
Financial protection can refuse. Financial protection. Refusal of protection when signing a loan agreement

Program " Financial protection"Presented three types and includes up to 4 options that allow the borrower to reduce the credit load in case of deterioration of the material situation. If necessary, you can refuse this service until its end of its action.

Program validity period

To join the loan agreement to this program, a stakeholder is enough to contact the bank office with a passport.

The service is paid, so it will require you to pay a specific commission. It can be made by one payment through the cashier or divided into several parts for payment along with monthly loan contributions.

The program is represented by three species operating during a specific period and include certain options available to the client in the event of an connection.

Variety of the program

Available services


"Financial protection"

changing the size of payment for loan, bank failure from debt collection, passing one loan contribution, "Credit holidays" for a period from 2 months to six months

until the closure of the loan (in case of a one-time payment of the Commission through the Cassus) or within a month before the date of making the following payment (when transferring money together with loan contributions)

"Financial Protection Light"

all listed services above, except for "credit holidays"

"Financial protection Express"

for 12 calendar months from the date of connection service

How to abandon the financial protection of Home Credit Bank?

The client independently decides to attach credit contract To the specified programs or not.

If you have entered into an agreement with the bank, but changed my mind to use the specified services or early loyal debt, it is possible to abandon the contract at any time.

If you pay the Commission for connecting to the program parts along with monthly loan payments, you can disable this service through the call center.

In other cases, for this purpose, it is necessary to place a statement in free form about the refusal of financial protection in the bank home loan and transfer it to the nearest office.

With you, the client should have a passport. If the borrower's representative refers to the department, additionally, it is necessary to prepare a notarized power of attorney.

If the application is filed by a citizen within 2 weeks from the moment of connecting the program or full repayment The loan amounts, the bank will return a part of the previously paid commission in proportion to the remaining term of the contract. Returns Suppose if before submitting an application, the client never took advantage of any option.

The payment of the part of the commission is not carried out if the borrower or his representative applied to the relevant statement in the bank office after a two-week term.

The written or verbal appeal of the client is subject to consideration and execution within ten working days from the date of its registration by the manager.

The term "Financial Protection" Banks call the borrower insurance programs. This service appeared on the lending market for a long time and to this day is actively used. credit organizations. Many customers learn about it only at the time of issuing a loan and, afraid of refusal, buy insurance. Is the financial protection of the loan in Sberbank be required and is it possible to refuse it, consider this issue more.

Many borrowers perceive insurance as an excessive waste of money. In practice, only one insurance mention causes negative client emotions. Therefore, many credit managers seek to submit financial protection as a mandatory option. The bank can be understood, because insurance for it is a guarantee of the return of debt, but the lender is not entitled to impose its client.

In order for the term "insurance" not repelled potential borrowers at the stage of consultation and approval of the loan, a softer formulation is used - "Financial Protection". Before the time when the client understands, he overpays for an unnecessary service to him, it will take some time. After that, to refuse the approved amount, taking into account the insurance, it will be more difficult for him.

Why is it unprofitable for the client?

Before making a decision on the design of insurance should be aware of its main features. Only armed with reliable information, you can make the right choice.

Characteristics of credit financial protection:

  • The cost is calculated on the basis of the loan period. Insurance is made immediately for the entire planned repayment period (with the exception of the mortgage). You need to pay money upon receipt of credit funds. If the loan is large, then the cost of financial protection can be impressive.

Note! By housing loans The life insurance and health program is purchased every year.

  • If there is no money for insurance in humans, the bank may include its value in the amount of the loan. In this case, the borrower will simply receive a smaller loan size. Thus, the insurance client takes on credit and pays with interest.
  • Despite the fact that impose insurance products And they are prohibited without notifying the borrower without notice, these can sin separate bank managers. It is no secret that management forces employees to issue insurance to all borrowers regardless of the desire or insist on its acquisition. In case of disagreement, some clients simply receive a loan failure, its bank may not explain.
  • You can give up insurance, no one has the right to put pressure on a person and forcing him to purchase. At the same time, it is possible to abandon financial protection even after its design. Typically, a period of 2 weeks is set, but it may be different. During this period, the client has the right to demand the full return of the amount paid. After this time, it is possible to claim only part of the insurance cost.

