
Calculation of mortgage savings bank calculator. Mortgage calculator on ready accommodation from Sberbank. Special conditions for lending

The Sberbank Mortgage Calculator will help calculate the mortgage amount for 2019. Make the calculation of the overpayment for the entire period mortgage lending On the calculator from the official site.

Mortgage Calculator "Sberbank Mortgage 2019" is one of the leaders of the Russian financial sector. It enjoys stable popularity among those who want to acquire one's own housing and highly valued:

  • low percent;
  • large selection of mortgage programs;
  • comfortable financial instruments.

Sberbank's suggestions in 2019 - this is short-lived mortgage programs, including:

  • State support to families with children.
  • Acquisition of the finished and building housing.
  • Military mortgage.
  • Individual residential and country construction.
  • Refinancing.

Mortgage lending is in great demand today, as it allows you to purchase our own accommodation for the funds provided by the Bank. The only thing that will be needed from a potential buyer is an initial contribution, the amount of which depends on the features of the acquired object and the selected banking program.

Mortgage is issued for 10-30 years, so before proceeding with the design of the loan, it makes sense to carefully weighed all its capabilities. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • contact himself in Sberbank, whose employee will calculate the amount of overpayment and will give answers to all your questions;
  • take advantage of the possibilities of the calculator of the mortgage, producing all calculations instantly and online.

Obviously, it will be more preferable that the second method will not require significant time costs. You do not even have to leave the house or office.

Mortgage Calculator 2019.

Step-by-step instructions for using the mortgage calculator looks like this:

  • open the program;
  • we enter into the form fields all the necessary data - the cost of purchased housing, applied to exactly your interest rate, the amount of the loan and the deadline for which it is issued. You also need to specify the size of the initial contribution you are ready to pay;
  • run a calculator;
  • we obtain the results of the calculations - the amount of the monthly payment, the total amount of overpayment, the cost of housing, taking into account the specific interest rate.

The accuracy of the calculation of the mortgage directly depends on how reliable information you enter. Therefore, we advise you to study the conditions of all credit programsimplemented by Sberbank, decide on the choice of one of them.

Mortgage programs 2019

  • Mortgage for families with children
  • Mortgage for young families
  • Mortgage for secondary housing
  • Mortgage on the apartment in the new building
  • Mortgage vacation home
  • Mortgage under the "Maternal Capital"
  • Mortgage for the construction of the house
  • Mortgage on the land
  • Mortgage for military personnel
  • Not target mortgage
  • Mortgage on two documents
  • Refinancing of mortgage
  • * Mortgage without the initial contribution in 2019 in Sberbank is not provided, the minimum initial contribution of 10 percent. According to the program "Mortgage with the use of maternal capital", you can make an initial contribution maternal capital.

    Features of the Sberbank Calculator of Russia

    Sberbank offers efficient financial instrumentcapable of online:

    • determine the opportunity I. extreme Size Early
    • repayment of a mortgage loan;
    • calculate the sum of mortgages for the entire credit period;
    • determine the amount of monthly payments for the "body" of the loan;
    • calculate the monthly interest rate;
    • determine the amount of overpayment in percent and money equivalent.

    The result obtained allows you to figure out all the nuances of the selected program, objectively evaluate your own financial opportunities and take a conscious decision regarding mortgage.

    Annuity and differentiated payments

    But today online calculators are offered by every respectful bank. A similar service of Sberbank differs in their background by the reality of payments for two schemes: annuity and differentiated.

    • Annicate option takes into account the aggregate of the amount of the principal debt and the interest accrued on it, which is introduced by equal parts throughout the entire period of lending.
    • Differential calculation implies interest accrual on the unpaid part of the loan and the monthly decrease in payment.

    Toping both schemes using a mortgage calculator 2019, Sberbank client can choose the best option without resorting to help consultants. This effective tool will also be useful:

    • when choosing the optimal amount of monthly payments calculated, based on the real income of the client;
    • upon receipt of details on the estimated payments by interest and on the loan "body";
    • when calculating possible early repayment of the mortgage.

    The use of the mortgage calculator is relevant not only for legal entities, IP and pensioners, the most favorable conditions are provided for by Sberbank for individuals - wage card holders.

