
Create a personal account in the tax. We connect the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals. Who can take advantage of the personal account except the head

The new personal account of the taxpayer for individuals pleased with all the simplicity of the interface and the colorful design. The new Tax Inspectorate site appeared in early August 2018. It changed not only design, but also some functions. Consider them in our article below.

Registration in the new personal account on the site Tax RU is already beneficial to the taxpayer by the fact that it is not necessary to stand upholdingly in the Tax Inspection Center. Solving issues can be found without leaving home, namely:

  • receive information about transport, property, about overpayments and debts;
  • monitor insurance premiums;
  • get kvitka taxes;
  • download programs for designing 3-PBFs to your computer, as well as fill in the online declaration via the Internet;
  • send data of 3-NDFL to the tax via the Internet through the EDS;
  • monitor the status of the audit on the 3-NDFL Declaration.

All of the above features make the use of LCs very convenient. After all, it saves time, practically reducing no trips to the tax service.

How to access the LC service

Despite all the advantages, on the site nalog.ru is quite simple. The only complexity can be what will have to be, after all, to personally go to the FTS to gain access to your personal account. You can delight in this situation that this trip to the tax can be the last for you: Further, all operations can be performed without leaving the house.

There are 3 options how to enter a new personal account of the taxpayer:

  • Register in any tax inspection. Registration is carried out by the employees of the IFTS only in the presence of your passport and INN. After that, you will provide access data for which you can go to a new taxpayer LC.
  • With the help of electronic digital signature. At the same time, the certificate of the key to test the EDS must be issued by the Organization authorized by the Ministry of Economic Communications of the Russian Federation. It can be used on any carrier, but for its correct operation, it is necessary according to Cryptopro CSP CRYPTOPRODER 3.6 and higher.
  • Through a personal profile on the website of the State Service. If you have already been registered in the past and went to the post office or in the MFC for a password, then your page on the State Service portal can switch to this data to a new personal account of the tax inspectorate. At the same time, the LC himself will open at all, but will first form 1-2 days.

In case of loss of the password, along with the login, as the tax, personal account (new version) says, will be available only after re-visiting the identity card in the IFTS.

If there is a confirmed login and password of access, then we go to the NALOG.RU tax inspection site.

In the window that appears, we enter personal data of access in the LC, obtained from the tax authorities. If you need to enter, using other parameters, we select the appropriate sections that are located on the right of the "Login" button: With the help of the EDS or through public services.

Overview of personal account functions

On the main page of the new version of the personal office of the Russian Federal Tax Service of Russia, the inscription about the status of your filters is shining with bright large letters.

Well, or you will see a less optimistic message about your tax debt indicating the timing of the payment.

There you can also see a number of buttons passing to further actions:

  • taxpayer's profile indicating full FULL NAME and INN;
  • my taxes;
  • my property;
  • life situations;
  • contacts;
  • letters.

On the same page you can go to the version for visually impaired or configure the colors and the interface font at your own desire.

When you press the central arrears on the debt you will find yourself on a page with decoding taxes showing the entire history of operations.

The new version of the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals allows to make samples by taxes, operations and tax departments. There you can analyze in detail the accruals and status of payment on a specific tax.

What is visible in a personal profile

When moving to a personal profile, all your identification information will be seen:

  • contacts;
  • personal Information;
  • story action.

In the same place, you can get a cloud version of the electronic digital signature, but it will be unqualified and valid only for the updated version of the personal account of the taxpayer.

To do this, you need to come up with a password and send a request for the creation of EDS. In this window, you can also register in the federal tax service already existing qualified EDS to work in the new version of the personal account.

And in this window, control the status of accounts abroad, and when opening such an account, notify IFTS.

If, according to the IFSN in the Personal Account, when you download the new version of the Interface, you will notice the inconsistency of personal data, then you need to write an adjustment to clarify the information. This is done by pressing the Orange "Specify Personal Data" button.

After that, the statement goes to the tax and its processing will take about 30 days. But the day after the application of the tax authorities will write you the answer that it is taken into business.

What can be seen in the service "My Taxes"

When you click on the "My Taxes" button, you go to the history of current taxes.

