with notarial powers.
  3. Through the use of the personal account of the Insured PF of the Russian Federation, which works "in a bundle" with the Public Services portal.

Before forming an electronic application, it is necessary to record a personal account. Further work is made in the tab "Pension, benefits, benefits". There also is monitored by the process of consideration of the application. In the history of the messages, you can view all correspondence with the subordinate authority.

Criteria for the choice of new NPF

Channel NPF - the privilege of those who clearly track the economic situation in the country. New organization Selects the following parameters:

  1. Profitability indicators, low / high position of the institution in the ranking (for the year, for the quarter).
  2. Availability / lack of problems with founders of the Fund (sanctions, loss of liquidity, license, appointment of a new leader).
  3. The stability of the organization in the market provided.
  4. The situation in the industry in which the new / old representative of the policyholder works.
  5. Negative reviews of analyst experts.

Helpful information! Russians give preference to organizations with an indicator of A + activities (according to national rating agency): Lukoil-Guarant, Sberbank and Gasflow.

Application to the new NPF required documents

To form a message about changing the organization, it is necessary to indicate in the ENGU application:

  1. Full name of the insured person.
  2. Passport details
  3. SNILS number.
  4. Application date.
  5. Electronic signature.

Consideration of the application. Getting notifications

According to administrative regulations The application is recorded on the day of appeal. However, the decision to satisfy the application is transferred to a long time: until March 1 of the following year.

How to change the NPF and not lose income?

To do this, select the usual way to transition from one insured to another.

How to refuse to work with the foundation?

In this case, only a new partner and the state representative of the PF in the region should be notified.


Negative investment result is the realities of our time. To avoid damages possible when changing the NPF, it is necessary to carefully study extracts from insurers. If necessary, the client should postpone the transition to the next five-year period. Invest without loss!

Attention! In connection with the latest changes in legislation, legal information in this article could be outreach!

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In 2002, a system for the formation of pension savings has changed in Russia. Since 2002, the employer's deductions to the budget are divided into 2 parts: insurance and accumulative. The volume of all contributions is 22%, the accumulative share occupies 6%, the insurance part is 16%.

Citizens cannot affect the distribution of the share in the deductions of the employer, but they have the opportunity to choose. Insurance deductions remain on the account of the FIU and are subject to distribution in accordance with the requirements of the state. They are sent to fulfill obligations budget organizations, municipal institutions and payments to current pensioners.

The cumulative part remains on the account of the client in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation until the moment the citizen decides to take advantage of it to increase the future pension. The transfer of the accumulative part of the pension means the transfer of funds to the account of the non-state pension fund, which will invest accumulation until the retirement age is achieved (about where it is more profitable to invest such a part of the pension and how to invest it is described in).

Since 2014, the accumulative part of the pension of citizens can be translated into NPFHowever, contributions will not invest. The reason is the moratorium adopted in 2014, whose action has repeatedly extended. In 2017, frost extended until the end of 2019.

During the operation of freezing, contributions are not formed into the cumulative part, that is, they only go to the needs of the state (in the insurance share). If in 2020 the moratorium will cancel contributions to those who switched to the NPF will invest in the year of the discharge of freezing in accordance with the revenues of the Fund.

If Russians do not want to take advantage of the right to transfer their savings into a non-state company, contributions will also be listed in insurance.

Pension Contribution Transfer Options

Russian citizens have 2 options for using the accumulative part of the pension until retirement age:

  1. Leave funds in the Pension Fund of Russia (such depositors are called "Melchunas").
  2. Transfer deductions to a non-state financial organization.

To leave 6% of deductions in the Pension Fund, no action is needed. To select a NPF, a citizen must contact private company and write an application for the transfer of savings to another organization - to conclude a compliance agreement pension insurance (OPS),

IMPORTANT: Additionally, under the OPS Agreement, the client can connect to alternative software co-financing programs, private (for example, an individual pension plan - IPP) or corporate (are issued at the employer or through the manager who oversight the NPF object).

The frequency of transfer to the pension fund

Those who issued a compulsory pension insurance contract may not worry about the deductions to the NPF. Contributions for participants in OPS treaties carry out an employer. They first come to the account of the client in the FIU, then translated into a non-state company.

Contributions are listed monthly. but On the client's account in the NPF, information is displayed only for the current year.. The accumulative part of the pension is listed from the FIU in the NPF with a frequency once a year. The non-state part of the pension is invested, the data is displayed in Personal Cabinet Depositor (on how to find out your cumulative part of the pension, read).

The letter from the client comes from non-state fundwhich reports on the current state of the account, the accumulated amount for the year and the entire period and interest accrued by the NPF.

If the client connected to the co-financing program, for example, an IPP, he independently chooses the frequency of contributions, unless otherwise spelled out in the contract. The frequency and size of contributions may be different, for example, 500 rubles monthly or once a quarter.

Instructions how to list your funds

The accumulative part of the pension is formed since 2002. Citizens can choose:

  • leave contributions to the FIU;
  • transfer them to an account in a commercial organization.

In the first case, contributions will be transferred to the insurance part. Insurance contributions - an important article of the revenues of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Accumulative contributions are invested only when choosing a non-state pension fund. At the time of the moratorium, they will not accumulate and multiply at the expense of interest.

Those who moved to NPF until 2014 will see the size of the previously listed funds, taking into account the income of the NPF. The remaining customers can translate contributions to a private pension fund, but their formation will begin only after the discharge of freezing is 6% of deductions for the accumulative part.

Return to the PFR

Non-state pension fund invests customer contributionsBut does not guarantee 100% income. The translation into the NPF at the time of action does not allow citizens to receive a surcharge, since in fact funds are sent only to the insurance part.

Citizens are forced to look for alternative ways to increase the future pension or return to the FIU to gain more points. The ball system was introduced in 2002 together with the division into the accumulative and insurance part. The number of points is reflected in the size of the future pension.

Translation of the accumulative part of the pension is a transition to a non-state company. The pension of citizens in this case is invested according to the income of the organization (). Once a year, the client can make a choice in favor of another NPF or

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