
Agroholding Emerald country. The case of the "Emerald Country": how one of the most high-profile crimes in the history of the Altai Territory was committed. How it all started

Four defendants received a total of 25 years of colony, another accused of separated by a conditional period

The sentence in the case of the scandalous agroholding "Emerald Country" (IP) was completed to announce in the Oktyabrsky district court of Barnaul. For a complete reading of a document from Judge Dmitry Surgutsky left 3 incomplete working days. The operative part of the document passed on March 30.

The trial in this case began in February 2017. For 13 months, 75 (!) Meetings took place. In the advisory room, the court retired on March 6, which means that in the full writing of the sentence at Dmitry Surgutsky left 3.5 weeks.

Recall, the "Emerald Country" included about 100 enterprises in several districts Altai Region. Five people were on the docked bench. Everybody was charged with a particularly large fraud (part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Among them, the former director of the Altai branch of Rosselkhozbank Evgeny Rogovsky (the prosecutor's office insisted for 12 years in prison), head of Agroholding Olga Antipina (10 years). By the way, it was the director of the "Emerald Country" last year at the age of 55, he managed to give birth to a child. Also, the defendants of the case were the expert deputy of the Rogovsky in the Altai branch of the RSKB Konstantin Gladyshev (8 years old), the lawyer of IS Mikhail Kolesnikov (4 years old) and the head of Platan company (entered Agroholding) Elena Pavlovskaya (4 years, but conditionally).

It is worth noting that Troim of the five defendants (Rogovsky, Gladyshev, Antipina) was additionally incriminated to Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("abuse of powers, entailed grave consequences"). By the way, the damage from the actions of all of the above persons was estimated at 5 billion rubles.

The investigation of the criminal case began in 2012. It was initiated by the UFSB of Russia in the Altai Territory at the request of the Federal Guide to Rosselkhozbank. As the accusation believes, the loans of the "Emerald country" in the amount of almost 20 billion rubles were issued on fictitious documents. The value of the collateral assessment specified in the documentation, which is the guarantor of the return of loans, turned out to be significantly overestimated. The leadership of the Altai branch of the RSKB, having entered into collusion with the anti-pin, literally packs approved IP applications for issuing all new and new loans. At the same time, Rogovsky and Gladyshev for their conspiracy were materially deliberate by the management of the Holding. The criminal scheme acted for 2 years.

As a result, the court decided to sentence Evgenia Rogovsky to 8.5 years of colony general mode and a fine of 900 thousand rubles, as well as to three years of prohibition of management positions in commercial organizations.

Olga Antipina appointed a punishment in the form of 6.5 years of the colony of the general regime, a fine of 900 thousand rubles. However, she will serve the punishment since April 2031, when her youngest child will reach the 14th anniversary.

Konstantin Gladyshev, the court appointed a punishment in the form of five years and three months of the colony of the general regime, a fine of 450 thousand rubles and a three-year ban on the occupation of senior positions in commercial organizations.

Mikhail Kolesnikov received in the form of a penalty of four years in general regime colonies, a fine of 400 thousand rubles and a similar three-year ban on the occupation of senior positions in commercial organizations.

Elena Pavlovsky court gave three years of the conditional period with a fine of 150 thousand rubles.

Also note that Rosselkhozbank filed to all five employees of the criminal case a collective claim in the amount of 1.89 billion rubles, which will be considered in the Civil Court later.

Almost probably the sentence will be appealed by all the defendants of the criminal case in the near future.

Meanwhile, the collapse of the "Emerald country" was negatively affected by the apk of the Altai Territory. Over the past few years, a number of large enterprises entering the holding were bankrupt, and their property is fleeing with a hammer.

Olga Antipina Head of Agroholding "Emerald Country" - fraudsters

Antipina became famous for the fact that since 2008 it was unreasonably received the loans from the Bank owned by the state. It was all the implementation of the implementation State program Development agriculture and regulating the markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2008-2012 in the territory of the Altai Territory.

Repayment of loans was carried out by obtaining new credit funds in a similar scheme. That is, in fact, "credit pyramid" was built.
Each of the enterprises, where anti-repin (Olga Antipina leads a business together with his wife Alexander Nonpin and sister Irina grape) took loans, shine litigation. It is assumed that there will be 10-15 criminal cases.

