
The main principles of economic zoning. Basic principles of economic zoning. Economic zoning. Methods of economic zoning

Economic zoning is considered primarily as a scientific research method, used to optimize the territorial organization of the economy. The essence of economic zoning is a scientifically substantiated division of labor into individual taxa, based on the objective patterns of the territorial division of labor, the integrated development of the economy and the proportional placement of the productive forces. The most common definition of the economic district: the economically integral part of the country, which is characterized by such signs as specialization and complexity of the economy.

Scientific substantiated economic zoning will primarily contribute to saving public costs and as a result - to accelerate the solution of socio-economic problems in the regions.

It should be emphasized that economic zoning has not only cognitive importance, but also practical. The latter is that economic zoning is the basis of district planning, the development of state regional economic policies, improving the specialization and integrated development of the economy of the regions, the basis for predicting the development of regions to perspective.

The main types of economic zoning is sectoral and integral. Integral zoning differs from the industry in that it covers all the economy as a whole. Industry zoning involves consideration of interests of only one or several industries (Metallurgical region, agro-industrial complex). Among industry districts are distinguished:

For the totality of natural conditions and resources;

Demographic signs (natural population movement, features of the formation and use of labor resources);

A combination of industrial, agricultural, transport and construction sites;

A combination of non-production facilities (education, culture, recreation).

A separate type of zoning is intersectoral. 6 The result of inter-sectoral zoning is distinguished by inter-sectoral complexes, which are complex multi-sectoral formations, which are combined due to close intersectoral bonds and in common areas.

today, both sectoral and integral zoning should take into account the environmental and social problems of each region. In the conditions of transformational processes in the economy of our state, changes in the forms of ownership, the features of the investment policy, economic zoning should contribute to the accelerated development of the economy of backward, depressive regions due to the integrated development of their farm. The latter involves the development of new sectors of the economy, the creation of new jobs, an increase in the well-being of the population.

The main signs of the economic district are the specialization and complexity of the economy and the presence of a large center, which performs a consolidating role in the formation of integral areas. Such a center in many scientific research is also called the core.

The result of economic zoning is the allocation of economic regions is an objective process, which is based on the territorial division of labor and is expressed in the specialization of individual territories of the state in the production of certain types of products and services. Natural conditions and resources play a certain role in the formation of economic regions, but this role is not determining.

Principles and factors of economic zoning

The principles of regional household is the guidelines that are used in the process of economic zoning, i.e., the allocation of a network of economic regions.

The most important principles of economic zoning is the economic and administrative-territorial. Under the conditions of a multinational state, it is also necessary to take into account the National Principle.

The economic principle requires the consideration of the economic region as a specialized territorial part of the national economy, which has a branch of nationwide specialization, which are complemented by auxiliary and servicing industries. According to this principle, the specialization of the area determine the industries with the lowest costs of raw materials, labor and costs for the delivery of finished products to the consumer within the state. In market conditions, in determining the effectiveness of the specialization, the indicators of profitability, profitability, payback of costs are priority.

The administrative and territorial principle is to achieve the unity of economic zoning and the territorial administrative structure of the country. This principle is especially important in the context of the development of local self-government, since it strengthens the role of local governments and local government bodies in the development of the economy of individual regions, their independent development.

The National Principle requires accounting for the interests of national minorities, their mentality, historical features of development, traditions, customs in making decisions on the development of individual industries and industries.

In our opinion, the following principles of economic zoning can be distinguished:

The principle of objective territorial integrity;

The principle of unity of specialization and complexity;

Principle of attraction in integral zoning;

The principle of perspectivity or constructiveness;

Accounting for the historical and geographical features of land, national and ethnic composition of the population;

Preservation of unity of local settlement systems;

Accounting for the economic and geographical position of the territory and its influence on the placement of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Factors of District Tomewovenna are the conditions and resources affecting the process of formation of economic areas, their structure, limits and functioning of the economy. These include:

natural conditions and resources that play an indirect role in sectoral and integral zoning. In certain areas of environmental management, the basis for the development of the sectors of specialization;

Natural factors for the formation of labor potential. Landwrites and employed - important factors affecting not only the formation of a sectoral structure, but also determine the socio-economic situation in the region;

the socio-economic situation that forms the investment climate and investment attractiveness of the district;

Scientific and technical potential, which can serve as the basis for the formation of investment technologies in the area and significantly influence the formation of the sectoral structure of the economy;

The network of transport communications, which can be the basis of the formation of both intra-ionic and inter-district economic relations.

The formation of a network of economic regions is the task of not only science, but also practices. The implementation of scientific ideas regarding economic zoning can occur only with the support of state bodies by forming the relevant regulatory framework.

Uniform zoning. It is aimed at finding the same districts. Similar objects can be combined into one group in two ways - association and division, which, in general, corresponds to two ways to cognition - inductive and deductive.

The combination of similar one or more signs of territories allows you to allocate synthetic regions; This type of zoning is called "Zoning from below". It is used to study geographical diversity relative to small areas of the territory. Zoning "bottom" begins with the choice of indicators for which the allocation, distinction and understanding of the districts will be carried out.

For "Zoning from above" (Selection analytical districts), spent on extensive territories, on the scale of the whole earthly ball, the existence and the presence of areas is accepted by a priori. The task of the researcher comes down to the selection of signs, the most fully reflecting the distinction between the districts and their further division.

The objects of homogeneous zoning in economic geography are the units of administrative and territorial division, on which averaged statistical data are collected and published. When conducting professional research, absolute indicators are "weighed", taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bterritorial units or population.

With homogeneous zoning areas may be allocated as one characteristic ( single voiced zoning), and in several signs (multi-discovery zoning). If we conduct single-zoning zoning, then, as a rule, there is one option of the border.

If, signs of zoning are several, then the options for placing borders can be several. Suppose that the researcher is worth the task of identifying an environmental disaster area. It is possible to conduct zoning on water pollution, it is possible for soil contamination or by the number of disease growth. The boundaries of the area allocated for water pollution, probably not exactly not coincide with the boundaries of the pollution of soil pollution and disease growth. Where will the epicenter of the environmental disaster be? In this case, methods of multi-receptional zoning are used.

"Quality" of zoning, i.e., the compliance of the allocated area to the goals delivered largely depends on the choice of the most representative indicators. They are based on and analyzed by a statistical data matrix. Often used so-called motion MoulayAccording to which a series of cards is drawn up for the territory under study with the boundaries of areas allocated on one basis, after which they are imposed on the general basis. Where the boundaries coincide, a multi-reception area is distinguished. Accounting for a large number of signs and indicators makes it difficult to allocating areas, because there are significant transition zones on the area.

Nodal (or functional) zoning It assumes the selection of areas depending on the intensity of economic relations within them. It identifies the spheres of influence of cities, transport hubs, enterprises. Each nodal area has a kernel, where all indicators and phenomena are clearly manifested. The intensity of the phenomenon falls from the kernel to the periphery.

The boundaries of the district are located where the indicators take minimum values. Therefore, the carrying out of the boundaries actually when the functional districts are distinguished by significant significance: probable errors will not affect the characterization of the area.

Principles of zoning. The most important principle in solving the tasks of practical zoning is its continuity, i.e. each object must necessarily be attributed to any class, and in the grid of districts there should be no "white spots". The system of districts should spread to objects of the same nature., i.e. it is not necessary to include in one scheme such fundamentally different objects, such as animals and rivers, sushi and sea, kings and cabbage ... and so on.

Zoning should serve a specific purposewhich defines a set of features and the number of distinguished areas. The accuracy of the final results depends on the right choice of signs of zoning. Firstly, signs should reflect the properties of the objects themselves; secondly, among them it is important to choose most significantThrough which the territory should be separated. The indicators used to divide on more "high" levels should be more important for zoning purposes than the signs used at low levels.

Borders between nodal areas They are located where the properties of the zonored phenomenon are not going to no and switch to the properties of the adjacent area.

To identify the boundary between two nodal districts (market zones) used gravitational models.

If the two market centers have the same dimensions (by population, in the total value of the proposed goods and services), the border between their spheres of influence will be held in the middle of the distance between them.

If the centers and their market zones are unequal size, the border move towards the smaller center.

Let the city 1 and 2 are at a distance of D22 from each other and have market zones M1 and M2. B2 - point of fracture from the second city:

This administrative division remained unchanged until the October Revolution. The southern territories of Russia were essentially the colonies of Russia, and in the form were considered military regions managed by the Governors General. They were also called military districts. For example, the Turkestan Military District, managed by the Governor-General; The Caucasus was governed by the Caucasian governor. The pre-revolutionary Russia included Poland and Finland on the rights of self-governing units.

2. Formation of administrative and territorial division after the revolution

After the cancellation of serfdom in 1861, another administrative lower unit was formed - a parish.

The formation of the post-revolutionary administrative-territorial division of our country began in 1917. On November 7, 1917, the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic was formed. In December 1917, the Ukrainian SSR, in January 1919 - the Belarusian SSR. In 1918, as a result of the struggle of the revolutionary and opposition forces in Transcaucasia, the state independence of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan was proclaimed, but the internal struggle continued. In 1920-1921 The three Soviet socialist republics were established in the Transcaucasia - Azerbaijani, Georgian, Armenian, who in 1922 were merged into the Transcaucasian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic (ZSFSR). In 1924, Turkmen, Uzbek, Tajik ASSR were created, in 1926 - Kyrgyz (which since 1924 was called the Karakirgiza autonomous region). In December 1922, the Education of the SSR Union was the formation. It was originally entered: RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Belarusian SSR, Transcaucasian SFSR. In 1924, the Turkmen and Uzbek Republic entered the Union. In 1929, the Tajik ASSR was transformed into the Union republic and also entered the USSR. In 1936, the Kazakh SSR stood out of the Kyrgyz SSR and also became part of the USSR.

In 1940, Soviet troops were introduced into the territory of the Baltic and Moldova, the Soviet troops were introduced according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant, where 4 other allied republics were formed, which also included the USSR, - Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Moldavian SSR.

In the first years of Soviet power there was a breaking of old administrative units - the provinces, counties and volosts. New administrative units were introduced - edges, regions and areas.

Many inconsistencies were eliminated by the administrative and territorial division of Tsarist Russia to economic significance of the regions.

By the end of the 1930s. The modern political and administrative division of the USSR was formed, which existed until the 1990s. During this period, there were 15 Union republics: RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Belarusian SSR, Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Moldavian SSR, Georgian SSR, Armenian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Turkmen SSR, Tajik SSR, Kyrgyz SSR, Uzbek SSR and Kazakh SSR.

As part of the Union republics existed 20 autonomous republics, 8 autonomous regions and 10 autonomous (national) districts.

Condemned by the beginning of the 1990s. The political and economic situation led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. This process is due to a number of reasons, the main of which is the dominance of the totalitarian system, the concentration of all power structures in the hands of the CPSU, the full political and economic dictation of the leading Russian CPSU structures over all the areas of the country's political and economic life. Naturally, that dictate was to be overthrown sooner or later. There was a collapse of the empire, which was accompanied by a financial, economic, political crisis. First, the 6 Union republics declared state independence - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia. They refused to participate in the signing of an allied agreement on the preservation of the Union and approval of the Federation of Free States.

It was assumed a change in the name of the country - the Union of Soviet sovereign republics. However, its signing was broken by a state coup organized by the GCCP in August 1991.

And although Putch was depressed by the democratic forces of Russia, his consequences led to the further collapse of the USSR and the exacerbation of the political and economic situation in the country.

Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and other republics said in this situation. The process of nationalization of public-union property began. A still fragile equilibrium republics was disturbed, although confirmed by bilateral economic agreements.

