
Raiffeisen premium direct phone support. Raiffeisenbank has introduced a new premium service package. What additional benefits can be highlighted

Raiffeisenbank offers special conditions for the wealthiest clients. They are not only consulted in a special manner, but also provided with free access to the services of the bank's partners. To take advantage of these conditions, you must make a certain monetary contribution in shares investment funds and debit bank accounts.

How to become a premium client of the bank

To receive the full package of privileges for free, you must fulfill one of two conditions:

  1. The total balance of all deposits in Raiffeisenbank must be at least 2,000,000 rubles;
  2. The total balance on all deposits must be 1,000,000 rubles or more, and the amount of bank card transactions must be equal to or exceed 25,000 rubles per month.

Privileges in using bank cards

The first privilege is the opportunity to receive up to 10 debit and up to 3 credit cards for free. There are several types of premium cards for the client's choice.

Among debit cards:

  1. Visa Platinum Premium;
  2. MasterCard World black Edition Premium.

Among credit:

  1. Visa Platinum Premium;
  2. Visa Platinum Premium Travel;
  3. Austrian Airlines - Raiffeisenbank MasterCard World.

Non-cash loans are issued on the above cards on special conditions.

There is a grace period for crediting for a period of 50 days, during which no interest is accrued on borrowed loans. The only condition for use grace period, is the timely deposit of funds to the RAIFFEISEN card account.

With premium credit cards of Raiffeisenbank, you can make purchases from 15,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. Interest rate for loans on preferred credit cards of the bank is 29% and is competitive and attractive, among many others credit institutions... The commission for cash withdrawals from Raiffeisenbank ATMs is 2% (of the amount withdrawn) + 200 rubles.

Customer Service Privileges

For clients who receive special services, a personal consultant is available on request. He is assigned to each client as soon as he signs out premium services, and advises him by phone at any time. Customer reviews of premium services at Raiffeisen Bank show that consultants have sufficient competence and help to carry out many transactions with accounts, significantly saving time.

Privileged clients will not only be advised without waiting in line, but will also be provided with a separate room for consultation. If the client needs to get advice from a bank employee by phone, he will be provided with a dedicated telephone line "Premium Line".

All transfers and payments made by privileged customers through the Raiffeisen Connect transaction system are free of charge. The same goes for the recurring payment system. This service is called "standing order" and consists in the fact that you can preset the amount and period of payments, after which they will be made automatically.

Additional features

A card is available for customers who have purchased the Raiffeisenbank premium package Priority Pass, which makes it possible to enter the VIP lounge at any airport in the world. The hall can be visited not only by the cardholder, but also by an unlimited number of his companions. Enter special zone possible regardless of the class of the current ticket.

A client who has obtained a Raiffeisenbank premium status automatically gets access to Concierge Premium services. Services are provided by PRIME, a partner of the bank. The essence of the services provided is that the client gets his personal assistant to entrust him with his small business tasks. Assistants help:

  1. Book hotel rooms;
  2. Book meeting tickets for events;
  3. Book and purchase air tickets;
  4. Select and organize the delivery of gifts;
  5. Arrange the delivery of bouquets.

The person who acquired premium service at Raiffeisenbank, automatically receives travel insurance. The insurance begins to operate from the moment the client reaches the destination located 200 km from his permanent place of residence.

Insurance works with exacerbation chronic diseases and allergies. Medical assistance is paid even in case of alcoholic intoxication of a bank client. Insurance payments correspond to the costs of medical service v developed countries... The insurance applies not only to the owner of Raiffeisenbank's premium service package, but also to his family members. Family members include an official spouse and children.

What additional benefits can you highlight?

For a privileged client, there is a more favorable rate when it is necessary to exchange currency. If the card has been lost abroad, it is possible to order an emergency cash withdrawal by phone. Cash withdrawal from ATMs abroad is free of charge. The list of countries is unlimited.

Thus, when connecting to a package of services, a number of privileges are opened for wealthy clients:

  • The bank makes it possible to connect more credit and debit cards is free.
  • A personal consultant is assigned to each premium client.
  • Provided free services for life and health insurance of the client while traveling.
  • Personal assistants for the Concierge Premium service also become free.