Association of agricultural producers and agricultural products "Emerald Country", whose president is Olga Antipina, unites about 200 enterprises of various forms of ownership in 23 regions of the region.

Since 2008, the management of the Association is purposefully implemented actions aimed at the unreasonable receipt of loans from the Bank owned by the state. Everyone was done in the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulating the markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2008-2012 in the territory of the Altai Territory.

Credits obtained about such a scheme. Antipina through its proxies acquired agricultural enterprises in the pre-baked state or passing bankruptcy procedure. Next prepared fictitious financial statements These enterprises with significantly (ten times) highlights of financial and economic activities. As the interlocutor says, with the use of connections in the Altai Center for Assessment LLC for the monetary remuneration, an inaccurate assessment was carried out (overstated from 3 to 27 times) property of enterprises. All this was provided to the bank as a collateral.

Repayment of loans was carried out by obtaining new credit funds in a similar scheme. That is, in fact, "credit pyramid" was built.

As a result of the implementation of this scheme, the accounts debt of enterprises controlled by the "Emerald Country", as of May 1, 2012 exceeds 20 billion rubles. Of these, overdue debt - more five billions of rubles. This money, as the interlocutor notes, most likely, was not planned to return.

Pretty round amount of funds, as noted, already competently withdrawn by Mrs. Antipina in offshore zones. How much - it is not known, but for some information, we can talk about two-three billions of rubles.

Some of the loans received were spent in a misunderstood on the purchase of expensive real estate in the Altai Territory (cottages on the Zmeinogorsk tract) and cars. As the interlocutor noted, only in one year the order of seven very expensive cars was acquired. Shopping was drawn up on close relatives and affiliated legal entities. All this took more than one billion rubles.

Totally agree mobile phone worth about 800 thousand rublesAs we told us, Olga Valentinovna went to Moscow. And there she allegedly at the same time bought a phone to a friend for 300 thousand rubles.

The Biysk Sugar Plant LLC was purchased, for the reconstruction of which, with the words of Nepina, the Credit funds of the ARF of OJSC Rosselkhozbank were spent. However, in fact, the plant is in the prebabrock state. Commercial activity The company does not carry out, the equipment is implemented. Currently, the management of the enterprise notifies agricultural producers that are not part of the Association that the processing of sugar beets is carried out in 2012 will not be at the factory.

Meanwhile, according to the Altai Territory, Alexander Lukyanov, literally recently rented: "The Biisk Sugar Plant is made at this time to reconstruct (second line). Start of the plant will depend on the end of these works."

I wonder how "an example of how it is necessary to engage in agriculture in the agrarian region," raises the virgin?

"This is the wrong business, it should not be. Enters the areas, all the land is buying. If it would be for the benefit of the whole area and its inhabitants, it would be possible to agree with the violations. And no improvements are happening. Before me comes. Information What is where farms are adjacent to the lands of the "Emerald country", there is absolutely no improvement. The figure is: if earlier the farm was engaged in sowing and cleaning, then today there are diesel fuel, butter, spare parts. This suggests that there is no The host, absolutely. Some financial mechanisms are scrolled there are incomprehensible, and business management is completely absent, "said Alexander Weiss, Executive Director of the Aliase of the Peasant (Farmer) formations of the Altai Territory.

And land processed by the "Emerald Country", along the edge of more than 300 thousand hectares. But as noted Alexander Lukyanov, sowing work there go at the level of Middle Agery. "In the Altai Territory, as of May 15, a springtime was held on an area of \u200b\u200b2 million 249 thousand hectares (48%). Agricultural enterprises belonging to the associations conducted seats on the square of more than 156 thousand hectares (more than 50%)," Lukyanov notes.

As for the volume of state support (from the regional and federal budgets), which enterprises and farms received annually, controlled by the "Emerald Country", last year, as Lukyanov noted, it was 272 million rubles. "The administration of the Altai Territory did not provide guarantees for the associations attracted by loans and the structures included in it," the zimgner clarified.

But what will happen if this association does not suddenly become? "This is the way to nowhere. This is a big miscalculation and blow to the economy of the Altai Territory will be, if everything takes place. The fact that they bought the earth, and there are no improvements there, but only worsening is one. But so far there will be a reorganization, everything will be only For the worse, definitely. Moreover, what a new owner will come, "Vysis said.

