
Financial literacy at school. Lessons of financial literacy at school: what is needed and what will they give? What is money and what they need

Indeed, today, outlined the Deputy Minister of Finance Sergey Storchak, "Typical Russian features are excessive credulity and inability to plan family budget Even on the medium term. " And hence the mass of the problems that will now teach to decide since childhood thanks to the new school rate in such a way that the "the younger generation subsequently has a positive effect on parents." In this regard, schoolchildren have already created approximate educational programs for financial literacy, including such major issues as the formation of family income; Family financial risks; borrowed funds and different kinds loans (for example, than mortgage differs from a car loan); importance pension savings and much more. In the near future, it will be included in the federal register of exemplary programs and thereby get official status, and then moves directly to schools. True, a new item will be studied separately, but within the framework of social studies, presumably taking up to a third of the total time released on his study, as well as in other disciplines. For example, on mathematics in the form of solving problems, it seems: how much the employee will receive in the hands after paying taxes with such a salary.

So far, financial literacy is supposed to be introduced in high schools (in 10-11s), as well as in the main school (7-9th classes) both on the main lessons and extracurricly. However, some elements of the subject, if the school is desired, can be passed before - at least with the kids if the same arithmetic tasks competently compose for them. In the future, they do not doubt the Ministry of Finance with the Minobr, financial literacy should cover the whole school from Mala to Great. And the corresponding sections will enter part of In new textbooks, and above all in social science.

Additional learning loads for children with the introduction of the right new school subject in the Ministry of Education, hope to avoid. However, one question, at least at the initial stage, remains open. And the question is the most important.

According to the latest data of international financial literacy research, only 4% of the 15-year-old schoolchildren of our country showed good knowledge in this area. The level of our adults is obvious even lower. But they will learn children. True, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Bank of Russia have already launched teacher retraining. But the educators managed to prepare only 85 tenants who would learn the rest directly on the ground and just prepare another hundred, clarified the Tagen "MK". The Bank of Russia, also participating in the preparation of tengers, only prepares electronic lessons, supplemented the first deputy head of the Bank Sergei Shvetsov. And the Ministry of Finance only creates the methodological centers of advanced training of teachers, today tracing and launching in a few schools, where the new course of 200 specialists were tested. In the future, of course, there are supposed to train 500 teachers of universities, 2.5 thousand teachers and 3.4 thousand tenants. But this is the case "beautiful far away." And who will begin to teach children the next fall - remains a mystery.

Gavrilyuk Victoria Vladimirovna
Position: Music teacher and economy
Educational institution: Maou "Lyceum" Solaris "
Locality: Saratov
Name of material: article
Subject: "The implementation of the course" Financial literacy "at school as part of the introduction of GEF".
Publication date: 09.01.2018
Section: secondary education

"Implementation of the course" Financial literacy "at school

as part of the introduction of GEF. "








vital activity

contemporary person, which provides high-quality training of schoolchildren





practical preparation of students to the current economic conditionsT.

there is Financial literacy of children. And this is despite the fact that Russia enters

the list of countries with a high level of development of the economy.

2016 this gap of schoolchildren's educational program eliminated

- in Russian schools introduced financial literacy lessons during which

children not only teach carefully to handle money, but also tell how

you can and need to defend your rights if necessary.

The treasury of everyday wisdom is rich in sayings, proverbs and

aphorisms that talk about the benefits of both accumulation and waste of money. IN

conditions modern economy, in the situation of inflation our task to teach

children correctly evaluate the financial situation in constantly changing

economic conditions not only to keep future professional

activities, but also within the family.

Youth is the time of great opportunities and important financial

solutions. Therefore, it is important to raise financial literacy from early

age, because there will be many most important financial solutions ahead in life,

error in the adoption of which can even worsen the standard of living and remove

important financial goals.


implementation of lessons


literacy B.

the first of all it was necessary to solve two main questions:

Providing the necessary information - the development of textbooks with








quality training materials. In their creation, the most






employees of the Department of Management and Economics, Education Employees



i had to


special courses,

i got acquainted with the basics of financial and economic relations.



literacy covers


concepts and topics:

drawing up and calculating the family budget;

cash transactions in banks and other structures;

risk-related transactions;

cash remuneration;

the presence of responsible bodies for financial services;

personal savings are an excess or rod;

subtlety loans and deposits;

the rights and obligations of participants in financial and economic relations;

cash flow management;

aggressive policy of banks;

assets and liabilities (income and expenses);

insurance and pension payments;

the presence and safe use of plastic cards.

The implementation of the course is possible in various fields of education:

Project activity;

Extracurricular activities;

Integration into urgent activities;

Extracurricular work;

Social partnership.

Main aspects when implementing the course.