Banking products are ingrained in almost everyone's life modern man... For example, cards are very convenient tool non-cash payments, and their debit varieties are especially popular. Naturally, before drawing up a specific option, a potential client needs to take into account the main points, of which there are sometimes quite a few.


So, banking organization issues a plastic payment card intended for settlements at the expense of funds belonging to the client. The person places them on this account on his own, the amount that he has.

Raiffeisenbank's Buy & Fly WBE debit card is a piece of plastic measuring 85.6 x 53.98 mm. Some FOs offer to get it in a different format, for example, one that can be built into a keychain and have it with you all the time. Both nominal and unnamed instruments are issued different systems(Visa, MasterCard, MIR).

Cards of any type in Russian Federation are equipped with special chips for data storage. Some also have a magnetic stripe for alignment with older devices.

How to make a choice

Financial institutions offer potential clients a wide variety of products, and it is not so easy to understand such a wide range. What points you should definitely pay attention to:

  • cashback;
  • interest on the balance;
  • annual maintenance cost;
  • issuing bank;
  • methods of account replenishment and cash withdrawal;
  • the amount of commission fees;
  • overdraft availability, conditions for it;
  • the ability to create an individual design of plastic.

What are the pros

Buy & Fly WBE Raiffeisenbank card is a profitable and convenient tool for paying for everything its owner needs. This product has many advantages:

  • Additional savings due to different options.
  • Enhanced security.
  • Convenience of payment for purchases in online stores.
  • Even greater privileges for those who choose VIP plastic.
  • The ability to receive cash and make payments anywhere in the world.
  • High quality and inexpensive service.

About using

To make a payment in a store, just insert the card into the terminal or bring it to the reader ( contactless payment). To make the payment even more convenient, you can link the instrument to a mobile payment system.

In online stores, the required details are indicated on the corresponding page and, if necessary, a one-time password from SMS is entered.

Cash is withdrawn from ATMs and cash desks. In this case, the client specifies the PIN, and then follows the prompts of the device or operator.

The parameters for various available products are conveniently displayed on one page. The user sees all the information and can immediately compare them to highlight the appropriate options. The necessary calculations are carried out on the online calculator located right there. After completing the search, the site visitor clicks the "Online Application" button and proceeds to filling out the form.

In principle, a normal bank ... or more, probably, a broker - it seems that they want to force all clients to become investors)) I just use the card, the bonuses are not bad, there is cashback - everything is like people have. If it were not for the constant calls and letters with offers to “think about investing”, everything would be fine ... And, the exchange rate is also good. But I don't want to be a trader, and I'm tired of persuasion.

Sergey Perlov, Moscow

Return Money, the ATM did not issue cash when withdrawing due to a technical malfunction

Moskovsky Credit Bank

On February 13, 2019, I withdrawn cash from an ATM of PJSC MKB in the Kuntsevo Plaza shopping and entertainment center located at the address: Moscow, st. Yartsevskaya, 19 (hereinafter - ATM), in the amount of 8000.00 (Eight thousand) rubles. The ATM did not issue cash, I made a cash withdrawal operation on the statement of my current account. By phone, PJSC "MKB" was informed that an ATM with the status of a technical error, then it was transferred to ...

Vera, Moscow

Superfluous money is returned

I hasten to show off a present! On the d / r my husband gave me a brand new card, WEEKEND, mts-ovsky bank. The card is not a credit card, but it is not empty either, of course, he put money there in advance. The gift turned out to be all the more pleasant because before the weekend cashback returns to it, from all purchases 1%, but after we went to a restaurant with my friends - 5%. And then they also took a taxi, and this was 5% of these expenses. The cinema has not yet ...

Kira Smelyakova, Moscow

The bank has been unable to solve its mistake for almost a month

Tinkoff Bank

In principle, the service is good, I was my bank number 1 before one unpleasant situation. My card got demagnetized and I blocked it to order a new one. Naturally, before that, I transferred the money to the card to another bank, so that while the card was being made to me, I could use it. We must pay tribute to the bank, the card was made and delivered very quickly. BUT THE AMOUNT THAT I TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER BANK FOR SOMEONE ...