The former Soviet Union was fully broke up and sovereign states were formed at the place of a huge empire, recognized by the world community: Russia (Russian Federation), Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan , Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. All of these states of the republic in the form of a state unit are mainly the presidential republic.

At the initiative of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was created, the purpose of which is to create a single economic space and establishing mutually beneficial relations, as well as joint management of strategic defense, establishing contacts on the action in their territories of a single transport system, communication system, united power supply. The CIS currently includes 12 former Union republics of the USSR, although the agreement on the creation of the CIS is ratified by parliaments not in all of them.

There was a modern administrative and territorial division of Russia. The Russian Federation includes the following republics: Republic of Adygea, Republic of Altai, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Dagestan, Ingush Republic, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia - Halmg Tangch, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Republic of Mari El , Republic of Mordovia, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Republic of North Ossetia, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Tyva, Udmurt Republic, Republic of Khakassia, Chechen Republic, Chuvash Republic.

At the same time, it should be noted that Chechnya declared the full sovereignty outside the Russian Federation and does not intend to sign a federal agreement, at the same time the law of the Russian Federation No. 2927-1 of June 4, 1992. "On the formation of the Ingush Republic within the Russian Federation" is not recognized outside Federation of the Chechen Republic.

The Russian Federation includes one autonomous region - Jewish, 6 autonomous districts: Aginsky Buryat, Nenets, Ust-Ordan Buryat, Khanty-Mansiysky (Ugra), Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets, 8 terrays - Altai, Kamchatsky, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsky, Perm, Primorsky, Stavropol, Khabarovsky and 47 regions.

3. Economic zoning. Methods of economic zoning

Economic zoninghe has its own story. The first attempts of economic zoning and the first publications on the issues of zoning were primarily orientation in the economic differences in individual parts of the country. Since Russia's economic life in pre-revolutionary years was determined mainly by agriculture, and other zonal natural conditions were based on the zoning. These first experiments of economic zoning were at the advantage of rioning with natural-economic or agricultural. During the development of capitalism in Russia, with the strengthening of the territorial division of labor and economic relations, new challenges faced agriculture and the industry of Russia. It demanded the deepening of work on the basis of statistics of the population, industry, agriculture, transport.

The work on the economic regionalization of Russia of the well-known statistics and the geographer P. P. Semenova-Tian-Shanskaya is especially allocated. He implemented in the middle of the last century, the zoning of the European part of Russia on the so-called 14 natural regions. The attention was taken into account both natural and economic conditions of territories.

The second zoning them was held at the end of the XIX century, as a result of which 12 regions of the European part of Russia were allocated. These areas were presented as compact, peculiar territories in their natural and economic conditions.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. There are a number of works on the economic rationalization of Russia.

However, all experiments of pre-revolutionary zoning did not have sufficient practical importance, they were mainly cognitive. At the same time, the work of such pre-revolutionary scientists, as A. N. Chelinsev, A. I. Skvortsov, P. P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, were used in the development of the Gosphorian grid of districts.

The most important condition for economic zoning in the post-revolutionary period was the correspondence of its administrative-territorial device.

In 1920, the plan of electrification of the country of Goello was developed. According to Plan, the Goello highlighted 8 districts: Northern, Central Industrial, South, Volga, Ural, Caucasian, West Siberian, Turkestan. It was the first experience of Soviet economic zoning.

In 1921, the draft of the zoning was prepared by Glav; According to this project, the territory of the USSR was divided into 21 Economic District. It reflected the combination of sectoral and territorial incisions of the plan.

In 1938-1940 The USSR Mamurn was developed a new grid of economic districts. On this grid, the territory of the USSR was divided into 13 major economic districts. In accordance with it, state plans of the national economy in the fourth, fifth and sixth five-year plans were established and approved. Plans were made up by industry, economic districts and allied republics.

In 1963, Gamin USSR proposed to divide the territory of the USSR into 18 major economic areas, taking into account their natural and economic features.

There were 10 large economic regions: Central, North-West, Central Chernozem, Volga-Vyatsky, Volga, North Caucasian, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern, were highlighted in the RSFSR.

In 1982, the North-West District was divided into two areas: Northwest and North. Thus, the last grid of the areas of the USSR included 19 major economic districts, of which 11 on the territory of Russia.

Methods of economic zoning

1. Method of Energy Production Cycles (EPP) N. N. Kolosovsky gave the following definition of this method: "... Under the energy production cycle, the entire combination of production processes consistently deployed in the Economic District of the USSR on the basis of a combination of this type of energy and raw materials, from primary forms of mining and refining raw materials and energy and rational use of all Components of raw materials and energy resources ... The cycle must be understood as a historical category, deploying in time. "

The EPC method takes into account the sequence of production stages that must be carried out for the production of the product, and "builds" this sequence "from the extraction of raw materials".

N. N. Kolosovsky Note 8 generalized cycles (or their aggregates):

1) the pyrometallurgical cycle of ferrous metals;

2) petrodenergochemical;

3) a combination of hydropower industrial cycles;

4) a set of cycles of the processing industry;

5) forest-energy cycle;

6) a combination of industrial-agricultural cycles;

7) hydrochromatic;

8) Industrial-agricultural cycle (for regions of irrigated land tenure).

In addition, he has noted ninth cycle - Atomic energy - as promising.

It would be wrong to think that when analyzing the territorial structure of the district, nine-mentioned cycles should be limited. N. N. Kolosovsky calls these cycles generalized. This means, with a detailed analysis, generalized cycles must be decrypted. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe ELP method and goals of their use is the classification of areas, their territorial structure, fractional zoning - leads to the need to develop a hierarchical system of cycles, their classification. Classification of cycles is based on their definition of both the set of interdependent production processes developing on a combination of a certain type of raw materials and energy. Energy type is taken into account for the main process. For example, for the electric grid of the industrial set of cycles, the introduction of electricity into the most zone of the reaction is characteristic only for electrolyte or electrothermal processes. At other stages of cycle, electricity is used as power energy (for example, non-ferrous metals, mining or ore enrichment).

Currently, almost always raw materials is complex. The use of complex raw materials usually leads to its primary processing to the development of a number of parallel production chains. In addition, in practice, the other phenomenon is widely known - the development of homogeneous types of raw materials and obtaining the raw materials of related finished products from these types of technological processes of their production.

The nature of production processes is also determined by the type and quantity (per unit of production) of the energy used.

These three circumstances make it possible to produce a certain generalization of the processes, i.e., the generalization of energy production cycles, and build their hierarchy.

On these grounds, three steps are distinguished in the classification below:

1) generalized cycles and a generalized set of cycles;

2) Priclies;

3) cycle branches.

Generalized cycles, a generated set of cycles - a set of such "chains", consistently replacing each other production processes developing in parallel, which necessarily consider the processing of all types of the same type of raw materials (or all components of complex raw materials). In a generalized set of cycles, processes using different type types of raw materials can be included, then the production proximity of the main technological processes of each of their sequences is limited by the homogeneity of the indicators of their energy intensity and complexity.

Procycles and simple cycles - Such a combination of several "chains" of production processes, which uses different types of the same type of raw materials and in which the technology of the main production processes of each "chain" is close. At the second stage of classification, the propulsion in cases of "decoding" of the generalized energy production cycle are distinguished. When the generalized set of cycles is decrypted, such as industrial-agricultural, then we will talk about simple cycles.

The branches of the ELP are developing on the basis of a combination of one type of raw material (or one component of complex raw materials) and a certain type of energy characteristic of the main process in the production of one type of finished product. It is characterized by a single sequence of production processes, including production or production of raw materials, waste recycling, the processes necessary for maintaining the main.

The cycles of each stage of the classification when analyzing the complex are applied for certain purposes. Generalized cycles - for the classification of district production complexes, the domes - for the analysis of intra-ionic territorial organization of productive forces, cycles branches - for analyzing the territorial structure of sub-district complexes, microdistrict.

Naturally, the direction of using cycles can only be said in the main features; It is possible, of course, the use of cycles branches and when analyzing areas of districts, and not just subsections, but in the study of the territorial structure of sub-regional complexes, the use of generalized cycles does not give much.

A combination of the production cycle makes some variations. However, such a phenomenon takes place under the sectoral classification. In the sectoral classification, it is difficult to attribute one or another plant to a certain industry. It is customary to attribute combined enterprises depending on the share of the product group in the total cost of enterprise products. But here, not to mention the conventions of the principle itself, the problem arises in cases where the company produces several products in different-valued fractions.

The difference between the classification of cycles from the classification of industries is determined by the fact that the branches of the cycles, the propulsion and generalized cycles are aggregates that combine production processes from mining (or production) of raw materials to obtain a finished product, while the combination of all auxiliary and related production is included.

When classifying the industries manufacturing industries, processing the main type of product, and waste, while obtained, very often relate to different industries.

The degree of development of energy production cycles and economic ties between the cycles constituting the area depend on the level of development of the country's economy as a whole and specific conditions of the district: the real composition of raw materials, the features of energy resources, the stroke and stage of the historical process of economic development of the district, labor and national cultural characteristics of the population . All of these concrete moments contribute their specificity into the model structure of the area and create something special and individual, which distinguishes the production and territorial complexes of economic areas from each other.

Analysis of the territorial orientation involves grouping production based on the same type of orientation factor.

The grouping is the following: production fuel, materials intensity, electrical, labor-intensive, consumer-oriented. Mixed types are also possible when production is immediately oriented into two or more factors. The classification of the orientation factor basis is used to determine the production stage, on which the development of ELPs should be completed in the Economic Area studying. The development of the cycle should be interrupted at the production stage, on which the contradiction is found between the nature of the production process of the stage under consideration and the nature of the resources of the economic district.

2. Method of inter-sectoral complexes:

Inter-sectoile complexes (IOC)a combination of enterprises involved in the production of a certain type of product or services is effective from a national economic point of view.

Inter-sectoral complexes differ from energy production cycles by what they are:

1) Association of enterprises, not production processes. It would be more correct to compare the IOC not with EPC, but with complexes, adequate EPC; Elements of such complexes (as well as IOC) are enterprises; With this comparison, the difference in question disappears;

2) The IOC is formed from "consumers", while EPC is formed "from a combination of raw materials and energy." Inter-sectoral complexes, therefore, an extremely important and only method for solving the problems of distribution (production and non-productive) products, circulation and exchange.

The classification of inter-sectoral complexes is based on the detail of the classification of industries and, therefore, the details of the classification produced by their products.

As you know, there are three groups of industries allocated depending on the product analysis detail:

1) sectors of the national economy (production industry, manufacturing industry, agriculture, transport, communication, etc.);

2) industry industries (fuel, engineering, etc.), agriculture (animal husbandry, crop production), transport (railway, automotive, river, etc.), also other sectors of the national economy have a corresponding division;

3) industry industries are divided into subtractions (for example, the textile industry is divided into cotton, woolen, silk, linen, knitted);

4) The subdirects are subdivided into the subdivision of agriculture, transport, etc., depending on which rank industries are considered in the inter-sectoral complex, you can talk about the rank of the complex itself. In addition, inter-sectoral complexes, as well as EPC, differ in specialization and territorial significance.

3. The method of coefficients:

To solve interdistrict and intraxian problems, some researchers also use the method of coefficients,trying to determine the specialization, completeness and efficiency of the development of farm areas.

This method is not new, it was widely used by A. N. Celintsev in 1910-1918. to determine the specialization of areas; In the late 1930s. It was "revived" by the English economists of P. S. Florence and A. J. Winsley, then they began to exercise widely in the United States and significantly less frequently in other countries.

Thus, from well-known methods to scientifically substantiate the rationality of the territorial organization of the economy of districts, the ELP method is. In the future, the analysis of the district production complex will be based on this method.

Basics of modern economic zoning and form of territorial organization of the economy of Russia

Economic zoning is the basis of the territorial management of the national economy of Russia.