About oratorical success

Today, as it became known to the agency, Olga Antipina intends to deploy a large campaign positively charged and directed to its own reputation. So, allegedly, she is trying to negotiate with a number of Altai media, so that they distributed only good information about it. And it is worth noting, such materials have already begun to appear.

In addition, there is information that in the near future, the peasants from the land of the "Emerald country" will be (according to his own will, it is not known) to arrange shares in support of your mistress. Everything will be held under the slogans of the type "Organizing the case at Olga Valentinovna, you are encountered to hungry death."

Olga Antipina was detained for 48 hours, but after it was released to freedom to subscribe to the wrong season. True, as they say, and with a big desire, it will not be able to leaveSince the departure outside the country is already closed.

Olga Antipina Head of Agroholding "Emerald Country" - materials added to the corruption database

All-Russian Public Project "Corruption Database"

Olga Antipina Head of Agroholding "Emerald Country" - fraudsters

Antipina became famous for the fact that since 2008 it was unreasonably received the loans from the Bank owned by the state. Everything was done in the framework of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of the Markets of Agricultural Products, Rawness and Food for 2008-2012 in the territory of the Altai Territory.

Repayment of loans was carried out by obtaining new credit funds in a similar scheme. That is, in fact, "credit pyramid" was built.
Each of the enterprises, where antiypines (Olga Antipina leads a business along with his wife Alexander Nonpin and the sister of Irina Vinogradova) loans, shine legal proceedings. It is assumed that there will be 10-15 criminal cases.

Association of agricultural producers and agricultural products "Emerald Country", whose president is Olga Antipina, unites about 200 enterprises of various forms of ownership in 23 regions of the region.

Since 2008, the management of the Association is purposefully implemented actions aimed at the unreasonable receipt of loans from the Bank owned by the state. Everyone was done in the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulating the markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2008-2012 in the territory of the Altai Territory.

Credits obtained about such a scheme. Antipina through its proxies acquired agricultural enterprises in the pre-baked state or passing bankruptcy procedure. Further, the fictitious financial statements of these enterprises were preparing with substantially (ten times) inflated indicators of financial and economic activities. As the interlocutor says, with the use of connections in the Altai Center for Assessment LLC for the monetary remuneration, an inaccurate assessment was carried out (overstated from 3 to 27 times) property of enterprises. All this was provided to the bank as a collateral.

Repayment of loans was carried out by obtaining new credit funds in a similar scheme. That is, in fact, "credit pyramid" was built.

As a result of the implementation of this scheme, the accounts debt of enterprises controlled by the "Emerald Country", as of May 1, 2012 exceeds 20 billion rubles. Of these, overdue debt - more five billions of rubles. This money, as the interlocutor notes, most likely, was not planned to return.

Pretty round amount of funds, as noted, already competently withdrawn by Mrs. Antipina in offshore zones. How much - it is not known, but for some information, we can talk about two-three billions of rubles.

Some of the loans received were spent in a misunderstood on the purchase of expensive real estate in the Altai Territory (cottages on the Zmeinogorsk tract) and cars. As the interlocutor noted, only in one year the order of seven very expensive cars was acquired. Shopping was drawn up on close relatives and affiliated legal entities. All this took more than one billion rubles.

Only for mobile phone worth about 800 thousand rublesAs we told us, Olga Valentinovna went to Moscow. And there she allegedly at the same time bought a phone to a friend for 300 thousand rubles.

The Biysk Sugar Plant LLC was purchased, for the reconstruction of which, with the words of Nepina, the Credit funds of the ARF of OJSC Rosselkhozbank were spent. However, in fact, the plant is in the prebabrock state. Commercial activity The company does not carry out, the equipment is implemented. Currently, the management of the enterprise notifies agricultural producers that are not part of the Association that the processing of sugar beets is carried out in 2012 will not be at the factory.

Meanwhile, according to the Altai Territory, Alexander Lukyanov, literally recently rented: "The Biisk Sugar Plant is made at this time to reconstruct (second line). Start of the plant will depend on the end of these works."

I wonder how "an example of how it is necessary to engage in agriculture in the agrarian region," raises the virgin?

