
Actual business for a small town. What business is now relevant and what is in demand. The most profitable business ideas with minimal investments

M legs people living in cities with a small population are interested in what business ideas are for a small town, because to become the owner of their own business and receive a stable, independent income wants everyone. In a small settlement, it is even easier to establish your own business than in a big city, where a bunch of enterprises is already functioning and a very big competition in almost all areas.

That your business has become profitable in a small town, it is enough to you, which will be unique and original in your area to attract independent customers. If competitors near will not be, then it will begin to flourish, bringing a considerable income.

Which business can be opened in a small town with minimal investments?

By organizing your work from scratch, each IP is thinking about how less to invest and get income more. Speaking about this issue you can give several important advice:

  • By deciding what to do, push out what you are interested in what you understand and what you know.
  • If you want to invest less means, you first decide which resources you need to start and whether you have the opportunity to find them at low cost and in short time.
  • Choose the sphere with the lowest competition, then with minimal investments you can get maximum profits.
  • If you have a property where you can organize a business, then it is worth choosing a case that it will suit, then get to save on rental.
  • If there is no place for business, then you can choose the case where rent is not needed, for example, something from the service sector or needlework.

Without investments and with their minimum value you can do:

  • Repair and construction work;
  • Installation of fences, windows, doors to order;
  • Joint procurement with preliminary payment;
  • Nanny, nursery, masseur, hairdresser, cosmetologist at home and departure;
  • Other similar works and several more with more or less significant investments, which we will talk below.

Perspective and profitable small business ideas for a small city in 2019

Before opening your business, it is very important to understand that any business always goes about hand with risk. The most difficult year of existence of any business is the first. For these 12 months, more than 90% of all newly open cases are closed or roasting. If in comparison to take the chance of dismissal from the place of work, it will be lower even at the low skill of the employee.

But if your business does not procee and will make a profit, it will be money that cannot be compared with the average wages According to your region, definitely. Business is the work on you and your pocket, and not your work on the boss and someone else. Therefore, your task before opening a business is to choose the right direction and think over all the details to reduce the risk to a minimum.

What you decide to do, should you like. It will give you a guarantee that you will not be guided only by money issues and do not leave the case with the slightest problems. Here you will try to stay in business, invent new solutions and seek prospects. If we provide a competent approach to your work, then as a result, the business will go uphill, will expand, acquire popularity and new customers and, as a result, bring you the increasing profits.

Let's talk about what is relevant, from the point of view of business in 2018, and consider the top 9 ideas.

Idea number 1: Cafe (mini-pizzeria)

Organization catering - This is at all times a profitable and profitable business. But naturally, there are also their difficulties. But, as you know, the more difficulties, the higher the profit. Attachments in the cafe will be decent, plus it will need to solve all questions about personnel, sanitation, freshness of products and other nuances.

We offer you to open a small pizzeria, where you can quickly eat for a break, along the way to work or waiting for transport. To do this, the small tent is best suited, where you can place a couple of tables, chairs and organize a small kitchenette.

For the full functioning of such an enterprise, you will need only a couple of employees who will work alone and fulfill all the responsibilities from cooking and calculating buyers to wet cleaning after changing. You will be charged with accounting, advertising and other organizational issues.

Why pizza? Well, because it is a high-calorie and favorite product. Your task make your dishes original, delicious and price available to visitors. If it is so, then the people will not be from customers. If there are competitors nearby nearby, then the main thing is that they do not offer the same goods that you will have. Therefore, to open such a cafe next to another pizzeria is not worth it.

You can make a pleasant bonus for visitors to the delivery of fresh pizza for free around the area, ordering it by phone and shares with a large order.

Idea number 2: Beauty Salon

Opening the cabin, where you can conduct cosmetic procedures, make a haircut, laying, manicure and pedicure - this is also a sought-after version. This business is paid off, interesting and profitable business for a woman. But nothing prevents a man to engage in such a thing.

Here you first need to understand what services you will provide in your salon, and from this already draw conclusions about the initial investments, monthly expenses, personnel and other matters.

A wonderful option with a small budget will be in a one-bedroom room, where there will be a pair of hairdressers and a manicure table. Low prices for services that will be able to perform wizards-universal, with low investments will bring pretty decent income, allowing you to expand in the future and start providing a higher range of services in the client.

The most important thing is the quality of work, the better your employees will work, the more satisfied customers will be and then many will learn about you and you will go to the whole area, especially if there are no competitor salon.

Idea number 3: shoe repair

Everyone successful businessmen knows that the guarantee of good income is a popular business. Each person carries shoes, almost everyone has such a pair of shoes, which is very valuable to him and he would not like to simply throw it when the zipper breakdown, erased the sleepyak or any other problem. In this case, a person goes to the master of shoe repair masters.

But in winter, such services are especially important, because winter shoes are what they buy, mostly not for one season and good quality. And if suddenly the heel broke into the frost and snow or the lightning disappeared, then it will be necessary to restore everything urgently and quickly.

Special expenditures on opening a business repair business is not required. It will be enough to just rent an angle of a very passable place and place nearby the signboard, where it is indicated how to find you if someone needs. Plus, it is necessary to purchase the necessary materials and workbenches. And then it remains only to wait for the influx of customers.

Such a business can be opened in conjunction with the repair of clothing, but then a little more attachments will be required, but it will not be boring to work in one camork to two masters. And, as they say, a satisfied worker is a good worker.

Idea number 4: veterinary clinic

Domestic pets today have many. Many lovers of cats and dogs even earn that they sell kittens and puppies of thoroughbred pets. But, unfortunately, it happens that the animal may get sick or it requires any preventive procedures.