Economic Area System -the basis for the construction of material and other balances in the territorial context in the development of targeted and regional programs.

Economic zoning serves as a prerequisite for improving the territorial development of the economy and is of paramount importance for organizing regional economic management. This is especially important at present when the regions of Russia have received economic independence.

Economic zoning that is inextricably related to the specialization of districts on certain types of production is one of the factors of increasing the productivity of social labor, rational and effective placement of productive forces.

Modern economic district - This is a holistic territorial part of the country's national economy, which has its own production specialization, strong internal economic ties. The economic district is inextricably linked with other parts of the country with public territorial division of labor as a single economic integer with durable internal connections.

The formation of economic regions is an objective process, a pronounced development of the territorial division of labor.

4. Basic principles of zoning

There are several principles of zoning.

1. Economic principlethe viewing area as a specialized part of a single national economic complex of a country with a certain composition of auxiliary and serving industries.

According to this principle, the specialization of the area should identify such industries in which the cost of labor, funds for the production of products and its delivery to the consumer will be the smallests compared to other districts.

The economic efficiency of the district specialization should be assessed both from the point of view of establishing the most appropriate territorial division of labor on the scale of the entire country and from the point of view of the most productive use of the available resources of the district.

2. National principletaking into account the national composition of the population of the district, its historically established features of labor and life.

3. Administrative principledetermining the unity of economic zoning and territorial political and administrative structure of the country. This principle creates conditions for the effective independent development of districts and strengthening their role in the territorial division of Russia.

These principles are fundamental for the modern theory and practice of economic zoning of Russia. In modern conditions, the allocation of large economic regions is dictated by the development of scientific and technological progress. The contours of the borders of economic areas are determined by the area for placing the sectors of market specialization and the most important auxiliary industries related to the sectors of the market specialization by technological supplies of raw materials, parts, nodes, i.e. production cooperation. The area-forming factors of modern economic districts include the presence of large mineral deposits, high population density and labor experience gained by him, etc.

Economic zoning is not a frozen process, it may vary, to be improved in the process of economic development of the country, depending on many factors. The formation in a number of large economic regions of program-target TPK can lead to the disagreement of economic regions. There is a process for the development of program-target TPK - Timano-Pechora, TPK on the basis of KMA, West Siberian, Kansko-Achinsky (Katk), Sayan, South Yakutsky.

They are formed on the basis of unique natural resources.

Modern economic zoning of Russia includes three main links (taxonomic units) :

1) large economic districts;

2) regions of middle links - edges, regions, republics;

3) Snow areas - administrative and economic areas, urban and rural areas.

Each type of economic zoning meets certain objectives of territorial development. The highest link of the zoning is large economic areas - used by the central republican authorities for the national economy in the territorial context. Large economic regions - This is clearly specialized and relatively completed territorial economic complexes, playing an important role in the all-Russian division of labor. Having a significant territory, a large population, a variety of natural resource potential, large economic areas have a clearly pronounced specialization (up to 5-7 industries). The greater the territory of the major economic district, the wider its production profile, more complex to the economic complex.

The average zoning link is used to lead some sectors of the economy within the region, the region, the republic. His role in leadership of agriculture and services.

Regional areas have their own economic signs. A peculiar form of comprehensive development of regions, the association of agricultural areas around industrial centers provide the leading place of the city.

Low economic regions are primary links in the taxonomy of economic zoning. On their basis, initial specialized territorial production complexes are formed. The grassroots areas play an important role in the development and implementation of promising and annual programs for the development of district economy and socio-cultural construction, in the placement and specialization of enterprises for the production and processing of agricultural products, local industry, domestic services, trade and catering.

Economic areas can be united into macroregions, or economic zones that are distinguished by common natural conditions, the devils of the economy, the trends of further development.

In large areas of zones, common major interdistrict problems are clearly identified.

5. The composition of major economic regions of Russia

The main principles of the allocation of economic zones - The level of economic development of the territory, the ratio between the most important resources and the degree of their use.

There are two economic zones - Western (European part of Russia and the Urals) and Eastern (Siberia and Far East). To fulfill long-term targeted programs, the balance of production and consumption of important types of products of group of districts in economic zones, integrated areas are combined. In the western zone, three enlarged areas - the north and the center of the European part of Russia, the Ural-Volga region and the European South. In the eastern zone, two enlarged areas are Siberia and the Far East.

Currently, there are 11 large economic regions (regions) in Russia: North, North-West, Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatsky, Volga, North Caucasian, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far Eastern. Moscow status is Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Today in the conditions of market development, three types of regions of Russia can be distinguished

1) employment - the republics of the North Caucasus, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory, Rostov region;

2) Defense and Industrial - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Ural, Industrial Knots South Siberia;

3) diversified and depressive - a significant part of the north zone.

For first group of regions it is recommended to have a full promotion of small-handed mistakes in both cities and villages. For regions of the second type it is envisaged to attract foreign capital, in regions of the third type - Creating a particularly favorable regime for entrepreneurship through partial exemption from taxes and other factors.

To improve the financing of regions, market infrastructures are being created - housing funds, pension funds, insurance funds, stock exchanges, associations. It is recommended to focus associations on the coordinated solution of the most important tasks: the implementation of the development programs of macroregions, the creation of funds, an increase in the efficiency of the territorial division of labor, the development of production, taking into account the privatization, the introduction of new technologies, the expansion of farm and subsidiary farms, the development of regional Renaissance programs villages, the development of small cities, security The environment, the development of connections with other regions.

Currently, regions where heavy industry are developed, especially coal and metallurgical, with large monopolist enterprises, Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Tula, the major cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as regions where the defense enterprises are concentrated Complex, - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tula Oblast, Udmurtia and individual industrial assemblies with a narrow manufacturing base, mainly in the north.

With structural restructuring for the regions, the threat of a sharp decline in production, mass unemployment and exacerbation of social tensions is especially real. Therefore, the existence of these regions requires benefits on federal and local taxes, loans, benefits for taxes from commercial banks, expanding the rights of local authorities and social protection of the population. Individual enterprises in these regions will be given loans to maintain production and repulsion to the production of social orientation products.

All of the above belongs to the integral economic zoning.

In addition, there is sectoral zoning, for example, areas of placing ferrous metallurgy (metallurgical bases), areas of placement of transport, agricultural engineering and other industries, and agricultural zoning. So, it is assumed that in the future with the development of market relations it will be possible to distinguish five agricultural regions of Russia:

1) Farm regions with a significant proportion of private property - the main part of the non-black-earth zone, agricultural areas of the southern part of Eastern Siberia and the Far East;

2) regions where large collective farms with farm - Chernozem Center, Volga region, Pft North Caucasus, Southern Urals, South of West Siberia are combined;

3) mountain areas - the republics of the North Caucasus, the Altai Republic;

4) regions of distant pasture animal husbandry - Kalmykia, Tyva, Buryatia, Chita region;

5) Weakly mastered areas with the focal development of agriculture and a special land use regime are the main part of the north zone.

The most radical agrarian transformations are scheduled in the regions of the first type. It provides for the forced development of farms at the expense of additional public investments and subsidies, as well as the resettlement in these regions of the economically active population - demobilized military personnel, the Russian-speaking population from the countries of the new abroad, as well as migrants from cities.

The regions of the new development with harsh, extreme conditions are especially vulnerable - the Zones of the North, as well as regions with structural unemployment, agricultural overpopulation (for example, the North Caucasus) and territory with a weak financial and economic base - Transbaikalia, Tyva, Kalmykia, Dagestan. These regions will be maintained from republican federal funds.

Currently, free economic zones are formed, which will receive all the advantages for industrial, agricultural development, with high infrastructure. This is St. Petersburg, in the Far East - Nakhodka, Magadan, Sakhalin, in Siberia - Kuzbass, in the Moscow region - Zelenograd, in the Kaliningrad region - amber and zones in other regions of Russia.

6. Strategic objectives of regional development

In the conditions of the formation and development of market relations, a new regional policy is formed. It should be noted a special importance of the regional aspect of economic reforms held in our country.

Due to the huge differences in natural-geographical, socio-demographic, economic and other conditions, approaches to the special development of the economy of each individual region of Russia are defined. At the same time, the main landmarks will be:

1) accounting for the specifics of the work of the regions in the implementation of the all-Russian structural, investment, financial, social, foreign economic policy;

2) transferring a number of reform directions mainly to the regional level, especially in small businesses, the social sphere, the protection of nature and the use of natural resources;

3) decentralization of reform management processes, intensifying economic activities in places;

4) the need to develop special reform programs in the regions with particularly peculiar conditions.

Strategic objectives of regional development are reduced to the following

1) reconstruction of the economy of old-industrial regions and major urban agglomerations by converting defense and civil industries, modernization of infrastructure, enveloping environmental situation, privatization;

2) overcoming the crisis condition of the agro-industrial regions of the Nechrochnoe, the Southern Urals, Siberia, the Far East, the revival of small cities and the Russian village, the acceleration of the restoration of the lost living environment in rural areas, the development of the local production and social infrastructure, the development of abandoned agricultural land;

3) stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the regions with extreme natural conditions and mainly commodity specialization, creating conditions for the revival of small peoples (primarily these are areas of the Far North, mountainous areas);

4) the continuation of the formation of territorial and industrial complexes and industrial assemblies in the northern and eastern regions of Russia due to non-centralized investments and with the priority development of industries on the integrated use of mined raw materials in compliance with strict environmental standards;

5) stimulating the development of export and import-changing industries in regions that have the most favorable conditions for this; the formation of free economic zones, as well as technopolis as regional centers for the introduction of achievements of domestic and world science, accelerating economic and social progress;

6) the prospercyalization of new border regions, the creation of jobs in them and the accelerated development of social infrastructure, taking into account the potential immigrants and redeployment of military units from the countries of Eastern Europe and the former republics of the USSR;

7) the development of interregional and regional systems - transport, communications, informatics, providing and stimulating regional structural shifts and the effectiveness of the regional economy;

8) overcoming the excessive lag in the level and quality of the life of the population of individual republics and regions of Russia. The policy of eliminating Russia's dependence on food imports will require accelerated intensification of agriculture of non-black earth and southern regions of Russia.

Most of the tasks of Russia's regional policy will move to the level of regions.

A socio-economic mechanism will be created, combining state regulation with regional self-government.

7. Free Economic Zones

Free Economic Zones (FEZ)firmly entered world economic practice and operate in various countries. Now in the world, according to various sources, from 400 to 200 ยฐ CEZ, but it is impossible to attribute any Russian to this list with a complete basis, since those educations that are called "free economic zones" in Russia, do not meet international requirements for such genus zones.

In accordance with the documents of the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of customs procedures (Kyoto, May 18, 1973), under the free zone (or "zone-franco") is understood as part of the country where goods are considered as objects outside the National Customs territory (the principle of "customs extraterritoriality"), and therefore are not subjected to conventional customs control and taxation. In other words, the FEZ is part of the country with a special operating regime.

Special legislation expresses this regime, which regulates the activities of economic entities in the FEP, covers the following range of issues: customs regulation; taxation; licensing; visa design; banking activities; property and mortgage relations (including - concerning land ownership); providing concessions; Free zone control. Certain specifics in the FEZ may also have acts of labor and social legislation.

The characteristic features of the FEZ should be noted:

1) the use of various types of benefits and incentives, including:

a) foreign trade (reduction or cancellation of export-import duties, simplified procedure for implementing foreign trade operations);

b) fiscal associated with tax stimulation of specific activities. Benefits may affect the tax base (profit or income, value of the property, etc.), its separate components (depreciation deductions, salary costs, R & D and transportation costs), the level of tax rates, questions of permanent or temporary exemption from taxation;

c) financial, including various forms of subsidies provided to both directly - at the expense of budgetary funds and preferential state loans and indirectly - in the form of low prices for utilities, reduce rent for the use of land plots, etc.;

d) administrative, simplifying procedures for registration of enterprises, the entry regime of foreign citizens.