Yuri Kamshitsky, Moscow

About reliability and convenience

I have been a client of the bank since the beginning of the 2000s (since Investsberbank, since 2008 - OTP). I met the branches of the head bank in a completely different countries Europe, incl. in the post-Soviet space. I used ATMs there and paid for purchases and services with a card. During this time, I did not encounter any difficulties in interacting with the Bank, changing cards on time, making deposits (by the way, with ...

Mikhail, Moscow

Very comfortably. Thanks to!


Our accountant is an old school aunt and she seems to be eternal. She put us all on Mir and in the very bank where you can even breathe according to the agreed schedule. I will not describe the inconveniences and what I generally think about this card and the bank, since they require Russian literary speech. Irina, a manager from Lublinskaya, was able to defeat our accounting titan and helped knock me out the right to receive a salary ...

Alexander, Moscow

Premium service represents the highest possible level of banking service, which is intended for the most affluent clients who need such a range of services and are able to pay for them.


Premium service at Raiffesenbank is carried out within the framework of two service packages:

  • Premium Direct;
  • Premium Banking.

The Premium Direct package is characterized by:

  1. Remote management of accounts and cards:
  • Providing a personal remote manager with whom it is fashionable to communicate by phone or e-mail to solve financial issues in any convenient place;
  • Access to the Internet bank for controlling accounts and cards and performing transactions online;
  • Access to the Telephone Bank for carrying out transactions with accounts and cards in any geographic location.
  1. The possibility of financial diagnostics.

Financial diagnostics is a tool with which you can assess your current financial situation, determine the possibilities for improving it, find the most comfortable financial plan zone, use banking products on preferential terms. Recommendations for diagnostics are developed in accordance with economic principles personal budget management. They are prepared by the Bank's internal experts. Based on the results of diagnostics, a financial strategy is formed to create capital, accept new loan obligations, compensate for unexpected expenses, and protect assets. Diagnostics can be performed in the Internet Bank.

  1. Possibility of profitable placement of money.

For Premium clients, accounts and deposits are provided where you can profitably place your money.

  1. Issuance of bank cards.

Cards can be debit or credit, Platinum, Gold, Classic and other categories.

  1. Use of premium services and privileges.
  • When leaving Russia, there is a free insurance program developed by the Bank jointly with Cardiff. It provides for service in any territory beyond 100 kilometers from the borders. settlement where the client is permanently registered, actually lives or works. The service can be received on trips that do not exceed 90 days. The insurance is valid for both the client and his family members - spouse, parents, brothers and sisters, children.
  • All cardholders can use the Concierge Premium service to obtain information about hotels, restaurants, transport, places of rest, purchase tickets, book rooms, receive assistance in case of loss of documents, use courier services. The service works all year round and round the clock.
  • Clients are provided with discounts and Special offers in partner companies. In particular, there are programs “World of Privileges” from the International Payment System “Visa”, “MasterCard Priceless Moscow”.
  1. Loans on preferential terms.

On loans for owners Premium cards reduced rates are provided.

The "Premium" service package is serviced for 1,500 rubles per month.

  • The total balance (accounts, contributions, investments) for a month is more than 500,000 rubles, and expenses for goods and services from Premium cards are not less than 25,000 rubles; or
  • Permanent balance exceeds 1,000,000 rubles at the end of each month; or
  • Expenses for payment for goods and services from Premium cards are not less than 75,000 rubles per month.

You can place money in three deposits:

  • "Welcome!";

It can be open until 31st calendar day from the moment of registration of the Premium package.

The following rates apply:

  • "Investment".

When you open such a deposit, part of the money is deposited into the account term deposit and part of it is invested in mutual funds managed by the Bank.

The following rates apply:

  • "Insurance".

The contribution involves not only the investment of money, but also the financial protection of the client's family from IC Raiffeisen Life. The amount of the deposit is calculated taking into account the insurance premium when opening a deposit under the Raiffeisen Perspective or Raiffeisen Kinder programs.