If you love animals, then for you it will be not only profitable, but interesting business with minimal investments. If you have veterinary education, you will be easier to deal with the organization and planning of work, but without it, it is quite possible to devote yourself to this field, having studied organizational issues and hiring competent specialists to work.

In a small town, it is unlikely to be a big competition in this area, and if the city or at least some of its part specializes in animal husbandry, farming and agriculture, Your business will be very popular.

Here you will need to decide whether you will provide a doctor for animals yourself or hire a specialist. Next, you need to choose a suitable place to organize a clinic, to equip the room, buy consumables, furniture and medicines and give advertising. Customers will not wait long to wait.

Idea number 5: repair of household appliances

Domestic equipment is in the house for each person. Therefore, to do business based on the repair of such equipment is in demand and profitable. Again, you can hire employees and organize a workshop or provide services for the departure to the client.

When owned by the necessary skills, you can provide the provision of repair services and independently, advertising your business through the Internet and ads.

For the start of this for large initial investments, it will not be necessary, it will only be necessary to purchase the tools, the most popular types of spare parts and consumables and can be waiting for calls and job orders.

If customers are enough, it will make sense to rent a premises under the workshop where it is possible to take the technique for complex repair or where customers will bring it independently.

Idea number 6: Clothing store

Business on inexpensive and high-quality clothing is probably one of the most sought-after spheres today. It is not much difficult to organize such a business in a small town. Even if competitors are just as far from you, everyone will look at customers to you, because the range and prices can be varied.

The first version of this case is to rent a room and open a boutique in it. You can work on a franchise, and you can come up with everything yourself. It all depends on your desire and the initial budget. The focus must be done on the quality at an affordable cost and sell goods that can be worn every day:

  • T-shirts;
  • Home clothing;
  • Inexpensive upper clothes;
  • Children's clothing;
  • Underwear.

The second and very convenient option is the organization of the online store. In this case, you can save on lease, but you will have to invest in advertising, creating and promoting the site. Of particular requirements, such a business does not present to your owner. Buy wholesale and cheaper, and sell in retail and more expensive. Everything is simple and understandable.

Idea number 7: tutoring

For those people who understand any scientific field or has, best, pedagogical education, tutoring - will be a great option. For the hour of work, the tutor gets much more than when working with a whole class of students in an educational institution.

It does not matter to study the child in a big city or in a small one, but a single exam for all the same, and the qualifications of teachers can be varied in small and large cities. That is why in small settlements Responsible parents are very often resorting to tutors for their children. In addition to individual classes, you can also provide services such as:

  • Help with writing scientific work, essays, coursework, thesis and other works;
  • Preparation for exams when entering the university or to final exams, as well as even to Gosam;
  • Preparatory classes for training kids to school;
  • Training to ownership in any tool or vocal if you have certain skills.

Opportunities in this sphere mass. You can also not independently educate children and students, but also organize a recovery agency, receiving a percentage of their orders.

Children - flowers of life, but sometimes you want to leave them somewhere for a couple of hours, go to the movies or spend time in some other place. And there are a lot of such people who want. Such a business is very profitable, even if your locality is small.

Such a room is in demand, most often, in the field of entertainment. It will be very suitable to remove the room close to the cinema, another of any entertainment or in mall And organize a children's room there.

For the functioning of the case, it will be necessary to furnish the room for the needs of children, hire a couple of animators, put a pool with balls, a TV with cartoons, drawing tables and a corner with toys. It is also necessary to envisage all precautions for children's games so that the kids will not be injured, and just in case must be in stock a first-aid kit.

With high passability, customers will be constantly, just enough to make a colorful sign and start working.

Coffee today drink almost everything. On the way to work, if there is a minute, a person will surely buy a cup of delicious coffee. On a lunch break to maintain performance in the afternoon, too, many want to drink espresso or latte.

Therefore, the organization of a small coffee shop on wheels when placing it in places where there is no relatives of competitors and a large passability of the people, - best idea For a modern entrepreneur with a small budget.

An entrepreneur will need to organize a van in which it is convenient to accommodate all the equipment for the manufacture of hot drink, which everyone loves. You can install such a van inpattern at one point with a large crossway or, if necessary, carry it to several points.

It will be necessary to work beautifully and attractively. The original and attractive name will also be a big plus to advertising. And most importantly - your coffee should be tasty. In addition, you can come up with drinks on your own coffee-based recipes. For example, cold - for hot days of summer.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a business in a small town


  • In a small town, competition is much lower than in a large settlement and when organizing a business to be crushed competitors a risk much less;
  • It is in a small city of business easier to adjust the needs and needs of local residents, which will attract larger percentage customers;
  • Here you will require lower initial investments in organizing a case than in the big city;
  • In a small town, advertising works much more efficiently, rapidly attracting new customers and customers.


  • The population of a small town has its own habits and habits, so they may not perceive properly some business that dispels with their opinion or habits;
  • The level of wealth and income among citizens living in a small town is usually low, therefore the profit will be appropriate here;
  • If there is some big city nearby, where you can easily buy goods at a lower cost than you, it is unlikely that locals will go to you, they will rather go to the next city.

Thus, we disassembled which business ideas for a small town in demand in 2019. Do not forget that any business is responsibility. Therefore, everything needs to be approached with a good plan, given all the nuances and trivia. Good luck and prosperity!

In a small town and business opportunities are small - this is the delusion of many entrepreneurs. The underestimation of small settlements is a dangerous thing: the possibilities here is much more than in megalopolis. But first about what city is considered small. The population in such a settlement should be from 50 to 100 thousand. A successful business in such cities is distinguished by special features.