As a result of the use of benefits, the rate of arrival in the FEP is 30-35%, and sometimes more: for example, transnational companies are obtained in Asian FEZ on average 40% of profit per year. Significantly decrease (2-3 times) the payback period of capital investments (it is considered normal for the FEP, when these deadlines do not exceed 3-3.5 years);

2) the presence of a local, relatively separate zone management system, endowed with the right to make independent decisions in a wide economic spectrum;

3) Comprehensive support from the central government.

Creating a FEZ - The effective direction of development of the economy of individual territories and regions, oriented, as a rule, to solve specific priority economic tasks, the implementation of strategic programs and projects. At the same time, as practice shows, the system of benefits installed in the FEZ is sufficiently individual and is closely related to programs implemented in its territory. According to the world economic experience, the initial goals and objectives declared in the creation of the FEZ almost always do not coincide with what happens as a result of actual development.

Based on the tasks set in the formation of a zone, are presented relevant requirements for its placement. The most common of them includes:

1) a favorable transport and geographical position in relation to external and domestic markets and the availability of developed transport communications;

2) developed production potential, the availability of industrial and social infrastructure;

3) The natural resource potential essentially substantially and value (primarily the reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials, non-ferrous metals, forest resources, etc.).

Therefore, the territories most favorable to accommodate the FEZ, as a rule, the border position in relation to foreign countries (and in Russia, including - both to the former allied republics), and also have marine trading ports and the main transport network (railway , road, airports), established industrial, scientific and cultural centers, areas of concentration of the most valuable natural resources.

In some cases, the establishment of a FEZ is appropriate in the areas of new economic development that do not have the initially developed industry, a manufacturing and social infrastructure, but to solve important long-term national programs (strengthening the fuel and energy and mineral resource base of the country, etc.).

The practice of creating existing and projects of future FEZ on the territory of Russia shows that, depending on the goals and tasks, they can be divided into the following main types:

1) complex industrial zones;

2) foreign trade (free customs zones, including export production zones and transit);

3) functional, or sectoral (technological parks, technopolis, tourist, insurance, banking, etc.).

These types of zones can be characterized by the following main features.

Complex zones are multidisciplinary.

They are formed in a limited territory, and within the boundaries of areas and other territorial entities. They create conditions for raising major capital with the obligatory development of the necessary infrastructure.

The complex zones may be classified (at least, according to their creators), most of the FEZ, created in Russia, including the FEZ in Nakhodka, Kaliningrad region, St. Petersburg, etc.

Foreign trade zones provide currency revenues, including at the expense of consignment warehouses, renting premises, exhibitions, cargo tarnings and their transit.

The foreign trade zones include, in particular, the Sherry-Zone Free Trade Area (near Sheremetyevo Airport), the free customs zones "Moscow Franco-Port" (near the Vnukovo Airport), Franco-Port Terminal (on the territory Moscow West River Port).

Industry zones (technological parks, technopolis, etc.) are performed both national economic and foreign economic functions. In particular, they contribute to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in certain sectors based on the intensification of foreign economic cooperation, the introduction of the results of domestic science, as well as the development of high-tech technologies, new types of finished products and export expansion.

The sectoral zones of scientific and technical nature includes FEZ in Zelenograd, which should specialize in microelectronics, computer science and communications; The zone of economic favored in Ingushetia can be attributed to the financial (offshore ") nature zones; To the zones of the tourist resort type - the special economic zone "Caucasian mineral waters".

The choice of zones for specific territories is influenced not only by general, but also local factors. So, for transport, export-import zones, the presence of a large transport hub. They are usually located in the seaside cities with marine ports, railway communications, airport.

The same conditions are desirable to accommodate trading, banking and other zones.

To create zones of type technoparks and technopolis, a developed scientific and production base and qualified labor force are needed.

The organization of tourist and recreational zones requires the presence of cultural and historical centers, balneological resorts attractive to tourism landscapes, developed infrastructure.

8. Economic regions of modern Russia

Decision on economic areas is used since the 1930s. So far (in particular, in the text of the state budget).

There are 11 economic districts in Russia (before 1986 there were 10).

Northern Economic District(Allocated around 1986 from the North-West)

Ingredients: Arkhangelsk region, including Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vologda region, Murmansk region, Republic of Karelia (previously - Karelian ASSR), Komi Republic (previously - Komi ASSR).

Northwest Economics

Ingredients: St. Petersburg (previously - Leningrad), Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Pskov region. After the collapse of the USSR, the Kaliningrad region was included in the Kaliningrad region, which was previously located in the Baltic Economic District of the USSR.

Central Economic District.

Ingredients: Moscow, Moscow region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Ivanovo region, Tverskaya (Earlier - Kalininskaya) Region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region.

Central Black Economic Economic District

Ingredients: Belgorod region, Voronezh region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Tambov region.

Volga-Vyatsky Economic District

Ingredients: Nizhny Novgorod (earlier - Gorky), Kirov region, Republic of Mari El (earlier - Mari ASSR), Republic of Mordovia (previously - Mordovskaya ASSR), Chuvash Republic (previously - Chuvash ASSR).

North Caucasian Economic District

Ingredients: Krasnodar Territory, Republic of Adygea (previously - Adygei Autonomous Region Krasnodar Territory), Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Earlier - Karachay-Circassian Autonomous Region Stavropol Territory), Rostov region, Republic of Dagestan (previously - Dagestan ASSR), Kabardino Balkar Republic (previously - Kabardino-Balkarskaya ASSR), Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (previously - North Ossetian ASSR), Chechen Republic and the Ingush Republic (previously - Chechen-Ingush ASSR).

Volga Economic District

Ingredients: Astrakhan region, Volgograd region, Samara (earlier - Kuibyshevskaya) Region, Penza region, Saratov region, Ulyanovsk region, Republic of Kalmykia (previously - Kalmyk ASSR), Republic of Tatarstan (previously - Tatar ASSR).

Ural economic district

Ingredients: Kurgan region, Orenburg region, Perm region, including Komi-Permytsky Autonomous Okrug, Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Republic of Bashkortostan (previously - Bashkir ASSR), Udmurt Republic (previously - Udmurt ASSR).

West Siberian Economic District

Ingredients: Altai region, Altai Republic (Earlier - Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region Altai Territory), Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region, Tyumen Region, including Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

East Siberian Economic District

Ingredients: Krasnoyarsk Territory, including Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenetsky) Autonomous Okrug and Evenki Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Khakassia (previously - Khakass Autonomous Region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory), Irkutsk Region, including the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Chita region, including Agini Buryat Autonomous District , Republic of Buryatia (previously - Buryat ASSR), Republic of Tyva (previously - Tuvinskaya ASSR).

Far Eastern economic district

Composition: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Earlier - Yakutskaya ASSR), Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsk Territory, including the Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region, Kamchatka Region, including the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (earlier - in the Magadan Region) , Sakhalin region.

The formation of economic regions is an objective process, a pronounced development of the territorial division of labor. The basic principles of economic zoning in the Russian Federation are:

Economic principle, considering the area as a specialized part of a single national economic complex of a country with a certain composition of auxiliary and serving industries. According to this principle, the specialization of the area should define such industries in which the cost of labor, funds for the production of products and its delivery to the consumer will be the smallests compared to other districts. The economic efficiency of the district specialization should be assessed both from the point of view of establishing the most appropriate territorial division of labor on the scale of the entire country and from the point of view of the most productive use of the available resources of the district.

National principle, taking into account the national composition of the population of the district, its historically established features of labor and life.

Administrative principledetermining the unity of economic zoning and territorial political and administrative structure of the country. This principle creates conditions for the effective independent development of districts and strengthening their role in the territorial division of Russia.

These principles are fundamental for the modern theory and practice of economic zoning of Russia. In modern conditions, the allocation of large economic regions is dictated by the development of scientific and technological progress. The contours of the borders of economic areas are determined by the area for placing the sectors of market specialization and the most important auxiliary industries related to the sectors of market specialization, technological supplies of raw materials, parts, nodes, i.e. Cooperation of production. The regional factors of modern economic districts include the presence of large mineral deposits, high population density and labor experience gained by him, etc.

Economic zoning is not a frozen process, it may vary, improve in the process of economic development of the country, depending on many factors. The formation in a number of large economic regions of program-target TPK can lead to the disagreement of economic regions. The process of the development of program-target TPK - Timano-Pechora, TPK on the basis of KMA, West Siberian, Kansko-Achinsky, Sayan, South Yakutskaya TPK. They are formed on the basis of unique natural resources.

The modern economic zoning of Russia includes three main links (taxonomic units): the highest link of zoning is large economic regions; mid-link areas, regions, republics; Snow areas - administrative and economic areas, urban and rural areas.

Each type of economic zoning meets certain objectives of territorial development. The highest link of the zoning is large economic areas - used by the central republican authorities for the national economy in the territorial context. Large economic areas are clearly specialized and relatively completed territorial economic complexes, playing an important role in the all-Russian division of labor. Having a significant territory, a large population, a variety of natural resource potential, large economic areas have a clearly pronounced specialization (up to 5-7 industries). The greater the territory of the major economic district, the wider its production profile, more complex to the economic complex.

The average zoning link is used to lead some sectors of the economy within the region, the region, the republic. His role in leadership of agriculture and services.

Regional areas have their own economic signs. A peculiar form of comprehensive development of regions, the association of agricultural areas around industrial centers provide the leading place of the city.

The lower link of the zoning - urban and rural areas are primary links in the taxonomy of economic zoning. On their basis, initial specialized territorial production complexes are formed. The grassroots areas play an important role in the development and implementation of promising and annual programs for the development of district economy and socio-cultural construction, in the placement and specialization of enterprises for the production and processing of agricultural products, local industry, domestic services, trade and catering.

Economic areas can be united into macroregions, or economic zones that are distinguished by common natural conditions, the devils of the economy, the trends of further development. In large areas of zones, common major interdistrict problems are clearly identified.

The main principles of allocating economic zones are the level of economic development of the territory, the relationship between the most important resources and the degree of their use. There are two economic zones - Western (European part of Russia and the Urals) and Eastern (Siberia and the Far East). To fulfill long-term targeted programs, the balance of production and consumption of important types of products of group of districts in economic zones, integrated areas are combined. In the western zone, three enlarged areas - the north and the center of the European part of Russia, the Ural-Volga region and the European South. In the eastern zone, two enlarged areas are Siberia and the Far East.

Today, in the conditions of market development, three types of Russian regions can be distinguished: Hard-free- Republic of the North Caucasus, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory. Rostov region I. Defense and industrial- St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod region, Urals, industrial assemblies South Siberia.

Multi-sective and depressive are a significant part of the north zone.

In the regions of the first group it is recommended to fully encourage small-handed structure both in the cities and in villages. For second type regions, it is envisaged to attract foreign capital, in the regions of the third type - to create a particularly favorable regime for business activities through partial exemption from taxes and other factors.

To improve the financing of regions, market infrastructures are being created - housing funds, pension funds, insurance funds, stock exchanges, associations. It is recommended to focus associations on the coordinated solution of the most important tasks: the implementation of the development programs of macroregions, the creation of funds, an increase in the efficiency of the territorial division of labor, the development of production, taking into account the privatization, the introduction of new technologies, the expansion of farm and subsidiary farms, the development of regional Renaissance programs villages, the development of small cities, security The environment, the development of connections with other regions.

Currently, the regions where heavy industry are developed - especially coal-metallurgical, with large monopolist enterprises - Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Tula, the major cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as regions where the enterprises of the defense complex are concentrated - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Perm, Tula, Udmurtia and individual industrial assemblies with a narrow manufacturing base, mainly in the north.

