
Bank loan for new organizations. Loans for business - LLC. What organizations, except banks give credit

To start any business project, start-up capital is necessary. To accumulate it on your own, you need time. And it will take for this not 2-3 months, and at least 5-6 years. If you do not intend to wait, you will have to seek help from private investors or try to take a bank loan. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it seems. A loan to small business from scratch today is ready to issue many financial organizations. All thanks to the target state support and federal Program development of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Borrowed funds can be an excellent starting platform for a young entrepreneur. But business lending has its own nuances that need to be considered. First, the loan, as a rule, is issued for certain purposes. It can be business development, the beginning of a new business, the purchase of equipment, repayment tax paymentsReplenishing current means etc. To use money in some other way you will not succeed. Otherwise conflict with representatives of the bank and supervisory authorities Not avoid.

Secondly, to get a loan for the opening of a small business from scratch, you need to provide a business plan. As well as an official certificate confirming your PI status, and the right to establish documents for you commercial real estate and trading equipment (if available). In addition, for the design of a large loan, a third party guarantee may be required or other guarantees of your solvicity (pledge, mediation of the Corporation of SMEs, etc.).

Requirements for the borrower

To take a loan for a business plan, you need to meet the requirements established by the manual banking organization. Each Bank has its own internal standards that only company employees know. But, nevertheless, there are general criteria, more or less united for all financial institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age - from 23 to 65 years;
  • business life - from 12 months.

And the last item does not mean that a loan for the development of small businesses from scratch will not be given to you. Get it quite real, just for this you will need to take advantage of one of the government support programs.

Governmental support

The Russian government has long been aware of the importance of small and medium-sized businesses. To stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population, various financial and information support tools are developed. And participation in their preparation is taken not only by the federal authorities, but also the regional administration.

Stimulating lending to SMS

Small business lending promotion program is one of the largest SMEs corporation projects. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the organization has developed a fundamentally new tool for financing young businessmen. Corporations managed to fix the interest rate on loans from 5 million to 1 billion rubles. at the level of 10.6% (9.6% for medium enterprises). Get a loan for small businesses from scratch on these conditions can be in 45 Russian commercial banks, among which Sberbank, "Revival", "Alfa-Bank", "Raiffeisenbank", etc.

Among funded industries:

  • agriculture;
  • production and supply of electricity, gas and water supply;
  • food production;
  • building;
  • communication;
  • cargo and passenger transportation.

A loan on the development of small businesses from scratch from the state is issued as part of preferential lending. The guarantor is the federal SME JSC.

Gratuitous credit

Money on business development can be obtained and free of charge. If the entrepreneur complies with the requirements russian legislation and has no outstanding tax debtsHe has the right to target subsidies. And both federal and regional.

To make a subsidy, you must first select the direction. This can be done, for example, on the website of the Fund to promote innovation. On the opening of a business from scratch, a free loan is issued to 15 million rubles. Separately, you can get up to 300 thousand rubles. from the regional Ministry of Economic Development within the Regional Competition.

Non-profit funds

Take a loan for small businesses, from scratch, without collateral and guarantors, you can not only in the state, but also in non-governmental organizations. For example, at the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF). According to the Youth Business International Program, which is supervising the Youth Business International Foundation (YBI), you can get a loan to 300 thousand rubles for a period of 1 to 3 years. The interest rate is 12%, a deferment of debt for 6 months is possible.

All you need for loan design is a ready-made business plan. The action is designed to support young businessmen, so the age of the potential borrower should be no more than 35 years.

Top 5 business loans

Most credit proposals not included in the SMEs prepared by the Committee are issued to entrepreneurs whose business has been there for at least 1 year. Discussion of individual conditions is possible in case of providing or guarantee from persons who enjoy the confidence of the management of a banking organization.