For each tax, it is convenient to view the details, it is reflected in the dates of the amount of paid and accrued feeds. From the same tabs you can go to the page to clarify the information about the property.

Additionally, in this window there are links to transition to information on insurance payments and income that the employer shows for the payment of NDFL for you. True, insurance premiums will not appear immediately, as it is first formed a request to the pension fund, and it usually takes several days.

But in information about income, you will instantly detect information about the sum of your official salary in the form of the Help Help 2-NDFL from the employer.

Every help can be immediately downloaded and read it in detail. It is loaded as a PDF document archived to the ZIP folder.

In the same tab, there is a "income information from the Declaration" button, which shows income tax data.

What can be seen in the service "My Property"

When switching to the "My Property" tab, information about your property immediately is displayed. Optionally, you can put the filter and see in detail by type:

  • the property;
  • land owned;
  • cars;
  • boats, yachts, boats;
  • airplanes, helicopters.

And the property is filtered by the state of accounting and you can track even removed from registration.

This department is writing a statement about the benefit or clarified property information if they are incorrectly displayed in the IFTS. The application will go to the tax immediately, but the changes in the personal account of the taxpayer will be displayed only in a few days.

At the bottom of the interface, the "My Property" window is a property assistance department.

It tells in detail what to do in non-standard cases. For example, if in your personal account when loading the page of the new service:

  • not all of the objects of property are seen;
  • the object that does not belong to you is shown;
  • objects are displayed with errors in characteristics.

All parameters for the object can be viewed in detail by pressing the property name.

What can be seen in the service "Life Situations"

On the site tax, the most extensive department in the new personal account of the taxpayer are "life situations". They contain all examples from life that can be managed online:

  • transfer excess payment from one tax in the credit payment of another;
  • make a refund of the overpayment of tax on the bank account in the bank;
  • adjust the property information;
  • take advantage of benefits for certain categories of citizens;
  • report an account in a foreign bank;
  • submit a declaration of 3-NDFL;
  • make edits to data on taxation facilities or the amount of tax;
  • request various references;
  • change personal data;
  • get up and reveal from tax accounting;
  • complain to the poor work of tax authorities.

To fulfill most operations in this window requires an electronic signature. It is registered using the link from this window to the service for receiving EP.

Updating the personal account of the taxpayer turned into a holiday.

The interface is thoroughly told examples when the declaration of 3-NDFL is needed:

  • additional income, the deductions from which have not yet been paid;
  • stamp earnings;
  • margin from the sale of property, which is owned in the property of less than 3 years;
  • getting a win;
  • a gift not from family members;
  • expenses for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • spending on health restoration;
  • spending on study;
  • pension consumption spending.

The declaration can be filled directly on the site or download a special program for filling 3-PBF to a computer.

If you planned filling and sending a declaration through the site, you will need an electronic signature. In the case when it is missing, the service will redirect to register EP.

The same window displays all declarations sent to previous periods.

What can be seen in the service "Contacts"

The "Contacts tab" displays the data of the reference call center to work with taxpayers and the data of your territorial tax inspectorate in which you are attached.

In this place, the preliminary reception time is made in the FTS in the following situations:

  • obtaining and passing various documentation;
  • authorization in the Personal Account;
  • submission of reporting on paper;
  • providing information from various registries;
  • registration and approval of the INN;
  • entry into the passport about data TIN.

The function allows you to choose any tax agency, regardless of the place of attachment.

Sign up in advance in the IFTS very convenient. In this case, you can drive up to the inspection at the specified time and you can approach the inspector without a queue.

Comparison of the new version of the LC with the old

If desired, the user can see and evaluate the old version of the personal account. To do this, make the cursor on the orange button in the upper right corner "Go to the old version".

If you have not previously been registered in the old version of the LC, you will be asked to come up with a tricky password. And otherwise access to the full functionality of the site you will not get.

To do this, it will be necessary to go to the new version of the taxpayer LC and enter the old password in the Contact Data tab and invent a new one. If you hit the office through an account in public services, then you do not understand, you do not have an old password and therefore it will not be able to change it.

In the old version of the LC, the functionality is much less than in the new one. For example, only data on income and insurance premiums are displayed in the tax tab. In the new version, absolutely all taxes of a private person are reflected in the same window.