    Nuances of early repayment

    The provision of mortgage savings banks in 2019 in 2019 implies debt repayment by uniform monthly "portions" throughout the contract. This means that the interest is paid first, and the main amount of the loan is charged closer to completion. The early repayment of the mortgage loan in the initial years makes it possible to significantly save on the overpayment.

    Using a credit calculator, you can calculate the intermediate results of partial or complete early mortgage payments. When using maternal capital and counting the total amount of debt, in the calculator, or the corresponding item is noted, or the size of the available funds are made in the count ratio of early repayment.

    The borrower who received the possibility of making a large amount by a single payment can contact not only in the office of Sberbank, where a new contract will be immediately prepared after considering his application. He may also repay the mortgage through the personal online office in Sberbank. As soon as the Customer will early pay off the debt in full, the acquired real estate will go to his property.

    Pros of Sberbank Online Calculator:

    • lack of registration:
    • completely free;
    • proven calculation formulas;
    • instant online calculation;
    • the ability to calculate the residue after early repayment of the mortgage;
    • regular updating key data;
    • versatility allowing to calculate any mortgage loan (within the framework of special credit lines Or without the initial contribution).

    For the successful obtaining results are values \u200b\u200bof such basic indicatorsas the interest rate, the duration of the period and the sum of the mortgage advance.

    Interest rates and conditions for mortgage in Sberbank 2019

    • Mortgage interest rate: from 6.0% to 14.0%
    • The sum of the mortgage: from 300'000 to 30'000'000 rubles
    • Mortgage loan period: from 1 year to 30 years
    • Maximize profitable credit;
    • Calculate monthly deductions;
    • Determine the maximum possible loan size;
    • Weigh your own chances of closing a loan with early repayment.

    Sberbank of Russia - the largest russian bank With an extensive network of departments and offices offering a wide range credit products For individuals and pensioners. Sberbank's credit calculator will allow online mode Calculate the exact date and amount to maturity, taking into account the data provided.

    What loans gives Sberbank?

    The main specialization of the bank is consumer loans for any purpose. They are issued both without collateral and under the guarantee of individuals or a deposit of real estate. Separate conditions are waiting for military personnel and participants of NIS, as well as farmers with personal farm.

    For young and active people, a special educational loan with state support has been developed. Sberbank also offers loans for repayment of debts in other banks (refinancing) and more than 6 types of mortgage loans.

    Calculate any of these loans, learn the planned monthly payment will help credit calculator Sberbank. A potential borrower is sufficient to indicate the required amount, a bet, such as payment, date and term, and the monthly payment will calculate himself. Of course, you can calculate the payment yourself, but for this you need at least 15-30 minutes, and when it comes to hundreds of thousands of rubles, the difference in counting may be huge. In such cases, it's easy not to do without a credit calculator of Sberbank.

    Credit Calculator Sberbank

    Sberbank loans

    Sberbank prepared all sorts of products for its customers. For example, any citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 years can issue a non-target consumer loan without providing one passport. At the same time, the interest rate for the use of borrowed funds will not exceed 23.5% per annum for salary customers or pensioners, and 29.5% for all others, and the maximum amount is 1.5 million rubles.

    Very interesting conditions the bank offers educational credit With the postponement of repayment for the entire period of study and 3 months additionally. At the same time, insurance or ensuring the loan is not required, and the interest rate is defined in the region of 7.06% and directly depends on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank at the rate of (1/4 of the refinancing rate + 5 percentage points) a loan for education is provided from 14 years.

    Credit Max. sum Min. Rate Max. Time Type of payments Payment
    without security
    1500000 rub 16,9% 60 months Annuce
    Under order
    3000000 rub 13,9% 60 months Annuce
    Non-target sub
    Pledge of real estate
    10,000,000 rubles 14% 240 months Annuce
    Credit for military personnel
    and participants of NIS
    500,000 rubles 15,5% 60 months Annuce
    Consumer by
    1000000 rubles 14,9% 60 months Annuce

    Calculator consumer credit Sberbank of Russia It will help to calculate the monthly payment on any of the presented types of loan.

    Mortgage and Mortgage Calculator Sberbank

    Sberbank of Russia offers its customers more than 6 types of mortgage products designed specifically for different categories of the population, including military and young families.