5th place: loans from Alfa Bank JSC

Alfa-Bank is one of the most customer-oriented Russian banks. He actively cooperates with SMEs Corporation and provides loans for small businesses from scratch on preferential terms. And also develops its own financial instruments For young entrepreneurs:

  • "Partner". Credit for business development under 16.5% - 17.5% per annum. You can take from 300 thousand to 6 million rubles., Pledge is not required. Required condition - The presence of a conschange account in Alfa Bank JSC. Repayment period - from 13 months to 3 years;
  • "Overdraft". Money for current needs, a kind of "spare account" of the company. Issued for 12 months. The size of the loan varies from 500 thousand to 6 million rubles. Interest rate from 13.5% to 18%. The deposit is not required, but the presence of a guarantee of an individual must. For the opening of the overdraft limit, a one-time commission in the amount of 1% is charged.

If you just started a business from scratch, then the probability of approval is very small

4th place: Business loans from Rosselkhozbank JSC

Rosselkhozbank specializes in financing enterprises, one way or another related to agriculture and the food industry. Therefore, the company has many target lending programs. Entrepreneurs employed in the field of small businesses may be interested in the following loans:

  • "Optimal". The non-target loan from 100 thousand to 7 million rubles. The repayment period is 5 years. It is issued secured by real estate, shopping equipment, transport or special equipment. Delay to pay the debt are not provided;
  • "Fast decision". Credit for the amount of 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. Love time is small, only 12 months. It can be used to pay rental payments or updating the material and technical base of the enterprise. The presence is not necessary.

Interest rates of Rosselkhozbank depend on the size of the loan and its repayment period. And calculated by credit managers individually.

3 Location: Target Credit from PJSC Russian Capital

Russian Capital has a large number of corporate lending programs. But for small business, the target package "Business development" is the greatest interest.

According to this program, entrepreneurs can be divided from 1 to 150 million rubles. under 11% per annum. The period of paying a loan is up to 10 years. Money can be used to purchase equipment, renewal of real estate or replenishment of working capital. Funds are issued both in the format of a one-time loan and in the form of a non-renewable credit line with maximum limit issuing.

To obtain a loan, you must provide a deposit and enlist the support of guarantors. The minimum life of the business is 9 months. Borrowers can be IP and legal entitiesthat are tax residents RF.

2nd place: Non-Eastern Business Loans PJSC Sberbank

Sberbank has long been successfully lending a small business. You can get a loan on the development of the enterprise here on one of three special programs:

  • "Trust" basic loan for up to 3 years under 16.5% - 18.5% per annum. The client can count in the amount of up to 3 million rubles, the guarantee and pledge are not required;
  • Express Overdraft This loan also does not require security. The loan period is reduced to 12 months, the interest rate is -15.5%, and the maximum amount of 2 million rubles.
  • "Business turnover" and "Business Invest" these two transcriptions are very similar, the rate of 11.8%, the maximum loan amount is not limited, it is due only to the solvency of the borrower and the cost of providing. These offers are targeted loans, this is the main difference.

Loan term Business turnover - up to 3 years old, business invest - up to 10 years

The decision on the application is made within 3 business days, it is possible to online-clearance.

1st place: loans for business development PJSC "Bank VTB 24"

Distinctive feature vTB programs 24 - Clear specialization. The bank has both investment proposals and target loans On the development of small businesses from scratch, the purchase of special equipment and other needs. Loans are most popular:

  • "Target". Issued in the amount of 850 thousand rubles. For the acquisition of equipment and special transport from partners of the bank. Repayment period - up to 5 years. Possible postponement of payments for the principal debt for 6 months. Basic rate - 10.9%;
  • "Investment". Can be used to implement various business processes. The amount is from 850 thousand rubles, the term is up to 10 years. Bet, as in the previous case, 10.9%. Need to provide material support;
  • "Kommersant." Express loan on business development under 13% worth from 500 thousand to 5 million rubles. You can smash monthly payments for up to 5 years. The loan is not targeted and is provided under the minimum package of documents (business plan, certificate of PI, etc.).

You can arrange a loan from VTB 24 as in the Bank's office and through the form on the official website.