Unfortunately, the situation of imposing unnecessary insurance products is often found quite often not only in banks, but also in retail outlets when purchasing goods on credit. The client must understand that coercion to acquire financial protection illegally.

Specificity of insurance

Conditions for loan insurance are approximately the same in all banks. On the this moment Sberbank proposes to issue financial protection under certain conditions.

  1. Insurance risks: obtaining disability, death, temporary disability, hitting the hospital after an accident.
  1. The cost of the Polis Bank calculates individually depending on the loan amount and the selected program, is usually set 1% of the credit amount in one year. Thus, for insurance loan issued for 3 years, it is necessary to immediately pay 3% of the loan obtained.
  2. The validity period of financial protection will be determined by the time of the return of debt. If the client repaid a loan ahead of timeThe insurance is not automatically returned. It is necessary to declare your desire to return some of the money.
  3. Insurance is paid in a one-time amount, it can be made by their means or is included on credit. If you are talking about the deduction of financial protection unnecessary to you from the loan amount, you can safely complain about the illegal actions of the credit worker.
  4. For early repayment Debt Client can return part of the money paid for insurance. The application is submitted to the bank with a personal visit with a passport. This requirement is required, the document sent by mail or e-mail will not be accepted.
  5. How is the refund of money for financial protection upon receipt of a loan? If you have already signed an insurance contract, within 2 weeks you must return its cost less income tax in the amount of 13%. If you have not yet put your signature in the document, you can safely demand the return of the entire amount.

In practice, the cost of insurance varies depending on some other parameters. Sberbank can change the terms of financial protection, so read the documents carefully before signing the insurance contract. In addition, the lender has the right to incorporate additional risks at the price of your desire, the price of the policy increases.

Is it possible to return the money on the insurance paid?

The procedure for refunding for insurance is regulated by internal banking rules and legislation. According to the order of the Central Bank, lenders are required to return 100% of the insurance policy cost if the Client appealed to this issue within 5 days after signing the contract. However, Sberbank increased this period to 14 days. How to return the cost of financial protection?

  1. Carefully read the documents that you have in your hands. If you have not signed an insurance application, but the money has been deducted from the loan amount, you should send a claim to the bank. After consideration, you will be returned to all the funds from the account.
  2. If you have signed an insurance contract, but then decided to refuse it, come the branch of Sberbank with a passport and all documents on credit.
  3. Write a lettering on the letterhead, which will be issued to you, or make it in free form. Two instances should be arranged, one is stamped on it to take it into work, it is stored by the client.
  4. Expect a solution, you will call from the bank and will sound the result of consideration.

Be sure to specify the number of the current account, where you should list money written off for insurance. If the Bank refuses to pay or accept the application, you have the right to apply to the court to resolve the dispute. Justice will fall on the side of the borrower, because such actions of the lender can not be called legal.

Can not give a loan due to the failure of insurance?

Borrowers find themselves in a difficult situation. When money is urgently needed, they are ready to agree to any requirements of the bank, just to get the cherished amount. Their fears "are heated" by credit managers who are threatened at all not to issue a loan without financial protection. It should be understood that such actions bank employees illegal. When applying for a client to higher instances, the bank is waiting for serious trouble.

Sberbank is famous for the letter of the law, the extra proceedings to him for nothing. As a rule, credit managers do not insist on the acquisition of insurance, because they understand the consequences of illegal requirements. The only thing that the employee can make is to bring arguments in favor of a secure loan and explain possible risks.

In addition, the Bank may affect the decision-making on insurance in other ways. The fact is that when refusing financial protection, the interest rate will increase, and therefore the client is overpayed. In practice, the amount of overpayment is even more than the cost of insurance of life, that is, abandoning it is unprofitable.

What does it mean and how this condition Works in practice, we will analyze on the example credit programs Sberbank.

  • If upon receipt mortgage loan You decided to abandon financial protection, the bank will raise a bet by 1% of the base value. The policy is drawn up only for 1 year, it needs to be regularly renewed. If you forget to do this or decided not to insure anymore, the interest rate will increase since the end of the previous insurance contract.

Important! Do not confuse voluntary insurance of the life and health and life of the borrower with mandatory insurance Pledge.