"This is the wrong business, it should not be. Enters the areas, all the land is buying. If it would be for the benefit of the whole area and its inhabitants, it would be possible to agree with the violations. And no improvements are happening. Before me comes. Information What is where farms are adjacent to the lands of the "Emerald country", there is absolutely no improvement. The figure is: if earlier the farm was engaged in sowing and cleaning, then today there are diesel fuel, butter, spare parts. This suggests that there is no The host, absolutely. Some financial mechanisms are scrolled there are incomprehensible, and business management is completely absent, "said Alexander Weiss, Executive Director of the Aliase of the Peasant (Farmer) formations of the Altai Territory.

And land processed by the "Emerald Country", along the edge of more than 300 thousand hectares. But as noted Alexander Lukyanov, sowing work there go at the level of Middle Agery. "In the Altai Territory, as of May 15, a springtime was held on an area of \u200b\u200b2 million 249 thousand hectares (48%). Agricultural enterprises belonging to the associations conducted seats on the square of more than 156 thousand hectares (more than 50%)," Lukyanov notes.

As for the volume of state support (from the regional and federal budgets), which enterprises and farms received annually, controlled by the "Emerald Country", last year, as Lukyanov noted, it was 272 million rubles. "The administration of the Altai Territory did not provide guarantees for the associations attracted by loans and the structures included in it," the zimgner clarified.

But what will happen if this association does not suddenly become? "This is the way to nowhere. This is a big miscalculation and blow to the economy of the Altai Territory will be, if everything takes place. The fact that they bought the earth, and there are no improvements there, but only worsening is one. But so far there will be a reorganization, everything will be only For the worse, definitely. Moreover, what a new owner will come, "Vysis said.

About oratorical success

Today, as it became known to the agency, Olga Antipina intends to deploy a large campaign positively charged and directed to its own reputation. So, allegedly, she is trying to negotiate with a number of Altai media, so that they distributed only good information about it. And it is worth noting, such materials have already begun to appear.

In addition, there is information that in the near future, the peasants from the land of the "Emerald country" will be (according to his own will, it is not known) to arrange shares in support of your mistress. Everything will be held under the slogans of the type "Organizing the case at Olga Valentinovna, you are encountered to hungry death."

Olga Antipina was detained for 48 hours, but after it was released to freedom to subscribe to the wrong season. True, as they say, and with a big desire, it will not be able to leaveSince the departure outside the country is already closed.

Olga Antipina Head of Agroholding "Emerald Country" - materials added to the corruption database

All-Russian Public Project "Corruption Database"

Today, April 3, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Barnaul, on the basis of the materials of the criminal case, investigated by the UFSB of Russia in the Altai Territory, was announced in relation to the former director of the Altai Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank Evgenia Rogovsky, his former deputy Konstantin Gladyshev under Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the former head of the agricultural producers of agricultural producers "Emerald Country" Olga Antipina under Part 2 of Article 9.20, Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For crimes provided for in Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, former employees of Agroholding Mikhail Kolesnikov and Elena Pavlovskaya were also convicted.

During the investigation of the criminal case, it was established that in the period from 2010 to 2012, Rogovsky and Gladyshev created the illegal procedure for unhindered provision credit funds Antipina enterprises controlled by enterprises. Credit applicationscoming from these enterprises, to indicate the former leaders of Rosselkhozbank, were considered formally and without the obligatory assignment of these legal entities to one group of related borrowers, without carrying out the proper audit and analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, as well as the actual availability of the submitted collateral. At the same time, they ensured the manufacture and signing by subordinate acts of acts on the alleged audit of the property acting as a collateral to secure obligations under loan contracts.

By order of AntiPina, in "Rosselkhozbank" to obtain obviously non-refundable loans, concluded documents on behalf of enterprises controlled by it were provided. Data firms have already had loan debt at that time, there was no sufficient mortgaged property, and, accordingly, they did not have the opportunity to maintain new loans in full. However, in fictitiously prepared accounting documentation The indicators of financial and economic activities of enterprises were specifically influenced.

It is also established that the signatures of some directors of enterprises, as directed by the antipine, were forged. Those of managers who signed the documents independently were not aware of the financial frauds held. As formal directors of firms, they strictly performed the directions of the head of the "Emerald country". As a result, they all automatically become borrowers on multimillion loans of Rosselkhozbank.