In residents of the province income are low. There is a small labor market, and the sizes of wages are very different from the metropolitan. It must be taken into account when opening the case. What business can you do in a small town? A boutique for the sale of expensive collectible things is the idea of \u200b\u200bknowingly losing, and instead of impressive profits there is a risk of getting no less impressive losses.

Usually basic goods in small settlements are not enough. And the results of the analysis give an excellent idea for opening your case: is there in a certain area of \u200b\u200bpharmacy, clothing store, supermarket or have to travel to another end of the town? Perhaps there is no single cinema? Examine the existing market before opening your business - the task is mandatory.

Business expansion in a small city is limited. Initially, the number of consumers is increasing. But wishing to receive services or buy goods sooner or later will end. For further development it is worth considering the plan in advance. It is possible that the customers will be residents of nearby towns and villages.

The advantages include small size of the starting capital. The cost of renting, advertising company, labor payment is much lower than in a large or middle city. But the business should be discussed by the population in demand. For small cities, good goods and services are popular, and not exclusive.

Get support at the state level is easier. Here the small business is more willing to encourage, support programs. If you can use certain privileges, then why refuse? And some entrepreneurial niches are not occupied by anyone. So the situation with competition is favorable.

"Sarafan radio" - a wonderful advertisement, besides free. It is very profitable. On the opening of the new case, everyone will learn. But there is a disadvantage: the magnitude of the businessman will also immediately become known, and a shameless reputation in a small town to fix it is very difficult.

The foundations in a small town have already developed. Therefore, residents can begin to oppose the new. So, before you open the case, it is worth conducting a brainstorm. What services will simplify life offer? If there are already there, it is not necessary to despair. It's just necessary to do your own business than competitors. All options are discharged, their "pros" and "minuses" are being worked out, and the perfect option is selected.

Real Business Ideas for Little City

Among ideas for small towns can be distinguished by several. And the first, always in demand, store. Grocery stores are needed. In the unclosed region, such services are usually low, and the "second freshness" products are also not uncommon. So what business can be discovered?

Ideas of business services

If it turned out to open a store that meets all the expected standards, without transcendental prices, this investment will pay off. It will be able to exist at the expense of a constantly arriving clientele and happily.

A good option is a private kindergarten. If you arrange it in an area where many young mothers, then the demand will definitely.

But the quality of services is in the first place. Only one deterioration - and the idea of \u200b\u200bPueverted irretrievably.

Great option of profitable business - garden landscaping. The development of such services for the removal of weeds, the fertilizer of the soil, the haircut of lawns, the care and planting of plants with a small board for them will ensure prosperity through a short time.

You can deal alone, you can attract companions with designer skills for business card projects. It turns out solid. And the quality will make both advertising without excess costs.

Dimensions authorized capital - The lowest among all options. True, profitable business seasonal. But it can be considered as the main one under the condition of refinement.

Small attachments require and opening the production of business cards. Local entrepreneurs are always necessary. But the parties for ordering are small, and order them in the printing house is unprofitable. So, you need to offer such a relevant service! The equipment will require a good graphic editor program, computer and printer.

Even with, it would seem, high competition and the population of the niche can find a way to stand out and make a profit. Is the city center busy supermarkets? You can put a kiosk for the sale of natural sausages. Always in assortment fresh products, which is very important for provincial cities. The client will be able to order what wishes on its own choice. High profitability indicators, and rapid development, and high popularity are guaranteed.

Bakery is another example of a successful business. Fresh baking fragrance always exceeds any ads on efficiency. And in a small town, such baking is guaranteed to find its buyers.

Ideas for business online

Very promising idea of \u200b\u200bInternet business. For a small town - this is a real, although the original, type of income. To turn into a reliable foundation for promoting a serious business may even profit. But any direction will require knowledge on copywriting, online sales, mail marketing and psychology.

"For" and "against" business-online

And affiliate, and MLM, and infobusiness require training. AND practical use The knowledge gained is the key to success. There is a desire to develop a stable Internet business in a small town - you need to learn. But light and fast money in the World Wide Web is a myth. It is possible to earn them only by difficulty, attachment of patience and time.

What business ideas are real for a small town? MLM or network business is customary to attribute megalopolis business, where many residents and money. But the practice has proven that successful MLM-businessmen is much larger in small settlements. In the metropolis, it is difficult to keep contacts and maintain relationships. Life in a small city is more measured. Yes, and get to the address easier due to the lack of traffic jams, and the relationship is to build.

But the reverse side of the success of the project is almost the eternal label of emelchik and fear to sell their goods acquaintances. In any case, make money in such a business quite difficult if someone starts to prove the opposite - this is a lie. But you can earn here if you should work. And it is true.

A small town and online store from scratch? Some unacceptively sounds. But it is not necessary to sell goods only among 20-30 thousand inhabitants. Mail services will help to deliver products to all corners of the world.

Such a business is easy to organize. Via modern technologies It turns out to create it for a quarter of an hour. As a last resort, there is always an opportunity for a lifting fee to task the freeplane.

Organizational and procurement issues will remain. But the solution does not require the closure of business on the services of the population for a while. So, if desired, it is quite possible to master such a task.

An example is the opening in the small town of the intimate-goods store. Residents guaranteed not to buy similar things on a central street because of the concerns that familiar will be aware of the purchase. But delivery to the house of a modest box without inscriptions is another thing. And in demand, such sex products will be enjoyed huge.

It is not necessary to open exactly such sales, but there are no unoccupied niches. As a result, the main thing is to become the best and bypassing competitors in the small business.