"Through", "Over", that is, it implies the way out of the subject matter; assimilation

knowledge not by themselves, but in the application to life situations and different

people's activities.





an example of the actual use of meta-reported principles in school today.

Undoubtedly, new disciplines are needed for such an extensive and challenging topic.

particular the economy, which begins to be entered into the training programs. But also

basic items can make huge contribution In the course of the course.




financial literacy. Solving tasks that include magnitude

prices, quantities, costs, interest, students learn to theoretically solve





















the correct model of social and financial behavior. History lessons

geography, social studies give more opportunities to include elements

financial literacy and social competence of students.

2. Tutorials - This is not a dogma, but a guide to action.





so she can easily transform.

It should be understood that

the teacher does not put the goal to grow from the student





financial literacy is a totality of basic knowledge in the field

finance, banking, insurance, as well as personal budgeting





pick up




which may arise during their use, competently accumulate






3. The main activity is games and cases.

The game is one of the forms of active learning.

Gaming activities of students in lessons create an atmosphere

natural communication. In this case, children are removed by unnecessary tension and







be sure to



successful mastering material. They allow and form the necessary



the norms of human life and activity are reproduced. Playing, students



make up

family budget faced with financial objectiveswho decide




what is happening




money and raises financial responsibility.

case method,


situations, situational analysis method) - learning techniques using





business situations.




sort out








real situation.

4. Financial literacy is an element of socialization.

School, as social Institute, I must prepare for life. And life -





the developed and rapidly changing world has become another vital

an element in the skills and rules of behavior. Financial literacy

will allow




systems. The educated person himself will choose the paths in life that

will be most attractive for him, creating a material basis for

further development of society. "

Financial literacy is a tool, and our task is to teach

schoolchildren to use this tool.

5. Activities of students in the lesson.

Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me do -





learning activities. Children "open up" new knowledge themselves in the process

independent research activities. The teacher only sends

this activity and sums up, giving the exact wording of the established





personal significance and become interesting not from the outside, but





do well





financial literacy, as well as games, Olympics and test tasks.

Financial literacy at school

Your finance

Site "Economics for a schoolboy"

I want a portal. Can. Know


literacy so that they were easier for them to join adulthood, and for

someone is to decide on the choice of a future profession.

Being financially competent today is not only important, but also prestigious.

After all, the correct order of finances is the right key to wealth and

And as Robert Kiyosaki said:

"If you think that learning is expensive,

try to find out how much ignorance costs. "

From September 1, financial literacy classes began in Russian schools. While - optional, and in the future - within the framework of subjects social studies, ma-subjects, obzh, history and geography. Pioneers - Tatarstan, Saratov, Volgograd, Tomsk, Kaliningrad region, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Altai edge.

The RG correspondent got acquainted with the textbooks on which not only children will be engaged, but also parents and teachers from the 2nd to the 11th grades. They produced materials developed in the framework of the project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and World Bank "Assistance to raising the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation."

How to properly educate in itself and your child is a careful attitude towards money and whether it is worth financially to encourage children, the director of the project Andrei Bokarev said in their example.

Andrei Andreevich, children in last years much more often became buying goods, use mobile applications, plastic cards... And all this is imitating adults. And how many are Russians themselves in financial matters?

Andrey Bokarev:All social sucases show that we are far from the outsiders in fingability issues, rather confident "middling". There are obvious leaders - United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand. Their leadership is due to the fact that they have come to understanding the importance of fingability 20 years ago, at the same time they had the first programs that other countries use to replicate experience. Moreover, Russia is adjacent in ratings with countries for which a high level of per capita income is characterized, which once again proves that inference problems are peculiar to all countries, regardless of the economic development stage.

What distinguishes us?

Andrey Bokarev:One of the key problems is that in Russia people do not realize the importance and significance of financial planning of their budget. Unfortunately, recent studies of NACI show: no more than 10 percent of Russian families plan their costs for more than a month. Another problem - people do not know where they can seek the protection of their rights in the event of an unfair provision of financial services. Many believe that Sberbank is engaged in these issues. Unfortunately, the Central Bank and Rospotrebnadzor rarely mention, few people remember the society for the protection of consumer rights. But even if the respondents know where to go with their claims, then more than 60 percent of them will not make it, being confident that they have no chance to win in a dispute with banks. Although practice shows that in almost 90 percent of lawsuits, the decision is made in favor of the affected party. The situation is not reliable.

People are accustomed to learn financial literacy on their mistakes. Apparently, it is better if knowledge and skills are vaccinated since childhood. But from what age do you need?