And in the tab "Documents of the Taxpayer", only electronic document flow is laid and the possibility of contacting the tax.

After you enter the old version, you will not update your personal account. Therefore, it is necessary to either make a series of cancellations, or close the website of the IFTS and re-enter the LC.

Obviously, the Federal Tax Service tries a maximum to simplify the work with taxpayers. After all, the bulk of the issues can now be solved from any computer using the new version of the personal office for individuals.

If you need a personal consultation or assistance in filling out the Tax Declaration of 3-NDFL, as well as sending it to the tax via service "Personal Account of the Taxpayer", boldly go to the page with ours.

Open the personal account of the taxpayer today can an individual, an individual entrepreneur and legal entities - enterprises and organizations of different shape of ownership. This is necessary in order to reduce the time costs of submitting declarations, obtaining the necessary discharge in the tax inspection, for which it was previously simple in long queues. By registering in the system, and having received the opportunity to use all the capabilities of the LC, the company's accountant can check the information on debt to the tax authority, to obtain statements from the registers and establish direct communication with the FTS specialists.

What opportunities opens a personal account

As already mentioned, the personal account in the tax inspectorate can open up as a physical and legal entity, while the functional of the cabinets for enterprises and individuals is somewhat different. If functions are available for individuals as checking tax charges, tax pay directly through the site and the ability to perform correspondence with tax service staff, for enterprises this list is wider. Managers and employees of the enterprise, including LLC, registering the LC, have the opportunity:

  • receive statements about your own company from EGRN;
  • disposable certificates about the status of payments with the tax authority, including information on penalties and fines;
  • get information on the execution of submitted requests and applications, and decisions taken on them;
  • familiarize yourself with the act of collaboration of accounts;
  • receive up-to-date information on debts before the budget, the presence of overpayments, recognize information on possible measures forced debt recovery;
  • send to tax information on the participation of the company in Russian organizations (form C-09-6);
  • send information about the State Registration of Legal Entities or amendments to the information contained in the EGRUL;
  • timely receive messages regarding registration, or withdrawing from it, separate divisions of the enterprise.

In addition to these opportunities, an accountant of a limited liability company and the head of the enterprise can monitor terms during which tax inspection specialists should have one or another service. This is convenient, of course, but to start using the cabinet, a number of technical conditions should be completed and purchased, first of all, a qualified certificate of checking an electronic key. It is necessary to check the electronic signature, and you can get it from any of the operators accredited in the network of trusted certifying centers.

If you already have a qualified signature for reporting (tax and accounting), you can use it. In this case, the need to obtain a separate signature disappears.

Practice shows that it is not difficult to make a personal account of the LLC in the tax inspection if you have modern computer equipment, installed Windows XP SP3 operating system and above, or Mac OS X 10.9 and higher. To ensure security, you need to use a browser that supports secure connections. After receiving a qualified certificate of the E-signature check key, you must install it on your computer.

At the same time with the receipt of KSKPEP, you will receive a carrier of the electronic signature in the form of a floppy disk or flash drive. You will have to insert this media into the device every time you enter your account.

The process of connecting to the personal account occurs on the official website of the federal tax service, and this feature is available in the "Electronic Services" section. Making sure that the technical specifications of the computer comply with the established requirements, and by setting additional utilities, you can start registration in the system. For this, a head or trustee, endowed with such a right without a power of attorney, must pass the standard procedure: to introduce OGRN and agree with the terms of the agreement. You will also be asked to enter an email address and fill in a captcha (protective code). After these simple actions, you must confirm the registration operation by clicking on the "Next" button.

After registration, it will be necessary to confirm your desire to register your personal account, for which you should go to the mailbox and confirm the registration by clicking on the relevant link. After that, you get full access to the LC, to use which, in addition to the company's head, may unlimited employees. The head of each employee having access to the system can establish access rights, and this can be done in the "Administration" section. You can also add information about the company's divisions, and you can work, both in the mode of a separate unit and the company as a whole. It is not difficult to understand the Cabinet functionality, since everything is clear here, and done "for people."