  • According to loans for personal needs, when the client is pledged its property, and real estate insurance should also be issued. In addition, the refusal of life insurance will entail an increase in tariff by 1% per annum.
  • On the eve of New Year's holidays, Sberbank launched a profitable lending program under 12.4%. The interest rate does not depend on the presence of insurance, it is determined by other parameters.
  • According to refinancing programs (loan coverage of a third-party bank), the interest rate is also independent of the availability of financial protection.

Getting a loan, each client of the bank should understand how legal about the actions of the manager, can it arrange insurance without the burden of the borrower. When a person knows his rights and is ready to defend them, problems with imposing insurance, as a rule, does not arise.

In the financial sector, lending and insurance have become closely related products. Sometimes it is impossible to get money without buying a voluntary change. Each borrower should know how to abandon financial protection upon receipt of a loan, or what risks it can cover. Additionally, we note what to do when receiving failure.

The term "Financial Protection" appeared relatively recently. As a result of this, the client has such negatives to her, as the life and health insurance agreement, which is accustomed to get into addition. However, it is important to understand that financial protection is the same insurance that has received another name.

In contrast to the usual insurance of life, the Financial Protection Program may include such risks as:

  1. Conduct negotiations with a collector or baptizing if the client has difficulty with payment.
  2. Communication with an authorized bank employee, with the aim of refinancing or receiving credit holidays.
  3. Negotiations with a bank aimed at writing accrued interest and fines that arose as a result of non-payment.

It turns out that the authorized manager of the insurance company will solve the client's problems and look for a way to restore the payment schedule with minimal for the borrower costs.

Each client should understand that financial protection is a voluntary product that must be signed only at their own request. If the contract was imposed or did not give the right to choose, then their rights should be defended. Consider how to do it right.

Refusal of protection when signing a loan agreement

The easiest option, thanks to which each borrower may refuse additional expenses. This follows:

  1. Since lenders include the price of the policy in the total cost of the loan, before signing, you should write a statement. In the statement, specify personal data and the requirement to exclude financial protection from the loan agreement. In your hands, you should leave a copy of the application with a note on the adoption by a specialist.
  2. Wait until the Bank's specialist will change the terms of the contract and will form a new payment schedule, without taking into account the price for an additional product.
  3. Carefully examine the terms of the contract and sign it. After getting money at the cash office of a financial institution or on the card, depending on personal preferences.

To protect the rights of the client by the state, the "cooling term" was approved. Starting from January 1, 2018, the period was increased to 14 days. During the specified period, all companies are obliged to return the full cost of insurance upon receipt of a written application from the client.

If the cost of the policy is included on credit, the Bank is obliged to change the payment schedule at a smaller direction by drawing up an additional agreement.

To return the money during the cooling period, follows:

  1. Visit the office of the insurance company or the bank if the employee of a financial company can accept documents.
  2. Write an application for refusal of financial protection.
  3. Attach documents: Polis, a copy of the passport, bank account details.
  4. Request a copy of the filled statement on which the employee will deliver the incoming number.

An example of a statement:

Director SK Sberbank Insurance

Ivanovo Ivan Petrovich

From Makarova Mary Ivanovna


I ask you to terminate the Financial Protection Contract No. 123 of January 15, 2019, concluded during registration consumer credit No. 456 of January 15, 2019, because of the unrequisite.

I ask you to return cash Bank account 40817810938051338 xxx, Beach 044520224, Recipient Makarova Maria Ivanovna. The account is open in Sberbank.

To the application I make a copy of the passport, account details, financial protection contract.

Within the framework of the law, there is no approved application form. As a result, each borrower can fill it in arbitrary form. The main thing is to specify personal data, information under the contract, the essence of the appeal and the method of obtaining a return. Within 20 days insurance Company I must return cash.

14 days after the issuance of the loan agreement, it is possible to abandon the voluntary treaty. The only minus - the insurer will keep the costs of doing business and the cost of insurance for 14 days or more (depends when the client addressed).

To return money, you will need to prepare documents and visit the insurer or bank office. In the office or in advance to fill out the application and get a copy of the hands.

If financial protection is included in the cost of the loan, then the application must be specified "I ask to revise the loan amount per minute of the cost of financial protection and form a new payment schedule of monthly contributions."