As a result of the implementation of the criminal scheme for two years, 227 loan agreements were concluded with 56 enterprises controlled by anti-pin. Wherein total amount moneyThe Arf Rosselkhozbank OJSC on the above loan agreements exceeded 19 billion rubles. Interest, unpaid legal entities According to these treaties, as of May 2012, more than 545 million rubles amounted to.

According to the part of the prisoners of Antipina's contracts, with the assistance of Mikhail Kolesnikov and Elena Pavlovskaya, as well as his sister Irina Vinogradova, who actually performed the powers of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ass "Emerald Country" (condemned in the fall of 2015 under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), kidnapped She spent more than 2 billion rubles for personal purposes.

The Altai regional branch of Rosselkhozbank to the AntiPina and Grape, Kolesnikov and Pavlovskaya presented a civil lawsuit on the reimbursement of the amount of kidnapped money.

To ensure a civil action, at the request of the investigation, arrest is imposed on numerous positions. real Estate On the territory of the Altai and Krasnodar Kraisov, the Republic of Altai, decorated for antipine, Vinogradov and their relatives.

The State Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of the Altai Territory Tatyana Ulyanova said that a sentence was imposed in the form of imprisonment: for committed crimes by the decision of the court:

- Evgenia Rogovsky - 8 years 6 months with a fine of 900 thousand rubles;

- Konstantin Gladyshev - 5 years 3 months with a fine of 450 thousand rubles;

- Mikhail Kolesnikov - 4 years and fine 400 thousand rubles.

Three convicts were taken into custody in the courtroom, they are also deprived of the right to occupy senior positions in state institutions. The punishment has to be served in the correctional colony of the general regime.

Olga Antipina was sentenced to 6 years 6 months of imprisonment in a colony of a common regime with a fine of 900 thousand rubles. The punishment is delayed until the children of the 14-year-old age.

Elena Pavlovskaya appointed 3 years and 3 months of imprisonment conditionally with test punishment for 3 years, and a fine of 50 thousand rubles.


The authorized capital of the ARF Rosselkhozbank is formed in full at the expense of budget funds, 100% of the bank's shares is owned Russian Federation in lying Federal Agency on government management.

On July 6, on his blog, the President of the Association Olga Antipina, which was treated in the Altai Regional Cardiological Dispensary, said that she was afraid of his life after the appointment of a new chief physician in medical institution. We decided to find out that this is the real threat to the health of the famous Altai businesswoman or an attempt to set a loud business in a relatively for yourself.

Conspiracy of doctors

"Last night I learned that in the Cardio Center, where I am now lying - a new head doctor. What is it for? Not because of whether the consilium this week admitted that I am not a simulant? It seems that there is an installation to rush me and they lead to this. It's not a fact that the injection or tablet will not be a killer, "Olga Antipina said on his blog on July 6 (by the way, as of July 9, all previously published entries were not available for public browse). At the same time, Ms. Antipina did not specify whose was the "installation".

Indeed, on July 5, changes occurred in the Altai Region Cardiodispean: He was headed by Andrei Kosukhov, who had previously held the position of the surgical treatment of complex violations of the heart rhythm and electrocardialism in the same medical institution. According to media reports, this place was vacant from March 11 of this year after the transition of the former head physician Valery Elkomova to work in the regional clinical hospital.

It is worth noting that earlier the lawyer Olga Antipina Tatiana Ryzhkov declared to journalists that her client had a "extremely serious illness and extremely difficult state." It is not clear why a person who is lately So often complained about his bad well-being, he decided to neglected his health and not undergo a course of treatment to the end. According to rumors, the head of the "Emerald Country" has some chronic illnesswhich appeared long before the start of loud business and, apparently, is not so dangerous as they are trying to present the public.

The accusations of Olga Antipina are that in the medical institution they wanted to cause delightful harm to her health, Andrei Kosuhov called "that are not found and have no reason for themselves." "In the dispensary, any patient who entered the ambulance is necessarily all the necessary assistance regardless of his personality," he noted.

Blog Blog

Records published at the address caused some interest among the press and the public, again turning attention to the head of the Association. The fact that this is a real Blog of Olga Nepina, representatives of the media previously confirmed the secretary of the Emerald Country Association Alain, and her lawyer Viktor Chumakov.

According to the statistics of the magazine itself, it was created on June 25, just a few days after the Altai Regional Court abolished Barnaul's previously rendered by the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Barnaul, a resolution on the refusal of Olga Antipina and sent the case back to the court of first instance.