In the FTS, the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals is located around the clock in the united and official address on the Internet: https://lkfl2.nalog.ru/lkfl/login/

The public office is logged in login (identification tax number of a citizen) and password (formed in automatic mode, sent to SMS notification when registering).

The service is provided free of charge for all citizens who need to obtain qualified support and reference information from the regional or central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service.

FTS Personal Cabinet Taxpayer for Individuals

It helps citizens of the Russian Federation to quickly navigate in modern tax legislation, draw information on the fees and timing of payment of contributions, as well as to look at the debt and draw a tax deduction in remote mode.

It is all organized here and simply, any task can be solved by effective instructions thanks to the step-by-step execution of consecutive actions.

How to know your inn

Before starting the registration of a new account, many are faced with the problem of the absence of a tax number.

You can get the Inn by the following instructions:

  • Go to the site https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do. Detailed step-by-step instructions about the volume is set forth in this material.
  • Enter the initials of the requested person (surname, name and patronymic).
  • Date of birth in accordance with the established form "Day / Month / Year".
  • Place of Birth. Start filling from the country or city, the system will automatically offer prompts.
  • Passport data (series, number, issue date).
  • Entering Spam Protection (with bad visibility of characters, click "Refresh the picture with numbers).

The request will be formed within a few seconds, the Number Numbers will be displayed in the new window.

check in

Before using the official site, you need to go through the registration procedure, that is, creating a new user account.

Methods for gaining access to the taxpayer's office:

  • Registration through the map received in the nearest branch of the FNS. With you, it is necessary to have an internal passport of a citizen for identification. Persons who are under the age of 14 can register through a document confirming guardianship, related communication or adoption.
  • With the help of the public services site. Previously require confirmation of the questionnaire in the Pension Fund or Tax (final registration stage).
  • If there is an electronic key with an encrypted signature, which is issued by one of the certifying centers with a valid level of accreditation. The CSP cryptopro software is required to work with the latest version (minimum 3.6 for correct entry).

Instructions and procedure for receiving data for the entry through the IFTS:

  • Visit Personally Branch Tax Service with Passport.
  • Inform the administrator about the intention to register in the Personal Account or independently choose a queue coupon in an automated terminal.
  • In the window corresponding to the coupon, an employee will provide a registration card - it must be filled. If you have questions, specify the correctness of the fill in a specialist.
  • After fixing personal data in a single database, a password will be sent via an SMS message.
  • You can carry out the input after 20 minutes after activating the Inn and Password Recording.

Registration through civil servants:

  • Create an account on the official website of the Unified State (Esia.gosuslugi.ru).
  • The form contains the field "Surname", "Name", as well as a mobile phone and email. All necessarily for filling.
  • Click "Sign up" (automatic agreement with the terms of use of the project and privacy policy).


Enter the personal account of the taxpayer of an individual through the Nalog.ru address or with the help of a single state electronic portal "GosSvv."

  • Through the site nalog.ru. After visiting the main, start page on the left you need to click on the link "Log in to the Personal Account" under the heading "Individuals". Standardly requires the inn and password.
  • With the help of a single portal "Public Services". If you have an account with confirmed access rights, you can enter the taxpayer's office through the Esia.gosuslugi.ru portal. Click on the appropriate button, then allow you to use your personal data. The input to the personal account will automatically happen.
  • Logging using a USB electronic signature key via Crypto Pro version 3.6 software (minimum requirements). The functionality is constantly being improved and may contain inaccuracies or errors in use.

Access recovery

The password loss can occur for various reasons, but without the correct input of the security code in the corresponding line (input form), the authorization cannot be authorized and the Cabinet functional will be unavailable.

Password recovery from the office (instruction):

  • Go to the address https://lkfl2.nalog.ru/lkfl/login/, under the authorization form, click on the "Forgot Password" button.
  • A new window will open, where you need to enter the identification tax number, email address and test word (for account security).
  • Run the password shift by clicking on the Restore button.

It's important to know: If you get a new code through this service is not possible, it is necessary to personally come to the nearest FNS compartment with a passport and contact the administrator to start the recovery procedure. By time it takes 10-15 minutes and is directly related to the workload of employees by visitors.