The idea of \u200b\u200bopening an Internet cafe has a good prospect. Usually in the provinces where you can enter the network "with all amenities", almost no. So, when organizing such a case, success is guaranteed to him: there is an opportunity to communicate, to get together and fulfill the intended affairs without being distracted by outsiders. So such a business is now in demand.

True, the main problem will be organizational issues, coordination. And a very simple task will seem to the practical side of the case.

Medical Center

Often in a small town Many are familiar with each other. And there is a practical help in supporting business. You can open an exit center for rendering medical services. This is one of the business options. The arrival of a specialist from the capital for consultations and receptions is organized. And the businessman lies with the obligation to organize the carriage of the professional, rental of premises and ensuring marketing services.

Medical services are especially in demand as ideas for small businesses. Residents of the villages and suburbs are forced to go for tomogram, ultrasound and medical procedures in megalopolises, overcoming huge distances. And it is especially difficult for women pregnant women who need to do ultrasound of the fetus often, and getting to the regional center very problematic in a similar position. Therefore, you can not doubt the in demand and the relevance of the services offered.

Another type of business for beginners is the case on the basis of local products. Procurement is carried out in their settlement, and then implemented in large. Fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, mushrooms, farm products are bought at low prices.

Eco-products are now in fashion, and the markup during resale is weighty. But it is advisable not to resell, but pre-process: to preserve, smoke, bake. Such mini enterprises are always relevant.

Ready Business: Franchise

Among the business ideas of 2016-2017 in a small town is gaining popularity of business on other people's ideas, that is, franchising. Creating a case from scratch here will not be required here, because it is necessary to represent the already known brand. Many well-known brands offer a franchise, and what direction to choose the needs of urban residents will help.

It turns out that the organization of the case in a small town is reduced to the proposal in one of the areas of trade, services or production. Among the provision of services there is a car wash, and tireage, and small repair, and the offer of specialist services of workers' professions.

Among the trade in goods - the opening of grocery stores, pharmacies, constructionarkets, sale of spare parts. Own production - mini bakery, processing and sale of own products. No need to forget about goods for children, about private kindergartens, development centers and discounted additional entertainment. The demand for such offers is high in any cities.

Online consulting - the direction already in demand. Open your business and advise even customers from other countries. Here is the main thing - to be an expert in the selected area. And the demand for legal, accounting, psychological services is always everywhere.

Open the first business, especially in a small town, it is necessary in the sphere that is good known. Thus, the experienced accountant can be discovered a mini-case on accounting services and tax accounting, on the preparation and delivery of reports, declarations. Demand Such services are also among the IP, and in small organizations that are quite a few in the province. After all, it is easier to apply for help to an outsourcer and more profitable than to keep a permanent staffing worker.

It is always worth paying attention to areas, independent of the crisis, that is, products, leaving services, budget entertainment. Proposals for scarce services. Inexpensive and unusual entertainment in the province of extremely little, go to relax adults and has no place to children. But it is so good to put the trampoline in the available places. And there are a lot of such options. The availability of value for services is an important criterion for the successful development of the case.

Residents of provinces appreciate services, allowing to save: repair of clothing, cars, apartments, budgetary hairdressers with a spectrum of all services. Among the way you can do in this area, the optimal option is the opening of the house of the household, low prices in which compensates for the high constant demand for services in the locals.

It is advisable to register businesses as IP or LLC. Each form has both "pluses", and "minuses". And the choice is determined by the type of entrepreneurship. Taxation mode is worth choosing more favorable taxes.

Without attachments, the discovery of even a small business is impossible. Use your funds or take a bank loan favorable conditions. But when determining its niche and the organization of profitable business, all investments pay off rapidly.

It is no secret that employment is a real problem of provincial cities. Or have to put up with a small salary near the house, or leave for the nearest major settlement, spending a lot of time on the road.

Both options are equally unpleasant. The exit will be able to be the opening of his own small business in consumer specifics, from the sawmill to the farm.

In a small town, business can be closed or open. With open, interaction is also with local consumers, and with a clientele from nearby settlements.

With the closed business, the whole case is concentrated only in its city. Goods and services are implemented in one place. Most often, this case opens the service provider to the population. The manufacturer of goods is trying to expand the range.

In a small town, the main thing is to offer something previously not used, unique. Only it will work out to work clientele. Needs that are not satisfied with other businessmen - this is what should satisfy a novice entrepreneur. Then the company will be able to offer a claimed product. Competitors are usually focused on averaged buyer, excluding the right of people to receive an exclusive thing.

Small business industry in demand and very promising. Cafes, mini-restaurants, cinemas are examples of affairs for private entrepreneurs. The organization of a profitable business in a small town is subject to any person with a certain amount of resources.

Options ideas - weight. An impressive start-up capital is optional. And the result from reflections and fears is zero. So without certain actions attached to the proposed success is impossible. So, you need to act and start a business in a small town without delay.

What business to open in a small town: 5 useful Soviets + 11 promising ideas.

We usually sympathize with those who were born in such a tiny town and with understanding treat their desire to move to Megapolis, where much more opportunities to arrange their lives.

But the point is not where you live.

It is possible in the capital to marry a meager salary, while a clever man from a small town of entrepreneurship.

If there is not enough jobs in your settlement with decent work, you need to think about what business to open in a small town.

If you are implementing a customer idea for consumers who do not require large capital investments, you can arrange a life on your own accord and earn enough to feel protected.

Which business to open in a small town: 5 useful tips

Those who cannot find a job in their small town that would be good paid, it is worth thinking about to open a business that will bring decent profit.

This is quite real!

You will make sure that if you look around and look at how many people have already discovered the case, which brings them not only pleasure, but also money.