During the period of structural restructuring for the regions, the threat of a sharp decline in production, mass unemployment and exacerbation of social tensions is especially real. Therefore, the existence of these regions requires benefits on federal and local taxes, loans, benefits for taxes from commercial banks, expanding the rights of local authorities and social protection of the population. Individual enterprises in these regions will be given loans to maintain production and repulsion to the production of social orientation products.

All of the above belongs to the integral economic zoning. In addition, there are sectoral zoning, for example, areas of placing ferrous metallurgy (metallurgical bases), areas of placement of transport, agricultural engineering and other industries and agricultural zoning. So, it is assumed that in the future with the development of market relations it will be possible to distinguish five agricultural regions of Russia:

Farm regions with a significant proportion of private property - the main part of the non-black-earth zone, agricultural areas of the southern part of Eastern Siberia and the Far East;

Regions where large collective farms with farm - Chernozem Center, Volga region, Pft North Caucasus, Southern Urals, South of Western Siberia are combined;

Mountain regions - the republics of the North Caucasus, the Altai Republic;

Regions of distant pasture animal husbandry - Kalmykia, Tuva, Buryatia, Chita region;

Weakly mastered areas with focal development of agriculture and special land use regime are the main part of the north zone.

The most radical agrarian transformations are scheduled in the regions of the first type. It provides for the forced development of farms at the expense of additional public investments and subsidies, as well as the resettlement in these regions of the economically active population - demobilized military personnel, the Russian-speaking population from the countries of the new abroad, as well as migrants from cities.

The regions of the new development with harsh, extreme conditions are especially vulnerable - zones of the North, as well as regions with structural unemployment, agrarian overpopulation (for example, the North Caucasus) and territory with a weak financial and economic base - Transbaikalia, Tuva, Kalmykia, Dagestan. These regions will be maintained from republican federal funds.

Currently, there are 11 large economic districts in Russia: North, North-West, Central, Volga-Vyatsky, Central Black Earth, North Caucasian, Volga, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern, as well as Kaliningrad region ( Polianklaw), which is sometimes considered in the North-West District.

Central Economic District (Bryanskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostromskaya, Moscow, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Smolenskaya, Tverskaya, Tula, Yaroslavl region, Moscow). Area 483 thousand square meters. km, population about 30 million people. It has a profitable economic and geographical position, being at the intersection (in the "focus") of important transport highways connecting Western and Eastern, the northern and southern regions of the country, borders, firstly, with economically developed regions of the country, which contributes to the establishment of cooperation links between enterprises Secondly, with districts, rich in various natural resources. A distinctive feature is a high provision of manufacturing funds and infrastructure, highly qualified working force, scientific and technical potential.

The natural resource potential is relatively small. There is a near Moscow Rugged Pool, there are peat resources (Northern and Western regions), phosphorites (Moscow and Bryansk region). The area is well provided with mineral and construction resources: sands, incl. Glass, clays, plaster, cement raw materials. Forest resources are concentrated in the northern regions and are largely exhausted. Limited and largely involved in the economic use of water and hydropower resources.

The population is 30 million people, or more than 1/5 of Russia. In the 1990s, the population is reduced due to its natural loss (mortality everywhere exceeds fertility). The population density exceeds 60 people. on square. km, less populated northern and western areas. CER is one of the highly urban regions of Russia. Here is the largest city in Moscow (8.5 million lives.), Large agglomerations: Moscow, Tula, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo. This is the main area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement and formation of the Russian ethnos, Moscow, as the capital of the state, is concentrating almost all the nationalities of the former USSR. The area is well provided with a working force characterized by a high level of education, qualifications and training. Highly qualified frames are one of the important factors contributing to the development of high-tech industries here.

The area has the most diversified structure of the economy in the country: many industries received quite large-scale development. However, in the territorial division of labor in the Russian Federation, it is allocated by sectors of machine-building and chemical complexes, light industry. The rest have most of the intra-iriogencies, focusing on the consumer in the face of a powerful economy and a significant population.

Machine-building complex is presented here by transport engineering (automotive, production of railway locomotives and cars, river shipbuilding, aircraft); production of agricultural equipment (leafing machines, potato cleaning machines, wheel tractors); Release of domestic products (hours, televisions, refrigerators, etc.); Production of technological equipment for coal, metallurgical, textile, sewing, chemical, electric power, printing, forest industry and construction industry. A significant part of the engineering enterprises in the region operates in the ICC system.

The chemical complex is mainly (with the exception of local phosphorites) formed on the basis of imported raw materials. Oil refining, synthetic rubber, chemical fibers, plastics, phosphoric and nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic dyes have been developed.

The oldest and specializing industry in the industry here is an easy industry. It is represented by all major sectors - textile (cotton, woolen, silk, linen), sewing, knitted, leather-shoe, fur.

Of the branches of the agro-industrial complex, some sectors of the food industry (confectionery, meat, etc.) and linodiculture have interdistrict importance.

Volga-Vyatka Economic District (Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov region, Republic of Mari El and Mordovia, Chuvash Republic). Area 265 thousand square meters. km, population of 8.3 million people. Located in the medium-current pool r. Volga and r. Vyatka on transit paths connecting the center of the Russian Federation with the Urals and Eastern regions of the country surrounded by economic regions.

Among all the economic regions of the country, the VVER country is the least provided with natural resource potential. From mineral resources, you can note the reserves of peat (Left Bank of Volga), phosphorites (Kirov region), building materials: sands, clay, plaster, construction stone, cement raw materials, etc. The main wealth of the area is the forest (left-bank part of the area). As a result of many years of operation, forest resources are exhausted, and wood harvesting is reduced. Well provided with water resources.

The population of the district is 8.3 million people. In the 1990s, the number of inhabitants is reduced as a result of natural loss. More than 70% of the population lives in urban areas. One of the largest Nizhny Novgorod agglomeration is distinguished. The average population density is over 30 people. on square. km, however, in the left banking part, the settlement is twice the lower, and in the right bank, on the contrary, twice the mid-term. The national composition is diverse: the Russian population prevails, Chuvashi, Mordva, Mari, Tatars live in the republics.

VVER is a large industrial complex with a developed multi-industrial industry. In the territorial division of labor, the district is allocated by sectors of machine-building, chemical and forest complexes. Engineering plays the main role in the district economy. The most important development was obtained here by transport engineering, namely the automotive industry (production of passenger cars, trucks, buses), shipbuilding (for the production of river vessels district ranks first in the country), aircraft manufacturing (production of aircraft for the military-industrial complex). The area occupies one of the first places in the country for the production of electrical equipment (electromampis, cable equipment, etc.). Interdistrict value has machine-tooling (milling and woodworking machines) and tool production. Equipment for chemical, food and forest industry is available.

The chemical industry is represented by the release of synthetic resins and plastics, ammonia, soda, tires, rubber products, nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers. In the Nizhny Novgorod Promoise, oil refineries operate.

The forest complex of the district includes all its main industries - from logging to forestry. Almost all forest industry enterprises are located in the left bank, focusing on the resources. In connection with their exhaustion, wood harvesting in the area is reduced. Wood development, wooden house-building, plywood, match and furniture industry, as well as timberia. There is a pulp and paper industry: on the production of paper area ranks third in the country, yielding only to the Northern and Ural economic regions.

Specializing sectors of the district economy include flax and well-developed leather and fur production.

Central Black Economic Economic District (Voronezh, Belgorod, Kurskaya, Lipetsk and Tambov region). Area 168 thousand square meters. km, population about 8 million people. It has a favorable economic and geographical position, adjacent to the countries developed in economically, is located in a comfortable area of \u200b\u200bthe country's zone. The area intersects with important transit transport highways connecting the central and southern regions of the country providing transportation to foreign countries (in particular to Ukraine). The "neighbors" of CER possess considerable reserves of a variety of natural resources.

The natural resource potential of the area is large enough, but it is characterized by a limited set of natural resources, albeit large stocks. A distinctive feature of the Tsurg is the absence of its own fuel and energy resources. The world's largest stocks of iron ore (Kursk magnetic anomaly pool) are concentrated here. One of the main wealth is chernozem soils. Resources of mineral-building raw materials - cement, refractory clays, chalk are noticeable. Forests are mostly traceable, water deficit is felt.

The population of the district is about 8 million people. In recent years, the number is reduced, which is caused mainly by natural loss of the population. Highly average population density - 46 people. on square. km, and the population in the area is placed relatively uniformly. Tsurg is one of the least urbanized regions of Russia: the proportion of the urban population here is a little higher than 60%. Finally, the area is characterized by a rather homogeneous national composition: the overwhelming majority of residents constitute the Russian population.

The structure of the CCER economy is allocated both industry and agriculture. Specializing importance is ferrous metallurgy, individual industries, a chemical complex and building materials industry, as well as a multi-sectoral apk. The leading place in the composition of the industry has ferrous metallurgy. Here on a large scale, iron ore is mining coming into other areas of the country and abroad. The production of ferrous metals is inferior to the Ural Economic District.

The development of the engineering services (IL-96 airbones), electronics, instrumentation, production of excavators, forging equipment, tractors, chemical and petrochemical equipment were developed from the engineering industries. The chemical complex is represented by the release of synthetic rubbers and tires, synthetic fibers, synthetic detergents, dyes. The building materials industry supplies cement, refractory materials to other areas of the country.

The apk gives almost a third of the product produced in the area. Most of its industries have all-Russian and interdistrict importance. Agriculture is well developed, represented by the cultivation of grain crops (wheat, corn, buckwheat, millet) and industrial crops (sugar beets, sunflower, hemp). This area is the largest producer of essential oil cultures - Anisa and Coriander. Product importance has vegetable growing and gardening. From branches of animal husbandry specializing importance of meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding and poultry farming. Food industry has received a good development on the basis of agriculture: flour and cereal, oil, sugar, fruit and complex, dairy, meat and drum, etc.

North-West Economic District (Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov Region, St. Petersburg). Area 197 thousand square meters. km, population about 8 million people. It occupies a profitable economic and geographical position, while on the most important transit paths connecting Russia with countries of abroad (through the Baltic Sea). "Roads" with economically developed central and rich diverse natural resources by the Northern Economic Area.

The natural resource potential is sufficiently limited. There are reserves of peat (everywhere), combustible shale (used in neighboring Estonia), bauxite (aluminum raw materials), phosphorites, a variety of building materials (limestone, refractory clay, granites, sands). Forest resources as a result of many years of operation are significantly exhausted. Good area is provided with water resources.

The population of the district is less than 8 million people. In the 1990s, the number of residents decreases as a result of natural loss. This is the most urban region of the country: thanks to the location of the second in the number of residents of the city of Russia - St. Petersburg, the share of urban population in the total number of district reaches 87%. For the countryside is characterized by smallest. The average population density is more than 40 people. on square. km. The population dominates the Russian population. It is characterized by good security of highly qualified working force.

The district's economy is distinguished by a diversified composition. Of great importance are high-tech and high-tech industries, focused mainly in the St. Petersburg Promoise. In the territorial division of labor within the country, the SZER is allocated by machine-building, chemical, forest complexes, individual industries of building materials, light industry and non-ferrous metallurgy. A significant role in the regional economy is played by enterprises working for the needs of the military-industrial complex. Finally, the area performs important recreational functions: many of its cities became centers of domestic and international tourism.

The leading place in the structure of the area industry is highly diversified machine-building complex. It has such industries as maritime shipbuilding (the area ranks first in the country for the production of maritime ships of different types, including atomic icebreakers, most types of military courts), optical-mechanical industry (one of the first places in Russia), energy engineering (First place in the country for the production of nuclear reactors for nuclear power plants, steam, hydraulic and gas turbines), electrotechnical, tractor engineering, instrument making, machine-tooling and electronic industry.