New and old versions

On the site NALOG RU, the personal account of the taxpayer of an individual is available in two versions:

  • New, at: lkfl2.nalog.ru. Superior functionality with a simpler and understandable user interface will help faster and more convenient to navigate the main services and items of the navigation menu.
  • The old one who had previously opened when the page is launched LK.Fl.nalog.ru. Technical support for this resource has stopped, and all actions are transferred to a modern and upgraded version.

Note: In order to improve the safety and preservation of confidential personal data, do not transfer them to third parties and beware of fraudsters that can be disguised as the official website of the tax.

The main features of the site IFTS NALOG RU

The new version of the Cabinet is improved and contains more structured information on all key sections of the project.

For simple navigation, in the upper right corner, 4 icons are added opposite the initials of the account:

  • Postal notifications.
  • Site version for visually impaired.
  • If there is a patent for entrepreneurial activity or find a citizen in this status, a button to go to the office of an individual entrepreneur.
  • My taxes. Contains two columns - insurance premiums and income information. To see the history of operations to enroll all taxes in the state body by pressing the button.
  • My property. This section contains information on all types of movable and real estate, which is valid and is owned or has previously been in this status. If the object is missing in the list, although there is actually a property, you need to click on the "Report" button.
  • Life situations. Important and informatively the most popular Cabinet section. Here you can manage the overpayment, submit a declaration of 3-NDFL or a statement about the benefit, inform the tax authority on a new account in a foreign bank, change personal data or make a request for reference or other documents.
  • Contacts. In this menu item, there is a tax authority to which the INN is attributed to registration, its contact information (telephone, separation code and opening time). You can direct or contact directly online.

Additionally, you can use the menu items below to add a comment "Leave a review" and to obtain help "Help".

To change personal information, get an electronic signature or watch or add foreign accounts in foreign banks.

Payment taxes

Payment for fees in the FTS can be paid in the online bank card mode. This is a convenient way, especially when there is little time for a personal visit to the bank branch.

Payment Instructions:

  • Log in nalog.ru.
  • Click on "My Taxes".
  • Next locate the "Pay for Debt" button.
  • After enter the card number, the validity period and the protective CVV2 code for processing the transaction.
  • The receipt will go to the email address. The translation is enrolled instantly and can be checked during the working time an inspection officer.

Repayment of debts

You can see the presence of debt in the same way, after authorization in the Personal Account on the main page. Detailed information will be displayed immediately after downloading the new window.

Payment of debts occurs using Visa, MasterCard cards and the world in remote mode.

Helpful information: On the FSSP website, you can find out the debt before the state of the identification tax number. Project address: http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/

Obtaining a tax deduction through the personal account of the FNS

  • Go to the "Life Situations" section, further "the tax declaration on the income tax of individuals."
  • Fill it out online.
  • Click on "Send, Declaration Filled in the Program".

Contains an information resource called the personal account of the taxpayer. Its purpose is the implementation of the obligations, norms and rights established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by taxpayers and the FNS authorities. The convenience and information content of the resource made it possible to actively use the personal account of the taxpayer for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals, as well as on the site there is an opportunity to search for INN by name or last name or vice versa - the search for the taxpayer on the INN.

Personal Cabinet of Physical Facial

To use the functions of the resource every citizen can have access to access. How to gain access to the personal account of the taxpayer? This can be done by any of the three available ways:

  1. Having a login and password issued by the tax authority and reflected in a special registration card. It is a document containing personal data of a citizen. Those. For its receipt it is necessary to contact the tax service personally and present an identity card (passport), the testimony of the INN. If the previously obtained login and password are lost, you should again contact the tax inspection with the same documents in order to access the personal account to restore. After receiving the login and password from the inspector, it is necessary to go to your personal account within a month and change the temporary password from the registration card to a convenient and memorable for the user.
  2. Using the Public Services Portal Account (ESIA). It should be borne in mind that, for the entry and use of the personal account of the FTS, the ECI account must have the status "confirmed". You can only confirm the record personally in the Multifunctional Centers "My Documents" or in the Customer Service of the Russian Pension Fund, presenting a passport and insurance certificate. This method is most convenient for most citizens, as it requires only one login and password to access all public services and services.
  3. Having a qualified electronic signature. The certificate of such a signature is issued by the certification center, which has passed accreditation in the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. The key signature files are stored on a removable media of information (for example, a flash drive), on a personal computer, where the signing of documents is coming, a special cryptoproderder program must be installed.