The cost of doing business is approved by the internal regulations of each insurance company. Their size can be in the range from 10 to 40% of the size of the insurance premium.

What to do if the insurance company refuses to pay

A number of insurance companies refuse to pay for a blank voluntary insurance. In this case, you should request a written refusal to apply to the court.

An experienced lawyer will help to resolve the issue, who will prepare documents and will represent the interests of the client in court.

By deciding, the court takes into account the rules of financial companies, but the norms of the law.

Let's summarize

Finally, it can be noted that financial protection is a voluntary product that is purchased when issuing a loan. After buying protection, each borrower may refuse it. Within 14 days after registration, the insurer is obliged to return money on the form in full or exclude from the loan agreement. When handling after two weeks financial company Hold part of the money.

If the financial institution violates the rights of the client and refuses to return, then their rights should be defended. For this, it is drawn up to which the failure is applied and is submitted to the court.

Financial protection - Sberbank Insurance, managers are issued when issuing a loan. The borrower signs consent to financial protection without thinking, what conditions in the program, what features worth paying attention to. Managers rarely tell borrowers of their rights, the main task is to quickly sign documents.

Financial protection against Sberbank is a profitable program, within which the borrower receives insurance in case of loss of work and in case of unforeseen circumstances. The disadvantage of financial protection for the borrower is the need to additionally pay it.

Why bank requires registration of the insurance program

Sberbank provides its borrowers insurance from the subsidiary of Sberbank Insurance. Customers are provided to choose from 2 Protection Programs: Forced and voluntary. When a loan for real estate (learn more about) and a loan for a car, the Bank requires the mandatory execution of an additional agreement. With a loan for treatment, consumer, non-community programs and a learning loan, the consumer himself decides on the feasibility of the suspension.

Casco - Voluntary Insurance Type vehicle, without its design, Sberbank will not give a loan. The car is a more risk investment than real estate. Task managers - minimize risks for financial institution. The client has the right to choose insured cases. Financial protection upon receipt of the loan insures:

  • loss of work while reducing state;
  • position losses due to the liquidation of the employer company (organization);
  • damage to the property in connection with the fire, arson, the onset of circumstances of force majeure;
  • forced moving;
  • loss or theft of a bank card;
  • health problems when issuing a consumer loan (you can separately specify a disability group);
  • the loss of the breadwinner (will be given a certain grace period or refinancing).

If you think that financial protection you do not need, we advise you to get acquainted with the article. Dismissal from work

Cost insurance Polisa. Different depending on the objectives of the loan and the amount issued by Sberbank. Upon receipt of the mortgage, the borrower will pay 0.1% of the value of real estate.

The amount of financial insurance upon receipt of the loan is from 1 to 5% of the amount of money issued by the Bank.

What tricks can hide financial protection

If you need to close the policy ahead of schedule, the consumer appeals to Sberbank-Insurance. The application adds documents from the bank, an extract for the closing of a loan or letter. The insurance company closes the loan agreement, which gives the appropriate notification to the consumer.

If the borrower does not have the required amount, it can be added to credit funds. The borrower will be forced to overpay interest and for this payment, the bank will receive additional profits.

Bank managers rarely explain to consumers, which, according to the law, the client has the right to return the money paid if he missed the deadlines for submitting the appropriate statement.

Borrowers themselves at the time of paperwork in the bank are inattentively meaning with papers that sign. Few knows that they have the right to do under the credit insurance program (if you want to learn more, read about,).

Features of such insurance upon receipt of a loan in Sberbank

In case of offensive insurance case, Sberbank Insurance takes on all costs to repay the loan. Most borrowers are frivolous about this program, some prefer with short-term or minor loans (separately we talked about), abandon voluntary insurance. When fixing the insured event, the consumer recalls financial insurance, which offered him a bank manager.

In less than 10% of users occur insurance cases. Sberbank Insurance The scrupulously checks each of them, the documents are analyzed, the circumstances are checked, the further financial viability of the consumer is carried out. In problem cases, the Bank may offer to the Client refinancing or prolongation.

The basic configuration of the insurance program will cost the client in 1.99% of the loan amount, with the addition of protection against work loss - 2.99%, with a choice of risks - 2.5% (tariffs can change, the base rate remains the same).