    Make a bet on traditionalism.

    Residents of the province for the most part adhere to traditional views on life are not too spoiled by the abundance of goods, services and conservative in their preferences.

    If you want to open a case here, you need to take into account the specifics of the worldview and tastes of people in order not to turn around.

    Examine the level of competition.

    Do not try to open a business in the field with a high level of competition, remember that you have not so much opportunities to expand the client base.

    It is better to look for a free niche, so as not to compete for the wallet of consumers.

    Compete with another entrepreneur makes sense only when you can offer the best products and / or services for the same money.

    Write a business plan.

    Do not think that you can without a business plan.

    This dangerous misconception can lead to serious losses.

    A detailed business plan with concrete calculations is the Bible of any entrepreneur, wherever he led.

    Create a reputation.

    In a small town you need to take care of your reputation, because success in business is directly dependent.

    If you deceive your consumers, sell them low-quality goods and services, they will carry money to your competitor.

    Conversely, creating a good reputation to your business, you will make it profitless without difficulty.

    Exercise what you are interested in and what you are well understanding.

    Choose a profitable and promising case - it is very important, but it is equally important to deal with the business that you like and where you do not have to study everything from scratch.

Which business can be opened in a small town: the advantages and disadvantages of such a step

Business in a small town has its own characteristics, and also distinguished by some advantages and disadvantages.

You need to know about them if you want to open a promising enterprise and emphasize the investment in a short time.


Do not skeptically refer to business in a small town.

Even if you open a small case, but you can earn a decent customer base, you can earn much more than other townspeople, which work on a state or private owners.

And it is also worth remembering that entrepreneurship in a small settlement has its advantages.

  1. In order for, you will not need a big starting capital.
  2. It will be much easier for you to learn your direct competitors, because there are not much of them as in large cities.
  3. You will be able to significantly save on the rental of real estate, wages To its employees and many other things.
  4. There is a sufficient amount of free niches for business, you just need to search.
  5. The opportunity to become an official representative large company And even, to protect yourself from competitors, conclude a contract for exclusivity.
  6. Do not have to spend a lot of money for an advertising campaign, best advertising In a miniature settlement - Sarafan Radio.
  7. You can improve the lives of your countrymen, providing them with high-quality goods and services, giving them jobs, developing our hometown.


Business in a small town has not only many advantages, but not devoid of flaws.

If you are warned in advance about them, you can avoid troubles and use minuses of entrepreneurship in a miniature settlement with benefit for yourself.

  1. Difficulties with finding specialists, especially if we are talking about professional specialization professionals.
  2. Limitations in choosing directions that can be implemented.
  3. Inability to implement extravagant and expensive ideas: pedicure fish, exotic kitchen restaurant, balloon flying, sex shop and similar.
  4. A high level of competition in the most profitable spheres, for example, trade, catering and so on.
  5. The presence of a border that will not allow expanding further business due to a limited number of customers.

11 promising ideas which business is profitable to open in a small town

Those who think about which business can be opened in a small town, I offer 11 promising ideas that, with proper implementation, be sure to work and make you a secured person.

1. Store

This is perhaps the most win-win option under the condition of low competition.

Large money (if, of course, you do not dream of a supermarket) You do not have to spend, and your profit will receive in any case.

In a small town, it is best to open a store:

  • grocery;
  • economic;
  • cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • building;
  • clothes and underwear;
  • shoes;
  • zoo and agricultural goods (residents located near your town villages will definitely become your customers).

2. Catering establishment

A luxury restaurant with a foreign chef or an exotic kitchen restaurant is unlikely to use in a small town a great success.

Residents of the province are not ready to spend a few thousand to taste a tiny dish of high kitchen or absorb snails.

It is better to open a more traditional business:

  • cafe;
  • pizzeria;
  • confectionery with mini-bakeries;
  • skewed, etc.

Such catering establishments do not require tremendous capital investments (300,000 - 400,000 rubles will be able to meet) and will bring good profits due to high attendance.

Special good money You can earn, serving birthdays, weddings, christening, commemoration, corporate parties, prom and so on.

For example, revenue for a wedding celebration for 40 people can be over 50,000 rubles.

3. Pharmacy

Medicines are needed by all and always.

If there is not too many pharmacies in your small town, you can open a pharmaceutical business.

A small pharmacy can be opened for 500,000 rubles.

It will pay off maximum for the year.

The only drawback of such a business is the need to have the formation of a pharmacist or the transfer of a senior person with such an education.

Better for business so that the pharmacy does not work according to standard graphics, but for example, from 8.00 - 21.00 without days off (for this you have to organize 2 shifts).

According to statistics, the daily revenue of pharmacies in a small town - 8 000 r. and more.

When working without weekends, you will earn about 240,000 p.

Most of this profits will be salary, utilities, taxes and purchase of goods, but a good amount will remain as a profit.

4. Beauty salon

In small cities, women want to be no less beautiful than in large settlements, therefore it makes sense to open a business in the field of beauty.

It may be:

  • budget hairdresser for several chairs;
  • manicure-pedicure salon;
  • cosmetology Cabinet;
  • beauty salon, where they provide different services;
  • spa salons with exotic procedures, etc.

Analyze, what a niche in your small town is not yet busy and, what business you could open to be in demand and brought good money.

And, of course, the amount of capital investments that you have in stock play not the last role.

If there is a little money, open a small budget institution, because the elite beauty salon requires huge investments and good specialists who find it difficult to find in a small town.

5. Medicine and Health

In the regions with services in the field of medicine and health, everything is sad enough.

Public hospitals with bad specialists do not satisfy the population.