For registered users, a number of opportunities are available, it is enough to open a personal account of the taxpayer for individuals by reference LKFL.Nalog.ru/LK:

- most often referred to information about objects of taxation (transport, real estate, land plots), thus you can know how relevant this information is in the tax authority bases. There you can see what taxes are credited, their payment is whether there is a debt for any of them or the availability of overpayment. In the personal office of an individual there is an opportunity to print the receipts to pay taxes, as well as get notifications.

- The next popular item is the provision of a tax return on the form of 3-NDFL and tracking its testing. On the Internet resource of the FTS, you can download the program to fill it, and then send electronically with an electronic signature and fill out online. If you wish to get a tax deduction through the personal account of the taxpayer, then after the cameral check is completed, it will be possible to form a refund application. It can also be filled and send it online by specifying the account number to enroll the amount of deduction.

- You can contact the tax authority without leaving home, get a certificate, make an appointment, send a complaint. In the category of typical questions there are answers to the questions that citizens have already asked and they are the most sought-after. If there are no necessary information there, you can form an appeal in electronic form.

Personal Cabinet Individual Entrepreneur

This service allows entrepreneurs registered in the FNS bodies to solve a number of issues related to their activities. Personal account of the taxpayer for individual entrepreneurs is available at lkip.nalog.ru and provides the following features:

  • Choosing a tax system. The service allows you to choose not only the optimal option, but also to independently calculate all taxes for it payable to all extrabudgetary funds. If the entrepreneur is on a simplified tax system, it can adjust the tax rate within the framework of tax law. The "tax calculator" allows you to detail each amount, visually reflecting the dependence of all values.
  • Tax calendar. The entrepreneur will accurately know when he needs to submit reports to the tax authority and payments for taxes. It is convenient because it is not always possible to monitor changes in legislation, and ignorance of laws does not exempt from responsibility.
  • Extracts from the egrip. You can get an extract through your personal account without referring to the tax inspection personally. This feature provides an online service.
  • Information about overpayments or debt on paying taxes, the availability of unexplained payments.
  • Tax audit information. If an entrepreneur is in the chart of inspections, then he can find out when to wait for the inspector, prepare all the documents, bring them in order.
  • Appeals to the FNS bodies. Here you can apply for the standings or return the amounts that were overference.

To get to the personal account of the entrepreneur is possible with a login and password obtained in the tax authority to enter the resource, as an individual or using a key carrier containing an electronic signature.

Personal account of a legal entity

For legal entities on the tax service website, a special service was created (LKUL.Nalog.RU), which allows organizations to carry out electronic document flow with the FNS authority, as well as monitor calculations for taxes.

To take advantage of all the opportunities, you need to know how to access the personal account of the taxpayer is a legal entity. First you need to get a qualified electronic signature (EP) issued by the Certification Center, then register on the FTS website in the "Personal Cabinet" section, and sign an agreement on electronic document flow. Only passing these stages, the organization will be able to use the service full.

All documents sent through the Internet resource will be signed by an electronic signature of the head and will take equivalent power with a paper version, signed by the head and certified by the organization. Therefore, the requirements received from the inspection, for example, the payment of taxes, are mandatory for execution.

How to get a tax deduction through the personal account of the taxpayer

Simple and convenient way, a citizen who has the right to return funds spent on training, treatment or acquisition of real estate can be deducted through a personal account. It does not require personal presence in the tax inspection, waiting in queues and pack of printed and read documents. Let's tell about this in more detail.

After receiving the login and password in infance or using the ECIA account (registered on the public service website), you need to open a personal account of the taxpayer for individuals and get an online electronic signature that sent documents will subsequently subscribed. To do this, let's go to the "profile" and "Obtaining a certificate of the EP test key." Processing usually passes quickly.

Now you can start filling the declaration right in your account or send a downloaded file from a fill program in the FL Income Tax section.