Pluses of financial insurance:

  1. The insured citizen is exempt from payments in case of car theft;
  2. Costs for payments for the period of illness assumes the insurer.
  3. In the case of disability, Sberbank Insurance extends the full amount of the debt of the borrower to the bank.
  4. If a financial condition The insured worsened so much that he was recognized by bankrupt, the insurer quickens his debt to the bank;
  5. Standard loan interest rate.

Cons of financial insurance:

  • additional spending (from 1 to 5% of the loan amount);
  • if the insurance program is refusing, the loan amount will grow by 1-3%;
  • minimizes the chance to delay the payment or obtaining the consent of the Bank for refinancing.

If you want to take a loan with maximum benefit, we advise you to read about that.

Is it worth issuing insurance

The borrower can decide independently, agree on the Sberbank program, or write an application for refusal. It is necessary to really evaluate the loan period. A long time means that above the probability of an insured event. For the Bank, the borrower, agreed on the registration of a full package of documents, is more reliable. Such a person has a chance to receive the next loan.

A person should really evaluate not only financial condition, but also his own health. The older the borrower, the higher the chance of the occurrence of the insured event.

With real estate and car loans, the relevance of insurance is repeatedly increasing. Such loans are taken for a period of 5 to 10 years, the chance that something happens to the car or with real estate is high. The client after coordination with the manager can make its insurance claims in the treaty - add item protecting from flooding neighbors, or payments when an accident occurs. The cost of financial protection will increase, since the client is more protected.

The term of insurance is equal to the term of the loan, as soon as the insured completely compensates for funds to the bank, Sberbank's insurance obligations are terminated. If the client negotiates with the bank about prolongation, the life of the insurance program is automatically extended.

By the way, if you want to take a loan in this bank, we recommend first learn about

Height financial literacy The population has led to a decrease in the number of life insurance agreements when issuing a loan.

Destroying life insurance - people reduced bank revenues and raised the risks of non-return of money in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Therefore, an alternative service was developed -. Before signing the Treaty on its provision, you need to explore all the nuances of the package, the feasibility of payment.

This is a complex of additional services that are offered banks and others. financial institutions Clients during the conclusion of a lending agreement.

In fact, it is a substitution of terms when the usual insurance agreement is presented as profitable proposition To the loan, to replace ordinary insurance.

Such actions lead to an increase in the cost of service of debt, clients are introduced into deception.

So thinks most of the borrowers who sign agreements without examining them completely. The task of any bank manager is to sell as many organization services as possible. You must find out if they need or not.

Financial Protection Nuances upon receipt of a loan

  • The service can not be an integral part contract of lending. At the request of the client, representatives of the bank must remove it from the agreement.
  • It is not only for life insurance and health, but also other objects - real estate, cars.
  • The document indicates full value Services, sometimes prescribe conditions with reference "Prices according to Tariffs". You need to know how much you must pay for financial protection.

Banks do not have the right to independently provide such services. Therefore, they conclude direct contracts with insurance companies. The agreement is prescribed by the name of the SC. However, all financial issues you will solve directly with the bank. Exception - the offensive of the insured event and early termination of the agreement. In this case, the bank will act as an intermediary.

Another concept of financial protection - Service for the provision of client's interests from legal companyWhen a loan cannot comply with the terms of the contract. Then the company is negotiating with the bank on debt restructuring, a decrease in the financial burden. The cost depends on the amount of debt, the delay time.

Why impose financial protection

The objectives of the bank - to protect their investments in the form of a loan and receive additional profits from the conclusion of the Financial Protection Agreement. To promote this service, methods of believing a potential client are developed. Upon receipt of the consultation, the manager is obliged to inform you all the terms of cooperation, provide examples of contracts, other documents. However, this is not always done.

Methods of hidden and explicit promotion of financial protection services:

  • Commitable to lending to individuals. Conditions are spelled out in the contract, the refusal is impossible. However, this is contrary to Art. 421. Civil Code RF and Art. 16 of the law on the protection of consumer rights.
  • Beliefs. In the event of an insured situation, the loan balance will not be transferred to relatives, family members, everything compensates for the insurance company. This is the main factor in the belief of bank managers. However, not all agreements apply to such a principle, carefully read the conditions when an insured event appears.
  • Hidden sale service. The manager does not report its presence in the agreement, violating the law. It is difficult to challenge the situation, as it is often not recording a conversation. The basis of consent for the bank is the customer signature.