Andrey Bokarev:Unambiguously needed. Children in schools pass a lot of items, knowledge of some of them is unlikely to be useful to them in everyday lifeUnless, of course, the specific science will not be called them. For example, if you are not a mathematician or engineer by profession, then I don't think that someday you remember about the integral tables or about tangents with catangents. But all that is associated with finance is our reality with you.

Last year, 5 regions tried to undergo funds. How many Russians took the first step?

Andrey Bokarev:In testing, then more than seven thousand children, parents and teachers participated. Textbooks received approval, and from the new school year, many schools in the pilot regions begin to teach financial literacy. Now, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, work is underway to include financial literacy based on social studies. Subsequently, we plan to include individual aspects of the course to other school items, For example, in the mathematics course. This may be a cycle of tasks on the solution of the simplest situations of the family budget.

Suppose the school expressed his willingness to train children of fence. Who will teach her?

Andrey Bokarev:Now we are engaged in the creation of federal and regional methodical centers. Until the end of 2017, more than 15 thousand teachers will be trained in these centers, which will continue to conduct lessons in schools. Course and get a certificate can a teacher of any qualification. But we believe that the lion's share of participants will have to teachers of social studies.

Parents try to ensure the independence of the child in that they give him money for pocket expenses. What amount, in your opinion, should be limited to not to spoil the child?

Andrey Bokarev:How much to give a child on pocket expenses, each family solves independently depending on the wealth. There is no definite answer. From the point of view of whether it is necessary to do this, I think that pocket money in children should be. Children must be personal experience Feel the value of money.

Big responsibility lies on parents who should convey to children that money is not taken from the drawer of the chest that there is in the family limited budget. And from a certain age, conditionally from 8-10 years old, you can already connect the child to the discussion of family spending. Participation in budget planning will allow him to feel a full-fledged family member. Now, unfortunately, 77 percent of Russian families who have children are not talking to them about money at all. There is no such tradition, there are no practical skills.

Financial literacy will be trained in pupils of orphanages and pupils of boarding schools

At one time, British colleagues faced the fact that more than 60 percent of young people ending school and colleges were laid out. And not surprising: adolescents are filming housing, actively use gadgets, shop online. It was this situation that forced the British to instill the foundations of feging by children even at school.

The child has money from mom-dad, grandparents. What to do next: I obsessively advise the child, how best to spend money, or let it dispose of the first finances?

Andrey Bokarev:To educate the child with a responsible attitude towards money, he needs to give the opportunity to decide what to spend them. Parents should help only the Council, for example, how to accumulate money on pocket money.

Very indicative simple arithmetic calculation. Offer the child, for example, to abandon harmful delicacies - chips or sodes. Thus, on the day, he will be able to save more than 50 rubles conditionally - at first glance it seems a bit, and a month - one and a half thousand rubles, 18 thousand comes over a year. Or offer to divide money into two parts: the first let him spend anything, the second - in the piggy bank. Even if he does not listen to you and decide to "pull out" money on small daily joy, do not need to "cut" it. Just the next time he heads talk about a new phone, let him understand that empty spending do not lead to the realization of the dream.

77 percent of families in Russia do not speak with children about money, as parents do not keep records of their expenses and income

And how is your family going on?

Andrey Bokarev:My son is six years old. And he is quite restrained in his desires. We do not have such that, passing by the storefronts of the store, he poked his finger in toys with screams: "I want, I want, I want!" You can safely walk with him in children's shops. If he likes something to him, he can gently pull his hand and admit to this, without any hysterical. Now he went with his grandparents to rest, and I, of course, I gave a money with him. I know that he wanted a water pistol, and he bought him there. But at the same time he bought a gift to mom with dad. Although no one said that he should bring something. He did it himself.

Modern elementary school teaches children to everything: read, write, assume, but does not prepare for real life, to difficulties on the path of growing and becoming a person in all spheres of life, especially in matters of financial education. It is impossible to imagine the world today without money. Money is surrounded by a person from birth and become one of the main living conditions. Therefore, financial literacy lessons today are simply necessary.

What do we know about money? They earn and spend. How do you earn? How to spend? It is important about this teachers of primary classes and parents to speak with children of younger school age. Consider the basics of financial literacy, the principles of the right attitude towards money, which are obliged to know the elementary school students.

What is money, and what are they needed for?

Money is a product that can be exchanged for another product or service. Tell us short story occurrence monetary units Child, if it is interested in him, or show the video.

Galileo. The history of inventions. Money - video

How do money earn?

Extracurricular classes in elementary school should include, including topics about professions, their characteristics, as well as cash relations in modern world. You can tell children about four ways to make money. Try to honestly and reliably provide all the information, not distorting it and without reworking. There are such ways, they are described in detail in the book "Quadrant cash flow'': Hired work, own small business, large system business and investment. You can stay in more detail in the first way, since it is the most common. The remaining methods can be shown in the presentation for elementary school.