An important role in the economy of the district plays a chemical complex submitted by the production of rubber products, tires, synthetic resins, plastics, nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers, paint products, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations.

As part of the forest complex, sawmill, plywood, furniture and pulp and paper industry are highlighted. Interdistrict value has textile (cotton, silk, woolen and linen), leather-shoe and porcelain-faience industry. Some industries of building materials (glass, refractory materials, etc.) have the same meaning. From the sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy highlights the aluminum industry operating on local raw materials.

All-Russian importance is transport infrastructure, in particular transit automobile and railways, pipelines to Finland, the Baltic countries. There are large export-imported seaports in St. Petersburg, Primorsk (oil terminal), Ust-Luga (dry cargo transport).

Northern Economic Area (Arkhangelsk Region with Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vologda and Murmansk Region, the Republic of Komi and the Republic of Karelia). Area 1.5 million square meters. km, population of 5.7 million people. The area is located in the north of the European part of the country, having the most extended maritime border in the Western Economic Zone, the border with economically developed areas of the country, in particular the central and northwestern, which stimulates the development of its territories. Here are important ports through which the country's foreign economic relations are carried out - Murmansk and Arkhangelsk.

One of the largest natural resource potentials of the European part of the country is concentrated here, which contributed to the formation of a large number of mining provisions and centers. From fuel and energy resources, the largest (in stock) in the Western Zone Pechora coal pool (coking and energy corners) should be noted. In the east of the district there is a Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Large gas reserves are divorced on the Barents Sea shelf (Shtokman gas condensate giant field), oil - on the shelf of the Kara Sea. In the Republic of Komi there are stocks of combustible shale (not being developed), in the south of the district - the peat deposits (Vologda region).

Metallour etching resources are represented here with iron ores (second in reserves after KMA Karoo-Kola iron ore province), aluminum ores (Nethelinic Radio Poland and Bauxites of the Mid-Timan field in the Republic of Komi and the North-One-Negan basin in the Arkhangelsk region), nickel reserves Murmansk region. From non-metallic rod resources, one of the world's largest phosphate basins - apatite in the Murmansk region should be noted. In the West of the district there are large reserves of mica, and in the east - table salt. In the Arkhangelsk region there is the largest diamond pool in the country (not being developed). Rich area and a variety of mineral-building raw materials: limestone, brick clays, granite, sands, construction stone, etc.

One of the main natural wealth of the district is forest resources. Sir refers to forest-free areas. Its reserves are 9% Russian. Mostly, they are focused in the Republic of Komi, the Arkhangelsk region and the Republic of Karelia. Significant stocks of water and hydropower resources.

The population of the district is less than 6 million people. In the 1990s, it is reduced due to, firstly, natural loss of the population, secondly, the migration of the population from the northern regions. It is among highly urbanized regions of the country: the share of the urban population here is 76% of all residents, but there are no cities "millionaires" and developed agglomerations. The least populated among all economic regions of the European part of the country: the average population density does not reach 4 people. on square. km. The Russian population prevails, Komi and Nenets live in the east, in the west of the district - Karelia and Saama. In connection with the reduction of work on the development of resources in the northern regions, an excessive population appeared, requiring resettlement to more oblivated areas of the country.

In the structure of the economy of the district, industries prevail focusing on the use of their own natural resources. Interdistrict importance is black and non-ferrous metallurgy, forest complex, individual industries of chemical and agro-industrial complexes, transport services.

The forest complex plays a leading role in the SER economy. It is represented by all the stages of the manufacturing process and develops on the basis of its own resources. Large scale developed logging, sawmill, pulp and paper and furniture industries, as well as plywood production, wooden house-building, wood chemistry (hydrolyzing and yeast production). The north district is exporting the smallest amount of wood blank in the untreated form.

The development of its own resources was the development of ferrous metallurgy of the full cycle (Vologda region), aluminum (Republic of Karelia and Murmansk region), copper-nickel (Murmansk region) Industry. Mechanical engineering is developing relatively weak and specializes in the production of products for internal consumption. The chemical complex is represented by the production of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen), phosphate raw materials used in many countries of the country for the production of phosphate fertilizers. Of the industries of the APK interdistrict importance are dairy cattle breeding and oil products, reindeer herding, fishing industry, as well as flax. Interdistrict transportation is carried out along the Northern Sea Route, originating in Murmansk (year-round to Norilsk). In the implementation of export-import operations, the Arkhangelsk and non-freezing Murmansk seaports play an important role.

North Caucasus Economic District (Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarskaya, North Ossetia - Alania, Ingush, Chechen, Dagestan). Area 355 thousand square meters. km, population about 18 million people. The most southern economic district of the country. Located at the intersection of important transport highways connecting Russia with the countries of the Transcaucasus and the Middle East, through the Black Sea ports ensuring the implementation of foreign trade operations. It has the most favorable natural and climatic conditions, significant natural resource potential.

Providing natural resources favors the socio-economic development of the area. There are significant oil reserves, as well as gas, stone coal (East Wing of the Donetsk Pool). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe district, tungsten-molybdenum, copper and polymetallic (lead-zinc) ore are locked. Significant reserves of barite, stone salt, a variety of mineral-building raw materials (cement, chalk, marble, granites, sands and clay, etc.). This area is one of the least secured forest resources, and the existing forests perform recreational and environmental functions. The area is rich in recreational resources: climatic, mineral waters and medicinal muds, mountain landscapes. Significant stocks of hydropower resources.

The population of the district is less than 18 million people. In recent years, the number of residents here is relatively stable both as a result of a natural increase (the Republic of Northern Caucasus has been sustainable, and a rather high, natural population growth) and due to the arrival of a large number of migrants from other areas of the country (in particular , Migrants from the north) and even other states (refugees). The urban population is only a little more than rural (55%) - this is the least urbanized economic district of the country. Moreover, in most republics, rural population prevails. In the north of the district, one of the largest agglomeration in the country is Rostovskaya. The average population density is 50 people. on square. km, less populated northern and northeastern steppe territories. The area is generally well provided with workforce, refers to employer. This is the most multi-line area of \u200b\u200bthe country (only in Dagestan has more than 30 indigenous peoples).

There was a complex, diversified economic complex. In the territorial division of labor within the country, SCR is highlighted by the fuel industry, a machine-building complex, separate sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy, a chemical complex, building materials industry, light industry and diversified agriculture, implementation of export-import transport services. This is the largest recreational district area.

About half of all products of the district gives a highly developed APK, for the development of which here is the most favorable conditions. The North Caucasus is the main grain supplier in the country. It is grown winter wheat, corn, rice. From technical crops cultivate sugar beets, sunflower, tobacco. This is the largest area of \u200b\u200bvegetable growing, gardening and viticulture, the only one - the cultivation of subtropical crops (tea and citrus). Large development was given to animal husbandry represented by meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheepading (especially fine), poultry and pig breeding, in mountainous areas - maralovism. On the basis of agriculture, a large-scale development was obtained by the food industry - flour-cereal, sugar, oil, winemaking, fruit and cooked, tobacco, meat-solid, tea and dr.

Oil and gas production, coal industry, were developed from the fuel industry. In the structure of the machine-building complex, transport (production of electric locomotives, cars, helicopters), agricultural (main in the country is the area of \u200b\u200bthe release of combustion combines and various agricultural equipment), energy building (equipment for nuclear power plants and thermal power plants) mechanical engineering, production of equipment for trade and food industry.

The chemical complex is represented by the production of plastics, chemical fibers, mineral fertilizers (nitrogen), synthetic detergents. The processing of own oil raw materials is well developed. From the sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy, lead-zinc and tungsten-molybdenum industry have interdistrict importance. The main specializing industry in the building materials industry here is the cement industry. On the basis of own raw materials, such specializing agents of light industry, like woolen and leather-shoe, were also formed.

Volga Economic District (Astrakhan, Volgograd, Penza, Samara, Saratovskaya, Ulyanovskaya, Republic Tatarstan and Kalmykia). Area 536 thousand square meters. km, population about 17 million people. It occupies a profitable economic and geographical location, while on important transit paths connecting the Western and eastern regions of the country, providing the exit of Central Asian countries to Europe. There is an important way from the European countries in the Baltic region to the Caspian Basin (in perspective of South Asia) throughout the district. The Volga region has favorable natural climatic conditions on a larger territory, is surrounded by the country's highly developed regions.

Among all economic regions of the European part of the country, the Volga region is most provided with natural resource potential. Here is the large Volga-Ural oil and gas province: it is inferior to the West Siberian Economic District in oil production. Large oil resources are divorced on the shelf of the Caspian Sea. Gas condensate reserves are significant, fuel mining is made. The largest stocks of sulfur-containing raw materials in the country are concentrated here: native sulfur sulfur, sulfur contained in oil and gas. The area occupies one of the first places in the country in the reserves of the cooking salt (the lake of the Caspian lowland). There is a variety of building raw materials, first of all, cement and glass sands. Here are the largest hydroenergy resources in the European part of the country (mainly on the r. Volga).

The population is a little less than 17 million people. In 1990, reduced due to natural loss. The share of the urban population is at the average Russian level (73%), however, several developed and large agglomerations are located here: Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhnekamskaya. The average population density exceeds 30 people. on square. km, however, the southern - steppe and semi-desert - areas are settled much weaker. The area is well provided with highly qualified workforce, which stimulates the development of high-tech sectors of the economy. In the population of the population, Russians prevail, Tatars live in the north, in the south - Kalmyks and Kazakhs.

The structure of the district economy has a complex composition with the predominance of high-tech and high-tech industries that determine scientific and technological progress. Electricity, fuel industry, highly diversified machine-building and chemical complexes, building materials industry, agricultural complexes are specializing importance. Many branches of the transport complex have interdistrict importance.

The first place in terms of manufactured products is occupied by the machine-building complex. The area ranks first in the country for the production of cars (cars and trucks), trolley buses, aviation equipment (aircraft and helicopters, rocket equipment). River shipbuilding, agricultural engineering, tractor construction, equipment manufacturing for chemical and oil and gas industry, energy equipment, machine-tooling, hourly manufacturing, instrument making.

The fuel industry is developed almost everywhere: in the northern part, it is predominantly mining oil production, in southern gas and condensate. Here they have created the largest oil in the country for refining. Volga region - the largest area in the country for the production of various petrochemical products. Production of synthetic rubbers, tires, chemical fibers, plastics, synthetic resins and alcohols, as well as mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphate), sulfuric acid, household chemical goods, organochloric products, etc., is concentrated here.

From the European regions of the country is the only one where the industry is the electric power industry. Moreover, a significant part of electricity here is given a hydroelectric power plant (Volzhko-Kamsky Cascade), atomic and thermal power plants operate. The building materials industry is represented by such specializing industries as cement and glass.

A major role in the economy of the district plays a agro-industrial complex, which has all-Russian importance. Here they cultivate grain crops (wheat, rice, corn, millet), technical crops (sunflower, sugar beets, mustard, hemp), bakchous cultures. Developed vegetable growing and fruit growing. Well-developed animal husbandry, represented by cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming, in the south - sheep (in particular, the most valuable, fine). On the basis of agriculture, large-scale development was obtained by the food industry: flour and cereal, alcohol, fruit and complex, sugar, butter, and meat and soundroom. The fishing industry was developed in the south: the Caspian pool leads in the country of sturgeon in the country.

Ural Economic District (Sverdlovskaya, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Orenburg Region, Perm Region with Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Bashkortostan and Udmurtia). Area 824 thousand square meters. km, population 20 million people. The area is located at the junction of the European and Asian parts of the country, entering the Western Economic Zone. Significantly removed from marine coasts, but intersects with important transport highways connecting the Western and eastern regions of the country, as well as the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan with Russia. "Neighboring", on the one hand, with economically developed areas of the country, on the other, with a region rich in various natural resources, first of all, fuel and energy (Western Siberia).