Sometimes the banks increase to stimulate the protection order interest rate on the loan in case of refusal of the service. This should be spelled out in the agreement. You must calculate what is more profitable - take an additional service or make a loan with a greater rate. This does not exclude the possibility of complete abandonment of additional insurance.

If the bank manager hurts with the decision-making creates uncomfortable conditions for familiarization with the documents - this is the first sign of imposing additional services. Regardless external factors You must explore each line of the contract.

Is it worth using it

The feasibility of ordering financial protection you must define yourself. First - carefully read the terms of cooperation. Often, the types of insurance claims relate to the category of rare, the likelihood of their occurrence is low. Second - Calculate the amount of overpayment. Sometimes the cost of financial protection can be 30-40% of the total cost of maintaining a loan.

Take into account such factors:

  • Fail conditions. Banks can completely cancel the application for credit, or change the terms - rate, financing period.
  • Insurance objects. They should relate to your physical condition, insurance cases - death or illness. Additional apply only to mortgage or car loans.
  • Comparison of the cost of financial protection. Check off offers from other insurance companies. If they are better than the lender - offer insurance in another organization. It will not violate the conditions of the bank.

Examine the procedure for compensation in the event of an insured event - a list of documents to whom to contact who can become your representative. The procedure should not be difficult, there are no additional conditions.

The main disadvantage of financial protection - You do not conclude a direct agreement with the insurance company. All questions will have to be solved through the bank.

How to refuse

According to the current legislation, you have the right to refuse insurance, i.e. Financial protection, within 14 calendar days Since the signing of the contract. Base - Law No. 3854-y. Such an opportunity is rarely prescribed in the Agreement with the Bank. Its representatives can appeal that you voluntarily signed an agreement. Insist on compliance with the current legislation.

This feature does not depend on the date of payment of the insurance premium, repel only from the actual date of signing the contract. Basic condition - during this period, an insured event did not arise. Then it will not work back.

The application for refusal is written by the bank. Document structure.

  1. Cap. Bank name, your data - FULL NAME, address, phone number.
  2. The introductory part. Specify the contract number, the date of signing.
  3. Requirements. Refusal to the Financial Protection Agreement, all conditions are observed - less than 14 days have passed since signing, the insured event has not come.
  4. Details for enumeration.
  5. The base for termination. Give a reference to Law No. 3854-y.
  6. List of applications - copies of a loan agreement, receipt of payment for services, passports.

Register an application to the bank. The representative is obliged to issue a copy of the document with the incoming number and the "wet" seal of the organization. The response time should not exceed 10 working days.

If the bank refuses or does not respond:

  • Write an application to the Bank's Director.
  • Contact the Consumer Rights Protection Society.
  • Submit a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Typically, it does not reach judicial trial. The bank may refuse to return funds only in case of non-compliance with basic conditions - more than 14 business days have passed or an insured event has occurred.

Important: If the agreement has the name of the insurance company, it is necessary to write the same statement to her name. Attach the scans of documents - a lending agreement, passport, receipt of payment of services.

How to return funds for financial protection insurance

After properly drawing up a statement and transfer to its bank (insurance company) wait for the listing of funds. This is the easiest case that can be solved quickly. It is much more difficult to get money in the early closure of the loan debt. Only part of the amount is subject to return, the insurance company will hold reward during the use of the loan.

Return of funds for financial protection in the early repayment of the loan.

  1. Write an application to the name of the bank and the insurance company. Specify that the debt is completely closed, the bank's bank has no complaints. Sample Take from representatives of organizations.
  2. In addition to standard copies, apply the bank's reference on the closure of the debt.
  3. Wait for an official answer.

If the balance of insurance amount is small, you can refuse to return. We spend more time and money on the preparation of the application, prepare the package of documents.

Actually financial protection is additional service bank. You can always give up her, but you need to take into account possible consequences - cancellation of the application for credit, an increase in the annual bet. When complying with the regulations, you can return the money for this service, but taking into account the requirements.

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