It is very important to instill with younger students respect for people, parents for making hard labor to buy food, clothing, gifts and other things. Teach children carefully and carefully refers to someone else's work and their things.

Plan a family budget together

Talk to children about monthly monetary parish and consumption. Try together to write important items in the cost of expenses. You may be able to find ways to save. Explain to the child from what, in case of shortage money The family can refuse, and from what not. Teach the child to distribute your budget correctly.

How can a child independently earn his money?

There are two ways.

  1. First - This is a weekend or holidays to find temporary earnings outside the house. It can be a walking of neighboring dogs, working with a nanny, a peddler of newspapers, washer cars or others. Highly interesting advice About how a schoolboy can earn, and about other important concepts, told in the book "Mani, or Azbuka of Money." Such an alphabet of financial literacy will certainly help the child to navigate in the world of monetary operations.
  2. Second way - It is earnings at home. Get a sheet A4 with the name of the child. And for every useful, independent, in your opinion, reward the baby with a small sticker. For example, I woke up and stacked the bed, learned lessons, helped my mother was dishes, etc. One sticker is equal to one ruble. At the end of the month, calculate the number of stickers and exchange them for money, which the child will spend or save with your help. Just make sure that such learning financial literacy has not led the child to thoughts that there is no point in making useful and good deeds for free.

Useful Economic Games and Classes

Play with children in different monopolies, moreover, there is a very good Internet - the game "Cashflow". Learn together the biographies of famous successful entrepreneurs. Find useful statements about money. Read business - news.

Day of financial literacy in school

September 8 - on the day of the financier, many educational establishments Perform financial literacy for schoolchildren. In addition, in March, the All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy for Children and Youth is held in March. Teachers and invited specialists are conducting a variety of events within the framework of a week of financial literacy at school. Obviously, their money lessons held on such scales will definitely bring their fruits, and our children will grow financially competent citizens. Russian Federation.

Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth - Video

The publication was prepared as part of a joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Facilitating the level of financial literacy and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation ».

In 8-9 classes, children are trained at the age of 14-16, when they acquire part of the rights and obligations from a legal point of view, including in the financial sector. Therefore, it becomes necessary to teach adolescents by the skills that will be needed for optimal behavior in modern conditions financial world.

At the same time, students of grades 8-9 are able to expand their horizons in financial matters due to the development of general accuracy of the school. Also at this age, the personal self-determination of schoolchildren begins to be carried out, they go into adulthood, mastering some new ones for themselves by an adult. Therefore, in the course of learning, it is important to rely on the personal needs of the student, not only to form the ability to act in the field of finance, but also to connect the internal mechanisms of the schoolboy self-determination. You need to teach him not to be afraid of adulthood and show that there are algorithms actions in certain fiscal situations. At the same time, the basic ability to form students is the ability to evaluate the financial situation, choose the most appropriate solution to solving the family problem.

In this course, budgeting issues are discussed at a more difficult level than in previous classes, the issues of long-term planning of the family budget are investigated. special attention It is paid to the planning of the personal budget.

Considerable attention in the course is given to the formation of the competence of the search, selection, analysis and interpretation. financial information from various sources both on electronic and paper media.

Most of-time is given to practical activities to obtain experience in an expanded circle (compared with previous classes) of financial relations.

Financial literacy: training program. 8 - 9 classes of a general education organization (main general education)

The program shows the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the evaluation system, the forms and methods of organizing the educational process are described, as well as a list of educational and methodological and material and technical resources.

Training program

Financial literacy: Pupils. 8 - 9 classes of general education organization

Materials are called upon to familiarize adolescents with the basics of rational financial behavior - as reasonable to organize and optimize the future family budget, which must be done to increase personal and family well-being, why it is important to provide for financial losses and how to minimize them, how to learn how to manage your finances Old age, etc.

Financial literacy: Methodological recommendations for the teacher. 8 - 9 classes of general education organization

For each classes, targets (masterful concepts, knowledge, competencies) are identified, given classes and learning tools. A step by step is described by the organization learning activities To achieve the goals. Applicable material for a teacher who will help him with the explanation of financial phenomena or processes. At the end of each occupation, topics for discussions are offered both in class and in the family circle.

Methodical recommendations for teacher

Financial literacy: materials for parents. 8 - 9 classes of general education organization

Materials are designed to help family learn together with children to solve emerging financial problems. The nature of the materials is different: these are questions for joint discussion of financial topics, tasks like a financial simulator with answers, additional information On the topic studied for the parents themselves. Offered practical advicewhich will allow adults to become financially literate and successfully cope with financial problems, as well as teach it your children.

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