It has significant natural resource potential. Here is the eastern part of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Coal resources are small, so a significant part of coal is covered here with Western Siberia. The north of the district focuses the reserves of the peat. There are industrial reserves of most types of metal rhymes: iron, copper, nickel, aluminum (bauxites), titanium, magnesium ores, gold, zinc, etc. Many species of mineral-building raw materials (asbestos, cement raw materials, refractories, marble, granite, sands, clays, etc.). Reserves of precious and diverse stones are used. Significant stocks of forest resources focused mostly in the northern part of the area. There are graphite resources, talca, in the Perm region - diamonds.

The population of the district is 20 million people. In the 1990s, the number of inhabitants is reduced due to natural loss. The level of urbanization (74%) is close to the average Russian. The largest number of cities "millionaires" and large agglomerations are concentrated here: Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Ufa, etc., many monofunctional (single-sectoral) cities specializing in the mining and metallurgical industries. The average population density is about 25 people. on square. km. The area is well provided with a qualified workforce. The national composition is quite diverse: Russians prevail, there are many Tatars, Bashkir, Udmurts, Komi, Kazakhs, etc.

Ural refers to the most industrialized regions of the country. In the structure of its economy dominated the industries. In the territorial division of labor within the country, the area is allocated by the fuel industry, black and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine-building, chemical and forest complexes, separate industries of building materials and the agro-industrial complex.

The fuel industry is represented by the extraction of oil (West of the district) and gas (south of the district), the large oil refining industry, peat extraction (North Area). The country's largest metallurgical complex has been formed here. There are about 20 metallurgical plants and plants producing ferrous metals and rental (first place in the country). The area occupies one of the first places in the country for the production of a number of types of non-ferrous metals - copper, nickel, aluminum, zinc, titanium and magnesium, cobalt.

The leading place in the structure of the economy is occupied by the machine-building complex. Specialization sectors here are: production of metallurgical, mining, oil and gas, energy and chemical equipment, transport engineering (car buildings, aircraft engineering, river shipbuilding, output of passenger and trucks, buses, motorcycles, city trams), manufacture of electrical equipment, instrument making, tractor engineering, machine tool. Many enterprises of the machine-building complex are oriented to the needs of the military-industrial complex.

The chemical complex is developing mainly on the basis of its own rich and diverse resources. The development of synthetic rubber, plastics, chemical fibers, synthetic resins and alcohols, tire production, production of all types of mineral fertilizers, sulfuric acid, soda, etc.

The forest complex of the district is represented by all the technological stages of production having specializing importance: logging, sawmilling, wooden house-building, plywood, furniture, pulp and paper industry, and wood chemistry. From industries of building materials, cement, asbetic industries, production of refractory materials have specializing importance. In the structure of the APCs, interdistrict importance in the Urals have grain production (wheat), honey, wool, meat and meat-solve industries.

West Siberian Economic Area (Tyumen Region with Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo Region, Altai Territory, Altai Republic). Area 2.4 million square meters. km, population 15 million people Located in the Eastern Economic Zone, border with economically developed Urals. Intersects with important transit highways connecting the Western and Eastern regions of the country. A significant part of the territory refers to the areas of the Far North with extreme natural conditions, weak population and infrastructure masters.

It has the largest natural resource potential in the country. Here is the main fuel and energy base of Russia: the largest West Siberian oil and gas province and the main coal basin of the country - Kuznetsky. From fuel resources, you can note the largest inventory of peat. There are industrial reserves of metal ores: iron, aluminum (nephower), polymetallic (lead-zinc), gold. All ore deposits are located in the south-east of the area. In the south of the district there are the only natural stocks of soda in the country, as well as table salt. Everywhere there are mineral-building raw materials: sands, clay, limestone, in mountainous areas - granite and marble. Significant stocks of forest resources, focused, mainly in the Tyumen and Tomsk regions. There are largest stocks of iodo-bromine water in the country. Significant water resources of the region.

The population of the district is 15 million people. In the 1990s, it is reduced due to a natural loss (with the exception of the Tyumen region) and population migrations in the Western regions of the country. The share of urban population (71%) here almost corresponds to the average Russian level. The average population density is more than 6 people. on square. km, but the population is concentrated mostly in the southern regions. Western Siberia is a multinational area. Russians dominate, Ukrainians, Germans, Kazakhs, from indigenous peoples - Tatars, Altai, Shorents, Natoliva, North (Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Selkups).

The structure of the economy of the district is determined largely producing industries: here the largest fuel and energy complex has been formed. All-Russian importance is the fuel industry - the production of oil, gas and coal, oil and gas processing, as well as ferrous metallurgy (full cycle in the Kemerovo region). Interdistrict importance has lead-zinc, aluminum and tin industries, aircraft, car building, tractor construction, separate industries of the forest complex (logging, sawmill, plywood industry).

East Siberian Economic District (Krasnoyarsk Territory with Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Districts, Irkutsk Region with the Ust-Ordane Buryat Autonomous District, Chita Region with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous District, the Republic of Khakassia, Tyva, Buryatia). Area 4.1 million square meters. km, population 9 million people. The economic and geographical location of the district is minor: it is removed from the developed economic regions of the country and the implementation of export-import operations; Most of its territory belongs to the districts of the Far North, as a result of which weakly settled and infrastructurely mastered, the transport highways pass in the last south of the district; At a considerable part of the area there is a mountain relief that limits the economic use of the territory.

The natural and resource potential of Eastern Siberia is inferior only to the neighboring West Siberian district. There are large coal pools of the countries (Canco-Achinsky, Irkutsk and others), there are reserves of oil and gas (Irkutsk region). Among all economic regions of the country, the area is most provided with non-ferrous metals resources. In the north there are large reserves of copper-nickel ores containing cobalt, platinum and platinum, gold (Norilsk). Deposits of iron ore (Irkutsk region, Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk region), polymetallic (lead-zinc) ores, molybdenum, rare-earth (tantalum, niobium, lithium, beryllium, etc.) Rud in the Chita region. Here is the largest in Russia of the Udokan copper deposit (not being developed). Significant gold reserves. Eastern Siberia ranks first in the country in the reserves of hydroenergoresours. Of the non-metallic resources, the Asbesta deposits (republic), the cooking salts (Irkutsk region) are being developed. Here are the largest stocks of forest resources in the country, the coniferous breeds are predominated.

The population of the area is about 9 million people. In most subjects of the Russian Federation located on the territory of Eastern Siberia, in the 1990s, the number of residents are reduced as a result of natural loss of the population and its migration to the Western regions of the country. The level of urbanization of the region (72%) is almost consistent with the average Russian. The average population density is a little more than 2 people. on square. km, with most of the inhabitants focused on the south of the district along the Trans-Siberian highway. This area refers to the number of multinational: the indigenous peoples of the Khakas, Tuvintsents, Buryats, Nenets, Dolgans, Evenks, Evenhas, Kets, and others live here.

In the structure of the economy of the district, the commodity sectors prevailing the local resource potential prevail. The sectors of the specialization supplying products in Interdistrict Exchange include the electric power industry (a significant portion of electricity here is produced on the largest hydroelectric power plants in the country of the Angaro Yenisei Cascade), non-ferrous metallurgy (copper, nickel-cobalt, rare-earth, gold mining industry), car market (container and rail production Platforms for transportation), agricultural engineering (production of combine harvesters), aircraft. The forest complex, presented here by all stages of the technological process, having interdistrict importance to forestry, sawmilling, plywood, chipboard, and fiberboard, pulp and paper industries and forestry (hydrolyzel-paper industries) has important in the district economy.

Far Eastern Economic District (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Amur, Magadan and Sakhalin Oblast, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka Region with the Koryak Autonomous District, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous District.). Area 6.2 million square meters. km, population 7.2 million people This is the most remote from the economic regions of the European part of the country region of Russia. On the territory - the largest among the economic regions of the country. It has an extensive way out to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific and Northern Ice Oceans. Located near the dynamically developing countries of East Asia, on the shortest transit transport paths, connecting these states with European countries. Most of the territory of the district occupy areas of the Far North, extremely weakly populated and mastered. Significant territories have a mountain relief.

DVER belongs to the number of areas, highly secured by natural resource potential. From the fuel and energy resources, reserves of coal (stone and brown) are very significant. The South Yakut coal pool is operated, as well as separate coal deposits, located in almost all regions of the Far East. Here is the largest in the country (by reserves) Lensky coal pool, not used to date. The area is well provided with hydrocarbon resources: oil reserves are focused on about. Sakhalin, in the Republic of Sakha, Natural Gas in the Republic of Sakha, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions.

There are major deposits of iron ores (so far is not developed), non-ferrous metals: almost all of the coil ore deposits, the largest deposit of polymetallic (lead-zinc ores), gold (the largest area of \u200b\u200bits production).

The main wealth of the area is the largest drafts of diamonds (99% of Russian production), located in the north-west of the Republic of Sakha. There are large reserves of mica and graphite (Republic of Sakha). Significant and diverse resources of mineral-building raw materials. According to the reserves of hydroenergoresurs, the Far East is inferior only to neighboring Eastern Siberia. For energy purposes, geothermal resources of Kamchatka are used. Significant stocks of forest resources. Biological resources are available in the seas that wash the Far East. Here are concentrated the world's largest stocks of salmon fish, substantial reserves and marine animals.

The population of the district is 7.2 million people. In the 1990s, its number is reduced as a result of natural loss and migration to Western regions of the country. The Far East is a highly urbanized region of the country: the share of the urban population here is 76%. However, this is the most unclosed area of \u200b\u200bRussia: the average population density here is 1.2 people. on square. km, and most of it is concentrated in southern regions, along the railway highways. District Multinational: Russian, Ukrainians, Koreans, indigenous people of Yakuts, Even, Evenks, Chukchi, Itelmes, Aleuts, Esques, Nyavi, Orcohols, Orcohols, Nganasans, Udagei, Koryaks, Nanixana, Odaegei, Koryaks, Nanixana, Oergei

In the structure of the economy, the dominant role is played by industries related to the use of natural resource potential. In the territorial division of labor in the country, the Far Eastern Economic Area is allocated by the fuel industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, individual sectors of the forest and agro-industrial complex. Transport - export-import - functions performed by rail and sea transport area have all-Russian importance.

The fuel industry is represented in the area of \u200b\u200boil, gas and coal mining. The development of the extractive sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy - mining of tin and polymetallic (lead-zinc) ores, as well as lead smelting is obtained. Diamond production is manufactured and processing. This is the main golden area of \u200b\u200bthe country. The sectors of the forest complex are forestry, sawmills and pulp and paper industries. Presented in the area of \u200b\u200ball stages of the fishing industry complex - catch fish, fish repair industry, ship repair, as well as the extraction and processing of marine animals. Interdistrict importance to grow rice and soybeans, in the north - reindeer herding, everywhere - fur animalism. The area performs important foreign economic functions, providing trade relations with the countries of the Pacific region

The emergency, resource, sectorate and social factors of regional, resource, sectoral and social factors of regional, resource, industry and social factors indicate the presence of significant differences in the processes of economic development of the European (Western) and Eastern zones of the country.

The most characteristic features for the main part of the territory of the European zone are (16, 18):

    concentration here more than 78% of the population of Russia;

    the presence of a significant complex of natural resources (mineral, forest, main part of the agricultural land fund, water resources);

    highly developed production complex, producing more than 73% of industry products;

    developed (in relation to the terms of Russia) social infrastructure;

    developed transport network providing inter-district and interstate relations of Russia.