    Mortgages /
    Min sum MAX sum Bet B.
    Max time Initial
    Mortgage with state.
    45 000 rub 8 million for Moscow and Peter
    3 million for regions
    From 11.9%
    up to 12.9%
    1 year 30 years From 15%
    from the cost
    Finished housing
    300 thousand rubles. No more than 80% of the price From 13.5% to 14.5% 1 year 30 years From 20% of the cost
    Housing under construction
    with the provision
    300 thousand rubles. No more than 80% of the price From 13.5% to 14.5% + dumming up to 2.5% 1 year 30 years From 20% of the cost
    Not No more than 80% of the price 12,5% 1 year 15 years Not

    By mortgage programs With the acquisition of a ready-made or built housing, a repayment is available with the help of the mat.

    The main package of documents that will require an application for a mortgage of Sberbank of Russia:

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration
    • Any second document (passport, INN, SNILS, etc.)
    • Documents for confirmation of employment and financial situation (2ndfl certificate for the last 6 months, a copy of the employment record)
    • Directly application with personal data

    If a mortgage loan provides for a deposit, then mandatory condition is the provision of documents on provide property (original certificate of property; Original contract of sale, exchange, donations, etc.; extract from the USRP; cadastral passport with a detailed plan, etc.)

    If the bank takes a positive decision on the application of the client to the mortgage product, then within 2 months it is necessary to provide additional package Documents:

    1. Complete set of documents on credited premises
    2. Payment order for the payment of the initial contribution

    To get a mortgage on the programs "Young Family" and "Maternal Capital" need an additional package of documents.

    Methods for repaying consumer loan in Sberbank of Russia

    The bank proposes to their customers to repay a loan in several ways to choose from:

    • Through the payment of payment through the cashier
    • In ATM or PVN Bank from his card
    • Through personal Area Internet bank "Sberbank-online". To do this, the borrower should be decorated debit or credit card. For convenience, you can connect the service "Autoplating" and money will be written off at the expense of the next loan payment automatically to the specified date.
    • Automatic write-off of funds from Sberbank's cardschet after registration of a written order for debiting funds by the Bank. A similar agreement can be made to write off funds from a deposit account.

    Penalties for the delay of the monthly payment

    As penalties for late payment of the loan, Sberbank applies a penalty to borrowers in the amount of 20% per year from the amount of the planned payment for the entire period of delay since the date following the date of the next payment, by the date of the actual contribution.

    The Sberbank Mortgage Calculator will calculate the amount of mortgage online, learns the interest rate and conditions for 2019. Use to calculate the mortgage 2019 with free calculator from the official site!

    Mortgage Calculator "Sberbank Mortgage 2019" - a professional tool for calculating the mortgage 2019, the amount of monthly payments and overpayment for the weight of the mortgage loan. Sooner or later, almost every city dweller, with or without her family, comes to a decision to make a loan for a mortgage. Buy your own housing from scratch and full value Can afford units. That is why this loan option is one of the most sought-after today. He is quite universal. Such a loan can be used not only for new or housing under construction, but also for real estate in the secondary market, buying a plot for construction private house. Of course, the long-term loan is always a certain risk. But it should be borne in mind that a monthly mortgage payment is usually equal to the sum that the apartment is spent on the rent, and often below.

    Benefits of the 2019 Mortgage Calculator

    If you do not want to delve for a long time in the features of the loan, you will come to the aid a credit calculator of the Sberbank of Russia 2019. This is simple and fast way calculate monthly sums Payments, taking into account interest rates, maturity and other factors. Of course, such large loans are not taken for one year, therefore it is very important to accommodately approach the selection of the program, calculate the loan repayment schedule. It is worth compare the conditions in various banks to choose exactly the one that is perfect for you.

    In Sberbank 2019, a great choice of various lending programs with a rather low interest rate, so that the final overpayment goes minimal compared to the entire cost of acquisition. There are options for young families, for entrepreneurs, for military personnel and employees of the budget sector. Just specify the program suitable for you, and the rest of the calculator will do for you. His features:

    • maximum amount loan mortgage,
    • monthly payments,
    • early repayment of credit,
    • overpayment of the loan, both in cash equivalent and in percent,
    • the amount of interest, which are accrued monthly on the loan,
    • the total amount of payments for a loan over the entire period.

    The main advantages of the Mortgage Calculator from Sberbank:

    • you do not need to pass the tedious registration procedure or pay for the use of the program,
    • the calculator is able to accurately calculate any types of payments: both annuity and differentiated,
    • in the calculation of monthly payments, Sberbank formula is involved, which guarantees their accuracy,
    • we regularly update data at rates and conditions of mortgage lending to Sberbank, so you can always count on the relevance of information.

