
Build a country house. Vacation home. Technologies for the construction of low-rise homes and materials

Professional construction of a country house is a rather complicated process that requires serious theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as, which is equally important, a qualitative organization.

In order for the result to meet your expectations, all security, reliability and quality requirements are important every stage of construction work.

Construction of private houses - preparation and design

Do you have a plot, and you already see on it a laconic mansion in the style of high-tech or a small two-story chalet? But how to implement the idea? The most important thing is to qualitatively implement the construction of monolithic cottages, houses from brick or concrete - to correctly appreciate the possibilities of the site. The type and characteristics of the soil, height and relief changes, remoteness from centralized communications - all this determines the characteristics of the future structure required by the foundation.

Even on a narrow or uneven plot, you can build a stylish impressive mansion based on an individual project created for you. If you like the finished project from our catalog, we can make changes to it that do not affect the constructive. Also at this stage will be taken into account and approved the position of the house on the site, its orientation on the parties to light, all design solutions that will determine the cost of building a house.

Cottage construction - foundation and "box" at home

Conducted geological research gives grounds for choosing the type of foundation. It may be pile-scattering, ribbon of various plug, monolithic slab foundations - the choice of essential influence will be relief, the specificity of the soils, the depth of the freezing, the level of groundwater, and the materials selected for the construction of the house.

The construction of a private house begins after the coordination of project documentation, and the speed and cost of the construction of the "box" primarily depend on the material of the walls. A more promptly build a country house will allow aerated concrete and foam blocks, it is possible to maximize heat, using ceramic blocks, create a house-fortress actually using bricks. After talking to you, we will be able to find a balanced version of both a technical point of view and in terms of financial optimization.

Engineering systems in the construction of the house

Comfortable microclimate and reliable engineering systems in the house are the health of your family, the durability of the structure itself, and absolutely another quality of life. Can the heating system save your energy costs, ventilation is to create constantly fresh air, sewage and water supply - serve several decades, and electricity to withstand all equipment at home? Our answer "Yes"!

Construction of turnkey cottages in Innovroy is a sure calculation of communication networks, selection and installation of modern energy efficient equipment. Quality implementation in a complex with correct constructive solutions will be a guarantee of obtaining a warm, comfortable, cozy home.

House building house - external and interior decoration

After the construction of the facility is carried out, the specialists will begin to decorate. Walls and ceilings are prepared for final work, windows, doors, inner partitions are installed, stairs are built, communications are connected, radiators and plumbers are installed, the floor screed is mounted, etc.

The inner view of the house must fully match the exterior and the style approved by you. The construction of a turnkey cottage involves their harmonious combination of both the choice of interior solutions and forms and the color range, finishing materials, decor elements. Modern technologies allow you to recreate any directions: from Baroque to High Tek. By producing a finishing finish, we create not only the original and interesting interior design, but also a pleasant atmosphere, desired functionality and practicality.

Commissioning and Improvement

After the construction of the country house is completed, the garbage collection is taken, small architectural forms are taken, the construction site is carefully removed, and in the territory it produces zoning, vanishing and landscaped work, a road trip and other work on creating a harmonious environment for your new home is being made on the territory. . Often Construction

The absence of any defects, strength of structures, uninterrupted functioning of communications - all these moments we check before the customer's delivery. Our clients are populated only in comfortable, safe and reliable homes that fully comply with the design characteristics and expectations of the customer both in quality and the price of the construction of the cottage.

Construction of cottages from scratch, with a turnkey finish - the main service of AURUMV GK. And now the beginning of the construction season!

Why do customers choose exactly our construction company?

We have only permanent full-time masters for the construction of cottages. With profile education and extensive experience in practical work. All of them are Slavs living in Moscow and Moscow region.

Management composition - Muscovites of the Russian and Yugoslav (Serbian) origin.

Technologies for the construction of low-rise homes and materials

We are engaged in the construction of private country houses, business class cottages, as well as large elite suburban residency.

The most popular among our customers are the following technologies and materials of houses:

  • (Aerated concrete: Hebel, Ytong, Aerostone)
  • and also, the walls of which are posted from the same gasoblocks (aerated concrete), foam blocks or bricks (brick-monolithic).

About all types of materials, you can find out the articles on our website. Just clicking on the links above.