The following interest rates apply:

With insurance for 6-9 years

Currency Sum 30 days 180 days 365 days
Rubles From 50,000 6% 5,5% 5,5%
Dollars From 1000 4,5% 3% 2,5%
Euro From 1000 4% 2,5% 2%

With insurance for 10 years or more

Currency Sum Day 31 181 days 366 days
Rubles From 50,000 10% 9,5% 9,5%
Dollars From 1000 7,5% 5,5% 5%
Euro From 1000 7% 5% 4,5%

The Premium Banking package is characterized by:

  1. Providing personalized service.
  • A personal manager works with each client, who decides financial tasks and gives advice;
  • Special rooms with enhanced comfort and confidentiality have been opened to serve Premium clients;
  • A separate phone line Premium Line for answering your questions;
  • Development of a financial strategy and risk profile, recommendations for short-term and long-term investments, savings protection.
  1. Possibility of placing money:
  • Mutual investment funds managed by Raiffeisen Capital;
  • Possibility of transferring savings to individual trust management;
  • Using programs financial protection: "Raiffeisen Perspective", "Raiffeisen Optimum", "Raiffeisen Kinder" - for the formation of savings for specific goals or by a selected date;
  • Depositing money into deposit accounts similar to the Premium Direct program.
    • Travel insurance on the same terms as for the Premium Direct program;
    • Provision of a Priority Pass card for access to 600 first-class and business-class lounges at Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Pulkovo, Vnukovo airports, regardless of ticket status, for the client and his companions.
    • Access to the "Concierge Premium" program on the previously indicated conditions.
    • Benefit from discounts and privileges as in the Premium Direct program.
  1. Additional services and privileges:

The Premium Banking package is serviced for 3,000 rubles per month.

The service is free for customers who:

  • The total balance (accounts, contributions, investments) exceeds 1,000,000 rubles at the end of the month, and the cost of paying for goods and services is at least 25,000 rubles per month; or
  • Permanent balance over 2,000,000 rubles per month.

The documents

If a client issues a package of services without ordering credit cards, reaching the age of majority and presenting a passport will be sufficient.

To receive a credit card, a client must meet a number of requirements:

  • Receive an income of at least 20,000 rubles in Moscow and the Moscow region and 15,000 in other regions, net of taxes;
  • To be permanently registered in the region of the Bank's operation;
  • Constantly work in the region of applying for a card;
  • Reach the age of 23 years on the day of treatment and not reach the age of 54 years 9 months for women and 59 years 9 months for men on the day of debt repayment;
  • Be at least 16 years old - to receive an additional card;
  • Have at least four months of experience in the current place;
  • Have mobile and work phones;
  • Have no outstanding criminal record;
  • Be a citizen of Russia;
  • Give consent to the processing of personal data and the transfer of data to the credit bureau.

To conclude an agreement, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Mandatory:
  2. Additional:
  • Statement;
  • Application form;
  • A copy of the completed passport pages;
  • Proof of income:

- A statement issued by the employer's accounting department and certified by an authorized person on the calculation of salaries for the previous four months (when receiving a salary to an account with the Bank for two months or more, a 2-NDFL certificate may not be submitted);

- confirmation of ownership of the car - a copy of the transport passport or certificate of its registration, as well as a driver's license;

- a copy of the pages of the passport with a visa or a stamp on crossing the Russian border no earlier than a year before the application;

- certificate of income in the form of the Bank, certified by the employer.

In case of failure to provide documents confirming income, the maximum amount credit limit is 150,000 rubles.

Documents are reviewed within a period of one hour to two working days.


Service packages of a similar level can be ordered at Alfa-Bank, Rosbank and KIT Finance Bank.

Alfa-Bank offers the Maximum package, which allows you to use personal service in VIP-class modules in the Bank's branches or in the offices of managers, the services of personal managers, order up to four Platinum cards, use the concierge service, order cards with an individual design, open current accounts in rubles, dollars, euros, pounds, francs, change the account when traveling to another country, use increased cash withdrawal limits - up to 15,000 dollars per day and up to 1,500,000 rubles per month and increased transfer limits in the Internet bank - up to 400,000 rubles a day and up to 80,000 rubles a day to pay for services, transfer money to foreign currency no commissions, convert currency with a commission of 0.5%, get credit card with a limit of up to 1,000,000 rubles and 100 days of a grace period, receive an insurance certificate with compensation of 100,000 euros, use medical and legal aid abroad, free airport transfers, access to airport business lounges, purchase a PriorityPass card with a discount of over 25%, use fast track at airports, use the concierge service. The package is serviced for 3,000 rubles per month with a minimum balance of up to 1,500,000 rubles or equivalent and free of charge when the specified amount is exceeded.