Full list of small business lending products www.vtb24.ru/company/credit/


Loan business loan from scratch give out as state fundsand commercial companies. Material support can also be obtained from non-governmental organizations created on the initiative of the entrepreneurs themselves. The main thing is to prepare a convincing business plan and find guarantors who will be ready to take on your financial obligations In case of crisis.

Ltd. is the most popular organizational and legal form of management of companies operating in the small and medium-sized market. Many banks of Moscow offer various loan products for limited liability companies, allowing metropolitan companies to solve issues related to the modernization of production processes, as well as with other needs aimed at increasing profits. Get a loan for ooo may experienced company and a beginner organization. Credit money obtained in this way can be spent on the development of the company, the acquisition of means of special equipment, new equipment, additional retail space.

How to receive the money?

The development of your own business is a fairly costly process, so many entrepreneurs are missing own funds For its implementation. In this case, it is advisable to take a loan on business development for Ltd. and invest in the modernization and consolidation of production.

If you do not know how to get a loan for the company, we will help you choose the best for you credit Product. On this page we collected best deals From the metropolitan banks, which are issued by loans without collateral for business development. With our help you can find out the credit conditions for Ltd. in each of the banks of Moscow, compare them and choose the optimal loan offer for you.

The following programs are subject to:

  • "Business Credit" from Alfa Bank;
  • "Business advance 6 or 9 months" from Ankorbank;
  • "Trust" from Sberbank, etc.

Benefits of cooperation with us

If your firm does not yet bring high income, you should expand and enlarge your business. If you do not have enough funds for this, you can make an application for a loan through our service. The funds thus obtained can be spent on expanding your case, which will eventually provide an increase in your company's profits.

Turning to us, you can take a cash loan without giving a deposit, and spend it on the development of your company. Our clients have the opportunity to draw out loans without deposits on conditions beneficial for them. We cooperate with the most reliable and authoritative capital credit institutions that offer the most interesting, beneficial credit products for entrepreneurs.

The possibility of opening its own business attracts people seeking to financial independence and big money. However, there are many underwater stones in business. The process of its development is unpredictable, as well as market economy generally. And often for business development requires attraction of borrowed funds. It is thanks to loans that can open their own business without investing equal capital. For example, young entrepreneurs are interested in how to get a loan on LLC. Thanks borrowed funds You can also purchase, and upgrade any business, you can even increase competitiveness.

How to be novikam

Almost all enterprises are entitled to use the one-time loan. It is issued in the form of an ordinary credit line. It is not meful lending, which allows you to spend cash For any needs. Previously, such funds were provided only to ensure in the form of real Estate or car. Now you can find suggestions on more loyal conditions.

Overdraft or investment lending is also suitable for their own business. There are also commercial and commercial loans for organizations. The choice of this or that product will directly depend on the target of funds, as well as from the selection of the return period and the amount. Except is lending in a simplified tax scheme.

Problems are called state body With suspected fraud. The problem is also becoming an optimal assessment of the assets of a potential borrower. But even such a situation will not be able to prevent the loan.

Credit line

Credit line for LLC - commercial lending, in which cash is transferred non-cash by debit card The main copyright holder or the current account of the enterprise as an additional limit for removal. Provided for recovery current assets. At the same time, the term of such lending does not exceed two years. To repay such commitments to the company will be regularly regular. Payment is allowed both partial debt and complete.

The credit line allows you to use borrowed funds. Each time it is replenished, it is updated, and the nested amount becomes available for removal. Use such a loan only to purchase the goods, which is specified in the conditions loan agreement. In violation of such an item, the bank institution has the right to impose penalties on the entrepreneur.

Investment lending

If the entrepreneur decided to expand the territory of the organization or purchase more expensive equipment, then it can get investment lending from a credit institution. But it is worth remembering that this species Borrowing implies great troubles in connection with the receipt of a large number of references and documents. The conditions for the provision of such a loan is tougher. In addition to confirming the solvency of the documents, it will be necessary to provide a loan to the investment plan in which the speeding payback and increasing profitability should be noted. In addition, it is necessary to provide evidence of the investment of own funds at least 30% of total amount. The term of this type of loan is 15 years.