Price of interior decoration

  • ✅ The cost of work on such a turnkey finish ranges from 16,000 rubles per 1 m2.
  • ✅ And with materials - from 35,000 rubles.
  • ✅ That is, the materials, plus the equipment for a private country house will cost from 19,000 rubles per 1 m2.

These are inexpensive, but good-quality materials, as well as engineering systems. Most of them are imported, therefore, the price will only grow.

Theoretically, you can put, for example, a cheap boiler, plumbing fittings, etc. But if the ball valve and the fire mansion will fool. By spoiling an internal finish, who will answer for it?

Beware too cheap materials and builders who are offered! Redo after decoration - it will be more expensive.

  • ✅ The price of building private houses is from 21,500 rubles per 1 m2 (work).
  • ✅ Plus from 31,000 rubles per 1 m2 Materials with equipment.
  • It means that the minimum price of 1 m2 of the stone cottage turnkey from 52,500 rubles per 1 m2. This is the minimum price for which today you can build a normal country house.
  • ✅ The average price of mansions, which we build today - about 75,000 - 90,000 rubles per 1 m2. Including work plus materials "turnkey" - enter and live.

Construction of cottages in winter 2019.

Please note that the prices for materials can grow due to the oscillations of the ruble exchange rate.

You can buy any materials on the "old" prices until 2014. And others, at prices 2015-2019. And prices for materials and equipment from us do not depend. We do not produce them.

Want to know the exact cost of the cottage. Then send us a project by mail: We will tell you the cost of construction.

Construction of brick cottages - photo of the work process

Terms of construction cottages with turnkey finish

Before starting construction work on the plot, we need to have time to do the estimate. This is not fast if the estimate is detailed and accurate, as well as, sign a contract.

In the photo: The process of filling of monolithic overlap

Video construction and trimming cottages

On the video above: Construction of a cottage settlement in New Moscow.

In 2017, we became happy owners of eight hectares of the Earth in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, and we had acutely to find the search for contractors for the construction of our house. For myself, decided not to contact craftsmen and free brigades, but to trust a serious and verified company. But how to find it? Received as follows. On the Internet, they found a rating of "Top 200 construction companies of the country houses in Moscow and the Moscow region" (there is free access to the internet). There were no time or desire to fuel all the requests, so the first twenty companies were allocated from the list, and began to work them out. The house planned a two-storey gas block, the project was already selected with Internet resources. With the first call, we have unnecessary from the list, you could not get through, and who engaged in the construction of only wooden and frame houses. The rest set the conditions (sizes, packings, drawings) and began to wait for from them sentences with prices. Having received the proposals following the list, the companies with an overestimated appetite, those who asked to make a small amount to start calculations and those who explained to us that the proposed construction price could not be guaranteed (it is clear that by the end of construction the rise will occur). The result, potential developers from our list could be recalculated on the fingers of one hand. Of them, and we had to decide. While the price tags proposed by the remaining companies did not differ much, they decided to stop their choice on the country house. Against the rest of them, they were nice to the fact that in the basic configuration we were offered the foundation of the tape, 1.5 meters high + base 0.5 meters, that is, two meters - we got a full-fledged basement. The rest of the foundation was offered by Sailo-scolded, and when equipped with another foundation, the cost of registration was already. The Zagomn was proposed to fix the cost and deadlines for the construction in the contract, and the final cost could not be higher than the amount prescribed on the basis of the completion of construction, regardless of the price fluctuations in building materials that it was very attracted. And even before signing the Thaw designer's contract, competently and with all our wishes, I want to notice - completely free, we selected on the Internet. The project was adjusted for the size and complete set. Construction began in mid-April, built in three stages - the foundation, walls, roofing. At each stage, its specific brigade, workers experienced, competent and cohesive. During the construction time, it was not necessary to teach and conflict with a barraffer, nor with workers. The object has always ride with pleasure. Erectation from the foundation and before the roof was accounted for all the construction standards and rules, building materials were brought in a timely manner and downtime did not have. During the construction period, we decided to abandon the balcony on the second floor, the designers promptly and competently made changes to the project. Payment, under the terms of the contract, was made by parts on the implementation of certain stages of work, which is also very convenient. The construction of the house was finished early and without any complaints from our part to the quality of construction. Even the neighbors observed for the construction of construction, they said that we were lucky with the brigades. So, based on our experience, we can fully confidently recommend the construction organization of the Correne House LLC as responsible, experienced and reliable developers. And we want to express your gratitude to the entire team of this company.

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