The development of the productive forces of the European zone includes the development of the productive forces of the European zone with their own fuel and energy resources and separate types of raw materials for manufacturing industries.

To date, 90% of mechanical engineering products are produced in the area of \u200b\u200bthe zone, 85% of ferrous metallurgy, 83% of chemistry and petrochemistry, over 70% of the forest, pulp and paper and woodworking industry. In the enterprises of the zone, 81% of the production of finished rolled products are concentrated, 97% - steel pipes, about 70% - synthetic resins and plastics, 91% - synthetic rubber, 96% - paper production.

Improving the efficiency of the Western Zone's economic complex is associated with the intensification of the use of the established main production facilities: an increase in production is mainly in existing enterprises due to accelerated re-equipment and modernization; Improving the sectoral structure of the economy through predominant development relative to low-energy, water and materials intensive industries.

The common characteristic features of the Macroregion of Siberia and the Far East are:

    the presence of unique in reserves, quality and economic indicators of natural resources (fuel, mineral-raw forest, water), which are of fundamentally important for the development of the Russian economy and the formation of its export potential;

    low population density (especially northern territories), the concentration of its main part in the southern regions of Siberia and far East; (274)

    the presence of various climatic zones with a predominance on the extensive territory of the Natural Conditions, difficult to reside people;

    insufficient development of the transport network, the presence of a large number of isolated workshops;

    the creation of energy industrial assemblies and complexes (operational-Sayan, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsky; developing - Priangsky, Canco-Achinsky, etc.), which will be the basis of development and structural transformation of the national economy of Siberia at the economic output stage of the economy from the crisis.

In the industrial complex of the Zone of Siberia and the Far East (26.9% of the gross production of products from the All-Russian level) predominate the extractive industries. More than 79% of the coal of Russia, 69% of oil with gas condensate, 92% of gas, 62% of the gross production of non-ferrous metallurgy, etc. is produced, etc. Among the manufacturing industries are quite noticeable in a long-term production of synthetic resin plastics (30.2%), cardboard (20.5%), cellulose (33.8%), sawn timber (40%).

At high concentrations in Siberia, extractive industries are extremely low, the level of engineering development, primarily mechanical engineering, you allow the technique of mining industries, and mechanical engineering producing equipment in the northern execution.

About half of the industrial and industrial staff of the Eastern Zone is occupied in mechanical engineering and forest industry. An increase in the number of employees occurs in the branches of the fuel and energy complex, as well as producing structural materials, i.e., in a group of industries that determine the profile of specialization zone. The most significant growth is characterized by branches of fuel and energy, chemical and forest, metallurgical complexes.

In the eastern zone, it is envisaged:

    further development in Western Siberia largest oil and gas production and petrochemical industry. Oil and gas of Western Siberia will be in perspective to ensure the main part of Russia's demand in fuel and to form through export deliveries the bulk of the country's foreign exchange earnings;

    creating a new oil and gas base in Eastern Siberia and increasing the use of the energy coal of the Kansky-Achinsky basin;

    increasing the scale of engineering industries focused mainly to meet the needs of the sectors of the specialization of the Eastern Zone;

    extension of coal mining in Western Siberia across the scale determined by the change in the facilities of the coal industry in the fuel and energy balance of Russia (7, 36).

To date, the main part of energy mines produced in Siberia is used in other parts of the country. In this regard, one of the most important tasks is to increase the volume of internal power consumption, primarily by creating powerful energy-industrial assemblies of the energy-intensive profile, the products of which have demand for both the inner and world market. First of all, it refers to non-ferrous metallurgy products, petrochemistry products, oil and gas processing, deep processing of wood, etc. In order to reduce the labor-intensity of production, the energy transportation and energy efficiency of the main productive funds should be sharply increased. In the Far East, the fuel and energy factor and in the future will be a limiter to the development of productive forces and structural rearrangements. In order to mitigate the dependence of the region's economy from the fuel and energy factor, it is necessary to ensure: a sharp increase in the volume of exploration on all types of fuel; ensure the involvement in the use of oil and gas resources of the shelves, the hydropower potential of rivers and non-traditional energy sources; Consider the possibility of building a number of nuclear power plants.

In the conditions of the formation and development of market relations, a new regional policy is formed. It should be noted a special importance of the regional aspect of economic reforms conducted in the country.

Due to the huge differences in natural-geographical, socio-demographic, economic and other conditions, approaches to the special development of the economy of each individual region of Russia are defined. At the same time, the main landmarks will be: 1) accounting for the specifics of the work of the regions in the implementation of the all-Russian structural, investment, financial, social, foreign economic policy; 2) transferring a number of reform directions mainly to the regional level, especially in small businesses, the social sphere, the protection of nature and the use of natural resources; 3) decentralization of reform management processes, intensifying economic activities in places; 4) the need to develop special reform programs in the regions with particularly peculiar conditions.

In economic reforms, much attention is paid to activities on the spatial integration of the Russian economy. These include the creation of the mechanism of vertical and horizontal interactions of business entities and governing bodies, all-effective promotion of the development of the all-Russian territorial separation of labor and a single market space, measures to overcome the decay of interregional economic relations, economic and political separatism.

The main goal of regional policies in the social sphere is to ensure a decent level of welfare in each region. Regional policies are aimed at the weakening of the internal social stress, the preservation of the integrity and unity of the country. The main goal of regional policies in the economic sphere is the rational use of the natural and economic possibilities of the regions, the advantages of the territorial division of labor and economic relations of the regions. Strategic objectives of regional development are reduced to the following:

Reconstruction of the economy of old-industrial regions and major urban agglomerations by converting defense and civil industries, modernization of infrastructure, enveloping environmental situation, privatization.

Overcoming the crisis condition of the agro-industrial regions of the Nechroxhemia, the Southern Urals, Siberia, the Far East, the revival of small cities and the Russian village, the acceleration of the restoration of the lost living environment in rural areas, the development of local industrial and social infrastructure, the development of abandoned agricultural land.

Stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the regions with extreme natural conditions and mainly commodity specialization, the creation of conditions for the revival of small peoples (primarily these are areas of the Far North, mountainous regions).

Continuing the formation of territorial and industrial complexes and industrial assemblies in the Northern and Eastern regions of Russia due to non-centralized, investments and the priority development of industries for the integrated use of the extracted raw materials in compliance with strict environmental standards.

Stimulating the development of export and import-changing industries in regions that have the most favorable conditions for this; The formation of free economic zones, as well as technopolis as regional centers for the introduction of achievements of domestic and world science, accelerating economic and social progress.

The prospercyalization of new border regions, the creation of jobs in them and the accelerated development of social infrastructure, taking into account potential immigrants from the former republics of the USSR.

The development of interregional and regional infrastructure systems - transport, communications, informatics, providing and stimulating regional structural shifts and the effectiveness of the regional economy.

Overcoming the excessive lag in the level and quality of the life of the population of individual republics and regions of Russia.

The policy of eliminating Russia's dependence on food imports will require accelerated intensification of agriculture of non-black earth and southern regions of Russia. Most of the tasks of Russia's regional policy will move to the level of regions. A socio-economic mechanism will be created, combining state regulation with regional self-government.

In the USSR, a system of regional studies was created, which allowed a scientific basis to solve complex regional problems at all stages of planning and territorial organization of the economy. The formation of the Russian economy as a sovereign state is based on a powerful foundation for scientific substantiations of the predictive directions for the development of basic sectors of the economy and on sufficiently stable proportions of productive forces.

Termination from the beginning of the 90s. works on industry and territorial schemes for the development and placement of the sectors of the national economy and industry, as well as on the schemes of the development of regions and the TPK. It should be considered as a temporary phenomenon associated with the restructuring of economic management. Refusal to industry economy management methods, the redistribution of property in most sectors of the national economy and the growth of the independence of the Federation's constituent entities should not exclude the role and responsibility of the state in the formation of regional policies in general, the development of integrated forecasts and programs for the development of territories and industries, the development of market relations and, Consequently, for the directions, the pace and territorial proportions of the development of productive forces.


Economic zoning is the basis of the territorial management of the national economy of Russia.

Economic zoning serves as a prerequisite for improving the territorial development of the economy and is of paramount importance, and to organize regional economic management. This is especially important at present when the regions of Russia have received economic independence.

Economic zoning that is inextricably related to the specialization of districts on certain types of production is one of the factors of increasing the productivity of social labor, rational and effective placement of productive forces.

The modern economic district is the holistic territorial part of the country's national economy, which has its own production specialization, strong internal economic ties. The economic district is inextricably linked with other parts of the country with public territorial division of labor as a single economic integer with durable internal connections.

The formation of economic regions is an objective process, a pronounced development of the territorial division of labor.

The purpose of this work is to determine the economic regions of Russia. Disclosure of their potential and identifying problems.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: reveal the basic principles of zoning, as well as a detailed study of individual economic areas.

Basic principles of zoning

The economic principle, considering the area as a specialized part of a single national economic complex of a country with a certain composition of auxiliary and serving industries. According to this principle, the specialization of the area should define such industries in which the cost of labor, funds for the production of products and its delivery to the consumer will be the smallests compared to other districts. The economic efficiency of the district specialization should be assessed both from the point of view of establishing the most appropriate territorial division of labor on the scale of the entire country and from the point of view of the most productive use of the available resources of the district.

National principle, taking into account the national composition of the population of the district, its historically established features of labor and life.

The administrative principle that determines the unity of economic zoning and the territorial political and administrative structure of the country. This principle creates conditions for the effective independent development of districts and strengthening their role in the territorial division of Russia.

These principles are fundamental for the modern theory and practice of economic zoning of Russia. In modern conditions, the allocation of large economic regions is dictated by the development of scientific and technological progress. The contours of the borders of economic areas are determined by the area for placing the sectors of market specialization and the most important auxiliary industries related to the sectors of the market specialization by technological supplies of raw materials, parts, nodes, i.e. Cooperation of production. The regional factors of modern economic districts include the presence of large mineral deposits, high population density and labor experience gained by him, etc.

Economic zoning is not a frozen process, it may vary, improve in the process of economic development of the country, depending on many factors. The formation in a number of large economic regions of program-target TPK can lead to the disagreement of economic regions. There is a process for the development of program-target TPK - Timano-Pechora, TPK on the basis of KMA, West Siberian, Kansko-Achinsky (Katk), Sayan, South Yakutsky. They are formed on the basis of unique natural resources.

Modern economic zoning of Russia includes three main links (taxonomic units): large economic areas; mid-link areas, regions, republics; Snow areas - administrative and economic areas, urban and rural areas.

Each type of economic zoning meets certain objectives of territorial development. The highest link of the zoning is large economic areas - used by the central republican authorities for the national economy in the territorial context. Large economic areas are clearly specialized and relatively completed territorial economic complexes, playing an important role in the all-Russian division of labor. Having a significant area, a large population, a variety of natural resource potential, large economic areas have a clearly pronounced specialization (up to 5 to 7 industries). The greater the territory of the major economic district, the wider its production profile, more complex to the economic complex.

The average zoning link is used to lead some sectors of the economy within the region, the region, the republic. His role in leadership of agriculture and services.

Regional areas have their own economic signs. A peculiar form of comprehensive development of regions, the association of agricultural areas around industrial centers provide the leading place of the city.

Low economic regions are primary links in the taxonomy of economic zoning. On their basis, initial specialized territorial production complexes are formed. The grassroots areas play an important role in the development and implementation of promising and annual programs for the development of district economy and socio-cultural construction, in the placement and specialization of enterprises for the production and processing of agricultural products, local industry, domestic services, trade and catering.

Economic areas can be united into macroregions, or economic zones that are distinguished by common natural conditions, the devils of the economy, the trends of further development. In large areas of zones, common major interdistrict problems are clearly identified.

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