    This convenient financial instrument will save you from long and complex computing, allowing you to calculate the sum of mortgages within a few seconds.

    Simple way to your housing with a mortgage of Sberbank

    Why can we guarantee you the correctness of the calculation of the data? The fact is that we use mortgage calculator Sberbank, so all the figures will be relevant. You can right now, online Calculate the loan repayment schedule for your dream apartment by choosing the appropriate program by specifying the amount you want to take the time to which you plan to close the debt.

    Who can take advantage of our mortgage calculator:

    Convenience of online calculator in essential savings of your time. You do not need to contact personally in the bank branch in order to calculate the payments of the planned mortgage. You can also immediately define comfortable conditions for you monthly payments that correspond to the level of your income. Just substitute the numbers you need to find the optimal option.

    The main programs of Sberbank:

    • with state support
    • on the secondary (secondary housing),
    • for the construction of a private house,
    • on a new building
    • on the plot
    • young family,
    • mortgage with maternal capital,
    • state employees
    • for pensioners.

    Conditions and interest rates on the mortgage in Sberbank in 2019

    Promotion to new buildings

    Young families

    Military Mortgage - Acquisition of Ready Housing

    Military mortgage - acquisition of housing under construction


    Acquisition of finished housing

    country estate

    Construction of a residential building

    Also online calculation of the cost takes into account different mortgage conditions:

    • with early repayment
    • without the initial contribution
    • without confirmation of income
    • without guarantors.

    Other Services

    "Marketplace take":

    Accurately calculate the Sberbank mortgage in Moscow will help a special online calculator on our website or on the page itself financial organization. Setting necessary parameters In the filter system, the potential borrower learns the following information:

    • the size of regular payments for each month;
    • maximum amount housing loanon which he can claim;
    • the amount of overpayment, which is charged by the creditor;
    • what sequence is repayment of interest on the loan and the principal amount of debt.

    Comparing with the level of income, the condition of Sberbank Mortgage (Calculator - 2019 will help determine the degree of financial load), the client will be able to determine whether the housing loan is suitable for him.

    The mortgage calculator helps to see which minimum salary level should be in Moscow to pay loan under these conditions.

    Let us give an example of how the Sberbank Calculator helps to calculate the mortgage. For example, we will take real estate at a price of 2 million rubles, which the borrower acquires on a loan of 1.5 million rubles from initial contribution on a loan of 500 thousand. Payout term - 10 years.

    Market Interest rate Payment size for each month Necessary income total amount payments on loan
    Primary 7.6 17 884 rub. 29 807 rub. 2 146 080 rub.
    Secondary 9.4 19 328 rub. 32 213 rubles. 2 308 560 rub.

    The Sberbank Mortgage Calculator shows the basic principle of calculating payments: the longer the loan is paid, the higher the total amount of overpayment (and monthly contributions). The final value is influenced by the real estate market: on a secondary apartment with the same parameters as on the primary, it will be more expensive. For example, a monthly payment for an apartment in a finished house and similar in a new building may differ in several thousand rubles.

    Rates in 2019

    The value of the interest rate, which the mortgage calculator shows, Sberbank determines individually. The overpayment amount depends on the following parameters:

    • basic bid;
    • type of real estate;
    • is the borrower a salary client of the bank or not;
    • the conditions of the mortgage program itself.
    If you compare the interest that Sberbank sets, mortgage (the calculator with the initial contribution makes it possible to learn all the parameters of the rates) can be represented as a table:
    For borrowers - salary customers For ordinary borrowers Housing loan for two documents
    Primary market 6,7–9,1% 7,5–9,9% 7,5–9,9%
    Secondary market 8,6–9,5% 9,1–10,0% 9,6–10,2%
    Participation in state Program 6% for 3-5 years on the program, 9.25% without it
    Construction of new buildings 10,0% 10,5% 10,0–10,5%
    Vacation home 9,5% 10,0% 9,5–10,0%

    The interest rate can be higher for each item for 1 percent due to failure to voluntary insurance Life and health.

    If we talk about shared parameters that help calculate the mortgage calculator, Sberbank (2019) offers the following conditions:

    • the minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles;
    • the initial contribution is 15 percent of the loan amount;
    • debt payment term - up to 30 years.