It is better to open a business in the small town of medicine in these directions:

  • dental or gynecological office;
  • laboratory;
  • veterinary hospital or something else.

Of course, this is a difficult business (a lot of money is required to open it, you need good specialists, a complex registration procedure, constant checks), but if you do everything right, it will pay off during the year - the maximum of two and in the future you can earn good money.

6. Gym

Often on the Web, I read complaints of the inhabitants of small cities that there are no clubs and halls in their settlement, where you could have been playing sports.

So why not open the club with the gym and class for group classes yoga, dancing, aerobics or something else (listen to the wishes of your clients).

To open such a small sports club, you need to have at least 300,000 rubles.

Suppose the cost of one subscription - 1 000 r.

Selling 50 subscriptions per month, you will earn 50 000 r.

Gradually can be expanded by attaching to the sports club, such as a sauna with a swimming pool.

This service will surely be in demand.

7. Repair shop

In small cities, people earn much less than residents of megacities, so they prefer the unstable things that broke, repair, and not throw away.

You can do on their needs business and open a repair shop to repair furniture, equipment, clothing, shoes, etc.

For example, to open a shoes repair workshop in a small town, having only 50 000 r.

For a month, experts that well perform their work and have enough customers, earn from 40,000 rubles a month:

8. Production

What to open a production business in a small town - decide for yourself:

  • manufacture of concrete products (pillars, fences, urban vases, borders and other things);
  • metal production;
  • sewing plant;
  • plastic Production Plant;
  • food industry and much more.

To become the owner of such an enterprise, you need to have a lot of money.

Even small production needs millions of capital investments.

But a small city is an opportunity to save on rental of premises and wages.

9. Auto service

Today, many families have their own cars (someone has a new and expensive, someone has an old product of the domestic auto industry), but they all need to be fixed and maintained, which means they will come to your car service.

It may be a business that provides a wide range of services, and maybe something highly specialized, for example, tireage or computer diagnostics.

The more services provide your car service, the more money It is necessary to open it.

This business pays off for 9 - 18 months.

And more profitable business - gas stationBut to open it, you need to have a lot of money and good ties in tops for all necessary permissions.

10. Husband for an hour

This is a very popular type of business not only in big cities, but also in small.

Husband for an hour is a master of all hands that can perform any repair work, collect furniture, insulation housing, change wiring, repair cranes, etc.

If you know all this, buy tools and working overalls (for a start, the kit can be purchased for 30 000 r.) And start advertising your services.

This business with an accumulated client base can bring 50,000 rubles in a small town and more.

If customers become more than you can serve yourself, expand, hiring a few more masters for all hands.

Gradually, you can only deal with the leadership without fulfilling the dirty work.

To build a business in a small town, listen to the advice from the video:

11. Transport services

The city in which about 50,000 people live, cannot be called too small.

It is not easy to get from one end of the city to another if you do not have your own car.

You can take advantage of this and, offering deliveries to private or route taxi.

You can buy a nonsense minibus for 300 - 400,000 rubles.

Suppose you will transport 100 people per day.

The cost of the travel ticket - 25 r.

How much can you make money?

Half of this amount of earnings will go on service vehicle, gasoline, salary driver and other expenses, but 30,000 rubles will remain you as a net profit.

With such indicators, you will pay off the capital investment for the year.

To tax, you do not have to invest a lot of money (if you have a car, of course).

The registration procedure does not take more than 15,000 p.

And here day earnings May be made from 1,500 p. For a month you will have about 40,000 rubles.

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Unstable financial situation in the country leads to a reduction in jobs. Some people after dismissal are arranged in new companies, while others are looking for ways to organize their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is beneficial to open in Russia with small investments.

What business is now in demand

The offer is formed in demand. This one of the main economic lawsTherefore, to open the most popular business, you need to determine which products and services are needed by the population of your city. It is believed that in any region, in demand of the organization engaged in the repair, replacement of plumbing, and the sale of household chemicals, products. More precisely, find out what business is now relevant, the analysis of the market of services and goods will help.

Demand for services

Employment agencies are very popular: crisis and constant reductions increase the need for such organizations. The demand for plumbing services, hairdressers, electricians and managers of the funeral remains unchanged. In major cities in the first place in the number of appeals are companies that carry out commercial transportation. Just 1% in the top there are organizations from the sphere of beauty and health. Finding out which services are the greatest demand among the population, you can organize a profitable business.

What is profitable now to sell

Beginners entrepreneurs love to wonder what is now in demand in people. Current goods remain the same. High Forward products include flowers, drinks, jewelry, hand-made products. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, small costs for production and storage. Top products are considered popular alcoholic beverages.

What business is now in demand in a small town

Small settlements of novice entrepreneurs bypass. In their opinion, business there brings very little income. In part, it is true, because salary there is less than in the megalopolis. The costs of renting and buying premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in a small town - a hairdresser's wide profile. In addition to hairdressers, there must be masters of manicure-pedicure, cosmetologists and masseurs. Workshops on the repair of shoes and furniture are popular regardless of the financial position of the country, because People tend to restore old things because of fear of big waste.

Surprised business

commercial activity It is always aimed at meeting the needs of people or stimulating demand. This is built by any relevant business. Create demand for products can be artificially, running advertising products on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial sector and whether business solutions are effective, they still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activities should bring maximum income with minimal cash investments and exploitation of various resources. These features are characterized by a highly profitable business. During the crisis, it is not necessary to open enterprises engaged in the production of any products. Their profitability will be low, risks are high, and you will see a real profit only in a few years. Successful is the scope of services.