July 4, this issue was to be considered again in the district court. But since at this time, Olga Antipina was treated, the petition of the head of the investigative department of the UFSB in the Altai Territory on the election of preventive measures in the form of imprisonment was considered. In general, the worsened health of the head of the "Emerald Country" and sudden courses of treatment have already allowed her to be in court.

Perhaps the maintenance of this blog is part of the anti-crisis PR campaign of the "Emerald country", which some media wrote about. In particular, apparently, as part of it on June 20, a material on the Association and its creditor, OJSC Rosselkhozbank, was published on the federal release of the newspaper "Vedomosti" on advertising rights. The article reflected the point of view, favorable for the company Olga AntiPina, and represented the Association as "Sustainably working and profitable business" Seems to be, the main objective These PR activities are to change the current negative attitude to the association as a whole and Olga Antipina in particular. True, the selected methods and tools help only exacerbate the already difficult situation.

"Adopted" loans

The case of the Association "Emerald St Rana" was widely published in the spring of this year, when her head was detained Olga Antipina, later released under the subscription of the unseen. According to the media, two criminal cases under Art. 201 part 2 of the Criminal Code ("abuse of powers, entrusted grave consequences") and under Art. 159 h. 4 ("Fraud committed by an organized group or in particularly large-scale"). Also in this case are the former director of the Altai branch of Rosselkhozbank Evgeny Rogovsky and his deputy credit work Konstantin Gladyshev.

The Emerald Country Association includes 157 enterprises of various forms of ownership in different parts of the edge. As of June 1, 2012, loan debt on loans to this association exceeds 20 billion rubles. On the this moment, Rosselkhozbank filed 26 lawsuits against the enterprises of the Emerald Country Association.

At a long press conference, which Olga Antipina held on May 21, she expressed sincere bewilderment in connection with all what was happening. In general, media representatives who visited this event, noted that essentially the case was said not yet, but much attention was paid to the issues of updating equipment, livestock and the story that most accounts payable - These are hereditary loans that "adopted". During a press conference, Olga Antipina reported to journalists, which communicates with the RSKB on the restructuring of debt, appreciating its chances of a positive decision of this issue by 90%.

We managed to get official comments by Rosselkhozbank, which before that preferred in no way comment on this topic. In the press service of the bank, we were reported that the restructuring issues were discussed with Olga AntiPina, however, the parties could not find mutual understanding on some key aspects. "Indeed, the Bank discusses the subject of possible restructuring of loans with representatives of the Emerald Country Association. However, to determine the basic parameters of restructuring, such as the restructuring period, interest rate, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive audit of the financial and economic activities of enterprises in the Association, as well as the definition of collateral mass on restructured loans by conducting independent evaluation Property, replacing mortgage lost borrowers, the amount of which today is more than 6 billion rubles. " The bank also noted that these major conditions were repeatedly voiced by the heads of the Association, but WHO and now there.

At the same time, the source in the bank said that the main goal of Roselkhozbank is still restructuring issued loans. Actions of the bank associated with the feed claimsAwarded to ensure the safety of the property of borrowers, since there is information on the conclusion of a number of property to other companies controlled by the Association, as well as funds in Russian and foreign assets that are not related to agriculture. Confirmation of this is the fact that bailiffs, fulfilling the decisions of the courts, offer this property to transfer to responsible storage of borrowers themselves. Such a measure is supported by Rosselkhozbank, since in this case the preservation is ensured. production cycle enterprises. The imposition of the same responsibility for the storage of arrested property at third parties entails a prominent stop of production.

Therefore, a bank is not understanding the position of the management of the Association, which consists in refusing to the responsible storage of their own property. Moreover, in the advertising articles, Ms. Antipina advocates for the fate of the agriculture of the region and its inhabitants. At the same time, it prefers to pay for the services of expensive Moscow lawyers, while employees of the Emerald Country Association, judging by the media, have not seen a salary for several months. And maybe the assets purchased on Russian and foreign resorts is the place of sanatorium recreation for tortured employees of the Emerald Country enterprises?

So the consequence remains to be established, where multi-billion dollars, allocated for the development of agriculture of the Altai Territory, actually went. We will follow the development of events.

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