The reason for refusal may be a small term of the company's existence. The organization must exist in the market for at least six months. Some financial institutions require that the company existed for more than a year at a certain coefficient of working capital.

Commercial mortgage

A special advantage in limited liability organizations use a commercial mortgage. This type of lending is necessary to acquire its own real estate under its own business. At the same time there will be no monthly rent for the territory. It will not be necessary to constantly face rent and with the search for a new object.

Commercial mortgage is a way out for an entrepreneur. It can be obtained in a short time and open its business already in its own permanent place. Due to constant inflation, the cost of real estate is growing, therefore mortgage credit lending justifies yourself even taking into account the accrued interest.

To make such a type of lending, it is necessary to provide a package of documents, but since the purchased property becomes a loan, then the interest rate will be significantly lower and documents confirming solvency, not required to provide. The financial institution does not bear any risks, since in case of non-payment it has the right to implement the property and cover the credit obligations of the borrower.

How to get a loan

For all entrepreneurs who opened the organization of such a legal form, there are many different proposals for financial market. To select the optimal need to take into account several nuances:

  1. Best make a loan if tax system Is not simplified. In this case, you can define all incomes of the entrepreneur, which will prove its solvency.
  2. You can get a loan on the basis of various documents, support, as well as on trust. In the latter case, the interest rate will be an order of magnitude higher.
  3. You can take a loan on the development of the enterprise or on the beginning of your own business. But all these actions should be regulated by the relevant documentation and transferred to the credit institution to agree. All should be reflected in them. detailed calculations and actions in the future.

What banks give credit

Business lending from scratch

In order to take a loan to the enterprise with zero balance, it is necessary to approach a number of requirements of the credit institution. Take a loan if the company has been successfully operating in the market, easy enough. Another thing when business only opens. Learning prospects own productionThe employees of the banking institution are bred by their hands. After all, these are special risks for every financial organization.

Get a loan in this case will help subsidy from the state. This is a small financial assistance to gratuitous. To obtain it, it is necessary to live on the specified territory for at least 18 years, while consisting in accounting in the employment service. Making a business plan, you need to go to the Employment Center and write a request to provide subsidy. Maximum size for startups is 60 thousand rubles, for the current small business - 25 thousand rubles, to open their own business when special conditions - up to 300 thousand rubles.

All cash issued by the state body must be spent on business, and not for their needs. Otherwise, they will be exterminated on the terms of a violation of the contract. Similarly, and with a business that did not hold on the market for more than a year.

So, you are the owner of the firm and decided to contact the bank for a loan for business development. This is not the only possible goal, sometimes the company is used as a guarantee or a deposit for a loan to the personal needs of the business owner. Read this option in the article "Credit under the company".

When can banks issue loans to firms?

The conditions are simple enough:

  • The term of existence for more than 6 months.
  • Real economic activitieswhich can be confirmed by extracts from the current account, tax reporting etc..
  • Realistic rationale for the required amount of money.
  • Lack of problems with law and good reputation (including good credit history owners).

It must be understood that all these conditions are not necessarily presented by a specific bank. Let's say, but, of course, you should look a favorable client for other parameters.

The same applies to the implementation period. Although 99% of financial organizations automatically cut off applications from, some banks form special programs.

Where can I get a loan for the company and how to do it?