Superprivalent business

All novice entrepreneurs dream of getting a fabulous money, but in practice it is possible to implement it a little. Some franchises allow you to build a super-profile business from zero in just a couple of months. Another way to save and receive a lot of money is to create a completely new one for the region and in demand business. The direction can be any, ranging from restoration or car rental and ending with its own commission store.

The most paid-up business

Opening your own bakery in a major city, you can return all the invested funds in less than 2 months. A similar situation is observed with healthy food restaurants. People cease to attract fast foods. The most paid business is capable of returning all the invested funds for the month. Before opening your case, study current business ideas, sorting them in profitability indicators for your region - so you can deprive offers that in the future will lead to the bankruptcy of the company.

Profitable business online

A distinctive feature of the World Wide Web is the lack of reference to its place of residence. You can search for customers both in your city and beyond, so it is easier to organize a profitable business on the Internet than to do it in conditions. real market. A beginner entrepreneur does not even need start-up capital. Allocate several directions of this business:

  • providing online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launch online store;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • creating and promoting your information product.

Actual business with the provision of services on the Internet can be created if you are a specialist in any area. You need to make a portfolio or start a business card website where your skills will be painted in detail. You can run an online store without money, fulfilling the role of an intermediary between foreign vendors and buyers from Russia. Goods will be sold with a small cheating.

Profitable business with minimal investments

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone gets. In practice, favorable business with minimal investments can be organized if you offer products of our own production, engage in intellectual work or act as an intermediary, organizing purchase and sale transactions. Some open glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to earnings with small investments. You can develop your business at home, gaining stakeholders from the population. If the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a network of independent distributors does not attract you, then you can enjoy the farming: the demand for basic food, not harmful from the point of view of ecology, is high among residents of megacities.

Rating of profitable businesses in Russia

Commercial activity should be profitable. The proceeds should cover the cost of further development of the organization, wages of workers and their own needs of the entrepreneur. If this is not observed, then the business is admitted by unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to loss of finance over time. Having studied the rating of a small business profitability in Russia, you can avoid it. The top 5 entrepreneurs include:

  1. Private auditors. The economic state of the country, changes in legislation practically do not affect the popularity of audit. This list includes consulting services.
  2. Clinic narrow specialization. Different types of cosmetology and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, so this area of \u200b\u200bactivity refer to high-yield.
  3. Accounting services. We need both small companies and major enterprises. The only disadvantage of this industry is to date high competition.
  4. Lawyer office. High-profile business in the presence of specialists of good qualifications and many solved in favor of customer cases.
  5. Microcredit. This niche has gained popularity over the past 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products issued by enterprises or any property.

Profitability of business by industry

Indicators economic efficiency Determine the company will survive or not. They need to be considered, choosing the directions of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table in which business profitability is demonstrated by industry.

  • Production of building materials
  • Mini bakery
  • How much money is needed to open mini bakery
  • Asshenizator car
  • How much money is needed to open an assessing machine
  • How much to make money on an assessing machine
  • Banqueting hall
  • How much can you earn by opening a banquet hall
  • Drilling of the wells
  • How much can earn on drilling wells
  • How much money needs to open a business like drilling wells
  • Pharmacy
  • How much do you need to invest money on the opening of the pharmacy business
  • Auto parts store
  • Service station, auto service
  • Ritual services
  • How much can you earn on funeral services
  • Personnel search
  • Tinontazh

Offer short review 10 Mis profitable business For a small town, with a population from 10 to 100 thousand inhabitants. We did not take into account any new ideas and know-how. There is only proven ideas in the review, which, with due organization, cannot be not profitable.

Production of building materials

In small cities, workforce is usually cheaper than in large cities. Therefore, any business associated with production will be more profitable here. Moreover, in small cities, cheaper rental and utilities and it is much easier to pick up land plot and room. The local administration is also more conspiracy and easier to establish links in the official circles. One of the most common and proven businesses in small cities is the production of building materials. First of all, it is foam blocks, slag blocks, brick (including Lego), panel sip, paving tile, borders, reinforced concrete rings And so on. For landscape design, it is possible to produce bulk materials, such as decorative rubble and decorative chips. Many option, you just need to act. Sales of building materials can be carried out in the nearest big City, construction companies and private buyers.

Mini bakery

Business at all times, regardless of the size of the city is the production of bread and bakery products. During the crisis, bakery consumption increases sharply, so now it's time to open a similar business.

How much money is needed to open mini bakery

The opening of the mini-bakery will cost at least 700 thousand rubles, subject to the organization of business in the finished, rented room. The most cost-effective option is the production of bakery products: sweet buns, croissants, pizza, pies, sugar, chopsticks, cracker, etc. Unlike bread (essential goods) The markup on buns and croissants can reach 100 and more percent.

Asshenizator car

Small cities tend to have a large number of private sectors, where people use individual sewer systems (cesspools). The service for pumping septicles and cesspool is relevant always, regardless of the crisis. In many private houses, the sewage system is not completely correct, so its pumping occurs almost every 2 - 3 months. With the average cost of the service in 1200 p., More than 4000 p per annum can be spent on pumping.

How much money is needed to open an assessing machine

To open business on services asshenizator car It will be required from 400 thousand to 1.2 million p. It is so much that it is equipped under the pumping gas KO-503. The price you understand depends on the state of the machine. Supported option 2013 - 2014 can be taken over 700 - 900 thousand rubles.

How much to make money on an assessing machine

If 1000 houses are located in the city or village, you can potentially earn from 1 to 4 million rubles. per year, if not to take into account competition. And the competition in this area is decent, however, almost 90% of the players work along the srangian radio, without freezing with advertising. Work your own customer base is not a lot of work. In addition to traditional ads in newspapers, you can advertise on the Internet, as well as depart of business cards on private homes (the most effective way).