    Requirements for the borrower in 2019

    Those who want to get a mortgage must correspond to only two requirements of Sberbank:

    • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    • age from 21 years to 75 years (if a housing loan program for two documents - age up to 65 years).

    As a security, Sberbank uses the encumbrance of the acquired real estate in Moscow - the mortgage calculator - 2019 reflects this requirement. If the loan is issued for the construction of real estate, a different form of support will be required (pledge of valuable property or guarantees guarantees).

    Occupying a leading position in the mortgage market, Sberbank offered consumers some of the most favorable conditions. By implementing lending programs, the establishment on its official Internet resource provided for the user to independently make a loan. Using the Sberbank Calculator, the mortgage calculates for 2016 the potential client will be able to introduce the source data. As a result, the service will issue information regarding the main parameters of the loan - the amount of loan, the amount of the monthly payment, loan overpayment, etc.

    Conditions for mortgages in Sberbank 2016: Calculatory protection for applicable programs *

    The credit line of the institution is represented by four basic programs of mortgage loans in the direction:

    • acquisition of housing primary real estate market (under construction / ready in the new building);
    • purchases of the Secondary Market Housing (Apartment / Other / Town House / Private Individual House);
    • construction of a private residential building / house;
    • purchases / construction of consumer orientation buildings (cottage / garden house) and the purchase of a plot.

    The main parameters / conditions of these products are presented in the table.

    from 13.45% from 15% up to 30 years
    13 -13,50% from 50% 15 million p. (Moscow / g. S. Petherburg)

    8 million p. (regions)

    up to 30 years
    13,25-13,75% 30-50% up to 85% of the cost (estimated / contractual) housing (collateral / credited)
    13,50-14% 15 -30%
    13,50-14% from 50% up to 75% of the contractual / estimated value of the credited / collateral up to 30 years
    13,75-14,25% 25-50%
    13-13,50% from 50%
    • up to 75% of the contractual / estimated value of the credited / collateral;
    • cost by estimate of construction;
    • contractual value of land
    up to 30 years

    In addition, the Bank for certain categories of consumers the implementation of basic products is carried out on specially developed programs. Thanks to them, the potential borrower will be able to issue a loan on special conditions.

    • indeed, for the purchase programs of the finished / deposited housing;
    • listing the means of mats. Capital to the repayment of the loan - for six months of getting a loan
    • buying housing primary market (under construction / new building);
    • seller - only Jurlso;
    • the program is valid to 03/01/2016.
    • the rate is 11.4% * (+ 1% in case of refusal to personal consumer insurance)
    • for participants of the mortgage-cumulative system;
    • rate - 12.5% \u200b\u200b*;
    • the maximum amount is 1.9 million rubles;
    • term - up to 15 years.
    for a family / incomplete family (parent with children / child), one of the spouses in which age is 21-35 years at the time of registration of the loan

    The conditions of mortgage loans provide for the mandatory provision of loans obtained:

    • in the form of a pledge of the object of lending / other real estate consumer;
    • at a pledge of a private residential building / part / share located on land plot - the simultaneous deposit of such a plot / right to lease;
    • prior to the depreciation of the lending object under construction - guarantee / deposit of property rights.

    The insurance of credited / loss-transferred housing on the risks / death / damage to the entire validity period of the contract is also mandatory.

    Get a housing loan in the institution has the right to the country's solvent citizens in the age framework of 21-75 years old, possessing:

    • constant source of income;
    • official employment (with minimal current work experience from six months).

    The consumer is available to independently calculate the mortgage loan. To do this, use the online service of the bank - the loan calculator. The program in automatic mode will make the required calculation and issuing credit information regarding:

    • its maximum size;
    • the amounts subject to monthly contribution ( annuity payment). It is indicated how much it will go to the repayment of the principal debt and interest for the use, as well as the size of the balance on the body of the loan;
    • the total amount of a loan overpayment.

    The credit calculation is carried out on the basis of the master data entered by the user. The program interface includes the main (consists of 14 parameters) and two additional partitions (consumer data - 6 parameters, information about coaches - 10 parameters).

    Based on the data received, the service itself will select the credit rate (from the range provided for by the conditions for a specific mortgage product).