Several sections of our site site are dedicated to the search and selection of the bank:

The overall strategy of action is as follows:

  1. Decide with the required amount and desired loan parameters. You must represent how much and why you need money on the one hand, and that you can offer a bank as collateral.
  2. Calculate what the maximum interest rate will be beneficial for you. How to do it is written. By the way, it is quite possible that at this stage you will refuse the thought of borrow: profitability may be insufficient.
  3. Find 3 - 10 banks that offer credit programssuitable for you according to the requirements for the provision and interest rate. It is also recommended to collect feedback on potential lender and analyze the programs themselves, compare them with each other. At this stage should not be too deepened into the details, it is important that the overall impression "is rather suitable than not."
  4. Collect.
  5. Now you can send applications for selected organizations. Some of the banks quickly promptly issues preliminary approval on the basis of a minimum of data; Another require a significant part of the document package or even entirely. Of course, the more supposed amount, the more papers are required.

What to do after approval of the application?

A good choice will be waiting for solutions from other banks to compare offers. Also at this stage it is recommended to carefully examine all available information about the bank, including customer reviews.

To wait is not lackless, ask the manager to provide a draft treaty to carefully examine it and transfer to your lawyer.

Many entrepreneurs decide to expand their business. But in this case there may be a shortage of funds to achieve the goal. Banks offer to make a loan on business development for LLC. It is only necessary to choose the most optimal program with suitable conditions and requirements.

If necessary, make a loan for business development, it is advisable to get acquainted with the programs of several banks. It is better to consult with a professional consultant who will help choose optimal conditions. An equally important task is to familiarize themselves with the agreement in which the terms of the transaction are indicated.

Small business lending features

A company registered as a loss cannot accompany consumer credit Compared to IP. Therefore, they have a small choice. But banks constantly produce new programs. The main requirement is the activities of the company. It must be performed at least 6 months, otherwise there will be a refusal on request.

The organization provides the possibility of using a credit line, which will increase with expenses. This is lending without ensuring. Even in the crisis period, banking institutions provide loans to the population. Lending to large enterprises Bank usually does not fully fulfill without collateral and guarantors.

Types of loans for LLC

Usually lending is carried out with a smaller amount and large percentage. Then credit organizations will present the division of amounts. The first one can arrange without collateral, and the second must be provided. The loans themselves are divided into the following types:

  • Overdraft. Transfer to the settlement account of the borrower approved amounts. Paying debt can be made by funds to the current account. Money is written off automatically. The goal is to support the company's turnover. Money can be spent on elimination of shortage in the checkout, payment speed. Funds can go to the budget. This loan option is considered the most profitable. Interest are fixed and differentiated. Repayment is carried out automatically.
  • Credit line. Used to expand business. The credit line is renewable and non-renewable. Usually these loans are used to acquire new funds. Possible purchase of raw materials. Financial organizations Credit in non-cash. Funds are spent completely or partially. Used non-target program but credit organisation May be controlled by spending.
  • Investment loan. To expand the company or the need to buy equipment, you can issue such a loan. But the conditions for it are tougher compared to other loans. It is necessary to collect a lot of documents, as well as create an investment plan, which reflects ways to increase income.

A credit institution may require the first payment of 30-40%. Lending period is 15 years. If the company works not so long ago, it may be a refusal. Loans are not issued at zero balance. Sometimes the provision of collateral is required.


Credit for business development for Ltd. is issued in Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank and others financial institutions. For each program, their conditions are offered. It is possible to design loans on bail, guarantee or without providing security.

Banks are offered loans to 5 million rubles at a rate of from 14.5 to 17%. Often, businessmen are offered state programs and registration through major institutions of the Russian Federation.


How to get a loan for business development? To do this, go through several stages:

  1. Contact a bank in which there are current accounts.
  2. Apply for loan.
  3. Collect documentation.
  4. When approved, familiarize yourself with the conditions.
  5. Sign documents and get money.

If you contact a bank in which there are no accounts, the institution may require to translate all means or part of them.

Where to contact?

Loans to small and medium businesses are provided in different banks. Amounts and rates for each client can be different:

  • Sberbank - up to 5 million rubles from 16%;
  • Alfa-Bank - up to 6 million rubles at 17%;

  • Raiffeisen Bank - up to 4.5 million rubles, and the rate is appointed individually;
  • VTB 24 - up to 4 million rubles from 14.5%;
  • "Bank of Moscow" to 150 million rubles at an individual rate.