Banqueting hall

Restaurants and cafes in small cities are not very profitable, since the incomes of many people do not allow to attend such institutions. But anniversaries, birthdays and weddings are not considered, so there are always money for such events. Banquet room is one of the most proven ideas in the field of catering. Difficulties with the launch of this case are much less than in the case of a restaurant, and the exhaust may be no less.

How much can you earn by opening a banquet hall

For example, in the wedding season, even the most scarce in the design of the premises are booked for several months. From one event to really earn "clean" from 30 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the room and the number of guests. And there may be no less than 8 such events per month. The main difficulty in organizing this case is the search for a favorable room, since it is for rent that the main profit of the entrepreneur is spent.

Drilling of the wells

A real working idea for a small city and adjacent territories is drilling wells for water. On the Internet there are a lot of examples of how people earn tens of thousand rubles a day on ordinary manual installations. For example, you can watch video reports of the entrepreneur Roman Karpukhin, an interview with which is published on our website.

How much can earn on drilling wells

In one business day, you can drill 2 - 3 wells and earn from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Customers can be owners of private houses and summer cottages. The service is always relevant, because the well is in order to fail (for example, to lure). This business practically does not depend on competition, so you can safely undergo training, form a brigade and start earning good money.

How much money needs to open a business like drilling wells

The benefit of serious investments are not required here - the "everything about everything" may have 100 000 r.


During the crisis in the country, it is the pharmacy business that shows one of the greatest gains of profits. People begin to root more due to stress, bad nutrition and, accordingly, hiking for medicines become more frequent. Pharmacies feel great in populated areas, ranging from 3 - 5 thousand inhabitants, not to mention the cities. Opening in any residential area with an abundance of high-rise buildings, you can count on a constant stream of customers, especially the people of old age.

How much do you need to invest money on the opening of the pharmacy business

The size of investments in the opening of a small pharmacy kiosk is estimated at 10 - 15 thousand $. Here, however, there is one feature - a pharmacy kiosk must be attached to the pharmacy, the opening costs of which is 3-4 times higher. Alternatively, you can attach to any federal network or purchase a franchise. For example, franchising in the Russian Federation propose such brands as the "Soviet pharmacy", "Pharmacies of Evalar" and "Pharmacy 36.6". Watch a detailed business plan for opening a pharmacy in this article.

Auto parts store

As in the case of bread and drugs, auto parts are used by permanent demand. You may argue by saying that competition in this business is not real. Yes, shops with spare parts divorced a lot, but more and more cars every year. Moreover, success in this case for the most part depends on the location of the store and the qualifications of sellers. Let's say more, brands of cars today so much that no store can fully provide the entire range of spare parts. A person will go to one store, will not find the right spare parts, go to another and buy there. For every 10 thousand people can safely work out and stay in profits up to 3 - 4 stores. If you are "friends" with technology and will be able to first work as a seller - you and cards in your hands.

Service station, auto service

As well as auto parts, car repair services are used by permanent demand. I do not know a single car service that has a problem lack of customers. If the Wizards are working with "straight hands", from customers will not be a penny of 365 days a year. As I remember 10 - 15 years ago, changing the oil in the car on its own was the norm, now this service is easier to order in the car service where everything is put on the flow. Almost half of the car owners today are representatives of beautiful sex that cannot be replaced even such an elementary consumator as an air filter. Opportunities for opening of auto service Today, so much that such "businesses" are launched even in garage cooperatives. At the same time, it is not necessary to repair everything and everything. For example, you can restrict ourselves to the specialization on the repair of cracks and chipping, straightening the dents or the services of the auto electrician.

Ritual services

How much can you earn on funeral services

Business at the service organization funeralsHow sad it did not sound, was and remains relevant. This is not an easy, but a very profitable type of activity. So, the most modest budget at the funeral is 15-20 thousand rubles. On the average, funeral events cost 30 - 50 thousand rubles. and more. Demand traditionally enjoy: Coffins and monuments (you can resell and engage own production), the organization of the morgue, the balsamation of the deceased, the delivery of wreaths, cremation, disinfection of the premises, where the dead man was, preparation of the graves, the orchestra for the funeral procession, the transportation of the body of the deceased, etc.

Personnel search

The most difficult here is the recruitment of personnel, because not everyone can work in such a sphere.


As noted above, the business in the automotive sphere remains very profitable, in any city from the small to the Great. Services tire workshops Some car owners enjoy at least 5 times a year. In the spring, the car is "converted" to summer tires, and in the fall - on the winter. With our roads, discs are very often impaired, the repair of which costs from $ 15 / pcs. Not to mention the punctures and side cuts of tires. IN lately You can observe the discovery of tire workshops even at private houses. To do this, it is enough to make an attraction to the house, and translate it to the appropriate type of allowed use. As a last resort, you can limit the usual garage. The main thing is that all necessary equipment fit in it: balancing machine, volcanizer, tire fitting bath, etc. Especially profitable are those workshops that are located near the roadway. In this case, no additional advertising is required other than a bright signboard. And if you open up to the season, when the services of "Perevobules" cost weekly queues - with any problems there will be no problems. However, it is still a lot of ways to earn money in a small town, and, almost without investments. We offer one of them - stable income On announcements. Look at our course and find out what, how and where it is better to sell. In fact, opportunities for earnings in a small town are quite a lot, both offline and online. If you want to get let small, but permanent income, read about 50 ways to make money on the Internet. Do you want to combine several options for earnings? Here you will find the answer and this question.

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