    The main parameters that directly depend on the service applied by the Service include:

    • data on full market value acquired by the consumer housing;
    • primary contribution size;
    • loan term;
    • user category (salary client / employee by the Bank of the Organization / Consumer on General Conditions / Client, not confirming labor employment and income);
    • participation / not participation of the Bank in financing the construction of an object (which is located acquired housing);
    • the period of the State Registration of the Property Real Estate (before / after the Mortgage Registration);
    • consent / Consumer Failure for Personal Insurance (Life / Health).

    The basic product rate is automatically increased by:

    • 0.5% - without financing construction at the expense of the Bank;
    • 1% - before registration of the mortgage;
    • 1% - when refusing personal insurance.

    Sberbank Calculator: Calculate the sum of mortgage 2016, possible to get

    To obtain the result of the calculation for this parameter, it is necessary in the "Type of Calculation" column to select the indicator "Account Calculation".

    For a more accurate calculation, it is also necessary to fill in the graphs of the additional partition, entering the required information (additional income / retirement of the borrower, composition / income / family consumption, availability of obligations).

    The lender provides the opportunity to potential consumer also to attract and coaches (no more than three physicals). This will increase the size of the received loan: when calculating the maximum possible loan amount, their income will also be taken into account.

    After filling out all sections of the form, you must click the "Recalculation" button. As a result, the program will give the user the necessary information.

    Monthly payments: How to calculate the mortgage in 2016 in Sberbank Calculator

    To calculate the payments subject to monthly return, you must select the "credit amount" parameter. Next, the user also fills all the necessary information in the calculator sections.

    The program will be performed required. At the same time, the service also indicates information about the size of the maximum possible amount of the loan according to the data entered (instead of the requested user).

    For clarity and user convenience, the results of the program calculation are also displayed as a graph and table. The consumer is available to familiarize themselves with the ratio of payments on the principal and interest on the balance for the entire use of loan.

    If the potential borrower already pressesnibly knows how much the amount will be able to pay a monthly loan into account, it is available to calculate the mortgage for this parameter. To do this, you must select the "On Monthly Payment" parameter in the Count Count, enter its size, fill the required calculator sections and send to execution.

    As a result, the program will issue information about the loan parameters, including its possible amount at the specified payment amount.

    Example of calculating the Sberbank program Mortgage Calculator for 2016 for a young family

    The program is relevant when buying a finished / housing and construction of a private house. Until the end of 2015, within the framework of these products, an action proposal regarding interest rates is valid - 12.5% \u200b\u200b*.

    Initially, the required contribution (percentage of the value of the object) is set in size:

    • 15% - for family (full / incomplete) with minor children / child;
    • 20% - for a family without children.

    But at the same time there is a restriction in the amount of housing cost - from 5.5 million rubles. and up to 12 million rubles.

    Calculate the Sberbank Mortgage Calculator for 2016 in the online mode on the terms of this program is possible directly on the product page. To do this, the user needs to make the required information in the relevant sections of the service.

    For example, the calculation is calculated (by the amount of loan) according to the program for a young family. Used parameters:

    • the cost of housing is 5 million rubles;
    • personal contribution - 20% of the cost;
    • loan period - 10 years;
    • consumer - a common category (not a client / salary / employee of an accredited enterprise), age 30 years old, official monthly income - 50 thousand rubles. (additional - 30 thousand rubles), family members - 2;
    • conacerrr - spouse, age 25 years old, income of 50 thousand rubles.

    As a result of the calculation for these parameters, the program using the rate of 13.5% limited the size of the loan to 2.15 million rubles. (when requested in 4 million rubles) and brought a monthly payment in the amount of 32738.97 p. Overpayment amount - 1 778 676.97 p.

    * Conditions are relevant as of the beginning of November 2015.

    1. The calculation produced by the Calculator program on the website of the institution is exceptionally noticeable. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the basic parameters for a loan (rate / amount / monthly payment), it should be referred directly to the representative office of the institution.
    2. An online calculator with calculations applies the range of interest rates operating under current programs currently. To calculate the mortgage on a specific program, use the service interface displayed on the page of this product.
    3. An online calculator produces a preliminary calculation of the loan, pushing out the maximum allowable bet values. Employees of the banking institution use an individual approach to each consumer. With this lender, many factors are taken into account. Therefore, the results obtained using the calculator and individual personal calculation may differ significantly in favor of the consumer.

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