Offers lending to Sberbank business, where all entrepreneurs can turn. Programs are valid for small and medium-sized business representatives, as well as for large corporate clients. The bank offers several programs to ensure, guarantee and without collateral.

The amount can reach up to 5 million rubles. The rate is 16-19.5% per year. Loans are provided for different purposes: reconstruction, purchase of fixed assets, expansion.

Government program

Not everyone knows that there are various business support programs for which subsidies can be issued for the development of their business. Support can be returnable and non-returnable. Get such funding will not be all. The advantage of socially oriented, industrial, agricultural, business projects is enjoyed.

The number of jobs, the usefulness of products or services is taken into account. Evaluation of originality, profitability and payback period of the project is also important. Working programs and conditions for participation in them are issued on the official sites of the city.

Apply for free, so every organization can try. If you prepare an appropriate business plan, then get funds from the state is real. More preferences are given to entrepreneurs who already have an established business with permanent income.

How to arrange?

Loans with small and medium businesses within a few days are drawn up. It depends on the conditions and requirements, for example, when receiving a loan with a deposit.

Obtaining a loan for Ltd. is usually carried out with the provision of liquid collateral or invitation of the guarantor. Otherwise there will be a refusal to provide a loan.

From scratch

Loans on business development from scratch are issued, but it is quite difficult to arrange them. Banks are presented to borrowers strict requirements:

  • receipt of profit by the enterprise;
  • registration of the company at least 6 months-1 year.

Beginning businessmen often automatically reject applications for loans. Exit in this situation will be the registration of a consumer loan on individualBy providing property pledge. Loans on business development from scratch are issued with guarantors.

Without collateral

Make a loan for LLC without collateral is quite difficult. Borrowers should be remembered that some institutions, for example, Sberbank, VTB, provide such loans, but the rate will be high enough. The condition for the design of such a transaction is the guarantee of business owners.


Credit for business development for Ltd. is provided subject to several requirements:

  • the staff is not more than 100 people;
  • profit per year - up to 400 million rubles;
  • income from microorganisations 60 million rubles, and the staff is no more than 15;
  • registration in the Russian Federation;
  • legality of business;
  • age 23-65 years;
  • positive credit history;
  • good finance turnover.


Application is needed to get a loan for business development for LLC. Documents may differ depending on whether a person is a bank client or not. Permanent borrowers must be provided financial statements per lately, paper pledge, guarantors.

If the client does not use the banks of the bank, then it must prepare constituent, registration documents. You will also need a map with samples of signatures of persons who have the right to sign. We need their passports, TIN The list of documents is sometimes expanding.


A loan on business development for Ltd. is issued in the amount of 3-5 million rubles. But some institutions, for example, "Bank of Moscow" issues large sums. The condition is the company's solvency and fulfillment of obligations that are taken when signing credit documents.


Interest on loans for all clients is defined for each client individually. Payments for the use of loans depends on several factors:

  • solvency;
  • financing period;
  • loan currency;
  • having a pledge or guarantee.

Basic rates are now 14.5-17% per year. And on preferential programs from the state, 10% is valid.


According to standard programs, loans are issued for up to 3 years. Sometimes there is a longer lending time. Perhaps I. early repayment, only need to immediately find out if it is an additional commission.


The loan payment is carried out equal or differentiated parts. Sometimes individual versions of the repayment scheme are likely. Translation is executed from the current account on credit. With a late payment of payment by the Bank, the excitement is accrued, and the credit rating is also reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

The loan for business has its advantages:

  • no inspection of funds from the turnover;
  • it is possible to design a loan without collateral;
  • you can become a member state program, issued a preferential loan.

But it should be borne in mind that banks in the field of lending work only with proven businessmen. Borrowers must confirm solvency, to open the current, deposit accounts, corporate maps. Only then is possible a loan.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state