The "Exclusive" package is being issued at Rosbank. It is serviced for 600 rubles per month with a total account balance of at least 500,000 rubles per month, and 400 rubles per month with a balance of 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles, and with a balance of more than 1,500,000 rubles, the service is free. As part of the package, you can open up to six accounts in rubles, dollars or euros, get one Platinum card, connect to the systems "Internet Bank", "Telephone Bank" and "Bank-Client", enjoy discounts on the rental of safes in the amount of 15%, connect to privilege programs from the Bank and payment systems, receive two additional cards of any status, the cost of which, depending on the status, is from 350 to 4,500 rubles per year, to receive additional partner cards worth from 350 to 2,600 rubles per year.

KITFinance Bank offers a package of services "Premium", which includes bank Gold or Platinum bank cards, free additional cards with increased interest on account balances, connection to the Internet Bank and Telephone Banking, insurance programs, the program of discounts and privileges "Life in Premium Style". The package with the issue of the Gold card is serviced for 4,000 rubles per year, and the package with the issue of the Platinum card is 9,000 rubles per year. The minimum balance on the Gold Card account must be from 60,000 to 300,000 rubles or the equivalent. Interest is calculated at a rate of 7% for ruble accounts and at a rate of 2% for dollar and euro accounts. The balance of the Platinum card account must be from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles or the equivalent, so that 10% is credited to ruble accounts and 3% to accounts in other currencies. The package, regardless of the cards, includes medical and legal support and insurance outside of Russia, Concierge service and a personal manager.

Plastic payment cards have long and firmly entered the daily activities of Russian citizens. Many people habitually call them "credit cards", but according to statistics, only a quarter of all tools operating today give access to borrowed funds... Everything else is debit cards. You need to understand what they are, what operations they allow you to perform and how they differ from credit cards.

Tool description

Most people's wallet contains at least one debit card. This is a banking instrument through which cashless payment, and in addition, various technical means are used (ATMs, terminals, online banking, etc.). The Raiffeisenbank Premium Direct card allows a person to manage only his own money deposited in the account.

Its main difference from a credit card is the ability to operate with your own money, and not with those borrowed from a financial institution. What other differences exist:

  • more affordable service rates;
  • interest-free or very cheap cash withdrawal from the account;
  • the ability to charge interest on the remaining money;
  • anyone can order this card with ease.

How to arrange

To get plastic, it is enough to have a passport and access to the Internet (if online registration is chosen). Anyone can contact the bank Russian citizen, who is already 14 years old.

When the applicant has submitted an application via the Internet, he will either have to come to the FD once, or not come at all, if he chose to deliver the card by courier.

It takes up to two weeks to produce the Premium Direct of Raiffeisenbank. Naturally, you will need to conclude an agreement with financial institution, establishing the rights and obligations of each party to the transaction.

Why is it convenient

The product has many undeniable advantages that attract such a number of consumers:

  • practicality. All the money is with the owner, but it doesn't take up any space. Internet banking will allow you to constantly keep track of profits and expenses, if necessary, even receive statements;
  • security. The lost card is instantly blocked;
  • benefit. The service fee is minimal, but for this money the client receives additional income (interest on the balance), cashback, various bonuses and discounts;
  • speed. Payments go through in a matter of seconds, it doesn't matter where exactly they are sent;
  • convenience. When traveling abroad, you do not need to take a bundle of banknotes with you and declare it at customs.

When choosing, it is recommended to go to the site and read absolutely all information about the FOs and products of interest. For example, Special attention it is worth paying attention to the reputation of the bank. With our website, the procedure will be simplified as much as possible, because you simply will not find representatives of the market with a dubious reputation here. A user who selects a Premium Direct card according to the conditions and attractive characteristics through the website will definitely conclude a very successful deal and will only benefit from cooperation with the company.

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