Filling the declaration on the site usually does not cause difficulties, the interface on the tax authority resource is intuitive.

Then it is necessary to attach all scanned documents confirming the right to tax deduction. After downloading the required scan copies, the system will propose to sign the electronic signature document package.

Once the entire procedure is done correctly and consistently, you can send a declaration for checking in the IFTS. It remains only to track the passage of cameras and expect the return to the account to be revealed.

Search Taxpayer by Inn

Another convenient service located on the tax service website is the search for the Inn (taxpayer identification number) (egrul.nalog.ru). With it, it is possible to find the INN and test information about any organization, an individual or individual entrepreneur registered in the tax authority. The search parameters are INN, OGRN, the name of the legal entity or the name and surname of the individual. Entering the code confirming that you are not a robot, click the search button and information about the requested counterpart is reflected on the screen.

What can be found in TIN?

In the case of an individual, information on the place and date of registration in the tax authority opens whether a citizen is an individual entrepreneur.

If a legal entity is checked, then you can find out the following information.

With the development of innovative technologies, the Russians were able to solve many issues without personal appeal to the necessary instances. The supply of tax returns and other actions can be made by going to the official portal of the relevant structure. However, before the visitor can use online services, it needs to register an account. Next, we will tell you how to open access to the personal account of the taxpayer through MFC.

The official Internet resource of the tax service was created specifically for citizens to be more convenient and easier to issue various documentation, form and send reporting, as well as perform other actions relating to taxation. Using personal account capabilities, the taxpayer can:

  • Learn your Inn;
  • Get an identification number;
  • Check the availability of tax debt;
  • Pay off debts before the tax service;
  • Make up and send a declaration;
  • Make payment of transport, land and other taxes;
  • Issue;
  • Carry out control over the transactions performed;
  • Open a new business;
  • Check the status of accounts opened in banking organizations;
  • Appeal against refusal or decree;
  • Make other actions related to money.

To register on the relevant site can any subjects of the Russian Federation, which has reached the 14th anniversary, as well as a representative or owner of the organization. In cases where the applicant is a person under the age of before, the service can be provided solely in the personal presence of a parent, an adopter or other representative who has a document testifying to his rights.

The registration procedure on the FTS website implies a certain algorithm of actions, including several stages:

  1. Find in the table address of the nearest multifunctional center and go through the procedure, or going to the official structure of the structure. In the absence of a service, simply come to the "My Documents" compartment and take the ticket panel of the electronic queue;
  2. Collect all the required documents and, waiting for your turn, come with them to the employee of the Center;
  3. Fill in the application using the sample, and give the entire document set by a specialist;
  4. After checking the correctness of the data and the completeness of the indicated information, the employee of the center will report the planned service life. A successful data processing will be evidenced by sending a letter to the email address of the applicant.

What documents are needed

To accommodate access to the personal account of the taxpayer through the MFC, you need to submit the employee of the Center following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Email address.

Terms of service provision

The provision of the relevant service takes no more than half an hour. During the specified time, the applicant will create an account on the FTS website. However, finding out how to gain access to the personal account of the taxpayer via MFC, it should be understood that in addition to registration, you need to activate the account on the resource. It will be opened after the taxpayer's email address will be received with a registration card that includes information about the login and a password of the new user.

To make information about the applicant in the electronic database of the tax service, it will take about 15 days. Once all the information is in the registry, the E-mail specified when submitting documents in the MFC will come appropriate notice.

The cost of providing the service

As for the financial side of the issue, the authorization on the tax service website will not require any cash costs. Getting a service in the center is also free and does not require. The only costs that the applicant may incur in the process of using the personal account of the taxpayer are associated with the payment of Internet provider services.

Telephone hotline FTS

There are situations where taxpayers face illegal actions by state structures. In this case, they have the legal right to protect their rights and interests, submitting a complaint and settling the conflict in pretrial order.

If you do not know how to make such a document correctly, ask your questions. He will tell about the peculiarities of writing complaints and ways to feed it. On the available claims you can also inform the operator of the hotline of the tax service by calling the free number 8 800 222 2222 .

How faster it all access to the personal account of the taxpayer

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